Melodic Dictation
Melodic Dictation
Melodic Dictation
• Identify the first note correctly: sing up or down to the first note from
doh in your head. Worry about nothing else other than getting the first
note. This is very important!
• Write its tonic sol fa name above the stave – if you also get the last note
as a bonus, do the same.
• Try to memorise as much of the melody as you can – treat it as a whole.
With each subsequent hearing, continue to complete your memory of
the entire melody. Memorisation before analysis.
• Analyse each note once you’ve memorised it (or as much of it as you
can) singing from one note to the next, up or down using tonic sol fa or
by singing up or down from doh.
• Write their tonic sol fa names above the stave.
• Once you have the entire melody, transfer the tonic sol fa to their
corresponding absolute pitches on the stave (you will have been given
the key).
• Add bar lines – bar lines are something you hear.
• Fill in the rhythm within each bar.
• Add the time signature.