Grey-Water Reclamation Non-Potable Re-Use: A. 0 Wheatley, BSC, PHD (Member)

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Grey-Water R e c l a m a t i o n f o r N o n - P o t a b l e Re-Use

S Surendran, MSc (Member) and A. 0 Wheatley, BSc, PhD (Member)*

Abstract was installed during construction in colour-coded pipe-

work in common service trenches, and the reclaimed
Direct water recycling has become an important part of water was connected to toilets and an external tap. The
water conservation in the dry areas of the world and is price of the recycled water was subsidized and set at a
now being seriously considered for the UK. This paper third of that of the standard potable supply. A financial
reviews current demands in large buildings and balances appraisal of the system indicated that it would have been
these against non-potable re-use. Work is also described cheaper to re-use the reclaimed water as a raw-water
on the development of a sustainable low running cost supplement for potable supplies if this had been
treatment unit. Results are presented from a 75 Vday acceptable.
prototype biological process operated with a synthetic has reviewed work in Japan where there are
sewage, which achieved a near potable standard at a cost 840 in-building recycling units, 42 local district systems
of 25 p/m3. T h e design, performance and costings of a 40 and 27 municipally based schemes, providing reclaimed
'population equivalent' demonstration unit are also water. The district and municipal systems use conven-
given. tional sewage treatment with disinfection, while the
individual building units are based upon membrane or
Key words: Grey-water treatment; package plant; water biomembrane processes. Detailed information on a self-
reclamation; water-use patterns. funding project is reported(I0)for a district of Tokyo
which uses sand-filtered sewage effluent, disinfected
with hypochlorite; pay-back (including accumulated
Introduction deficit) was achieved in 12 years. T h e scheme originally
supplied 4000 m'/d and, based upon the success of the
In densely populated countries, water re-use in parallel project, is to be expanded to 8000 m"/d. Two financial
with urban development has been necessary for many advantages for this p r o j e ~ t ( ~were
5 ~ ) that (a) the district
years. In the UK the common form of water recycling is was densely populated and covered only 0.5 km2, and (b)
indirect re-use via the river system; for example, on the water was only to be used for toilet flushing.
average, one-third of London's drinking water is Reclaimed water-quality standards were therefore lower
estimated to be recycled sewage effluent('). Epidemio- than would be required for unrestricted non-potable uses
logical surveys(2)and standard water-quality analysis have ('Table 1).
been used to show that there are no significant adverse In the UK, providing adequate water in all circum-
effects(",. stances and in a sustainable manner is becoming a
Direct re-use for potable supply is also reported"). problem: during most of 1996, reservoirs and ground-
The costs of treatment are more expensive than the stan- water levels were much lower than normal. T h e 1995-96
dard raw water but cheaper than other unconventional OFWAT Annual Reportcll) noted that about 20.2 million
resources and long-distance transportation. customers (39%) were affected by hosepipe bans, 8.2
In arid climates, direct re-use for non-potable uses million customers (16%) were at risk from drought
is routine. There are about 380 schemes in California(5), orders (requiring the use of street standpipes or rota-
and a state ordinance requires all large new buildings to cuts), and an additional 177 000 (0.8%) of properties in
include dual plumbing@).A survey of 38 of these state- England and Wales were affected by low-water pressure.
funded schemes has been published, and acceptance of Recreational and irrigation activities were also severely
recycled water was not as good as expectedc7).The major affected by restrictions in usage. In 1996-97, two regions
problems were the costs of providing the dual pipework still had drought orders and 0.8 million customers were
and the extra treatment necessary for unrestricted non- affected by hosepipe b a d 2 ) .
potable use; this made the costs of reclaimed water more Increasing water demand and changing climate are
than the alternative potable supplies('). the causes of water-supply problems. OFWAT(13,14) have
The design of a district scheme for Sydney has also forecast that from 1995 to 2015 the domestic water
been reported@)where tertiary-treated and disinfected demand in England and Wales will increase from 8300 to
sewage effluent was recycled, via a separate distribution 9300 Ml/d - equivalent to an increase from 163 to
system, to houses in a new development. T h e network 184 I/head. d (0.3-1% annual increment). Herring-
ton(L5), using a climate change of +l.l"C over the period
1991 to 2021, predicted a 2.6% annual increase in
This paper was presented at a joint meeting of CIWEM's East Midlands and West domestic consumption; mains-water use for irrigation
Midlands Branches, held in Nottingham on 5 February 1997 over the same period could increase by 3.6%. During
*Research Associate and Professor of Water Engineering, Department of Civil and warm dry periods, 70% of water supply can be used for
Building Engineering Loughborough University, UK irrigation(16).

