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Children’s Health | Article

Integrated Pest Management in an Urban Community: A Successful

Partnership for Prevention
Barbara L. Brenner,1 Steven Markowitz,2 Maribel Rivera,1,3 Harry Romero,3 Matthew Weeks,4 Elizabeth Sanchez,3
Elena Deych,1 Anjali Garg,1 James Godbold,1 Mary S. Wolff,1 Philip J. Landrigan,1 and Gertrud Berkowitz1
1Department of Community and Preventive Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York, New York, USA; 2Center for the Biology of
Natural Systems, Queens College, City University of New York, New York, USA; 3Boriken Neighborhood Health Center, New York, New
York; USA; 4Settlement Health, New York, New York, USA

by sealing cracks and crevices and by the care-

Pesticides, applied in large quantities in urban communities to control cockroaches, pose potential ful placement of least toxic baits and gels.
threats to health, especially to children, who have proportionately greater exposures and unique, Maintenance, sanitation, education, and train-
developmentally determined vulnerabilities. Integrated pest management (IPM) relies on non- ing are the cornerstones of IPM. Few system-
chemical tools—cleaning of food residues, removal of potential nutrients, and sealing cracks and atic studies of IPM have been undertaken in
crevices. Least toxic pesticides are used sparingly. To evaluate IPM’s effectiveness, the Mount the urban setting. Some have produced posi-
Sinai Children’s Environmental Health and Disease Prevention Research Center, in partnership tive results, but others report limited success
with two community health centers in East Harlem, New York City (NY, USA), undertook a (Campbell et al. 1999; Kass and Outwater
prospective intervention trial. Families (n = 131) enrolled when mothers came to the centers for 2002; Kinney et al. 2002; Surgan et al. 2002).
prenatal care. Household cockroach infestation was measured by glue traps at baseline and 6 In this article we describe the successful
months afterward. The intervention group received individually tailored IPM education, repairs, implementation of IPM in East Harlem, New
least-toxic pest control application, and supplies, with biweekly pest monitoring for 2 months and York City (NY, USA). The work was under-
monthly for 4 months. The control group, residing in East Harlem and demographically and taken through the Mount Sinai Children’s
socioeconomically similar to the intervention group, received an injury prevention intervention. Environmental Health and Disease Prevention
The proportion of intervention households with cockroaches declined significantly after 6 months Research Center in partnership with Boriken
(from 80.5 to 39.0%). Control group levels were essentially unchanged (from 78.1 to 81.3%). Neighborhood Health Center and Settlement
The cost, including repairs, of individually tailored IPM was equal to or lower than traditional Health, two neighborhood health centers. The
chemically based pest control. These findings demonstrate that individually tailored IPM can be study design was a two-armed prevention
successful and cost-effective in an urban community. Key words: children’s environmental health, intervention trial designed to test whether IPM
cockroach, community intervention trial, integrated pest management, pesticides, urban built techniques and targeted education at the
environment. Environ Health Perspect 111:1649–1653 (2003). doi:10.1289/ehp.6069 available household level can reduce cockroach infesta-
via [Online 2 July 2003] tion and exposure to chemical pesticides in
urban households.

