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547 PDF
547 PDF
Georg Fischer
Georg Fischer focuses on three core businesses: • Microelectronics
GF Piping Systems, GF Automotive and GF Machining • Marine
Solutions. The industrial corporation founded in 1802 • Water & Gas Utilities
headquarters in Switzerland and operates approximately • Water Treatment
130 companies with more than 14 000 employees across 30
GF Piping Systems is a leading supplier of plastic and metal Global presence
piping systems with global market presence. For the Our global presence ensures customer proximity worldwide.
treatment and distribution of water and chemicals, as well Sales companies in over 26 countries and representatives in
as the safe transport of liquids and gases in industry, we another 80 countries provide customer service around the
have the corresponding jointing technologies, fittings, clock. With 48 production sites in Europe, Asia and the USA
valves, automation products and pipes in our portfolio. we are close to our customers and comply with local
standards. A modern logistics concept with local distribution
centers ensures highest product availability and short
delivery times. GF Piping Systems specialists are always
close by.
Technical documentation
Our extensive expertise of more than 50 years is fully docu-
mented in detail in our technical manuals, planning funda-
mentals and application guides.
* Detailed information regarding the warranty can be found under: www.gfps.com – Planning Fundamentals
Completely controlled process
High Purity Chain
Manufacturing of the SYGEF Plus prod-
ucts is done in a clean room class 7
(10 000) or better using completely con-
trolled processes. During the complete
production process the inner surface
area of the pipes, fittings and valves are
in contact with air up to class 5 (100).
1 3
Raw material Quality control
SYGEF starts the journey with the high- A very detailed and unique QS-
est available quality raw materials. Our system has been implemented to
suppliers provide analytical proof of ensure the highest level of
compliance with the highest specifica- quality. It is directly linked to the
tions for every shipment. Once the raw manufacturing of the complete
materials enter our plant, GF performs SYGEF range and includes a
extensive incoming goods inspection. 100 % inspection of every prod-
This assures that only raw materials ful- uct to ensure maximum perfor-
filling the strict requirements are re- mance including visual inspec-
leased for production. tion, valve packaging and valve
The high purity chain Manufacturing a product that achieves the lowest possible
levels of particle contamination, TOC, anionic and cationic
is made up of six links. contamination, ultimate surface finish is the result of the rel-
evant links. But it does not stop here. When the
Each one plays its product leaves our state-of-the-art warehouse it is delivered
to you in protective packaging.
important role
Finally the installation is supported by the most advanced
and established welding technology in existence. This
technology combined with years of installation training
experience make the most of the product when it is
4 6
Cleaning & packing Installation &
Highest purity through consistent services
cleaning of all SYGEF Plus products is
With broad selection of system specific
achieved in clean rooms up to class 5
state-of-the-art welding equipment GF is
(100), using 18MΩ pure water and spe-
offering proprietary IR welding technolo-
cial cleaning devices. All products are
gy up to d450mm. Enhanced by industry
packaged under selected and strictly
leading weld bead inspection the highest
monitored process conditions to avoid
quality and most reliable system is en-
contamination. Pipes are capped and
sured. Project support including design,
all SYGEF Plus components are double
installation training and worldwide lo-
bagged with a high quality, certified
cated service centers completing
clean bagging material.
the high purity chain.
SYGEF products are stored in a sepa-
rate warehouse for pipes, fittings and
valves with distribution centers located
worldwide. To avoid damage of SYGEF
pipes GF has designed special wooden
boxes for storage and transportation.
This ensures that the highest possible
quality and safety during transportation
to the customer is ensured.
High tech factory Ettenheim / Germany
SYGEF Cleanroom
All SYGEF components are
manufactured in the world’s
largest cleanroom factory
for fluoropolymer products
in Ettenheim
GF Piping Systems played a major role in establishing the relevant
standards SEMI F40, F48 and F57 for polymer component testing. Due
to long experience and continuous improvements SYGEF Plus pipes,
fittings and valves are exceeding these requirements to increase our
customers’ yield. SYGEF Plus products are strictly fulfilling the strong
requirements of the ITRS* roadmap in order to be prepared for upcom-
ing, even more demanding processes in the future.
Ball valves
upon request
Diaphragm valves
Butterfly valves 10
Check valves
Flange seal
Pipe clips
IR fusion machine
SYGEF Standard SYGEF Plus * Technically possible but not recommended for SYGEF Standard
System specifications
Approvals / Acceptance:
Convincing Welding
A diverse range of innovative and intelligent welding solutions is enriched with global training and
service offerings
As a pioneer in the field, GF Piping Systems has always placed a very high priority on developing innova-
tive jointing techniques to fulfill specific requirements and materials in use. Simplicity in application,
chemical resistance, thermal stability and long-term weld strength are the key drivers in our jointing
technologies. With a global jointing training program, international machine rental and a worldwide
network of service centers, our customers benefit from our expertise and practical experience.
Socket fusion –
the strong connection
The fast and reliable solution to pro-
duce heavy-duty connections, in the
workshop or the field.
Butt fusion –
the economical connection
Economical and flexible fusion espe-
cially for larger diameters. From
manual machines to full CNC control
with traceability.
BCF-Plus fusion –
the smooth connection
Bead and Crevice Free jointing with
the highest weld factor, lowest stress
and completely smooth fusion zone
without any intrusions.
For more information about training courses from GF Piping Systems please contact our local sales companies.
SYGEF system System up to d450
• Completely controlled processes
from raw material to installation
• Overall system reliability, purity
and safety
• Wide range of pipes, fittings, valves,
automation and accessories
• Stress reduced pipes
• SEMI F57 conformity
High purity union
• Special HP design with unique
positioning of the sealing
• Defined tightening for optimal
deforming of the O-ring
• Crevice and dead space free to
avoid bacterial growth
• Full plastic design without metal parts
for You
• In accordance with ASME-BPE
customers. The SYGEF Plus system offers very other diaphragm valves
unique key products which are specially de-
signed by GF Piping Systems to fulfill even the Pressure regulating valves (PRV)
highest requirements in segments like Micro- • Special HP-version with patented elasto-
electronic, Energy and Chemical Process Indus- mer-free piston – no abrasion
try. • Valve assembly without metal
screws for safer operation
• Compact and intelligent modular
• Easy maintenance through replaceable
Ultrasonic flowmeter
• Noninvasive clamp-on design enables
contamination free flow measurement
• Easy to retrofit – minimum downtime
• Real time monitoring
• Clean solution – no contact with medium
• Economic solution
Exceeding Your
Standards of Quality
Technical specifications with focus on
pressure, temperature and high purity
Pressure-temperature diagram
T (°F)
2 32 62 92 122 152 182 212 242 272 302
17 240
16 SDR21, PN16
15 220
14 200
12 180
11 160
10 140
P (bar)
P (psi)
8 120
7 100
4 SDR33, PN10 60
3 40
1 20
0 0
-30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
T (°C)
The pressure/ temperature curve based on medium water, operating temperature of 20°C, valid life
time of 25 years and the design factor of C = 2.0 or C = 1.6 respectively
More information regarding technical specifications can be found online in our planning fundamentals: www.gfps.com
Chemical resistance
For Your
Polyvinylidene fluoride
Professional material technology
Made Easy
A unique system-based approach that bundles and integrates competencies, knowledge,
best-in-class resources and technologies
With an innovative product portfolio in the field of measurement, control and actuation devices, GF
Piping Systems consistently follows its system approach. The complete solution combines measure-
ment, control and actuation technology together with high quality piping systems and represents a
unique form of product and competence bundling. The system-integrated devices that measure values
such as temperature, pressure and flow delivering accuracy, productivity, reliability and safety to
customers in a wide range of industries. Providing the entire range of automation technology from
simple instrument panels to complex measurement installations, GF Piping Systems has not only the
product resources and the technical expertise, but also the global service and support infrastructure
needed to meet the high customer requirements.
ck PID co
edba ntro
o n fe ller
si t i
Po Ba
lve c on
Va t
n Co pa
tio n
Co n
tio s
n a
fit e
tin lyz
A na
Se ns
As Versatile as
Your Applications
Leading applications enabled by safe and reliable systems adapted to fit the needs of highly
demanding industries
GF Piping Systems develops customized best-in-class solutions, aligned to the specific requirements
of our customers in various sectors of industry, enabling profitable operation. With our system
knowledge and product expertise, we support our customers during the planning process, the sus-
tainable realization of the projects and provide valuable added services. Expertise in developing and
producing piping systems, combined with profound industry and market knowledge, based on long-
standing experience, makes GF Piping Systems an uniquely qualified and professional partner for our
SYGEF Standard 20
SYGEF Plus 280
System-Oriented Fusion Jointing Machines 356
Index 373
SYGEF Standard
On request
Not for socket fusion products
Table of contents
Pipes 24
Fittings 25
Valves SYGEF Standard 59
• Material: PVDF
• Length: Lengths of 5 m
Inflation surcharges for pipes are possible, they follow the current purchase of materials
d PN FM Code Weight e di
(mm) (bar) (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 175 480 665 1.480 2.8 84.4
110 10 BCF, IR 175 480 666 2.200 3.4 103.2
125 10 IR 175 480 667 2.840 3.9 117.2
140 10 IR 175 480 673 3.520 4.3 131.4
160 10 IR 175 480 668 4.540 4.9 150.2
200 10 IR 175 480 669 7.190 6.2 187.6
225 10 IR 175 480 670 8.950 6.9 211.2
250 10 IR 175 480 671 11.100 7.7 234.6
280 10 IR 175 480 656 13.900 8.6 262.8
315 10 IR 175 480 674 17.600 9.7 295.6
• Material: PVDF
• Length: Lengths of 5 m
Inflation surcharges for pipes are possible, they follow the current purchase of materials
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e di
(mm) (bar) (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (mm)
16 16 BCF, IR 175 480 202 0.171 1.9 12.2
20 16 BCF, IR 175 480 203 0.210 1.9 16.2
25 16 BCF, IR 175 480 204 0.269 1.9 21.2
32 16 BCF, IR 175 480 205 0.435 2.4 27.2
40 16 BCF, IR 175 480 206 0.563 2.4 35.2
50 16 BCF, IR 175 480 207 0.850 3.0 44.0
63 16 BCF, IR 175 480 208 1.090 3.0 57.0
75 16 BCF, IR 175 480 209 1.550 3.6 67.8
90 16 BCF, IR 175 480 210 2.230 4.3 81.4
110 16 BCF, IR 175 480 211 3.330 5.3 99.4
140 16 IR 175 480 213 5.312 6.7 126.6
160 16 IR 175 480 214 6.961 7.7 144.6
200 16 IR 175 480 216 10.862 9.6 180.8
225 16 IR 175 480 217 13.700 10.8 203.4
* 250 16 IR 175 480 218 17.150 11.9 226.2
* 280 16 IR 175 480 219 21.660 13.4 253.2
* 315 16 IR 175 480 220 27.220 15.0 285.0
• Material: PVDF
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 018 706 0.016 1.9 38 23 15
25 16 BCF, IR 735 018 707 0.022 1.9 42 23 19
32 16 BCF, IR 735 018 708 0.038 2.4 46 22 24
40 16 BCF, IR 735 018 709 0.055 2.4 51 21 30
50 16 BCF, IR 735 018 710 0.094 3.0 58 21 37
63 16 BCF, IR 735 018 711 0.151 3.0 66 21 45
75 16 BCF, IR 735 018 712 0.285 3.6 75 23 62
90 16 BCF, IR 735 018 713 0.449 4.3 90 23 77
110 16 BCF, IR 735 018 714 0.736 5.3 110 23 98
140 16 IR 735 018 716 1.584 6.7 140 33 121
160 16 IR 735 018 717 2.258 7.7 160 33 141
200 16 IR 735 018 719 3.798 9.6 200 33 181
225 16 IR 735 018 720 5.726 10.8 220 33 200
* 250 16 IR 735 018 721 6.536 11.9 254 48 232
* 280 16 IR 735 018 722 9.182 13.4 283 48 262
* 315 16 IR 735 018 723 13.031 15.0 321 48 297
• Material: PVDF
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 735 018 513 0.352 2.8 90 23 77
110 10 BCF, IR 735 018 514 0.605 3.4 110 23 98
125 10 IR 735 018 515 0.670 3.9 125 28 112
140 10 IR 735 018 516 1.238 4.3 140 33 121
160 10 IR 735 018 517 1.738 4.9 160 33 141
200 10 IR 735 018 519 2.730 6.2 200 33 181
225 10 IR 735 018 520 4.094 6.9 220 33 200
* 250 10 IR 735 018 521 4.304 7.7 254 48 232
* 280 10 IR 735 018 522 6.370 8.6 283 48 262
* 315 10 IR 735 018 523 9.032 9.7 321 48 297
SYGEF Standard elbow 90° SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 108 606 0.022 1.9 38 25
25 16 BCF, IR 735 108 607 0.030 1.9 42 26
32 16 BCF, IR 735 108 608 0.049 2.4 46 26
40 16 BCF, IR 735 108 609 0.069 2.4 51 28
50 16 BCF, IR 735 108 610 0.119 3.0 58 28
63 16 BCF, IR 735 108 611 0.198 3.0 66 28
• Material: PVDF
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 158 606 0.019 1.9 32 25
25 16 BCF, IR 735 158 607 0.025 1.9 34 26
32 16 BCF, IR 735 158 608 0.038 2.4 36 26
40 16 BCF, IR 735 158 609 0.054 2.4 39 28
50 16 BCF, IR 735 158 610 0.084 3.0 42 30
63 16 BCF, IR 735 158 611 0.121 3.0 47 31
75 16 BCF, IR 735 158 612 0.160 3.6 49 32
90 16 BCF, IR 735 158 613 0.294 4.3 57 37
110 16 BCF, IR 735 158 614 0.480 5.3 70 46
140 16 IR 735 158 616 1.000 6.7 88 57
160 16 IR 735 158 617 1.470 7.7 100 62
200 16 IR 735 158 619 2.800 9.6 124 77
225 16 IR 735 158 620 4.000 10.8 140 88
* 250 16 IR 735 158 621 3.669 11.9 120 47
* 280 16 IR 735 158 622 5.099 13.4 133 47
* 315 16 IR 735 158 623 7.162 15.0 147 47
SYGEF Standard elbow 45° SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 735 158 513 0.219 2.8 57 37
110 10 BCF, IR 735 158 514 0.379 3.4 70 46
125 10 IR 735 158 515 0.490 3.9 79 51
140 10 IR 735 158 516 0.680 4.3 88 57
160 10 IR 735 158 517 0.990 4.9 100 62
200 10 IR 735 158 519 2.060 6.2 124 77
225 10 IR 735 158 520 2.923 6.9 140 88
* 250 10 IR 735 158 521 2.402 7.7 120 47
* 280 10 IR 735 158 522 3.518 8.6 133 47
* 315 10 IR 735 158 523 4.923 9.7 147 47
• Material: PVDF
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 208 606 0.028 1.9 38 25
25 16 BCF, IR 735 208 607 0.040 1.9 42 27
32 16 BCF, IR 735 208 608 0.065 2.4 46 27
40 16 BCF, IR 735 208 609 0.095 2.4 51 28
50 16 BCF, IR 735 208 610 0.156 3.0 58 28
63 16 BCF, IR 735 208 611 0.270 3.0 66 28
75 16 BCF, IR 735 208 612 0.364 3.6 75 32
90 16 BCF, IR 735 208 613 0.628 4.3 90 39
110 16 BCF, IR 735 208 614 1.122 5.3 110 48
140 16 IR 735 208 616 2.600 6.7 140 62
160 16 IR 735 208 617 3.500 7.7 160 71
200 16 IR 735 208 619 6.725 9.6 200 80
225 16 IR 735 208 620 8.986 10.8 220 86
* 250 16 IR 735 208 621 10.823 11.9 223 70
* 280 16 IR 735 208 622 16.061 13.4 256 74
* 315 16 IR 735 208 623 21.422 15.0 274 74
• Material: PVDF
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e e1 L1 L2 L L3
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
160 ‐ 90 16 IR 735 208 662 3.200 7.7 4.3 130 60 155 25
160 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 208 661 3.300 7.7 5.3 130 60 155 25
225 ‐ 90 16 IR 735 208 670 6.000 10.8 4.3 160 60 155 25
225 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 208 669 6.100 10.8 5.3 160 60 155 25
SYGEF Standard T 90° equal SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 735 208 513 0.397 2.8 90 39
110 10 BCF, IR 735 208 514 0.714 3.4 110 48
125 10 IR 735 208 515 1.280 3.9 125 56
140 10 IR 735 208 516 1.611 4.3 140 62
160 10 IR 735 208 517 2.385 4.9 160 71
200 10 IR 735 208 519 4.297 6.2 200 80
225 10 IR 735 208 520 6.900 6.9 220 86
* 250 10 IR 735 208 521 6.939 7.7 223 70
* 280 10 IR 735 208 522 10.475 8.6 256 74
* 315 10 IR 735 208 523 13.882 9.7 274 74
• Material: PVDF
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
160 ‐ 90 10 IR 735 208 562 2.300 4.9 4.3 155 130 60 25
160 ‐ 110 10 IR 735 208 561 2.300 4.9 5.3 155 130 60 25
225 ‐ 90 10 IR 735 208 570 4.400 6.9 4.3 155 160 60 25
225 ‐ 110 10 IR 735 208 569 4.286 6.9 5.3 155 160 60 25
225 ‐ 160 10 IR 735 208 568 4.239 6.9 4.9 155 170 60 35
• Material: PVDF
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 908 637 0.012 1.9 1.9 50 22 22
32 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 908 642 0.017 2.4 1.9 50 22 22
32 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 908 641 0.018 2.4 1.9 50 22 22
40 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 908 648 0.024 2.4 1.9 58 22 24
40 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 908 647 0.025 2.4 1.9 55 22 24
40 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 908 646 0.029 2.4 2.4 55 22 24
50 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 908 654 0.046 3.0 1.9 60 22 25
50 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 908 653 0.050 3.0 2.4 60 22 25
50 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 908 652 0.040 3.0 2.4 60 22 25
63 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 908 660 0.066 3.0 2.4 65 22 25
63 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 908 659 0.078 3.0 2.4 65 22 25
63 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 908 658 0.076 3.0 3.0 65 22 25
75 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 908 666 0.097 3.6 2.4 68 24 25
75 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 908 665 0.100 3.6 3.0 65 24 25
75 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 908 664 0.080 3.6 3.0 65 24 25
90 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 908 671 0.150 4.3 3.0 75 25 30
90 ‐ 75 16 BCF, IR 735 908 670 0.164 4.3 3.6 75 25 35
110 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 908 678 0.257 5.3 3.0 90 30 30
110 ‐ 75 16 BCF, IR 735 908 677 0.213 5.3 3.6 90 30 35
• Material: PVDF
d - d1 FM PN SDR Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 ‐ 63 BCF, IR 10 33 - 21 735 908 551 0.124 2.8 3.0 75 25 30
110 ‐ 63 BCF, IR 10 33 - 21 735 908 553 0.196 3.4 3.0 90 30 30
110 ‐ 90 BCF, IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 555 0.197 3.4 2.8 90 30 35
125 ‐ 110 IR 10 33 - 21 735 908 580 0.270 3.9 5.3 100 35 40
140 ‐ 110 IR 10 33 - 21 735 908 585 0.385 4.3 5.3 110 40 40
140 ‐ 125 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 584 0.340 4.3 3.9 110 40 40
160 ‐ 110 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 561 0.516 4.9 3.4 120 40 40
160 ‐ 110 IR 10 33 - 21 735 908 590 0.573 4.9 5.3 120 40 40
160 ‐ 140 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 588 0.568 4.9 4.3 120 40 40
200 ‐ 160 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 592 0.830 6.2 4.9 145 50 40
225 ‐ 110 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 566 1.120 6.9 3.4 160 55 35
225 ‐ 110 IR 10 33 - 21 735 908 595 0.940 6.9 5.3 160 55 35
225 ‐ 160 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 596 1.140 6.9 4.9 160 55 40
225 ‐ 200 IR 10 33 - 33 735 908 597 1.200 6.9 6.2 160 55 50
• Material: PVDF
• Type A: injection molded; Type B: machined
*Available as from Q2, 2016
d PN FM Code L e Type
(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm)
25 16 BCF, IR 735 968 007 47 1.9 A
20 16 BCF, IR 735 968 006 47 1.9 A
32 16 BCF, IR 735 968 008 52 2.4 A
* 40 16 BCF, IR 735 968 309 30 2.4 B
* 50 16 BCF, IR 735 968 310 30 3.0 B
* 63 16 BCF, IR 735 968 311 30 3.0 B
* 75 16 BCF, IR 735 968 312 30 3.6 B
* 90 16 BCF, IR 735 968 313 30 4.3 B
* 110 16 BCF, IR 735 968 314 31 5.3 B
* 140 16 IR 735 968 316 34 6.7 B
* 160 16 IR 735 968 317 36 7.7 B
* 200 16 IR 735 968 319 44 9.6 B
* 225 16 IR 735 968 320 50 10.8 B
Transition fittings butt fusion
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Material: PVDF
• With butt fusion spigot and BSP tapered male thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
d R PN FM Code Weight e L s L1
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 3
∕8 16 BCF, IR 735 910 555 0.023 1.9 50 32 26
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 556 0.032 1.9 53 32 26
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 557 0.032 1.9 55 36 26
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 910 558 0.051 2.4 57 46 26
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 559 0.075 2.4 60 55 26
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 560 0.123 3.0 63 65 26
63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 561 0.175 3.0 69 75 27
• Material: PVDF
• With butt fusion spigot and tapered male thread
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
d NPT PN FM Code Weight e L s L1
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 3
∕8 16 BCF, IR 735 914 555 0.023 1.9 50 32 26
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 556 0.030 1.9 53 32 26
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 557 0.032 1.9 55 36 26
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 914 558 0.052 2.4 57 46 26
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 559 0.075 2.4 60 55 26
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 560 0.122 3.0 63 65 26
63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 561 0.176 3.0 69 75 27
• Material: PVDF
• With butt fusion spigot and parallel female thread Rp
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
* Please keep strictly to the GF internal installation preferences
d Rp PN FM Code Weight e L s L1
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 3
∕8 16 BCF, IR 735 910 585 0.030 1.9 54 32 30
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 586 0.026 1.9 54 32 30
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 587 0.032 1.9 58 38 30
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 910 588 0.065 2.4 63 48 30
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 589 0.092 2.4 67 58 30
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 590 0.108 3.0 67 65 30
* 63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 591 0.195 3.0 73 80 30
SYGEF Standard adaptor socket female thread NPT SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF
• With butt fusion spigot and taper female thread NPT
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
* Please keep strictly to the GF internal installation preferences
d NPT PN FM Code Weight e L s L1
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 3
∕8 16 BCF, IR 735 914 585 0.029 1.9 54 32 30
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 586 0.027 1.9 54 32 30
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 587 0.033 1.9 58 38 30
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 914 588 0.066 2.4 63 48 30
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 589 0.085 2.4 67 58 30
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 590 0.108 3.0 67 65 30
* 63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 591 0.190 3.0 73 80 30
• Material: PVDF
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 968 606 0.015 1.9 64 27
25 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 968 607 0.027 1.9 75 36
32 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 968 608 0.042 2.4 82 36
40 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 968 609 0.063 2.4 84 42
50 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 968 610 0.084 3.0 90 48
63 ‐ 60 16 BCF, IR 735 968 611 0.118 3.0 100 50
SYGEF Standard union bush PN16
• Material: PVDF
• Suitable for SYGEF Standard Union Butt Fusion
• d75, d90 and d100 with buttress shaped thread
d FM Code Weight G e L L1
(mm) (kg) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 BCF, IR 735 648 606 0.025 1 1.9 53 25
25 BCF, IR 735 648 607 0.039 1 1/4 1.9 56 25
32 BCF, IR 735 648 608 0.055 1 1/2 2.4 59 25
40 BCF, IR 735 648 609 0.081 2 2.4 62 25
50 BCF, IR 735 648 610 0.110 2 1/4 3.0 65 25
63 BCF, IR 735 648 611 0.158 2 3/4 3.0 68 25
75 BCF, IR 735 648 612 0.277 S 107.5 x 3.6 3.6 66 24
90 BCF, IR 735 648 613 0.275 S 107.5 x 3.6 4.3 65 24
110 BCF, IR 735 648 614 0.343 S 127.5 x 3.6 5.3 65 25
• Material: PVDF
• d75, d90 and d100 with buttress shaped thread
d PN Code Weight D e L L1 L2 L3 L4 G
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 16 735 528 606 0.074 43 1.9 106 53 53 25 37 1
25 16 735 528 607 0.110 53 1.9 112 56 56 25 38 1 1/4
32 16 735 528 608 0.153 60 2.4 118 59 59 25 40 1 1/2
40 16 735 528 609 0.220 74 2.4 124 62 62 25 41 2
50 16 735 528 610 0.293 82 3.0 130 65 65 25 43 2 1/4
63 16 735 528 611 0.449 100 3.0 136 68 68 25 44 2 3/4
75 16 735 528 612 0.740 133 3.6 132 66 66 24 34 S107.5x3.6
90 16 735 528 613 0.773 133 4.3 130 65 65 24 48 S107.5x3.6
110 16 735 528 614 1.054 155 5.3 130 65 65 25 45 S127.5x3.6
• Material: PVDF
• Suitable for SYGEF Standard Union Butt Fusion
d PN FM Code Weight D e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 608 606 0.020 30 1.9 53 5
25 16 BCF, IR 735 608 607 0.030 39 1.9 56 5
32 16 BCF, IR 735 608 608 0.044 45 2.4 59 6
40 16 BCF, IR 735 608 609 0.069 57 2.4 62 6
50 16 BCF, IR 735 608 610 0.082 63 3.0 65 7
63 16 BCF, IR 735 608 611 0.127 78 3.0 68 8
75 16 BCF, IR 735 608 612 0.209 101 3.6 66 9
90 16 BCF, IR 735 608 613 0.187 101 4.3 65 9
110 16 BCF, IR 735 608 614 0.263 121 5.3 65 10
SYGEF Standard union nut PN16
• Material: PVDF
• d75, d90 and d100 with buttress shaped thread
For the dimensions d75-110 please see instructions for the installation
Socket Fu- Butt Fusion PN Code Weight D G L
sion d d (bar) (kg) (mm) (inch) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
16 16 16 735 690 405 0.011 35 3
∕4 21
20 20 16 735 690 406 0.021 43 1 22
25 25 16 735 690 407 0.030 53 1 1∕4 24
32 32 16 735 690 408 0.035 60 1 1∕2 26
40 40 16 735 690 409 0.065 74 2 29
50 50 16 735 690 410 0.093 82 2 1∕4 33
63 63 16 735 690 411 0.144 100 2 3∕4 35
75 ‐ 90 16 735 690 422 0.289 133 40
110 16 735 690 423 0.403 155 42
Union end stainless steel R
• Material: stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
• Taper male thread R
R PN Code Weight D D1 L s
(inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 16 724 600 705 0.052 24 22 30 19
∕2 16 724 600 706 0.083 30 28 34 24
∕4 16 724 600 707 0.125 39 36 36 32
1 16 724 600 708 0.189 45 42 40 37
1 1∕4 16 724 600 709 0.356 57 53 46 48
1 1∕2 16 724 600 710 0.407 63 59 48 54
2 16 724 600 711 0.668 78 74 55 69
• Material: stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
• Parallel female thread Rp
Rp PN Code Weight z D D1 L s
(inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 16 724 600 655 0.030 9 24 22 19 19
∕2 16 724 600 656 0.060 11 30 28 24 24
∕4 16 724 600 657 0.092 11 39 36 26 29
1 16 724 600 658 0.137 12 45 42 29 36
1 1∕4 16 724 600 659 0.226 14 57 53 33 45
1 1∕2 16 724 600 660 0.314 15 63 59 34 54
2 16 724 600 661 0.438 15 78 74 39 63
• Material: stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
d1 d PN Code Weight D D1 L e
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
17 16 16 724 605 505 0.029 24 22 18 1.6
21 20 16 724 605 506 0.046 30 28 22 2.0
26 25 16 724 605 507 0.080 39 36 23 2.0
33 32 16 724 605 508 0.112 45 42 26 2.0
42 40 16 724 605 509 0.188 57 53 26 2.0
48 50 16 724 605 510 0.222 63 59 28 2.0
60 63 16 724 605 511 0.361 78 74 32 2.6
O-Ring Gaskets
• For unions and adaptor unions
• Hardness approx. 75° shore
• FFPM minimum temperature -20°C
d DN FFPM Weight D1 D2 D
(mm) (mm) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 700 245 481 0.002 20 4 27
25 20 700 245 482 0.002 28 4 35
32 25 700 245 483 0.002 33 4 40
40 32 700 245 484 0.006 41 5 51
50 40 700 245 485 0.007 47 5 58
63 50 700 245 486 0.010 60 5 70
O-ring black
• Hardness approx. 65° Shore
• FPM minimum temperature -15°C
d DN FPM Weight D D1 D2
(mm) (mm) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 10 749 410 005 0.002 21 16 2.62
20 15 749 410 006 0.002 27 20 3.53
25 20 749 410 007 0.002 35 28 3.53
32 25 749 410 008 0.002 40 33 3.53
40 32 749 410 009 0.007 51 41 5.34
50 40 749 410 010 0.060 58 47 5.34
63 50 749 410 011 0.003 70 60 5.34
O-ring black
d75 - d110
• Hardness approx. 65° Shore
• FPM minimum temperature -15°C
d-d DN Code Weight D D1 D2 closest inch
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
75 50 749 410 013 0.011 80 69 5.34 2
75 - 90 65 749 410 014 0.012 93 82 5.34 2 1∕2
90 - 110 80 749 410 015 0.015 112 101 5.34 3
Flange Adaptors, Flanges and Gaskets for Butt Fusion
• Material: PVDF
• Jointing face: With O-ring groove
• Counterpart: flange adaptor metric or ANSI
• Gasket: O-ring EPDM No. 48 41 01, FPM No. 49 41 01
d DN PN Code Weight D D1 L L1 z
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 735 810 106 0.015 27 34 22 9 8
25 20 16 735 810 107 0.022 33 41 24 10 8
32 25 16 735 810 108 0.035 41 50 26 10 8
40 32 16 735 810 109 0.055 50 61 30 13 10
50 40 16 735 810 110 0.080 61 73 33 13 10
63 50 16 735 810 111 0.134 76 90 37 14 10
• Material: PVDF
d DN PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
20 15 16 BCF, IR 735 798 806 0.029
25 20 16 BCF, IR 735 798 807 0.047
32 25 16 BCF, IR 735 798 808 0.080
40 32 16 BCF, IR 735 798 809 0.110
50 40 16 BCF, IR 735 798 810 0.146
63 50 16 BCF, IR 735 798 811 0.215
75 65 16 BCF, IR 735 798 812 0.325
90 80 16 BCF, IR 735 798 813 0.397
110 100 16 BCF, IR 735 798 814 0.573
140 125 16 IR 735 798 816 0.906
160 150 16 IR 735 798 817 1.200
200 200 16 IR 735 798 819 1.900
225 200 16 IR 735 798 820 2.000
250 250 16 IR 735 798 821 3.541
280 250 16 IR 735 798 822 3.583
315 300 16 IR 735 798 823 5.040
d e D D1 D2 D3 L L1 L2 Type
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 1.9 26 45 15 54 6 A
25 1.9 32 58 20 54 56 7 4 B
32 2.4 40 68 26 63 58 7 4 B
40 2.4 49 78 34 73 68 8 4 B
50 3.0 60 88 43 82 69 8 4 B
63 3.0 75 102 56 72 9 A
75 3.6 89 122 66 80 10 A
90 4.3 105 138 78 133 81 12 4 B
110 5.3 125 158 100 81 13 C
140 6.7 155 188 127 90 16 C
160 7.7 175 212 151 93 17 C
200 9.6 232 268 207 102 22 C
• Material: PVDF
• Other dimensions identical with metric version
d d PN FM Code Weight L1 D2 D1 L D e Type
(inch) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕4 25 16 BCF, IR 735 798 857 0.043 7 20 54 56 32 1.9 A
1 32 16 BCF, IR 735 798 858 0.063 7 26 63 58 40 2.4 A
1 1∕4 40 16 BCF, IR 735 798 859 0.105 8 34 73 68 49 2.4 A
1 1∕2 50 16 BCF, IR 735 798 860 0.140 8 43 82 69 60 3.0 A
3 90 16 BCF, IR 735 798 861 0.389 12 78 133 81 105 4.3 A
SYGEF Standard flange adaptor
Jointing face serrated SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF
d DN PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
90 80 10 BCF, IR 735 798 863 0.380
110 100 10 BCF, IR 735 798 864 0.493
125 100 10 IR 735 798 565 0.453
140 125 10 IR 735 798 866 0.733
160 150 10 IR 735 798 867 0.972
200 200 10 IR 735 798 869 1.682
225 200 10 IR 735 798 870 1.687
250 250 10 IR 735 798 871 2.730
280 250 10 IR 735 798 872 2.715
315 300 10 IR 735 798 873 3.657
d e D D1 D2 D3 L L1 L2 Type
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 2.8 105 138 78 133 81 12 4 B
110 3.4 125 158 100 81 13 A
125 3.9 132 158 114 82 14 A
140 4.3 155 188 127 90 16 A
160 4.9 175 212 151 93 17 C
200 6.2 232 268 207 102 22 C
225 6.9 235 268 207 102 22 A
250 7.7 285 320 249 120 22 C
280 8.6 291 320 249 120 22 A
315 9.7 335 370 300 120 22 C
Backing flange PP-V metric
For butt fusion systems metric
• Full-plastic flange PP-GF (30 % glass-fibre reinforced)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Bolt circle PN 10
AL: number of holes
¹) Suitable for socket- and butt fusion systems
* Combined version, metric-ANSI
d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 20 15 16 727 700 406 0.093 95 65 28 14 16 4 M12
1 25 20 16 727 700 407 0.120 105 75 34 14 17 4 M12
1 32 25 16 727 700 408 0.151 115 85 42 14 18 4 M12
1 40 32 16 727 700 409 0.244 140 100 51 18 20 4 M16
1 50 40 16 727 700 410 0.297 150 110 62 18 22 4 M16
1 63 50 16 727 700 411 0.362 165 125 78 18 24 4 M16
1 75 65 16 727 700 412 0.487 185 145 92 18 26 4 M16
90 80 16 727 700 513 0.544 200 160 108 18 27 8 M16
110 100 16 727 700 514 0.643 220 180 128 18 28 8 M16
125 100 16 727 700 515 0.635 220 180 135 18 28 8 M16
140 125 16 727 700 516 0.842 250 210 158 18 30 8 M16
* 160 150 16 727 700 517 1.200 285 241 178 22 32 8 M20
180 150 16 727 700 518 1.200 285 240 188 22 32 8 M20
* 200 200 16 727 700 519 1.400 340 297 235 22 34 8 M20
* 225 200 16 727 700 520 1.400 340 297 238 22 34 8 M20
250 250 16 727 700 521 2.052 395 350 288 22 38 12 M20
280 250 16 727 700 522 1.700 395 350 294 22 38 12 M20
315 300 16 727 700 523 2.400 445 400 338 22 42 12 M20
355 350 10 727 700 524 4.440 515 460 376 22 46 16 M20
400 400 10 727 700 525 5.624 574 515 430 26 50 16 M24
• Full-plastic flange PP-GF (30 % glass-fibre reinforced)
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Bolt circle class 150
• Special flange adapter ANSI for d25 - d50 and d90 required
AL: number of holes
¹) Suitable for socket- and butt fusion systems
* Combined version, metric-ANSI
Size d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(inch) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1
∕2 20 15 16 727 701 406 0.091 95 60 28 16 16 4 M12
1 3
∕4 25 20 16 727 701 407 0.120 105 70 34 16 17 4 M12
1 1 32 25 16 727 701 408 0.147 115 79 42 16 18 4 M12
1 1 1∕4 40 32 16 727 701 409 0.246 140 89 51 16 20 4 M16
1 1 1∕2 50 40 16 727 701 410 0.299 150 98 62 16 22 4 M16
1 2 63 50 16 727 701 411 0.361 165 121 78 19 24 4 M16
1 2 1∕2 75 65 16 727 701 412 0.492 185 140 92 19 26 4 M16
3 90 80 16 727 701 513 0.607 200 152 108 19 27 4 M16
4 110 100 16 727 701 514 0.736 229 190 128 19 28 8 M16
* 6 160 150 16 727 700 517 1.200 285 241 178 22 32 8 M20
* 8 200 200 16 727 700 519 1.400 340 297 235 22 34 8 M20
* 8 225 200 16 727 700 520 1.400 340 297 238 22 34 8 M20
10 250 250 16 727 701 521 2.241 406 362 288 26 38 12 M20
10 280 250 16 727 701 522 2.173 406 362 294 26 38 12 M20
12 315 300 16 727 701 523 3.627 483 432 338 26 42 12 M20
Backing flange PP-Steel
For butt fusion systems metric
• Bolt circle PN 10
• Material: PP (30% glass-fibre reinforced) with steel ring
• UV-resistant. Applicable for outside applications
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
AL: number of holes
*Combined version, bolt circle metric - ANSI
**Galvanized steel; suitable for underground laying
d d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 727 700 206 0.216 95 65 28 14 12 4 M12
25 20 16 727 700 207 0.279 105 75 34 14 12 4 M12
32 25 16 727 700 208 0.429 115 85 42 14 16 4 M12
40 32 16 727 700 209 0.621 140 100 51 18 16 4 M16
50 40 16 727 700 210 0.722 150 110 62 18 20 4 M16
63 50 16 727 700 211 1.084 165 125 78 18 20 4 M16
75 65 16 727 700 212 1.349 185 145 92 18 20 4 M16
90 80 16 727 700 313 1.390 200 160 108 18 20 8 M16
110 100 16 727 700 314 1.407 220 180 128 18 20 8 M16
125 100 16 727 700 315 1.408 220 180 135 18 20 8 M16
140 125 16 727 700 716 2.318 250 210 158 18 26 8 M16
* 160 6 150 16 727 700 717 3.491 285 241 178 22 26 8 M20
180 150 16 727 700 718 3.108 285 241 188 22 26 8 M20
* 200 8 200 16 727 700 719 5.600 340 297 235 22 29 8 M20
* 225 8 200 16 727 700 720 5.533 340 297 238 22 29 8 M20
250 250 16 727 700 721 6.632 395 350 288 22 32 12 M20
280 250 16 727 700 722 6.573 395 350 294 22 32 12 M20
315 300 16 727 700 723 7.903 445 400 338 22 36 12 M20
355 350 16 727 700 724 14.587 515 460 376 23 42 16 M20
400 400 16 727 700 725 20.034 574 515 430 26 42 16 M24
** 450 450 10 724 705 026 38.000 615 565 470 26 36 20 M24
• Material: PP (30% glass-fibre reinforced) with steel ring
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Bolt circle class 150
• Special flange adapter ANSI for d25 - d50 and d90 required
*Combined version, bolt circle metric - ANSI
AL: number of holes
d d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(inch) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 20 15 16 727 701 206 0.213 95 60 28 16 12 4 M12
∕4 25 20 16 727 701 207 0.260 105 70 34 16 12 4 M12
1 32 25 16 727 701 208 0.416 115 79 42 16 16 4 M12
1 1∕4 40 32 16 727 701 209 0.730 140 89 51 16 16 4 M16
1 1∕2 50 40 16 727 701 210 0.809 150 98 62 16 18 4 M16
2 63 50 16 727 701 211 0.866 165 121 78 19 18 4 M16
2 1∕2 75 65 16 727 701 212 1.117 185 140 92 19 18 4 M16
3 90 80 16 727 701 313 1.499 200 152 108 19 20 4 M16
4 110 100 16 727 701 314 1.739 229 190 128 19 20 8 M16
* 6 160 150 16 727 700 717 3.491 285 241 178 22 26 8 M20
* 8 200 200 16 727 700 719 5.600 340 297 235 22 29 8 M20
* 8 225 200 16 727 700 720 5.533 340 297 238 22 29 8 M20
10 250/280 250 10 727 701 321 6.000 406 362 293 25 30 12 M24
• For all metric GF Flange Adaptors
• Profile Gasket with carbon steel insert (type G-ST-P/K)
• Hardness: 70° Shore EPDM, 75° Shore FPM
• EPDM: approved acc. to DVGW W 270, KTW recommendation
• Centering on the inner diameter of the screw crown
• material steel insert: carbon steel
di FA are the suitable inner diameters of flanges adaptors
d PN DN EPDM FPM Weight D D1 H H1 di FA
(mm) (bar) (mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 10 748 440 705 749 440 705 0.012 46 16 4 3 6 ‐ 16
20 16 15 748 440 706 749 440 706 0.013 51 20 4 3 10 ‐ 20
25 16 20 748 440 707 749 440 707 0.014 61 22 4 3 12 ‐ 22
32 16 25 748 440 708 749 440 708 0.019 71 28 4 3 18 ‐ 28
40 16 32 748 440 709 749 440 709 0.026 82 40 4 3 30 ‐ 40
50 16 40 748 440 710 749 440 710 0.039 92 46 4 3 36 ‐ 46
63 16 50 748 440 711 749 440 711 0.050 107 58 5 4 48 ‐ 58
75 16 65 748 440 712 749 440 712 0.082 127 69 5 4 59 ‐ 69
90 16 80 748 440 713 749 440 713 0.083 142 84 5 4 73 ‐ 84
110 16 100 748 440 714 749 440 714 0.127 162 104 6 5 94 ‐ 104
125 16 100 748 440 715 749 440 715 0.105 162 123 6 5 113 ‐ 123
140 16 125 748 440 716 749 440 716 0.173 192 137 6 5 127 ‐ 137
160 ‐ 180 16 150 748 440 717 749 440 717 0.207 218 160 8 6 150 ‐ 160
200 16 200 748 440 719 749 440 719 0.263 273 203 8 6 192 ‐ 203
225 16 200 748 440 720 749 440 720 0.255 273 220 8 6 207 ‐ 220
250 16 250 748 440 721 749 440 721 0.462 328 252 8 6 238 ‐ 252
280 16 250 748 440 722 749 440 722 0.323 328 274 8 6 264 ‐ 274
• For Use with Steel Flange Rings
• * Non-Returnable/Non-Cancelable
d Pipe Size Code Weight H L L1
(mm) (inch) (lb) (inch) (inch) (inch)
25 3/4 731 400 753 0.002 2.99 0.79 0.51
32 1 731 400 755 0.053 3.58 0.98 0.63
40 1 1/4 731 400 757 0.079 3.98 0.98 0.63
50 1 1/2 731 400 759 0.084 4.33 0.98 0.63
63 2 731 400 760 0.132 5.04 0.98 0.63
75 2 1/2 731 400 761 0.179 5.83 0.98 0.63
90 3 731 400 763 0.132 6.34 0.98 0.63
110 4 731 400 764 0.220 7.44 0.98 0.63
160 6 731 400 667 0.309 9.61 1.18 0.79
200/225 8/9 731 400 670 0.441 11.81 1.18 0.79
250 10 731 400 671 0.002 14.17 1.38 0.87
315 12 731 400 672 0.650 16.50 1.38 0.87
Socket fusion fittings
• Material: PVDF
• d25 - d50: combination type reducing bush/socket equal
d D-d PN Code Weight D L z Type
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 - 16 735 910 105 0.020 26 33 7 C
20 - 16 735 910 106 0.013 27 35 7 C
25 32 ‐ 25 16 735 910 107 0.023 32 39 7 C
32 40 ‐ 32 16 735 910 108 0.038 40 43 7 C
40 50 ‐ 40 16 735 910 109 0.062 50 48 8 D
50 63 ‐ 50 16 735 910 110 0.102 63 54 8 D
63 - 16 735 910 111 0.146 75 62 8 C
• Material: PVDF
d PN Code Weight D L z
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 100 105 0.030 26 25 12
20 16 735 100 106 0.026 27 28 14
25 16 735 100 107 0.039 32 32 16
32 16 735 100 108 0.066 40 38 20
40 16 735 100 109 0.103 49 44 24
50 16 735 100 110 0.164 60 51 28
63 16 735 100 111 0.287 75 62 35
• Material: PVDF
d PN Code Weight D L z
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 200 105 0.039 26 25 12
20 16 735 200 106 0.034 27 28 14
25 16 735 200 107 0.052 32 32 16
32 16 735 200 108 0.092 40 38 20
40 16 735 200 109 0.136 49 44 24
50 16 735 200 110 0.210 60 51 28
63 16 735 200 111 0.371 75 62 35
SYGEF Standard elbow 45° PN16
• Material: PVDF
d PN Code Weight D L z
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 150 105 0.017 23 20 7
20 16 735 150 106 0.020 27 21 7
25 16 735 150 107 0.032 32 24 8
32 16 735 150 108 0.050 40 28 10
40 16 735 150 109 0.081 49 33 13
50 16 735 150 110 0.119 60 36 13
63 16 735 150 111 0.211 75 43 16
• Material: PVDF
• to determine the z-measure please consider the overview of functionality
D-d PN Code Weight L Type
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm)
20 ‐ 16 16 735 910 334 0.017 35 B
25 ‐ 20 16 735 910 337 0.016 37 A
32 ‐ 20 16 735 910 342 0.023 43 A
32 ‐ 25 16 735 910 107 0.023 39 C
40 ‐ 20 16 735 910 348 0.034 48 A
40 ‐ 25 16 735 910 347 0.035 48 A
40 ‐ 32 16 735 910 108 0.038 43 C
50 ‐ 20 16 735 910 355 0.059 54 A
50 ‐ 25 16 735 910 354 0.059 54 A
50 ‐ 32 16 735 910 353 0.061 54 A
50 ‐ 40 16 735 910 109 0.062 48 D
63 ‐ 20 16 735 910 362 0.102 64 A
• Material: PVDF
d PN Code Weight D L
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 960 105 0.013 25 24
20 16 735 960 106 0.010 27 23
25 16 735 960 107 0.017 32 26
32 16 735 960 108 0.029 40 30
40 16 735 960 109 0.045 49 34
50 16 735 960 110 0.074 60 39
63 16 735 960 111 0.126 75 46
SYGEF Standard union (FPM black) PN16
• Material: PVDF
• With fusion socket metric
• Jointing face: With O-ring groove
• Supplied with: O-Ring No. 49 41 00 FPM
• Please see installation intruction
d PN Code Weight D G L1 L2 z1 z
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 510 105 0.025 35 ∕4
18 24 5 11
20 16 735 510 106 0.057 43 1 19 26 5 12
25 16 735 510 107 0.090 53 1 1∕4 21 28 5 12
32 16 735 510 108 0.118 60 1 1∕2 23 30 5 12
40 16 735 510 109 0.195 74 2 25 34 5 14
50 16 735 510 110 0.244 82 2 1∕4 28 39 5 16
63 16 735 510 111 0.403 100 2 3∕4 32 47 5 20
• Material: PVDF
• Suitable for SYGEF Standard Union Socket Fusion
d PN Code D D1 L L1 z
(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 600 105 24 22 18 4 5
20 16 735 600 106 30 28 19 5 5
25 16 735 600 107 39 36 21 5 5
32 16 735 600 108 45 42 23 6 5
40 16 735 600 109 57 53 25 6 5
50 16 735 600 110 63 59 28 7 5
63 16 735 600 111 78 74 32 7 5
• Material: PVDF
• d75, d90 and d100 with buttress shaped thread
For the dimensions d75-110 please see instructions for the installation
Socket Fu- Butt Fusion PN Code Weight D G L
sion d d (bar) (kg) (mm) (inch) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
16 16 16 735 690 405 0.011 35 3
∕4 21
20 20 16 735 690 406 0.021 43 1 22
25 25 16 735 690 407 0.030 53 1 1∕4 24
32 32 16 735 690 408 0.035 60 1 1∕2 26
40 40 16 735 690 409 0.065 74 2 29
50 50 16 735 690 410 0.093 82 2 1∕4 33
63 63 16 735 690 411 0.144 100 2 3∕4 35
75 ‐ 90 16 735 690 422 0.289 133 40
110 16 735 690 423 0.403 155 42
O-ring black
• Hardness approx. 65° Shore
• FPM minimum temperature -15°C
d DN FPM Weight D D1 D2
(mm) (mm) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 10 749 410 005 0.002 21 16 2.62
20 15 749 410 006 0.002 27 20 3.53
25 20 749 410 007 0.002 35 28 3.53
32 25 749 410 008 0.002 40 33 3.53
40 32 749 410 009 0.007 51 41 5.34
50 40 749 410 010 0.060 58 47 5.34
63 50 749 410 011 0.003 70 60 5.34
• Material: PVDF
• Suitable for SYGEF Standard Union Socket Fusion
d PN Code Weight G L z
(mm) (bar) (kg) (inch) (mm) (mm)
16 16 735 640 105 0.011 3
∕4 24 11
20 16 735 640 106 0.019 1 26 12
25 16 735 640 107 0.027 1 1∕4 28 12
32 16 735 640 108 0.040 1 1∕2 30 12
40 16 735 640 109 0.068 2 34 14
50 16 735 640 110 0.090 2 1∕4 39 16
63 16 735 640 111 0.159 2 3∕4 47 20
• Material: stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
• Taper male thread R
R PN Code Weight D D1 L s
(inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 16 724 600 705 0.052 24 22 30 19
∕2 16 724 600 706 0.083 30 28 34 24
∕4 16 724 600 707 0.125 39 36 36 32
1 16 724 600 708 0.189 45 42 40 37
1 1∕4 16 724 600 709 0.356 57 53 46 48
1 1∕2 16 724 600 710 0.407 63 59 48 54
2 16 724 600 711 0.668 78 74 55 69
• Material: stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
• Parallel female thread Rp
Rp PN Code Weight z D D1 L s
(inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 16 724 600 655 0.030 9 24 22 19 19
∕2 16 724 600 656 0.060 11 30 28 24 24
∕4 16 724 600 657 0.092 11 39 36 26 29
• Material: stainless steel 1.4404 (316L)
d1 d PN Code Weight D D1 L e
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
17 16 16 724 605 505 0.029 24 22 18 1.6
21 20 16 724 605 506 0.046 30 28 22 2.0
26 25 16 724 605 507 0.080 39 36 23 2.0
33 32 16 724 605 508 0.112 45 42 26 2.0
42 40 16 724 605 509 0.188 57 53 26 2.0
48 50 16 724 605 510 0.222 63 59 28 2.0
60 63 16 724 605 511 0.361 78 74 32 2.6
• Material: PVDF
• With socket fusion spigot metric and BSP tapered male thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
R d PN Code Weight z L s
(inch) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 16 16 735 910 505 0.015 12 37 27
∕2 20 16 735 910 506 0.025 25 53 32
∕4 25 16 735 910 507 0.033 24 55 36
• Material: PVDF
• With socket fusion spigot and taper male thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
d NPT PN Code Weight L s z
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 3
∕8 16 735 914 505 0.014 37 27 12
20 1
∕2 16 735 914 506 0.024 53 32 25
25 3
∕4 16 735 914 507 0.032 55 36 24
32 1 16 735 914 508 0.057 57 46 22
40 1 1∕4 16 735 914 509 0.075 60 55 21
50 1 1∕2 16 735 914 510 0.120 63 65 19
63 2 16 735 914 511 0.163 69 75 18
• Material: PVDF
• With socket fusion end and parallel female thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
d Rp PN Code Weight L s z
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 1
∕2 16 735 910 206 0.030 34 32 5
25 3
∕4 16 735 910 207 0.036 38 36 6
32 1 16 735 910 208 0.067 43 46 7
40 1 1∕4 16 735 910 209 0.100 47 55 7
50 1 1∕2 16 735 910 210 0.135 54 65 9
63 2 16 735 910 211 0.217 62 80 9
• Material: PVDF
• With socket fusion end and taper female thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
d NPT PN Code Weight L s z
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 3
∕8 16 735 914 205 0.016 29 27 3
20 1
∕2 16 735 914 206 0.030 34 32 5
25 3
∕4 16 735 914 207 0.036 38 36 6
• Material: PVDF
• With socket fusion spigot metric and parallel hose connection
d - d1 PN Code Weight L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 ‐ 16 16 735 960 405 0.008 50 27 13
20 ‐ 20 16 735 960 406 0.018 78 27 14
25 ‐ 25 16 735 960 407 0.028 91 36 16
32 ‐ 32 16 735 960 408 0.050 100 36 18
40 ‐ 40 16 735 960 409 0.078 104 42 20
50 ‐ 50 16 735 960 410 0.089 90 48 23
63 ‐ 60 16 735 960 411 0.126 100 50 27
• Material: PVDF
• Suitable for flange adaptor with groove
• Gasket: profile flange gaskets FPM or EPDM
d DN PN Code Weight L1 z D1 D L
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 735 790 206 0.019 6 3 45 27 19
25 20 16 735 790 207 0.037 7 3 58 33 21
32 25 16 735 790 208 0.047 7 3 68 41 23
40 32 16 735 790 209 0.073 8 3 78 50 25
50 40 16 735 790 210 0.096 8 3 88 61 28
63 50 16 735 790 211 0.141 9 3 102 76 32
SYGEF Standard flange adaptor with groove PN16
• Material: PVDF
• Jointing face: With O-ring groove
• Counterpart: flange adaptor metric or ANSI
• Gasket: O-ring EPDM No. 48 41 01, FPM No. 49 41 01
d DN PN Code Weight D D1 L L1 z
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 735 810 106 0.015 27 34 22 9 8
25 20 16 735 810 107 0.022 33 41 24 10 8
32 25 16 735 810 108 0.035 41 50 26 10 8
40 32 16 735 810 109 0.055 50 61 30 13 10
50 40 16 735 810 110 0.080 61 73 33 13 10
63 50 16 735 810 111 0.134 76 90 37 14 10
• Material: PVDF
• Suitable for flange adaptor with groove
• Face dimension ANSI
• Gasket: flat gasket FPM or EPDM
• Gasket: profile flange gaskets FPM or EPDM
• Dimensions d20 and d63 are identical to metric version
d PN d Code Weight D D1 L L1 z
(mm) (bar) (inch) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 16 3
∕4 735 790 257 0.037 33 54 21 7 3
32 16 1 735 790 258 0.051 41 63 23 7 3
40 16 1 1∕4 735 790 259 0.073 50 73 25 8 3
50 16 1 1∕2 735 790 260 0.095 61 82 28 8 3
• Material: PVDF
d Code Weight D L z D1
(mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 735 800 106 0.013 27 19 3 34
25 735 800 107 0.020 33 21 3 41
32 735 800 108 0.030 41 23 3 50
40 735 800 109 0.047 50 25 3 60
50 735 800 110 0.070 61 28 3 72
63 735 800 111 0.115 75 32 3 89
Backing flange PP-V metric
For socket systems metric and BS
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Bolt circle PN 10
• Full-plastic flange PP-GF (30 % glass-fibre reinforced)
¹) Suitable for socket- and butt fusion systems
) Not for BS
* Combined version, metric-ANSI
AL: number of holes
d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 20 15 16 727 700 406 0.093 95 65 28 14 16 4 M12
1 25 20 16 727 700 407 0.120 105 75 34 14 17 4 M12
1 32 25 16 727 700 408 0.151 115 85 42 14 18 4 M12
1 40 32 16 727 700 409 0.244 140 100 51 18 20 4 M16
1 50 40 16 727 700 410 0.297 150 110 62 18 22 4 M16
1 63 50 16 727 700 411 0.362 165 125 78 18 24 4 M16
• Full-plastic flange PP-GF (30 % glass-fibre reinforced)
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Bolt circle class 150
• Special flange adapter ANSI for d25 - d50 and d90 required
AL: number of holes
* Combined version, metric-ANSI
¹) Suitable for socket- and butt fusion systems
) Not for BS
Size DN d PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(inch) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1
∕2 15 20 16 727 701 406 0.091 95 60 28 16 16 4 M12
1 3
∕4 20 25 16 727 701 407 0.120 105 70 34 16 17 4 M12
1 1 25 32 16 727 701 408 0.147 115 79 42 16 18 4 M12
1 1 1∕4 32 40 16 727 701 409 0.246 140 89 51 16 20 4 M16
1 1 1∕2 40 50 16 727 701 410 0.299 150 98 62 16 22 4 M16
1 2 50 63 16 727 701 411 0.361 165 121 78 19 24 4 M16
Backing flange PP-Steel
For socket systems metric
• Bolt circle PN 10
• PP-GF (30% glass-fibre reinforced) with steel ring
• UV-resistant. Applicable for outside applications
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
AL: number of holes
¹) Connecting dimension: ISO 2536, bolt circle acc. DN125, suitable for flange adaptor d125/
²) Connecting dimension: ISO 2536, bolt circle acc. DN225, suitable for flange adaptor d250/
PN DN d Code Weight D1 D3 D2 D H AL SC
(bar) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 15 20 727 700 206 0.216 65 14 28 95 12 4
16 20 25 727 700 207 0.279 75 14 34 105 12 4
16 25 32 727 700 208 0.429 85 14 42 115 16 4
16 32 40 727 700 209 0.621 100 18 51 140 16 4
16 40 50 727 700 210 0.722 110 18 62 150 20 4
16 50 63 727 700 211 1.084 125 18 78 165 20 4
• Material: PP (30% glass-fibre reinforced) with steel ring
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Bolt circle class 150
• Special flange adapter ANSI for d25 - d50 and d90 required
) Not for BS
*Combined version, bolt circle metric - ANSI
AL: number of holes
d d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(inch) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 20 15 16 727 701 206 0.213 95 60 28 16 12 4 M12
∕4 25 20 16 727 701 207 0.260 105 70 34 16 12 4 M12
1 32 25 16 727 701 208 0.416 115 79 42 16 16 4 M12
1 1∕4 40 32 16 727 701 209 0.730 140 89 51 16 16 4 M16
1 1∕2 50 40 16 727 701 210 0.809 150 98 62 16 18 4 M16
2 63 50 16 727 701 211 0.866 165 121 78 19 18 4 M16
• Only use with flange adaptor JIS 27 80 02
• PP-GF (30% glass-fibre reinforced)
• Connecting dimensions: JIS B 2220, 10K
AL: number of holes
Inch DN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 D4 H H1 AL SC
(inch) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1/2 15 727 705 006 0.083 95 70 28 36 15 16 5 4 M12
3/4 20 727 705 007 0.101 100 75 34 43 15 18 6 4 M12
1 25 727 705 008 0.168 125 90 42 52 19 20 6 4 M16
• Material: PVDF
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
AL: number of holes
d DN Inch PN Code Weight D1 D2 D3 D4 H H1 AL z
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 1/2 16 735 740 106 0.121 27 65 93 14 12 19 4 5
25 20 3/4 16 735 740 107 0.162 33 75 103 14 13 21 4 4
32 25 1 16 735 740 108 0.229 40 85 115 14 14 23 4 4
40 32 1 1/4 16 735 740 109 0.340 50 100 137 18 15 25 4 4
50 40 1 1/2 16 735 740 110 0.409 61 110 147 18 16 27 4 4
63 50 2 16 735 740 111 0.551 76 125 162 18 18 31 4 4
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
AL: number of holes
d DN Inch PN Code Weight D1 D2 D3 D4 H H1 AL z
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 11/2 16 735 730 106 0.137 27 65 93 14 12 19 4 5
25 20 13/4 16 735 730 107 0.185 33 75 103 14 13 21 4 5
32 25 1 16 735 730 108 0.255 40 85 115 14 14 23 4 5
40 32 11/4 16 735 730 109 0.355 50 100 137 18 15 25 4 5
50 40 11/2 16 735 730 110 0.486 61 110 147 18 16 27 4 5
63 50 2 16 735 730 111 0.653 76 125 162 18 18 31 4 5
SYGEF Plus Gasket
• For Use with Steel Flange Rings
• * Non-Returnable/Non-Cancelable
d Pipe Size Code Weight H L L1
(mm) (inch) (lb) (inch) (inch) (inch)
25 3/4 731 400 753 0.002 2.99 0.79 0.51
32 1 731 400 755 0.053 3.58 0.98 0.63
40 1 1/4 731 400 757 0.079 3.98 0.98 0.63
50 1 1/2 731 400 759 0.084 4.33 0.98 0.63
63 2 731 400 760 0.132 5.04 0.98 0.63
• For all metric GF Flange Adaptors
• Profile Gasket with carbon steel insert (type G-ST-P/K)
• Hardness: 70° Shore EPDM, 75° Shore FPM
• EPDM: approved acc. to DVGW W 270, KTW recommendation
• Centering on the inner diameter of the screw crown
• material steel insert: carbon steel
di FA are the suitable inner diameters of flanges adaptors
d PN DN EPDM FPM Weight D D1 H H1 di FA
(mm) (bar) (mm) Code Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 15 748 440 706 749 440 706 0.013 51 20 4 3 10 ‐ 20
25 16 20 748 440 707 749 440 707 0.014 61 22 4 3 12 ‐ 22
32 16 25 748 440 708 749 440 708 0.019 71 28 4 3 18 ‐ 28
40 16 32 748 440 709 749 440 709 0.026 82 40 4 3 30 ‐ 40
50 16 40 748 440 710 749 440 710 0.039 92 46 4 3 36 ‐ 46
63 16 50 748 440 711 749 440 711 0.050 107 58 5 4 48 ‐ 58
O-Ring gasket
• For flange adaptors
• Hardness approx. 65° Shore
d DN EPDM Weight FPM Weight D D1 D2 closest
(mm) (mm) Code (kg) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 15 748 410 001 0.002 749 410 001 0.002 31 23 3.53 1
25 20 748 410 007 0.002 749 410 007 0.002 35 28 3.53 3
32 25 748 410 002 0.003 749 410 002 0.003 43 36 3.53 1
40 32 748 410 003 0.004 749 410 003 0.002 55 44 5.34 1 1∕4
50 40 748 410 012 0.004 749 410 012 0.008 64 53 5.34 1 1∕2
63 50 748 410 013 0.006 749 410 013 0.011 80 69 5.34 2
Installation fittings
Range of use:
• Compatible Signet pH/ORP sensors: type 2724, 2725, 2726, 2734, 2736, 2735
• Compatible Signet flow sensors: type 2551, 2537, 515, 8510, 2536, 8512
• Union end with fusion socket PVDF
• Material: PVDF
• Threaded outlet 1 ¼" NPSM
• supplied with sealing
• sensor length depends on installation fitting
d PN Code Weight L1 D H L z Sensor Type
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 735 310 036 0.250 90 45 76 128 50 flow X0, pH XX
25 16 735 310 037 0.355 100 55 78 142 55 flow X0, pH XX
32 16 735 310 038 0.427 110 62 81 156 60 flow X0, pH XX
40 16 735 310 039 0.540 110 75 85 160 60 flow X0, pH XX
50 16 735 310 040 0.850 120 84 89 176 65 flow X0, pH XX
63 16 735 310 041 1.182 130 101 95 194 70 flow X0, pH XX
Range of use:
• Compatible Signet flow sensors: type 2551, 2537, 515, 8510, 2536, 8512
• sensor length depends on installation fitting
• Material: PVDF
• Threaded outlet 1 ¼" NPSM
• Suitable for backing flanges metric and inch
• Delivered with profile O-ring
d DN PN d Code Weight Sensor Type D H L L1