406 0 J CIWEM,l998, 12, December

Dynamic Process Modelling of Activated-Sludge Plants

Table 1. International water-quality criteria for toilet flushing

Faecal coliforms Total coliforms TSS DO % PH
(cfu/100 ml) (cfu/100 ml) (% saturation)

US EPA (9) 14 for any sample 6-9

0 for 90% sample
Florida (m) 25 for any sample 5
0 for 75% sample
Texas (m) 75 (m)
Germany (9) 100 (9) 500 (9) 30 80-1 20 6-9

Japan (m) 10 for any sample 10 6-9

S. Africa (9) 0 (9)
WHO lawn 200 (9)
irrigation 1000 (m)
EC bathing 100 (9) 500 (el 80-1 20 (9) 6-9
water 2000 (m) 10 000 (m)
UK (bathing water 100 (9) 500 (9) 80-120 (9) 6-9
criteria for WC 2000 (m) 10 000 (m)
flushing under
UK (BSRIA) 14 for any sample
proposed (9) 0 for 90% sample

Note: g =Guideline
m =Mandatory

Water conservation and recycling is therefore a surveyed by (a) questionnaire, (b) interview, and (c)
timely area of research, and the reported work considers reviewing records of water usage. A more detailed study
the technical and economic feasibility of water recycling was carried out at Loughborough and water usage was
within large buildings to reduce the costs of pipe net- monitored in different types of building, i.e. teaching,
works. Only grey water (i.e. from washbasins, showers, administration and halls of residence. A diary survey was
baths and washing machines) was recycled to reduce the used to estimate toilet and washroom use. Additional
costs and extent of treatment. monitoring of hourly and daily water usage was carried
out by meters at two residential halls at Loughborough
(Fig. 1). These data were compared with unpublished
Grey-Water Volumes domestic information from the Anglian water survey of
domestic consumption (SODCON) in Table 3.
On average there are approximately equal volumes of Typical weekly, daily and hourly usage patterns were
grey water and lavatory flush water (70% of supply)(I4). analysed with standard statistics to estimate peaking
In designing the water-recycling system it was necessary factors and required storage volumes. T h e data confirm
to allow for the frequency of use, to size storage tanks. previous studies which have noted about equal needs of
Data were collected from four local universities (Table 2), potable and non-potable water(I8J9).O n average, about
three hotels, and a golf club(17).The four universities were 30% of potable water is used for lavatory flushing, 32%

Table2. Annual water use for toilet flushing,personal hygiene and possible rainwater harvesting in universities
University Total indoor usage WC & urinal Bath, shower and Storm roof water Estimated surplus
(D/Nature) (teach & admin. hand washing (teach & admin. storm and
blocks t R/Halls) (teach & admin. blocks + R/Halls) grey waters
blocks t R/Halls)
(m3) (m3) (m3) (m3) (m3)

u1 218 116 84 153 [39%] 61 260 [28%] 50 340 27 448 (25%)

u2 39 425 18 665 [47%] 10 156 [26%] 48 001 39 391 (68%)
u3 20 903 1 1 267 [54%] 5 022 [24%] 25 330 19 085 (68%)
u4 227 952 98 476 [43%] 62 248 [27%] 63 642 27 41 3 (22%)

Note: D/Nature = Domestic in nature, i.e. water usage in the laboratories, for irrigation and swimming pools was not included
R/Hall = Includes both self-catering and full catering residential halls
[%I = Expressed as % of total indoor usage (domestic nature)
(Oh) = % of surplus stormwater = (proposed stormwater usagehotal storm roof water) x 100

0 J.CIWEM,l998, 12, December 407

M . Smith a n d J. Dudley on

Table 3. Water consumption (Yhead.d) from three households during 10 months monitoring

- -Using
- typical week I -
Using typical weekday

Mean % (Ave) Median ;td. dev Max. ;td. dew P/f

Stop tap (total) 212.3 100.0 182.4 124.5 326.6 145.2 1.1
Bath and shower 34.4 16.2 34.6 27.1 48.3 JAN-W04 27.6 1.I
Wash basin 25.5 12.0 20.5 17.1 41.7 OIN-W44 18.7 1.o
Washing machine 25.6 12.0 5.0 36.3 47.9 OCT-W41 38.7 29.7 1.2
Dish washer 6.8 3.2 1.6 9.0 12.1 NOV-W46 1.8 9.1 1.2
Kitchen sink 29.7 14.0 25.9 19.0 53.2 OCT-W41 21.4 1.2
wc 61.2 28.8 58.1 21.2 86.2 FEB-W08 24.3 1.1
Outside tap 29.2 13.7 1.o 77.3 136.2 JUL-W28 4.7 117.4 1.5
Personal washing 59.9 28.2 56.1 35.6 77.9 OIN-W44 56.1 37.0 63.4 1.1
+ laundry 85.7 40.3 15.5 56.6 125.5 NOV-W46 58.4 1.1