Cockroaches, rats, and mice are major prob- Organophosphate pesticides, including Study Design and Methods
lems in the urban built environment. These those used in urban apartments, appear to be Overview. This project, titled Growing Up
vermin thrive in multifamily dwellings where neurodevelopmental toxicants. Studies of Healthy in East Harlem, is an intervention
excessive moisture, extensive cracks and organophosphate exposure in laboratory ani- trial designed to test whether IPM techniques
crevices, abundant food sources, overcrowded mals, particularly evaluations of exposures in and targeted IPM education at the household
closets, and stacks of paper provide them early life, have found associations with devel- level can effectively reduce cockroach infesta-
nutrition and shelter. opmental delays, hyperactivity, motor dys- tion and indoor exposure to chemical pesti-
Pesticides are applied in large quantities function, behavioral disorders, and brain cell cides in an urban community. The study
in urban communities to control vermin death (Campbell et al. 1997; Dam et al. 2000; contained an intervention as well as a control
(Landrigan et al. 1999). In 1997, a statewide Levin et al. 2001). These findings led the U.S. group. Both intervention and control group
survey in New York found the two counties Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) families reside in East Harlem, a neighborhood
that used the largest total amounts of pesti- to restrict residential uses of the organophos-
cides to be Kings (Brooklyn) and New York phates chlorpyrifos and diazinon, and they
(Manhattan) counties. In Manhattan, the have prompted epidemiologic studies of possi- Address correspondence to B.L. Brenner, Department
of Community and Preventive Medicine, Mount
total quantity of pesticides applied by com- ble neurodevelopmental effects of pesticides in Sinai Medical Center, Box 1037, One Gustave L.
mercial applicators in 1998 was 270,633 several population cohorts in rural and urban Levy Place, New York, New York 10029-6547 USA.
pounds (Thier 2000). Household studies communities in the United States (Berkowitz Telephone: (212) 731-7888. Fax: (212) 731-7887. E-
have confirmed this pattern and have shown et al. 2003; Eskenazi et al. 1999; Perera et al. mail:
repeatedly that chemical pesticide use is com- 2002; Whyatt et al. 2002). We thank Assured Environments, Inc., and the East
mon in urban communities (Adgate et al. Integrated pest management (IPM) is an Harlem Community Health Committee, Inc., for
their guidance in the planning and design of the com-
2000; Berkowitz et al. 2003; Whyatt et al. alternative to conventional, chemical-based munity project; the Growing Up Healthy in East
2002). A household exposure survey found pest control (Olkowski et al. 1991). It relies on Harlem Advisory Board; L. Hill-Barcelona for her
that 100% of a population of pregnant nonchemical approaches plus education and leadership in organizing the intervention; and the
women in northern Manhattan and the uses comprehensive information on the life staffs of the Boriken Neighborhood Health Center
South Bronx had detectable airborne expo- cycles of pests and their interactions with the and Settlement Health.
sures to each of three insecticides—the environment to guide pest control. The con- This research was supported by the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences grant 5
organophosphate insecticides diazinon and cept underlying IPM is that pest populations P01 ES 09584 and U.S. Environmental Protection
chlorpyrifos and the carbamate propoxur—as can be controlled by removing their basic sur- Agency grant R 827039-01-2.
well as to the fungicide o-phenylphenol vival elements, such as air, moisture, food, and The authors declare they have no conflict of interest.
(Whyatt et al. 2002). shelter, by blocking their access to apartments Received 18 October 2002; accepted 2 July 2003.

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Children’s Health | Brenner et al.