(inch) (mm) (bar) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2 1∕2 65 10 ‐ 16 75 735 311 042 0.845 flow X1 88 135 48 61
3 80 10 ‐ 16 90 735 311 043 1.020 flow X1 102 141 48 69
4 100 10 ‐ 16 110 735 311 044 1.192 flow X1 132 152 48 79
100 10 ‐ 16 125 735 311 045 0.990 flow X1 132 147 48 79
5 125 10 ‐ 16 140 735 311 046 1.473 flow X1 157 153 48 94
6 150 10 ‐ 16 160 735 311 047 1.742 flow X1 482 161 48 106
8 200 10 ‐ 16 200 735 311 049 2.643 flow X1 236 175 48 134
8 200 10 ‐ 16 225 735 311 050 2.074 flow X1 236 185 48 134
SYGEF Standard installation fitting type 314
• pressure rate depends on quality of hot gas back welding
• please consult the instruction manual
• Installation by trained and certified welders only
• only for pressureless or low pressure application
Range of use:
• Compatible Signet pH/ORP sensors: type 2724, 2725, 2726, 2734, 2736, 2735
• Compatible Signet flow sensors: type 2551, 2537, 515, 8510, 2536, 8512
• For conventional hot gas back welding according to DVS 2207 part 3
• Threaded outlet 1 ¼" NPSM
• Material: PVDF
DN d PN* Code Weight Sensor Type D L
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm)
65 - 150 75 ‐ 180 - 735 314 000 0.069 flow X0, pH XX 38 68
200 - 350 200 ‐ 355 - 735 314 001 0.100 flow X1 38 102
350 - 600 400 ‐ 630 - 735 314 002 0.173 flow X2 38 178
• Material: PVDF
• Threaded outlet 1 ¼" NPSM
• Union end with butt fusion spigot PVDF
Range of use:
• Compatible Signet flow sensors: type 2551, 2537, 515, 8510, 2536, 8512
• Compatible Signet pH/ORP sensors: type 2724, 2725, 2726, 2734, 2736, 2735
• sensor length depends on installation fitting
• supplied with sealing
FM d DN PN Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
BCF, IR 20 15 16 735 318 036 0.240
BCF, IR 25 20 16 735 318 037 0.318
BCF, IR 32 25 16 735 318 038 0.427
BCF, IR 40 32 16 735 318 039 0.588
BCF, IR 50 40 16 735 318 040 0.719
BCF, IR 63 50 16 735 318 041 1.088
L3 L2 e Sensor Type H L L1 D
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
37 90 2 flow X0, pH XX 76 196 98 45
37 100 2 flow X0, pH XX 78 212 106 55
40 110 2 flow X0, pH XX 81 228 114 62
40 110 2 flow X0, pH XX 85 234 117 75
43 120 3 flow X0, pH XX 89 250 125 84
43 130 3 flow X0, pH XX 95 266 133 101
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF Standard
Valves SYGEF Standard
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 185 175 546 272 0.201
25 20 16 350 175 546 273 0.301
32 25 16 700 175 546 274 0.438
40 32 16 1000 175 546 275 0.780
50 40 16 1600 175 546 276 1.110
63 50 16 3100 175 546 277 1.958
75 65 16 5000 175 546 278 7.600
90 80 16 7000 175 546 279 7.457
110 100 16 11000 175 546 280 17.400
d DN D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 15 50 57 27 12 130 77 56 25 32 45 M6 1.9 1
25 20 58 67 30 12 143 97 65 25 39 58 M6 1.9 3
32 25 68 73 36 12 150 97 71 25 39 58 M6 2.4 1
40 32 84 90 44 15 171 128 85 45 54 74 M8 2.4 1 1∕4
50 40 97 97 51 15 191 128 89 45 54 74 M8 3.0 1 1∕2
63 50 124 116 64 15 220 152 101 45 66 87 M8 3.0 2
75 65 166 149 85 15 266 270 136 70 64 206 M8 3.6 2 1∕2
90 80 200 161 105 15 264 270 141 70 64 206 M8 4.3 3
110 100 238 178 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Without mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 185 175 546 092 0.205
25 20 16 350 175 546 093 0.307
32 25 16 700 175 546 094 0.434
40 32 16 1000 175 546 095 0.760
50 40 16 1600 175 546 096 1.049
63 50 16 3100 175 546 097 1.947
75 65 16 5000 175 546 098 6.600
90 80 16 7000 175 546 099 9.700
110 100 16 11000 175 546 100 15.300
d D H H1 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 27 130 77 56 25 32 45 1.9 1
25 58 67 30 143 97 65 25 39 58 1.9 3
32 68 73 36 150 97 71 25 39 58 2.4 1
40 84 90 44 171 128 85 45 54 74 2.4 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 191 128 89 45 54 74 3.0 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 220 152 101 45 66 87 3.0 2
75 166 149 85 266 270 136 70 64 206 3.6 2 1∕2
90 200 161 105 264 270 141 70 64 206 4.3 3
110 238 178 123 301 320 164 120 64 256 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 71 175 546 051 0.200
20 15 16 185 175 546 052 0.205
25 20 16 350 175 546 053 0.310
32 25 16 700 175 546 054 0.460
40 32 16 1000 175 546 055 0.780
50 40 16 1600 175 546 056 1.110
63 50 16 3100 175 546 057 2.150
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 27 12 110 77 56 25 32 45 M6 3
20 50 57 27 12 120 77 56 130 25 32 45 M6 1
25 58 67 30 12 139 97 65 150 25 39 58 M6 3
32 68 73 36 12 150 97 71 160 25 39 58 M6 1
40 84 90 44 15 170 128 85 180 45 54 74 M8 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 15 190 128 89 200 45 54 74 M8 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 15 220 152 101 230 45 66 87 M8 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Without mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 71 175 546 011 0.195
20 15 16 185 175 546 012 0.121
25 20 16 350 175 546 013 0.297
32 25 16 700 175 546 014 0.427
40 32 16 1000 175 546 015 0.760
50 40 16 1600 175 546 016 1.060
63 50 16 3100 175 546 017 1.855
75 65 16 5000 175 546 018 6.300
90 80 16 7000 175 546 019 9.500
110 100 16 11000 175 546 020 15.000
d D H H1 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 27 93 77 56 25 32 45 67 3
20 50 57 27 95 77 56 25 32 45 66 1
25 58 67 30 109 97 65 25 39 58 77 3
32 68 73 36 119 97 71 25 39 58 83 1
40 84 90 44 135 128 85 45 54 74 99 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 147 128 89 45 54 74 105 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 168 152 101 45 66 87 117 2
75 166 149 85 233 270 136 70 64 206 167 2 1∕2
90 200 161 105 254 270 141 70 64 206 180 3
110 238 178 123 301 320 164 120 64 256 215 4
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 71 175 546 411 0.195
20 15 16 185 175 546 412 0.197
25 20 16 350 175 546 413 0.302
32 25 16 700 175 546 414 0.431
40 32 16 1000 175 546 415 0.760
50 40 16 1600 175 546 416 1.011
63 50 16 3100 175 546 417 1.856
75 65 16 5000 175 546 418 6.300
90 80 16 7000 175 546 419 9.500
110 100 16 11000 175 546 420 15.000
d DN D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 10 50 79 27 12 93 77 56 25 32 45 M6 67 3
20 15 50 57 27 12 95 77 56 25 32 45 M6 66 1
25 20 58 67 30 12 109 97 65 25 39 58 M6 77 3
32 25 68 73 36 12 119 97 71 25 39 58 M6 83 1
40 32 84 90 44 15 135 128 85 45 54 74 M8 99 1 1∕4
50 40 97 97 51 15 147 128 89 45 54 74 M8 105 1 1∕2
63 50 124 116 64 15 168 152 101 45 66 87 M8 117 2
75 65 166 149 85 15 233 270 136 70 64 206 M8 167 2 1∕2
90 80 200 161 105 15 254 270 141 70 64 206 M8 180 3
110 100 238 178 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 215 4
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 185 175 546 192 0.470
25 20 16 350 175 546 193 0.650
32 25 16 700 175 546 194 0.940
40 32 16 1000 175 546 195 1.489
50 40 16 1600 175 546 196 1.889
63 50 16 3100 175 546 197 3.097
d D D1 D3 H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 93 65 14 57 27 12 120 77 56 130 25 32 45 M6 1
25 103 75 14 67 30 12 140 97 65 150 25 39 58 M6 3
32 115 85 14 73 36 12 150 97 71 160 25 39 58 M6 1
40 137 100 18 90 44 15 170 128 85 180 45 54 74 M8 1 1∕4
50 147 110 18 97 51 15 190 128 89 200 45 54 74 M8 1 1∕2
63 162 125 18 116 64 15 220 152 101 230 45 66 87 M8 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346 (DN10/15-50) resp.
type 370 (DN65-100)
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 16 5000 175 546 808 11.700
90 80 16 7000 175 546 809 16.000
110 100 16 11000 175 546 810 23.900
d D D1 D3 H H1 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
75 166 145 18 149 85 280 270 136 290 70 64 206 8 2 1∕2
90 200 160 18 161 105 296 270 141 310 70 64 206 8 3
110 238 180 18 178 123 336 320 164 350 120 64 256 12 4
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With backing flanges PP-st Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Ball seals PVDF
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346 (DN10/15-50) resp.
type 370 (DN65-100)
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 / ASTM D 4024
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
2 1∕2 65 16 5000 175 546 818 11.700
3 80 16 7000 175 546 819 16.000
4 100 16 11000 175 546 820 23.900
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 71 175 546 331 0.205
∕2 15 10 185 175 546 332 0.205
∕4 20 10 350 175 546 333 0.325
1 25 10 700 175 546 334 0.490
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 175 546 335 0.820
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 175 546 336 1.135
2 50 10 3100 175 546 337 2.150
NPT D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 57 27 12 96 77 56 25 32 45 M6 69
∕2 50 57 27 12 99 77 56 25 32 45 M6 64
∕4 58 67 30 12 111 97 65 25 39 58 M6 76
1 68 73 36 12 127 97 71 25 39 58 M6 83
1 1∕4 84 90 44 15 146 128 85 45 54 74 M8 101
1 1∕2 97 97 51 15 157 128 89 45 54 74 M8 111
2 124 116 64 15 183 152 101 45 66 87 M8 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With lockable handle
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Lockable hand lever with ratchet settings
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 185 175 546 442 0.205
25 20 16 350 175 546 443 0.310
32 25 16 700 175 546 444 0.460
40 32 16 1000 175 546 445 0.780
50 40 16 1600 175 546 446 1.110
63 50 16 3100 175 546 447 2.150
75 65 16 5000 175 546 448 7.000
90 80 16 7000 175 546 449 10.200
110 100 16 11000 175 546 450 15.800
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 79 27 12 130 87 56 25 42 45 M6 1.9 1
25 58 88 30 12 143 108 65 25 50 58 M6 1.9 3
32 68 94 36 12 150 108 71 25 50 58 M6 2.4 1
40 84 113 44 15 171 140 85 45 66 75 M8 2.4 1 1∕4
50 97 119 51 15 191 140 89 45 66 75 M8 3.0 1 1∕2
63 124 141 64 15 220 165 101 45 78 87 M8 3.0 2
75 166 224 85 15 266 270 136 70 64 206 M8 3.6 2 1∕2
90 200 235 105 15 264 270 141 70 64 206 M8 4.3 3
110 238 245 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 546
With lockable handle
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Lockable hand lever with ratchet settings
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 71 175 546 431 0.206
20 15 16 185 175 546 432 0.210
25 20 16 350 175 546 433 0.315
32 25 16 700 175 546 434 0.455
40 32 16 1000 175 546 435 0.785
50 40 16 1600 175 546 436 1.085
63 50 16 3100 175 546 437 1.903
75 65 16 5000 175 546 438 6.800
90 80 16 7000 175 546 439 10.000
110 100 16 11000 175 546 440 15.600
D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
50 79 27 12 93 77 56 25 32 45 M6 67 3
50 79 27 12 95 77 56 25 32 45 M6 66 1
58 88 30 12 109 97 65 25 39 58 M6 77 3
68 94 36 12 119 97 71 25 39 58 M6 83 1
84 113 44 15 135 128 85 45 54 74 M8 99 1 1∕4
97 119 51 15 147 128 89 45 54 74 M8 105 1 1∕2
124 141 64 15 168 152 101 45 66 87 M8 117 2
166 224 85 15 233 270 136 70 64 206 M8 167 2 1∕2
200 235 105 15 254 270 141 70 64 206 M8 180 3
238 245 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 215 4
SYGEF Standard
Linear ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Excellent control characteristics
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Angle of operation 90° with scale
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
• Other materials on demand
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 800 052 632 0.197
25 20 10 350 800 052 633 0.302
32 25 10 700 800 052 634 0.431
40 32 10 1000 800 052 635 0.760
50 40 10 1600 800 052 636 1.011
63 50 10 3100 800 052 637 1.856
d D H H1 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 27 95 77 56 25 32 45 66 1
25 58 67 30 109 97 65 25 39 58 77 3
32 68 73 36 119 97 71 25 39 58 83 1
40 84 90 44 135 128 85 45 54 74 99 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 147 128 89 45 54 74 105 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 168 152 101 45 66 87 117 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 75 175 543 052 0.332
25 20 10 150 175 543 053 0.480
32 25 10 280 175 543 054 0.735
40 32 10 480 175 543 055 1.226
50 40 10 620 175 543 056 1.859
63 50 10 1230 175 543 057 3.370
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 28 8 146 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 1.9 1
25 58 67 32 8 163 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 1.9 3
32 68 73 36 8 178 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 2.4 1
40 84 90 45 9 204 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 2.4 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 237 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 3.0 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 296 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 3.0 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 175 543 011 0.281
20 15 10 75 175 543 012 0.290
25 20 10 150 175 543 013 0.461
32 25 10 280 175 543 014 0.654
40 32 10 480 175 543 015 1.199
50 40 10 620 175 543 016 1.647
63 50 10 1230 175 543 017 3.227
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With lockable handle
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Multifunctional lever red with ratched setting 45°, lockable
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 175 543 641 0.330
20 15 10 75 175 543 642 0.338
25 20 10 150 175 543 643 0.483
32 25 10 280 175 543 644 0.726
40 32 10 480 175 543 645 1.229
50 40 10 620 175 543 646 1.808
63 50 10 1230 175 543 647 3.502
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 79 28 8 110 87 72 36 25 42 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 79 28 8 112 87 72 36 25 42 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 88 32 8 129 108 85 43 25 50 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 94 36 8 146 108 98 49 25 50 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 113 45 9 170 141 118 59 45 66 75 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 119 51 9 193 141 135 68 45 66 75 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 141 65 9 244 165 176 88 45 78 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 175 543 031 0.320
20 15 10 75 175 543 032 0.296
25 20 10 150 175 543 033 0.480
32 25 10 280 175 543 034 0.735
40 32 10 480 175 543 035 1.226
50 40 10 620 175 543 036 1.859
63 50 10 1230 175 543 037 3.624
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 126 77 72 36 25 32 45 133 6 3
20 50 57 28 8 136 77 72 36 25 32 45 144 6 1
25 58 67 32 8 159 97 85 43 25 39 58 170 6 3
32 68 73 36 8 178 97 98 49 25 39 58 191 6 1
40 84 90 45 9 204 128 118 59 45 54 74 223 8 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 237 128 135 68 45 54 74 256 8 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 296 152 176 88 45 66 87 319 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 50 175 543 071 0.312
∕2 15 10 75 175 543 072 0.320
∕4 20 10 150 175 543 073 0.461
1 25 10 280 175 543 074 0.704
1 1∕4 32 10 480 175 543 075 1.199
1 1∕2 40 10 620 175 543 076 1.778
2 50 10 1230 175 543 077 3.462
NPT D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 86 43
∕2 50 57 28 8 114 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 80 40
∕4 58 67 32 8 131 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 95 48
1 68 73 36 8 154 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55
1 1∕4 84 90 45 9 180 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66
1 1∕2 97 97 51 9 203 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 157 79
2 124 116 65 9 258 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 210 105
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 200 175 543 152 0.321
25 20 10 470 175 543 153 0.478
32 25 10 793 175 543 154 0.655
40 32 10 1290 175 543 155 1.212
50 40 10 1910 175 543 156 1.832
63 50 10 3100 175 543 157 3.566
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 28 8 146 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 1.9 1
25 58 67 32 8 163 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 1.9 3
32 68 73 36 8 178 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 2.4 1
40 84 90 45 9 204 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 2.4 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 237 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 3.0 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 296 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 3.0 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 175 543 111 0.283
20 15 10 200 175 543 112 0.288
25 20 10 470 175 543 113 0.417
32 25 10 793 175 543 114 0.644
40 32 10 1290 175 543 115 1.185
50 40 10 1910 175 543 116 1.613
63 50 10 3100 175 543 117 3.405
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 175 543 131 0.287
20 15 10 200 175 543 132 0.330
25 20 10 470 175 543 133 0.478
32 25 10 793 175 543 134 0.726
40 32 10 1290 175 543 135 1.212
50 40 10 1910 175 543 136 1.832
63 50 10 3100 175 543 137 3.566
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 126 77 72 36 25 32 45 133 6 3
20 50 57 28 8 136 77 72 36 25 32 45 144 6 1
25 58 67 32 8 159 97 85 43 25 39 58 170 6 3
32 68 73 36 8 178 97 98 49 25 39 58 191 6 1
40 84 90 45 9 204 128 118 59 45 54 74 223 8 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 237 128 135 68 45 54 74 256 8 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 296 152 176 88 45 66 87 319 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With lockable handle
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Multifunctional lever red with ratched setting 45°, lockable
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 175 543 651 0.329
20 15 10 200 175 543 652 0.337
25 20 10 470 175 543 653 0.480
32 25 10 793 175 543 654 0.717
40 32 10 1290 175 543 655 1.215
50 40 10 1910 175 543 656 1.781
63 50 10 3100 175 543 657 3.444
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 79 28 8 110 87 72 36 25 42 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 79 28 8 112 87 72 36 25 42 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 88 32 8 129 108 85 43 25 50 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 94 36 8 146 108 98 49 25 50 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 113 45 9 170 141 118 59 45 66 75 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 119 51 9 193 141 135 68 45 66 75 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 141 65 9 244 165 176 88 45 78 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 543
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 140 175 543 171 0.311
∕2 15 10 200 175 543 172 0.319
∕4 20 10 470 175 543 173 0.458
1 25 10 793 175 543 174 0.695
1 1∕4 32 10 1290 175 543 175 1.185
1 1∕2 40 10 1910 175 543 176 1.751
2 50 10 3100 175 543 177 3.405
NPT D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 86 43
∕2 50 57 28 8 114 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 80 40
∕4 58 67 32 8 131 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 95 48
1 68 73 36 8 154 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55
1 1∕4 84 90 45 9 180 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66
1 1∕2 97 97 51 9 203 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 157 79
2 124 116 65 9 258 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 210 105
SYGEF Standard
Metering ball valve type 523
With mounting inserts
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Micro-doser
• Excellent control characteristics
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Angle of operation 180° with scale
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible to Type 323
• Other materials on demand
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 11 175 523 492 0.200
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 68 27 12 130 77 56 25 32 45 M6 1.9 1
SYGEF Standard
Metering ball valve type 523
With mounting inserts
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Micro-doser
• Excellent control characteristics
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Angle of operation 180° with scale
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible to Type 323
• Other materials on demand
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 11 175 523 411 0.200
20 15 16 20 175 523 412 0.200
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 68 27 12 93 77 56 25 32 45 M6 67 3
20 50 68 27 12 95 77 56 25 32 45 M6 66 1
GF Piping Systems
Packs a
The full-plastic diaphragm valve 604 / 605 with integrated pneumatic actuator from GF Piping Systems
ensures best flow performance in compact design. With this corrosion free valve we offer an additional
product with the most economic price-performance ratio which is suitable for many applications.
High safety
• Uniform temperature expansion of plastic/plastic
connection prevents leakages
• High chemical resistance due to large material range
High Flexibility
• Operation options: FC, FO, DA
• Diaphragms available in PTFE, FPM, EPDM for neutral
and aggressive media
• Various connection options with true union or spigot version
• Available Standards: Metric, ASTM, BS, JIS
• Best quality and reliability for high number of cycles
• Long lifetime
Technical Data
Pressure-Temperature Diagram
The following Pressure-Temperature Diagram is based on a
Dimension DN 15 (1/2“)
lifetime of 25 years with water or similar media.
Pressure Rating PN 6 T (°F)
-58 -28 2 32 62 92 122 152 182 212 242 272 302
Body PVC-U / CPVC (Polyvinylchlorid) 15 220
14 200
PP-H (Polypropylen) 13
PVDF (Polyvinylidenfluorid) 11 160
Other materials on request PP 140
P (psi)
P (bar)
7 100
Diaphragms PTFE with EPDM Backing Diaphragm 5
4 60
0 0
P (psi)
P (bar)
8 120
diaphragm valve 7 100
Standards ISO 9393 4 60
25 32 40 50
EN 12266 3 40
1 20
0 Position indicator 0
-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
T (°C)
Springs for different
functionalities available
Housing with plastic/
plastic connection
Type 604 / 605
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 604
Unions with fusion socket metric
• Material: PVDF
• Compact full plastic design without screws
• High flow rate
• Actuator housing with thread for easy maintenance
• Quick opening & closing times
• For easy installation and removal
• Market standard installation length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Actuator d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE/EPDM
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code
(l ⁄ min)
FC 20 15 6 125 185 604 062 0.45 185 604 032
FO 20 15 6 125 185 604 064 0.42 185 604 034
DA 20 15 6 125 185 604 065 0.40 185 604 035
D D1_G D3 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H7 L L2 M z Lift = Hx
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 128 25 M6 96 6
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 128 25 M6 96 6
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 128 25 M6 96 6
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 604
Unions with butt fusion spigot metric
• Material: PVDF
• Compact full plastic design without screws
• High flow rate
• Actuator housing with thread for easy maintenance
• Quick opening & closing times
• For easy installation and removal
• Market standard installation length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Actuator d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE/EPDM
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code
(l ⁄ min)
FC 20 15 6 125 185 604 162 0.45 185 604 132
FO 20 15 6 125 185 604 164 0.42 185 604 134
DA 20 15 6 125 185 604 165 0.40 185 604 135
D D1_G D3 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H7 L L2 M z Lift = Hx
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 196 25 M6 100 6
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 196 25 M6 100 6
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 196 25 M6 100 6
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 605
With butt fusion spigot metric
• Material: PVDF
• Compact full plastic design without screws
• High flow rate
• Actuator housing with thread for easy maintenance
• Quick opening & closing times
• For easy installation and removal
• Market standard installation length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Actuator d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE/EPDM
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code
(l ⁄ min)
FC 20 15 6 125 185 605 162 0.37 185 605 132
FO 20 15 6 125 185 605 164 0.34 185 605 134
DA 20 15 6 125 185 605 165 0.35 185 605 135
D D1_G D3 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H7 L L2 e M Lift = Hx
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 124 25 1.9 M6 6
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 124 25 1.9 M6 6
65 1
∕4 43 89 14 12 46 30 42 124 25 1.9 M6 6
Diaphragm valves
SYGEF Standard
Daphragm valve type 514
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 514 132 0.381 185 514 152
25 20 10 271 185 514 133 0.555 185 514 153
32 25 10 481 185 514 134 1.048 185 514 154
40 32 10 759 185 514 135 1.401 185 514 155
50 40 10 1263 185 514 136 2.036 185 514 156
63 50 10 1728 185 514 137 3.395 185 514 157
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 515
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) Code (kg)
20 185 515 132 0.280
25 185 515 133 0.514
32 185 515 134 0.677
40 185 515 135 0.942
50 185 515 136 2.492
63 185 515 137 2.465
d D D2 H H1 H2 L L2 M e Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 73 14 12 124 25 M6 1.9 7 1
25 80 65 81 18 12 144 25 M6 1.9 10 3
32 88 87 107 22 12 155 25 M6 2.4 13 1
40 101 87 115 26 15 176 45 M8 2.4 15 1 1∕4
50 117 135 148 32 15 193 45 M8 3.0 19 1 1∕2
63 144 135 166 39 15 223 45 M8 3.0 25 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 514
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (lb) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 514 032 0.789 185 514 052 0.349
25 20 10 271 185 514 033 1.204 185 514 053 0.546
32 25 10 481 185 514 034 2.136 185 514 054 0.969
40 32 10 759 185 514 035 3.710 185 514 055 1.683
50 40 10 1263 185 514 036 6.464 185 514 056 2.932
63 50 10 1728 185 514 037 6.603 185 514 057 2.995
d D D2 D3 H H1 H2 L L2 M z Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 43 73 14 12 128 25 M6 100 7 1
25 80 65 53 81 18 12 150 25 M6 118 10 3
32 88 87 60 107 22 12 162 25 M6 126 13 1
40 101 87 74 115 26 15 184 45 M8 144 15 1 1∕4
50 117 135 82 148 32 15 210 45 M8 164 19 1 1∕2
63 144 135 100 166 39 15 248 45 M8 194 25 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 515
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d PTFE/EPDM Weight D D2 H H1 H2 L L2 M Lift = closest
(mm) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 185 515 032 0.273 65 65 73 14 12 124 25 M6 7 1
25 185 515 033 0.426 80 65 81 18 12 144 25 M6 10 3
32 185 515 034 0.684 88 87 107 22 12 154 25 M6 13 1
40 185 515 035 1.415 101 87 115 26 15 174 45 M8 15 1 1∕4
50 185 515 036 1.652 117 135 148 32 15 194 45 M8 19 1 1∕2
63 185 515 037 2.569 144 135 166 39 15 223 45 M8 25 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 517
With backing flanges PP-V metric/BS
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, BS 4504 PN 10
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN Size PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 125 185 517 132 0.586 185 517 152 0.586
25 20 3
∕4 10 271 185 517 133 0.796 185 517 153 0.796
32 25 1 10 481 185 517 134 1.064 185 517 154 1.064
40 32 1 1∕4 10 759 185 517 135 2.001 185 517 155 2.001
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1263 185 517 136 2.369 185 517 156 2.369
63 50 2 10 1728 185 517 137 3.586 185 517 157 3.586
D D2 D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 L L2 M Lift =
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
65 65 95 65 14 73 14 12 130 25 M6 7
80 65 105 75 14 81 18 12 150 25 M6 10
88 87 115 85 14 107 22 12 160 25 M6 13
101 87 140 100 18 115 26 15 180 45 M8 15
117 135 150 110 18 148 32 15 200 45 M8 19
144 135 165 125 18 166 39 15 230 45 M8 25
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type 517
With backing flanges PP-V Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Jointing face serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code
(l ⁄ min)
∕2 15 10 125 185 517 732 0.586 185 517 752
∕4 20 10 271 185 517 733 0.796 185 517 753
1 25 10 481 185 517 734 1.050 185 517 754
1 1∕4 32 10 759 185 517 735 2.001 185 517 755
1 1∕2 40 10 1263 185 517 736 3.147 185 517 756
2 50 10 1728 185 517 737 3.514 185 517 757
Butterfly valves
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 567
Hand lever with ratchet settings
• Material: PVDF
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
• We recommend for the dimensions DN250 and DN300 only 6 bar maximum system pressure
for the hand lever version
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM PTFE Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 50 2 10 1470 175 567 002 175 567 202 1.080
75 65 2 1∕2 10 2200 175 567 003 175 567 203 1.192
90 80 3 10 3000 175 567 004 175 567 204 1.992
110 100 4 10 6500 175 567 005 175 567 205 2.072
140 125 5 10 11500 175 567 006 175 567 206 2.667
160 150 6 10 16600 175 567 007 175 567 207 3.887
225 200 8 10 39600 175 567 008 175 567 208 7.242
280 250 10 10 55200 175 567 009 175 567 209 14.623
315 300 12 10 80000 175 567 010 175 567 210 19.513
d d2 D D1 D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 104 19 120 125 264 77 134 54 45 106 205 40
75 115 19 140 145 277 83 140 54 46 106 205 54 35
90 131 19 150 160 289 89 146 54 49 106 205 67 50
110 161 19 175 191 325 104 167 55 56 106 255 88 74
140 187 23 210 216 352 117 181 55 64 106 255 113 97
160 215 24 241 241 373 130 189 55 72 106 255 139 123
225 267 23 290 295 435 158 210 67 73 140 408 178 169
280 329 25 353 362 554 205 264 85 113 149 408 210 207
315 379 25 400 432 598 228 285 85 113 149 408 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 567
Reduction gear with handwheel
• Material: PVDF
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 50 2 10 1470 175 567 022 3.118 175 567 222 3.118
75 65 2 1∕2 10 2200 175 567 023 3.230 175 567 223 3.230
90 80 3 10 3000 175 567 024 3.410 175 567 224 3.534
110 100 4 10 6500 175 567 025 4.062 175 567 225 4.062
140 125 5 10 11500 175 567 026 4.657 175 567 226 4.657
160 150 6 10 16600 175 567 027 5.974 175 567 227 5.877
225 200 8 10 39600 175 567 028 7.797 175 567 228 7.810
280 250 10 10 55200 175 567 029 15.441 175 567 229 15.410
315 300 12 10 80000 175 567 030 20.763 175 567 230 36.000
d d2 D D1 D1 D3 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1
(mm) (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 104 19 120 125 150 278 77 134 50 45 110 120 155 40
75 115 19 140 145 150 291 83 140 50 46 110 120 155 54
90 131 19 150 160 150 303 89 146 50 49 110 120 155 67
110 160 19 175 191 150 339 104 167 50 56 110 120 155 88
140 187 23 210 216 150 365 117 181 50 64 110 120 155 113
160 215 24 241 241 150 387 130 189 50 72 110 120 155 139
225 267 23 290 295 150 436 158 210 50 73 110 120 155 178
280 329 25 353 362 200 529 205 264 55 113 130 140 200 210
315 379 25 400 432 200 573 228 285 55 113 130 140 200 256
d Q2
(mm) (mm)
75 35
90 50
110 74
140 97
160 123
225 169
280 207
315 253
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 567
Bare shaft
• Material: PVDF
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
• Interface F07 for the dimensions DN50-200 according to DIN/ISO 5211
• Interface F10 for the dimensions DN250-300 according to DIN/ISO 5211
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 50 2 10 1470 175 567 822 0.858 175 567 842 0.858
75 65 2 1∕2 10 2200 175 567 823 0.970 175 567 843 0.970
90 80 3 10 3000 175 567 824 1.162 175 567 844 1.150
110 100 4 10 6500 175 567 825 1.802 175 567 845 1.802
140 125 5 10 11500 175 567 826 2.397 175 567 846 2.397
160 150 6 10 16600 175 567 827 3.617 175 567 847 3.617
225 200 8 10 39600 175 567 828 5.738 175 567 848 5.738
280 250 10 10 55200 175 567 829 12.673 175 567 849 12.673
315 300 12 10 80000 175 567 830 17.563 175 567 850 17.563
d d2 D D1 D1 D3 D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L Q1
(mm) (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 104 19 120 125 70 90 222 77 134 27 23 11 45 40
75 115 19 140 145 70 90 235 83 140 27 23 11 46 54
90 131 19 150 160 70 90 247 89 146 27 23 11 49 67
110 161 19 175 191 70 90 287 104 167 16 23 14 56 88
140 187 23 210 216 70 90 313 117 181 16 23 14 64 113
160 215 24 241 241 70 90 335 130 189 19 23 17 72 139
225 267 23 290 295 70 90 387 158 210 19 23 17 73 178
280 329 25 353 362 102 125 509 205 264 40 23 22 113 210
315 379 25 400 432 102 125 553 228 285 40 23 22 113 256
d Q2
(mm) (mm)
75 35
90 50
110 74
140 97
160 123
225 169
280 207
315 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 568
Hand lever with ratchet settings
d d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 150 M16 125 265 77 134 54 45 106 205 150 40
75 170 M16 145 277 83 140 54 46 106 205 160 54 35
90 184 M16 160 289 89 146 54 49 106 205 205 67 50
110 216 M16 180 326 104 167 55 56 106 255 244 88 74
140 246 M16 210 353 117 181 55 64 106 255 272 113 97
160 273 M20 240 374 130 189 55 72 106 255 297 139 123
225 334 M20 295 435 158 210 67 73 140 408 360 178 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 568
Reduction gear with handwheel
d d2 D D1 D3 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 L4 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 150 M16 125 150 279 77 134 50 45 110 120 155 150 40
75 170 M16 145 150 291 83 140 50 46 110 120 155 160 54 35
90 184 M16 160 150 303 89 146 50 49 110 120 155 205 67 50
110 216 M16 180 150 339 104 167 50 56 110 120 155 244 88 74
140 246 M16 210 150 366 117 181 50 64 110 120 155 272 113 97
160 273 M20 240 150 387 130 189 50 72 110 120 155 297 139 123
225 334 M20 295 150 436 158 210 50 73 110 120 155 360 178 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 568
Bare shaft
• Material: PVDF
• Outer body in GGG-40.3 epoxy-coated
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Interface F07 according to DIN/ISO 5211
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 568 822 2.948 175 568 842 2.948
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 568 823 3.311 175 568 843 3.311
90 3 80 10 3000 175 568 824 4.368 175 568 844 4.368
110 4 100 10 6500 175 568 825 5.900 175 568 845 5.900
140 5 125 10 11500 175 568 826 7.881 175 568 846 7.881
160 6 150 10 16600 175 568 827 10.100 175 568 847 10.100
225 8 200 10 39600 175 568 828 15.714 175 568 848 15.714
d d2 D D1 D3 D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 L Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 150 M16 125 70 90 238 77 134 27 23 45 40
75 170 M16 145 70 90 250 83 140 27 23 46 54 35
90 184 M16 160 70 90 262 89 146 27 23 49 67 50
110 216 M16 180 70 90 287 104 167 16 23 56 88 74
140 246 M16 210 70 90 314 117 181 16 23 64 113 97
160 273 M20 240 70 90 338 130 189 19 23 72 139 123
225 334 M20 295 70 90 387 158 210 19 23 73 178 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve 568 ANSI
Hand lever with ratchet settings
• Material: PVDF
• Outer body in GGG-40.3 epoxy-coated
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
Model with PTFE seal in DN50 - DN80 on request
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 568 102 3.170 175 568 302 3.170
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 568 103 3.533 175 568 303 3.533
90 3 80 10 3000 175 568 104 3.961 175 568 304 3.961
110 4 100 10 6500 175 568 105 6.170 175 568 305 6.170
140 5 125 10 11500 175 568 106 8.151 175 568 306 8.151
160 6 150 10 16600 175 568 107 10.370 175 568 307 10.370
225 8 200 10 39600 175 568 108 16.521 175 568 308 16.521
d Size d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1 Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 150 UNC 5/8 121 265 77 134 54 45 106 205 150 40
75 2 1∕2 170 UNC 5/8 138 277 83 140 54 46 106 205 160 54 35
90 3 177 UNC 5/8 152 289 89 146 54 49 106 205 175 67 50
110 4 216 UNC 5/8 191 326 104 167 55 56 106 255 244 88 74
140 5 246 UNC 3/4 216 353 117 181 55 64 106 255 272 113 97
160 6 273 UNC 3/4 241 374 130 189 55 72 106 255 297 139 123
225 8 334 UNC 3/4 298 435 158 210 67 73 140 408 360 178 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve 568 ANSI
Reduction gear with handwheel
• Material: PVDF
• Outer body in GGG-40.3 epoxy-coated
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
Model with PTFE seal in DN50 - DN80 on request
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 568 122 5.208 175 568 322 5.208
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 568 123 5.571 175 568 323 5.571
90 3 80 10 3000 175 568 124 5.999 175 568 324 5.999
110 4 100 10 6500 175 568 125 8.160 175 568 325 8.160
140 5 125 10 11500 175 568 126 10.141 175 568 326 10.141
160 6 150 10 16600 175 568 127 12.360 175 568 327 12.360
225 8 200 10 39600 175 568 128 17.974 175 568 328 17.974
d Size d2 D D1 D3 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 L4 Q1
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 150 UNC 5/8 121 150 279 77 134 50 45 110 120 155 150 40
75 2 1∕2 170 UNC 5/8 138 150 291 83 140 50 46 110 120 155 160 54
90 3 177 UNC 5/8 152 150 303 89 146 50 49 110 120 155 175 67
110 4 216 UNC 5/8 191 150 339 104 167 50 56 110 120 155 244 88
140 5 246 UNC 3/4 216 150 366 117 181 50 64 110 120 155 272 113
160 6 273 UNC 3/4 241 150 387 130 189 50 72 110 120 155 297 139
225 8 334 UNC 3/4 298 150 436 158 210 50 73 110 120 155 360 178
d Size Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm)
63 2
75 2 1∕2 35
90 3 50
110 4 74
140 5 97
160 6 123
225 8 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve 568 ANSI
Bare shaft
• Material: PVDF
• Outer body in GGG-40.3 epoxy-coated
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• Interface F07 according to DIN/ISO 5211
Model with PTFE seal in DN50 - DN80 on request
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 568 922 2.948 175 568 942 2.948
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 568 923 3.311 175 568 943 3.311
90 3 80 10 3000 175 568 924 3.739 175 568 944 3.739
110 4 100 10 6500 175 568 925 5.900 175 568 945 5.900
140 5 125 10 11500 175 568 926 7.881 175 568 946 7.881
160 6 150 10 16600 175 568 927 10.100 175 568 947 10.100
225 8 200 10 39600 175 568 928 15.714 175 568 948 15.714
d Size d2 D D1 D3 D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 L Q1 Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 150 UNC 5/8 121 70 90 238 77 134 27 23 45 40
75 2 1∕2 170 UNC 5/8 138 70 90 250 83 140 27 23 46 54 35
90 3 177 UNC 5/8 152 70 90 247 89 146 27 23 49 67 50
110 4 216 UNC 5/8 191 70 90 287 104 167 16 23 56 88 74
140 5 246 UNC 3/4 216 70 90 314 117 181 16 23 64 113 97
160 6 273 UNC 3/4 241 70 90 338 130 189 19 23 72 139 123
225 8 334 UNC 3/4 298 70 90 387 158 210 19 23 73 178 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 578
Hand lever with ratchet settings
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• We recommend for the dimensions DN250 and DN300 only 6 bar maximum system pressure
for the hand lever version
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 578 002 1.800
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 578 003 1.895
90 3 80 10 3000 175 578 004 2.251
110 4 100 10 6500 175 578 005 3.146
140 5 125 10 11500 175 578 006 4.660
160 6 150 10 16600 175 578 007 6.430
225 8 200 10 39600 175 578 008 8.625
280 10 250 10 55200 175 578 009 19.528
315 12 300 10 80000 175 578 010 26.106
d d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 160 M16 125 265 77 134 54 45 106 205 165 40
75 180 M16 145 277 83 140 54 46 106 205 182 54 35
90 195 M16 160 289 89 146 54 49 106 205 210 67 50
110 226 M16 180 326 106 167 55 56 106 255 240 88 74
140 258 M16 210 357 121 181 55 64 106 255 272 113 97
160 284 M20 240 377 133 189 55 72 106 255 300 139 123
225 341 M20 295 436 159 210 67 73 140 408 360 178 169
280 412 M20 350 536 205 264 67 113 140 408 440 210 207
315 482 M20 400 586 234 285 67 113 140 408 510 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 578
Reduction gear with handwheel
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 578 022 3.562
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 578 023 3.721
90 3 80 10 3000 175 578 024 3.929
110 4 100 10 6500 175 578 025 4.834
140 5 125 10 11500 175 578 026 6.348
160 6 150 10 16600 175 578 027 8.109
225 8 200 10 39600 175 578 028 9.353
280 10 250 10 55200 175 578 029 21.210
315 12 300 10 80000 175 578 030 27.746
d d2 D D1 D3 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 L4 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 160 M16 125 150 261 77 134 50 45 110 120 165 155 40
75 180 M16 145 150 273 83 140 50 46 110 120 182 155 54 35
90 195 M16 160 150 285 89 146 50 49 110 120 210 155 67 50
110 226 M16 180 150 323 106 167 50 56 110 120 240 155 88 74
140 258 M16 210 150 352 121 181 50 64 110 120 272 155 113 97
160 284 M20 240 150 372 133 189 50 72 110 120 300 155 139 123
225 341 M20 295 150 419 159 210 50 73 110 120 360 155 178 169
280 412 M20 350 200 524 205 264 55 113 130 140 440 200 210 207
315 482 M20 400 200 574 234 285 55 113 130 140 510 200 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 578
Bare shaft
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Interface F07 according to DIN/ISO 5211
• Interface F10 for the dimensions DN250-300 according to DIN/ISO 5211
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 578 822 1.299
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 578 823 1.456
90 3 80 10 3000 175 578 824 1.701
110 4 100 10 6500 175 578 825 2.606
140 5 125 10 11500 175 578 826 4.120
160 6 150 10 16600 175 578 827 5.881
225 8 200 10 39600 175 578 828 7.125
280 10 250 10 55200 175 578 829 17.880
315 12 300 10 80000 175 578 830 24.416
d d2 D D1 D3 D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 160 M16 125 70 90 238 77 134 27 23 11 45 40
75 180 M16 145 70 90 250 83 140 27 23 11 46 54 35
90 195 M16 160 70 90 262 89 146 27 23 11 49 67 50
110 226 M16 180 70 90 289 106 167 16 23 14 56 88 74
140 258 M16 210 70 90 318 121 181 16 23 14 64 113 97
160 284 M20 240 70 90 341 133 189 19 23 17 72 139 123
225 341 M20 295 70 90 388 159 210 19 23 17 73 178 169
280 412 M20 350 102 125 509 205 264 40 23 22 113 210 207
315 482 M20 400 102 125 559 234 285 40 23 22 113 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve 578 ANSI
Hand lever with ratchet settings
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• We recommend for the dimensions DN250 and DN300 only 6 bar maximum system pressure
for the hand lever version
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 578 102 1.800
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 578 103 1.895
90 3 80 10 3000 175 578 104 2.251
110 4 100 10 6500 175 578 105 3.146
140 5 125 10 11500 175 578 106 4.660
160 6 150 10 16600 175 578 107 6.430
225 8 200 10 39600 175 578 108 8.625
280 10 300 10 55200 175 578 109 19.528
315 12 250 10 80000 175 578 110 26.106
d Size d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1 Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 160 UNC 5/8 120.6 265 77 134 54 45 106 205 165 40
75 2 1∕2 180 UNC 5/8 139.7 277 83 140 54 46 106 205 182 54 35
90 3 195 UNC 5/8 152.4 289 89 146 54 49 106 205 210 67 50
110 4 226 UNC 5/8 190.5 328 106 167 55 56 106 255 240 88 74
140 5 258 UNC 3/4 215.9 357 121 181 55 64 106 255 272 113 97
160 6 284 UNC 3/4 241.3 377 133 189 55 72 106 255 300 139 123
225 8 341 UNC 3/4 298.4 436 159 210 67 73 140 408 360 178 169
280 10 412 UNC 7/8 362.0 536 205 264 67 114 140 408 440 210 207
315 12 482 UNC 7/8 431.8 586 234 285 67 115 140 408 510 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve 578 ANSI
Reduction gear with handwheel
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 578 122 3.562
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 578 123 3.721
90 3 80 10 3000 175 578 124 3.929
110 4 100 10 6500 175 578 125 4.834
140 5 125 10 11500 175 578 126 6.348
160 6 150 10 16600 175 578 127 8.109
225 8 200 10 39600 175 578 128 9.353
280 10 250 10 55200 175 578 129 21.210
315 12 300 10 80000 175 578 130 27.746
d Size d2 D D1 D3 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 L4
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 160 UNC 5/8 120.6 150 261 77 134 50 45 110 120 165 155
75 2 1∕2 180 UNC 5/8 139.7 150 273 83 140 50 46 110 120 182 155
90 3 195 UNC 5/8 152.4 150 285 89 146 50 49 110 120 210 155
110 4 226 UNC 5/8 190.5 150 323 106 167 50 56 110 120 240 155
140 5 258 UNC 3/4 215.9 150 352 121 181 50 64 110 120 272 155
160 6 284 UNC 3/4 241.3 150 372 133 189 50 72 110 120 300 155
225 8 341 UNC 3/4 298.4 150 419 159 210 50 73 110 120 360 155
280 10 412 UNC 7/8 362.0 200 524 205 264 55 113 130 140 440 200
315 12 482 UNC 7/8 431.8 200 574 234 285 55 113 130 140 510 200
d Size Q1 Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm)
63 2 40
75 2 1∕2 54 35
90 3 67 50
110 4 88 74
140 5 113 97
160 6 139 123
225 8 178 169
280 10 210 207
315 12 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve 578 ANSI
Bare shaft
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• Interface F10 for the dimensions DN250-300 according to DIN/ISO 5211
• Interface F07 according to DIN/ISO 5211
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 578 922 1.299
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 578 923 1.456
90 3 80 10 3000 175 578 924 1.701
110 4 100 10 6500 175 578 925 2.606
140 5 125 10 11500 175 578 926 4.120
160 6 150 10 16600 175 578 927 5.881
225 8 200 10 39600 175 578 928 7.125
280 10 250 10 55200 175 578 929 17.880
315 12 300 10 80000 175 578 930 24.416
d Size d2 D D1 D3 D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L3
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 160 UNC 5/8 120.6 70 90 238 77 134 27 23 11 45 165
75 2 1∕2 180 UNC 5/8 139.7 70 90 250 83 140 27 23 11 46 182
90 3 195 UNC 5/8 152.4 70 90 262 89 146 27 23 11 49 210
110 4 226 UNC 5/8 190.5 70 90 289 106 167 16 23 14 56 240
140 5 258 UNC 3/4 215.9 70 90 318 121 181 16 23 14 64 272
160 6 285 UNC 3/4 241.3 70 90 341 133 189 19 23 17 72 300
225 8 341 UNC 3/4 298.4 70 90 388 159 210 19 23 17 73 360
280 10 412 UNC 7/8 362.0 102 125 509 205 264 40 23 22 113 440
315 12 482 UNC 7/8 431.8 102 125 559 234 285 40 23 22 113 510
d Size Q1 Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm) (mm)
63 2 40
75 2 1∕2 54 35
90 3 67 50
110 4 88 74
140 5 113 97
160 6 139 123
225 8 178 169
280 10 210 207
315 12 256 253
Pressure regulating valves
SYGEF Standard
Pressure reducing valve type 582
With butt fusion spigots metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
20 15 10 185 582 012 0.700
25 20 10 185 582 013 1.550
32 25 10 185 582 014 1.560
40 32 10 185 582 015 4.370
50 40 10 185 582 016 4.400
63 50 10 185 582 017 4.520
d D H H1 H2 H3 L L3 L5 M closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 132 111 21 14 150 42 40 M6 1
25 100 177 148 29 14 190 53 46 M6 3
32 100 177 148 29 14 190 53 46 M6 1
40 147 251 207 44 21 240 76 65 M8 1 1∕4
50 147 251 207 44 21 240 76 65 M8 1 1∕2
63 147 251 207 44 21 260 76 65 M8 2
SYGEF Standard
Pressure reducing valve type 582
With fusion sockets metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
20 15 10 185 582 112 0.780
25 20 10 185 582 113 1.650
32 25 10 185 582 114 1.700
40 32 10 185 582 115 4.530
50 40 10 185 582 116 4.750
63 50 10 185 582 117 5.050
d D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L2 L3 L5 M z closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 43 132 111 21 12 158 120 42 40 M6 130 1
25 100 53 177 148 29 14 192 150 53 46 M6 160 3
32 100 60 177 148 29 14 196 150 53 46 M6 160 1
40 147 74 251 207 44 21 255 205 76 65 M8 215 1 1∕4
50 147 82 251 207 44 21 261 205 76 65 M8 215 1 1∕2
63 147 100 251 207 44 21 269 205 76 65 M8 215 2
SYGEF Standard
Pressure reducing valve type 582
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
20 15 10 185 582 512 0.830
25 20 10 185 582 513 1.710
32 25 10 185 582 514 1.760
40 32 10 185 582 515 4.750
50 40 10 185 582 516 4.840
63 50 10 185 582 517 5.140
d D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L2 L3 L5 M closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 43 132 111 21 12 226 120 42 40 M6 1
25 100 53 177 148 29 14 262 150 53 46 M6 3
32 100 60 177 148 29 14 268 150 53 46 M6 1
40 147 74 251 207 44 21 329 205 76 65 M8 1 1∕4
50 147 82 251 207 44 21 335 205 76 65 M8 1 1∕2
63 147 100 251 207 44 21 341 205 76 65 M8 2
SYGEF Standard
Pressure retaining valve type 586
With butt fusion spigots metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
20 15 10 185 586 012 0.700
25 20 10 185 586 013 1.570
32 25 10 185 586 014 1.580
40 32 10 185 586 015 4.410
50 40 10 185 586 016 4.430
63 50 10 185 586 017 4.550
d D H H1 H2 H3 L L3 L5 M closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 132 111 21 14 150 42 40 M6 ∕21
SYGEF Standard
Pressure retaining valve type 586
Unions with fusion sockets metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
20 15 10 185 586 112 0.780
25 20 10 185 586 113 1.670
32 25 10 185 586 114 1.720
40 32 10 185 586 115 4.700
50 40 10 185 586 116 4.790
63 50 10 185 586 117 5.090
d D H H1 H2 H3 L L2 L3 L5 M z closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 132 111 21 12 158 120 42 40 M6 130 1
25 100 177 148 29 14 192 150 53 46 M6 160 3
32 100 177 148 29 14 196 150 53 46 M6 160 1
40 147 251 207 44 21 255 205 76 65 M8 215 1 1∕4
50 147 251 207 44 21 261 205 76 65 M8 215 1 1∕2
63 147 251 207 44 21 269 205 76 65 M8 215 2
SYGEF Standard
Pressure retaining valve type 586
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
20 15 10 185 586 512 0.820
25 20 10 185 586 513 1.710
32 25 10 185 586 514 1.760
40 32 10 185 586 515 4.740
50 40 10 185 586 516 4.830
63 50 10 185 586 517 5.130
d D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L2 L3 L5 M z closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 43 132 111 21 12 226 120 42 40 M6 130 1
25 100 53 177 148 29 14 262 150 53 46 M6 160 3
32 100 60 177 148 29 14 268 150 53 456 M6 160 1
40 147 74 251 207 44 21 329 205 76 65 M8 215 1 1∕4
50 147 82 251 207 44 21 335 205 76 65 M8 215 1 1∕2
63 147 100 251 207 44 21 341 205 76 65 M8 215 2
SYGEF Standard
Pressure retaining valve type V86
With fusion spigots IR Plus
• Material: PVDF
Type d DN PTFE Weight D H H1 L closest Pressure h
(mm) (mm) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch range (mm)
(inch) (bar)
V86 75 65 199 041 689 5.600 180 275 230 284 2 1∕2 1 ‐ 10
V86 75 65 199 041 669 5.600 180 275 230 344 2 1∕2 1 ‐ 10
SYGEF Standard
Pressure reducing valve type V82
With fusion spigots IR metric
• Material: PVDF
Type d DN PTFE D H H1 L closest Pressure
(mm) (mm) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch range
(inch) (bar)
V82 75 65 199 041 649 200 350 250 300 2 1∕2 1.0 ‐ 6.0
Check valves
SYGEF Standard
Wafer check valve type 369
Without spring
• Material: PVDF
• Supporting eyelets for simple fitting
• Suitable for vertical and horizontal mounting
Installation instruction:
• Installation between ISO/DIN (all dimensions) and ANSI flange adaptors (all except DN32 and
• Installation with ANSI flange adaptor: for wafer check valves DN40 to DN80 you have to use
ANSI flange adaptors with the next bigger dimension (example DN40 wafer check valve be-
tween DN50 ANSI flange adaptor)
• Centering by body diameter (ISO/DIN by D3, ANSI by D)
• Sealing with special flange gasket (except DN32, o-ring)
• A stabilizing zone of at least 5 times nominal diameter (DN) should be provided before and af-
ter the wafer check valve (10 times DN is recommended)
• No direct installation on pump flange or following bend allowed
• Wafer check valves without reset spring are not recommended for pulsating flows (production
of noise)
In order to install the wafer check valves properly, Georg Fischer recommends flange adap-
tors of the next larger diameter of the valve (e.g. wafer check valve d90 with two flange adap-
tors d110)
d DN PN FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
40 32 10 175 369 022 0.133
50 40 10 175 369 023 0.184
63 50 10 175 369 024 0.272
75 65 10 175 369 025 0.410
90 80 10 175 369 026 0.508
110 100 10 175 369 027 0.722
140 125 10 175 369 029 0.991
160 150 6 175 369 030 1.418
225 200 6 175 369 031 2.710
280 250 6 175 369 032 4.520
315 300 6 175 369 033 6.900
d closest
(mm) inch
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
75 2 1∕2
90 3
SYGEF Standard
Wafer check valve type 369
With Hastelloy C spring
• Material: PVDF
• Supporting eyelets for simple fitting
• Suitable for vertical and horizontal mounting
Installation instruction:
• Installation between ISO/DIN (all dimensions) and ANSI flange adaptors (all except DN32 and
• Installation with ANSI flange adaptor: for wafer check valves DN40 to DN80 you have to use
ANSI flange adaptors with the next bigger dimension (example DN40 wafer check valve be-
tween DN50 ANSI flange adaptor)
• Centering by body diameter (ISO/DIN by D3, ANSI by D)
• Sealing with special flange gasket (except DN32, o-ring)
• A stabilizing zone of at least 5 times nominal diameter (DN) should be provided before and af-
ter the wafer check valve (10 times DN is recommended)
• No direct installation on pump flange or following bend allowed
In order to install the wafer check valves properly, Georg Fischer recommends flange adap-
tors of the next larger diameter of the valve (e.g. wafer check valve d90 with two flange adap-
tors d110)
d DN PN FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
40 32 10 175 369 102 0.170
50 40 10 175 369 103 0.210
63 50 10 175 369 104 0.330
75 65 10 175 369 105 0.420
90 80 10 175 369 106 0.510
110 100 10 175 369 107 0.710
140 125 10 175 369 109 0.970
160 150 6 175 369 110 1.420
225 200 6 175 369 111 2.710
280 250 6 175 369 112 4.520
315 300 6 175 369 113 6.900
d closest
(mm) inch
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
75 2 1∕2
90 3
110 4
140 5
SYGEF Standard
Wafer check valve type 369
With V4A spring (stainless steel 316)
• Material: PVDF
• Supporting eyelets for simple fitting
• Suitable for vertical and horizontal mounting
Installation instruction:
• Installation between ISO/DIN (all dimensions) and ANSI flange adaptors (all except DN32 and
• Installation with ANSI flange adaptor: for wafer check valves DN40 to DN80 you have to use
ANSI flange adaptors with the next bigger dimension (example DN40 wafer check valve be-
tween DN50 ANSI flange adaptor)
• Centering by body diameter (ISO/DIN by D3, ANSI by D)
• Sealing with special flange gasket (except DN32, o-ring)
• A stabilizing zone of at least 5 times nominal diameter (DN) should be provided before and af-
ter the wafer check valve (10 times DN is recommended)
• No direct installation on pump flange or following bend allowed
In order to install the wafer check valves properly, Georg Fischer recommends flange adap-
tors of the next larger diameter of the valve (e.g. wafer check valve d90 with two flange adap-
tors d110)
d DN PN FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg)
40 32 10 175 369 062 0.170
50 40 10 175 369 063 0.210
63 50 10 175 369 064 0.274
75 65 10 175 369 065 0.410
90 80 10 175 369 066 0.508
110 100 10 175 369 067 0.724
140 125 10 175 369 069 0.993
160 150 6 175 369 070 1.422
225 200 6 175 369 071 2.708
280 250 6 175 369 072 4.423
315 300 6 175 369 073 6.900
d closest
(mm) inch
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
75 2 1∕2
90 3
110 4
140 5
Cone check valves
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 z closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
16 10 16 190 175 562 011 0.160 50 93 56 67 3
20 15 16 180 175 562 012 0.160 50 95 56 66 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 013 0.340 58 109 65 77 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 014 0.360 68 119 71 83 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 015 0.670 84 135 85 99 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 016 0.990 97 147 89 105 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 017 1.770 124 168 101 117 2