Ave. = average
Std. dev = standard deviation
P/week = peakweek
P/day = peakday
P/f = peak factor (maximumlmean)

for personal washing and 16% for water therefore need to be combined with either storm
Additionally, during 1977-1985, Hall et d2") and water or laundry wastewater to provide a balance and
Herrington(I5)observed an increase in the amount of grey contingency for lavatory flushing. Toilet use and grey-
water from increased showering and clothes washing; water generation coincide (Fig. 2) at the halls of resi-
these data are similar to other countries. A review of dence, except in the evenings when there is a grey-water
German water consumption(24)found that, on average, peak from showering and baths. Water consumption in
29% was used for lavatory flushing, 37% for personal the university halls is also higher (about double the
washing and 15% for laundering. US publications national average). Water use is thought to be affected by
indicate that 28% of water supplied was used for lavatory catering and possibly increased personal showering, and
flushing, 20Yo for personal washing and 10% for this aspect is to be investigated in the next stage of the
l a ~ n d e r i n g ( ~ (Most
~ J ~ ) .of the information was concerned research when water meters will be fitted to each
with domestic households, whereas the research reported individual appliance.
here was for large institutional buildings.) Data have been
published for an office development which showed that
43% of the water supplied was used for WC flushing, Characteristics of Grey W a t e r
20% for urinal flushing, 27% for personal washing, 9%
for drinking and cooking, and 1% for cleaning(27).Infor- T h e characteristics of the grey water from the university
mation published by the DoE(19)for offices and hotels halls of residence were compared with those from
estimated that 35% of the water was used for WC flush- previous work on domestic households, and the results
ing, 15% for urinals, 26% for personal washing, 9% for were used to design the degree of treatment. There were
drinking and cooking, 8% for washing machines, 2% for wide variations in the strength of the wastewater (Table
dish washing and 4% for external use. T h e data (Table 2) 4) depending upon the amount of soap and detergent
confirm that water usage in universities is similar to used. Results show that the characteristics of grey water
commercial buildings with about 63%0 of water used in were similar to settled domestic sewage, except for
lavatories. T h e data show that washroom/bathroom grey ammonia and bacterial content. T h e grey water was

-0 )2 0
,m 10
z o

Fig. 1, Hourly usage patterns in University halls

408 0 J,CIWEM,1998, 12, December

Dynamic Process Modelling of Activated-Sludge Plants

2 14.0
g 10.0
2 8.0
-z 6.0
5 2.0

1 o Total ---k--- W C -Personal wash I

Fig. 2. vpical water use in accommodation blocks (exclude catering and washing machine)

stronger than expected but the analysis has since been residence data (Table 4) were similar to Rose(30)for the
corroborated by several other publications(22x28). families without children.
Butler(22),for example, noted BOD as high as 600 mg/l There are no specific regulations in the UK
from the first discharges from washing machines and concerning re-use, but a recent report on Water Regu-
250mg/l from showers and baths. Murrer and lations(") recommended against the international prac-
Baternancz8)obtained BOD values between 100 mg/l and tice of use-dependent quality criteria. Germany has
200 mg/l for shower and bath water (Table 4). adopted the EU bathing water standard for toilet flushing
Infection is reported as being the major risk from and the WHO has recommended a higher microbial
domestic sewage r e - ~ s e @ ~and
) , data on faecal coliforms standard for the unrestricted use of reclaimed water for
as indicator organisms are included in most research and irrigation (Table 1). For this research, the treatment was
regulations on water recycling. Rose et investigated designed to achieve at least EU bathing water and a near
the bacteriological quality of grey water from different potable standard; this would require complex treatment,
types of family. There were more faecal and total coli- but would minimize the risks from accidental contact
forms in the grey water from the families with younger with the smallest effective dose of disinfectant. High-
children, e.g. 3.2 x lo5 per 100 ml, compared with 1.0 x quality recycled water would also avoid odour, corrosion,
lo2 faecal coliforms in families without children. T h e scaling and re-growths without extensive chemical
DaDers bv Butler(2z)and Murrer and Batemadz*) are treatment.
1 1