in northern Manhattan (zip codes 10029 and (67.2%) remained in the study at the 6-month least-toxic pest control methods to visit the
10035). The intervention group was recruited follow-up visit (50 intervention, 38 control home to apply baits and gel (with the active
at the Boriken Neighborhood Health Center. homes). Of the 43 who dropped out, 35 did so ingredient hydramethylnon) in strategic loca-
The control group was recruited initially at because they moved out of the East Harlem tions and to place cockroach monitors. The
Mount Sinai Hospital and then at Settlement community, four because they were “too busy,” monitors were rectangular pieces of cardboard,
Health. Outcomes were assessed in each and four because they were concerned that their 2.5 × 4.5 inches, folded as a tent, to which an
group by comparing cockroach levels in landlord would object to their continued partic- adhesive is applied (model M327; Victor
households that received an individually tai- ipation. The distribution of these causes was Roach Trap & Monitors, Utitz, PA; U.S. EPA
lored IPM intervention with levels in control similar in both groups. In the present analysis, 47629-PA-01). Roaches are trapped on the
group households that received no pest con- we included the 73 mothers in 41 intervention monitor when they step on the adhesive. A
trol intervention. Evaluations were performed and 32 control households that had both a monitor was considered positive if it had one
at baseline and then at 6 months. Additional baseline visit that occurred 1–21 days enroll- or more roaches. Initially, cockroach monitors
follow-ups will be undertaken at 1-year and ment and a 6-month follow-up visit that were located in as few as seven and as many as
2-year intervals. occurred 180–230 days after baseline (Table 1). 16 locations at pest entrance sites. However,
Field studies. Recruitment and enrollment Participants who were excluded from the study after the first 35 households had been moni-
of families into this study began in September either dropped out of the study entirely (26 tored, a decision was made to place monitors in
1999 and ended in June 2002. Before and intervention households and 17 control house- eight standardized locations: six in the kitchen
throughout the study, design and methods were holds) or were excluded because they had and two in the bathroom. This decision was
discussed and reviewed by the Mount Sinai delayed cockroach monitoring visits (9 inter- based on the fact that virtually all roaches were
School of Medicine investigators with their vention households and 6 control households). captured in either kitchens or bathrooms, and
community partners, Boriken Neighborhood The intervention group. During the home monitors placed elsewhere were largely uninfor-
Health Center and Settlement Health. The visit, a visual inspection, using a standardized mative. Monitors were placed in tight, enclosed,
study was reviewed and approved by Mount checklist, was performed to identify sources of warm, and moist spaces, such as drawers,
Sinai’s institutional review board. pest entry and sustenance and to note needed kitchen cabinets, and closets and under the sink,
The intervention (IPM) group was home repairs. Based on this inspection, each where roaches are likely to inhabit and find
recruited from among women who received intervention participant received an individu- food. The specific location of each monitor for
prenatal care at the Boriken Neighborhood ally tailored IPM program with a range of ser- each household was entered on a pest monitor-
Health Center over a 30-month period vices, including education and instruction in ing form, which was used to record the number
(September 1999 through March 2002). The nontoxic IPM methods by the project health and location of cockroaches at baseline and at
control group was recruited from women who educator; instruction in better housekeeping subsequent monitoring visits.