75 65 16 2950 175 562 018 3.630 166 235 136 167 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 562 019 5.800 200 255 141 180 3
110 100 16 4150 175 562 020 9.450 238 305 164 215 4
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
16 10 16 190 175 562 051 0.160 50 110 56 3
20 15 16 180 175 562 052 0.170 50 120 56 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 053 0.370 58 139 65 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 054 0.400 68 150 71 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 055 0.670 84 170 85 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 056 1.030 97 190 89 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 057 1.830 124 220 101 2
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 e closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 562 092 0.160 50 130 56 1.9 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 093 0.350 58 143 65 1.9 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 094 0.380 68 150 71 2.4 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 095 0.660 84 171 85 2.4 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 096 1.000 97 191 89 3.0 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 097 1.790 124 220 101 3.0 2
75 65 16 2950 175 562 098 3.680 166 270 136 3.6 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 562 099 5.760 200 265 141 4.3 3
110 100 16 4150 175 562 100 9.270 238 305 164 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 561
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 e closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 561 092 0.160 50 130 56 1.9 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 093 0.350 58 143 65 1.9 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 094 0.380 68 150 71 2.4 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 095 0.660 84 171 85 2.4 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 096 1.000 97 191 89 3.0 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 097 1.790 124 220 101 3.0 2
75 65 16 2950 175 561 098 3.680 166 270 136 3.6 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 561 099 5.760 200 265 141 4.3 3
110 100 16 4150 175 561 100 9.270 238 305 164 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 561
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 16 2950 175 561 288 9.230
90 80 16 3600 175 561 289 13.430
110 100 16 4150 175 561 290 18.200
d D D1 D3 H H1 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
75 166 145 18 149 85 280 270 136 290 70 64 206 M8 2 1∕2
90 200 160 18 161 105 296 270 141 310 70 64 206 M8 3
110 238 180 18 178 123 336 320 164 350 120 64 206 M12 4
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 561
With fixed flanges metric
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Installation length according to EN 558-1
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D D1 D3 L L2 L3 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 561 192 0.420 93 65 14 120 56 130 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 193 0.700 103 75 14 140 65 150 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 194 0.860 115 85 14 150 71 160 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 195 1.430 137 100 18 170 85 180 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 196 1.940 147 110 18 190 89 200 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 197 3.160 162 125 18 220 101 230 2
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 561
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 z
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 190 175 561 111 0.150 50 96 56 69
∕2 15 10 180 175 561 112 0.160 50 99 56 64
∕4 20 10 380 175 561 113 0.350 58 111 65 76
1 25 10 460 175 561 114 0.390 68 127 71 83
1 1∕4 32 10 850 175 561 115 0.680 84 146 85 101
1 1∕2 40 10 1080 175 561 116 1.000 97 157 89 111
2 50 10 1670 175 561 117 1.770 124 183 101 135
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 561
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
16 10 16 190 175 561 051 0.160 50 110 56 3
20 15 16 180 175 561 052 0.170 50 120 56 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 053 0.370 58 139 65 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 054 0.400 68 150 71 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 055 0.670 84 170 85 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 056 1.030 97 190 89 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 057 1.830 124 220 101 2
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 561
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 z closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
16 10 16 190 175 561 011 0.160 50 93 56 67 3
20 15 16 180 175 561 012 0.160 50 95 56 66 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 013 0.340 58 109 65 77 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 014 0.360 68 119 71 83 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 015 0.670 84 135 85 99 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 016 0.990 97 147 89 105 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 017 1.770 124 168 101 117 2
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 16 2950 175 562 288 9.230
90 80 16 3600 175 562 289 13.430
110 100 16 4150 175 562 290 18.200
d D D1 D3 H H1 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
75 166 145 18 149 85 280 270 136 290 70 64 206 M8 1 1∕4
90 200 160 18 161 105 296 270 141 310 70 64 206 M8 1 1∕2
110 238 180 18 178 123 336 320 164 350 120 64 206 M12 2
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With fixed flanges metric
• Material: PVDF
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Installation length according to EN 558-1
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D D1 D3 L L2 L3 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 562 192 0.420 93 65 14 120 56 130 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 193 0.700 103 75 14 140 65 150 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 194 0.860 115 85 14 150 71 160 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 195 1.430 137 100 18 170 85 180 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 196 1.940 147 110 18 190 89 200 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 197 3.160 162 125 18 220 101 230 2
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 z
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 190 175 562 111 0.150 50 96 56 69
∕2 15 10 180 175 562 112 0.160 50 99 56 64
∕4 20 10 380 175 562 113 0.350 58 111 65 76
1 25 10 460 175 562 114 0.390 68 127 71 83
1 1∕4 32 10 850 175 562 115 0.680 84 146 85 101
1 1∕2 40 10 1080 175 562 116 1.000 97 157 89 111
2 50 10 1670 175 562 117 1.770 124 183 101 135
SYGEF Standard
Check valve type 562
With fixed flanges ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Installation length according to EN 558-1
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM D D1 D3 L L2 L3 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 93 65 14 120 56 130 1
25 20 16 380 103 75 14 140 65 150 3
32 25 16 460 800 052 131 115 85 14 150 71 160 1
40 32 16 850 137 100 18 170 85 180 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 800 052 132 147 110 18 190 89 200 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 162 125 18 220 101 230 2
Process control valves
SYGEF Standard
Ventilating valve type 595
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• With protection cap up to DN50 made of PP-GF, DN65-100 made of POM
• Spring HALAR coated
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Compact installation length
d DN PN FPM D L t closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 10 16 175 595 031 50 135 13 3
20 15 16 175 595 032 50 140 14 1
25 20 16 175 595 033 58 157 16 3
32 25 16 175 595 034 68 168 18 1
40 32 16 175 595 035 84 189 20 1 1∕4
50 40 16 175 595 036 97 211 23 1 1∕2
63 50 16 175 595 037 124 245 27 2
SYGEF Standard
Ventilating valve type 595
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• With protection cap up to DN50 made of PP-GF, DN65-100 made of POM
• Spring HALAR coated
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Compact installation length
d DN PN FPM D L t closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 10 16 175 595 011 50 126 14 3
20 15 16 175 595 012 50 127 15 1
25 20 16 175 595 013 58 142 16 3
32 25 16 175 595 014 68 153 18 1
40 32 16 175 595 015 84 171 19 1 1∕4
50 40 16 175 595 016 97 190 21 1 1∕2
63 50 16 175 595 017 124 219 26 2
75 65 16 175 595 018 166 256 33 2 1∕2
90 80 16 175 595 019 200 275 37 3
110 100 16 175 595 020 238 318 43 4
SYGEF Standard
Ventilating and bleed valve type 591
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• With protection cap up to DN50 made of PP-GF, DN65-100 made of POM
• Special floater made of PVDF
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Compact installation length
d DN PN FPM D L t closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 10 16 175 591 031 50 135 13 3
20 15 16 175 591 032 50 140 14 1
25 20 16 175 591 033 58 157 16 3
32 25 16 175 591 034 68 168 18 1
40 32 16 175 591 035 84 189 20 1 1∕4
50 40 16 175 591 036 97 211 23 1 1∕2
63 50 16 175 591 037 124 245 27 2
SYGEF Standard
Ventilating and bleed valve type 591
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• With protection cap up to DN50 made of PP-GF, DN65-100 made of POM
• Special floater made of PVDF
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Compact installation length
d DN PN FPM D L t closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 10 16 175 591 011 50 126 14 3
20 15 16 175 591 012 50 127 15 1
25 20 16 175 591 013 58 142 16 3
32 25 16 175 591 014 68 153 18 1
40 32 16 175 591 015 84 171 19 1 1∕4
50 40 16 175 591 016 97 190 21 1 1∕2
63 50 16 175 591 017 124 219 26 2
75 65 16 175 591 018 166 256 33 2 1∕2
90 80 16 175 591 019 200 275 37 3
110 100 16 175 591 020 238 318 43 4
SYGEF Standard
Gauge guard type Z701
Without manometer
• Material: PVDF
d PTFE Weight D H1 H2 G
(mm) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
25 199 041 010 0.173 72 71 15 1
32 199 041 011 0.334 100 90 22 1
SYGEF Standard
Water jet suction pump type P20
• Material: PVDF
• DN 10-20: BSP parallel female thread
• DN 25-50: Fusion socket metric
• DN 65-80: Fusion spigot metric
d DN PN FPM Weight H H1 L L1 L2 G G1 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch) (inch) inch
16 10 10 199 041 138 0.184 35 110 40 R ¾ R ¾ 3
20 15 10 199 041 139 0.278 35 110 40 R1 R¾ 1
25 20 10 199 041 140 0.476 45 145 45 R 1¼ R ¾ 3
32 25 10 199 041 141 0.690 96 71 245 195 R 1½ R 1½ 1
40 32 10 199 041 142 1.100 116 87 297 239 R2 R2 1 1∕4
50 40 10 199 041 143 1.649 139 105 369 301 R 2¼ R 2¼ 1 1∕2
63 50 10 199 041 144 3.340 169 128 433 351 R 2¾ R 2¾ 2
75 65 10 199 041 145 3.340 115 388 2 1∕2
90 80 10 199 041 146 5.500 149 465 3
SYGEF Standard
Throttle valve type V251
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
d DN PN FPM Weight D H H1 L closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 10 10 199 041 231 0.100 29 57 45 47 3
20 15 10 199 041 232 0.106 35 66 51 55 1
25 20 10 199 041 233 0.143 40 80 63 66 3
32 25 10 199 041 234 0.273 47 96 75 80 1
40 32 10 199 041 235 0.400 56 111 86 100 1 1∕4
50 40 10 199 041 236 0.923 70 133 101 120 1 1∕2
63 50 10 199 041 237 1.300 88 158 118 146 2
Type D L L (IR-SS) L1 L2 G
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
SK 10 60 385 443 341 335 1 1∕2
SK 11 60 385 443 341 335 1 1∕2
SK 20 83 403 459 341 335 2 1∕4
SK 21 83 403 459 341 335 2 1∕4
SK 30 103 417 461 339 335 2 3∕4
SK 31 103 417 461 339 335 2 3∕4
SK 40 122 429 453 341 335 3 1∕2
SK 41 122 429 453 341 335 3 1∕2
GF Piping Systems
SYGEF Standard
Valves Silicone Free
Hand-operated valves cleaned
Ball valves silicone free/paint compatible
• Material: PVDF/oil free cleaned
• Union ends for easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 185 175 546 492 0.202
25 20 16 350 175 546 493 0.301
32 25 16 700 175 546 494 0.438
40 32 16 1000 175 546 495 0.780
50 40 16 1600 175 546 496 1.057
63 50 16 3100 175 546 497 2.150
75 65 16 5000 175 546 498 6.600
90 80 16 7000 175 546 499 9.700
110 100 16 11000 175 546 500 15.300
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 27 12 130 77 56 25 32 45 M6 1.9 1
25 58 67 30 12 143 97 65 25 39 58 M6 1.9 3
32 68 73 36 12 150 97 71 25 39 58 M6 2.4 1
40 84 90 44 15 171 128 85 45 54 74 M8 2.4 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 15 191 128 89 45 54 74 M8 3.0 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 15 220 152 101 45 66 87 M8 3.0 2
75 166 149 85 15 266 270 136 70 64 206 M8 3.6 2 1∕2
90 200 161 105 15 264 270 141 70 64 206 M8 4.3 3
110 238 178 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard silicone free
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PVDF
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 185 175 546 752 0.201
25 20 16 350 175 546 753 0.310
32 25 16 700 175 546 754 0.460
40 32 16 1000 175 546 755 0.780
50 40 16 1600 175 546 756 1.110
63 50 16 3100 175 546 757 2.150
75 65 16 5000 175 546 758 6.600
90 80 16 7000 175 546 759 9.700
110 100 16 11000 175 546 760 15.300
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 27 12 130 77 56 25 32 45 M6 1.9 1
25 58 67 30 12 143 97 65 25 39 58 M6 1.9 3
32 68 73 36 12 150 97 71 25 39 58 M6 2.4 1
40 84 90 44 15 171 128 85 45 54 74 M8 2.4 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 15 191 128 89 45 54 74 M8 3.0 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 15 220 152 101 45 66 87 M8 3.0 2
75 166 149 85 15 266 270 136 70 64 206 M8 3.6 2 1∕2
90 200 161 105 15 264 270 141 70 64 206 M8 4.3 3
110 238 178 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard silicone free
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PVDF
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 16 5000 175 546 828 11.700
90 80 16 7000 175 546 829 16.000
110 100 16 11000 175 546 830 23.900
d DN D D1 D3 H H1 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
75 65 166 145 18 149 85 280 270 136 290 70 64 206 8 2 1∕2
90 80 200 160 18 161 105 296 270 141 310 70 64 206 8 3
110 100 238 180 18 178 123 336 320 164 350 120 64 256 12 4
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PVDF
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 / ASTM D 4024
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 16 5000 175 546 838 11.700
90 80 16 7000 175 546 839 16.000
110 100 16 11000 175 546 840 23.900
d D D1 D3 H H1 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
75 166 140 19 149 85 280 270 136 290 70 64 206 8 2 1∕2
90 200 152 19 161 105 296 270 141 310 70 64 206 8 3
110 238 191 19 178 123 336 320 164 350 120 64 256 12 4
SYGEF Standard silicone free
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PVDF
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
• Pneumatic or electric actuators from +GF+
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 71 175 546 691 0.195
20 15 16 185 175 546 692 0.200
25 20 16 350 175 546 693 0.300
32 25 16 700 175 546 694 0.440
40 32 16 1000 175 546 695 0.760
50 40 16 1600 175 546 696 1.060
63 50 16 3100 175 546 697 2.055
75 65 16 5000 175 546 698 6.300
90 80 16 7000 175 546 699 9.500
110 100 16 11000 175 546 700 15.000
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 79 27 12 93 77 56 25 32 45 M6 67 3
20 50 57 27 12 95 77 56 25 32 45 M6 66 1
25 58 67 30 12 109 97 65 25 39 58 M6 77 3
32 68 73 36 12 119 97 71 25 39 58 M6 83 1
40 84 90 44 15 135 128 85 45 54 74 M8 99 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 15 147 128 89 45 54 74 M8 105 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 15 168 152 101 45 66 87 M8 117 2
75 166 149 85 15 233 270 136 70 64 206 M8 167 2 1∕2
90 200 161 105 15 254 270 141 70 64 206 M8 180 3
110 238 178 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 215 4
SYGEF Standard oil free
Ball valve type 546
With mounting inserts
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF/oil free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal
• Ball seals PTFE
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• z-dimension, valve end and union nut are not compatible with type 346
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 16 71 175 546 471 0.195
20 15 16 185 175 546 472 0.200
25 20 16 350 175 546 473 0.298
32 25 16 700 175 546 474 0.429
40 32 16 1000 175 546 475 0.754
50 40 16 1600 175 546 476 1.009
63 50 16 3100 175 546 477 2.055
75 65 16 5000 175 546 478 6.300
90 80 16 7000 175 546 479 9.500
110 100 16 11000 175 546 480 15.000
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 M z closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 27 12 93 77 56 25 32 45 M6 67 3
20 50 57 27 12 95 77 56 25 32 45 M6 66 1
25 58 67 30 12 109 97 65 25 39 58 M6 77 3
32 68 73 36 12 119 97 71 25 39 58 M6 83 1
40 84 90 44 15 135 128 85 45 54 74 M8 99 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 15 147 128 89 45 54 74 M8 105 1 1∕2
63 124 116 64 15 168 152 101 45 66 87 M8 117 2
75 166 149 85 15 233 270 136 70 64 206 M8 167 2 1∕2
90 200 161 105 15 254 270 141 70 64 206 M8 180 3
110 238 178 123 22 301 320 164 120 64 256 M12 215 4
SYGEF Standard oil free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF/oil free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 175 543 631 0.311
20 15 10 200 175 543 632 0.319
25 20 10 470 175 543 633 0.458
32 25 10 793 175 543 634 0.695
40 32 10 1290 175 543 635 1.185
50 40 10 1910 175 543 636 1.751
63 50 10 3100 175 543 637 3.405
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard oil free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF/oil free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 175 543 611 0.312
20 15 10 75 175 543 612 0.320
25 20 10 150 175 543 613 0.423
32 25 10 280 175 543 614 0.653
40 32 10 480 175 543 615 1.121
50 40 10 620 175 543 616 1.778
63 50 10 1230 175 543 617 3.462
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PVDF
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 200 175 543 352 0.330
25 20 10 470 175 543 353 0.478
32 25 10 793 175 543 354 0.726
40 32 10 1290 175 543 355 1.212
50 40 10 1910 175 543 356 1.832
63 50 10 3100 175 543 357 3.566
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 28 8 146 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 2 1
25 58 67 32 8 163 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 2 3
32 68 73 36 8 178 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 2 1
40 84 90 45 9 204 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 2 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 237 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 3 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 296 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 3 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric (US version)
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 175 543 511 0.311
20 15 10 200 175 543 512 0.319
25 20 10 470 175 543 513 0.458
32 25 10 793 175 543 514 0.695
40 32 10 1290 175 543 515 1.185
50 40 10 1910 175 543 516 1.751
63 50 10 3100 175 543 517 3.405
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PVDF
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 175 543 311 0.311
20 15 10 200 175 543 312 0.319
25 20 10 470 175 543 313 0.458
32 25 10 793 175 543 314 0.695
40 32 10 1290 175 543 315 1.185
50 40 10 1910 175 543 316 1.751
63 50 10 3100 175 543 317 3.405
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PVDF
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 75 175 543 252 0.332
25 20 10 150 175 543 253 0.480
32 25 10 280 175 543 254 0.735
40 32 10 480 175 543 255 1.226
50 40 10 620 175 543 256 1.859
63 50 10 1230 175 543 257 3.624
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M e closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 57 28 8 146 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 2 1
25 58 67 32 8 163 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 2 3
32 68 73 36 8 178 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 2 1
40 84 90 45 9 204 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 2 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 237 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 3 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 296 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 3 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PVDF
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 175 543 211 0.312
20 15 10 75 175 543 212 0.320
25 20 10 150 175 543 213 0.461
32 25 10 280 175 543 214 0.704
40 32 10 480 175 543 215 1.199
50 40 10 620 175 543 216 1.778
63 50 10 1230 175 543 217 3.462
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
3-Way ball valve type 543
With fusion sockets metric (US version)
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For easy installation and removal (valve end and union nut are compatible with type 546)
• Ball seals PTFE
• Pneumatic or electric actuator available separately
• Angle of operation 360° without turn limiter
• Turn limiter 90° enclosed, in different positions usable as a clip-on ring
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Delivery status A-C opened, see flow scheme
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 175 543 411 0.312
20 15 10 75 175 543 412 0.320
25 20 10 150 175 543 413 0.461
32 25 10 280 175 543 414 0.704
40 32 10 480 175 543 415 1.199
50 40 10 620 175 543 416 1.778
63 50 10 1230 175 543 417 3.462
d D H H1 H2 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 57 28 8 110 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 3
20 50 57 28 8 112 77 72 36 25 32 45 6 82 41 1
25 58 67 32 8 129 97 85 43 25 39 58 6 97 49 3
32 68 73 36 8 146 97 98 49 25 39 58 6 110 55 1
40 84 90 45 9 170 128 118 59 45 54 74 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 97 97 51 9 193 128 135 68 45 54 74 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 124 116 65 9 244 152 176 88 45 66 87 8 188 94 2
Cone check valves silicone free
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 z closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
16 10 16 190 175 562 211 0.160 50 93 56 67 3
20 15 16 180 175 562 212 0.160 50 95 56 66 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 213 0.340 58 109 65 77 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 214 0.360 68 119 71 83 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 215 0.670 84 135 85 99 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 216 0.990 97 147 89 105 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 217 1.770 124 168 101 117 2
75 65 16 2950 175 562 218 3.630 166 235 136 167 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 562 219 5.800 200 255 141 180 3
110 100 16 4150 175 562 220 9.450 238 305 164 215 4
SYGEF Standard silicone free
Check valve type 562
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 562 232 0.170 50 120 56 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 233 0.370 58 139 65 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 234 0.400 68 150 71 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 235 0.670 84 170 85 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 236 1.030 97 190 89 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 237 1.830 124 220 101 2
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• For horizontal or vertical installation
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 1 m
• Spring loaded, spring made of stainless steel (1.4310)
• Spring available in other materials, see spare parts
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 e closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 562 272 0.160 50 130 56 1.9 1
25 20 16 380 175 562 273 0.350 58 143 65 1.9 3
32 25 16 460 175 562 274 0.380 68 150 71 2.4 1
40 32 16 850 175 562 275 0.660 84 171 85 2.4 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 562 276 1.000 97 191 89 3.0 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 562 277 1.790 124 220 101 3.0 2
75 65 16 2950 175 562 278 3.680 166 290 136 3.6 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 562 279 5.760 200 310 141 4.3 3
110 100 16 4150 175 562 280 9.270 238 350 164 5.3 4
SYGEF Standard silicone free
Check valve type 561
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 e closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 561 272 0.160 50 130 56 1.9 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 273 0.350 58 143 65 1.9 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 274 0.367 68 150 71 2.4 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 275 0.660 84 171 85 2.4 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 276 1.000 97 191 89 3.0 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 277 1.790 124 220 101 3.0 2
75 65 16 2950 175 561 278 3.680 166 290 136 3.6 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 561 279 5.760 200 310 141 4.3 3
110 100 16 4150 175 561 280 9.270 238 350 164 5.3 4
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
20 15 16 180 175 561 232 0.170 50 120 56 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 233 0.370 58 139 65 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 234 0.400 68 150 71 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 235 0.670 84 170 85 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 236 1.030 97 190 89 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 237 1.830 124 220 101 2
SYGEF Standard silicone free
Check valve type 561
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF / silicone free cleaned
• Sealing at a minimum water column of 2 m
• Designed for easy installation and removal
• Vibration free even at high flow velocity
• Flow-optimized return cone, double guided
• For vertical installation
• Compact installation length, same as ball valve type 546
• Z-length, end connectors and union nuts not compatible with type 360
Warning: please make sure the diameter is not reduced through welding beads (Danger of turbu-
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight D L L2 z closest
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
(l ⁄ min) (inch)
16 10 16 190 175 561 211 0.160 50 93 56 67 3
20 15 16 180 175 561 212 0.160 50 95 56 66 1
25 20 16 380 175 561 213 0.340 58 109 65 77 3
32 25 16 460 175 561 214 0.360 68 119 71 83 1
40 32 16 850 175 561 215 0.670 84 135 85 99 1 1∕4
50 40 16 1080 175 561 216 0.990 97 147 89 105 1 1∕2
63 50 16 1670 175 561 217 1.770 124 168 101 117 2
75 65 16 2950 175 561 218 3.630 166 235 136 167 2 1∕2
90 80 16 3600 175 561 219 5.800 200 255 141 180 3
110 100 16 4150 175 561 220 9.450 238 305 164 215 4
GF Piping Systems
made easy for you
Accurate measurement
Precise control
Reliable actuation
Flexible combination and
Seamless integration
Intuitive menu structure V
Wide range of accessories
S: Sensor P: Positioner V: Valve
T: Transmitter A: Actuator P+F: Pipe & Fittings
C: Controller
Accurate measurement is the basis for
reliable process control
An overview of the key products
Easy to install
Flow sensors and instruments
SmartPro Transmitter Flow Integral Mount
type 9900 type 9900
• Multi-Parameter input selection • Local display for sensor mounted
• Large auto-sensing backlit display instruments
• “Dial-type” digital bar graph • Provides 4-20 mA output
• Optional field upgradable relays • “At a glance” visibility
• Selectable error mode for current • “Dial-type” digital bar graph
outputs, 3.6 mA or 22 mA • NEMA 4X/IP65
• Optional Relay, Direct Conductivity /
Resistivity, 4 to 20 mA Output, and HART
modules are available
Ultrasonic Flowmeter
type U1000
• 0.1 m/s-10 m/s
• d25-d115
• DC 12 - 24 V
• Output: 4-20 mA, pulse or frequency
• Transit time measurement
pH/ORP sensors and instruments
SmartPro Transmitter DryLoc pH and ORP Electrodes
type 9900 type 2724-2726
• Multi-Parameter input selection • 0-14 pH, ±2,000 mV ORP
• Large auto-sensing backlit display • Ryton body, PE junction
• “Dial-type” digital bar graph • Use fittings for in-line applications or ¾”
• Optional field upgradable relays NPT or ISO
• Selectable error mode for current • Suitable for submersible applications
outputs, 3.6 mA or 22 mA • DryLoc preamplifier connection with
• Optional Relay, Direct Conductivity / gold plated pins
Resistivity, HART modules 4 to 20 mA-
Output Module are available
Conductivity/resistivity sensors and instruments
Dual-Channel Conductivity SmartPro Transmitter
Controller - type 8860 type 9900
Conductivity Integral System with 9900 Conductivity Sensor Electronics with PVDF
Transmitter type 2850
• Local display for sensor mounted • 0.055 - 400 000 μS (0.02 - 200 000 ppm)
instruments (18.2 MΩ - 1 KΩ)
• Provides 4 - 20 mA output • PBT (integral mount) /PBT/CPVC (universal
• “At a glance” visibility J-box)
• “Dial-type” digital bar graph • Integral systems connect to the 2839 series
• NEMA 4X/IP65 electrodes or 2819 series electrode via
3-286X Universal J-box assembly
• 4 - 20 mA or digital (S3L)
• Factory NIST Certified
Temperature Sensor
type 2350
• In-line mounting: 10 °C to 100 °C (14°-
212 °F)
• Submersible mounting: 10 °C to 85 °C
(14 °-185 °F)
• ¾ inch dual threaded for in-line or
submersible installation
• 4-20 mA or digital (S3L)
Temperature, pressure and level sensors and instruments
Pressure Integral System with 9900 Pressure Sensor
Transmitter type 2450
• Utilizes the 2450 sensor for pressure or • 0 - 0.7 bar (0 - 10 psig) - U
hydrostatic level measurement • 0 - 3.4 bar (0 - 50 psig) - L
• Local display for sensor mounted • 0 - 17 bar (0 - 250 psig) - H
instruments • Vacuum range available
• Provides 4 - 20 mA output • Wetted material: PVDF, ceramic and FPM
• “At a glance” visibility • ½” union, dual threaded
• “Dial-type” digital bar graph • 4 - 20 mA or digital (S3L)
• NEMA 4X / IP65
• Body materials for water, water based • 0 - 10 psi = 0 - 7.03 m = 0 - 23.06 ft
liquids and concentrated chemicals • 0 - 50 psi = 0 - 35.15 m = 0 - 115.32 ft
• Versions for industrial- and municipal • Wetted Material: PVDF, PVC, ceramic
water treatment and FPM
• Digital transistor- and relay outputs • Submersible sensor
• ATEX versions • 4 - 20 mA or digital (S3L)
• WHG versions • Uses hydrostatic pressure for level and
• Versions without moving parts depth control
Water analysis
Chlorine Analyzer System Turbidimeter
type 4630 type 4150
Easy to monitor
Easy to operate
Switching Power Supplies i-GO Signal Converter
type 7310 type 8058
Buffer Solutions Formazin Stock Kit for Turbidimeter
type pH/ORP type 4150
Precise control
throughout your automation loop
Control products
An overview of the key products
Multi-parameter instruments
SmartPro Transmitter Multi-Parameter/ Multi-Channel
type 9900 Controller - type 8900
• Multi-Parameter input selection • AC or DC power option
• Large auto-sensing backlit display • Up to 6 sensor inputs (2 frequency
• „Dial-type“ digital bar graph inputs max)
• Optional field upgradable relays • Up to 4 4 - 20mA outputs
• Selectable error mode for current • Up to 8 relays
outputs, 3.6 mA or 22 mA • Use with all digital (S3L) sensors
• Optional Relay, Direct Conductivity /
Resistivity, 4 to 20 mA Output, and HART
modules are available
Flow instruments
SmartPro Batch Controller
type 9900-1BC
• “Dial-type” digital bar graph
• Remote control wiring with start, stop and
resume terminals for remote batch control
• 3 programmable relays
• 10 batch memory
• Compatible with flow sensors
• Two-stage control to prevent overfilling
• Simple and advanced programing modes
i-GO Signal Converter
type 8058
• Connects third party 4 - 20 mA signals to
the 8900 and 9900
• Available for single or dual 4 - 20 mA
sensor inputs
• Compatible with 8900, 9900
• Requires programming at the factory
with the 8350, 8450
Reliable actuation with
configuration flexibility
Actuation products
An overview of the key products
Electric actuators
Easy to modify
Actuated Butterfly Valves
Butterfly Valve pneumatic Butterfly Valve pneumatic
type 240 / 243 / 244
type 038-P / 039-P
• Electric actuated 2-way Ball Valve • Electric actuated 3-way Ball Valve
• Actuator Type: EA25 / 45 / 120 • Actuator Type: EA25
(24 V, 110-230 V) (24 V, 110-230 V)
• Actuating angle 90° • Actuating angle 90°; max. 180°
• Ball Valve 546 • Ball Valve 543
• EA25 DN10-DN50; EA45 /120 DN65-DN100 • DN10–DN50
* Predecessor type 130 - 135 with electric actuators type EA21 / 31 ** Predecessor type 185 - 188 with electric actuator type EA21
• PN6 • DN15-DN50
• pneumatic actuated FC, FO, DA • PN10 (both sides)
• pneumatic actuated FC, FO, DA
• Accessories available
• DN15 - DN50 • DN65 - DN150
• PN10 • up to PN10
• pneumatic actuated FC, FO, DA • pneumatic actuated FC, FO, DA
• Accessories available • Accessories available
• direct acting pivoted armature valve • direct acting pivoted armature valve
• 2/2-Ways • 2/2- or 3/2-Ways
• 230 V AC, 24 V AC, 24 V DC • 230 V AC, 24 V AC, 24 V DC
• DN4-DN8 • DN10-DN20
• 0-4 bar depending on dimension • 0-3 bar depending on dimension
Easy to regulate
Pressure regulating valves
Pressure Reducing Valve Pressure Retaining Valve
type 582 type 586
• Spigot or union connection • Spigot or union connection
• O-ring Material: EPDM, FPM • O-ring Material: EPDM, FPM
• DN10–DN50 • DN10–DN50
• 0.5 - 9 bar or 0.3 - 3 bar • 0.5 - 9 bar or 0.3 - 3 bar
• Manometer with or without gauge guard • Manometer with or without gauge guard
optional optional
Electric accessories
Limit switches (position feedback) for Monitoring and Positioner Options for
EA11 - 42 EA21 - 42
Monitoring board with:
• Mechanical switches (AgNi or Au) • Cycle counter
• NPN/PNP • Cycle Time extention and/ or monitoring
• Middle position (3way Ball Valve) • Current Monitoring
• Additional 2 limit switches Positioner with:
• For EA11: AgNi switches only • Input: 0 - 10V or 4 - 20mA
• Feedback: 4 - 20mA
Pneumatic accessories
Solenoid pilot valve 3/2-ways Solenoid pilot valve 3/2-ways
type PV94 type PV95
Different communication protocols for
different needs
An overview of the key products
Profibus Concentrator Profibus
type 3 - 0486
The right valve
for your application
P ct Conffigurattor
C your own DFWXDWRU
E le c t ric A c t ua t o r
01 EA 1124V witth Cable P lug
02 EA 11100-230 0V with Cable P lu
07 EA 25 24V with w Cable P lug
08 EA 25 100-23 30V with Cable P lug
09 EA 120 24V with w Cable P lug
10 EA 120 100-2230V with Cable P lug
11 EA 250 24V with Cable P lug
12 EA 250 100-2 230V with Cable P lug
A ngle ( O pe
p n/ C lo s e )
W45 45°
W90 90°
W180 180°
dle P o s it io n
M idd
W17 No
W18 Yes
C o lo ur A s s i gnm e nt F e e db
ba c k
W20 Open = ro r t
W21 Open= grün
P o s it io
o n F e e dba c k
W23 Open/ Clo se
W24 Open/ Clo se/ M iddle
W25 M iddle
Wiring F e e dba
W26 NC
W28 NO
H e a t ing
g T hre s ho ld
W29 5°
… [ steps]
W37 45°
F a ils a f e R e t ur n uni
W Integrated d (B attery po wered
W External (n no B attery - 24V needed)
A c c e s s o ry
W42 P o sitio ner
W43 M o nito ring
W44 P ro o fibus
S e t t ing P o s it io ne
n r
W446 B CD = 0
W555 B CD = 9
S e t t ing M o t o r C urre nt
W56 B CD = 0
W65 B CD = 9
S e t t in
ng C yc le T im e E
W66 B CD = 0
xt e ns io n
W75 B CD = 9
S e t t ing C yc le T im e M o nit o ri ng
W B CD = 0
W B CD = 9
S e t t ing C yc le C o unt e r
W86 B CD D =0
W96 B CD D =9
T W90 W17 W20 W23 W26 W29 W39 W42 W4
46 W65 - - - =
Actuated valves
Ball valves electric
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 100-230V
With manual emergency override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 107 812 2.100
20 15 10 185 199 107 813 2.100
25 20 10 350 199 107 814 2.200
32 25 10 700 199 107 815 2.300
40 32 10 1000 199 107 816 2.600
50 40 10 1600 199 107 817 3.000
63 50 10 3100 199 107 818 3.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 200 27 64 64 137 114 161 56 0 25 79 83 122 67
20 50 200 27 64 64 137 124 161 56 130 25 79 83 122 67
25 58 209 30 73 64 137 144 161 65 150 25 79 83 122 67
32 68 209 36 73 64 137 154 161 71 160 25 79 83 122 67
40 84 220 44 84 64 137 174 161 85 180 45 79 83 122 67
50 97 220 51 84 64 137 194 161 89 200 45 79 83 122 67
63 124 243 64 106 64 137 224 161 101 230 45 79 83 122 67
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 100-230V
With manual emergency override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 107 423 2.100
25 20 10 350 199 107 424 2.200
32 25 10 700 199 107 425 2.300
40 32 10 1000 199 107 426 2.600
50 40 10 1600 199 107 427 3.000
63 50 10 3100 199 107 428 3.981
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 200 27 64 64 137 130 161 56 25 79 83 122 67 1
25 58 209 30 73 64 137 143 161 65 25 79 83 122 67 3
32 68 209 36 73 64 137 150 161 71 25 79 83 122 67 1
40 84 220 44 84 64 137 171 161 85 45 79 83 122 67 1 1∕4
50 97 220 51 84 64 137 191 161 89 45 79 83 122 67 1 1∕2
63 124 243 64 106 64 137 220 161 101 45 79 83 122 67 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 24V
With manual emergency override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 24 V AC/DC
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 107 822 2.100
20 15 10 185 199 107 823 2.100
25 20 10 350 199 107 824 2.200
32 25 10 700 199 107 825 2.414
40 32 10 1000 199 107 826 2.600
50 40 10 1600 199 107 827 2.995
63 50 10 3100 199 107 828 3.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 200 27 64 64 137 93 161 56 25 79 83 122 67 67
20 50 200 27 64 64 137 95 161 56 25 79 83 122 67 66
25 58 209 30 73 64 137 109 161 65 25 79 83 122 67 77
32 68 209 36 73 64 137 119 161 71 25 79 83 122 67 83
40 84 220 44 84 64 137 135 161 85 45 79 83 122 67 99
50 97 220 51 84 64 137 147 161 89 45 79 83 122 67 105
63 124 243 64 106 64 137 168 161 101 45 79 83 122 67 117
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 24V
With manual emergency override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 24 V AC/DC
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 107 853 2.300
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 107 854 2.500
32 25 1 10 700 199 107 855 2.700
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 107 856 3.200
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 107 857 3.700
63 50 2 10 3100 199 107 858 4.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 201 27 64 65 138 48 124 160 56 130 25 77 83 122
25 58 210 30 73 65 138 53 144 160 65 150 25 77 83 122
32 68 210 36 73 65 138 58 154 160 71 160 25 77 83 122
40 84 221 44 84 65 138 70 174 160 85 180 45 77 83 122
50 97 221 51 84 65 138 75 194 160 89 200 45 77 83 122
63 124 244 64 106 65 138 83 224 160 101 230 45 77 83 122
d L8
(mm) (mm)
20 33
25 33
32 33
40 33
50 33
63 33
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 100-230V
With manual emergency override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 107 843 2.300
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 107 844 2.500
32 25 1 10 700 199 107 845 2.700
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 107 846 3.200
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 107 847 3.700
63 50 2 10 3100 199 107 848 4.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 201 27 64 65 138 48 124 160 56 130 25 77 83 122
25 58 210 30 73 65 138 53 144 160 65 150 25 77 83 122
32 68 210 36 73 65 138 58 154 160 71 160 25 77 83 122
40 84 221 44 84 65 138 70 174 160 85 180 45 77 83 122
50 97 221 51 84 65 138 75 194 160 89 200 45 77 83 122
63 124 244 64 106 65 138 83 224 160 101 230 45 77 83 122
d L8
(mm) (mm)
20 33
25 33
32 33
40 33
50 33
63 33
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 100-230V
With manual emergency override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 107 802 2.100
20 15 10 185 199 107 803 2.100
25 20 10 350 199 107 804 2.200
32 25 10 700 199 107 805 2.300
40 32 10 1000 199 107 806 2.600
50 40 10 1600 199 107 807 3.000
63 50 10 3100 199 107 808 3.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 200 27 64 64 137 93 161 56 25 79 83 122 67 67
20 50 200 27 64 64 137 95 161 56 25 79 83 122 67 66
25 58 209 30 73 64 137 109 161 65 25 79 83 122 67 77
32 68 209 36 73 64 137 119 161 71 25 79 83 122 67 83
40 84 220 44 84 64 137 135 161 85 45 79 83 122 67 99
50 97 220 51 84 64 137 147 161 89 45 79 83 122 67 105
63 124 243 64 106 64 137 168 161 101 45 79 83 122 67 117
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 24V
With manual emergency override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 24 V AC/DC
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 107 433 2.100
25 20 10 350 199 107 434 2.200
32 25 10 700 199 107 435 2.300
40 32 10 1000 199 107 436 2.600
50 40 10 1600 199 107 437 3.000
63 50 10 3100 199 107 438 3.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 200 27 64 64 137 130 161 56 25 79 83 122 67 1
25 58 209 30 73 64 137 143 161 65 25 79 83 122 67 3
32 68 209 36 73 64 137 150 161 71 25 79 83 122 67 1
40 84 220 44 84 64 137 171 161 85 45 79 83 122 67 1 1∕4
50 97 220 51 84 64 137 191 161 89 45 79 83 122 67 1 1∕2
63 124 243 64 106 64 137 220 161 101 45 79 83 122 67 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 107 24V
With manual emergency override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with electric actuator EA11
• Voltage 24 V AC/DC
• Control range 90°<)
• Control time 5 s/90°<)
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 107 832 2.100
20 15 10 185 199 107 833 2.100
25 20 10 350 199 107 834 2.200
32 25 10 700 199 107 835 2.300
40 32 10 1000 199 107 836 2.600
50 40 10 1600 199 107 837 3.000
63 50 10 3100 199 107 838 3.800
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 200 27 64 64 137 114 161 56 0 25 79 83 122 67
20 50 200 27 64 64 137 124 161 56 130 25 79 83 122 67
25 58 209 30 73 64 137 144 161 65 150 25 79 83 122 67
32 68 209 36 73 64 137 154 161 71 160 25 79 83 122 67
40 84 220 44 84 64 137 174 161 85 180 45 79 83 122 67
50 97 220 51 84 64 137 194 161 89 200 45 79 83 122 67
63 124 243 64 106 64 137 224 161 101 230 45 79 83 122 67
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 181 100-230V
With manual emergency override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Factory set control range 90°<)
• Heating element, position feedback (Open/Close/ Middle)
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Other valve and actuator configurations available
• Optional accessories: Fail-safe return unit, Monitoring board, Position controller, Profibus DP
d DN PN kv-value EA FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 EA25 199 181 012 2.100
20 15 10 185 EA25 199 181 013 2.100
25 20 10 350 EA25 199 181 014 2.200
32 25 10 700 EA25 199 181 015 2.300
40 32 10 1000 EA25 199 181 016 2.600
50 40 10 1600 EA25 199 181 017 3.000
63 50 10 3100 EA25 199 181 018 3.800
75 65 10 5000 EA45 199 181 019 8.800
90 80 10 7000 EA120 199 181 020 11.900
110 100 10 11000 EA120 199 181 021 17.500
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 231 27 64 94 167 93 180 56 25 97 122 67
20 50 231 27 64 94 167 95 180 56 25 97 122 66
25 58 240 30 73 94 167 109 180 65 25 97 122 77
32 68 240 36 73 94 167 119 180 71 25 97 122 83
40 84 251 44 84 94 167 135 180 85 45 97 122 99
50 97 251 51 84 94 167 147 180 89 45 97 122 105
63 124 273 64 106 94 167 168 180 101 45 97 122 117
75 166 346 85 156 94 190 233 180 136 70 98 122 167
90 200 358 105 168 94 190 254 180 141 70 98 122 180
110 238 365 123 175 94 190 301 180 164 120 98 122 215
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 181 100-230V
With manual emergency override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Factory set control range 90°<)
• Heating element, position feedback (Open/Close/ Middle)
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Other valve and actuator configurations available
• Optional accessories: Fail-safe return unit, Monitoring board, Position controller, Profibus DP
d DN PN kv-value EA FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 EA25 199 181 113 2.100
25 20 10 350 EA25 199 181 114 2.200
32 25 10 700 EA25 199 181 115 2.300
40 32 10 1000 EA25 199 181 116 2.600
50 40 10 1600 EA25 199 181 117 3.000
53 50 10 3100 EA25 199 181 118 3.800
63 50 10 5000 EA25 199 181 119 9.100
90 80 10 7000 EA120 199 181 120 12.200
110 100 10 11000 EA120 199 181 121 17.500
d D H H1 H2 H3 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L7 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 231 27 64 94 167 130 180 56 25 97 122 1.9
25 58 240 30 73 94 167 143 180 65 25 97 122 1.9
32 68 240 36 73 94 167 150 180 71 25 97 122 2.4
40 84 251 44 84 94 167 171 180 85 45 97 122 2.4
50 97 251 51 84 94 167 191 180 89 45 97 122 3.0
53 124 273 64 106 94 167 220 108 101 45 97 122 3.0
63 166 346 85 156 94 190 266 180 136 70 98 122 3.6
90 200 358 105 168 94 190 264 180 141 70 98 122 4.3
110 238 365 123 175 94 190 301 180 164 70 98 122 5.3
Ball valves pneumatic
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With manual override
With fusion Sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 012 1.500
20 15 10 185 199 232 013 1.500
25 20 10 350 199 232 014 1.600
32 25 10 700 199 232 015 1.700
40 32 10 1000 199 232 016 2.800
50 40 10 1600 199 232 017 3.100
63 50 10 3100 199 232 018 4.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 93 194 56 25 261 76 48 67
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 95 194 56 25 261 76 48 66
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 109 194 65 25 261 76 48 77
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 119 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 135 224 85 45 305 95 59 99
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 147 224 89 45 305 95 59 105
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 168 224 101 45 305 95 59 117
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 70 199 232 512 1.500
∕2 15 10 185 199 232 513 2.275
∕4 20 10 350 199 232 514 1.600
1 25 10 700 199 232 515 1.700
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 199 232 516 2.800
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 199 232 517 3.100
2 50 10 3100 199 232 518 4.935
Size D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 96 194 56 25 261 76 48 69
∕2 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 99 194 56 25 261 76 48 64
∕4 58 168 30 71 168 40 77 111 194 65 25 261 76 48 76
1 68 168 36 71 168 40 77 127 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
1 1∕4 84 202 44 84 187 51 99 146 224 85 45 305 95 59 101
1 1∕2 97 202 51 84 187 51 99 157 224 89 45 305 95 59 111
2 124 225 64 106 187 51 99 183 224 101 45 305 95 59 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 70 199 232 532 1.500
∕2 15 10 185 199 232 533 1.500
∕4 20 10 350 199 232 534 1.600
1 25 10 700 199 232 535 1.700
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 199 232 536 2.800
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 199 232 537 3.100
2 50 10 3100 199 232 538 4.000
Size D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 96 194 56 25 261 76 48 69
∕2 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 99 194 56 25 261 76 48 64
∕4 58 168 30 71 168 40 77 111 194 65 25 261 76 48 76
1 68 168 36 71 168 40 77 127 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
1 1∕4 84 202 44 84 187 51 99 146 224 85 45 305 95 59 101
1 1∕2 97 202 51 84 187 51 99 157 224 89 45 305 95 59 111
2 124 225 64 106 187 51 99 183 224 101 45 305 95 59 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
With manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 70 199 232 552 1.500
∕2 15 10 185 199 232 553 1.500
∕4 20 10 350 199 232 554 1.600
1 25 10 700 199 232 555 1.700
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 199 232 556 2.800
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 199 232 557 3.100
2 50 10 3100 199 232 558 4.000
Size D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 96 194 56 25 261 76 48 69
∕2 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 99 194 56 25 261 76 48 64
∕4 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 111 194 65 25 261 76 48 76
1 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 127 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
1 1∕4 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 146 224 85 45 305 95 59 101
1 1∕2 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 157 224 89 45 305 95 59 111
2 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 183 224 101 45 305 95 59 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 70 199 232 572 1.200
∕2 15 10 185 199 232 573 1.975
∕4 20 10 350 199 232 574 1.300
1 25 10 700 199 232 575 2.245
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 199 232 576 2.500
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 199 232 577 2.800
2 50 10 3100 199 232 578 3.700
Size D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 27 62 40 77 96 194 56 25 261 76 48 69
∕2 50 159 27 62 40 77 99 194 56 25 261 76 48 64
∕4 58 168 30 71 40 77 111 194 65 25 261 76 48 76
1 68 168 36 71 40 77 127 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
1 1∕4 84 202 44 84 51 99 146 224 85 45 305 95 59 101
1 1∕2 97 202 51 84 51 99 157 224 89 45 305 95 59 111
2 124 225 64 106 51 99 183 224 101 45 305 95 59 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 70 199 232 592 1.200
∕2 15 10 185 199 232 593 1.200
∕4 20 10 350 199 232 594 1.300
1 25 10 700 199 232 595 1.400
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 199 232 596 2.500
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 199 232 597 2.800
2 50 10 3100 199 232 598 3.700
Size D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 27 62 40 77 96 194 56 25 261 76 48 69
∕2 50 159 27 62 40 77 99 194 56 25 261 76 48 64
∕4 58 168 30 71 40 77 111 194 65 25 261 76 48 76
1 68 168 36 71 40 77 127 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
1 1∕4 84 202 44 84 51 99 146 224 85 45 305 95 59 101
1 1∕2 97 202 51 84 51 99 157 224 89 45 305 95 59 111
2 124 225 64 106 51 99 183 224 101 45 305 95 59 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 70 199 232 612 1.500
∕2 15 10 185 199 232 613 1.500
∕4 20 10 350 199 232 614 1.600
1 25 10 700 199 232 615 1.700
1 1∕4 32 10 1000 199 232 616 2.800
1 1∕2 40 10 1600 199 232 617 3.100
2 50 10 3100 199 232 618 4.000
Size D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 27 62 40 77 96 194 56 25 261 76 48 69
∕2 50 159 27 62 40 77 99 194 56 25 261 76 48 64
∕4 58 168 30 71 40 77 111 194 65 25 261 76 48 76
1 68 168 36 71 40 77 127 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
1 1∕4 84 202 44 84 51 99 146 224 85 45 305 95 59 101
1 1∕2 97 202 51 84 51 99 157 224 89 45 305 95 59 111
2 124 225 64 106 51 99 183 224 101 45 305 95 59 135
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 232 103 1.400
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 232 104 1.600
32 25 1 10 700 199 232 105 1.800
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 232 106 3.100
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 232 107 3.600
63 50 2 10 3100 199 232 108 4.700
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 48 124 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 53 144 194 65 150 25 261 76 48
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 58 154 194 71 160 25 261 76 48
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 70 174 224 85 180 45 305 95 59
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 75 194 224 89 200 45 305 95 59
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 83 224 224 101 230 45 305 95 59
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA35 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA45
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 2 1∕2 10 5000 199 232 949 13.400
90 80 3 10 7000 199 232 950 18.200
110 100 4 10 11000 199 232 951 26.000
d D H H1 H2 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 166 257 85 156 66 93 280 144 136 290 70 60
90 200 274 105 168 70 100 296 152 141 310 70 65
110 238 273 123 175 78 110 336 169 164 350 120 72
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With backing flanges PP-st Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA35 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA45
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 / ASTM D 4024
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 2 1∕2 65 10 5000 199 232 979 13.400
90 3 80 10 7000 199 232 980 18.200
110 4 100 10 11000 199 232 981 26.000
d D H H1 H2 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 166 257 85 156 66 93 280 144 136 290 70 60
90 200 274 105 168 70 100 296 152 141 310 70 65
110 238 273 123 175 78 115 336 169 164 350 120 72
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA35 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA45
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 232 913 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 914 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 915 1.400
40 32 10 1000 199 232 916 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 917 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 918 3.700
75 65 10 5000 199 232 919 8.300
90 80 10 7000 199 232 920 11.900
110 100 10 11000 199 232 921 17.300
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 130 194 56 25 261 76 48 2
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 130 194 65 25 261 76 48 2
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 130 194 71 25 261 76 48 2
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 130 224 85 45 305 95 59 2
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 130 224 89 45 305 95 59 3
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 130 224 101 45 305 95 59 3
75 166 257 85 156 66 266 144 136 70 60 4
90 200 274 105 168 70 264 152 141 70 65 4
110 238 273 123 175 78 301 169 164 120 72 5
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 232 1.200
20 15 10 185 199 232 233 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 234 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 235 1.400
40 32 10 1000 199 232 236 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 237 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 238 3.700
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 159 27 62 40 77 114 194 56 130 25 261 76 48 3
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 124 194 56 130 25 261 76 48 1
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 144 194 65 150 25 261 76 48 3
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 154 194 71 160 25 261 76 48 1
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 174 224 85 180 45 305 95 59 1 1∕4
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 194 224 89 200 45 305 95 59 1 1∕2
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 224 224 101 230 45 305 95 59 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA35 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA45
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 212 1.200
20 15 10 185 199 232 213 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 214 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 215 1.096
40 32 10 1000 199 232 216 1.845
50 40 10 1600 199 232 217 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 218 3.700
75 65 10 5000 199 232 219 8.000
90 80 10 7000 199 232 220 11.600
110 100 10 11000 199 232 221 17.100
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 27 62 40 77 93 194 56 25 261 76 48 67
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 95 194 56 25 261 76 48 66
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 109 194 65 25 261 76 48 77
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 119 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 135 224 85 45 305 95 59 99
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 147 224 89 45 305 95 59 105
