Assessment Tool Overview: Assessme NT Tool Brief Description
Assessment Tool Overview: Assessme NT Tool Brief Description
Assessment Tool Overview: Assessme NT Tool Brief Description
Assessment Assessment
Brief Description FOR OF
nt Tool
Learning Learning
Writer’s X
Workshops Writer workshops will be held 6 times
(X5) throughout the unit. Each workshop will
focus on one important part of writing that
will be used in our final assessment (the
initiative). These will all build to their final
presentation of the initiative. The first
workshop will focus on showing students
how to write an introduction; students will
get to practice introducing a topic (of their
choice) and then presenting it to the class.
The second workshop will focus on the
“middle” or development of their topic,
which will include some guided research tips
(I will preview their topics from the first
workshop and gather some resources) and
1.2.3, 3.3.2
instruction on how to present information.
The third workshop will focus on concluding
a piece of writing; students will then practice
presenting/sharing their work with the class.
The fourth workshop will focus on
presentation skills to get us ready for our
presentation to administration and the
school later in the week. After we present to
the administration, we will work on editing
and revising our presentation for the school.
Acts of This is a class project in which we will
brainstorm various ways we can show
Kindness kindness within our community. We will be
(RAoK) preparing to visit the senior citizens at the
Bethany Care center on Monday. Students
SLOs: will choose a book and make a card.
2.2.5, Students will be graded based on
3.4.1, 5.2.2 participation and fulfillment of the RAoK.
Kindness X
feels like… This project will stretch students to begin
Art project thinking about how kindness feels in various
forms. We will discuss how kindness feels
SLOs: when we are kind to someone else, and how
1.1.1, it feels when we are on the receiving end of
2.2.5, 3.4.1 a kind act. Students will talk about the
feeling associated with kindness and care
and produce a visual representation of those
feelings. We will talk about how to choose
words and images that best portray a
feeling. This will be connected with an art
project. Students will then be asked to speak
about their creation and explain how their
design choices reflect how they feel.
Students will be asked to do a self-
assessment ( and scale), as well as
present their artwork in a gallery walk
activity, where if prompted will explain their
creation. In addition to self-assessment,
students will be assessed on completion and
understanding using a check list.
Daily 5 X
Students will be given a 30-minute block
SLOs: every day, where they can choose from a
1.1.1, variety of literacy activities (read to self,
1.2.1, 5.2.2 work on writing, read to someone else, word
work, or listening to reading). Students will
choose which activity they wish to do each
day, with the expectation that they will do
each thing once in the week. The daily 5
stations will be based around kindness
books, words, and themes.
Daily 5 is part of the student’s routine- it will
just be altered slightly for this unit, but they
will still have free choice within this time.