received prenatal care at the Mount Sinai and sanitation and garbage removal practices; The exterminator used no pesticide sprays.
Hospital Prenatal Clinic from January 2000 repair services to seal cracks and crevices by a Least-toxic pesticides such as gels and baits
through December 2000 (12 months) and at project handyman; fixing plumbing leaks; were used only when deemed necessary by the
Settlement Health from May 2001 through least-toxic supplies, including zone monitors, exterminator. If repairs were required (e.g.,
June 2002 (14 months). Different recruit- plastic bait stations, and gel rather than pesti- sealing cracks and crevices or closing holes),
ment venues were used for the two groups to cide sprays; expert advice from pest control the project handyman provided repair service
minimize cross-communication. Both inter- experts; and advocacy with building manage- at no cost to the family. Participants also had
vention and control participants received a ment to introduce safe pest control practices. the option of contacting their landlord to
$25 compensation for the time and effort A second home visit was made by a health make the repairs. Referrals were made as nec-
involved in the initial enrollment interview educator approximately 1 month after the ini- essary to a neighborhood advocacy organiza-
and for each subsequent home exposure tial home visit to discuss the health effects of tion that helps tenants with housing-related
assessment visit. pesticides, pests, and other neurotoxins; to out- issues and complaints, including negotiating
A total of 131 women (76 intervention line the basic principles of IPM; and to develop with landlords for housing repairs and/or tak-
group and 55 control group participants) a plan to control pests and reduce household ing complaints to the New York City Housing
enrolled in the Growing Up Healthy in East exposure to pesticides. Households were also Court for legal remediation.
Harlem study. Intervention and control instructed in the use of safer products to For both intervention and control groups,
group participants at all sites were enrolled control lice, fleas, and ticks. monitors were placed during the initial home
after signing a written informed consent (in An appointment was scheduled for a pro- visit and recovered 2 weeks later (baseline
English and Spanish). Upon enrollment, fessional exterminator specializing in IPM and assessment). In addition, to track the efficacy
bilingual study personnel administered a 122-
item questionnaire, in English or Spanish as Table 1. Time-line of cockroach assessments, days [median (range)] after enrollment in study.
appropriate, to obtain information on charac- Followed study population
teristics such as home environmental condi- Intervention Control Population lost to follow-up
tions and sociodemographic characteristics. Time line (n = 41) (n = 32) Intervention Control
The questionnaire was a modified version of Baseline 14 (13–21) 14 (1–24) 14 (13–72) (n = 35)a 14 (1–33) (n = 23)b
the American Lung Association’s Home 4–6 weeks 29 (27–40) — 29 (27–59) (n = 8) —
Environment Assessment List (HEAL; 6–8 weeks 44 (42–63) — 56 (41–104) (n = 9) —
8–10 weeks 59 (56–84) — 77 (64–125) (n = 9) —
American Lung Association of Washington
3 months (10–12 weeks) 90 (70–112)c — 111 (97–175) (n = 9) —
1992). A home visit was arranged to collect 4 months (12–16 weeks) 120 (99–143) — 158 (128–206) (n = 9) —
baseline cockroach levels and conduct a visual 5 months (16–20 weeks) 152 (126–173) — 188 (160–242) (n = 9) —
inspection of the home. All participants iden- 6 months (20–24 weeks) 181 (149–203) — 234 (190–294) (n = 9) —
tified East Harlem as place of residence. 6-month follow-up 197 (164–228) 203 (195–230) 250 (204–327) (n = 9) 247 (238–274) (n = 6)
Of the 131 enrolled women who partici- an = 26 had no 6-month follow-up; n = 9 with baseline > 21 days, 6-month follow-up > 230 days, or both. bSeventeen had