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 168 224 101 45 305 95 59 117
75 166 257 85 156 66 233 144 136 70 60 167
90 200 274 105 168 70 254 152 141 70 65 180
110 238 273 123 175 78 301 169 164 120 72 215
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 232 083 1.400
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 232 084 1.600
32 25 1 10 700 199 232 085 1.800
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 232 086 3.100
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 232 087 3.600
63 50 2 10 3100 199 232 088 4.697
D H H1 H2 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
50 159 27 62 40 77 48 124 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
58 168 30 71 40 77 53 144 194 65 150 25 261 76 48
68 168 36 71 40 77 58 154 194 71 160 25 261 76 48
84 202 44 84 51 99 70 174 224 85 180 45 305 95 59
97 202 51 84 51 99 75 194 224 89 200 45 305 95 59
124 225 64 106 51 99 83 224 224 101 230 45 305 95 59
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With backing flanges PP-st Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 / ASTM D 4024
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 2 1∕2 65 10 5000 199 232 969 14.500
90 3 80 10 7000 199 232 970 18.900
110 4 100 10 11000 199 232 971 27.700
d D H H1 H2 H5 H6 L L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 166 262 85 156 70 93 280 136 290 70 276 65
90 200 281 105 168 78 100 296 141 310 70 341 72
110 238 292 123 175 86 115 336 164 350 120 369 80
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 2 1∕2 65 10 5000 199 232 939 14.500
90 3 80 10 7000 199 232 940 18.900
110 4 100 10 11000 199 232 941 27.700
d D H H1 H2 H5 H6 L L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 166 262 85 156 70 93 280 136 290 70 276 65
90 200 281 105 168 78 100 296 141 310 70 341 72
110 238 292 123 175 86 110 336 164 350 120 369 80
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 232 873 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 874 1.198
32 25 10 700 199 232 875 1.335
40 32 10 1000 199 232 876 2.351
50 40 10 1600 199 232 877 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 878 3.568
75 65 10 5000 199 232 879 9.500
90 80 10 7000 199 232 880 12.600
110 100 10 11000 199 232 881 19.100
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 130 194 56 25 261 76 48 2
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 130 194 65 25 261 76 48 2
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 130 194 71 25 261 76 48 2
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 130 224 85 45 305 95 59 2
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 130 224 89 45 305 95 59 3
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 130 224 101 45 305 95 59 3
75 166 262 85 156 70 266 218 136 70 276 65 4
90 200 281 105 168 70 264 259 141 70 341 72 4
110 238 292 123 175 70 301 287 164 120 369 80 5
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 192 1.200
20 15 10 185 199 232 193 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 194 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 195 1.400
40 32 10 1000 199 232 196 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 197 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 198 3.603
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 159 27 62 40 77 114 194 56 130 25 261 76 48 3
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 124 194 56 130 25 261 76 48 1
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 144 194 65 150 25 261 76 48 3
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 154 194 71 160 25 261 76 48 1
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 174 224 85 180 45 305 95 59 1 1∕4
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 194 224 89 200 45 305 95 59 1 1∕2
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 224 224 101 230 45 305 95 59 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 172 1.200
20 15 10 185 199 232 173 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 174 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 175 1.400
40 32 10 1000 199 232 176 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 177 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 178 3.700
75 65 10 5000 199 232 179 9.200
90 80 10 7000 199 232 180 12.300
110 100 10 11000 199 232 181 18.900
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 27 62 40 77 93 194 56 25 261 76 48 67
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 95 194 56 25 261 76 48 66
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 109 194 65 25 261 76 48 77
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 119 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 135 224 85 45 305 95 59 99
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 147 224 89 45 305 95 59 105
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 168 224 101 45 305 95 59 117
75 166 262 85 156 70 233 136 70 276 65 167
90 200 281 105 168 78 254 141 70 341 72 180
110 238 292 123 175 86 301 164 120 369 80 215
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 232 063 1.326
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 232 064 1.600
32 25 1 10 700 199 232 065 1.804
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 232 066 3.100
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 232 067 3.600
63 50 2 10 3100 199 232 068 4.700
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 48 124 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 53 144 194 65 150 25 261 76 48
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 58 154 194 71 160 25 261 76 48
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 70 174 224 85 180 45 305 95 59
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 75 194 224 89 200 45 305 95 59
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 83 224 224 101 230 45 305 95 59
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With backing flanges PP-st ASTM
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 / ASTM D 4024
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 2 1∕2 65 10 5000 199 232 959 14.500
90 3 80 10 7000 199 232 960 18.900
110 4 100 10 11000 199 232 961 27.700
d D H H1 H2 H5 H6 L L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 166 262 85 156 70 93 280 136 290 70 276 65
90 200 281 105 168 78 100 296 141 310 70 341 72
110 238 292 123 175 86 115 336 164 350 120 369 80
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With backing flanges PP-st metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 65 2 1∕2 10 5000 199 232 929 14.500
90 80 3 10 7000 199 232 930 18.900
110 100 4 10 11000 199 232 931 27.700
d D H H1 H2 H5 H6 L L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 166 262 85 156 70 93 280 136 290 70 276 65
90 200 281 105 168 78 100 296 141 310 70 341 72
110 238 292 123 175 86 110 340 164 350 120 369 80
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 152 1.200
20 15 10 185 199 232 153 1.084
25 20 10 350 199 232 154 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 155 1.343
40 32 10 1000 199 232 156 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 157 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 158 3.700
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 50 159 27 62 40 77 114 194 56 130 25 261 76 48 3
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 124 194 56 130 25 261 76 48 1
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 144 194 65 150 25 261 76 48 3
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 154 194 71 160 25 261 76 48 1
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 174 224 85 180 45 305 95 59 1 1∕4
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 194 224 89 200 45 305 95 59 1 1∕2
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 224 224 101 230 45 305 95 59 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 232 833 1.083
25 20 10 350 199 232 834 1.191
32 25 10 700 199 232 835 1.330
40 32 10 1000 199 232 836 2.350
50 40 10 1600 199 232 837 2.639
63 50 10 3100 199 232 838 4.219
75 65 10 5000 199 232 839 9.500
90 80 10 7000 199 232 840 12.600
110 100 10 11000 199 232 841 19.100
D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 e
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
50 159 27 62 40 77 130 194 56 25 261 76 48 2
58 168 30 71 40 77 130 194 65 25 261 76 48 2
68 168 36 71 40 77 130 194 71 25 261 76 48 2
84 202 44 84 51 99 130 224 85 45 305 95 59 2
97 202 51 84 51 99 130 224 89 45 305 95 59 3
124 225 64 106 51 99 130 224 101 45 305 95 59 3
166 262 85 156 70 266 270 136 70 276 65 4
200 281 105 168 78 264 270 141 70 341 72 4
238 292 123 175 86 301 320 164 120 369 80 5
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• Assignment of actuators: PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50), PA30 (DN65), PA40 (DN80), PA40
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 132 1.200
20 15 10 185 199 232 133 1.079
25 20 10 350 199 232 134 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 135 1.322
40 32 10 1000 199 232 136 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 137 3.216
63 50 10 3100 199 232 138 3.473
75 65 10 5000 199 232 139 9.200
90 80 10 7000 199 232 140 12.300
110 100 10 11000 199 232 141 18.900
d D H H1 H2 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 27 62 40 77 93 194 56 25 261 76 48 67
20 50 159 27 62 40 77 95 194 56 25 261 76 48 66
25 58 168 30 71 40 77 109 194 65 25 261 76 48 77
32 68 168 36 71 40 77 119 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
40 84 202 44 84 51 99 135 224 85 45 305 95 59 99
50 97 202 51 84 51 99 147 224 89 45 305 95 59 105
63 124 225 64 106 51 99 168 224 101 45 305 95 59 117
75 166 262 85 156 70 233 136 70 276 65 167
90 200 281 105 168 78 254 141 70 341 72 180
110 238 292 123 175 86 301 164 120 369 80 215
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
With manual override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 232 043 1.700
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 232 044 1.900
32 25 1 10 700 199 232 045 2.100
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 232 046 3.400
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 232 047 3.900
63 50 2 10 3100 199 232 048 5.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 48 124 194 56 130 25 261 76
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 53 144 194 65 150 25 261 76
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 58 154 194 71 160 25 261 76
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 70 174 224 85 180 45 305 95
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 75 194 224 89 200 45 305 95
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 83 224 224 101 230 45 305 95
d L7
(mm) (mm)
20 48
25 48
32 48
40 59
50 59
63 59
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
With manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 232 793 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 794 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 795 1.400
40 32 10 1000 199 232 796 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 797 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 798 3.700
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 130 194 56 25 261 76 48 1
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 130 194 65 25 261 76 48 3
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 130 194 71 25 261 76 48 1
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 130 224 85 45 305 95 59 1 1∕4
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 130 224 89 45 305 95 59 1 1∕2
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 130 224 101 45 305 95 59 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
With manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 112 1.500
20 15 10 185 199 232 113 1.500
25 20 10 350 199 232 114 1.600
32 25 10 700 199 232 115 1.700
40 32 10 1000 199 232 116 2.800
50 40 10 1600 199 232 117 3.100
63 50 10 3100 199 232 118 4.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 92 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
20 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 95 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
25 58 168 30 71 168 40 77 110 194 65 150 25 261 76 48
32 68 168 36 71 168 40 77 123 194 71 160 25 261 76 48
40 84 202 44 84 187 51 99 146 224 85 180 45 305 95 59
50 97 202 51 84 187 51 99 157 224 89 200 45 305 95 59
63 124 225 64 106 187 51 99 183 224 101 230 45 305 95 59
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 50 199 287 242 1.183
∕2 15 10 75 199 287 243 1.179
∕4 20 10 150 199 287 244 1.349
1 25 10 280 199 287 245 1.593
1 1∕4 32 10 480 199 287 246 2.800
1 1∕2 40 10 620 199 287 247 3.379
2 50 10 1230 199 287 248 5.109
NPT D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕2 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 114 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕4 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 131 194 85 43 25 261 76
1 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 154 194 98 49 25 261 76
1 1∕4 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 180 224 118 59 45 305 95
1 1∕2 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 203 224 135 68 45 305 95
2 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 258 224 176 88 45 305 95
NPT L7 M z z1
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 48 6 86 43
∕2 48 6 80 40
∕4 48 6 95 48
1 48 6 110 55
1 1∕4 59 8 132 66
1 1∕2 59 8 157 79
2 59 8 210 105
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 75 199 287 053 1.666
25 20 10 150 199 287 054 1.369
32 25 10 280 199 287 055 1.623
40 32 10 480 199 287 056 2.710
50 40 10 620 199 287 057 3.294
63 50 10 1230 199 287 058 4.982
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 146 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 163 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 ∕4
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/L-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 50 199 287 262 0.992
∕2 15 10 75 199 287 263 1.001
∕4 20 10 150 199 287 264 1.159
1 25 10 280 199 287 265 1.403
1 1∕4 32 10 480 199 287 266 2.376
1 1∕2 40 10 620 199 287 267 2.955
2 50 10 1230 199 287 268 4.685
NPT D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕2 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 114 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕4 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 131 194 85 43 25 261 76
1 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 154 194 98 49 25 261 76
1 1∕4 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 180 224 118 59 45 305 95
1 1∕2 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 203 224 135 68 45 305 95
2 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 258 224 176 88 45 305 95
NPT L7 M z z1
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 48 6 86 43
∕2 48 6 80 40
∕4 48 6 95 48
1 48 6 110 55
1 1∕4 59 8 132 66
1 1∕2 59 8 157 79
2 59 8 210 105
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/L-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 75 199 287 173 1.012
25 20 10 150 199 287 174 1.179
32 25 10 280 199 287 175 1.433
40 32 10 480 199 287 176 2.403
50 40 10 620 199 287 177 3.036
63 50 10 1230 199 287 178 4.847
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 146 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 163 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 ∕4
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/L-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 199 287 132 1.001
20 15 10 75 199 287 133 1.012
25 20 10 150 199 287 134 1.179
32 25 10 280 199 287 135 1.433
40 32 10 480 199 287 136 2.403
50 40 10 620 199 287 137 3.036
63 50 10 1230 199 287 138 4.847
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 126 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 136 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 159 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 ∕8
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 3
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 140 199 287 252 1.182
∕2 15 10 200 199 287 253 1.189
∕4 20 10 470 199 287 254 1.347
1 25 10 793 199 287 255 1.584
1 1∕4 32 10 1290 199 287 256 2.786
1 1∕2 40 10 1910 199 287 257 3.352
2 50 10 3100 199 287 258 5.052
NPT D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕2 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 114 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕4 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 131 194 85 43 25 261 76
1 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 154 194 98 49 25 261 76
1 1∕4 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 180 224 118 59 45 305 95
1 1∕2 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 203 224 135 68 45 305 95
2 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 258 224 176 88 45 305 95
NPT L7 M z z1
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 48 6 86 43
∕2 48 6 80 40
∕4 48 6 95 48
1 48 6 110 55
1 1∕4 59 8 132 66
1 1∕2 59 8 157 79
2 59 8 210 105
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 200 199 287 073 1.201
25 20 10 470 199 287 074 1.366
32 25 10 793 199 287 075 1.615
40 32 10 1290 199 287 076 2.813
50 40 10 1910 199 287 077 3.433
63 50 10 3100 199 287 078 5.213
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 146 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 163 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 ∕4
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/T-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With threaded sockets NPT
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-B-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
NPT DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕8 10 10 140 199 287 272 0.991
∕2 15 10 200 199 287 273 0.999
∕4 20 10 470 199 287 274 1.157
1 25 10 793 199 287 275 1.394
1 1∕4 32 10 1290 199 287 276 2.362
1 1∕2 40 10 1910 199 287 277 2.928
2 50 10 3100 199 287 278 4.628
NPT D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕2 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 114 194 72 36 25 261 76
∕4 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 131 194 85 43 25 261 76
1 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 154 194 98 49 25 261 76
1 1∕4 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 180 224 118 59 45 305 95
1 1∕2 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 203 224 135 68 45 305 95
2 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 258 224 176 88 45 305 95
NPT L7 M z z1
(inch) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕8 48 6 86 43
∕2 48 6 80 40
∕4 48 6 95 48
1 48 6 110 55
1 1∕4 59 8 132 66
1 1∕2 59 8 157 79
2 59 8 210 105
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/T-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-B-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 140 199 287 193 1.011
25 20 10 200 199 287 194 1.176
32 25 10 470 199 287 195 1.425
40 32 10 793 199 287 196 2.389
50 40 10 1290 199 287 197 3.009
63 50 10 3100 199 287 198 4.789
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 146 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 163 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 ∕4
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/T-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-B-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 199 287 152 0.999
20 15 10 200 199 287 153 1.011
25 20 10 470 199 287 154 1.176
32 25 10 793 199 287 155 1.425
40 32 10 1290 199 287 156 2.389
50 40 10 1910 199 287 157 3.009
63 50 10 3100 199 287 158 4.789
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 126 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 136 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 159 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 ∕8
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 3
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/T-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-B-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 199 287 232 0.991
20 15 10 200 199 287 233 0.999
25 20 10 470 199 287 234 1.157
32 25 10 793 199 287 235 1.394
40 32 10 1290 199 287 236 2.362
50 40 10 1910 199 287 237 2.928
63 50 10 3100 199 287 238 4.628
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 110 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 129 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 146 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 170 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 193 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 244 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 82 41 3
20 48 6 82 41 1
25 48 6 97 49 3
32 48 6 110 55 1
40 59 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 59 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 59 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 199 287 032 1.189
20 15 10 200 199 287 033 1.201
25 20 10 470 199 287 034 1.366
32 25 10 793 199 287 035 1.615
40 32 10 1290 199 287 036 2.813
50 40 10 1910 199 287 037 3.433
63 50 10 3100 199 287 038 5.213
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 126 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 136 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 159 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 ∕8
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 3
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 140 199 287 112 1.182
20 15 10 200 199 287 113 1.189
25 20 10 470 199 287 114 1.347
32 25 10 793 199 287 115 1.584
40 32 10 1290 199 287 116 2.786
50 40 10 1910 199 287 117 3.154
63 50 10 3100 199 287 118 5.052
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 110 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 129 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 146 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 170 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 193 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 244 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 82 41 3
20 48 6 82 41 1
25 48 6 97 49 3
32 48 6 110 55 1
40 59 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 59 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 59 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Horizontal/L-port DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Basic position A-C opened, activated position B-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 199 287 212 0.992
20 15 10 75 199 287 213 1.001
25 20 10 150 199 287 214 1.159
32 25 10 280 199 287 215 1.403
40 32 10 480 199 287 216 2.376
50 40 10 620 199 287 217 2.955
63 50 10 1230 199 287 218 4.347
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 110 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 129 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 146 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 170 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 193 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 244 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 82 41 3
20 48 6 82 41 1
25 48 6 97 49 3
32 48 6 110 55 1
40 59 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 59 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 59 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 199 287 012 1.191
20 15 10 75 199 287 013 1.202
25 20 10 150 199 287 014 1.369
32 25 10 280 199 287 015 1.623
40 32 10 480 199 287 016 2.827
50 40 10 620 199 287 017 3.460
63 50 10 1230 199 287 018 5.271
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 126 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 136 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 159 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 178 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 204 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 237 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 296 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M closest
(mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 ∕8
20 48 6 ∕2
25 48 6 3
32 48 6 1
40 59 8 1 1∕4
50 59 8 1 1∕2
63 59 8 2
SYGEF Standard
3-Way ball valve type 287
Without manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Actuator fails safe to the closed position FC
• Basic position B-C opened, activated position A-C opened, see flow scheme
• Control time 90°<) 1-3 s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 50 199 287 092 1.183
20 15 10 75 199 287 093 1.191
25 20 10 150 199 287 094 1.349
32 25 10 280 199 287 095 1.593
40 32 10 480 199 287 096 2.800
50 40 10 620 199 287 097 3.379
63 50 10 1230 199 287 098 5.109
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 110 194 72 36 25 261 76
20 50 159 28 62 97 40 77 8 112 194 72 36 25 261 76
25 58 168 32 71 97 40 77 8 129 194 85 43 25 261 76
32 68 168 36 71 97 40 77 8 146 194 98 49 25 261 76
40 84 203 45 84 119 51 99 9 170 224 118 59 45 305 95
50 97 203 51 84 119 51 99 9 193 224 135 68 45 305 95
63 124 225 65 106 119 51 99 9 244 224 176 88 45 305 95
d L7 M z z1 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
16 48 6 82 41 3
20 48 6 82 41 1
25 48 6 97 49 3
32 48 6 110 55 1
40 59 8 132 66 1 1∕4
50 59 8 151 76 1 1∕2
63 59 8 188 94 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function DA (Double acting)
With manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 092 1.500
20 15 10 185 199 232 093 1.500
25 20 10 350 199 232 094 1.600
32 25 10 700 199 232 095 1.331
40 32 10 1000 199 232 096 2.800
50 40 10 1600 199 232 097 3.100
63 50 10 3100 199 232 098 4.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 93 194 56 25 261 76 48 67
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 95 194 56 25 261 76 48 66
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 109 194 65 25 261 76 48 77
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 119 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 135 224 85 45 305 95 59 99
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 147 224 89 45 305 95 59 105
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 168 224 101 45 305 95 59 117
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With manual override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 232 023 1.700
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 232 024 1.900
32 25 1 10 700 199 232 025 2.100
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 232 026 3.400
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 232 027 3.900
63 50 2 10 3100 199 232 028 5.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 48 124 194 56 130 25 261 76
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 53 144 194 65 150 25 261 76
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 58 154 194 71 160 25 261 76
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 70 174 224 85 180 45 305 95
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 75 194 224 89 200 45 305 95
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 83 224 224 101 230 45 305 95
d L7
(mm) (mm)
20 48
25 48
32 48
40 59
50 59
63 59
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 232 753 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 754 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 755 1.400
40 32 10 1000 199 232 756 2.500
50 40 10 1600 199 232 757 2.800
63 50 10 3100 199 232 758 3.700
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 130 194 56 25 261 76 48 1
25 58 168 30 71 168 40 77 130 194 65 25 261 76 48 3
32 68 168 36 71 168 40 77 130 194 71 25 261 76 48 1
40 84 202 44 84 187 51 99 130 224 85 45 305 95 59 1 1∕4
50 97 202 51 84 187 51 99 130 224 89 45 305 95 59 1 1∕2
63 124 225 64 106 187 51 99 130 224 101 45 305 95 59 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 072 1.500
20 15 10 185 199 232 073 1.500
25 20 10 350 199 232 074 1.600
32 25 10 700 199 232 075 1.700
40 32 10 1000 199 232 076 2.800
50 40 10 1600 199 232 077 3.100
63 50 10 3100 199 232 078 4.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 92 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
20 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 95 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
25 58 168 30 71 168 40 77 110 194 65 150 25 261 76 48
32 68 168 36 71 168 40 77 123 194 71 160 25 261 76 48
40 84 202 44 84 187 51 99 146 224 85 180 45 305 95 59
50 97 202 51 84 187 51 99 157 224 89 200 45 305 95 59
63 124 225 64 106 187 51 99 183 224 101 230 45 305 95 59
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With manual override
With fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 052 1.500
20 15 10 185 199 232 053 1.500
25 20 10 350 199 232 054 1.600
32 25 10 700 199 232 055 1.700
40 32 10 1000 199 232 056 2.800
50 40 10 1600 199 232 057 3.100
63 50 10 3100 199 232 058 3.728
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 z
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 93 194 56 25 261 76 48 67
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 95 194 56 25 261 76 48 66
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 109 194 65 25 261 76 48 77
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 119 194 71 25 261 76 48 83
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 135 224 85 45 305 95 59 99
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 147 224 89 45 305 95 59 105
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 168 224 101 45 305 95 59 117
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With manual override
With fixed flanges PVDF serrated metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 1
∕2 10 185 199 232 003 1.700
25 20 3
∕4 10 350 199 232 004 1.900
32 25 1 10 700 199 232 005 2.100
40 32 1 1∕4 10 1000 199 232 006 3.400
50 40 1 1∕2 10 1600 199 232 007 3.900
63 50 2 10 3100 199 232 008 5.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 48 124 194 56 130 25 261 76
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 53 144 194 65 150 25 261 76
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 58 154 194 71 160 25 261 76
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 70 174 224 85 180 45 305 95
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 75 194 224 89 200 45 305 95
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 83 224 224 101 230 45 305 95
d L7
(mm) (mm)
20 48
25 48
32 48
40 59
50 59
63 59
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With manual override
With butt fusion spigots IR-Plus metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 185 199 232 713 1.200
25 20 10 350 199 232 714 1.300
32 25 10 700 199 232 715 1.566
40 32 10 1000 199 232 716 2.602
50 40 10 1600 199 232 717 2.887
63 50 10 3100 199 232 718 4.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L4 L5 L6 L7 closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) inch
20 50 230 27 62 168 40 77 130 194 56 25 261 76 48 1
25 58 239 30 71 168 40 77 143 194 65 25 261 76 48 3
32 68 239 36 71 168 40 77 150 194 71 25 261 76 48 1
40 84 271 44 84 187 51 99 171 224 85 45 305 95 59 1 1∕4
50 97 271 51 84 187 51 99 191 224 89 45 305 95 59 1 1∕2
63 124 293 64 106 187 51 99 220 224 101 45 305 95 59 2
SYGEF Standard
Ball valve type 232
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With manual override
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Built on with pneumatic actuator PA11 (DN10/15-25), PA21 (DN32-50)
• Control time 90°<) 1-2s
• For easy installation and removal
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
d DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
16 10 10 70 199 232 032 1.500
20 15 10 185 199 232 033 1.304
25 20 10 350 199 232 034 1.439
32 25 10 700 199 232 035 1.700
40 32 10 1000 199 232 036 3.105
50 40 10 1600 199 232 037 3.100
63 50 10 3100 199 232 038 4.000
d D H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
16 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 92 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
20 50 159 27 62 168 40 77 95 194 56 130 25 261 76 48
25 58 168 30 71 168 40 77 110 194 65 150 25 261 76 48
32 68 168 36 71 168 40 77 123 194 71 160 25 261 76 48
40 84 202 44 84 187 51 99 146 224 85 180 45 305 95 59
50 97 202 51 84 187 51 99 157 224 89 200 45 305 95 59
63 124 225 64 106 187 51 99 183 224 101 230 45 305 95 59
d closest
(mm) inch
16 3
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Butterfly valves electric
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 145 100-230V
With manual override
• Material: PVDF
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Factory set control range 90°<)
• Heating element, position feedback (Open/Close/ Middle)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50-200 line 25, DN250-300 line 16)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
• Other valve and actuator configurations available
• Optional accessories: Fail-safe return unit, Monitoring board, Position controller, Profibus DP
d DN Size PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 50 2 10 1470 199 145 562 5.718
75 65 2 1∕2 10 2200 199 145 563 5.830
90 80 3 10 3000 199 145 564 6.010
110 100 4 10 6500 199 145 565 6.662
140 125 5 10 11500 199 145 566 7.257
160 150 6 10 16600 199 145 567 8.477
225 200 8 10 39600 199 145 568 15.138
d Actuator d2 D D1 D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) unit type (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 EA-45 104 19 120 125 475 77 134 188 75 45 122 180 250
75 EA-45 115 19 140 145 488 83 140 188 75 46 122 180 250
90 EA-120 131 19 150 160 488 89 146 188 60 49 122 180 250
110 EA-120 161 19 175 191 520 104 167 188 60 56 122 180 250
140 EA-120 187 23 210 216 547 117 181 188 60 64 122 180 250
160 EA-120 215 24 241 241 568 130 189 188 60 72 122 180 250
225 EA-250 267 23 290 295 635 158 210 208 60 73 122 180 250
d Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm)
63 40
75 54 35
90 67 50
110 88 74
140 113 97
160 139 123
225 178 169
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 146 100-230V
Without manual override
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Factory set control range 90°<)
• Heating element, position feedback (Open/Close/ Middle)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50-200 line 25, DN250-300 line 16)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Other valve and actuator configurations available
• Optional accessories: Fail-safe return unit, Monitoring board, Position controller, Profibus DP
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 146 582 4.299
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 146 583 4.456
90 3 80 10 3000 199 146 584 4.701
110 4 100 10 6500 199 146 585 5.606
140 5 125 10 11500 199 146 586 7.120
160 6 150 10 16600 199 146 587 8.881
225 8 200 10 39600 199 146 588 13.625
280 10 250 6 55200 199 146 589 24.385
315 12 300 4 80000 199 146 590 30.916
d Actuator d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1 Q2
(mm) unit type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 EA-45 160 M16 125 399 77 134 188 45 122 180 165 40
75 EA-45 180 M16 145 411 83 140 188 46 122 180 182 54 35
90 EA-120 195 M16 160 423 89 146 188 49 122 180 210 67 50
110 EA-120 226 M16 180 461 106 167 188 56 122 180 240 88 74
140 EA-120 258 M16 210 490 121 181 188 64 122 180 272 113 97
160 EA-120 284 M20 240 510 133 189 188 72 122 180 300 139 123
225 EA-120 341 M20 295 577 159 210 208 73 122 180 360 178 169
280 EA-120 412 M20 350 677 205 164 208 113 122 180 440 210 207
315 EA-250 482 M20 400 727 234 285 208 113 122 180 510 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 147 100-230V
Without manual override
• Material: PVDF
• Voltage 100-230 V, 50-60 Hz
• Factory set control range 90°<)
• Heating element, position feedback (Open/Close/ Middle)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50-200 line 25, DN250-300 line 16)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• Other valve and actuator configurations available
• Optional accessories: Fail-safe return unit, Monitoring board, Position controller, Profibus DP
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 147 582
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 147 583
90 3 80 10 3000 199 147 584
110 4 100 10 6500 199 147 585
140 5 125 10 11500 199 147 586
160 6 150 10 16600 199 147 587
225 8 200 10 39600 199 147 588
280 10 250 6 55200 199 147 589
315 12 300 4 80000 199 147 590
d Size Actuator d2 D H H1 H2 H3 D1 L L1 L2 L3 Q1
(mm) (inch) unit type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 2 EA-45 150 UNC 5/8 399 77 134 188 139.7 45 122 180 150 40
75 2 1∕2 EA-45 170 UNC 5/8 411 83 140 188 120.6 46 122 180 160 54
90 3 EA-120 177 UNC 5/8 423 89 146 188 152.4 49 122 180 175 67
110 4 EA-120 216 UNC 5/8 459 104 167 188 190.5 56 122 180 244 88
140 5 EA-120 246 UNC 3/4 486 117 181 188 215.9 64 122 180 272 113
160 6 EA-120 273 UNC 3/4 507 130 189 188 241.3 72 122 180 297 139
225 8 EA-250 334 UNC 3/4 576 158 210 208 298.4 73 122 180 360 178
280 10 EA-250 412 UNC 7/8 677 205 264 208 362.0 113 122 180 440 210
315 12 EA-250 482 UNC 7/8 727 234 285 208 431.8 113 122 180 510 256
d Size Q2
(mm) (inch) (mm)
63 2
75 2 1∕2 35
90 3 50
110 4 74
140 5 97
160 6 123
225 8 169
280 10 207
315 12 253
Butterfly valves pneumatic
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 240
FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
• Material: PVDF
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 240 462 3.758 199 240 522 3.258
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 240 463 3.173 199 240 523 3.370
90 3 80 10 3000 199 240 464 3.550 199 240 524 3.550
110 4 100 10 6500 199 240 465 5.439 199 240 525 5.400
140 5 125 10 11500 199 240 466 6.997 199 240 526 6.997
160 6 150 10 16600 199 240 467 10.538 199 240 527 10.538
225 8 200 10 39600 199 240 468 15.138 199 240 528 15.138
280 10 250 10 55200 199 240 469 29.670 199 240 529 32.529
315 12 300 10 80000 199 240 470 38.156 199 240 530 38.156
d Actuator unit d2 D D1 D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1
(mm) type (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 PA-30 FC 104 19 120 125 327 77 134 117 70 15 45 276
75 PA-30 FC 115 19 140 145 340 83 140 117 70 15 46 276
90 PA-35 FC 131 19 150 160 361 89 146 126 78 15 49 326
110 PA-40 FC 161 19 175 191 400 104 167 129 86 56 370
140 PA-45 FC 187 23 210 216 436 117 181 139 96 64 411
160 PA-50 FC 215 24 241 241 468 130 189 149 106 72 423
225 PA-55 FC 267 23 290 295 529 158 210 161 118 73 452
280 PA-65 FC 329 25 353 362 808 205 264 191 148 113 648
315 PA-70 FC 379 25 400 432 866 228 285 196 157 113 663
d L2 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 65 40
75 65 54 35
90 72 67 50
110 80 88 74
140 90 113 97
160 100 139 123
225 112 178 169
280 137 210 207
315 145 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 240
FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
• Material: PVDF
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 240 482 3.258 199 240 542 3.258
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 240 483 3.370 199 240 543 3.370
90 3 80 10 3000 199 240 484 3.550 199 240 544 3.550
110 4 100 10 6500 199 240 485 5.422 199 240 545 5.400
140 5 125 10 11500 199 240 486 6.997 199 240 546 6.997
160 6 150 10 16600 199 240 487 10.538 199 240 547 10.538
225 8 200 10 39600 199 240 488 15.138 199 240 548 15.000
280 10 250 10 55200 199 240 489 32.529 199 240 549 32.529
315 12 300 10 80000 199 240 490 37.419 199 240 550 37.419
d Actuator unit d2 D D1 D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1
(mm) type (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 PA-30 FO 104 19 120 125 327 77 134 117 70 15 45 276
75 PA-30 FO 115 19 140 145 340 83 140 117 70 15 46 276
90 PA-35 FO 131 19 150 160 361 89 146 126 78 15 49 326
110 PA-40 FO 161 19 175 191 400 104 167 129 86 56 370
140 PA-45 FO 187 23 210 216 436 117 181 139 96 64 411
160 PA-50 FO 215 24 241 241 468 130 189 149 106 72 423
225 PA-55 FO 267 23 290 295 529 158 210 161 118 73 452
280 PA-70 FO 329 25 353 362 808 205 264 191 148 113 648
315 PA-70 FO 379 25 400 432 866 228 285 196 157 113 663
d L2 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 65 40
75 65 54 35
90 72 67 50
110 80 88 74
140 90 113 97
160 100 139 123
225 112 178 169
280 137 210 207
315 145 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Butterfly valve type 240
DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
• Material: PVDF
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 240 502 2.368 199 240 562 2.108
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 240 503 2.488 199 240 563 2.220
90 3 80 10 3000 199 240 504 2.970 199 240 564 2.881
110 4 100 10 6500 199 240 505 3.987 199 240 565 3.652
140 5 125 10 11500 199 240 506 4.247 199 240 566 4.247
160 6 150 10 16600 199 240 507 7.017 199 240 567 7.017
225 8 200 10 39600 199 240 508 9.138 199 240 568 9.138
280 10 250 10 55200 199 240 509 20.233 199 240 569 20.233
315 12 300 10 80000 199 240 510 28.223 199 240 570 28.223
d Actuator unit d2 D D1 D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1
(mm) type (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 PA-35 DA 104 19 120 125 317 77 134 107 60 15 45 177
75 PA-35 DA 115 19 140 145 330 83 140 107 60 15 46 177
90 PA-40 DA 131 19 150 160 348 89 146 113 66 15 49 190
110 PA-45 DA 161 19 175 191 372 104 167 102 71 56 235
140 PA-45 DA 187 23 210 216 408 117 181 111 78 64 235
160 PA-55 DA 215 24 241 241 448 130 189 129 86 72 279
225 PA-55 DA 267 23 290 295 507 158 210 139 96 73 279
280 PA-65 DA 329 25 353 362 748 205 264 161 118 113 350
315 PA-70 DA 379 25 400 432 816 228 285 173 130 113 381
d L2 Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 55 40
75 55 54 35
90 60 67 50
110 65 88 74
140 72 113 97
160 80 139 123
225 90 178 169
280 112 210 207
315 125 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 243
FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 243 462 3.499
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 243 463 3.656
90 3 80 10 3000 199 243 464 4.692
110 4 100 10 6500 199 243 465 6.406
140 5 125 10 11500 199 243 466 9.222
160 6 150 10 16600 199 243 467 12.902
225 8 200 10 39600 199 243 468 16.691
280 10 250 10 55200 199 243 469 33.880
315 12 300 10 80000 199 243 470 43.985
d Actuator unit d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 PA-30 FC 160 M16 125 399 77 134 117 70 15 45 276 65 165
75 PA-30 FC 180 M16 145 340 83 140 117 70 15 46 276 65 182
90 PA-35 FC 195 M16 160 361 89 146 126 78 15 49 326 72 210
110 PA-40 FC 226 M16 180 402 106 167 129 86 56 370 80 240
140 PA-45 FC 258 M16 210 441 121 181 139 96 64 411 90 272
160 PA-50 FC 284 M20 240 471 133 189 149 106 72 423 100 300
225 PA-55 FC 341 M20 295 530 159 210 161 118 73 452 112 360
280 PA-65 FC 412 M20 350 660 205 264 191 148 113 648 137 440
315 PA-70 FC 482 M20 400 715 234 285 196 157 113 663 145 510
d Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm)
63 40
75 54 35
90 67 50
110 88 74
140 113 97
160 139 123
225 178 169
280 210 207
315 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 243
FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 243 482 3.499
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 243 483 3.656
90 3 80 10 3000 199 243 484 4.692
110 4 100 10 6500 199 243 485 6.406
140 5 125 10 11500 199 243 486 9.222
160 6 150 10 16600 199 243 487 12.902
225 8 200 10 39600 199 243 488 16.691
280 10 250 10 55200 199 243 489 33.880
315 12 300 10 80000 199 243 490 43.985
d Actuator unit d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 PA-30 FO 160 M16 125 328 77 134 117 70 15 45 276 65 165
75 PA-30 FO 180 M16 145 340 83 140 117 70 15 46 276 65 182
90 PA-35 FO 195 M16 160 361 89 146 126 78 15 49 326 72 210
110 PA-40 FO 226 M16 180 402 106 167 129 86 56 370 80 240
140 PA-45 FO 258 M16 210 441 121 181 139 96 64 411 90 272
160 PA-50 FO 284 M20 240 471 133 189 149 106 72 423 100 300
225 PA-55 FO 341 M20 295 530 159 210 161 118 73 452 112 360
280 PA-70 FO 412 M20 350 660 205 264 191 148 113 648 137 440
315 PA-70 FO 482 M20 400 715 234 285 196 157 113 663 145 510
d Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm)
63 40
75 54 35
90 67 50
110 88 74
140 113 97
160 139 123
225 178 169
280 210 207
315 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 243
DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN10, EN 1092 PN10, DIN 2501 PN10
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 243 502 3.499
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 243 503 3.656
90 3 80 10 3000 199 243 504 4.692
110 4 100 10 6500 199 243 505 6.406
140 5 125 10 11500 199 243 506 9.222
160 6 150 10 16600 199 243 507 12.902
225 8 200 10 39600 199 243 508 16.691
280 10 250 10 55200 199 243 509 33.880
315 12 300 10 80000 199 243 510 43.985
d Actuator unit d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
63 PA-35 DA 160 M16 125 318 77 134 107 60 15 45 177 55 165
75 PA-35 DA 180 M16 145 330 83 140 107 60 15 46 177 55 182
90 PA-40 DA 195 M16 160 348 89 146 113 66 15 49 190 60 210
110 PA-45 DA 226 M16 180 384 106 167 111 78 56 235 72 240
140 PA-45 DA 258 M16 210 413 121 181 111 78 64 235 72 272
160 PA-55 DA 284 M20 240 461 133 189 139 96 72 279 90 300
225 PA-55 DA 341 M20 295 508 159 210 139 96 73 279 90 360
280 PA-65 DA 412 M20 350 630 205 264 161 118 113 350 112 440
315 PA-70 DA 482 M20 400 692 234 285 173 130 113 381 124 510
d Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm) (mm)
63 40
75 54 35
90 67 50
110 88 74
140 113 97
160 139 123
225 178 169
280 210 207
315 256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 244 ANSI
FC (Fail safe to close)
Without manual override
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 244 462
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 244 463
90 3 80 10 3000 199 244 464
110 4 100 10 6500 199 244 465
140 5 125 10 11500 199 244 466
160 6 150 10 16600 199 244 467 12.902
225 8 200 10 39600 199 244 468
280 250 10 55200 199 244 469
315 300 10 80000 199 244 470
Actuator unit d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3
type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
PA-30 FC 160 UNC 5/8 120.6 328 77 134 117 70 15 45 276 65 165
PA-30 FC 180 UNC 5/8 139.7 340 83 140 117 70 15 46 276 65 182
PA-35 FC 195 UNC 5/8 152.4 361 89 146 126 78 15 49 326 72 210
PA-40 FC 226 UNC 5/8 190.5 402 106 167 129 86 56 370 80 240
PA-45 FC 258 UNC 3/4 215.9 441 121 181 139 96 64 411 90 272
PA-50 FC 284 UNC 3/4 241.3 471 133 189 149 106 72 423 100 300
PA-55 FC 341 UNC 3/4 298.4 530 159 210 161 118 73 452 112 360
PA-65 FC 412 UNC 3/4 362.0 660 205 264 191 148 113 648 137 440
PA-70 FC 482 UNC 3/4 431.8 715 234 285 196 157 113 663 145 510
Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm)
54 35
67 50
88 74
113 97
139 123
178 169
210 207
256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 244 ANSI
FO (Fail safe to open)
Without manual override
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 244 482 3.499
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 244 483 3.656
90 3 80 10 3000 199 244 484 4.692
110 4 100 10 6500 199 244 485 6.406
140 5 125 10 11500 199 244 486 9.222
160 6 150 10 16600 199 244 487 12.902
225 8 200 10 39600 199 244 488 16.691
280 10 250 10 55200 199 244 489 33.880
315 12 300 10 80000 199 244 490 43.985
Actuator unit d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3
type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
PA-30 FO 160 UNC 5/8 120.6 328 77 134 117 70 15 45 276 65 165
PA-30 FO 180 UNC 5/8 139.7 340 83 140 117 70 15 46 276 65 182
PA-35 FO 195 UNC 5/8 152.4 361 89 146 126 78 15 49 326 72 210
PA-40 FO 226 UNC 5/8 190.5 402 106 167 129 86 56 370 80 240
PA-45 FO 258 UNC 3/4 215.9 441 121 181 139 96 64 411 90 272
PA-50 FO 284 UNC 3/4 241.3 471 133 189 149 106 72 423 100 300
PA-55 FO 341 UNC 3/4 298.4 530 159 210 161 118 73 452 112 360
PA-70 FO 412 UNC 3/4 362.0 660 205 264 191 148 113 648 137 440
PA-70 FO 482 UNC 3/4 431.8 715 234 285 196 157 113 663 145 510
Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm)
54 35
67 50
88 74
113 97
139 123
178 169
210 207
256 253
SYGEF Standard
Lugstyle butterfly valve type 244 ANSI
DA (Double acting)
Without manual override
• Housing material: PP-GF30 with SS316 lug-inserts
• Control range 90°<)
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752 (DN50 - 200 line 25, DN250 - 300 line 10)
• Connecting dimension ANSI/ASME B 16.5 Class 150
• Optional accessory: Valve-Integrated position feedback with limit switches (limit switches have
to be ordered separately)
d Size DN PN kv-value FPM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 199 244 502 4.198
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 199 244 503 4.561
90 3 80 10 3000 199 244 504 5.470
110 4 100 10 6500 199 244 505 7.750
140 5 125 10 11500 199 244 506 9.731
160 6 150 10 16600 199 244 507 13.500
225 8 200 10 39600 199 244 508 19.114
280 10 250 10 55200 199 244 509
315 12 300 10 80000 199 244 510
Actuator unit d2 D D1 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 L L1 L2 L3
type (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
PA-35 DA 160 UNC 5/8 120.6 318 77 134 107 60 15 45 177 55 165
PA-35 DA 180 UNC 5/8 139.7 330 83 140 107 60 15 46 177 55 182
PA-40 DA 195 UNC 5/8 152.4 348 89 146 113 66 15 49 190 60 210
PA-45 DA 226 UNC 5/8 190.5 384 106 167 111 78 56 235 72 240
PA-45 DA 258 UNC 3/4 215.9 413 121 181 111 78 64 235 72 272
PA-55 DA 284 UNC 3/4 241.3 461 133 189 139 96 72 279 90 300
PA-55 DA 341 UNC 3/4 298.4 508 159 210 139 96 73 279 90 360
PA-65 DA 412 UNC 3/4 362.0 630 205 264 161 118 113 350 112 440
PA-70 DA 482 UNC 3/4 431.8 692 234 285 173 130 113 381 124 510
Q1 Q2
(mm) (mm)
54 35
67 50
88 74
113 97
139 123
178 169
210 207
256 253
Diaphragm valves pneumatic
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN* kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10/10* 125 185 624 032 0.611 185 624 052 0.611
25 20 10/10* 271 185 624 033 1.216 185 624 053 1.216
32 25 10/10* 481 185 624 034 1.565 185 624 054 1.565
40 32 10/10* 759 185 624 035 2.489 185 624 055 2.489
50 40 10/10* 1263 185 624 036 4.266 185 624 056 4.266
63 50 10/6* 1728 185 624 037 5.358 185 624 057 5.358
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M z Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 128 25 M6 100 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6 118 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 162 25 M6 126 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 184 45 M8 144 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 210 45 M8 164 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 248 45 M8 194 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 624 132 0.630 185 624 152 1.100
25 20 10 271 185 624 133 1.405 185 624 153 1.760
32 25 10 481 185 624 134 1.515 185 624 154 2.610
40 32 10 759 185 624 135 2.570 185 624 155 3.760
50 40 10 1263 185 624 136 4.697 185 624 156 6.220
63 50 6 1728 185 624 137 5.327 185 624 157 7.800
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 196 25 M6 2 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 2 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 234 25 M6 2 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 260 45 M8 2 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 284 45 M8 3 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 321 45 M8 3 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
With backing flanges PP-V Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕2 15 10 125 185 627 732 0.870 185 627 752 0.870
∕4 20 10 271 185 627 733 1.473 185 627 753 1.473
1 25 10 481 185 627 734 1.791 185 627 754 1.791
1 1∕4 32 10 759 185 627 735 2.854 185 627 755 2.854
1 1∕2 40 10 1263 185 627 736 4.481 185 627 756 4.481
2 50 6 1728 185 627 737 5.762 185 627 757 5.762
Size D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(inch) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 68 1
∕8 95 60 16 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 130 25 M6
∕4 96 1
∕8 105 70 16 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
1 96 1
∕8 115 79 16 143 22 12 84 25 16 69 160 25 M6
1 1∕4 120 1
∕8 140 89 16 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 180 45 M8
1 1∕2 150 1
∕4 150 98 16 193 32 15 119 36 26 88 200 45 M8
2 150 1
∕4 165 121 19 205 39 15 132 36 26 88 230 45 M8
Size Lift =
(inch) Hx
∕2 7
∕4 10
1 13
1 1∕4 15
1 1∕2 19
2 23
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
With backing flanges PP-V metric/BS
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, BS 4504 PN 10
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 627 132 0.754 185 627 152 0.754
25 20 10 271 185 627 133 1.473 185 627 153 1.473
32 25 10 481 185 627 134 1.699 185 627 154 1.699
40 32 10 759 185 627 135 2.854 185 627 155 2.854
50 40 10 1263 185 627 136 4.481 185 627 156 4.481
63 50 6 1728 185 627 137 5.686 185 627 157 5.686
d D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 68 1
∕8 95 65 14 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 130 25 M6
25 96 1
∕8 105 75 14 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
32 96 1
∕8 115 85 14 143 22 12 84 25 16 69 160 25 M6
40 120 1
∕8 140 100 18 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 180 45 M8
50 150 1
∕4 150 110 18 193 32 15 119 36 26 88 200 45 M8
63 150 1
∕4 165 125 18 205 39 15 132 36 26 88 230 45 M8
d Lift = closest
(mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 7 ∕2
25 10 ∕4
32 13 1
40 15 1 1∕4
50 19 1 1∕2
63 23 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
With backing flanges PP-V Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
Size DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕2 15 125 185 647 732 0.820 185 647 752 0.820
∕4 20 271 185 647 733 1.299 185 647 753 1.299
1 25 481 185 647 734 1.611 185 647 754 1.611
1 1∕4 32 759 185 647 735 2.494 185 647 755 2.494
1 1∕2 40 1263 185 647 736 4.391 185 647 756 4.391
2 50 1728 185 647 737 5.672 185 647 757 5.672
Size D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(inch) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 68 1
∕8 95 60 16 101 14 12 60 24 16 57 130 25 M6
∕4 96 1
∕8 105 70 16 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
1 96 1
∕8 115 79 16 143 22 12 84 25 16 69 160 25 M6
1 1∕4 120 1
∕8 140 89 16 173 26 15 99 26 26 88 180 45 M8
1 1∕2 150 1
∕4 150 98 16 214 32 15 119 36 26 103 200 45 M8
2 150 1
∕4 165 121 19 226 39 15 132 36 26 103 230 45 M8
Size Lift =
(inch) Hx
∕2 7
∕4 10
1 13
1 1∕4 15
1 1∕2 19
2 23
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
With backing flanges PP-V metric/BS
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, BS 4504 PN 10
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 647 132 0.820 185 647 152 0.820
25 20 271 185 647 133 1.299 185 647 153 1.299
32 25 481 185 647 134 1.611 185 647 154 1.611
40 32 759 185 647 135 2.494 185 647 155 2.494
50 40 1263 185 647 136 4.391 185 647 156 4.391
63 50 1728 185 647 137 5.040 185 647 157 5.040
d D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 68 1
∕8 95 65 14 101 14 12 60 24 16 57 130 25 M6
25 96 1
∕8 105 75 14 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
32 96 1
∕8 115 85 14 143 22 12 84 25 16 69 160 25 M6
40 120 1
∕8 140 100 18 173 26 15 99 26 26 88 180 45 M8
50 150 1
∕4 150 110 18 214 32 15 119 36 26 103 200 45 M8
63 150 1
∕4 165 125 18 226 39 15 132 36 26 103 230 45 M8
d Lift = closest
(mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 7 ∕21
25 10 ∕43
32 13 1
40 15 1 1∕4
50 19 1 1∕2
63 23 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
With backing flanges PP-V Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕2 15 10 125 185 657 732 0.804 185 657 752 0.804
∕4 20 10 271 185 657 733 1.263 185 657 753 1.263
1 25 10 481 185 657 734 1.581 185 657 754 1.581
1 1∕4 32 10 759 185 657 735 2.434 185 657 755 2.434
1 1∕2 40 10 1263 185 657 736 3.641 185 657 756 3.641
2 50 6 1728 185 657 737 4.922 185 657 757 4.922
Size D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(inch) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 68 1
∕8 95 60 16 101 14 12 60 24 16 57 130 25 M6
∕4 96 1
∕8 105 70 16 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
1 96 1
∕8 115 79 16 143 22 12 84 25 16 69 160 25 M6
1 1∕4 120 1
∕8 140 89 16 173 26 15 99 26 26 88 180 45 M8
1 1∕2 150 1
∕4 150 98 16 214 32 15 119 36 26 103 200 45 M8
2 150 1
∕4 165 121 19 226 39 15 132 36 26 103 230 45 M8
Size Lift =
(inch) Hx
∕2 7
∕4 10
1 13
1 1∕4 15
1 1∕2 19
2 23
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
With backing flanges PP-V metric/BS
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, BS 4504 PN 10
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 657 132 0.804 185 657 152 0.804
25 20 271 185 657 133 1.200 185 657 153 1.200
32 25 481 185 657 134 1.581 185 657 154 1.581
40 32 759 185 657 135 2.434 185 657 155 2.434
50 40 1263 185 657 136 3.937 185 657 156 3.937
63 50 1728 185 657 137 4.922 185 657 157 4.922
d D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 68 1
∕8 95 65 14 101 14 12 60 24 16 57 130 25 M6
25 96 1
∕8 105 75 14 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
32 96 1
∕8 115 85 14 143 22 12 84 25 16 69 160 25 M6
40 120 1
∕8 140 100 18 173 26 15 99 26 26 88 180 45 M8
50 150 1
∕4 150 110 18 214 32 15 119 36 26 103 200 45 M8
63 150 1
∕4 165 125 18 226 39 15 132 36 26 103 230 45 M8
d Lift = closest
(mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 7 ∕21
25 10 ∕43
32 13 1
40 15 1 1∕4
50 19 1 1∕2
63 23 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 655 132 0.603 185 655 152 0.603
25 20 271 185 655 133 0.981 185 655 153 0.981
32 25 481 185 655 134 1.193 185 655 154 1.193
40 32 759 185 655 135 1.823 185 655 155 1.823
50 40 1263 185 655 136 2.986 185 655 156 2.986
63 50 1728 185 655 137 3.796 185 655 157 3.796
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 124 25 M6 2 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 2 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 154 25 M6 2 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 174 45 M8 2 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 194 45 M8 3 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 224 45 M8 3 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 655 032 0.604 185 655 052 0.604
25 20 271 185 655 033 0.989 185 655 053 0.989
32 25 481 185 655 034 1.201 185 655 054 1.201
40 32 759 185 655 035 1.848 185 655 055 1.848
50 40 1263 185 655 036 3.031 185 655 056 3.031
63 50 1728 185 655 037 3.878 185 655 057 3.878
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
With backing flanges PP-V Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
Size DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(inch) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
∕2 15 125 185 687 732 1.281 185 687 752 1.281
∕4 20 271 185 687 733 1.491 185 687 753 1.491
1 25 481 185 687 734 2.398 185 687 754 2.410
1 1∕4 32 759 185 687 735 3.961 185 687 755 3.961
1 1∕2 40 1263 185 687 736 5.944 185 687 756 5.944
2 50 1728 185 687 737 7.277 185 687 757 7.277
Size D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(inch) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 96 1
∕8 95 60 16 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 130 25 M6
∕4 96 1
∕8 105 70 16 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
1 120 1
∕8 115 79 16 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 160 25 M6
1 1∕4 150 1
∕4 140 89 16 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 180 45 M8
1 1∕2 180 1
∕4 150 98 16 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 200 45 M8
2 180 1
∕4 165 121 19 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 230 45 M8
Size Lift =
(inch) Hx
∕2 7
∕4 10
1 13
1 1∕4 15
1 1∕2 19
2 23
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
With backing flanges PP-V metric/BS
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Joining faces flat/serrated
• Overall length EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, BS 4504 PN 10
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 687 132 1.281 185 687 152 1.281
25 20 271 185 687 133 1.491 185 687 153 1.491
32 25 481 185 687 134 2.410 185 687 154 2.410
40 32 759 185 687 135 3.961 185 687 155 3.961
50 40 1263 185 687 136 5.944 185 687 156 5.944
63 50 1728 185 687 137 7.277 185 687 157 7.277
d D D1_G D3 D4 D5 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 96 1
∕8 95 65 14 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 130 25 M6
25 96 1
∕8 105 75 14 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6
32 120 1
∕8 115 85 14 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 160 25 M6
40 150 1
∕4 140 100 18 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 180 45 M8
50 180 1
∕4 150 110 18 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 200 45 M8
63 180 1
∕4 165 125 18 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 230 45 M8
d Lift = closest
(mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 7 ∕21
25 10 ∕43
32 13 1
40 15 1 1∕4
50 19 1 1∕2
63 23 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (psi) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 150/150* 125 185 685 132 0.972 185 685 152 0.972
25 20 150/150* 271 185 685 133 1.209 185 685 153 1.209
32 25 150/150* 481 185 685 134 2.022 185 685 154 2.022
40 32 150/150* 759 185 685 135 3.350 185 685 155 3.350
50 40 150/150* 1263 185 685 136 5.289 185 685 156 5.289
63 50 150/150* 1728 185 685 137 6.151 185 685 157 6.151
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 124 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 1.9 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 154 25 M6 2.4 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 174 45 M8 2.4 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 194 45 M8 3.0 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 224 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN PN PN* kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (psi) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 150/150* 10/10* 125 185 685 032 1.081 185 685 052 1.081
25 20 150/150* 10/10* 271 185 685 033 1.217 185 685 053 1.217
32 25 150/150* 10/10* 481 185 685 034 2.030 185 685 054 2.030
40 32 150/150* 10/10* 759 185 685 035 3.375 185 685 055 3.375
50 40 150/150* 10/10* 1263 185 685 036 5.334 185 685 056 5.334
63 50 150/150* 10/10* 1728 185 685 037 6.233 185 685 057 6.233
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN PN PN* kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (psi) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 150/150* 10/10* 125 185 684 132 1.185 185 684 152 1.185
25 20 150/150* 10/10* 271 185 684 133 1.386 185 684 153 1.386
32 25 150/150* 10/10* 481 185 684 134 2.537 185 684 154 2.537
40 32 150/150* 10/10* 759 185 684 135 3.735 185 684 155 3.735
50 40 150/150* 10/10* 1263 185 684 136 5.757 185 684 156 5.757
63 50 150/150* 10/10* 1728 185 684 137 6.991 185 684 157 6.991
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 196 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 1.9 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 234 25 M6 2.4 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 260 45 M8 2.4 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 284 45 M8 3.0 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 321 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (psi) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 150/150* 125 185 684 032 0.957 185 684 052 1.147
25 20 150/150* 271 185 684 033 1.233 185 684 053 1.233
32 25 150/150* 481 185 684 034 2.184 185 684 054 2.184
40 32 150/150* 759 185 684 035 3.643 185 684 055 3.643
50 40 150/150* 1263 185 684 036 5.729 185 684 056 5.729
63 50 150/150* 1728 185 684 037 6.873 185 684 057 6.873
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M z Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 128 25 M6 100 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6 118 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 162 25 M6 126 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 184 45 M8 144 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 210 45 M8 164 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 248 45 M8 194 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 654 132 0.708 185 654 152 0.708
25 20 271 185 654 133 1.158 185 654 153 1.158
32 25 481 185 654 134 1.399 185 654 154 1.399
40 32 759 185 654 135 2.208 185 654 155 2.208
50 40 1263 185 654 136 3.454 185 654 156 3.454
63 50 1728 185 654 137 4.636 185 654 157 4.636
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 196 25 M6 2 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 2 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 234 25 M6 2 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 260 45 M8 2 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 69 284 45 M8 3 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 69 321 45 M8 3 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
Unions with fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 185 654 032 0.565 185 654 052 0.565
25 20 271 185 654 033 1.116 185 654 053 1.116
32 25 481 185 654 034 1.328 185 654 054 1.355
40 32 759 185 654 035 2.116 185 654 055 2.116
50 40 1263 185 654 036 3.426 185 654 056 3.426
63 50 1728 185 654 037 4.518 185 654 057 4.518
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M z Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 128 25 M6 100 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6 118 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 162 25 M6 126 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 184 45 M8 144 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 210 45 M8 164 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 248 45 M8 194 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 645 132 0.619 185 645 152 0.619
25 20 10 271 185 645 133 1.017 185 645 153 1.017
32 25 10 481 185 645 134 1.223 185 645 154 1.223
40 32 10 759 185 645 135 1.883 185 645 155 1.883
50 40 10 1263 185 645 136 3.701 185 645 156 3.736
63 50 6 1728 185 645 137 4.546 185 645 157 4.546
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 124 25 M6 2 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 2 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 154 25 M6 2 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 174 45 M8 2 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 194 45 M8 3 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 224 45 M8 3 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 645 032 0.620 185 645 052 0.620
25 20 10 271 185 645 033 1.025 185 645 053 1.025
32 25 10 481 185 645 034 1.231 185 645 054 1.231
40 32 10 759 185 645 035 1.908 185 645 055 1.908
50 40 10 1263 185 645 036 3.781 185 645 056 3.781
63 50 6 1728 185 645 037 4.628 185 645 057 4.628
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 644 132 0.724 185 644 152 0.600
25 20 10 271 185 644 133 1.194 185 644 153 1.194
32 25 10 481 185 644 134 1.429 185 644 154 1.429
40 32 10 759 185 644 135 2.268 185 644 155 2.268
50 40 10 1263 185 644 136 4.204 185 644 156 4.204
63 50 6 1728 185 644 137 5.386 185 644 157 5.386
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
Unions with fusion sockets metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN kv-value PN PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) (bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 125 10 185 644 032 0.686 185 644 052 0.686
25 20 271 10 185 644 033 1.152 185 644 053 1.152
32 25 481 10 185 644 034 1.385 185 644 054 1.385
40 32 759 10 185 644 035 2.176 185 644 055 2.176
50 40 1263 10 185 644 036 4.176 185 644 056 4.176
63 50 1728 6 185 644 037 5.268 185 644 057 5.268
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M z Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 128 25 M6 100 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 150 25 M6 118 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 162 25 M6 126 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 184 45 M8 144 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 210 45 M8 164 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 248 45 M8 194 23
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 625 132 0.541 185 625 152 0.541
25 20 10 271 185 625 133 1.191 185 625 153 1.191
32 25 10 481 185 625 134 1.403 185 625 154 1.403
40 32 10 759 185 625 135 2.243 185 625 155 2.243
50 40 10 1263 185 625 136 3.826 185 625 156 3.826
63 50 6 1728 185 625 137 4.636 185 625 157 4.636
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 124 25 M6 2 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 2 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 154 25 M6 2 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 174 45 M8 2 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 194 45 M8 3 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 224 45 M8 3 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
With socket fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 185 625 032 0.670 185 625 052 0.670
25 20 10 271 185 625 033 1.199 185 625 053 1.199
32 25 10 481 185 625 034 1.411 185 625 054 1.411
40 32 10 759 185 625 035 2.268 185 625 055 2.268
50 40 10 1263 185 625 036 3.871 185 625 056 3.871
63 50 6 1728 185 625 037 4.718 185 625 057 4.718
Diaphragm valves pneumatic
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With fixed flanges PVDF Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 327 14.200
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 358 18.948
4 100 6 2700 199 025 329 26.500
L L2
(mm) (mm)
* 290 70
** 310 120
350 120
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With fixed flanges PVDF metric
• Material: PVDF
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 75 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 357 13.600
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 358 18.948
110 4 100 6 2700 199 025 359 32.500
d D D1_G D2 D3[M] D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 280 1
∕4 185 8 145 344 148 24 46 100 129 195 298 46
** 90 280 1
∕4 200 12 160 348 150 24 46 100 129 195 302 57
110 335 1
∕4 225 12 180 395 176 24 46 100 129 195 349 69
d H10 L L2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 15 290 70
** 90 15 310 120
110 20 350 120
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With fixed flanges PVDF metric
• Material: PVDF
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d DN Size PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 75 65 2 1∕2 10 992 199 025 367 13.600
** 90 80 3 10 1700 199 025 368 17.400
110 100 4 6 2700 199 025 369 24.700
** 160 150 6 6 6033 199 025 370 19.000
d D D1_G D2 D3[M] D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 280 1
∕4 185 8 145 344 148 24 46 100 129 195 298 46
** 90 280 1
∕4 200 12 160 348 150 24 46 100 129 195 302 57
110 335 1
∕4 225 12 180 395 176 24 46 100 129 195 349 69
** 160 335 1
∕4 285 12 240 455 237 24 46 100 129 195 409 108
d H10 L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 15 290 70
** 90 15 310 120
110 20 350 120
** 160 20 480 100 200
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With fixed flanges PVDF Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 337 12.200
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 368 17.400
4 100 6 2700 199 025 339 23.400
** 160 6 150 6 6033 199 025 370 19.000
L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm)
* 290 70
** 310 120
350 120
** 480 100 200
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function DA (Double acting)
With fixed flanges PVDF metric
• Material: PVDF
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d DN Size PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 75 65 2 1∕2 10 992 199 025 377 13.600
** 90 80 3 10 1700 199 025 378 17.400
110 100 4 6 2700 199 025 379 25.534
** 160 150 6 6 6033 199 025 380 35.000
d D D1_G D2 D3[M] D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 280 1
∕4 185 8 145 344 148 24 46 100 129 195 298 46
** 90 280 1
∕4 200 12 160 348 150 24 46 100 129 195 302 57
110 335 1
∕4 225 12 180 395 176 24 46 100 129 195 349 69
** 160 335 1
∕4 285 12 240 455 237 24 46 100 129 195 409 108
d H10 L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 15 290 70
** 90 15 310 120
110 20 350 120
** 160 20 480 100 200
SYGEF Standard
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function DA (Double acting)
With fixed flanges PVDF Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 347 13.000
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 378 17.400
4 100 6 2700 199 025 349 24.100
** 160 6 150 6 6033 199 025 380 35.000
L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm)
* 290 70
** 310 120
350 120
** 480 100 200
Solenoid valve
• Function A, PN 0.5-6bar
• Material PVDF: with fusion socket metric
• Material PVC-U: with solvent cement socket metric
• Protection class IP 65
• Electrical connection: cable plug
• With manual override
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) EPDM Code Code Code
(l ⁄ min) Code
20 15 83 199 165 012 199 165 002
25 20 100 199 165 013 199 165 003
32 25 233 199 165 014 199 165 004
40 32 267 199 165 015 199 165 005
50 40 500 199 165 016 199 165 006
63 50 600 199 165 017 199 165 007
20 15 83 199 165 412 199 165 402
25 20 100 199 165 413 199 165 403
32 25 233 199 165 414 199 165 404
40 32 500 199 165 415 199 165 405
50 40 500 199 165 416 199 165 406
63 50 600 199 165 417 199 165 407
d H4 L2 L5 z H2 L L1 H H3 H1 L4
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 8 16 40 116 53 148 110 148 22 122 63
25 8 19 40 116 53 154 110 148 22 122 62
32 15 22 45 147 76 190 141 175 31 137 85
40 15 26 45 147 76 198 141 175 31 137 85
50 15 31 45 198 105 254 192 212 42 160 115
63 15 38 45 198 105 268 192 212 42 160 115
20 8 16 40 120 53 147 109 148 22 122 63
25 8 18 40 120 53 151 109 148 22 122 62
32 15 20 45 150 76 185 139 175 31 137 85
40 15 22 45 150 76 189 139 175 31 137 85
50 15 25 45 200 105 245 189 212 42 160 115
63 15 29 45 200 105 253 189 212 42 160 115
Solenoid valve type 165
Straight-through valve 2/2 ways
115V 50Hz
• Function A, PN 0.5-6bar
• Material PVDF: with fusion socket metric
• Material PVC-U: with solvent cement socket metric
• Protection class IP 65
• Electrical connection: cable plug
• With manual override
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) EPDM Code Code Code
(l ⁄ min) Code
20 15 83 199 165 042 199 165 032
25 20 100 199 165 043 199 165 033
32 25 233 199 165 044 199 165 034
40 32 267 199 165 045 199 165 035
50 40 500 199 165 046 199 165 036
63 50 600 199 165 047 199 165 037
20 15 83 199 165 442 199 165 432
25 20 100 199 165 443 199 165 433
32 25 233 199 165 444 199 165 434
40 32 267 199 165 445 199 165 435
50 40 500 199 165 446 199 165 436
63 50 600 199 165 447 199 165 437
d H4 L2 L5 z H2 L L1 H H3 H1 L4
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 8 16 40 116 53 148 110 148 22 122 63
25 8 19 40 116 53 154 110 148 22 122 62
32 15 22 45 147 76 190 141 175 31 137 85
40 15 26 45 147 76 198 141 175 31 137 85
50 15 31 45 198 105 254 192 212 42 160 115
63 15 38 45 198 105 268 192 212 42 160 115
20 8 16 40 120 53 147 109 148 22 122 63
25 8 18 40 120 53 151 109 148 22 122 62
32 15 20 45 150 76 185 139 175 31 137 85
40 15 22 45 150 76 189 139 175 31 137 85
50 15 25 45 200 105 245 189 212 42 160 115
63 15 29 45 200 105 253 189 212 42 160 115
Solenoid valve type 165
Straight-through valve 2/2 ways
24V DC
• Function A, PN 0.5-6bar
• Material PVDF: with fusion socket metric
• Material PVC-U: with solvent cement socket metric
• Protection class IP 65
• Electrical connection: cable plug
• With manual override
(mm) (mm) (Δp=1 bar) EPDM Code Code Code
(l ⁄ min) Code
20 15 83 199 165 022 199 165 072
25 20 100 199 165 023 199 165 073
32 25 233 199 165 024 199 165 074
40 32 267 199 165 025 199 165 075
50 40 500 199 165 026 199 165 076
63 50 600 199 165 027 199 165 077
20 15 83 199 165 422 199 165 452
25 20 100 199 165 423 199 165 453
32 25 233 199 165 424 199 165 454
40 32 267 199 165 425 199 165 455
50 40 500 199 165 426 199 165 456
63 50 600 199 165 427 199 165 457
d H4 L2 L5 z H2 L L1 H H3 H1 L4
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 8 16 40 116 53 148 110 148 22 122 63
25 8 19 40 116 53 154 110 148 22 122 62
32 15 22 45 147 76 190 141 175 31 137 85
40 15 26 45 147 76 198 141 175 31 137 85
50 15 31 45 198 105 254 192 212 42 160 115
63 15 38 45 198 105 268 192 212 42 160 115
20 8 16 40 120 53 147 109 148 22 122 63
25 8 18 40 120 53 151 109 148 22 122 62
32 15 20 45 150 76 185 139 175 31 137 85
40 15 22 45 150 76 189 139 175 31 137 85
50 15 25 45 200 105 245 189 212 42 160 115
63 15 29 45 200 105 253 189 212 42 160 115
Solenoid valve type 166
Straight-through valve 2/2 ways
• Material: PVDF, PP-H
• Function A
• With manual override
• Electrical connection: cable plug
• Protection class IP 65
DN D1_G Voltage PN kv-value PP-H EPDM PP-H FPM PVDF FPM
(mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code Code
(l ⁄ min)
3 1
∕4 24V DC 0.0 ‐ 8.0 4 199 166 000 199 166 005 199 166 505
4 1
∕4 24V DC 0.0 ‐ 4.0 5 199 166 001 199 166 006 199 166 506
5 1
∕4 24V DC 0.0 ‐ 3.0 6 199 166 002 199 166 007 199 166 507
3 1
∕4 230V 50Hz ± 10% 0.0 ‐ 10.0 4 199 166 010 199 166 015 199 166 515
4 1
∕4 230V 50Hz ± 10% 0.0 ‐ 5.0 5 199 166 011 199 166 016 199 166 516
5 1
∕4 230V 50Hz ± 10% 0.0 ‐ 4.5 6 199 166 012 199 166 017 199 166 517
• Material: PP-H
• With manual override
• Electrical connection: cable plug
• Protection class IP 65
DN D1_G Voltage PN kv-value Function EPDM FPM
(mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code
(l ⁄ min)
4 1
∕4 24V AC/DC 0 ‐ 4 5 F 199 166 201 199 166 206
4 1
∕4 230V 50Hz ± 10% 0 ‐ 5 5 A 199 166 011 199 166 016
Solenoid valve type 166
Mixing valve 3/2 ways
• Material: PVDF, PP-H
• Function E
• With manual override
• Electrical connection: cable plug
• Protection class IP 65
DN D1_G Voltage PN kv-value PP-H EPDM PP-H FPM PVDF FPM
(mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code Code
(l ⁄ min)
3 1
∕4 24V AC/DC 0‐4 4 199 166 150 199 166 155
3 1
∕4 230V 50Hz ± 10% 0‐6 4 199 166 160 199 166 165
4 1
∕4 24V AC/DC 0‐2 5 199 166 151 199 166 156 199 166 656
4 1
∕4 230V 50Hz ± 10% 0‐3 5 199 166 161 199 166 166 199 166 666
description Code
Deck Mount Hose Barb 175 530 101
Wall Mount to Ceiling Hose Barb 175 530 102
Wall Mount to Floor Hose Barb 175 530 103
Deck Mount Dual Head 175 530 104
Deck Mount Short Version Female 3/8" NPT 175 530 105
Wall Mount Short to Ceiling 175 530 106
Wall Mount with Hose Barb to Floor Short 175 530 107
Wall Mount with Hose Barb to Mounting Elevation 175 530 118
PROGEF Standard PP Inline Flow Diverter
IR Plus Fusion
90° Elbow, Flare Adapter
(mm) Code
5/8" Flare
85 175 530 012
5/8" Compression Fittings
description Code
90 Bend Tube Protector 150 530 002
Tube Clip 150 530 003
5/8" Flare Nut 175 530 010
5/8" Tube Blankoff 193 530 010
Faucet Isolation Clamp 150 530 001
ADA Handle 150 530 202
Aerator Outlet 150 530 204
Barb Outlet 150 530 203
Welding technology BCF Plus, bead and crevice free fusion, size d20 (½”) – d110 (4”)
IR Plus, infrared fusion (DVS 2207-6), size d20 (½”) – d450 (18”)
Documentation* Certificate of Conformance with FDA, USP
EN 10204 2.2
EN 10204 3.1
Packing Pipes capped and each component double bagged in an specified inner bag and an outer bag
under clean room ISO 14644-1 Class 6 (U.S. Fed. Std. 209E Class 1000) conditions.
Labeling Brand Name
Product Description
Code Number
Main applications Uses include delivery of ultrapure water in the semiconductor/electronic industry, pharmaceuti-
cal grade purified water (WFI/PW) and analytical DI water to highest purity requirements. A wide
range of sanitisation methods is suitable such as Ozone, hot water or steam.
On request
Table of contents
Pipes 284
Fittings 285
Valves SYGEF Plus 322
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Length: Lengths of 5 m
d PN FM Code Weight e di
(mm) (bar) (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 175 481 665 1.480 2.8 84.4
110 10 BCF, IR 175 481 666 2.200 3.4 103.2
125 10 IR 175 481 667 2.840 3.9 117.2
140 10 IR 175 481 673 3.520 4.3 131.4
160 10 IR 175 481 668 4.540 4.9 150.2
200 10 IR 175 481 669 7.190 6.2 187.6
225 10 IR 175 481 670 8.950 6.9 211.2
250 10 IR 175 481 671 11.100 7.7 234.6
280 10 IR 175 481 656 13.900 8.6 262.8
315 10 IR 175 481 674 17.600 9.7 295.6
355 10 IR 175 481 657 20.960 10.9 333.2
400 10 IR 175 481 658 26.650 12.3 375.4
450 10 IR 175 481 659 33.640 13.8 422.4
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Length: Lengths of 5 m
d PN FM Code Weight e di
(mm) (bar) (kg ⁄ m) (mm) (mm)
16 16 BCF, IR 175 481 202 0.171 1.9 12.2
20 16 BCF, IR 175 481 203 0.210 1.9 16.2
25 16 BCF, IR 175 481 204 0.269 1.9 21.2
32 16 BCF, IR 175 481 205 0.435 2.4 27.2
40 16 BCF, IR 175 481 206 0.563 2.4 35.2
50 16 BCF, IR 175 481 207 0.850 3.0 44.0
63 16 BCF, IR 175 481 208 1.090 3.0 57.0
75 16 BCF, IR 175 481 209 1.550 3.6 67.8
90 16 BCF, IR 175 481 210 2.230 4.3 81.4
110 16 BCF, IR 175 481 211 3.330 5.3 99.4
140 16 IR 175 481 213 5.312 6.7 126.6
160 16 IR 175 481 214 6.961 7.7 144.6
200 16 IR 175 481 216 10.862 9.6 180.8
225 16 IR 175 481 217 13.700 10.8 202.6
250 16 IR 175 481 218 17.150 11.9 226.2
280 16 IR 175 481 219 21.660 13.4 253.2
315 16 IR 175 481 220 27.220 15.0 285.0
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 108 631 0.026 1.9 38 25
25 16 BCF, IR 735 108 632 0.033 1.9 42 26
32 16 BCF, IR 735 108 633 0.056 2.4 46 26
40 16 BCF, IR 735 108 634 0.075 2.4 51 28
50 16 BCF, IR 735 108 635 0.128 3.0 58 28
63 16 BCF, IR 735 108 636 0.211 3.0 66 28
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 018 731 0.024 1.9 38 23 15
25 16 BCF, IR 735 018 732 0.022 1.9 42 23 19
32 16 BCF, IR 735 018 733 0.038 2.4 46 22 24
40 16 BCF, IR 735 018 734 0.055 2.4 51 21 30
50 16 BCF, IR 735 018 735 0.095 3.0 58 21 37
63 16 BCF, IR 735 018 736 0.138 3.0 66 21 45
75 16 BCF, IR 735 018 737 0.309 3.6 75 23 62
90 16 BCF, IR 735 018 738 0.490 4.3 90 23 77
110 16 BCF, IR 735 018 739 0.793 5.3 110 23 98
140 16 IR 735 018 741 1.665 6.7 140 33 121
160 16 IR 735 018 742 2.346 7.7 160 33 141
200 16 IR 735 018 744 4.104 9.6 200 33 181
225 16 IR 735 018 745 5.859 10.8 220 33 200
250 16 IR 735 018 746 6.536 11.9 254 48 232
280 16 IR 735 018 747 9.182 13.4 283 48 262
315 16 IR 735 018 748 13.031 15.0 321 48 297
SYGEF Plus bend 90° SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 735 018 538 0.391 2.8 90 23 77
110 10 BCF, IR 735 018 539 0.577 3.4 110 23 98
125 10 IR 735 018 540 0.874 3.9 125 28 112
140 10 IR 735 018 541 1.325 4.3 140 33 121
160 10 IR 735 018 542 1.831 4.9 160 33 141
200 10 IR 735 018 544 3.244 6.2 200 33 181
225 10 IR 735 018 545 4.266 6.9 220 33 200
250 10 IR 735 018 546 4.304 7.7 254 48 232
280 10 IR 735 018 547 6.370 8.6 283 48 262
315 10 IR 735 018 548 9.032 9.7 321 48 297
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
355 10 IR 735 018 549 18.072 10.9 359 100 257
400 10 IR 735 018 550 23.985 12.3 392 100 290
450 10 IR 735 018 551 32.047 13.8 430 100 328
SYGEF Plus elbow 45° SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 158 631 0.023 1.9 32 25
25 16 BCF, IR 735 158 632 0.020 1.9 34 26
32 16 BCF, IR 735 158 633 0.045 2.4 36 26
40 16 BCF, IR 735 158 634 0.061 2.4 39 28
50 16 BCF, IR 735 158 635 0.093 3.0 42 30
63 16 BCF, IR 735 158 636 0.131 3.0 47 31
75 16 BCF, IR 735 158 637 0.198 3.6 49 32
90 16 BCF, IR 735 158 638 0.326 4.3 57 37
110 16 BCF, IR 735 158 639 0.574 5.3 70 46
140 16 IR 735 158 641 1.095 6.7 88 57
160 16 IR 735 158 642 1.605 7.7 100 62
200 16 IR 735 158 644 3.018 9.6 124 77
225 16 IR 735 158 645 4.324 10.8 140 88
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
250 16 IR 735 158 646 3.669 11.9 120 47 232
280 16 IR 735 158 647 5.099 13.4 133 47 262
315 16 IR 735 158 648 7.162 15.0 147 47 297
SYGEF Plus elbow 45° SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 735 158 538 0.181 2.8 57 37
110 10 BCF, IR 735 158 539 0.330 3.4 70 46
125 10 IR 735 158 540 0.490 3.9 79 51
140 10 IR 735 158 541 0.827 4.3 88 57
160 10 IR 735 158 542 1.186 4.9 100 62
200 10 IR 735 158 544 2.148 6.2 124 77
225 10 IR 735 158 545 3.114 6.9 140 88
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1 R
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
250 10 IR 735 158 546 2.402 7.7 120 47 232
280 10 IR 735 158 547 3.518 8.6 133 47 262
315 10 IR 735 158 548 4.923 9.7 147 47 297
355 10 IR 735 158 549 11.491 10.9 208 100 257
400 10 IR 735 158 550 15.114 12.3 222 100 290
450 10 IR 735 158 551 19.963 13.8 238 100 328
SYGEF Plus tee 90° equal SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 208 631 0.029 1.9 38 25
25 16 BCF, IR 735 208 632 0.047 1.9 42 27
32 16 BCF, IR 735 208 633 0.076 2.4 46 27
40 16 BCF, IR 735 208 634 0.104 2.4 51 28
50 16 BCF, IR 735 208 635 0.170 3.0 58 28
63 16 BCF, IR 735 208 636 0.280 3.0 66 28
75 16 BCF, IR 735 208 637 0.403 3.6 75 32
90 16 BCF, IR 735 208 638 0.678 4.3 90 39
110 16 BCF, IR 735 208 639 1.185 5.3 110 48
140 16 IR 735 208 641 2.384 6.7 140 62
160 16 IR 735 208 642 3.408 7.7 160 71
200 16 IR 735 208 644 6.845 9.6 200 80
225 16 IR 735 208 645 9.755 10.8 220 86
250 16 IR 735 208 646 10.823 11.9 223 70
280 16 IR 735 208 647 16.061 13.4 256 74
315 16 IR 735 208 648 21.422 15.0 274 74
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 10 BCF, IR 735 208 538 0.546 2.8 90 39
110 10 BCF, IR 735 208 539 0.898 3.4 110 48
125 10 IR 735 208 540 1.280 3.9 125 56
140 10 IR 735 208 541 1.707 4.3 140 62
160 10 IR 735 208 542 2.523 4.9 160 71
200 10 IR 735 208 544 5.373 6.2 200 80
225 10 IR 735 208 545 7.270 6.9 220 86
250 10 IR 735 208 546 6.939 7.7 223 70
280 10 IR 735 208 547 10.475 8.6 256 74
315 10 IR 735 208 548 13.882 9.7 274 74
SYGEF Plus tee 90° equal SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
355 10 IR 735 208 549 21.542 10.9 311 100
400 10 IR 735 208 550 29.042 12.3 332 100
450 10 IR 735 208 551 38.877 13.8 357 100
SYGEF Plus tee 90° reduced SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
A 63 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 208 956 0.250 3.0 1.9 60 67 25 35
A 63 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 208 957 0.245 3.0 1.9 60 66 25 34
A 63 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 208 958 0.257 3.0 2.4 60 67 25 25
A 63 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 208 959 0.254 3.0 2.4 60 66 25 26
A 75 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 208 961 0.348 3.6 1.9 65 69 25 31
A 75 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 208 962 0.356 3.6 1.9 65 72 25 34
A 75 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 208 963 0.308 3.6 2.4 65 69 25 31
A 75 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 208 964 0.312 3.6 2.4 65 72 25 26
A 75 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 208 965 0.372 3.6 3.0 65 69 25 26
A 90 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 208 967 0.470 4.3 1.9 65 76 25 31
A 90 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 208 968 0.466 4.3 1.9 65 79 25 34
A 90 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 208 969 0.405 4.3 2.4 65 76 25 31
A 90 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 208 970 0.476 4.3 2.4 65 79 25 26
A 90 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 208 971 0.452 4.3 3.0 65 76 25 26
B 90 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 208 972 0.611 4.3 3.0 80 85 25 25
A 110 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 208 974 0.641 5.3 1.9 65 86 25 31
A 110 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 208 975 0.570 5.3 1.9 65 89 25 34
A 110 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 208 976 0.570 5.3 2.4 65 86 25 31
A 110 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 208 977 0.640 5.3 2.4 65 89 25 26
A 110 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 208 978 0.640 5.3 3.0 65 86 25 26
B 110 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 208 979 0.925 5.3 3.0 90 95 30 25
B 110 ‐ 75 16 BCF, IR 735 208 980 0.950 5.3 3.0 90 95 30 25
B 110 ‐ 90 16 BCF, IR 735 208 981 0.959 5.3 4.3 90 95 30 25
B 160 ‐ 90 16 IR 735 208 687 3.091 7.7 4.3 155 130 60 25
B 160 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 208 686 3.078 7.7 5.3 155 130 60 25
B 225 ‐ 90 16 IR 735 208 695 5.423 10.8 4.3 155 160 60 25
B 225 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 208 694 6.100 10.8 5.3 155 160 60 25
• Material: PVDF-HP
d - d1 PN SDR FM Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
160 ‐ 90 10 33 - 21 IR 735 208 587 2.431 4.9 4.3 155 130 60 25
160 ‐ 110 10 33 - 21 IR 735 208 586 2.494 4.9 5.3 155 130 60 25
225 ‐ 90 10 33 - 21 IR 735 208 595 4.499 6.9 4.3 155 160 60 25
225 ‐ 110 10 33 - 21 IR 735 208 594 4.586 6.9 5.3 155 160 60 25
225 ‐ 160 10 33 - 33 IR 735 208 593 4.239 6.9 4.9 155 170 60 35
SYGEF Plus tee 90° reduced SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
• * For welding d1 on IR315, left side of the machine need to be disassembled
d - d1 PN d fusion d1 fusion Code Weight
(mm) (bar) (kg)
355 ‐ 225 10 IR450 IR315 735 209 815 23.459
355 ‐ 315 10 IR450 IR450, IR315 735 209 818 22.645
400 ‐ 225 10 IR450 IR315 735 209 827 31.921
400 ‐ 315 10 IR450 IR450, IR315 735 209 830 30.925
* 450 ‐ 225 10 IR450 IR315 735 209 840 43.035
* 450 ‐ 315 10 IR450 IR450, IR315 735 209 843 41.891
d - d1 e e1 L L1 L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
355 ‐ 225 10.9 6.9 309 353 100 43
355 ‐ 315 10.9 9.7 309 348 100 55
400 ‐ 225 12.3 6.9 332 376 100 43
400 ‐ 315 12.3 9.7 332 371 100 55
* 450 ‐ 225 13.8 6.9 357 401 100 43
* 450 ‐ 315 13.8 9.7 357 396 100 55
SYGEF Plus reducer SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 908 600 0.012 1.9 1.9 50 22 22
32 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 908 602 0.017 2.4 1.9 50 22 22
32 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 908 601 0.018 2.4 1.9 50 22 22
40 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 908 605 0.024 2.4 1.9 58 22 24
40 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 908 604 0.025 2.4 1.9 55 22 24
40 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 908 603 0.029 2.4 2.4 55 22 24
50 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 908 608 0.054 3.0 1.9 60 22 25
50 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 908 607 0.059 3.0 2.4 60 22 25
50 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 908 606 0.060 3.0 2.4 60 22 25
63 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 908 611 0.078 3.0 2.4 65 22 25
63 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 908 610 0.082 3.0 2.4 65 22 25
63 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 908 609 0.090 3.0 3.0 65 22 25
75 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 908 614 0.109 3.6 2.4 68 24 25
75 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 908 613 0.125 3.6 3.0 65 24 25
75 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 908 612 0.128 3.6 3.0 65 24 25
90 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 908 616 0.164 4.3 3.0 75 25 30
90 ‐ 75 16 BCF, IR 735 908 615 0.187 4.3 3.6 75 25 35
110 ‐ 63 16 BCF, IR 735 908 619 0.301 5.3 3.0 90 30 30
110 ‐ 75 16 BCF, IR 735 908 618 0.290 5.3 3.6 90 30 35
110 ‐ 90 16 BCF, IR 735 908 617 0.321 5.3 4.3 90 30 35
140 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 908 621 0.614 6.7 5.3 110 40 40
160 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 908 623 0.803 7.7 5.3 120 40 40
160 ‐ 140 16 IR 735 908 622 0.899 7.7 6.7 120 40 40
200 ‐ 160 16 IR 735 908 624 1.474 9.6 7.7 145 40 35
225 ‐ 110 16 IR 735 908 625 1.540 10.8 5.3 160 55 40
225 ‐ 160 16 IR 735 908 626 1.842 10.8 7.7 160 55 28
225 ‐ 200 16 IR 735 908 627 2.142 10.8 9.6 160 55 50
SYGEF Plus reducer SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
for Typ B, clamping for welding spigot d1 needs to be done on diameter d2
d - d1 PN fusion d - d1 Code e e1 L L1 L2 L3 Type d2
(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
250 ‐ 160 16 IR 735 908 628 11.9 7.7 100 42 33 10 B 225
250 ‐ 225 16 IR 735 908 629 11.9 10.8 90 42 33 A
280 ‐ 160 16 IR 735 908 630 13.4 7.7 100 50 33 10 B 225
280 ‐ 225 16 IR 735 908 631 13.4 10.8 90 50 33 A
315 ‐ 160 16 IR 735 908 632 15.0 7.7 115 50 33 10 B 225
315 ‐ 225 16 IR 735 908 633 15.0 10.8 105 50 33 A
• Material: PVDF-HP
d - d1 PN SDR FM Code Weight e e1 L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 ‐ 63 10 33 - 21 BCF, IR 735 908 511 0.149 2.8 3.0 75 25 30
110 ‐ 63 10 33 - 21 BCF, IR 735 908 513 0.164 3.4 3.0 90 30 30
110 ‐ 90 10 33 - 33 BCF, IR 735 908 515 0.239 3.4 2.8 90 30 35
125 ‐ 110 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 500 0.406 3.9 5.3 100 35 40
140 ‐ 110 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 502 0.455 4.3 5.3 110 40 40
140 ‐ 125 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 501 0.439 4.3 3.9 110 40 40
160 ‐ 110 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 521 0.550 4.9 3.4 120 40 40
160 ‐ 110 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 504 0.627 4.9 5.3 120 40 40
160 ‐ 140 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 503 0.634 4.9 4.3 120 40 40
200 ‐ 160 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 505 1.032 6.2 4.9 145 50 40
225 ‐ 110 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 526 1.120 6.9 3.4 160 55 35
225 ‐ 110 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 506 1.373 6.9 5.3 160 55 35
• Material: PVDF-HP
for Typ B, clamping for welding spigot d1 needs to be done on diameter d2
d - d1 PN SDR fusion d - d1 Code
(mm) (bar)
250 ‐ 160 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 522
250 ‐ 160 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 542
250 ‐ 225 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 524
250 ‐ 225 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 544
280 ‐ 160 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 525
280 ‐ 160 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 545
280 ‐ 225 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 527
280 ‐ 225 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 547
315 ‐ 160 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 528
315 ‐ 160 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 548
315 ‐ 225 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 530
315 ‐ 225 10 33 - 21 IR 735 908 550
355 ‐ 225 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 535
355 ‐ 315 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 534
400 ‐ 225 10 33 - 33 IR450 - IR315 735 908 537
400 ‐ 315 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 536
450 ‐ 225 10 33 - 33 IR450 - IR315 735 908 539
450 ‐ 315 10 33 - 33 IR 735 908 538
d - d1 e e1 L L1 L2 L3 Type d2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
250 ‐ 160 7.7 4.9 100 42 33 10 B 225
250 ‐ 160 7.7 7.7 100 42 33 10 B 225
250 ‐ 225 7.7 6.9 90 42 33 A
250 ‐ 225 7.7 10.8 90 42 33 A
280 ‐ 160 8.6 4.9 100 50 33 10 B 225
280 ‐ 160 8.6 7.7 100 50 33 10 B 225
280 ‐ 225 8.6 6.9 90 50 33 A
280 ‐ 225 8.6 10.8 90 50 33 A
315 ‐ 160 9.7 4.9 115 50 33 10 B 225
315 ‐ 160 9.7 7.7 115 50 33 10 B 225
315 ‐ 225 9.7 6.9 105 50 33 A
315 ‐ 225 9.7 10.8 105 50 33 A
355 ‐ 225 10.9 6.9 150 120 43 A
355 ‐ 315 10.9 9.7 145 120 55 A
400 ‐ 225 12.3 6.9 150 120 43 A
400 ‐ 315 12.3 9.7 145 120 55 A
450 ‐ 225 13.8 6.9 150 120 43 A
450 ‐ 315 13.8 9.7 145 120 55 A
SYGEF Plus flush style reducer SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Machined version
*Clamping on IR machine for welding both spigots, need to be done on d1
d1 d2 PN d1 fusion d2 fusion Code Weight e1 e2 L L1 L2
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 40 20 16 IR63 - 735 909 104 0.030 2.4 1.9 30 22 8
* 40 25 16 IR63 - 735 909 105 0.027 2.4 1.9 30 22 8
* 40 32 16 IR63 - 735 909 106 0.024 2.4 2.4 31 22 9
* 50 20 16 IR63 - 735 909 107 0.047 3.0 1.9 30 22 8
* 50 25 16 IR63 - 735 909 108 0.045 3.0 1.9 30 22 8
* 50 32 16 IR63 - 735 909 109 0.043 3.0 2.4 31 22 9
* 50 40 16 IR63 - 735 909 110 0.036 3.0 2.4 31 22 9
* 63 20 16 IR63 - 735 909 111 0.073 3.0 1.9 30 22 8
* 63 25 16 IR63 - 735 909 112 0.071 3.0 1.9 30 22 8
* 63 32 16 IR63 - 735 909 113 0.068 3.0 2.4 31 22 9
* 63 40 16 IR63 - 735 909 114 0.062 3.0 2.4 31 22 9
* 63 50 16 IR63 - 735 909 115 0.056 3.0 3 33 22 11
75 20 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 116 0.115 3.6 1.9 48 23 25
75 25 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 117 0.113 3.6 1.9 48 23 25
75 32 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 118 0.106 3.6 2.4 49 23 26
75 40 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 119 0.103 3.6 2.4 49 23 26
75 50 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 120 0.105 3.6 3 50 23 27
* 75 63 16 IR225 - 735 909 121 0.072 3.6 3 34 23 11
90 20 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 122 0.160 4.3 1.9 48 23 25
90 25 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 123 0.157 4.3 1.9 48 23 25
90 32 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 124 0.156 4.3 2.4 49 23 26
90 40 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 125 0.149 4.3 2.4 49 23 26
90 50 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 126 0.149 4.3 3 50 23 27
* 90 63 16 IR225 - 735 909 127 0.123 4.3 3 34 23 11
* 90 75 16 IR225 - 735 909 128 0.107 4.3 3.6 36 23 13
110 20 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 129 0.244 5.3 1.9 48 23 25
110 25 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 130 0.241 5.3 1.9 48 23 25
110 32 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 131 0.240 5.3 2.4 49 23 26
110 40 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 132 0.233 5.3 2.4 49 23 26
110 50 16 IR225 IR63 735 909 133 0.227 5.3 3 50 23 27
* 110 63 16 IR225 - 735 909 134 0.195 5.3 3 34 23 11
* 110 75 16 IR225 - 735 909 135 0.192 5.3 3.6 36 23 13
* 110 90 16 IR225 - 735 909 136 0.169 5.3 4.3 37 23 14
* 280 250 16 IR315 - 735 909 195 2.228 13.4 11.9 77 57 20
* 315 250 16 IR315 - 735 909 205 3.872 15.0 11.9 88 68 20
SYGEF Plus flush style reducer SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Machined version
*Clamping on IR machine for welding both spigots, need to be done on d1
d1 d2 PN d1 fusion d2 fusion Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
* 160 63 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 356 0.714
* 160 75 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 357 0.654
* 160 90 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 358 0.593
* 160 110 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 359 0.556
* 200 63 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 362 1.180
* 200 75 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 363 1.120
* 200 90 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 364 1.059
* 200 110 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 365 0.974
* 200 160 10 ‐ 10 IR225 - 735 909 768 0.691
* 225 63 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 369 1.477
* 225 75 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 370 1.480
* 225 90 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 371 1.415
* 225 110 10 ‐ 16 IR225 - 735 909 372 1.384
* 225 160 10 ‐ 10 IR225 - 735 909 775 0.906
* 225 200 10 ‐ 10 IR225 - 735 909 776 0.720
250 63 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 377 2.081
250 75 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 378 2.120
250 90 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 379 2.139
250 110 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 380 2.109
250 160 10 ‐ 10 IR315 IR225 735 909 783 1.369
250 200 10 ‐ 10 IR315 IR225 735 909 784 1.240
250 225 10 ‐ 10 IR315 IR225 735 909 785 1.052
315 63 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 396 4.135
315 75 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 397 4.009
315 90 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 398 4.067
315 110 10 ‐ 16 IR315 IR225 735 909 399 4.201
315 160 10 ‐ 10 IR315 IR225 735 909 802 3.049
315 200 10 ‐ 10 IR315 IR225 735 909 803 2.663
315 225 10 ‐ 10 IR315 IR225 735 909 804 2.423
* 315 250 10 ‐ 10 IR315 - 735 909 805 2.707
d1 d2 e1 e2 L L1 L2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 160 63 4.9 3 44 33 11
* 160 75 4.9 3.6 46 33 13
* 160 90 4.9 4.3 47 33 14
* 160 110 4.9 5.3 50 33 17
* 200 63 6.2 3 45 33 12
* 200 75 6.2 3.6 46 33 13
* 200 90 6.2 4.3 47 33 14
* 200 110 6.2 5.3 50 33 17
* 200 160 6.2 4.9 48 33 15
* 225 63 6.9 3 46 34 12
* 225 75 6.9 3.6 48 35 13
* 225 90 6.9 4.3 50 36 14
* 225 110 6.9 5.3 53 36 17
* 225 160 6.9 4.9 48 33 15
* 225 200 6.9 6.2 51 33 18
250 63 7.7 3 72 42 30
250 75 7.7 3.6 71 43 28
250 90 7.7 4.3 73 44 29
250 110 7.7 5.3 76 45 31
250 160 7.7 4.9 74 34 40
250 200 7.7 6.2 76 34 42
250 225 7.7 6.9 77 34 43
• Material: PVDF-HP
d - d1 FM Code Weight e e1 L
(mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 ‐ 20 BCF, IR 735 938 737 0.020 1.9 1.9 80
32 ‐ 20 BCF, IR 735 938 742 0.027 2.4 1.9 80
32 ‐ 25 BCF, IR 735 938 741 0.030 2.4 1.9 80
40 ‐ 20 BCF, IR 735 938 748 0.051 2.4 1.9 100
40 ‐ 25 BCF, IR 735 938 747 0.043 2.4 1.9 100
40 ‐ 32 BCF, IR 735 938 746 0.050 2.4 2.4 100
50 ‐ 32 BCF, IR 735 938 753 0.068 3.0 2.4 100
50 ‐ 40 BCF, IR 735 938 752 0.074 3.0 2.4 100
63 ‐ 32 BCF, IR 735 938 760 0.105 3.0 2.4 100
63 ‐ 40 BCF, IR 735 938 759 0.106 3.0 2.4 100
63 ‐ 50 BCF, IR 735 938 758 0.097 3.0 3.0 100
SYGEF Plus union end PN16
• Suitable for vortex sensor
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Suitable for SYGEF Plus union butt fusion
• Suitable for diaphragm valves type 314 and 514
FM d PN Code Weight e L1 D L
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
BCF, IR 20 16 735 608 626 0.019 1.9 5 30 53
BCF, IR 25 16 735 608 627 0.030 1.9 5 39 56
BCF, IR 32 16 735 608 628 0.043 2.4 6 45 59
BCF, IR 40 16 735 608 629 0.070 2.4 6 57 62
BCF, IR 50 16 735 608 630 0.191 3.0 7 63 65
BCF, IR 63 16 735 608 631 0.130 3.0 8 78 68
BCF, IR 75 16 735 608 637 0.194 3.6 9 101 66
BCF, IR 90 16 735 608 638 0.189 4.3 9 101 65
BCF, IR 110 16 735 608 639 0.264 5.3 10 121 65
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Suitable for SYGEF Plus union butt fusion
• d75, d90 and d100 with buttress shaped thread
FM d PN Code Weight e L G L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (inch) (mm)
BCF, IR 20 16 735 648 626 0.024 1.9 53 1 25
BCF, IR 25 16 735 648 627 0.041 1.9 56 1 1/4 25
BCF, IR 32 16 735 648 628 0.056 2.4 59 1 1/2 25
BCF, IR 40 16 735 648 629 0.089 2.4 62 2 25
BCF, IR 50 16 735 648 630 0.116 3.0 65 2 1/4 25
BCF, IR 63 16 735 648 631 0.172 3.0 68 2 3/4 25
BCF, IR 75 16 735 648 637 0.261 3.6 66 S 107.5 x 3.6 24
BCF, IR 90 16 735 648 638 0.258 4.3 65 S 107.5 x 3.6 24
BCF, IR 110 16 735 648 639 0.343 5.3 65 S 127.5 x 3.6 25
• Material: PVDF-HP
• FDA compliant
• d75, d90 and d100 with buttress shaped thread
• Please see installation intruction
d PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (bar) (kg)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 528 626 0.082
25 16 BCF, IR 735 528 627 0.123
32 16 BCF, IR 735 528 628 0.166
40 16 BCF, IR 735 528 629 0.263
50 16 BCF, IR 735 528 630 0.372
63 16 BCF, IR 735 528 631 0.463
75 16 BCF, IR 735 528 637 0.740
90 16 BCF, IR 735 528 638 0.798
110 16 BCF, IR 735 528 639 1.020
O-ring white
d PN FPM Weight D D1 D2
(mm) (bar) Code (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 749 411 005 0.002 21 15.5 2.6
25 16 749 411 006 0.002 27 20.2 3.5
32 16 749 411 120 0.002 34 26.6 3.5
40 16 749 411 062 0.002 42 34.5 3.5
50 16 749 411 172 0.003 51 44.0 3.5
63 16 749 411 054 0.003 63 55.0 4.0
75 16 749 411 013 0.010 80 69.2 5.3
90 16 749 411 014 0.012 93 81.9 5.3
110 16 749 411 015 0.015 117 101.0 5.3
SYGEF Plus installation fitting SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Injection-moulded version
Range of use:
• compatible with all signet sensors excepting flow sensors
Thread needs to be milled, HAND HELD DRILLING MUST NOT BE DONE
d PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (bar) (kg)
63 16 BCF, IR 735 918 811 0.147
75 16 BCF, IR 735 918 812 0.210
90 16 BCF, IR 735 918 813 0.265
110 16 BCF, IR 735 918 814 0.355
140 16 IR 735 918 816 1.319
160 16 IR 735 918 817 1.601
225 16 IR 735 918 820 2.698
d D e d1 d2 d3 d4 H L L1 Rp/NPT
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
63 85 3.0 40 17 10 32 89 120 25 1
∕4 - 3∕4
75 96 3.6 40 17 10 40 101 130 25 1
∕4 - 3∕4
90 110 4.3 40 17 10 40 116 130 25 1
∕4 - 3∕4
110 127 5.3 40 17 10 40 136 130 25 1
∕4 - 3∕4
140 171 6.7 63 17 10 50 171 155 40 1
∕4 - 1
160 189 7.7 63 17 10 50 191 155 40 1
∕4 - 1
225 248 10.8 63 17 10 50 256 155 40 1
∕4 - 1
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Injection-moulded version
Range of use:
• compatible with all signet sensors excepting flow sensors
Thread needs to be milled, HAND HELD DRILLING MUST NOT BE DONE
d PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (bar) (kg)
140 10 IR 735 918 716 0.967
160 10 IR 735 918 717 1.141
225 10 IR 735 918 720 1.845
d D e d1 d2 d3 d4 H L L1 Rp/NPT
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
140 171 4.3 63 17 10 50 171 155 40 1
∕4 - 1
160 189 4.9 63 17 10 50 191 155 40 1
∕4 - 1
225 248 6.9 63 17 10 50 256 155 40 1
∕4 - 1
SYGEF Plus installation fitting SDR33/PN10 & SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Suitable for hole diameters from 1/8" - 3/4"
• Machined version
Range of use:
• compatible with all signet sensors excepting flow sensors
Hole needs to be milled, HAND HELD DRILLING MUST NOT BE DONE
* no stock item
d PN FM Code Weight e D H L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 125 10 IR 735 918 565 0.858 3.9 162 157 100 40 27
* 200 10 IR 735 918 569 1.486 6.2 231 228 110 40 32
* 200 16 IR 735 918 619 1.871 9.6 231 228 110 40 32
* 250 16 IR 735 918 621 3.331 11.9 277 274 160 40 60
* 280 16 IR 735 918 622 3.981 13.4 304 301 160 40 60
* 315 16 IR 735 918 623 4.793 15.0 336 334 160 40 60
• Material: PVDF-HP
d NPT PN FM Code Weight e L L1 L2 L3
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
355 1
∕2 10 IR 735 918 849 25.829 10.9 313 353 100 142
400 1
∕2 10 IR 735 918 850 34.622 12.3 332 376 100 142
450 1
∕2 10 IR 735 918 851 45.933 13.8 357 401 100 142
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight D e L L1 L2
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 16 BCF, IR 735 918 656 0.027 28 1.9 100 53 32
25 16 BCF, IR 735 918 657 0.036 33 1.9 100 53 32
32 16 BCF, IR 735 918 658 0.054 40 2.4 100 53 32
40 16 BCF, IR 735 918 659 0.067 48 2.4 100 53 32
50 16 BCF, IR 735 918 660 0.125 58 3.0 100 53 32
63 16 BCF, IR 735 918 661 0.131 71 3.0 105 53 32
75 16 BCF, IR 735 918 662 0.252 87 3.6 125 70 40
90 16 BCF, IR 735 918 663 0.370 105 4.3 127 70 40
110 16 BCF, IR 735 918 664 0.521 127 5.3 127 70 40
SYGEF Plus end cap SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d FM PN Code Weight e L Type
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm)
20 BCF, IR 16 735 968 106 0.017 1.9 47 A
25 BCF, IR 16 735 968 107 0.012 1.9 47 A
32 BCF, IR 16 735 968 108 0.034 2.4 52 A
40 BCF, IR 16 735 991 654 0.068 2.4 59 B
50 BCF, IR 16 735 991 655 0.104 3.0 64 B
63 BCF, IR 16 735 991 656 0.165 3.0 69 B
75 IR 16 735 991 657 0.283 3.6 40 C
90 IR 16 735 991 658 0.292 4.3 40 C
110 IR 16 735 991 659 0.812 5.3 40 C
• Material: PVDF-HP
d PN FM Code Weight e L
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm)
250 16 IR 735 968 046 2.514 11.9 122
280 16 IR 735 968 047 3.114 13.4 122
315 16 IR 735 968 048 4.209 15.0 124
SYGEF Plus end cap SDR33/PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
• * machined version
d PN FM Code e L
(mm) (bar) (mm) (mm)
* 160 10 IR 735 991 661 4.9 50
* 200 10 IR 735 991 662 6.2 50
* 225 10 IR 735 991 663 6.9 50
NEW 250 10 IR 735 968 546 7.7 114
NEW 280 10 IR 735 968 547 8.6 115
NEW 315 10 IR 735 968 548 9.7 130
355 10 IR 735 968 549 10.9 150
400 10 IR 735 968 550 12.3 150
450 10 IR 735 968 551 13.8 150
• Material: PVDF-HP
d NPT PN FM Code e L
(mm) (inch) (bar) (mm) (mm)
NEW 250 1
∕2 10 IR 735 968 625 7.7 114
NEW 280 1
∕2 10 IR 735 968 630 8.6 115
NEW 315 1
∕2 10 IR 735 968 635 9.7 130
355 1
∕2 10 IR 735 968 640 10.9 150
400 1
∕2 10 IR 735 968 645 12.3 150
450 1
∕2 10 IR 735 968 650 13.8 150
SYGEF Plus end cap with thread SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d NPT PN FM Code Weight e L
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm)
250 1
∕2 16 IR 735 968 425 2.508 11.9 114
280 1
∕2 16 IR 735 968 430 3.107 13.4 115
315 1
∕2 16 IR 735 968 435 4.201 15.0 130
Transition fittings
• Material: PVDF-HP
• With taper male thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
d R PN FM Code Weight e L s L1
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 706 0.039 1.9 53 32 28
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 707 0.021 1.9 55 36 28
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 910 708 0.034 2.4 57 46 28
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 709 0.058 2.4 60 55 28
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 710 0.087 3.0 63 65 28
63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 711 0.118 3.0 69 75 29
• Material: PVDF-HP
• With taper male thread
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
d NPT PN FM Code Weight e L L1 s
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 306 0.016 1.9 53 28 32
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 307 0.021 1.9 55 28 36
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 914 308 0.035 2.4 57 28 46
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 309 0.057 2.4 60 28 55
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 310 0.134 3.0 63 28 65
63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 311 0.119 3.0 69 29 75
SYGEF Plus adaptor socket female Rp SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
• With butt fusion spigot and parallel female thread Rp
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
* Please keep strictly to the GF internal installation preferences
d Rp PN FM Code Weight L L1 e s
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 3
∕8 16 BCF, IR 735 910 785 0.030 54 30 1.9 32
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 786 0.026 54 30 1.9 32
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 787 0.032 58 30 1.9 38
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 910 788 0.065 63 30 2.4 48
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 910 789 0.092 67 30 2.4 58
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 790 0.108 67 30 3.0 65
* 63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 910 791 0.195 73 30 3.0 80
• Material: PVDF-HP
• With butt fusion spigot and taper female thread NPT
• Avoid stresses when installing and large changes in temperature
• Connection to plastic thread only
• Do not use thread sealing pastes that are harmful to PVDF
* Please keep strictly to the GF internal installation preferences
d NPT PN FM Code Weight e L s L1
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 3
∕8 16 BCF, IR 735 914 785 0.029 1.9 54 32 30
20 1
∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 786 0.027 1.9 54 32 30
25 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 787 0.033 1.9 58 38 30
32 1 16 BCF, IR 735 914 788 0.066 2.4 63 48 30
40 1 1∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 914 789 0.085 2.4 67 58 30
50 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 790 0.108 3.0 67 65 30
* 63 2 16 BCF, IR 735 914 791 0.190 3.0 73 80 30
• Material: PVDF-HP
• With butt fusion spigot and parallel hose connection.