pated in the baseline cockroach assessment, 88 no 6-month follow-up; six had late baseline or 6-month follow-up. cn = 40.

1650 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 13 | October 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Children’s Health | Integrated pest management in an urban community

of IPM, pest monitoring visits were made every cockroach monitors in the kitchen and two in characteristics, and reported baseline pesticide
2 weeks for the first 2 months to each home in the bathroom. These monitors were collected problems and pesticide use was assessed by chi-
the intervention group by the community out- 2 weeks later. Follow-up visits with repeat square analysis. Cockroach infestation at each
reach coordinator and the exterminator and monitoring were made after 6 months. As an visit was measured by the number of positive
once a month for the next 4 months. For the incentive to participate, control group partici- cockroach monitors and by the percentage of
intervention homes, at the 2-week visit, pants from Settlement Health received a households with any cockroaches. A monitor
another set of monitors were placed (2–4-week home injury prevention intervention program was considered positive if it contained at least
monitors). Subsequently, intervention homes 1 month after sample collection, consisting of one cockroach. Because the number of moni-
had monitors placed and collected at 4–6, 6–8, one-on-one education about steps to follow in tors placed was not uniform across all house-
and 8–10 weeks and at 3 months (10–12 case of an emergency, how to choose a good holds, a percentage of positive monitors out of
weeks), 4 months (12–16 weeks), 5 months babysitter, and how to prevent accidents such the total monitors placed was also calculated.
(16–20 weeks), and 6 months (20–24 weeks). as sudden infant death syndrome, fire, and The difference between the groups in propor-
During the 6-month visit, the community out- poisonings. Participants were provided educa- tion of households with cockroaches at baseline
reach coordinator visited the home to encour- tional materials in English and Spanish and a and at 6 months was assessed using the chi-
age the participant to continue practicing IPM set of home safety products, including a square test. Comparisons within a group
and to place the 6-month evaluation monitors. smoke detector, fire extinguisher, and first aid between proportion of households with cock-
These monitors were collected 2 weeks later (6- kit. Home injury prevention lessons were roaches at baseline and the proportion with
month follow-up visit; Table 1). reinforced at the 6-month visit. cockroaches at 6-month follow-up were done
The control group. Control group partici- Statistical methods. The significance of dif- using McNemar’s test. Wilcoxon’s rank-sum
pants received a home visit within 1 month ferences between the study groups for categori- test was used to assess the equality of medians
after their enrollment for the placement of six cal sociodemographic variables, dwelling between the groups for the variable percentage
of positive cockroach monitors at baseline and
Table 2. Distribution of maternal sociodemographic characteristics: pesticide intervention project, New at 6 months. In the intervention group, the
York City, 1999–2002. Cochran-Armitage trend test was performed to
Followed study population Population lost to follow-up assess decrease in proportion of households
Intervention Control Intervention Control with cockroaches over 6 months. The differ-
Characteristics (n = 41) (n = 32) (n = 35) (n = 23) ence in decline of percent positive monitors
Age (mean ± SD) 26.0 ± 5.4 27.9 ± 6.6 26.6 ± 6.9 26.9 ± 5.2 between the IPM and control group was
Race/ethnicity/country of origin (%) assessed by analysis of covariance with PROC
African American 12.2* 15.6 17.1 30.4 GLM (SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC) adjust-
Mexican 41.5 15.6 42.9 13.0 ing for baseline cockroach infestation levels.
Puerto Rican 26.8 56.3 31.4 39.1 Tests of significance were two sided at base-
Hispanic/other 19.5 12.5 5.7 17.4
Other (non-Hispanic) — — 2.9 0.0 line and one sided for change over 6 months.
Marital status (%) SAS (version 8.02) software was used for all
Married 12.2 9.4 14.3 13.0 statistical analyses (SAS Institute, Inc.).
Living with baby’s father 53.7 40.6 37.1 30.4
Divorced/widowed/separated/single 34.2 50.0 48.6 56.5 Results
Education (%) Table 2 summarizes baseline demographic and
Elementary/junior high 9.8 9.4 17.1 8.7
Some high school 34.2 46.9 25.7 30.4 housing characteristics of the study cohort and
High school 31.7 25.0 37.1 34.8 includes a comparison between the families
Some college to doctoral degree 24.4 18.8 20.0 26.1 who remained in the study and those who
Type of housing (%) were lost to follow-up, for both the interven-
High-rise apartment 31.7 46.9 36.4 47.8 tion and control groups. Among the families
Low-rise apartment 65.9 53.1 60.6 52.2 who remained in the study, the intervention
Private house 2.4 0.0 3.0 0.0
Other — — — — and control groups differed only by country of
Residential ownership (%) (n = 40) — — — origin, in that among the Latina population
Public housing 40.0 50.0 34.4 39.1 there were more Mexicans in the intervention
Rental/private 60.0 46.9 65.6 56.5 group and more Puerto Ricans in the control
Owner occupied 0.0 3.1 0.0 4.4 group. There were few demographic differ-
Year housing built (%) (n = 28) (n = 30) (n = 18) (n = 22) ences between persons who were followed and
Before 1960 60.7 53.3 50.0 50.0
After 1960 39.3 46.7 50.0 50.0 those not followed, and none reached statistical
*Chi-square test was significant, p < 0.05, within the subgroup; there was no significant difference between the followed Three-quarters of the families in both the
study population and those not followed.
intervention and control groups who were fol-
Table 3. Baseline prevalence of cockroach infestation and indoor pesticide exposure reported by ques- lowed in this study reported a cockroach prob-
tionnaire: pesticide intervention project, New York City, 1999–2002. lem in the home at baseline (Table 3). Because
Study population followed Population lost to follow-up persons were recruited at different seasons of
Intervention Control Intervention Control the year, we examined baseline cockroach
Questionnaire items (n = 41) (n = 32) (n = 35) (n = 23) counts to determine whether any seasonal dif-
Cockroach problem in home (%) 75.6 75.0 94.3* 56.5 ferences existed between the groups in either
Pesticide used (%)a 55.0b 64.5c 62.9 56.5 frequency or intensity of cockroach infestation.
No seasonal differences between the groups
any insecticide used by exterminator, landlord, self-use, or fumigation. bn = 40. cn = 31.*Chi-square test was
significant, p < 0.05, within the subgroup; there was no significant difference between the followed study population and were observed. Approximately 60% of house-
those not followed. holds in both groups reported that pesticides

Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 13 | October 2003 1651

Children’s Health | Brenner et al.

had been applied in their homes during their the costs of traditional, chemically based pest extermination, reinforcement, and repetition,
pregnancy by an exterminator, landlord, or control are estimated to be $24–46 per unit all in the context of a community partnership
someone in the household, including the par- per year, not including repairs, because repairs and in a culturally sensitive environment.
ticipant. Among the families who were lost to are not typically undertaken in traditional pest A previous effort that produced findings
follow-up, nearly all (94.3%) of the interven- control (Assured Environments, Inc. Personal similar to ours was reported from Chicago,
tion households reported having a problem communication). Illinois, by the Residents’ Committee of the
with insect infestation in the home at base- Henry Horner Homes Public Housing
line, a rate significantly higher than the Discussion Development and the Chicago Pest Control
reported rate of infestation in the control The data from this two-armed prospective Project (Surgan et al. 2002). The IPM plan in
households that were not followed (56.5%; assessment of an IPM intervention in East that project consisted of cleaning out all vacant
Table 3). Harlem indicate that IPM, individually tailored units; cleaning by residents in occupied units;
The monitors showed that cockroaches at the household level, can significantly and replacing aerosol pesticides with less toxic gels,
were present at baseline in approximately 80% cost-effectively reduce cockroach infestation in pastes, and nontoxic baits; and preventive mea-
of both intervention and control households urban households for at least a 6-month period. sures such as caulking, screening, and better
in the population that was followed (Table 4). The frequency of cockroach infestation in the trash disposal. In addition, residents received
This prevalence is slightly higher than the level IPM intervention households declined by more educational material. A private pest control
of infestation in the population lost to follow- than 50% over the 6 months of the study, company was hired to inspect and treat apart-
up, but not statistically different. whereas cockroach levels in control group ments with gel bait where needed. During the
After 6 months of IPM, there was a households remained unchanged. Although course of the project, pest control operators
marked and significant decrease in cockroach there was loss to follow-up, 82% of this loss reported a sharp decline in cockroach activity,
infestation among intervention households stemmed from families’ moving out of the East resulting in an 83% drop in the amount of
(from 80.5 to 39.0% of households; p < Harlem community. We found no significant insecticidal gel bait applied (Viehweg J.
0.0001, McNemar’s test). By contrast, con- differences in sociodemographic characteristics Personal communication). A common factor in
trol households showed no reduction (from between those households that remained in the both our investigation and the Chicago project
78.1 to 81.3%; Table 4). Table 3 illustrates study and those that were not followed. was strong community involvement at every
that infestation levels in the intervention Only a few previous studies have rigorously stage from initial planning, through implemen-
group at the 6-month follow-up (39.0%) evaluated the effectiveness of IPM interven- tation, to final evaluation.
were significantly lower than in the control tions to determine whether they can reduce In the present project, the IPM interven-
group at the same time (81.3%; p < 0.001, indoor cockroach levels in urban households. tion was individually tailored and systemati-
chi-square test). We saw no change in these These investigations have reported mixed cally applied. All study personnel were
results when the 15 households that had been results (Campbell et al. 1999) and have noted employees of the local community health cen-
excluded from analysis because of late second that introduction of IPM in inner-city com- ters and were bicultural and bilingual in
visits were included in the calculation. munities may encounter multiple challenges Spanish, the primary language of many par-
Figure 1 shows the visit-by-visit change in (Kinney et al. 2002). Some researchers have ticipants. Most lived within the community.
cockroach infestation measures in interven- argued that IPM will be effective in multiple- A key ingredient in the effectiveness of our
tion households during the 6 months of the unit apartment buildings only if it takes place educational program was the in-home
study. A significant decrease in percentage of in the context of a buildingwide program of “hands-on” demonstration that focused on
households with any cockroaches was noted repair and pest control (Kass and Outwater how to identify sources of cockroach infesta-
(p < 0.0001, trend test). Most of this decline 2002; Kinney, et al. 2002). We found other- tion and how to control the conditions that
occurred within the first 6 weeks after intro- wise: In the present study, we observed that nurture them, such as leaks, clutter, food
duction of IPM. In half of the homes, the individual tenants can successfully control sources, and garbage. Also important was that
cockroach count fell to zero. The decline per- cockroach infestation in their own apartments a handyman, a resident of the community,
sisted throughout the 6-month period. without using chemical pesticide sprays. The was assigned to the intervention. He plugged
The costs of adopting buildingwide IPM critical element in successful implementation cracks and crevices that are entry points for
in a typical East Harlem apartment building of IPM by low-income, urban households the cockroaches and fixed water leaks and
were calculated to be $46–69 per unit in the appears to be the simultaneous application of refrigerator gaskets. All of these factors were
first year (including repairs) and $24 per unit multiple nonchemical approaches to pest con- important in enrollment and retention and in
per year in subsequent years. In comparison, trol, including education, repair, least-toxic
Median percent of
positive monitors