d - d1 PN FM Code Weight e L L1
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 ‐ 20 16 BCF, IR 735 968 731 0.015 1.9 64 27
25 ‐ 25 16 BCF, IR 735 968 732 0.024 1.9 75 36
32 ‐ 32 16 BCF, IR 735 968 733 0.042 2.4 82 36
40 ‐ 40 16 BCF, IR 735 968 734 0.063 2.4 84 42
50 ‐ 50 16 BCF, IR 735 968 735 0.150 3.0 90 48
63 ‐ 60 16 BCF, IR 735 968 736 0.002 3.0 100 50
SYGEF Plus flare transition fitting SDR33/PN10
• Welding dimension: PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d tube size PN FM Code Weight e L L1 L2 D
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 1
∕4 10 BCF, IR 735 598 430 0.028 1.9 75 45 30 21
20 3
∕8 10 BCF, IR 735 598 431 0.022 1.9 76 46 30 23
20 1
∕2 10 BCF, IR 735 598 432 0.034 1.9 77 47 30 26
20 3
∕4 10 BCF, IR 735 598 433 0.043 1.9 78 48 30 34
25 1
∕4 10 BCF, IR 735 598 435 0.033 1.9 75 45 30 21
25 3
∕8 10 BCF, IR 735 598 436 0.025 1.9 76 46 30 23
25 1
∕2 10 BCF, IR 735 598 437 0.028 1.9 77 47 30 26
25 3
∕4 10 BCF, IR 735 598 438 0.050 1.9 78 48 30 34
25 1 10 BCF, IR 735 598 439 0.102 1.9 87 57 30 46
32 1
∕2 10 BCF, IR 735 598 442 0.036 2.4 77 47 30 26
32 3
∕4 10 BCF, IR 735 598 443 0.048 2.4 78 48 30 34
32 1 10 BCF, IR 735 598 444 0.107 2.4 87 57 30 46
SYGEF Plus flange adaptor jointing face serrated SDR21/PN16
• Material: PVDF-HP
d DN PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
20 15 16 BCF, IR 735 798 831 0.042
25 20 16 BCF, IR 735 798 832 0.060
32 25 16 BCF, IR 735 798 833 0.066
40 32 16 BCF, IR 735 798 834 0.121
50 40 16 BCF, IR 735 798 835 0.165
63 50 16 BCF, IR 735 798 836 0.237
75 65 16 BCF, IR 735 798 837 0.361
90 80 16 BCF, IR 735 798 838 0.444
110 100 16 BCF, IR 735 798 839 0.626
140 125 16 IR 735 798 841 0.970
160 150 16 IR 735 798 842 1.208
200 200 16 IR 735 798 844 2.139
225 200 16 IR 735 798 845 2.210
250 250 16 IR 735 798 846 3.541
280 250 16 IR 735 798 847 3.583
315 300 16 IR 735 798 848 5.040
d D D1 D2 D3 e L L1 L2 Type
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 26 45 15 1.9 54 6 A
25 32 58 20 54 1.9 56 7 4 B
32 40 68 26 63 2.4 58 7 4 B
40 49 78 34 73 2.4 68 8 4 B
50 60 88 43 82 3.0 69 8 4 B
63 75 102 56 3.0 72 9 A
75 89 122 66 3.6 80 10 A
90 105 138 78 133 4.3 81 12 4 B
110 125 158 100 5.3 81 13 C
140 155 188 127 6.7 90 16 C
160 175 212 151 7.7 93 17 C
200 232 268 207 9.6 102 22 C
225 235 268 207 10.8 102 22 C
250 285 320 249 11.9 122 25 C
280 291 320 249 13.4 122 25 C
315 335 320 370 15.0 124 28 C
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Other dimensions identical with metric version
d FM PN Code Weight L1 L D D2 D1 Type e
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 BCF, IR 16 735 798 882 0.058 7 56 32 20 54 A 1.9
32 BCF, IR 16 735 798 883 0.084 7 58 40 26 63 A 2.4
40 BCF, IR 16 735 798 884 0.115 8 68 49 34 73 A 2.4
50 BCF, IR 16 735 798 885 0.160 8 69 60 43 82 A 3.0
90 BCF, IR 16 735 798 886 0.435 12 81 105 78 133 A 4.3
SYGEF Plus flange adaptor jointing face serrated PN10
d DN FM PN Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
160 150 IR 10 735 798 892 1.037
225 200 IR 10 735 798 895 1.742
250 250 IR 10 735 798 596 2.730
280 250 IR 10 735 798 597 2.715
315 300 IR 10 735 798 598 3.657
D D1 D2 D3 e L L1 L2 Type
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
175 212 151 5 93 17
235 268 207 7 102 22
285 320 250 8 120 22
291 320 250 9 120 22
335 370 300 10 120 22
• Material: PVDF-HP
d DN PN FM Code Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg)
90 80 10 BCF, IR 735 798 888 0.413
110 100 10 BCF, IR 735 798 889 0.540
125 100 10 IR 735 798 590 0.515
140 125 10 IR 735 798 891 0.800
160 150 10 IR 735 798 892 1.037
200 200 10 IR 735 798 894 1.766
225 200 10 IR 735 798 895 1.742
250 250 10 IR 735 798 596 2.730
280 250 10 IR 735 798 597 2.715
315 300 10 IR 735 798 598 3.657
355 350 10 IR 735 798 549 6.572
400 400 10 IR 735 798 550 7.970
450 450 10 IR 735 798 551 10.605
d D D1 D2 D3 e L L1 L2 Type
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
90 105 138 78 133 2.8 81 12 4 B
110 125 158 100 3.4 81 13 A
125 132 158 114 3.9 82 14 A
140 155 188 127 4.3 90 16 A
160 175 212 151 4.9 93 17 C
200 232 268 207 6.2 102 22 C
225 235 268 207 6.9 102 22 A
250 285 320 249 7.7 120 22 C
280 291 320 249 8.6 120 22 A
• Material: PVDF-HP
d DN PN FM Code Weight D D1 D2 e L L1 Type
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 BCF, IR 735 805 926 0.025 26 34 15 2 54 6 A
25 20 16 BCF, IR 735 805 927 0.041 32 41 20 2 56 7 A
32 25 16 BCF, IR 735 805 928 0.066 40 50 26 2 58 7 A
40 32 16 BCF, IR 735 805 929 0.101 49 61 34 2 68 8 A
50 40 16 BCF, IR 735 805 930 0.139 60 73 42 3 69 8 A
63 50 16 BCF, IR 735 805 931 0.200 75 90 56 3 72 9 A
75 65 16 BCF, IR 735 805 932 0.308 89 106 66 4 80 10 A
90 80 16 BCF, IR 735 805 933 0.387 105 125 78 4 80 11 A
110 100 16 BCF, IR 735 805 934 0.556 125 150 100 5 80 12 C
140 125 16 IR 735 798 841 0.970 155 188 127 7 90 16 C
160 150 16 IR 735 798 842 1.208 175 212 151 8 93 17 C
225 200 16 IR 735 798 845 2.210 235 268 207 11 102 22 C
250 250 16 IR 735 798 846 3.541 285 320 249 12 122 25 C
280 250 16 IR 735 798 847 3.583 291 320 249 13 122 25 C
315 300 16 IR 735 798 848 5.040 335 320 370 15 124 28 C
SYGEF Plus flange adaptor JIS PN10
• Material: PVDF-HP
d DN PN FM Code Weight e Type D2 D1 L D L1
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
140 125 10 IR 735 805 936 0.844 4.4 A 127 188 89 155 15
160 150 10 IR 735 805 937 0.998 4.9 C 151 212 92 175 16
225 200 10 IR 735 805 940 1.719 6.9 A 207 268 100 235 20
Flanges and Gaskets
• Full-plastic flange PP-GF (30 % glass-fibre reinforced)
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
• Bolt circle PN 10
AL: number of holes
¹) Suitable for socket- and butt fusion systems
* Combined version, metric-ANSI
d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 20 15 16 727 700 406 0.093 95 65 28 14 16 4 M12
1 25 20 16 727 700 407 0.120 105 75 34 14 17 4 M12
1 32 25 16 727 700 408 0.151 115 85 42 14 18 4 M12
1 40 32 16 727 700 409 0.244 140 100 51 18 20 4 M16
1 50 40 16 727 700 410 0.297 150 110 62 18 22 4 M16
1 63 50 16 727 700 411 0.362 165 125 78 18 24 4 M16
1 75 65 16 727 700 412 0.487 185 145 92 18 26 4 M16
90 80 16 727 700 513 0.544 200 160 108 18 27 8 M16
110 100 16 727 700 514 0.643 220 180 128 18 28 8 M16
125 100 16 727 700 515 0.635 220 180 135 18 28 8 M16
140 125 16 727 700 516 0.842 250 210 158 18 30 8 M16
* 160 150 16 727 700 517 1.200 285 241 178 22 32 8 M20
180 150 16 727 700 518 1.200 285 240 188 22 32 8 M20
* 200 200 16 727 700 519 1.400 340 297 235 22 34 8 M20
* 225 200 16 727 700 520 1.400 340 297 238 22 34 8 M20
250 250 16 727 700 521 2.052 395 350 288 22 38 12 M20
280 250 16 727 700 522 1.700 395 350 294 22 38 12 M20
315 300 16 727 700 523 2.400 445 400 338 22 42 12 M20
355 350 10 727 700 524 4.440 515 460 376 22 46 16 M20
400 400 10 727 700 525 5.624 574 515 430 26 50 16 M24
• Full-plastic flange PP-GF (30 % glass-fibre reinforced)
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Bolt circle class 150
• Special flange adapter ANSI for d25 - d50 and d90 required
AL: number of holes
¹) Suitable for socket- and butt fusion systems
* Combined version, metric-ANSI
Size d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(inch) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1 1
∕2 20 15 16 727 701 406 0.091 95 60 28 16 16 4 M12
1 3
∕4 25 20 16 727 701 407 0.120 105 70 34 16 17 4 M12
1 1 32 25 16 727 701 408 0.147 115 79 42 16 18 4 M12
1 1 1∕4 40 32 16 727 701 409 0.246 140 89 51 16 20 4 M16
1 1 1∕2 50 40 16 727 701 410 0.299 150 98 62 16 22 4 M16
1 2 63 50 16 727 701 411 0.361 165 121 78 19 24 4 M16
1 2 1∕2 75 65 16 727 701 412 0.492 185 140 92 19 26 4 M16
3 90 80 16 727 701 513 0.607 200 152 108 19 27 4 M16
4 110 100 16 727 701 514 0.736 229 190 128 19 28 8 M16
* 6 160 150 16 727 700 517 1.200 285 241 178 22 32 8 M20
* 8 200 200 16 727 700 519 1.400 340 297 235 22 34 8 M20
• Bolt circle PN 10
• Material: PP (30% glass-fibre reinforced) with steel ring
• UV-resistant. Applicable for outside applications
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005, EN 1092, BS 4504, DIN 2501
AL: number of holes
*Combined version, bolt circle metric - ANSI
**Galvanized steel; suitable for underground laying
d d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 727 700 206 0.216 95 65 28 14 12 4 M12
25 20 16 727 700 207 0.279 105 75 34 14 12 4 M12
32 25 16 727 700 208 0.429 115 85 42 14 16 4 M12
40 32 16 727 700 209 0.621 140 100 51 18 16 4 M16
50 40 16 727 700 210 0.722 150 110 62 18 20 4 M16
63 50 16 727 700 211 1.084 165 125 78 18 20 4 M16
75 65 16 727 700 212 1.349 185 145 92 18 20 4 M16
90 80 16 727 700 313 1.390 200 160 108 18 20 8 M16
110 100 16 727 700 314 1.407 220 180 128 18 20 8 M16
125 100 16 727 700 315 1.408 220 180 135 18 20 8 M16
140 125 16 727 700 716 2.318 250 210 158 18 26 8 M16
* 160 6 150 16 727 700 717 3.491 285 241 178 22 26 8 M20
180 150 16 727 700 718 3.108 285 241 188 22 26 8 M20
* 200 8 200 16 727 700 719 5.600 340 297 235 22 29 8 M20
* 225 8 200 16 727 700 720 5.533 340 297 238 22 29 8 M20
250 250 16 727 700 721 6.632 395 350 288 22 32 12 M20
280 250 16 727 700 722 6.573 395 350 294 22 32 12 M20
315 300 16 727 700 723 7.903 445 400 338 22 36 12 M20
355 350 16 727 700 724 14.587 515 460 376 23 42 16 M20
400 400 16 727 700 725 20.034 574 515 430 26 42 16 M24
** 450 450 10 724 705 026 38.000 615 565 470 26 36 20 M24
Backing flange PP-Steel Inch/ANSI
For butt fusion systems metric
• Material: PP (30% glass-fibre reinforced) with steel ring
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• Bolt circle class 150
• Special flange adapter ANSI for d25 - d50 and d90 required
*Combined version, bolt circle metric - ANSI
AL: number of holes
d d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(inch) (mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
∕2 20 15 16 727 701 206 0.213 95 60 28 16 12 4 M12
∕4 25 20 16 727 701 207 0.260 105 70 34 16 12 4 M12
1 32 25 16 727 701 208 0.416 115 79 42 16 16 4 M12
1 1∕4 40 32 16 727 701 209 0.730 140 89 51 16 16 4 M16
1 1∕2 50 40 16 727 701 210 0.809 150 98 62 16 18 4 M16
2 63 50 16 727 701 211 0.866 165 121 78 19 18 4 M16
2 1∕2 75 65 16 727 701 212 1.117 185 140 92 19 18 4 M16
3 90 80 16 727 701 313 1.499 200 152 108 19 20 4 M16
4 110 100 16 727 701 314 1.739 229 190 128 19 20 8 M16
* 6 160 150 16 727 700 717 3.491 285 241 178 22 26 8 M20
* 8 200 200 16 727 700 719 5.600 340 297 235 22 29 8 M20
* 8 225 200 16 727 700 720 5.533 340 297 238 22 29 8 M20
10 250/280 250 10 727 701 321 6.000 406 362 293 25 30 12 M24
12 315 300 10 727 701 322 11.800 483 432 338 25 34 12 M24
14 355 350 10 727 701 323 17.900 540 476 376 29 42 12 M27
16 400 400 10 727 701 324 24.500 597 539 429 29 44 16 M27
20 450/500 500 10 727 701 325 33.600 712 635 540 32 53 20 M30
• PP with glass-fibre reinforcement and GGG 50 insert
• Connecting dimensions: ISO 7005, EN 1092, DIN 2501
• Bolt circle PN 10
flat side = bolt side profiled side = flange adaptor side
AL: number of holes
* Galvanized steel S235-JR, suitable for underground laying
d DN PN Code Weight D D1 D2 D3 H AL SC
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 450 450 10 724 705 026 38.000 615 565 470 26 36 20 M24
450 500 10 724 700 426 25.600 685 620 517 26 56 20 M24
PVDF Coated Steel for Butt Fusion Systems Inch/ANSI
Flange Ring blue coated steel
• For Use with Steel Flange Rings
• * Non-Returnable/Non-Cancelable
d Pipe Size Code Weight H L L1
(mm) (inch) (lb) (inch) (inch) (inch)
25 3/4 731 400 753 0.002 2.99 0.79 0.51
32 1 731 400 755 0.053 3.58 0.98 0.63
40 1 1/4 731 400 757 0.079 3.98 0.98 0.63
50 1 1/2 731 400 759 0.084 4.33 0.98 0.63
63 2 731 400 760 0.132 5.04 0.98 0.63
75 2 1/2 731 400 761 0.179 5.83 0.98 0.63
90 3 731 400 763 0.132 6.34 0.98 0.63
110 4 731 400 764 0.220 7.44 0.98 0.63
160 6 731 400 667 0.309 9.61 1.18 0.79
200/225 8/9 731 400 670 0.441 11.81 1.18 0.79
250 10 731 400 671 0.002 14.17 1.38 0.87
315 12 731 400 672 0.650 16.50 1.38 0.87
Sanitary adaptors
• Material: PVDF-HP
* Model without chamfer
d FM DN PN Code Weight D3 D1 e L
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 BCF, IR 15 16 735 598 006 0.032 18 51 2 50
25 BCF, IR 20 16 735 598 008 0.042 23 51 2 55
25 BCF, IR 25 16 735 598 009 0.041 30 51 2 55
32 BCF, IR 25 16 735 598 010 0.045 30 51 2 57
40 BCF, IR 32 16 735 598 014 0.073 38 64 2 67
* 50 BCF, IR 40 16 735 598 016 0.083 44 64 3 68
* 63 BCF, IR 50 16 735 598 018 0.107 56 78 3 71
• Material: PVDF-HP
• without chamfer for complete evacuation even in horizontal installation
to be connected with standard clamp - please see dimension D1
d FM PN Code Weight L e D1 D3
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 BCF, IR 16 735 598 806 0.041 49 2 51 17
25 BCF, IR 16 735 598 807 0.044 55 2 51 20
32 BCF, IR 16 735 598 808 0.061 57 2 51 26
40 BCF, IR 16 735 598 809 0.079 67 2 64 33
50 BCF, IR 16 735 598 810 0.090 68 3 64 42
63 BCF, IR 16 735 598 811 0.118 71 3 78 55
Gasket PTFE
• Special gaskets for sanitary adaptors PVDF-PVDF connection only
d Code Weight D1 D3 D
(mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 743 400 806 0.018 17 44 51
25 743 400 807 0.017 20 44 51
32 743 400 808 0.017 26 44 51
40 743 400 809 0.022 34 57 64
50 743 400 810 0.019 43 57 64
63 743 400 811 0.027 55 71 78
SYGEF Plus sanitary adaptor
With stainless reinforcement SDR21/PN16
Ferrule for mebrane manometer
• Material: PVDF-HP
d DN PN FM Code Weight D1 D3 L e
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 16 BCF, IR 735 598 506 0.038 51 34 49 1.9
25 20 16 BCF, IR 735 598 508 0.041 51 34 55 1.9
32 25 16 BCF, IR 735 598 510 0.045 51 34 57 2.4
• Material: PVDF-HP
DN FM d PN Code Weight D3 D1 e L
(mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
15 A BCF, IR 20 16 735 598 406 0.020 18 34 1.9 49
1S BCF, IR 25 16 735 598 408 0.042 23 51 1.9 55
1 1/4S BCF, IR 32 16 735 598 410 0.045 30 51 2.4 57
1 1/2 S BCF, IR 40 16 735 598 414 0.047 35 51 2.4 67
2S BCF, IR 50 16 735 598 416 0.082 48 64 3.0 68
2 1/2 S BCF, IR 63 16 735 598 418 0.107 60 78 3.0 71
• Material: PVDF-HP
Model without stainless reinforcement
* Model without chamfer
d Size PN FM Code Weight e D1 D3 L
(mm) (inch) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1* 20 3
∕4 16 BCF, IR 735 598 357 0.011 1.9 25 16 49
25 1 16 BCF, IR 735 598 359 0.042 1.9 51 22 55
32 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 598 362 0.061 2.4 51 35 57
40 1 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 598 365 0.047 2.4 51 36 57
50 2 16 BCF, IR 735 598 367 0.118 3.0 64 48 68
63 2 1∕2 16 BCF, IR 735 598 369 0.142 3.0 78 60 71
SYGEF Plus sanitary adaptor
With stainless reinforcement SDR21/PN16
ISO 2852
• Material: PVDF-HP
FM DN d PN Code Weight D3 e D1 L
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
BCF, IR 25 25 16 735 598 309 0.042 22 1.9 51 55
BCF, IR 32 32 16 735 598 312 0.045 32 2.4 51 57
BCF, IR 40 40 16 735 598 315 0.047 36 2.4 51 67
BCF, IR 50 50 16 735 598 317 0.081 49 3.0 64 68
BCF, IR 65 63 16 735 598 319 0.107 60 3.0 78 71
• Material: PVDF-HP
DN d FM PN Code Weight e D1 D3 L
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
25 25 BCF, IR 16 735 598 259 0.042 1.9 51 22 55
32 32 BCF, IR 16 735 598 262 0.042 2.4 51 32 57
40 40 BCF, IR 16 735 598 265 0.047 2.4 51 36 67
50 50 BCF, IR 16 735 598 267 0.081 3.0 64 49 68
65 63 BCF, IR 16 735 598 269 0.107 3.0 78 60 71
• Material: PVDF-HP
Model without stainless reinforcement
* Model without chamfer
d PN Inch FM Code Weight L e D1 D3
(mm) (bar) (inch) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1* 20 16 3/4 BCF, IR 735 598 207 0.011 50 1.9 25 16
* 25 16 1 BCF, IR 735 598 209 0.054 55 1.9 51 22
32 16 1 1/2 BCF, IR 735 598 213 0.044 57 2.4 51 35
40 16 1 1/2 BCF, IR 735 598 215 0.047 67 2.4 51 36
50 16 2 BCF, IR 735 598 217 0.082 68 3.0 64 48
63 16 2 1/2 BCF, IR 735 598 219 0.107 71 3.0 78 60
SYGEF Plus sanitary adaptor
With stainless reinforcement SDR21/PN16
Ferrule BS Inch 4825
• Material: PVDF-HP
* Model without chamfer
Inch FM PN d Code Weight D1 D3 e L
(inch) (bar) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
3/4 BCF, IR 16 20 735 598 157 0.040 51 22 1.9 50
* 1 BCF, IR 16 25 735 598 159 0.055 51 22 1.9 55
1 1/2 BCF, IR 16 32 735 598 163 0.044 51 35 2.4 57
1 1/2 BCF, IR 16 40 735 598 165 0.047 51 36 2.4 67
2 BCF, IR 16 50 735 598 167 0.082 64 48 3.0 68
2 1/2 BCF, IR 16 63 735 598 169 0.107 78 60 3.0 71
• Material: PVDF-HP
* Model without chamfer
d FM DN PN Code Weight D3 L e D1
(mm) (mm) (bar) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 20 BCF, IR 15 16 735 598 056 0.020 16 50 2 34
20 BCF, IR 20 16 735 598 057 0.020 20 50 2 34
25 BCF, IR 25 16 735 598 059 0.056 26 55 2 51
32 BCF, IR 32 16 735 598 062 0.045 32 57 2 51
40 BCF, IR 40 16 735 598 065 0.047 38 67 2 51
50 BCF, IR 50 16 735 598 067 0.081 50 68 3 64
Installation fittings
• without chamfer for complete evacuation even in horizontal installation
• Material: PVDF-HP
• d [mm] = main line
• D [mm] = connector line
Range of use:
• for pressure gauges
• for sampling valves
• for sanitary adaptor PVDF connection
* machined T
d D FM PN Code Weight L D2 D1 Z
(mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 20 20 BCF, IR 16 735 318 101 0.100 110 34.1 50.5 32.7
* 25 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 202 0.097 110 34.1 50.5 35.2
* 32 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 303 0.138 124 34.1 50.5 38.7
* 40 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 204 0.100 124 19.9 50.5 42.7
* 40 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 304 0.100 124 25.6 50.5 42.7
* 50 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 205 0.100 124 19.9 50.5 47.7
* 50 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 305 0.100 124 25.6 50.5 47.7
* 50 50 BCF, IR 16 735 318 505 0.100 124 42.2 64.0 47.7
63 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 206 0.258 120 19.9 50.5 54.2
63 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 306 0.269 120 25.6 50.5 54.2
* 63 50 BCF, IR 16 735 318 506 0.100 120 42.2 64.0 54.2
* 63 63 BCF, IR 16 735 318 606 0.100 138 55.1 77.5 54.2
75 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 207 0.352 130 19.9 50.5 60.2
75 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 307 0.357 130 25.6 50.5 60.2
75 50 BCF, IR 16 735 318 507 0.402 130 42.2 64.0 60.2
* 75 63 BCF, IR 16 735 318 607 0.619 130 55.1 77.5 60.2
90 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 208 0.449 130 19.9 50.5 67.7
90 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 308 0.454 130 25.6 50.5 67.7
90 50 BCF, IR 16 735 318 508 0.496 130 42.2 64.0 67.7
90 63 BCF, IR 16 735 318 608 0.658 138 55.1 77.5 67.7
110 25 BCF, IR 16 735 318 209 0.614 130 19.9 50.5 77.7
110 32 BCF, IR 16 735 318 309 0.619 130 25.6 50.5 77.7
110 50 BCF, IR 16 735 318 509 0.662 130 42.2 64.0 77.7
110 63 BCF, IR 16 735 318 609 0.686 180 55.1 77.5 109.0
GF Piping Systems
Valves SYGEF Plus
Butterfly valve type 567
Reduction gear with handwheel
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Overall length according to EN 558, ISO 5752
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 PN 10, EN 1092 PN 10, DIN 2501 PN 10, ANSI/ASME B 16.5
Class 150, BS 1560: 1989, BS 4504, JIS B 2220
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
63 2 50 10 1470 175 567 622 3.118
75 2 1∕2 65 10 2200 175 567 623 3.230
90 3 80 10 3000 175 567 624 3.410
110 4 100 10 6500 175 567 625 4.062
140 5 125 10 11500 175 567 626 4.657
160 6 150 10 16600 175 567 627 5.877
225 8 200 10 39600 175 567 628 7.998
280 10 250 10 55200 175 567 629 12.884
315 12 300 10 80000 175 567 630 20.763
d d2 D D1 D1 D3 H H1 H2 H3 L L1 L2 L3 Q1
(mm) (mm) (mm) min. max. (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
(mm) (mm)
63 104 19 120 125 150 278 77 134 50 45 110 120 155 40
75 115 19 140 145 150 291 83 140 50 46 110 120 155 54
90 131 19 150 160 150 303 89 146 50 49 110 120 155 67
110 160 19 175 191 150 339 104 167 50 56 110 120 155 88
140 187 23 210 216 150 365 117 181 50 64 110 120 155 113
160 215 24 241 241 150 387 130 189 50 72 110 120 155 139
225 267 23 290 295 150 436 158 210 50 73 110 120 155 178
280 329 25 353 362 200 529 205 264 55 113 130 140 200 210
315 379 25 400 432 200 573 228 285 55 113 130 140 200 256
d Q2
(mm) (mm)
75 35
90 50
110 74
140 97
160 123
225 169
280 207
315 253
Diaphragm valve type 514
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Ideally suited for High Purity applications, recommended for oxidizing acids.
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 125 180 514 132 0.399
25 20 16 271 180 514 133 0.597
32 25 16 481 180 514 134 1.111
40 32 16 759 180 514 135 1.286
50 40 16 1263 180 514 136 2.989
63 50 16 1728 180 514 137 3.164
d D D2 D3 H H1 H2 L L2 M e Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 43 73 14 12 196 25 M6 1.9 7 1
25 80 65 53 81 18 12 221 25 M6 1.9 10 3
32 88 87 60 107 22 12 234 25 M6 2.4 13 1
40 101 87 74 115 26 15 260 45 M8 2.4 15 1 1∕4
50 117 135 82 148 32 15 284 45 M8 3.0 19 1 1∕2
63 144 135 100 166 39 15 321 45 M8 3.0 25 2
Diaphragm valve type 515
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Ideally suited for High Purity applications, recommended for oxidizing acids.
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 125 180 515 132 0.295
25 20 16 271 180 515 133 0.438
32 25 16 481 180 515 134 0.870
40 32 16 759 180 515 135 0.944
50 40 16 1263 180 515 136 1.846
63 50 16 1728 180 515 137 2.512
d D D2 H H1 H2 L L2 M e Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 73 14 12 124 25 M4 1.9 7 1
25 80 65 81 18 12 144 25 M4 1.9 10 3
32 88 87 107 22 12 155 25 M4 2.4 13 1
40 101 87 115 26 15 176 45 M8 2.4 15 1 1∕4
50 117 135 148 32 15 193 45 M8 3.0 19 1 1∕2
63 144 135 166 39 15 223 45 M8 3.0 25 2
Diaphragm valve type 519
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Ideally suited for High Purity applications
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Smallest possible dead space
• For water use only
• Not suitable for oxidizing acids
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d d1 Valve DN DN1 DN2 PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) Size d (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(mm) (l ⁄ min)
20 20 20 15 15 15 16 57 180 519 301 0.350
25 20 25 20 15 20 16 89 180 519 303 0.476
25 25 25 20 20 20 16 118 180 519 304 0.633
32 20 25 25 15 20 16 80 180 519 307 0.692
32 25 25 25 20 20 16 105 180 519 308 0.721
32 32 32 25 25 25 16 231 180 519 309 0.889
40 20 32 32 15 25 16 85 180 519 312 0.963
40 25 32 32 20 25 16 119 180 519 313 0.812
40 32 32 32 25 25 16 153 180 519 314 0.845
40 40 32 32 32 25 16 187 180 519 315 0.866
50 20 25 40 15 20 16 86 180 519 318 0.789
50 25 32 40 20 25 16 160 180 519 319 0.905
50 32 32 40 25 25 16 206 180 519 320 0.926
50 40 63 40 32 50 16 524 180 519 321 2.381
50 50 63 40 40 50 16 667 180 519 322 2.387
63 20 25 50 15 20 16 84 180 519 325 0.784
63 25 32 50 20 25 16 150 180 519 326 1.411
63 32 32 50 25 25 16 184 180 519 327 1.018
63 40 63 50 32 50 16 471 180 519 328 2.606
63 50 63 50 40 50 16 610 180 519 329 2.884
63 63 63 50 50 50 16 747 180 519 330 2.653
90 20 32 80 15 25 16 82 180 519 341 1.304
90 25 32 80 20 25 16 103 180 519 342 1.703
90 32 32 80 25 25 16 129 180 519 343 1.719
90 50 63 80 40 50 16 623 180 519 345 3.164
90 63 63 80 50 50 16 696 180 519 346 3.172
110 20 32 100 15 25 16 78 180 519 351 1.966
110 25 32 100 20 25 16 103 180 519 352 1.972
110 32 32 100 25 25 16 131 180 519 353 1.975
110 50 63 100 40 50 16 604 180 519 355 3.491
110 63 63 100 50 50 16 661 180 519 356 3.580
d D D2 H H1 L L1 L3 L4 e e1 Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 75 14.0 117 96 162 12 1.9 1.9 7 1
25 80 65 80 17.5 133 108 162 16 1.9 1.9 10 3
25 80 65 80 17.5 133 108 162 16 1.9 1.9 10 3
32 80 65 84 21.5 142 120 162 19 2.4 1.9 10 1
32 80 65 84 21.5 142 120 162 19 2.4 1.9 10 1
32 88 87 107 21.5 145 120 160 19 2.4 2.4 13 1
40 88 87 115 21.5 149 128 180 23 2.4 1.9 13 1 1∕4
40 88 87 115 21.5 149 128 180 23 2.4 1.9 13 1 1∕4
40 88 87 115 21.5 149 128 180 23 2.4 2.4 13 1 1∕4
40 88 87 115 21.5 174 153 180 23 2.4 2.4 13 1 1∕4
50 80 65 97 17.5 160 134 180 27 3.0 1.9 10 1 1∕2
Diaphragm valve type 514
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 181 514 132 181 514 152 0.399
25 20 10 271 181 514 133 181 514 153 0.597
32 25 10 481 181 514 134 181 514 154 1.111
40 32 10 759 181 514 135 181 514 155 1.286
50 40 10 1263 181 514 136 181 514 156 2.989
63 50 10 1728 181 514 137 181 514 157 3.164
d D D2 D3 H H1 H2 L L2 M e Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 43 73 14 12 196 25 M6 1.9 7 1
25 80 65 53 81 18 12 221 25 M6 1.9 10 3
32 88 87 60 107 22 12 234 25 M6 2.4 13 1
40 101 87 74 115 26 15 260 45 M8 2.4 15 1 1∕4
50 117 135 82 148 32 15 284 45 M8<br/> 3.0 19 1 1∕2
63 144 135 100 166 39 15 321 45 M8<br/> 3.0 25 2
Diaphragm valve type 515
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Overall length EN 558
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 181 515 132 181 515 152 0.295
25 20 10 271 181 515 133 181 515 153 0.438
32 25 10 481 181 515 134 181 515 154 0.870
40 32 10 759 181 515 135 181 515 155 1.103
50 40 10 1263 181 515 136 181 515 156 1.846
63 50 10 1728 181 515 137 181 515 157 2.512
d D D2 H H1 H2 L L2 M e Lift = closest
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx inch
(mm) (inch)
20 65 65 73 14 12 124 25 M6 1.9 7 1
25 80 65 81 18 12 144 25 M6 1.9 10 3
32 88 87 107 22 12 155 25 M6 2.4 13 1
40 101 87 115 26 15 176 45 M8 2.4 15 1 1∕4
50 117 135 148 32 15 193 45 M8 3.0 19 1 1∕2
63 144 135 166 39 15 223 45 M8 3.0 25 2
Diaphragm valve type 519
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism
• Smallest possible dead space
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Self adjusting multifunctional module with integrated limit switches
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 57 181 519 301 181 519 501 0.350
25 20 10 89 181 519 303 181 519 503 0.476
25 20 10 118 181 519 304 181 519 504 0.633
32 25 10 80 181 519 307 181 519 507 0.692
32 25 10 105 181 519 308 181 519 508 0.721
32 25 10 231 181 519 309 181 519 509 0.889
40 32 10 85 181 519 312 181 519 512 0.963
40 32 10 119 181 519 313 181 519 513 0.812
40 32 10 153 181 519 314 181 519 514 0.845
40 32 10 187 181 519 315 181 519 515 0.866
50 40 10 86 181 519 318 181 519 518 0.789
50 40 10 160 181 519 319 181 519 519 0.905
50 40 10 206 181 519 320 181 519 520 0.926
50 40 10 524 181 519 321 181 519 521 2.381
d DN1 DN2 e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 15 1.9
25 15 20 1.9
25 20 20 1.9
32 15 20 1.9
32 20 20 1.9
32 25 25 2.4
40 15 25 1.9
Diaphragm valve type 317
With flanges metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• DN 15-65 with backing flange
• DN 80-150 with fixed flange
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Diaphrag, PTFE with EPDM backing diaphragm (FDA compliant)
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism (standard version is nonlockable)
* DN80 and DN150 fixed flanges metric and inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
75 2 1∕2 65 10 992 175 317 453 5.700
* 90 3 80 10 1700 175 317 054 11.057
110 4 100 10 2700 175 317 055 16.112
* 160 6 150 7 6033 175 317 057 31.000
Diaphragm valve type 317
Flanged version Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF-HP
• DN 15-65 with backing flange
• DN 80-150 with fixed flange
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Diaphrag, PTFE with EPDM backing diaphragm (FDA compliant)
• Handwheel with built-in locking mechanism (standard version is nonlockable)
* DN80 and DN150 fixed flanges metric and inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE with Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) EPDM supp. (kg)
(l ⁄ min) Diaphragm
75 2 1∕2 65 10 992 175 317 568 5.700
* 90 3 80 10 1700 175 317 054 11.057
110 4 100 10 2700 175 317 355 14.950
d D D1 D2 D3 H H1 H2 L L1 L2 M AL
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
75 185 140 152 18 201 46 15 290 70 M8 4
* 90 200 152 270 18 265 57 23 310 35 120 M12 8
110 225 191 270 18 302 68 23 350 35 120 M12 8
Actuated valves
Pressure reducing valve type 582
With butt fusion spigots metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM D H H1 H2 H3 L L3 L5 M closest inch
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 15 10 180 582 012 79 132 111 21 14 150 42 40 M6 1
25 20 10 180 582 013 100 177 148 29 14 190 53 46 M6 3
32 25 10 180 582 014 100 177 148 29 14 190 53 46 M6 1
40 32 10 180 582 015 147 251 207 44 21 240 76 65 M8 1 1∕4
50 40 10 180 582 016 147 251 207 44 21 240 76 65 M8 1 1∕2
63 50 10 180 582 017 147 251 207 44 21 260 76 65 M8 2
Pressure reducing valve type 582
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
Without manometer
• Diaphragm PTFE/EPDM
• Integrated stainless steel mounting inserts
• 0.5-9.0 bar (7-130 psi)
0.3-3.0 bar (4-44 psi) on request
Manometer on request
d DN PN O-rings FPM
(mm) (mm) (bar) Code
20 15 10 180 582 512
25 20 10 180 582 513
32 25 10 180 582 514
40 32 10 180 582 515
50 40 10 180 582 516
63 50 10 180 582 517
d D H H1 H2 H3 L L2 L3 L5 M closest inch
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (inch)
20 79 132 111 21 12 226 120 42 40 M6 1
25 100 177 148 29 14 262 150 53 46 M6 3
32 100 177 148 29 14 268 150 53 46 M6 1
40 147 251 207 44 21 329 205 76 65 M8 1 1∕4
50 147 251 207 44 21 335 205 76 65 M8 1 1∕2
63 147 251 207 44 21 341 205 76 65 M8 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 180 624 132 0.761 180 624 152 1.100
25 20 10 271 180 624 133 1.201 180 624 153 1.760
32 25 10 481 180 624 134 1.563 180 624 154 2.610
40 32 10 759 180 624 135 2.623 180 624 155 3.760
50 40 10 1263 180 624 136 4.323 180 624 156 6.220
63 50 6 1728 180 624 137 5.365 180 624 157 7.800
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 196 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 1.9 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 234 25 M6 2.4 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 260 45 M8 2.4 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 284 45 M8 3.0 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 321 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 180 625 132 0.668 180 625 152 0.541
25 20 10 271 180 625 133 1.113 180 625 153 1.191
32 25 10 481 180 625 134 1.402 180 625 154 1.403
40 32 10 759 180 625 135 2.242 180 625 155 2.243
50 40 10 1263 180 625 136 4.367 180 625 156 3.826
63 50 6 1728 180 625 137 4.635 180 625 157 4.636
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 124 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 1.9 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 154 25 M6 2.4 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 174 45 M8 2.4 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 194 45 M8 3.0 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 224 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 180 644 132 0.711
25 20 10 271 180 644 133 1.189
32 25 10 481 180 644 134 1.350
40 32 10 759 180 644 135 2.263
50 40 10 1263 180 644 136 4.233
63 50 10 1728 180 644 137 5.275
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 196 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 1.9 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 234 25 M6 2.4 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 260 45 M8 2.4 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 69 284 45 M8 3.0 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 69 321 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
FO (Fail safe to open)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 180 645 132 0.618
25 20 10 271 180 645 133 1.016
32 25 10 481 180 645 134 1.222
40 32 10 759 180 645 135 1.882
50 40 10 1263 180 645 136 3.735
63 50 10 1728 180 645 137 4.545
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 124 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 1.9 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 154 25 M6 2.4 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 174 45 M8 2.4 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 194 45 M8 3.0 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 224 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Smallest possible dead space
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN* kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16/10* 57 180 659 301 0.635
25 20 16/10* 89 180 659 303 1.002
25 20 16/10* 118 180 659 304 1.005
32 25 16/10* 80 180 659 307 1.055
32 25 16/10* 105 180 659 308 1.059
32 25 16/10* 231 180 659 309 1.234
40 32 16/10* 85 180 659 312 1.288
40 32 16/10* 119 180 659 313 1.292
40 32 16/10* 153 180 659 314 1.310
40 32 16/10* 187 180 659 315 1.339
50 40 16/10* 86 180 659 318 1.174
50 40 16/10* 160 180 659 319 1.378
50 40 16/10* 206 180 659 320 1.383
50 40 16/10* 524 180 659 321 3.667
50 40 16/10* 667 180 659 322 3.677
63 50 16/10* 84 180 659 325 1.251
63 50 16/10* 150 180 659 326 1.463
63 50 16/10* 184 180 659 327 1.469
63 50 16/10* 471 180 659 328 3.844
63 50 16/10* 610 180 659 329 3.909
63 50 16/10* 747 180 659 330 3.922
90 80 16/10* 82 180 659 341 1.748
90 80 16/10* 103 180 659 342 1.755
90 80 16/10* 129 180 659 343 1.771
90 80 16/10* 623 180 659 345 4.362
90 80 16/10* 696 180 659 346 4.390
110 100 16/10* 78 180 659 351 2.018
110 100 16/10* 103 180 659 352 2.024
110 100 16/10* 131 180 659 353 2.041
110 100 16/10* 604 180 659 355 4.778
110 100 16/10* 661 180 659 356 4.808
d DN2 d1 e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 20 2
25 20 20 2
25 20 25 2
32 20 20 2
32 20 25 2
32 25 32 3
40 25 20 2
40 25 25 2
40 25 32 3
40 25 40 4
50 20 20 2
50 25 25 2
50 25 32 3
50 50 40 4
50 50 50 5
63 20 20 2
63 25 25 2
63 25 32 3
63 50 40 4
63 50 50 5
63 50 63 6
90 25 20 2
90 25 25 2
90 25 32 3
90 50 50 5
90 50 63 6
110 25 20 2
110 25 25 2
110 25 32 3
110 50 50 5
110 50 63 6
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 180 655 132 0.602
25 20 10 271 180 655 133 0.980
32 25 10 481 180 655 134 1.192
40 32 10 759 180 655 135 1.822
50 40 10 1263 180 655 136 2.985
63 50 10 1728 180 655 137 3.795
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 124 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 1.9 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 154 25 M6 2.4 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 174 45 M8 2.4 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 88 194 45 M8 3.0 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 88 224 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Ten
DA (Double acting)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: one side
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 180 654 132 0.695
25 20 10 271 180 654 133 1.153
32 25 10 481 180 654 134 1.396
40 32 10 759 180 654 135 2.203
50 40 10 1263 180 654 136 3.483
63 50 10 1728 180 654 137 4.525
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 68 1
∕8 101 14 12 60 24 16 43 196 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 1.9 10
32 96 1
∕8 143 22 12 84 25 16 57 234 25 M6 2.4 13
40 120 1
∕8 173 26 15 99 26 26 69 260 45 M8 2.4 15
50 150 1
∕4 214 32 15 119 36 26 69 284 45 M8 3.0 19
63 150 1
∕4 226 39 15 132 36 26 69 321 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Sixteen
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Ideally suited for High Purity applications, not recommended for oxidizing acids
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 125 180 634 132 1.172
25 20 16 271 180 634 133 1.381
32 25 16 481 180 634 134 2.225
40 32 16 759 180 634 135 3.730
50 40 16 1263 180 634 136 5.786
63 50 10 1728 180 634 137 6.880
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 196 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 1.9 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 234 25 M6 2.4 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 260 45 M8 2.4 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 284 45 M8 3.0 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 321 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Sixteen
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Ideally suited for High Purity applications, recommended for oxidizing acids.