25 ◆
Table 4. Presence of cockroaches at baseline and at 6-month follow-up in control and intervention house- 20 ◆
holds. Pesticide intervention project, New York City, 1999–2002. 15
◆ ◆
Study population followed Population lost to follow-up ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Interventiona Controlb Interventionc Controld 0 ◆
4w e

6w s

3m s

4m s

5m s






Baseline Follow-up Baseline Follow-up baseline baseline








m 6 mo




Households with any 80.5* 78.1 81.3** 66.7 66.7


cockroaches (%)

Median no. of cockroach 8 8 8 8 8 14.5 Visit

monitors placed Figure 1. Percentage of positive cockroach monitors
Median no. of positive 3 0 5 4 2.5 3 in intervention households (median and interquartile
cockroach monitors range) during a 6-month period: pesticide interven-
Median of positive 25.0 0.0 54.0 40.0 33.5 20.0 tion project, New York City, 1999–2002. There is a sig-
cockroach monitors (%) nificant decrease in the number of households with
an = 41. bn = 32. cn = 12. dn = 6. *At the 6-month follow-up, intervention households reported a significant decrease in the per- any cockroaches in the intervention group at the 6-
centage of households with any cockroaches (p < 0.0001, McNemar’s test). **At the 6-month follow-up, there are significantly month follow-up compared with baseline (p < 0.0001,
fewer households with cockroaches in the intervention group than in the control group (p < 0.001). trend test; n = 41, except for 3 months, n = 40).

1652 VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 13 | October 2003 • Environmental Health Perspectives

Children’s Health | Integrated pest management in an urban community

the degree to which participants were recep- We conclude on the basis of these data a critical neonatal period elicits gender-selective deficits in
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participants was high (46% for the interven- are directly involved in the development and Kass D, Outwater T. 2002. Demonstration of an Integrated Pest
tion group and 42% for the control group), implementation of the project at every stage Management Program in New York City Public Housing:
the reason for dropout was primarily (82%) and are provided with systematic education Report to the NYC Housing Authority. New York:New York
City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
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Environmental Health Perspectives • VOLUME 111 | NUMBER 13 | October 2003 1653

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