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 16 125 180 635 132 1.259
25 20 16 271 180 635 133 1.208
32 25 16 481 180 635 134 2.021
40 32 16 759 180 635 135 3.349
50 40 16 1263 180 635 136 5.288
63 50 10 1728 180 635 137 6.150
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 124 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 1.9 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 154 25 M6 2.4 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 174 45 M8 2.4 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 194 45 M8 3.0 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 224 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR Sixteen
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Smallest possible dead space
• Ideally suited for High Purity applications, not recommended for oxidizing acids
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
* Available on request
d DN DN1 DN2 PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 15 15 16 57 180 639 301 1.112
25 20 15 20 16 89 180 639 303 1.230
25 20 20 20 16 118 180 639 304 1.233
32 25 15 20 16 80 180 639 307 1.283
32 25 20 20 16 105 180 639 308 1.287
32 25 25 25 16 231 180 639 309 2.063
40 32 15 25 16 85 180 639 312 2.117
40 32 20 25 16 119 180 639 313 2.121
40 32 25 25 16 153 180 639 314 2.139
40 32 32 25 16 187 180 639 315 2.168
50 40 15 20 16 86 180 639 318 1.402
50 40 20 25 16 160 180 639 319 2.207
50 40 25 25 16 206 180 639 320 2.212
50 40 32 50 10 524 180 639 321 6.022
50 40 40 50 10 667 180 639 322 6.032
63 50 15 20 16 84 180 639 325 1.479
63 50 20 25 16 150 180 639 326 2.292
63 50 25 25 16 184 180 639 327 2.298
63 50 32 50 10 471 180 639 328 6.199
63 50 40 50 10 610 180 639 329 6.264
63 50 50 50 10 747 180 639 330 6.277
90 80 15 25 16 82 180 639 341 2.577
90 80 20 25 16 103 180 639 342 2.584
90 80 25 25 16 129 180 639 343 2.600
90 80 40 50 10 623 180 639 345 6.717
90 80 50 50 10 696 180 639 346 6.745
110 100 15 25 16 78 180 639 351 2.847
110 100 20 25 16 103 180 639 352 2.853
110 100 25 25 16 131 180 639 353 2.870
110 100 40 50 10 604 180 639 355 7.133
110 100 50 50 10 661 180 639 356 7.163
d D D1 H H3 H4 H5 L L1 L3 L4 e Lift = d1 Valve
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx (mm) Size d
(mm) (mm)
20 96 1
∕8 130 71 25 16 117 96 162 12 1.9 7 20 20
25 96 1
∕8 131 72 25 16 133 108 162 16 1.9 10 20 25
25 96 1
∕8 131 72 25 16 133 108 162 16 1.9 10 25 25
32 96 1
∕8 135 76 25 16 142 120 162 19 2.4 10 20 25
32 96 1
∕8 135 76 25 16 142 120 162 19 2.4 10 25 25
32 120 1
∕8 167 93 26 26 145 120 160 19 2.4 13 32 32
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 149 128 180 23 2.4 13 20 32
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 149 128 180 23 2.4 13 25 32
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 149 128 180 23 2.4 13 32 32
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 174 153 180 23 2.4 13 40 32
50 96 1
∕8 148 90 25 16 160 134 180 27 3.0 10 20 25
d e1
(mm) (mm)
20 2
25 2
25 2
32 2
32 2
32 2
40 2
40 2
40 2
40 2
50 2
50 2
50 2
50 2
50 3
63 2
63 2
63 2
63 2
63 3
63 3
90 2
90 2
90 2
90 3
90 3
110 2
110 2
110 2
110 3
110 3
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
Unions with butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• For easy installation and removal
• Short overall length
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 181 684 132 1.172 181 684 152 1.172
25 20 10 271 181 684 133 1.381 181 684 153 1.381
32 25 10 481 181 684 134 2.225 181 684 154 2.225
40 32 10 759 181 684 135 3.730 181 684 155 3.730
50 40 10 1263 181 684 136 5.786 181 684 156 5.786
63 50 10 1728 181 684 137 6.880 181 684 157 6.880
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 196 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 221 25 M6 1.9 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 234 25 M6 2.4 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 260 45 M8 2.4 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 284 45 M8 3.0 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 321 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 125 181 685 132 1.079 181 685 152 1.079
25 20 10 271 181 685 133 1.208 181 685 153 1.208
32 25 10 481 181 685 134 2.021 181 685 154 2.021
40 32 10 759 181 685 135 3.349 181 685 155 3.349
50 40 10 1263 181 685 136 5.288 181 685 156 5.288
63 50 10 1728 181 685 137 6.150 181 685 157 6.150
d D D1_G H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H7 L L2 M e Lift =
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx
20 96 1
∕8 127 14 12 68 25 16 57 124 25 M6 1.9 7
25 96 1
∕8 132 18 12 73 25 16 57 144 25 M6 1.9 10
32 120 1
∕8 167 22 12 93 26 26 69 154 25 M6 2.4 13
40 150 1
∕4 196 26 15 101 36 26 88 174 45 M8 2.4 15
50 180 1
∕4 239 32 15 124 37 26 103 194 45 M8 3.0 19
63 180 1
∕4 251 39 15 137 37 26 103 224 45 M8 3.0 23
d closest
(mm) inch
20 1
25 3
32 1
40 1 1∕4
50 1 1∕2
63 2
Diaphragm valve DIASTAR TenPlus
FC (Fail safe to close)
With butt fusion spigots metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Double flow rate compared to predecessor
• One housing nut replaces four screws
• Rotating air connection at 90° intervals
• Smallest possible dead space
• Individual configuration of the valve (see diagram)
• Comprehensive range of accessories available
Working Pressure: both sides
* Available on request
d DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight PTFE/FPM Weight
(mm) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
20 15 10 57 181 689 301 1.112 181 689 501 1.112
25 20 10 89 181 689 303 1.230 181 689 503 1.230
25 20 10 118 181 689 304 1.233 181 689 504 1.233
32 25 10 80 181 689 307 1.283 181 689 507 1.283
32 25 10 105 181 689 308 1.287 181 689 508 1.287
32 25 10 231 181 689 309 2.391 181 689 509 2.063
40 32 10 85 181 689 312 2.117 181 689 512 2.117
40 32 10 119 181 689 313 2.121 181 689 513 2.121
40 32 10 153 181 689 314 2.139 181 689 514 2.139
40 32 10 187 181 689 315 2.168 181 689 515 2.168
50 40 10 86 181 689 318 1.402 181 689 518 1.402
50 40 10 160 181 689 319 2.207 181 689 519 2.207
50 40 10 206 181 689 320 2.212 181 689 520 2.212
50 40 10 524 181 689 321 6.022 181 689 521 6.022
50 40 10 667 181 689 322 6.032 181 689 522 6.032
63 50 10 84 181 689 325 1.479 181 689 525 1.479
63 50 10 150 181 689 326 2.292 181 689 526 2.292
63 50 10 184 181 689 327 2.298 181 689 527 2.298
63 50 10 471 181 689 328 6.199 181 689 528 6.199
63 50 10 610 181 689 329 6.264 181 689 529 6.264
63 50 10 747 181 689 330 6.277 181 689 530 6.277
90 80 10 82 181 689 341 2.577 181 689 541 2.577
90 80 10 103 181 689 342 2.584 181 689 542 2.584
90 80 10 129 181 689 343 2.600 181 689 543 2.600
90 80 10 623 181 689 345 6.717 181 689 545 6.717
90 80 10 696 181 689 346 6.745 181 689 546 6.745
110 100 10 78 181 689 351 2.847 181 689 551 2.847
110 100 10 103 181 689 352 2.853 181 689 552 2.853
110 100 10 131 181 689 353 2.870 181 689 553 2.870
110 100 10 604 181 689 355 7.133 181 689 555 7.133
110 100 10 661 181 689 356 7.163 181 689 556 7.163
d D D1 H H3 H4 H5 L L1 L3 L4 e Lift = Valve d1
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) Hx Size d (mm)
(mm) (mm)
20 96 1
∕8 130 71 25 16 117 96 162 12 1.9 7 20 20
25 96 1
∕8 131 72 25 16 133 108 162 16 1.9 10 25 20
25 96 1
∕8 131 72 25 16 133 108 162 16 1.9 10 25 25
32 96 1
∕8 135 76 25 16 142 120 162 19 2.4 10 25 20
32 96 1
∕8 135 76 25 16 142 120 162 19 2.4 10 25 25
32 120 1
∕8 167 93 26 26 145 120 160 19 2.4 13 32 32
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 149 128 180 23 2.4 13 32 20
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 149 128 180 23 2.4 13 32 25
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 149 128 180 23 2.4 13 32 32
40 120 1
∕8 175 101 26 26 174 153 180 23 2.4 13 32 40
50 96 1
∕8 148 90 25 16 160 134 180 27 3.0 10 25 20
d DN2 DN1 e1
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
20 15 15 2
25 20 15 2
25 20 20 2
32 20 15 2
32 20 20 2
32 25 25 2
40 25 15 2
40 25 20 2
40 25 25 2
40 25 32 2
50 20 15 2
50 25 20 2
50 25 25 2
50 50 32 2
50 50 40 3
63 20 15 2
63 25 20 2
63 25 25 2
63 50 32 2
63 50 40 3
63 50 50 3
90 25 15 2
90 25 20 2
90 25 25 2
90 50 40 3
90 50 50 3
110 25 15 2
110 25 20 2
110 25 25 2
110 50 40 3
110 50 50 3
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With fixed flanges PVDF metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• With position indicator / Working pressure: both sides
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 75 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 447 13.600
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 448 17.400
110 4 100 6 2700 199 025 449 24.700
d D D1_G D2 D3[M] D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 280 1
∕4 185 8 145 344 148 24 46 100 129 195 298 46
** 90 280 1
∕4 200 12 160 348 150 24 46 100 129 195 302 57
110 335 1
∕4 225 12 180 395 176 24 46 100 129 195 349 69
d H10 L L2
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 15 290 70
** 90 15 310 120
110 20 350 120
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FC (Fail safe to close)
With fixed flanges PVDF Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• With position indicator / Working pressure: both sides
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 387 14.200
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 448 17.400
4 100 6 2700 199 025 389 26.500
L L2
(mm) (mm)
* 290 70
** 310 120
350 120
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With fixed flanges PVDF metric
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 75 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 457 13.600
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 458 17.400
110 4 100 6 2700 199 025 459 24.700
** 160 6 150 6 6033 199 025 460 35.000
d D D1_G D2 D3[M] D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 280 1
∕4 185 8 145 344 148 24 46 100 129 195 298 46
** 90 280 1
∕4 200 12 160 348 150 24 46 100 129 195 302 57
110 335 1
∕4 225 12 180 395 176 24 46 100 129 195 349 69
** 160 335 1
∕4 285 12 240 455 237 24 46 100 129 195 409 108
d H10 L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 15 290 70
** 90 15 310 120
110 20 350 120
** 160 20 480 100 200
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function FO (Fail safe to open)
With fixed flanges PVDF Inch ANSI
• Material: PVDF-HP
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 397 12.200
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 458 17.400
4 100 6 2700 199 025 399 23.400
** 160 6 150 6 6033 199 025 460 35.000
L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm)
* 290 70
** 310 120
350 120
** 480 100 200
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function DA (Double acting)
With fixed flanges PVDF metric
• Connecting dimension: ISO 7005 / EN 1092 / DIN 25 PN10 / BS4504
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d DN Size PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (mm) (inch) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 75 65 2 1∕2 10 992 199 025 467 13.600
** 90 80 3 10 1700 199 025 468 17.400
110 100 4 6 2700 199 025 469 24.700
** 160 150 6 6 6033 199 025 470 35.000
d D D1_G D2 D3[M] D4 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H9
(mm) (mm) (inch) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 280 1
∕4 185 8 145 344 148 24 46 100 125 195 298 46
** 90 280 1
∕4 200 12 160 348 150 24 46 100 129 195 302 57
110 335 1
∕4 225 12 180 395 176 24 46 100 129 195 349 69
** 160 335 1
∕4 285 12 240 455 237 24 46 100 129 195 409 108
d H10 L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
* 75 15 290 70
** 90 15 310 120
110 20 350 120
** 160 20 480 100 200
Diaphragm valve type DIASTAR 025
Function DA (Double acting)
With fixed flanges PVDF Inch ANSI
• Overall length according to EN 558
• Connecting dimension: ANSI/ASME B 16.5 class 150, ASTM D 4024, BS 1560, BS EN 1759
• With position indicator / Working pressure: on one side
* With backing flanges PP-V
** Connecting dimensions DN80 and DN150 metric and Inch ANSI B16.5
d Size DN PN kv-value PTFE/EPDM Weight
(mm) (inch) (mm) (bar) (Δp=1 bar) Code (kg)
(l ⁄ min)
* 2 1∕2 65 10 992 199 025 407 13.600
** 90 3 80 10 1700 199 025 468 17.400
4 100 6 2700 199 025 409 24.100
** 160 6 150 6 6033 199 025 470 35.000
L L2 L3
(mm) (mm) (mm)
* 290 70
** 310 120
350 120
** 480 100 200
Special version PVDF-HP
GF Piping Systems
Machines and
Tools for Industrial
Infrared plastic fusion jointing machines
• Fully-equipped fusion jointing machine for welding SYGEF Standard, SYGEF Plus, PROGEF
Standard, PROGEF Natural, PROGEF Plus, PE 100, PFA in dimensions d 20-63 mm with integrat-
ed remote welding unit, 2 USB interfaces, monochrome display with icons and 12 languages.
• 1-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 230 V L/N/PE
• Machine housing complete (1 pcs.)
• Heater assembly (1 pcs.)
• Remote weld device (1 pcs.)
• Facing tool (1 pcs.)
• Transport box (1 pcs.)
• Pipe stop (1 pcs.)
• Clamping inserts d 20-63 mm (8 pcs. per dimension)
• End caps PE d 20-63 mm (4 pcs. per dimension)
• Power supply cable 230 V (1 pcs.)
• Extension cable for remote weld device (1 pcs.)
• Extension cable for heater (1 pcs.)
• Extension cable for facing tool (1 pcs.)
• Cleaning brush No. 8 (1 pcs.)
• Hexagon key 3 mm (1 pcs.)
• Hexagon key 4 mm (1 pcs.)
• Heater protection shield (1 pcs.)
• Clamping unit extension (8 pcs.)
• Socket wrench (facing blades) (1 pcs.)
• Screw driver, Size 0 (1 pcs.)
• Accessory Tray (1 pcs.)
• Manual (1 pcs.)
d-d Code Weight
(mm) (kg)
20 ‐ 63 790 131 005 50.000
Clamping inserts
• The clamping inserts are different for each dimension. They are used to clamp and position the
pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 790 131 038 0.090 1
25 790 131 039 0.090 1
32 790 131 040 0.052 1
40 790 131 041 0.074 1
50 790 131 042 0.100 1
63 790 131 043 0.035 1
• A set includes two facing knives. Each facing knife has four blades. The blade may be turned
three times before it must be replaced.
d-d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 ‐ 63 790 131 045 0.016 2
Set of end caps
• A set includes 4 end caps. The end caps are different for each dimension. The ends of the pipe
must be closed. The caps prevent heat loss due to airflow in the fusion zone and guarantee op-
timum fusion results of the pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 790 131 030 0.040 4
25 790 131 031 0.010 4
32 790 131 032 0.088 4
40 790 131 033 0.005 4
50 790 131 034 0.005 4
63 790 131 035 0.023 4
Pipe stop
• The pipe stop defines the allowance when the pipes are clamped into position.
Extension cable
for clamping slide
Extension cable
for heater
Extension cable
for facing tool
Heater protection shield
• Protects the heater from plastic chips during the facing process.
• Fully-equipped fusion jointing machine for welding SYGEF Standard, SYGEF Plus, PROGEF
Standard, PROGEF Natural, PROGEF Plus, ecoFIT, PFA, ECTFE in dimensions d 20-110 mm, 2
USB interfaces, monochrome display with icons and 12 languages.
• 1-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 230 V L/N/PE
• Machine housing complete (1 pcs.)
• Heater and facing tool assembly (1 pcs.)
• Transport box (1 pcs.)
• Pipe stop (1 pcs.)
• Clamping inserts d 20-90 mm (8 pcs. per dimension)
• End caps PE d 20-110 mm (4 pcs. per dimension)
• Power supply cable 230 V (1 pcs.)
• Cleaning brush No. 8 (1 pcs.)
• Hexagon keys 4 mm (1 pcs.), 5 mm (1 pcs.), 6 mm (1 pcs.)
• Socket wrench (facing blades) (1 pcs.)
• Accessory Tray (1 pcs.)
• Manual (1 pcs.)
d-d Code Weight
(mm) (kg)
20 ‐ 110 790 132 001 75.000
Clamping inserts
• The clamping inserts are different for each dimension. They are used to clamp and position the
pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 790 132 051 0.108 1
25 790 132 052 0.106 1
32 790 132 053 0.104 1
40 790 132 054 0.100 1
50 790 132 055 0.095 1
63 790 132 156 0.085 1
75 790 132 157 0.087 1
90 790 132 158 0.064 1
Clamping inserts PFA Sch. 40 rigid pipe
• The clamping inserts are different for each dimension. They are used to clamp and position the
pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(inch) (kg)
∕4 790 132 062 0.109 1
∕2 790 132 063 0.107 1
∕4 790 132 064 0.106 1
1 790 132 065 0.103 1
2 790 132 066 0.088 1
• A set includes two facing knives. Each facing knife has four blades. The blade may be turned
three times before it must be replaced.
d-d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 ‐ 110 790 132 061 0.007 2
• A set includes 4 end caps. The end caps are different for each dimension. The ends of the pipe
must be closed. The caps prevent heat loss due to airflow in the fusion zone and guarantee op-
timum fusion results of the pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 790 131 030 0.040 4
25 790 131 031 0.010 4
32 790 131 032 0.088 4
40 790 131 033 0.005 4
50 790 131 034 0.005 4
63 790 131 035 0.023 4
75 790 133 036 0.095 4
90 790 133 037 0.028 4
110 790 133 038 0.180 4
Pipe stop
• The pipe stop defines the allowance when the pipes are clamped into position.
IR-225 Plus Fusion Jointing Machine
and Accessories
• Fully-equipped fusion jointing machine for welding SYGEF Standard, SYGEF Plus, PROGEF
Standard, PROGEF Natural, PROGEF Plus, ecoFIT in dimensions d 63-225 mm, 2 USB inter-
faces, monochrome display with icons and 12 languages.
• Machine base (1 pcs.)
• Heater assembly (1 pcs.)
• Facing tool (1 pcs.)
• Movable clamping units (1 pcs.)
• Clamping inserts d 63-225 mm (8 pcs. per dimension)
• End caps PE d 63-225 mm (4 pcs. per dimension)
• Transportation lock (1 pcs.)
• Combination ring /open-jaw wrench 13 mm (1 pcs.)
• Cleaning brush (1 pcs.)
• Connecting cable 400 V - 230 V (1 pcs.)
• Ball for lever (1 pcs.)
• Manual (1 pcs.)
• 1-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 230 V L/N/PE or 3-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 400 V/230 V L1/L2/L3/N/PE
• Working table, HP (1 pcs.)
• Pipe stop (1 pcs.)
• Hexagon key 5 mm (1 pcs.)
• Hexagon key 6 mm (1 pcs.)
d-d Code Weight
(mm) (kg)
63 ‐ 225 790 133 009 453.000
Clamping inserts
• The clamping inserts are different for each dimension. They are used to clamp and position the
pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
63 790 133 026 0.700 1
75 790 133 027 0.400 1
90 790 133 028 0.691 1
110 790 133 029 0.644 1
125 790 133 030 0.500 1
140 790 133 031 0.600 1
160 790 133 032 0.600 1
180 790 133 463 0.560 1
200 790 133 033 0.700 1
225 790 133 034 0.270 1
• A set includes 4 end caps. The end caps are different for each dimension. The ends of the pipe
must be closed. The caps prevent heat loss due to airflow in the fusion zone and guarantee op-
timum fusion results of the pipe components.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
63 790 131 035 0.023 4
75 790 133 036 0.095 4
90 790 133 037 0.028 4
110 790 133 038 0.180 4
125 790 133 039 0.150 4
140 790 133 040 0.180 4
• A set includes two facing knives. Each facing knife has four blades. The blade may be turned
three times before it must be replaced.
d-d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
63 ‐ 225 790 133 046 0.125 2
Pipe stop
• The pipe stop defines the allowance when the pipes are clamped into position.
Fully-equipped fusion jointing machine for welding SYGEF and SYGEF Plus, in dimensions d
225-315 mm, 2 USB interfaces, monochrome display with icons and 12 languages. Supply: 1-
phase AC (50/60 Hz) 230 V L/N/PE or 3-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 400 V/230 V L1/L2/L3/N/PE Deliv-
ery includes: Machine base (1 pcs.) Heater assembly (1 pcs.) Facing tool (1 pcs.) Working table,
HP (1 pcs.) Movable clamping units (1 pcs.) Clamping inserts d 225-315 mm (8 pcs. per dimen-
sion) End caps PE d 225-315 mm (4 pcs. per dimension) Transportation lock (1 pcs.) Pipe stop (1
pcs.) Hexagon key 5 mm (1 pcs.) Hexagon key 6 mm (1 pcs.) Combination ring /open-jaw wrench
13 mm (1 pcs.) Cleaning brush (1 pcs.) Connecting cable 400 V - 230 V (1 pcs.) Ball for lever (1
pcs.) Manual (1 pcs.)
d-d Code Weight
(mm) (kg)
225 ‐ 315 790 134 001 466.000
• Fully-equipped semi automated fusion jointing machine for welding SYGEF Plus in dimension d
315-450, USB interfaces and touch screen with icons
• Only a rental pool machine
d-d Code
315 ‐ 450
Accessories for the IR-Plus plastic fusion jointing machines
• The PC data transfer software makes it possible to manage and evaluate easily the recorded
fusion data as required.
• incl. Recordcard / USB stick
BCF plastic fusion jointing machines
Fully-equipped machine for bead and crevice free jointing of SYGEF Standard, SYGEF Plus,
PROGEF Natural of the dimensions
d 20-63 mm with integrated remote welding unit, 2 USB interfaces, monochrome display with
icons and 12 languages.
1-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 115 / 230 V L/N/PE
Delivery includes:
• Machine housing (1 pcs.) incl. remote welding unit (1 pcs.)
• Transport box (1 pcs.)
• HP working table (1 pcs.)
• Heating stations d 20-63 mm (6 pcs.)
• Clamping units small (2 pcs.) with clamping inserts d 20-63 mm (24 pcs.)
• Facing tool small (1 pcs.) with facing inserts d 20-63 mm (6 pcs.)
• Facing tool support (1 pcs.)
• Hose box (1 pcs.) incl. air hose (1 pcs.)
• Supporting tools small d 20-63 mm (2 pcs.)
• BReT (1 pcs.)
• Hose cutter (1 pcs.)
• Air hose reducer (6-4 mm) (1 pcs.), air hose socket (4-4 mm) (1 pcs.)
• Extension cable (1 pcs.)
• Manual (1 pcs.)
BCF Plus fully-equipped machine d 20 - 110 mm
Fully-equipped machine for bead and crevice free jointing of SYGEF Standard, SYGEF Plus,
PROGEF Natural of the dimensions d 20-110 mm with integrated remote welding unit.
Bladders to be ordered separately.
1-phase AC (50/60 Hz) 115 / 230 V L/N/PE
Delivery includes:
• Machine housing (1 pcs.) incl. remote welding unit (1 pcs.)
• Transport box (1 pcs.)
• HP working table (1 pcs.)
• Heating stations d 20-110 mm (9 pcs.)
• Clamping units small (2 pcs.) with clamping inserts d 20-63 mm (24 pcs.)
• Clamping units big (2 pcs.) with clamping inserts d 75-110 mm (12 pcs.)
• Adapter for clamping unit d 75-110 mm (2 pcs.)
• Facing tool small (1 pcs.) with facing inserts d 20-63 mm (6 pcs.)
• Facing tool big (1 pcs.) with facing inserts d 75-110 mm (3 pcs.)
• Facing tool support (1 pcs.)
• Hose box (1 pcs.) incl. air hose (1 pcs.)
• Supporting tools small d 20-63 mm (2 pcs.)
• Supporting tools big d 75-110 mm (2 pcs.)
• BReT (1 pcs.)
• Hose cutter (1 pcs.)
• Air hose reducer (6-4 mm) (1 pcs.), air hose socket (4-4 mm) (1 pcs.)
• Extension cable (1 pcs.)
• Manual (1 pcs.)
• Only suitable for welding SYGEF PVDF and not for PROGEF Natural. Silver bladder head!
BCF Plus Bladder for PROGEF Natural
• Only suitable for welding PROGEF Natural and not for SYGEF PVDF . Blue bladder head! d75 -
110 same as bladder for SYGEF PVDF (silver bladder head).
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 790 122 091 0.038 1
25 790 122 092 0.021 1
32 790 122 093 0.040 1
40 790 122 094 0.050 1
50 790 122 095 0.105 1
63 790 122 096 0.138 1
75 790 121 047 0.203 1
90 790 121 048 0.265 1
110 790 121 049 0.552 1
• Inclusive crank handle, mounting material and clamping inserts. Suitable for SYGEF (PVDF) as
well as PROGEF Natural.
d-d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 ‐ 63 790 121 052 2.339 1
75 ‐ 110 790 121 053 3.000 1
• These dimension-specific parts are inserted into the facing tool, in order to be able to face the
end of the pipes smoothly and parallel.
d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
20 790 121 061 0.160 1
25 790 121 062 0.146 1
32 790 121 063 0.135 1
40 790 121 064 0.125 1
50 790 121 065 0.100 1
63 790 121 066 0.050 1
75 790 121 067 0.300 1
90 790 121 068 0.200 1
110 790 121 069 0.090 1
BCF Plus clamping units
• The clamping units are adjustable, so that all types of pipes and fittings can be clamped.
• The adapter makes it possible, to insert clamping inserts with d 20-63 mm in clamping units
with d 75-110 mm to be able to clamp pipes and fittings with d 20-63 mm with these clamping
d-d Code Weight Pieces
(mm) (kg)
75 ‐ 110 790 121 038 0.250 1
• The clamping inserts are suitable for the clamping units of the BCF Plus machine. They are
used to clamp the piping components.
• No clamping inserts are needed for d 110 mm!
BCF Plus supporting tool
Hose cutter
SG 125 Socket fusion machine
SG 125
Socket fusion machine
• Portable heating element - socket fusion machine for use in the workshop and on job sites.
• For fusion jointing of PP, PE, PB and PVDF pipes and fittings; dimension 20 - 125 mm
• Compact, sturdy design, distortion-free machine bed
• Handwheel with torque locking mechanism for the slide movement
• Fast selection of insertion depth according to the pipe dimension
• With electronic temperature control
• High temperature accuracy over the entire heating surface
• Universal, left and right prismatic clamping devices, complete, for clamping pipe and fittings.
Additional set of prismatic clamping devices for outer clamping of pipes available as an option.
• V-shaped pipe support d 20 - 125 mm
• Back stop
• Machine specific tool set
• Timer to clock fusion times
• Including transport packaging, without accessories
SG 125 Accessories
Code Weight
761 066 799 0.115
d Code Weight
(mm) (kg)
20 799 300 156 0.090
25 799 300 157 0.154
32 799 300 158 0.211
40 799 300 159 0.309
50 799 300 160 0.434
63 799 300 161 0.594
d Code Weight
(mm) (kg)
20 799 300 260 0.087
25 799 300 270 0.080
32 799 300 280 0.099
40 799 300 290 0.240
50 799 300 300 0.244
63 799 300 310 0.507
Tempil sticks
Code Weight
790 310 099 26.000
Accessories for plastic fusion jointing machines
KS Tangit Cleaner
• Special cleaner for plastic fusion connections in the material of PP, PE, PVDF and PB
• DVGW approved
• DW 5290 BR 0464
Degreasing Tissues
Miscellaneous accessories org
Code Weight
790 114 028 0.088
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
150 530 001 279 175 317 568 330 175 481 203 284 175 543 052 70
150 530 002 279 175 369 022 110 175 481 204 284 175 543 053 70
150 530 003 279 175 369 023 110 175 481 205 284 175 543 054 70
150 530 202 279 175 369 024 110 175 481 206 284 175 543 055 70
150 530 203 279 175 369 025 110 175 481 207 284 175 543 056 70
150 530 204 279 175 369 026 110 175 481 208 284 175 543 057 70
155 400 674 42 175 369 027 110 175 481 209 284 175 543 071 74
155 400 675 42 175 369 029 110 175 481 210 284 175 543 072 74
155 400 676 42 175 369 030 110 175 481 211 284 175 543 073 74
155 701 806 41, 315 175 369 031 110 175 481 213 284 175 543 074 74
155 701 807 41, 315 175 369 032 110 175 481 214 284 175 543 075 74
155 701 808 41, 315 175 369 033 110 175 481 216 284 175 543 076 74
155 701 809 41, 315 175 369 062 114 175 481 217 284 175 543 077 74
155 701 810 41, 315 175 369 063 114 175 481 218 284 175 543 111 76
155 701 811 41, 315 175 369 064 114 175 481 219 284 175 543 112 76
155 701 812 41, 315 175 369 065 114 175 481 220 284 175 543 113 76
155 701 813 41, 315 175 369 066 114 175 481 656 284 175 543 114 76
155 701 917 41, 315 175 369 067 114 175 481 657 284 175 543 115 76
155 701 919 41, 315 175 369 069 114 175 481 658 284 175 543 116 76
155 701 920 41, 315 175 369 070 114 175 481 659 284 175 543 117 76
155 701 921 41, 315 175 369 071 114 175 481 665 284 175 543 131 77
155 701 923 41, 315 175 369 072 114 175 481 666 284 175 543 132 77
155 701 924 41, 315 175 369 073 114 175 481 667 284 175 543 133 77
155 701 925 41, 315 175 369 102 112 175 481 668 284 175 543 134 77
155 703 814 41, 315 175 369 103 112 175 481 669 284 175 543 135 77
157 320 001 278 175 369 104 112 175 481 670 284 175 543 136 77
157 321 001 278 175 369 105 112 175 481 671 284 175 543 137 77
167 530 123 277 175 369 106 112 175 481 673 284 175 543 152 75
167 530 124 277 175 369 107 112 175 481 674 284 175 543 153 75
167 530 125 277 175 369 109 112 175 523 411 80 175 543 154 75
167 530 126 277 175 369 110 112 175 523 412 80 175 543 155 75
167 530 127 277 175 369 111 112 175 523 492 80 175 543 156 75
167 530 128 277 175 369 112 112 175 530 010 279 175 543 157 75
167 530 144 277 175 369 113 112 175 530 011 277 175 543 171 79
167 530 145 277 175 480 202 24 175 530 012 278 175 543 172 79
167 530 146 277 175 480 203 24 175 530 013 279 175 543 173 79
167 530 147 277 175 480 204 24 175 530 014 279 175 543 174 79
167 530 148 277 175 480 205 24 175 530 015 279 175 543 175 79
167 530 164 277 175 480 206 24 175 530 016 279 175 543 176 79
167 530 165 277 175 480 207 24 175 530 017 279 175 543 177 79
167 530 166 277 175 480 208 24 175 530 101 276 175 543 211 140
167 530 167 277 175 480 209 24 175 530 102 276 175 543 212 140
167 530 168 277 175 480 210 24 175 530 103 276 175 543 213 140
167 530 225 277 175 480 211 24 175 530 104 276 175 543 214 140
167 530 226 277 175 480 213 24 175 530 105 276 175 543 215 140
167 530 227 277 175 480 214 24 175 530 106 276 175 543 216 140
167 530 245 277 175 480 216 24 175 530 107 276 175 543 217 140
167 530 246 277 175 480 217 24 175 530 118 276 175 543 252 139
167 530 247 277 175 480 218 24 175 543 011 71 175 543 253 139
167 530 265 277 175 480 219 24 175 543 012 71 175 543 254 139
167 530 266 277 175 480 220 24 175 543 013 71 175 543 255 139
167 530 267 277 175 480 656 24 175 543 014 71 175 543 256 139
168 530 013 279 175 480 665 24 175 543 015 71 175 543 257 139
168 530 014 279 175 480 666 24 175 543 016 71 175 543 311 138
168 530 015 279 175 480 667 24 175 543 017 71 175 543 312 138
168 530 016 279 175 480 668 24 175 543 031 73 175 543 313 138
168 530 017 279 175 480 669 24 175 543 032 73 175 543 314 138
175 317 054 329, 330 175 480 670 24 175 543 033 73 175 543 315 138
175 317 055 329 175 480 671 24 175 543 034 73 175 543 316 138
175 317 057 329 175 480 673 24 175 543 035 73 175 543 317 138
175 317 355 330 175 480 674 24 175 543 036 73 175 543 352 136
175 317 453 329 175 481 202 284 175 543 037 73 175 543 353 136
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
175 543 354 136 175 546 057 61 175 546 472 133 175 561 057 120
175 543 355 136 175 546 092 60 175 546 473 133 175 561 092 118
175 543 356 136 175 546 093 60 175 546 474 133 175 561 093 118
175 543 357 136 175 546 094 60 175 546 475 133 175 561 094 118
175 543 411 141 175 546 095 60 175 546 476 133 175 561 095 118
175 543 412 141 175 546 096 60 175 546 477 133 175 561 096 118
175 543 413 141 175 546 097 60 175 546 478 133 175 561 097 118
175 543 414 141 175 546 098 60 175 546 479 133 175 561 098 118
175 543 415 141 175 546 099 60 175 546 480 133 175 561 099 118
175 543 416 141 175 546 100 60 175 546 492 129 175 561 100 118
175 543 417 141 175 546 192 64 175 546 493 129 175 561 111 119
175 543 511 137 175 546 193 64 175 546 494 129 175 561 112 119
175 543 512 137 175 546 194 64 175 546 495 129 175 561 113 119
175 543 513 137 175 546 195 64 175 546 496 129 175 561 114 119
175 543 514 137 175 546 196 64 175 546 497 129 175 561 115 119
175 543 515 137 175 546 197 64 175 546 498 129 175 561 116 119
175 543 516 137 175 546 272 59 175 546 499 129 175 561 117 119
175 543 517 137 175 546 273 59 175 546 500 129 175 561 192 119
175 543 611 135 175 546 274 59 175 546 691 132 175 561 193 119
175 543 612 135 175 546 275 59 175 546 692 132 175 561 194 119
175 543 613 135 175 546 276 59 175 546 693 132 175 561 195 119
175 543 614 135 175 546 277 59 175 546 694 132 175 561 196 119
175 543 615 135 175 546 278 59 175 546 695 132 175 561 197 119
175 543 616 135 175 546 279 59 175 546 696 132 175 561 211 145
175 543 617 135 175 546 280 59 175 546 697 132 175 561 212 145
175 543 631 134 175 546 331 66 175 546 698 132 175 561 213 145
175 543 632 134 175 546 332 66 175 546 699 132 175 561 214 145
175 543 633 134 175 546 333 66 175 546 700 132 175 561 215 145
175 543 634 134 175 546 334 66 175 546 752 130 175 561 216 145
175 543 635 134 175 546 335 66 175 546 753 130 175 561 217 145
175 543 636 134 175 546 336 66 175 546 754 130 175 561 218 145
175 543 637 134 175 546 337 66 175 546 755 130 175 561 219 145
175 543 641 72 175 546 411 63 175 546 756 130 175 561 220 145
175 543 642 72 175 546 412 63 175 546 757 130 175 561 232 144
175 543 643 72 175 546 413 63 175 546 758 130 175 561 233 144
175 543 644 72 175 546 414 63 175 546 759 130 175 561 234 144
175 543 645 72 175 546 415 63 175 546 760 130 175 561 235 144
175 543 646 72 175 546 416 63 175 546 808 65 175 561 236 144
175 543 647 72 175 546 417 63 175 546 809 65 175 561 237 144
175 543 651 78 175 546 418 63 175 546 810 65 175 561 272 144
175 543 652 78 175 546 419 63 175 546 818 65 175 561 273 144
175 543 653 78 175 546 420 63 175 546 819 65 175 561 274 144
175 543 654 78 175 546 431 68 175 546 820 65 175 561 275 144
175 543 655 78 175 546 432 68 175 546 828 131 175 561 276 144
175 543 656 78 175 546 433 68 175 546 829 131 175 561 277 144
175 543 657 78 175 546 434 68 175 546 830 131 175 561 278 144
175 546 011 62 175 546 435 68 175 546 838 131 175 561 279 144
175 546 012 62 175 546 436 68 175 546 839 131 175 561 280 144
175 546 013 62 175 546 437 68 175 546 840 131 175 561 288 118
175 546 014 62 175 546 438 68 175 561 011 120 175 561 289 118
175 546 015 62 175 546 439 68 175 561 012 120 175 561 290 118
175 546 016 62 175 546 440 68 175 561 013 120 175 562 011 116
175 546 017 62 175 546 442 67 175 561 014 120 175 562 012 116
175 546 018 62 175 546 443 67 175 561 015 120 175 562 013 116
175 546 019 62 175 546 444 67 175 561 016 120 175 562 014 116
175 546 020 62 175 546 445 67 175 561 017 120 175 562 015 116
175 546 051 61 175 546 446 67 175 561 051 120 175 562 016 116
175 546 052 61 175 546 447 67 175 561 052 120 175 562 017 116
175 546 053 61 175 546 448 67 175 561 053 120 175 562 018 116
175 546 054 61 175 546 449 67 175 561 054 120 175 562 019 116
175 546 055 61 175 546 450 67 175 561 055 120 175 562 020 116
175 546 056 61 175 546 471 133 175 561 056 120 175 562 051 117
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
175 562 052 117 175 567 008 89 175 568 007 92 175 568 846 94
175 562 053 117 175 567 009 89 175 568 008 92 175 568 847 94
175 562 054 117 175 567 010 89 175 568 022 93 175 568 848 94
175 562 055 117 175 567 022 90 175 568 023 93 175 568 922 97
175 562 056 117 175 567 023 90 175 568 024 93 175 568 923 97
175 562 057 117 175 567 024 90 175 568 025 93 175 568 924 97
175 562 092 117 175 567 025 90 175 568 026 93 175 568 925 97
175 562 093 117 175 567 026 90 175 568 027 93 175 568 926 97
175 562 094 117 175 567 027 90 175 568 028 93 175 568 927 97
175 562 095 117 175 567 028 90 175 568 102 95 175 568 928 97
175 562 096 117 175 567 029 90 175 568 103 95 175 568 942 97
175 562 097 117 175 567 030 90 175 568 104 95 175 568 943 97
175 562 098 117 175 567 202 89 175 568 105 95 175 568 944 97
175 562 099 117 175 567 203 89 175 568 106 95 175 568 945 97
175 562 100 117 175 567 204 89 175 568 107 95 175 568 946 97
175 562 111 122 175 567 205 89 175 568 108 95 175 568 947 97
175 562 112 122 175 567 206 89 175 568 122 96 175 568 948 97
175 562 113 122 175 567 207 89 175 568 123 96 175 578 002 98
175 562 114 122 175 567 208 89 175 568 124 96 175 578 003 98
175 562 115 122 175 567 209 89 175 568 125 96 175 578 004 98
175 562 116 122 175 567 210 89 175 568 126 96 175 578 005 98
175 562 117 122 175 567 222 90 175 568 127 96 175 578 006 98
175 562 192 122 175 567 223 90 175 568 128 96 175 578 007 98
175 562 193 122 175 567 224 90 175 568 202 92 175 578 008 98
175 562 194 122 175 567 225 90 175 568 203 92 175 578 009 98
175 562 195 122 175 567 226 90 175 568 204 92 175 578 010 98
175 562 196 122 175 567 227 90 175 568 205 92 175 578 022 99
175 562 197 122 175 567 228 90 175 568 206 92 175 578 023 99
175 562 211 142 175 567 229 90 175 568 207 92 175 578 024 99
175 562 212 142 175 567 230 90 175 568 208 92 175 578 025 99
175 562 213 142 175 567 622 322 175 568 222 93 175 578 026 99
175 562 214 142 175 567 623 322 175 568 223 93 175 578 027 99
175 562 215 142 175 567 624 322 175 568 224 93 175 578 028 99
175 562 216 142 175 567 625 322 175 568 225 93 175 578 029 99
175 562 217 142 175 567 626 322 175 568 226 93 175 578 030 99
175 562 218 142 175 567 627 322 175 568 227 93 175 578 102 101
175 562 219 142 175 567 628 322 175 568 228 93 175 578 103 101
175 562 220 142 175 567 629 322 175 568 302 95 175 578 104 101
175 562 232 143 175 567 630 322 175 568 303 95 175 578 105 101
175 562 233 143 175 567 822 91 175 568 304 95 175 578 106 101
175 562 234 143 175 567 823 91 175 568 305 95 175 578 107 101
175 562 235 143 175 567 824 91 175 568 306 95 175 578 108 101
175 562 236 143 175 567 825 91 175 568 307 95 175 578 109 101
175 562 237 143 175 567 826 91 175 568 308 95 175 578 110 101
175 562 272 143 175 567 827 91 175 568 322 96 175 578 122 102
175 562 273 143 175 567 828 91 175 568 323 96 175 578 123 102
175 562 274 143 175 567 829 91 175 568 324 96 175 578 124 102
175 562 275 143 175 567 830 91 175 568 325 96 175 578 125 102
175 562 276 143 175 567 842 91 175 568 326 96 175 578 126 102
175 562 277 143 175 567 843 91 175 568 327 96 175 578 127 102
175 562 278 143 175 567 844 91 175 568 328 96 175 578 128 102
175 562 279 143 175 567 845 91 175 568 822 94 175 578 129 102
175 562 280 143 175 567 846 91 175 568 823 94 175 578 130 102
175 562 288 121 175 567 847 91 175 568 824 94 175 578 822 100
175 562 289 121 175 567 848 91 175 568 825 94 175 578 823 100
175 562 290 121 175 567 849 91 175 568 826 94 175 578 824 100
175 567 002 89 175 567 850 91 175 568 827 94 175 578 825 100
175 567 003 89 175 568 002 92 175 568 828 94 175 578 826 100
175 567 004 89 175 568 003 92 175 568 842 94 175 578 827 100
175 567 005 89 175 568 004 92 175 568 843 94 175 578 828 100
175 567 006 89 175 568 005 92 175 568 844 94 175 578 829 100
175 567 007 89 175 568 006 92 175 568 845 94 175 578 830 100
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
175 578 922 103 180 519 312 325 180 634 133 341 180 655 134 339
175 578 923 103 180 519 313 325 180 634 134 341 180 655 135 339
175 578 924 103 180 519 314 325 180 634 135 341 180 655 136 339
175 578 925 103 180 519 315 325 180 634 136 341 180 655 137 339
175 578 926 103 180 519 318 325 180 634 137 341 180 659 301 337
175 578 927 103 180 519 319 325 180 635 132 342 180 659 303 337
175 578 928 103 180 519 320 325 180 635 133 342 180 659 304 337
175 578 929 103 180 519 321 325 180 635 134 342 180 659 307 337
175 578 930 103 180 519 322 325 180 635 135 342 180 659 308 337
175 591 011 125 180 519 325 325 180 635 136 342 180 659 309 337
175 591 012 125 180 519 326 325 180 635 137 342 180 659 312 337
175 591 013 125 180 519 327 325 180 639 301 343 180 659 313 337
175 591 014 125 180 519 328 325 180 639 303 343 180 659 314 337
175 591 015 125 180 519 329 325 180 639 304 343 180 659 315 337
175 591 016 125 180 519 330 325 180 639 307 343 180 659 318 337
175 591 017 125 180 519 341 325 180 639 308 343 180 659 319 337
175 591 018 125 180 519 342 325 180 639 309 343 180 659 320 337
175 591 019 125 180 519 343 325 180 639 312 343 180 659 321 337
175 591 020 125 180 519 345 325 180 639 313 343 180 659 322 337
175 591 031 125 180 519 346 325 180 639 314 343 180 659 325 337
175 591 032 125 180 519 351 325 180 639 315 343 180 659 326 337
175 591 033 125 180 519 352 325 180 639 318 343 180 659 327 337
175 591 034 125 180 519 353 325 180 639 319 343 180 659 328 337
175 591 035 125 180 519 355 325 180 639 320 343 180 659 329 337
175 591 036 125 180 519 356 325 180 639 321 343 180 659 330 337
175 591 037 125 180 582 012 331 180 639 322 343 180 659 341 337
175 595 011 124 180 582 013 331 180 639 325 343 180 659 342 337
175 595 012 124 180 582 014 331 180 639 326 343 180 659 343 337
175 595 013 124 180 582 015 331 180 639 327 343 180 659 345 337
175 595 014 124 180 582 016 331 180 639 328 343 180 659 346 337
175 595 015 124 180 582 017 331 180 639 329 343 180 659 351 337
175 595 016 124 180 582 512 332 180 639 330 343 180 659 352 337
175 595 017 124 180 582 513 332 180 639 341 343 180 659 353 337
175 595 018 124 180 582 514 332 180 639 342 343 180 659 355 337
175 595 019 124 180 582 515 332 180 639 343 343 180 659 356 337
175 595 020 124 180 582 516 332 180 639 345 343 181 514 132 326
175 595 031 124 180 582 517 332 180 639 346 343 181 514 133 326
175 595 032 124 180 624 132 333 180 639 351 343 181 514 134 326
175 595 033 124 180 624 133 333 180 639 352 343 181 514 135 326
175 595 034 124 180 624 134 333 180 639 353 343 181 514 136 326
175 595 035 124 180 624 135 333 180 639 355 343 181 514 137 326
175 595 036 124 180 624 136 333 180 639 356 343 181 514 152 326
175 595 037 124 180 624 137 333 180 644 132 335 181 514 153 326
178 530 001 279 180 624 152 333 180 644 133 335 181 514 154 326
180 514 132 323 180 624 153 333 180 644 134 335 181 514 155 326
180 514 133 323 180 624 154 333 180 644 135 335 181 514 156 326
180 514 134 323 180 624 155 333 180 644 136 335 181 514 157 326
180 514 135 323 180 624 156 333 180 644 137 335 181 515 132 327
180 514 136 323 180 624 157 333 180 645 132 336 181 515 133 327
180 514 137 323 180 625 132 334 180 645 133 336 181 515 134 327
180 515 132 324 180 625 133 334 180 645 134 336 181 515 135 327
180 515 133 324 180 625 134 334 180 645 135 336 181 515 136 327
180 515 134 324 180 625 135 334 180 645 136 336 181 515 137 327
180 515 135 324 180 625 136 334 180 645 137 336 181 515 152 327
180 515 136 324 180 625 137 334 180 654 132 340 181 515 153 327
180 515 137 324 180 625 152 334 180 654 133 340 181 515 154 327
180 519 301 325 180 625 153 334 180 654 134 340 181 515 155 327
180 519 303 325 180 625 154 334 180 654 135 340 181 515 156 327
180 519 304 325 180 625 155 334 180 654 136 340 181 515 157 327
180 519 307 325 180 625 156 334 180 654 137 340 181 519 301 327
180 519 308 325 180 625 157 334 180 655 132 339 181 519 303 327
180 519 309 325 180 634 132 341 180 655 133 339 181 519 304 327
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
181 519 307 327 181 684 135 345 181 689 518 347 185 517 137 87
181 519 308 327 181 684 136 345 181 689 519 347 185 517 152 87
181 519 309 327 181 684 137 345 181 689 520 347 185 517 153 87
181 519 312 327 181 684 152 345 181 689 521 347 185 517 154 87
181 519 313 327 181 684 153 345 181 689 522 347 185 517 155 87
181 519 314 327 181 684 154 345 181 689 525 347 185 517 156 87
181 519 315 327 181 684 155 345 181 689 526 347 185 517 157 87
181 519 318 327 181 684 156 345 181 689 527 347 185 517 732 87
181 519 319 327 181 684 157 345 181 689 528 347 185 517 733 87
181 519 320 327 181 685 132 346 181 689 529 347 185 517 734 87
181 519 321 327 181 685 133 346 181 689 530 347 185 517 735 87
181 519 322 328 181 685 134 346 181 689 541 347 185 517 736 87
181 519 325 328 181 685 135 346 181 689 542 347 185 517 737 87
181 519 326 328 181 685 136 346 181 689 543 347 185 517 752 87
181 519 327 328 181 685 137 346 181 689 545 347 185 517 753 87
181 519 328 328 181 685 152 346 181 689 546 347 185 517 754 87
181 519 329 328 181 685 153 346 181 689 551 347 185 517 755 87
181 519 330 328 181 685 154 346 181 689 552 347 185 517 756 87
181 519 341 328 181 685 155 346 181 689 553 347 185 517 757 87
181 519 342 328 181 685 156 346 181 689 555 347 185 582 012 104
181 519 343 328 181 685 157 346 181 689 556 347 185 582 013 104
181 519 345 328 181 689 301 347 185 514 032 86 185 582 014 104
181 519 346 328 181 689 303 347 185 514 033 86 185 582 015 104
181 519 351 328 181 689 304 347 185 514 034 86 185 582 016 104
181 519 352 328 181 689 307 347 185 514 035 86 185 582 017 104
181 519 353 328 181 689 308 347 185 514 036 86 185 582 112 105
181 519 355 328 181 689 309 347 185 514 037 86 185 582 113 105
181 519 356 328 181 689 312 347 185 514 052 86 185 582 114 105
181 519 501 327 181 689 313 347 185 514 053 86 185 582 115 105
181 519 503 327 181 689 314 347 185 514 054 86 185 582 116 105
181 519 504 327 181 689 315 347 185 514 055 86 185 582 117 105
181 519 507 327 181 689 318 347 185 514 056 86 185 582 512 106
181 519 508 327 181 689 319 347 185 514 057 86 185 582 513 106
181 519 509 327 181 689 320 347 185 514 132 84 185 582 514 106
181 519 512 327 181 689 321 347 185 514 133 84 185 582 515 106
181 519 513 327 181 689 322 347 185 514 134 84 185 582 516 106
181 519 514 327 181 689 325 347 185 514 135 84 185 582 517 106
181 519 515 327 181 689 326 347 185 514 136 84 185 586 012 107
181 519 518 327 181 689 327 347 185 514 137 84 185 586 013 107
181 519 519 327 181 689 328 347 185 514 152 84 185 586 014 107
181 519 520 327 181 689 329 347 185 514 153 84 185 586 015 107
181 519 521 327 181 689 330 347 185 514 154 84 185 586 016 107
181 519 522 328 181 689 341 347 185 514 155 84 185 586 017 107
181 519 525 328 181 689 342 347 185 514 156 84 185 586 112 107
181 519 526 328 181 689 343 347 185 514 157 84 185 586 113 107
181 519 527 328 181 689 345 347 185 515 032 86 185 586 114 107
181 519 528 328 181 689 346 347 185 515 033 86 185 586 115 107
181 519 529 328 181 689 351 347 185 515 034 86 185 586 116 107
181 519 530 328 181 689 352 347 185 515 035 86 185 586 117 107
181 519 541 328 181 689 353 347 185 515 036 86 185 586 512 108
181 519 542 328 181 689 355 347 185 515 037 86 185 586 513 108
181 519 543 328 181 689 356 347 185 515 132 85 185 586 514 108
181 519 545 328 181 689 501 347 185 515 133 85 185 586 515 108
181 519 546 328 181 689 503 347 185 515 134 85 185 586 516 108
181 519 551 328 181 689 504 347 185 515 135 85 185 586 517 108
181 519 552 328 181 689 507 347 185 515 136 85 185 604 032 83
181 519 553 328 181 689 508 347 185 515 137 85 185 604 034 83
181 519 555 328 181 689 509 347 185 517 132 87 185 604 035 83
181 519 556 328 181 689 512 347 185 517 133 87 185 604 062 83
181 684 132 345 181 689 513 347 185 517 134 87 185 604 064 83
181 684 133 345 181 689 514 347 185 517 135 87 185 604 065 83
181 684 134 345 181 689 515 347 185 517 136 87 185 604 132 83
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
185 604 134 83 185 627 135 245 185 645 137 260 185 655 053 251
185 604 135 83 185 627 136 245 185 645 152 260 185 655 054 251
185 604 162 83 185 627 137 245 185 645 153 260 185 655 055 251
185 604 164 83 185 627 152 245 185 645 154 260 185 655 056 251
185 604 165 83 185 627 153 245 185 645 155 260 185 655 057 251
185 605 132 84 185 627 154 245 185 645 156 260 185 655 132 250
185 605 134 84 185 627 155 245 185 645 157 260 185 655 133 250
185 605 135 84 185 627 156 245 185 647 132 247 185 655 134 250
185 605 162 84 185 627 157 245 185 647 133 247 185 655 135 250
185 605 164 84 185 627 732 244 185 647 134 247 185 655 136 250
185 605 165 84 185 627 733 244 185 647 135 247 185 655 137 250
185 624 032 242 185 627 734 244 185 647 136 247 185 655 152 250
185 624 033 242 185 627 735 244 185 647 137 247 185 655 153 250
185 624 034 242 185 627 736 244 185 647 152 247 185 655 154 250
185 624 035 242 185 627 737 244 185 647 153 247 185 655 155 250
185 624 036 242 185 627 752 244 185 647 154 247 185 655 156 250
185 624 037 242 185 627 753 244 185 647 155 247 185 655 157 250
185 624 052 242 185 627 754 244 185 647 156 247 185 657 132 249
185 624 053 242 185 627 755 244 185 647 157 247 185 657 133 249
185 624 054 242 185 627 756 244 185 647 732 246 185 657 134 249
185 624 055 242 185 627 757 244 185 647 733 246 185 657 135 249
185 624 056 242 185 644 032 262 185 647 734 246 185 657 136 249
185 624 057 242 185 644 033 262 185 647 735 246 185 657 137 249
185 624 132 243 185 644 034 262 185 647 736 246 185 657 152 249
185 624 133 243 185 644 035 262 185 647 737 246 185 657 153 249
185 624 134 243 185 644 036 262 185 647 752 246 185 657 154 249
185 624 135 243 185 644 037 262 185 647 753 246 185 657 155 249
185 624 136 243 185 644 052 262 185 647 754 246 185 657 156 249
185 624 137 243 185 644 053 262 185 647 755 246 185 657 157 249
185 624 152 243 185 644 054 262 185 647 756 246 185 657 732 248
185 624 153 243 185 644 055 262 185 647 757 246 185 657 733 248
185 624 154 243 185 644 056 262 185 654 032 259 185 657 734 248
185 624 155 243 185 644 057 262 185 654 033 259 185 657 735 248
185 624 156 243 185 644 132 261 185 654 034 259 185 657 736 248
185 624 157 243 185 644 133 261 185 654 035 259 185 657 737 248
185 625 032 264 185 644 134 261 185 654 036 259 185 657 752 248
185 625 033 264 185 644 135 261 185 654 037 259 185 657 753 248
185 625 034 264 185 644 136 261 185 654 052 259 185 657 754 248
185 625 035 264 185 644 137 261 185 654 053 259 185 657 755 248
185 625 036 264 185 644 152 261 185 654 054 259 185 657 756 248
185 625 037 264 185 644 153 261 185 654 055 259 185 657 757 248
185 625 052 264 185 644 154 261 185 654 056 259 185 684 032 257
185 625 053 264 185 644 155 261 185 654 057 259 185 684 033 257
185 625 054 264 185 644 156 261 185 654 132 258 185 684 034 257
185 625 055 264 185 644 157 261 185 654 133 258 185 684 035 257
185 625 056 264 185 645 032 261 185 654 134 258 185 684 036 257
185 625 057 264 185 645 033 261 185 654 135 258 185 684 037 257
185 625 132 263 185 645 034 261 185 654 136 258 185 684 052 257
185 625 133 263 185 645 035 261 185 654 137 258 185 684 053 257
185 625 134 263 185 645 036 261 185 654 152 258 185 684 054 257
185 625 135 263 185 645 037 261 185 654 153 258 185 684 055 257
185 625 136 263 185 645 052 261 185 654 154 258 185 684 056 257
185 625 137 263 185 645 053 261 185 654 155 258 185 684 057 257
185 625 152 263 185 645 054 261 185 654 156 258 185 684 132 256
185 625 153 263 185 645 055 261 185 654 157 258 185 684 133 256
185 625 154 263 185 645 056 261 185 655 032 251 185 684 134 256
185 625 155 263 185 645 057 261 185 655 033 251 185 684 135 256
185 625 156 263 185 645 132 260 185 655 034 251 185 684 136 256
185 625 157 263 185 645 133 260 185 655 035 251 185 684 137 256
185 627 132 245 185 645 134 260 185 655 036 251 185 684 152 256
185 627 133 245 185 645 135 260 185 655 037 251 185 684 153 256
185 627 134 245 185 645 136 260 185 655 052 251 185 684 154 256
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
185 684 155 256 198 806 467 127 199 041 234 127 199 145 565 230
185 684 156 256 198 806 468 127 199 041 235 127 199 145 566 230
185 684 157 256 198 806 469 127 199 041 236 127 199 145 567 230
185 685 032 255 198 806 470 127 199 041 237 127 199 145 568 230
185 685 033 255 198 806 471 127 199 041 649 109 199 146 582 231
185 685 034 255 198 807 202 355 199 041 669 108 199 146 583 231
185 685 035 255 198 807 203 355 199 041 689 108 199 146 584 231
185 685 036 255 198 807 204 355 199 107 423 169 199 146 585 231
185 685 037 255 198 807 205 355 199 107 424 169 199 146 586 231
185 685 052 255 198 807 206 355 199 107 425 169 199 146 587 231
185 685 053 255 198 807 207 355 199 107 426 169 199 146 588 231
185 685 054 255 198 807 208 355 199 107 427 169 199 146 589 231
185 685 055 255 198 807 209 355 199 107 428 169 199 146 590 231
185 685 056 255 198 807 210 355 199 107 433 174 199 147 582 232
185 685 057 255 199 025 327 265 199 107 434 174 199 147 583 232
185 685 132 254 199 025 329 265 199 107 435 174 199 147 584 232
185 685 133 254 199 025 337 268 199 107 436 174 199 147 585 232
185 685 134 254 199 025 339 268 199 107 437 174 199 147 586 232
185 685 135 254 199 025 347 270 199 107 438 174 199 147 587 232
185 685 136 254 199 025 349 270 199 107 802 173 199 147 588 232
185 685 137 254 199 025 357 266 199 107 803 173 199 147 589 232
185 685 152 254 199 025 358 265, 266 199 107 804 173 199 147 590 232
185 685 153 254 199 025 359 266 199 107 805 173 199 165 002 271
185 685 154 254 199 025 367 267 199 107 806 173 199 165 003 271
185 685 155 254 199 025 368 267, 268 199 107 807 173 199 165 004 271
185 685 156 254 199 025 369 267 199 107 808 173 199 165 005 271
185 685 157 254 199 025 370 267, 268 199 107 812 168 199 165 006 271
185 687 132 253 199 025 377 269 199 107 813 168 199 165 007 271
185 687 133 253 199 025 378 269, 270 199 107 814 168 199 165 012 271
185 687 134 253 199 025 379 269 199 107 815 168 199 165 013 271
185 687 135 253 199 025 380 269, 270 199 107 816 168 199 165 014 271
185 687 136 253 199 025 387 350 199 107 817 168 199 165 015 271
185 687 137 253 199 025 389 350 199 107 818 168 199 165 016 271
185 687 152 253 199 025 397 352 199 107 822 170 199 165 017 271
185 687 153 253 199 025 399 352 199 107 823 170 199 165 022 273
185 687 154 253 199 025 407 354 199 107 824 170 199 165 023 273
185 687 155 253 199 025 409 354 199 107 825 170 199 165 024 273
185 687 156 253 199 025 447 349 199 107 826 170 199 165 025 273
185 687 157 253 199 025 448 349, 350 199 107 827 170 199 165 026 273
185 687 732 252 199 025 449 349 199 107 828 170 199 165 027 273
185 687 733 252 199 025 457 351 199 107 832 175 199 165 032 272
185 687 734 252 199 025 458 351, 352 199 107 833 175 199 165 033 272
185 687 735 252 199 025 459 351 199 107 834 175 199 165 034 272
185 687 736 252 199 025 460 351, 352 199 107 835 175 199 165 035 272
185 687 737 252 199 025 467 353 199 107 836 175 199 165 036 272
185 687 752 252 199 025 468 353, 354 199 107 837 175 199 165 037 272
185 687 753 252 199 025 469 353 199 107 838 175 199 165 042 272
185 687 754 252 199 025 470 353, 354 199 107 843 172 199 165 043 272
185 687 755 252 199 041 010 126 199 107 844 172 199 165 044 272
185 687 756 252 199 041 011 126 199 107 845 172 199 165 045 272
185 687 757 252 199 041 138 126 199 107 846 172 199 165 046 272
193 530 001 279 199 041 139 126 199 107 847 172 199 165 047 272
193 530 010 279 199 041 140 126 199 107 848 172 199 165 072 273
198 803 905 127 199 041 141 126 199 107 853 171 199 165 073 273
198 803 906 127 199 041 142 126 199 107 854 171 199 165 074 273
198 803 907 127 199 041 143 126 199 107 855 171 199 165 075 273
198 803 908 127 199 041 144 126 199 107 856 171 199 165 076 273
198 803 909 127 199 041 145 126 199 107 857 171 199 165 077 273
198 803 910 127 199 041 146 126 199 107 858 171 199 165 402 271
198 803 911 127 199 041 231 127 199 145 562 230 199 165 403 271
198 803 912 127 199 041 232 127 199 145 563 230 199 165 404 271
198 806 466 127 199 041 233 127 199 145 564 230 199 165 405 271
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
199 165 406 271 199 181 012 176 199 232 067 197 199 232 192 195
199 165 407 271 199 181 013 176 199 232 068 197 199 232 193 195
199 165 412 271 199 181 014 176 199 232 072 225 199 232 194 195
199 165 413 271 199 181 015 176 199 232 073 225 199 232 195 195
199 165 414 271 199 181 016 176 199 232 074 225 199 232 196 195
199 165 415 271 199 181 017 176 199 232 075 225 199 232 197 195
199 165 416 271 199 181 018 176 199 232 076 225 199 232 198 195
199 165 417 271 199 181 019 176 199 232 077 225 199 232 212 190
199 165 422 273 199 181 020 176 199 232 078 225 199 232 213 190
199 165 423 273 199 181 021 176 199 232 083 191 199 232 214 190
199 165 424 273 199 181 113 177 199 232 084 191 199 232 215 190
199 165 425 273 199 181 114 177 199 232 085 191 199 232 216 190
199 165 426 273 199 181 115 177 199 232 086 191 199 232 217 190
199 165 427 273 199 181 116 177 199 232 087 191 199 232 218 190
199 165 432 272 199 181 117 177 199 232 088 191 199 232 219 190
199 165 433 272 199 181 118 177 199 232 092 222 199 232 220 190
199 165 434 272 199 181 119 177 199 232 093 222 199 232 221 190
199 165 435 272 199 181 120 177 199 232 094 222 199 232 232 189
199 165 436 272 199 181 121 177 199 232 095 222 199 232 233 189
199 165 437 272 199 232 003 227 199 232 096 222 199 232 234 189
199 165 442 272 199 232 004 227 199 232 097 222 199 232 235 189
199 165 443 272 199 232 005 227 199 232 098 222 199 232 236 189
199 165 444 272 199 232 006 227 199 232 103 185 199 232 237 189
199 165 445 272 199 232 007 227 199 232 104 185 199 232 238 189
199 165 446 272 199 232 008 227 199 232 105 185 199 232 512 179
199 165 447 272 199 232 012 178 199 232 106 185 199 232 513 179
199 165 452 273 199 232 013 178 199 232 107 185 199 232 514 179
199 165 453 273 199 232 014 178 199 232 108 185 199 232 515 179
199 165 454 273 199 232 015 178 199 232 112 205 199 232 516 179
199 165 455 273 199 232 016 178 199 232 113 205 199 232 517 179
199 165 456 273 199 232 017 178 199 232 114 205 199 232 518 179
199 165 457 273 199 232 018 178 199 232 115 205 199 232 532 180
199 166 000 274 199 232 023 223 199 232 116 205 199 232 533 180
199 166 001 274 199 232 024 223 199 232 117 205 199 232 534 180
199 166 002 274 199 232 025 223 199 232 118 205 199 232 535 180
199 166 005 274 199 232 026 223 199 232 132 202 199 232 536 180
199 166 006 274 199 232 027 223 199 232 133 202 199 232 537 180
199 166 007 274 199 232 028 223 199 232 134 202 199 232 538 180
199 166 010 274 199 232 032 229 199 232 135 202 199 232 552 181
199 166 011 274, 274 199 232 033 229 199 232 136 202 199 232 553 181
199 166 012 274 199 232 034 229 199 232 137 202 199 232 554 181
199 166 015 274 199 232 035 229 199 232 138 202 199 232 555 181
199 166 016 274, 274 199 232 036 229 199 232 139 202 199 232 556 181
199 166 017 274 199 232 037 229 199 232 140 202 199 232 557 181
199 166 150 275 199 232 038 229 199 232 141 202 199 232 558 181
199 166 151 275 199 232 043 203 199 232 152 200 199 232 572 182
199 166 155 275 199 232 044 203 199 232 153 200 199 232 573 182
199 166 156 275 199 232 045 203 199 232 154 200 199 232 574 182
199 166 160 275 199 232 046 203 199 232 155 200 199 232 575 182
199 166 161 275 199 232 047 203 199 232 156 200 199 232 576 182
199 166 165 275 199 232 048 203 199 232 157 200 199 232 577 182
199 166 166 275 199 232 052 226 199 232 158 200 199 232 578 182
199 166 201 274 199 232 053 226 199 232 172 196 199 232 592 183
199 166 206 274 199 232 054 226 199 232 173 196 199 232 593 183
199 166 505 274 199 232 055 226 199 232 174 196 199 232 594 183
199 166 506 274 199 232 056 226 199 232 175 196 199 232 595 183
199 166 507 274 199 232 057 226 199 232 176 196 199 232 596 183
199 166 515 274 199 232 058 226 199 232 177 196 199 232 597 183
199 166 516 274 199 232 063 197 199 232 178 196 199 232 598 183
199 166 517 274 199 232 064 197 199 232 179 196 199 232 612 184
199 166 656 275 199 232 065 197 199 232 180 196 199 232 613 184
199 166 666 275 199 232 066 197 199 232 181 196 199 232 614 184
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
199 232 615 184 199 232 970 192 199 243 465 236 199 287 036 217
199 232 616 184 199 232 971 192 199 243 466 236 199 287 037 217
199 232 617 184 199 232 979 187 199 243 467 236 199 287 038 217
199 232 618 184 199 232 980 187 199 243 468 236 199 287 053 207
199 232 713 228 199 232 981 187 199 243 469 236 199 287 054 207
199 232 714 228 199 240 462 233 199 243 470 236 199 287 055 207
199 232 715 228 199 240 463 233 199 243 482 237 199 287 056 207
199 232 716 228 199 240 464 233 199 243 483 237 199 287 057 207
199 232 717 228 199 240 465 233 199 243 484 237 199 287 058 207
199 232 718 228 199 240 466 233 199 243 485 237 199 287 073 212
199 232 753 224 199 240 467 233 199 243 486 237 199 287 074 212
199 232 754 224 199 240 468 233 199 243 487 237 199 287 075 212
199 232 755 224 199 240 469 233 199 243 488 237 199 287 076 212
199 232 756 224 199 240 470 233 199 243 489 237 199 287 077 212
199 232 757 224 199 240 482 234 199 243 490 237 199 287 078 212
199 232 758 224 199 240 483 234 199 243 502 238 199 287 092 221
199 232 793 204 199 240 484 234 199 243 503 238 199 287 093 221
199 232 794 204 199 240 485 234 199 243 504 238 199 287 094 221
199 232 795 204 199 240 486 234 199 243 505 238 199 287 095 221
199 232 796 204 199 240 487 234 199 243 506 238 199 287 096 221
199 232 797 204 199 240 488 234 199 243 507 238 199 287 097 221
199 232 798 204 199 240 489 234 199 243 508 238 199 287 098 221
199 232 833 201 199 240 490 234 199 243 509 238 199 287 112 218
199 232 834 201 199 240 502 235 199 243 510 238 199 287 113 218
199 232 835 201 199 240 503 235 199 244 462 239 199 287 114 218
199 232 836 201 199 240 504 235 199 244 463 239 199 287 115 218
199 232 837 201 199 240 505 235 199 244 464 239 199 287 116 218
199 232 838 201 199 240 506 235 199 244 465 239 199 287 117 218
199 232 839 201 199 240 507 235 199 244 466 239 199 287 118 218
199 232 840 201 199 240 508 235 199 244 467 239 199 287 132 210
199 232 841 201 199 240 509 235 199 244 468 239 199 287 133 210
199 232 873 194 199 240 510 235 199 244 469 239 199 287 134 210
199 232 874 194 199 240 522 233 199 244 470 239 199 287 135 210
199 232 875 194 199 240 523 233 199 244 482 240 199 287 136 210
199 232 876 194 199 240 524 233 199 244 483 240 199 287 137 210
199 232 877 194 199 240 525 233 199 244 484 240 199 287 138 210
199 232 878 194 199 240 526 233 199 244 485 240 199 287 152 215
199 232 879 194 199 240 527 233 199 244 486 240 199 287 153 215
199 232 880 194 199 240 528 233 199 244 487 240 199 287 154 215
199 232 881 194 199 240 529 233 199 244 488 240 199 287 155 215
199 232 913 188 199 240 530 233 199 244 489 240 199 287 156 215
199 232 914 188 199 240 542 234 199 244 490 240 199 287 157 215
199 232 915 188 199 240 543 234 199 244 502 241 199 287 158 215
199 232 916 188 199 240 544 234 199 244 503 241 199 287 173 209
199 232 917 188 199 240 545 234 199 244 504 241 199 287 174 209
199 232 918 188 199 240 546 234 199 244 505 241 199 287 175 209
199 232 919 188 199 240 547 234 199 244 506 241 199 287 176 209
199 232 920 188 199 240 548 234 199 244 507 241 199 287 177 209
199 232 921 188 199 240 549 234 199 244 508 241 199 287 178 209
199 232 929 199 199 240 550 234 199 244 509 241 199 287 193 214
199 232 930 199 199 240 562 235 199 244 510 241 199 287 194 214
199 232 931 199 199 240 563 235 199 287 012 220 199 287 195 214
199 232 939 193 199 240 564 235 199 287 013 220 199 287 196 214
199 232 940 193 199 240 565 235 199 287 014 220 199 287 197 214
199 232 941 193 199 240 566 235 199 287 015 220 199 287 198 214
199 232 949 186 199 240 567 235 199 287 016 220 199 287 212 219
199 232 950 186 199 240 568 235 199 287 017 220 199 287 213 219
199 232 951 186 199 240 569 235 199 287 018 220 199 287 214 219
199 232 959 198 199 240 570 235 199 287 032 217 199 287 215 219
199 232 960 198 199 243 462 236 199 287 033 217 199 287 216 219
199 232 961 198 199 243 463 236 199 287 034 217 199 287 217 219
199 232 969 192 199 243 464 236 199 287 035 217 199 287 218 219
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
199 287 232 216 724 690 105 48 727 701 212 40, 314 735 018 706 25
199 287 233 216 724 690 106 48 727 701 313 40, 314 735 018 707 25
199 287 234 216 724 690 107 48 727 701 314 40, 314 735 018 708 25
199 287 235 216 724 690 108 48 727 701 321 40, 314 735 018 709 25
199 287 236 216 724 690 109 48 727 701 322 41, 314 735 018 710 25
199 287 237 216 724 690 110 48 727 701 323 41, 314 735 018 711 25
199 287 238 216 724 690 111 48 727 701 324 41, 314 735 018 712 25
199 287 242 206 724 700 426 314 727 701 325 41, 314 735 018 713 25
199 287 243 206 40, 313, 727 701 406 39, 52, 312 735 018 714 25
724 705 026
199 287 244 206 314 727 701 407 39, 52, 312 735 018 716 25
199 287 245 206 727 700 206 40, 53, 313 727 701 408 39, 52, 312 735 018 717 25
199 287 246 206 727 700 207 40, 53, 313 727 701 409 39, 52, 312 735 018 719 25
199 287 247 206 727 700 208 40, 53, 313 727 701 410 39, 52, 312 735 018 720 25
199 287 248 206 727 700 209 40, 53, 313 727 701 411 39, 52, 312 735 018 721 25
199 287 252 211 727 700 210 40, 53, 313 727 701 412 39, 312 735 018 722 25
199 287 253 211 727 700 211 40, 53, 313 727 701 513 39, 312 735 018 723 25
199 287 254 211 727 700 212 40, 313 727 701 514 39, 312 735 018 731 285
199 287 255 211 727 700 313 40, 313 727 701 521 39, 313 735 018 732 285
199 287 256 211 727 700 314 40, 313 727 701 522 39, 313 735 018 733 285
199 287 257 211 727 700 315 40, 313 727 701 523 39, 313 735 018 734 285
199 287 258 211 727 700 406 39, 52, 312 727 705 006 53 735 018 735 285
199 287 262 208 727 700 407 39, 52, 312 727 705 007 53 735 018 736 285
199 287 263 208 727 700 408 39, 52, 312 727 705 008 53 735 018 737 285
199 287 264 208 727 700 409 39, 52, 312 727 705 009 54 735 018 738 285
199 287 265 208 727 700 410 39, 52, 312 727 705 010 54 735 018 739 285
199 287 266 208 727 700 411 39, 52, 312 727 705 011 54 735 018 741 285
199 287 267 208 727 700 412 39, 312 727 705 012 54 735 018 742 285
199 287 268 208 727 700 513 39, 312 731 400 667 42, 315 735 018 744 285
199 287 272 213 727 700 514 39, 312 731 400 670 42, 315 735 018 745 285
199 287 273 213 727 700 515 39, 312 731 400 671 42, 315 735 018 746 285
199 287 274 213 727 700 516 39, 312 731 400 672 42, 315 735 018 747 285
199 287 275 213 39, 39, 731 400 753 42, 55, 315 735 018 748 285
727 700 517
199 287 276 213 312, 312 731 400 755 42, 55, 315 735 100 105 43
199 287 277 213 727 700 518 39, 312 731 400 757 42, 55, 315 735 100 106 43
199 287 278 213 39, 39, 731 400 759 42, 55, 315 735 100 107 43
727 700 519
700 245 481 35 312, 312 731 400 760 42, 55, 315 735 100 108 43
700 245 482 35 39, 39, 731 400 761 42, 315 735 100 109 43
727 700 520
700 245 483 35 312, 313 731 400 763 42, 315 735 100 110 43
700 245 484 35 727 700 521 39, 312 731 400 764 42, 315 735 100 111 43
700 245 485 35 727 700 522 39, 312 735 018 513 25 735 108 606 26
700 245 486 35 727 700 523 39, 312 735 018 514 25 735 108 607 26
724 600 655 34, 47 727 700 524 39, 312 735 018 515 25 735 108 608 26
724 600 656 34, 47 727 700 525 39, 312 735 018 516 25 735 108 609 26
724 600 657 34, 47 727 700 716 40, 313 735 018 517 25 735 108 610 26
724 600 658 34, 48 40, 40, 735 018 519 25 735 108 611 26
727 700 717
724 600 659 34, 48 313, 314 735 018 520 25 735 108 631 285
724 600 660 34, 48 727 700 718 40, 313 735 018 521 25 735 108 632 285
724 600 661 34, 48 40, 40, 735 018 522 25 735 108 633 285
727 700 719
724 600 705 34, 47 313, 314 735 018 523 25 735 108 634 285
724 600 706 34, 47 40, 40, 735 018 538 286 735 108 635 285
727 700 720
724 600 707 34, 47 313, 314 735 018 539 286 735 108 636 285
724 600 708 34, 47 727 700 721 40, 313 735 018 540 286 735 150 105 44
724 600 709 34, 47 727 700 722 40, 313 735 018 541 286 735 150 106 44
724 600 710 34, 47 727 700 723 40, 313 735 018 542 286 735 150 107 44
724 600 711 34, 47 727 700 724 40, 313 735 018 544 286 735 150 108 44
724 605 505 34, 48 727 700 725 40, 313 735 018 545 286 735 150 109 44
724 605 506 34, 48 727 701 206 40, 53, 314 735 018 546 286 735 150 110 44
724 605 507 34, 48 727 701 207 40, 53, 314 735 018 547 286 735 150 111 44
724 605 508 34, 48 727 701 208 40, 53, 314 735 018 548 286 735 158 513 27
724 605 509 34, 48 727 701 209 40, 53, 314 735 018 549 286 735 158 514 27
724 605 510 34, 48 727 701 210 40, 53, 314 735 018 550 286 735 158 515 27
724 605 511 34, 48 727 701 211 40, 53, 314 735 018 551 286 735 158 516 27
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
735 158 517 27 735 208 517 28 735 208 662 27 735 318 205 320
735 158 519 27 735 208 519 28 735 208 669 27 735 318 206 320
735 158 520 27 735 208 520 28 735 208 670 27 735 318 207 320
735 158 521 27 735 208 521 28 735 208 686 291 735 318 208 320
735 158 522 27 735 208 522 28 735 208 687 291 735 318 209 320
735 158 523 27 735 208 523 28 735 208 694 291 735 318 303 320
735 158 538 288 735 208 538 289 735 208 695 291 735 318 304 320
735 158 539 288 735 208 539 289 735 208 956 291 735 318 305 320
735 158 540 288 735 208 540 289 735 208 957 291 735 318 306 320
735 158 541 288 735 208 541 289 735 208 958 291 735 318 307 320
735 158 542 288 735 208 542 289 735 208 959 291 735 318 308 320
735 158 544 288 735 208 544 289 735 208 961 291 735 318 309 320
735 158 545 288 735 208 545 289 735 208 962 291 735 318 505 320
735 158 546 288 735 208 546 289 735 208 963 291 735 318 506 320
735 158 547 288 735 208 547 289 735 208 964 291 735 318 507 320
735 158 548 288 735 208 548 289 735 208 965 291 735 318 508 320
735 158 549 288 735 208 549 290 735 208 967 291 735 318 509 320
735 158 550 288 735 208 550 290 735 208 968 291 735 318 606 320
735 158 551 288 735 208 551 290 735 208 969 291 735 318 607 320
735 158 606 26 735 208 561 28 735 208 970 291 735 318 608 320
735 158 607 26 735 208 562 28 735 208 971 291 735 318 609 320
735 158 608 26 735 208 568 28 735 208 972 291 735 510 105 46
735 158 609 26 735 208 569 28 735 208 974 291 735 510 106 46
735 158 610 26 735 208 570 28 735 208 975 291 735 510 107 46
735 158 611 26 735 208 586 291 735 208 976 291 735 510 108 46
735 158 612 26 735 208 587 291 735 208 977 291 735 510 109 46
735 158 613 26 735 208 593 291 735 208 978 291 735 510 110 46
735 158 614 26 735 208 594 291 735 208 979 291 735 510 111 46
735 158 616 26 735 208 595 291 735 208 980 291 735 528 606 32
735 158 617 26 735 208 606 27 735 208 981 291 735 528 607 32
735 158 619 26 735 208 607 27 735 209 815 292 735 528 608 32
735 158 620 26 735 208 608 27 735 209 818 292 735 528 609 32
735 158 621 26 735 208 609 27 735 209 827 292 735 528 610 32
735 158 622 26 735 208 610 27 735 209 830 292 735 528 611 32
735 158 623 26 735 208 611 27 735 209 840 292 735 528 612 32
735 158 631 287 735 208 612 27 735 209 843 292 735 528 613 32
735 158 632 287 735 208 613 27 735 310 036 56 735 528 614 32
735 158 633 287 735 208 614 27 735 310 037 56 735 528 626 299
735 158 634 287 735 208 616 27 735 310 038 56 735 528 627 299
735 158 635 287 735 208 617 27 735 310 039 56 735 528 628 299
735 158 636 287 735 208 619 27 735 310 040 56 735 528 629 299
735 158 637 287 735 208 620 27 735 310 041 56 735 528 630 299
735 158 638 287 735 208 621 27 735 311 042 56 735 528 631 299
735 158 639 287 735 208 622 27 735 311 043 56 735 528 637 299
735 158 641 287 735 208 623 27 735 311 044 56 735 528 638 299
735 158 642 287 735 208 631 289 735 311 045 56 735 528 639 299
735 158 644 287 735 208 632 289 735 311 046 56 735 598 006 316
735 158 645 287 735 208 633 289 735 311 047 56 735 598 008 316
735 158 646 287 735 208 634 289 735 311 049 56 735 598 009 316
735 158 647 287 735 208 635 289 735 311 050 56 735 598 010 316
735 158 648 287 735 208 636 289 735 314 000 57 735 598 014 316
735 200 105 43 735 208 637 289 735 314 001 57 735 598 016 316
735 200 106 43 735 208 638 289 735 314 002 57 735 598 018 316
735 200 107 43 735 208 639 289 735 318 036 57 735 598 056 319
735 200 108 43 735 208 641 289 735 318 037 57 735 598 057 319
735 200 109 43 735 208 642 289 735 318 038 57 735 598 059 319
735 200 110 43 735 208 644 289 735 318 039 57 735 598 062 319
735 200 111 43 735 208 645 289 735 318 040 57 735 598 065 319
735 208 513 28 735 208 646 289 735 318 041 57 735 598 067 319
735 208 514 28 735 208 647 289 735 318 101 320 735 598 157 319
735 208 515 28 735 208 648 289 735 318 202 320 735 598 159 319
735 208 516 28 735 208 661 27 735 318 204 320 735 598 163 319
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
735 598 165 319 735 608 609 32 735 790 207 50 735 798 873 38
735 598 167 319 735 608 610 32 735 790 208 50 735 798 882 308
735 598 169 319 735 608 611 32 735 790 209 50 735 798 883 308
735 598 207 318 735 608 612 32 735 790 210 50 735 798 884 308
735 598 209 318 735 608 613 32 735 790 211 50 735 798 885 308
735 598 213 318 735 608 614 32 735 790 257 51 735 798 886 308
735 598 215 318 735 608 626 299 735 790 258 51 735 798 888 309
735 598 217 318 735 608 627 299 735 790 259 51 735 798 889 309
735 598 219 318 735 608 628 299 735 790 260 51 735 798 891 309
735 598 259 318 735 608 629 299 735 798 549 309 735 798 892 309, 309
735 598 262 318 735 608 630 299 735 798 550 309 735 798 894 309
735 598 265 318 735 608 631 299 735 798 551 309 735 798 895 309, 309
735 598 267 318 735 608 637 299 735 798 565 38 735 800 106 51
735 598 269 318 735 608 638 299 735 798 590 309 735 800 107 51
735 598 309 318 735 608 639 299 735 798 596 309, 309 735 800 108 51
735 598 312 318 735 640 105 47 735 798 597 309, 309 735 800 109 51
735 598 315 318 735 640 106 47 735 798 598 309, 309 735 800 110 51
735 598 317 318 735 640 107 47 735 798 806 36 735 800 111 51
735 598 319 318 735 640 108 47 735 798 807 36 735 805 926 310
735 598 357 317 735 640 109 47 735 798 808 36 735 805 927 310
735 598 359 317 735 640 110 47 735 798 809 36 735 805 928 310
735 598 362 317 735 640 111 47 735 798 810 36 735 805 929 310
735 598 365 317 735 648 606 32 735 798 811 36 735 805 930 310
735 598 367 317 735 648 607 32 735 798 812 36 735 805 931 310
735 598 369 317 735 648 608 32 735 798 813 36 735 805 932 310
735 598 406 317 735 648 609 32 735 798 814 36 735 805 933 310
735 598 408 317 735 648 610 32 735 798 816 36 735 805 934 310
735 598 410 317 735 648 611 32 735 798 817 36 735 805 936 311
735 598 414 317 735 648 612 32 735 798 819 36 735 805 937 311
735 598 416 317 735 648 613 32 735 798 820 36 735 805 940 311
735 598 418 317 735 648 614 32 735 798 821 36 735 810 106 36, 51
735 598 430 307 735 648 626 299 735 798 822 36 735 810 107 36, 51
735 598 431 307 735 648 627 299 735 798 823 36 735 810 108 36, 51
735 598 432 307 735 648 628 299 735 798 831 308 735 810 109 36, 51
735 598 433 307 735 648 629 299 735 798 832 308 735 810 110 36, 51
735 598 435 307 735 648 630 299 735 798 833 308 735 810 111 36, 51
735 598 436 307 735 648 631 299 735 798 834 308 735 908 500 294
735 598 437 307 735 648 637 299 735 798 835 308 735 908 501 294
735 598 438 307 735 648 638 299 735 798 836 308 735 908 502 294
735 598 439 307 735 648 639 299 735 798 837 308 735 908 503 294
735 598 442 307 735 690 405 33, 46 735 798 838 308 735 908 504 294
735 598 443 307 735 690 406 33, 46 735 798 839 308 735 908 505 294
735 598 444 307 735 690 407 33, 46 735 798 841 308, 310 735 908 506 294
735 598 506 317 735 690 408 33, 46 735 798 842 308, 310 735 908 507 295
735 598 508 317 735 690 409 33, 46 735 798 844 308 735 908 508 295
735 598 510 317 735 690 410 33, 46 735 798 845 308, 310 735 908 511 294
735 598 806 316 735 690 411 33, 46 735 798 846 308, 310 735 908 513 294
735 598 807 316 735 690 422 33, 46 735 798 847 308, 310 735 908 515 294
735 598 808 316 735 690 423 33, 46 735 798 848 308, 310 735 908 521 294
735 598 809 316 735 730 106 54 735 798 857 37 735 908 522 295
735 598 810 316 735 730 107 54 735 798 858 37 735 908 524 295
735 598 811 316 735 730 108 54 735 798 859 37 735 908 525 295
735 600 105 46 735 730 109 54 735 798 860 37 735 908 526 294
735 600 106 46 735 730 110 54 735 798 861 37 735 908 527 295
735 600 107 46 735 730 111 54 735 798 863 38 735 908 528 295
735 600 108 46 735 740 106 54 735 798 864 38 735 908 530 295
735 600 109 46 735 740 107 54 735 798 866 38 735 908 531 295
735 600 110 46 735 740 108 54 735 798 867 38 735 908 532 295
735 600 111 46 735 740 109 54 735 798 869 38 735 908 533 295
735 608 606 32 735 740 110 54 735 798 870 38 735 908 534 295
735 608 607 32 735 740 111 54 735 798 871 38 735 908 535 295
735 608 608 32 735 790 206 50 735 798 872 38 735 908 536 295
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
735 908 537 295 735 908 652 28 735 909 364 297 735 910 561 30
735 908 538 295 735 908 653 28 735 909 365 297 735 910 585 30
735 908 539 295 735 908 654 28 735 909 369 297 735 910 586 30
735 908 542 295 735 908 658 28 735 909 370 297 735 910 587 30
735 908 544 295 735 908 659 28 735 909 371 297 735 910 588 30
735 908 545 295 735 908 660 28 735 909 372 297 735 910 589 30
735 908 547 295 735 908 664 28 735 909 377 297 735 910 590 30
735 908 548 295 735 908 665 28 735 909 378 297 735 910 591 30
735 908 550 295 735 908 666 28 735 909 379 297 735 910 706 305
735 908 551 29 735 908 670 28 735 909 380 297 735 910 707 305
735 908 553 29 735 908 671 28 735 909 396 297 735 910 708 305
735 908 555 29 735 908 676 29 735 909 397 297 735 910 709 305
735 908 561 29 735 908 677 28 735 909 398 297 735 910 710 305
735 908 566 29 735 908 678 28 735 909 399 297 735 910 711 305
735 908 580 29 735 908 685 29 735 909 768 297 735 910 785 306
735 908 584 29 735 908 688 29 735 909 775 297 735 910 786 306
735 908 585 29 735 908 690 29 735 909 776 297 735 910 787 306
735 908 588 29 735 908 692 29 735 909 783 297 735 910 788 306
735 908 590 29 735 908 695 29 735 909 784 297 735 910 789 306
735 908 592 29 735 908 696 29 735 909 785 297 735 910 790 306
735 908 595 29 735 908 697 29 735 909 802 297 735 910 791 306
735 908 596 29 735 909 104 296 735 909 803 297 735 914 205 49
735 908 597 29 735 909 105 296 735 909 804 297 735 914 206 49
735 908 600 293 735 909 106 296 735 909 805 297 735 914 207 49
735 908 601 293 735 909 107 296 735 910 105 43 735 914 208 50
735 908 602 293 735 909 108 296 735 910 106 43 735 914 209 50
735 908 603 293 735 909 109 296 735 910 107 43, 44 735 914 210 50
735 908 604 293 735 909 110 296 735 910 108 43, 44 735 914 211 50
735 908 605 293 735 909 111 296 735 910 109 43, 44 735 914 306 305
735 908 606 293 735 909 112 296 735 910 110 43, 45 735 914 307 305
735 908 607 293 735 909 113 296 735 910 111 43 735 914 308 305
735 908 608 293 735 909 114 296 735 910 206 49 735 914 309 305
735 908 609 293 735 909 115 296 735 910 207 49 735 914 310 305
735 908 610 293 735 909 116 296 735 910 208 49 735 914 311 305
735 908 611 293 735 909 117 296 735 910 209 49 735 914 505 49
735 908 612 293 735 909 118 296 735 910 210 49 735 914 506 49
735 908 613 293 735 909 119 296 735 910 211 49 735 914 507 49
735 908 614 293 735 909 120 296 735 910 334 44 735 914 508 49
735 908 615 293 735 909 121 296 735 910 337 44 735 914 509 49
735 908 616 293 735 909 122 296 735 910 342 44 735 914 510 49
735 908 617 293 735 909 123 296 735 910 347 44 735 914 511 49
735 908 618 293 735 909 124 296 735 910 348 44 735 914 555 30
735 908 619 293 735 909 125 296 735 910 353 44 735 914 556 30
735 908 621 293 735 909 126 296 735 910 354 44 735 914 557 30
735 908 622 293 735 909 127 296 735 910 355 44 735 914 558 30
735 908 623 293 735 909 128 296 735 910 359 45 735 914 559 30
735 908 624 293 735 909 129 296 735 910 360 45 735 914 560 30
735 908 625 293 735 909 130 296 735 910 361 45 735 914 561 30
735 908 626 293 735 909 131 296 735 910 362 44 735 914 585 31
735 908 627 293 735 909 132 296 735 910 505 48 735 914 586 31
735 908 628 294 735 909 133 296 735 910 506 48 735 914 587 31
735 908 629 294 735 909 134 296 735 910 507 48 735 914 588 31
735 908 630 294 735 909 135 296 735 910 508 49 735 914 589 31
735 908 631 294 735 909 136 296 735 910 509 49 735 914 590 31
735 908 632 294 735 909 195 296 735 910 510 49 735 914 591 31
735 908 633 294 735 909 205 296 735 910 511 49 735 914 785 306
735 908 637 28 735 909 356 297 735 910 555 30 735 914 786 306
735 908 641 28 735 909 357 297 735 910 556 30 735 914 787 306
735 908 642 28 735 909 358 297 735 910 557 30 735 914 788 306
735 908 646 28 735 909 359 297 735 910 558 30 735 914 789 306
735 908 647 28 735 909 362 297 735 910 559 30 735 914 790 306
735 908 648 28 735 909 363 297 735 910 560 30 735 914 791 306
Code Page Code Page Code Page Code Page
735 918 565 302 735 968 309 29 748 440 709 41, 55 761 066 797 370
735 918 569 302 735 968 310 29 748 440 710 41, 55 761 066 799 370
735 918 619 302 735 968 311 29 748 440 711 41, 55 790 109 001 371
735 918 621 302 735 968 312 29 748 440 712 41 790 109 002 371
735 918 622 302 735 968 313 29 748 440 713 41 790 109 003 371
735 918 623 302 735 968 314 29 748 440 714 41 790 109 011 371
735 918 656 302 735 968 316 29 748 440 715 41 790 109 012 371
735 918 657 302 735 968 317 29 748 440 716 41 790 109 013 371
735 918 658 302 735 968 319 29 748 440 717 41 790 114 028 372
735 918 659 302 735 968 320 29 748 440 719 41 790 121 001 365
735 918 660 302 735 968 425 305 748 440 720 41 790 121 002 364
735 918 661 302 735 968 430 305 748 440 721 41 790 121 034 367
735 918 662 302 735 968 435 305 748 440 722 41 790 121 035 367
735 918 663 302 735 968 546 304 748 440 723 42 790 121 036 367
735 918 664 302 735 968 547 304 748 440 724 42 790 121 037 367
735 918 716 301 735 968 548 304 748 440 725 42 790 121 038 367
735 918 717 301 735 968 549 304 748 440 726 42 790 121 047 365, 366
735 918 720 301 735 968 550 304 749 410 001 55 790 121 048 365, 366
735 918 811 301 735 968 551 304 749 410 002 55 790 121 049 365, 366
735 918 812 301 735 968 606 31 749 410 003 55 790 121 052 366
735 918 813 301 735 968 607 31 749 410 005 35, 47 790 121 053 366
735 918 814 301 735 968 608 31 749 410 006 35, 47 790 121 055 366
735 918 816 301 735 968 609 31 749 410 007 35, 47, 55 790 121 061 366
735 918 817 301 735 968 610 31 749 410 008 35, 47 790 121 062 366
735 918 820 301 735 968 611 31 749 410 009 35, 47 790 121 063 366
735 918 849 302 735 968 625 304 749 410 010 35, 47 790 121 064 366
735 918 850 302 735 968 630 304 749 410 011 35, 47 790 121 065 366
735 918 851 302 735 968 635 304 749 410 012 55 790 121 066 366
735 938 737 298 735 968 640 304 749 410 013 35, 55 790 121 067 366
735 938 741 298 735 968 645 304 749 410 014 35 790 121 068 366
735 938 742 298 735 968 650 304 749 410 015 35 790 121 069 366
735 938 746 298 735 968 731 306 749 411 005 300 790 121 072 368
735 938 747 298 735 968 732 306 749 411 006 300 790 121 073 368
735 938 748 298 735 968 733 306 749 411 013 300 790 121 075 368
735 938 752 298 735 968 734 306 749 411 014 300 790 121 111 365
735 938 753 298 735 968 735 306 749 411 015 300 790 121 112 365
735 938 758 298 735 968 736 306 749 411 054 300 790 121 113 365
735 938 759 298 735 991 654 303 749 411 062 300 790 121 114 365
735 938 760 298 735 991 655 303 749 411 120 300 790 121 115 365
735 960 105 45 735 991 656 303 749 411 172 300 790 121 116 365
735 960 106 45 735 991 657 303 749 440 705 41 790 121 117 365
735 960 107 45 735 991 658 303 749 440 706 41, 55 790 121 118 365
735 960 108 45 735 991 659 303 749 440 707 41, 55 790 121 119 365
735 960 109 45 735 991 661 304 749 440 708 41, 55 790 121 151 367
735 960 110 45 735 991 662 304 749 440 709 41, 55 790 121 471 368
735 960 111 45 735 991 663 304 749 440 710 41, 55 790 122 041 365
735 960 405 50 743 400 806 316 749 440 711 41, 55 790 122 042 365
735 960 406 50 743 400 807 316 749 440 712 41 790 122 043 365
735 960 407 50 743 400 808 316 749 440 713 41 790 122 044 365
735 960 408 50 743 400 809 316 749 440 714 41 790 122 045 365
735 960 409 50 743 400 810 316 749 440 715 41 790 122 046 365
735 960 410 50 743 400 811 316 749 440 716 41 790 122 085 371
735 960 411 50 748 410 001 55 749 440 717 41 790 122 087 367
735 968 006 29 748 410 002 55 749 440 719 41 790 122 091 366
735 968 007 29 748 410 003 55 749 440 720 41 790 122 092 366
735 968 008 29 748 410 007 55 749 440 721 41 790 122 093 366
735 968 046 303 748 410 012 55 749 440 722 41 790 122 094 366
735 968 047 303 748 410 013 55 749 440 723 42 790 122 095 366
735 968 048 303 748 440 705 41 749 440 724 42 790 122 096 366
735 968 106 303 748 440 706 41, 55 749 440 725 42 790 122 104 368
735 968 107 303 748 440 707 41, 55 749 440 726 42 790 122 106 368
735 968 108 303 748 440 708 41, 55 761 066 796 370 790 122 989 368
Code Page Code Page
790 131 005 357 790 310 099 370
790 131 030 358, 360 799 298 023 371
790 131 031 358, 360 799 300 156 370
790 131 032 358, 360 799 300 157 370
790 131 033 358, 360 799 300 158 370
790 131 034 358, 360 799 300 159 370
358, 360, 799 300 160 370
790 131 035
361 799 300 161 370
790 131 038 357, 367 799 300 260 370
790 131 039 357, 367 799 300 270 370
790 131 040 357, 367 799 300 280 370
790 131 041 357, 367 799 300 290 370
790 131 042 357, 367 799 300 300 370
790 131 043 357, 367 799 300 310 370
790 131 045 357 799 496 011 371
790 131 046 358 800 052 131 123
790 131 047 358 800 052 132 123
790 131 048 358 800 052 632 69
790 131 049 358 800 052 633 69
790 131 051 359 800 052 634 69
790 131 471 363 800 052 635 69
790 132 001 359 800 052 636 69
790 132 051 359 800 052 637 69
790 132 052 359
790 132 053 359
790 132 054 359
790 132 055 359
790 132 059 360
790 132 061 360
790 132 062 360
790 132 063 360
790 132 064 360
790 132 065 360
790 132 066 360
790 132 156 359
790 132 157 359
790 132 158 359
790 133 009 361
790 133 026 361
790 133 027 361
790 133 028 361
790 133 029 361
790 133 030 361
790 133 031 361
790 133 032 361
790 133 033 361
790 133 034 361
790 133 036 360, 361
790 133 037 360, 361
790 133 038 360, 361
790 133 039 361
790 133 040 361
790 133 041 362
790 133 042 362
790 133 043 362
790 133 046 362
790 133 047 362
790 133 463 361
790 133 494 362
790 134 001 362
790 310 034 369
790 310 036 369
General Condition of Supply of Georg Fischer Piping Systems Limited, Schaffhausen
1 General Purchaser shall be entitled to prove, that Georg Fischer has suffered no or a considerably lower
1.1 These General Conditions shall apply to all Products supplied by Georg Fischer Piping Systems damage than the penalty forfeited.
Limited («Georg Fischer») to the Purchaser.
11 Packing
They shall also apply to all future business even when no express reference is made to them.
If the Products are provided with additional packing over and above the standard packing, such
1.2 Any deviating or supplementary conditions especially Purchaser’s general conditions of purchase
packing shall be charged additionally.
and verbal agreements shall only be applicable if accepted in writing by Georg Fischer.
1.3 The written form shall be deemed to be fulfilled by all forms of transmission, evidenced in the form 12 Passing of Risk
of text, such as telefax, e-mail, etc. 12.1 The risk in the Products shall pass to the Purchaser as soon as they have left Georg Fischer’s
works (EX WORKS, Incoterms 2010 ICC, or latest version), even if delivery is made carriage-paid,
2 Tenders
under similar clauses or including installation or when carriage is organized and managed by
Tenders shall only be binding if they contain a specifically stated period for acceptance.
Georg Fischer.
3 Scope of Delivery 12.2 If delivery is delayed for reasons beyond Georg Fischer’s control, the risk shall pass to the
3.1 Georg Fischer’s product range is subject to change. Purchaser when he is notified that the Products are ready for despatch.
3.2 The confirmation of order shall govern the scope and execution of the contract.
13 Carriage and Insurance
4 Data and Documents 13.1 Unless agreed otherwise, the Purchaser shall bear the cost of carriage.
4.1 Technical documents such as drawings, descriptions, illustrations and data on dimensions, 13.2 The Purchaser shall be responsible for transport insurance against damage of whatever kind.
performance and weight as well as the reference to standards are for information purposes only. Even when such insurance is arranged by Georg Fischer it shall be deemed taken out by the order
They are not warranted characteristics and are subject to change. of and for the account of the Purchaser and at his risk.
4.2 All technical documents shall remain the exclusive property of Georg Fischer and may only be 13.3 Special requests regarding carriage and insurance shall be communicated to Georg Fischer in
used for the agreed purposes or as Georg Fischer may consent. due time. Otherwise carriage shall be arranged by Georg Fischer at their discretion, but without
responsibility, by the quickest and cheapest method possible.
5 Confidentiality, Protection of Personal Data
In case of carriage-paid delivery transport arrangements shall be made by Georg Fischer. If the
5.1 Each party shall keep in strict confidence all commercial or technical information relating to the
Purchaser specifies particular requirements, any extra costs involved shall be borne by him.
business of the other party, of which it has gained knowledge in the course of its dealing with the
13.4 In the event of damage or loss of the Products during carriage the Purchaser shall mark the
other party. Such information shall neither be disclosed to third parties nor used for other
delivery documents accordingly and immediately have the damage ascertained by the carrier.
purposes than those for which the information has been supplied.
Not readily ascertainable damages sustained during carriage shall be notified to the carrier within
5.2 In the context of the contractual relation with the Purchaser personal data may be processed. The
six (6) days after receipt of the Products.
Purchaser agrees to the disclosure of said data to third parties such as foreign subcontractors and
suppliers etc . 14 Inspection, Notification of Defects and Damages
14.1 The Products will be subject to normal inspection by Georg Fischer during manufacture.
6 Local Laws and Regulations, Export Controls
Additional tests required by the Purchaser shall be agreed upon in writing and shall be charged to
6.1 The Purchaser shall bring to the attention of Georg Fischer all local laws and regulations at the
the Purchaser.
place of destination which bear connection with the execution of the contract and the adherence to
14.2 It shall be a condition of Georg Fischer’s obligation under the warranties stated hereinafter that
relevant safety regulations and approval procedures.
Georg Fischer be notified in writing by the Purchaser of any purported defect immediately upon
6.2 In case of re-exports, Purchaser shall be responsible for compliance with pertinent export control
discovery. Notice concerning weight, numbers or apparent defects is to be given latest within
30 days from receipt of the Products, notice of other defects immediately latest within seven (7)
7 Price working days after discovery, in any event within the agreed warranty period.
7.1 Unless agreed otherwise, the prices shall be deemed quoted net ex works (according to Incoterms 14.3 Purchaser shall not dispose of allegedly defective Products until all warranty and/or damage
2010 of the ICC, or latest version) including standard packing. All supplementary costs such as claims are finally settled. At its request, defective Products are to be placed at Georg Fischer‘s
the cost of carriage, insurance, export-, transit- and import- licences etc. shall be borne by the disposal.
Purchaser. The Purchaser shall also bear the costs of all taxes, fees, duties etc. connected with 14.4 At its request, Georg Fischer shall be given the opportunity to inspect the defect and/or damage,
the contract. prior to commencement of remedial work, either itself or by third party experts.
7.2 If the costs of packing, carriage, insurance, fees and other supplementary costs are included in
15 Warranty
the tender price or contract price or are referred to specifically in the tender or confirmation of
15.1 At the written request of the Purchaser, Georg Fischer undertakes to repair or replace at its
order, Georg Fischer reserve the right to revise their prices accordingly should any change occur
discretion, as quickly as possible and free of charge, all Products supplied which demonstrably
in the relevant tariffs.
suffer from faulty design, materials or workmanship, from faulty operating or installation
8 Terms of Payment instructions or which become defective or unusable due to faulty advice.
8.1 The Purchaser shall make payment in the manner agreed by the parties without any deductions In order to protect employees from toxic or radioactive substances which may have been
such as discounts, costs, taxes or dues. transported through defective parts returned to Georg Fischer‘s sales organisation, said parts
8.2 The Purchaser may only withhold or off-set payments due against counter claims which are either must be accompanied by a Material Safety Disclosure Form. The form may be obtained from
expressly acknowledged by Georg Fischer or finally awarded to the Purchaser. Georg Fischer‘s local sales company or via www.piping.georgfischer.com.
In particular, payment shall still be made when unessential items are still outstanding provided Replaced parts shall become property of Georg Fischer, unless Georg Fischer waives such claim.
that the Products already delivered are not rendered unusable as a result. 15.2 For Products which are manufactured to specifications, drawings or patterns supplied by the
9 Retention of Title Purchaser, Georg Fischer’s warranty shall be restricted to proper materials and workmanship.
9.1 The Products shall remain the property of Georg Fischer until the Purchaser shall have settled all 15.3 The Purchaser shall be entitled to rescind the contract or to demand a reduction of the contract
claims, present and future, which Georg Fischer may have against him. price if
9.2 Should the Purchaser resell Products to which title is reserved, in the ordinary course of - the repair or replacement of the defective Product is impossible
business, he shall hereby be deemed to have tacitly assigned to Georg Fischer the proceeds - the defective Product is not repaired or replaced within a reasonable period
deriving from their sale together with all collateral rights, securities and reservations of title until - Georg Fischer refuses the repair or replacement or if for reasons attributable to Georg Fischer
all claims held by Georg Fischer shall have been settled. Until revoked by Georg Fischer, this the repair or replacement is delayed.
assignment shall not preclude Purchaser‘s right to collect the assigned receivables. 15.4 For Products or essential components manufactured by a third party and supplied by
9.3 To the extent the value of the Products to which title is reserved together with collateral securities Georg Fischer under this contract, Georg Fischer’s warranty is limited to the warranty provided
exceeds Georg Fischer’s claims against the Purchaser by more than 20%, Georg Fischer shall by said third party.
re-assign the above proceeds to Purchaser at his request. 15.5 This warranty shall not apply to damage resulting from normal wear and tear, improper storage
and maintenance, failure to observe the operating instructions, overstressing or overloading,
10 Delivery unsuitable operating media, unsuitable construction work or unsuitable building ground, improper
10.1 The term of delivery shall commence as soon as the contract has been entered into, all official repairs or alterations by the Purchaser or third parties, the use of other than original spare parts
formalities such as import and payment permits have been obtained and all essential technical is- and other reasons beyond Georg Fischer’s control.
sues have been settled. The term of delivery shall be deemed duly observed when, upon its expiry, 15.6 No action or claim may be brought by the Purchaser on account of any alleged breach of warranty
the Products are ready for despatch. or any other obligation of Georg Fischer after the expiration of twelve (12) months from receipt
10.2 Delivery is subject to the following conditions, i.e. the term of delivery shall be reasonably exten- of the Products by the end user or at the latest within eighteen (18) months of the Products being
ded: despatched by Georg Fischer.
a) if Georg Fischer are not supplied in time with the information necessary for the execution of the 15.7 In case of Products for use in domestic installations or in utilities
contract or if subsequent changes causing delays are made by the Purchaser. - Georg Fischer will assume the costs of dismantling the defective Product and restoring the
b) if Georg Fischer are prevented from performing the contract by force majeure. Force majeure damaged object up to CHF 1‘000‘000 per occurrence.
shall equally be deemed to be any unforeseeable event beyond Georg Fischer’s control which - warranty or damage claims - contrary to Section 15.6 – are time-barred five (5) years from the
renders Georg Fischer’s performance commercially unpractical or impossible, such as delayed date of installation or seven (7) years from the production date, whichever is earlier.
or defective supplies from sub contractors labour disputes, governmental orders or regulati-
ons, shortages in materials or energy, serious disturbances in Georg Fischer’s works, such 16 Limitation of Liability
as the total or partial destruction of plant and equipment or the breakdown of essential facili- The rights and remedies of the customer shall be exclusively governed by these General
ties, serious disruptions in transport facilities, e.g. impassable roads. Conditions of Supply and shall be in lieu of any remedies at law. All further claims for damages,
Should the effect of force majeure exceed a period of six (6) months, either party may cancel the reduction of the purchase price, termination of or rescission of the contract are excluded.
contract forthwith. In no case whatsoever shall the customer be entitled to claim damages other than compensation
Georg Fischer shall not be liable for any damage or loss of any kind whatsoever resulting the for costs of remedying defects in the supplies. This in particular refers, but shall not be limited, to
refrom, any suspension or cancellation being without prejudice to Georg Fischer’s right to loss of production, loss of use, loss of orders, loss of profit, third party recovery claims and other
recover all sums due in respect of consignments delivered and costs incurred to date. direct or indirect or consequential damages.
c) if the Purchaser is in delay with the fulfilment of his obligations under the contract, in particular, This limitation of liability equally applies to the extent Georg Fischer is liable for acts or omissions
if he does not adhere to the agreed conditions of payment or if he has failed to timely provide the of its employees or third parties engaged for the performance of its obligations. It does not apply in
agreed securities. case unlawful intent or gross negligence on the part of Georg Fischer’s management and in case
10.3 If for reasons attributable to Georg Fischer the agreed term of delivery or a reasonable extension of Georg Fischer’s statutory liability, in particular under applicable product liability laws.
thereof is exceeded, Georg Fischer shall not be deemed in default until the Purchaser has granted 17 Severability
to Georg Fischer in writing a reasonable extension thereof of not less than one (1) month which Should any term or clause of these General Conditions in whole or in part be found to be
equally is not met. unenforceable or void, all other provisions shall remain in full force and effect and the
The Purchaser shall then be entitled to the remedies provided at law, it being however understood unenforceable or void provision shall be replaced by a valid provision, which comes closest
that, subject to limitations of Art. 16, damage claims shall be limited to max. 10% of the price of the to the original intention of the unenforceable or invalid provision.
delayed delivery.
18 Place of Performance and Jurisdiction
10.4 Part shipments shall be allowed and Georg Fischer shall be entitled to invoice for such partial
18.1 Place of performance for the Products shall be the Georg Fischer works from which the Products
are despatched.
10.5 If the Purchaser fails to take delivery within a reasonable time of Products notified as ready for
18.2 The contract shall be governed by Swiss law without regard to conflict of law provisions that would
despatch, Georg Fischer shall be entitled to store the Products at the Purchaser’s expense and
require the application of another law.
risk and to invoice them as delivered. If Purchaser fails to effect payment, Georg Fischer shall be
18.3 Any civil action based upon any alleged breach of this contract shall be filed and prosecuted
entitled to dispose of the Products.
exclusively in the courts of Schaffhausen, Switzerland.
10.6 Should Purchaser cancel an order without justification and should Georg Fischer not insist on
Georg Fischer however reserves the right to file actions in any court having jurisdiction over
the performance of the contract, Georg Fischer shall be entitled to a penalty amounting to 10% of
controversies arising out of or in connection with the present contract.
the contract price, Georg Fischer‘s right to prove and claim higher damages remaining reserved.
GF Piping Systems
Worldwide at Home
Our sales companies and representatives
ensure local customer support in over 100 countries
The technical data are not binding. They neither constitute expressly
warranted characteristics nor guaranteed properties nor a guaranteed durability.
They are subject to modification. Our General Terms of Sale apply.
GFDO_8260_4c (05.16)
© Georg Fischer Piping Systems Ltd
CH-8201 Schaffhausen/Switzerland, 2016