unspecific about coliform counts, but the halls of

Table 4. Average pollutant concentration in grey water from a hall of residence

Grab sampling Composite sampling
~ ~ ~

Parameter Bathkhower Washbasin Washing Kitchen Personal Laundry t

machine sink washing dish washing

BOD (mg/l) 216 252 472 536 68 110

COD (mg/l) 424 433 725 936 - -
Amm. N (mg/l) 1.56 0.53 10.7 4.6 - -
Nitrate as N (mg/l) 0.9 0.34 1.6 0.45 - -
Phosphate as P (mgll) 1.63 45.5 101 15.6 - -
Total coliforms (cfu/100 ml) 6x1O6 5x1O4 7x1O5 - 4x106 5x1O6
Faecal coliforms (cfu/100 ml) 600 32 728 - 266 462
Turbidity (NTU) 92 102 108 - 105 148
Inorganic carbon (mg/l) 26 20 25 - 20 20
Total organic carbon (in@) 104 40 110 - 47 84
Total solids (mg/l) 631 558 658 - 455 538
Suspended solids (mg/l) 76 40 68 - 71 90
Dissolved solids (mg/l) 559 520 590 - 388 449
Volatile solids (mg/l) 318 240 330 - 225 277
PH 7.6 8.1 8.1 - 7.9 7.8
Copper (mg/l) 111 - 322 50 - -
Lead (mg/I) 3 - 33 5 - -
Zinc (mg/l) 59 - 308 96 - -
Cadmium (mg/l) 0.54 - 0.63 0.52 - -

0 J.CIWEM,1998, 1 2 , December 409

M . Smith a n d J. Dudley on



Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of grey- water treatment plant

Pilot-Plant Studies

T h e treated effluent was of near-potable standard

and easily met the EC bathing water standards (Table 1).
In the pilot unit (75 l/d capacity) (Fig. 3), the core Odours, which were generated by the treatment, were
process units were an aerated biofilter and a slow deep- regularly monitored by an odour panel. T h e feed to the
bed filter; these were selected by the requirement that system and the solids digestion stage (anaerobic at
almost potable water quality was required from a grey primary stage) were malodorous, whereas the aerobically
water similar to settled sewage, without the use of treated secondary and final effluent were not. The unit
chemicals or high pressure. Over the first year of experi- will need to be contained in a hermetically sealed box
ments this became a four/five-stage process to include with a vent stack.
balancing of periodic discharges, a screen to collect hair, T h e laboratory unit did not produce any surplus
and a solids digestion stage. The fifth-stage, i.e. activated sludge during the nine months of steady-state operation.
carbon, was shown to be optional if potable water quality This was surprising, but can be attributed to the autolysis
was required. of the biomass between loads and the excess aeration.
The treatment plant included two slow filters (duty Hair in the grey water was refractory and was held up by
and stand-by) - the standby unit operating when the duty the pretreatment roughing filters.
filter reached a critical headloss. A small bleed of treated Hydraulic flow patterns and residence time were
water then continued to flow through the choked filter, to assessed using lithium tracers, and head loss in the
provide cleaning by autolysis. The design also included
the filtration media as exchangeable cartridges; this was
anticipated as improving the ease of maintenance. The Table 5. Experimental synthetic grey water
pilot unit was operated using synthetic grey water, made
up from known quantities of soap, detergent, starch, Substance
yeast extract and cooking oil. Additions of settled sewage
were also made to provide appropriate bacterial counts
(Table 5). The influent flow was applied intermittently to Dextrin 85
simulate appliance discharge, but the average flow-rate Ammonium chloride 75
Yeast extract 70
was 75 l/d (two users). T h e average removal efficiency
Soluble starch 55
for the standard parameters over nine months of steady- Sodium carbonate 55
state operation is shown in Table 6. Washing powder (automatic non-enzyme) 30
The unit was shock loaded with three types of Sodium dihydrogen phosphate 11.5
cleaner, shower gel, laundry detergent and dishwasher Potassium sulphate 4.5
detergent, and the shocks were designed to increase the
COD concentration in the balancing tank by a factor of Substance (miil)
ten. As expected, the strongly biocidic dishwasher deter-
gent inhibited the biotreatment unit for several days; this Settled sewage
and the high temperature of the wastewater will prevent Shampoo
their re-use. The other detergents did not permanently
BOD (approx.) 200
influence performance.

410 @ J CIWEM,1998, 12, December

Dynamic Process Modelling of Activated-Sludge Plants

Faecal coliform Turbidity

(cfu) (NTW

RE = 99.99% RE = 97.46% RE = 97% RE = 98.6% RE = 91.91%


Mean 12038 2 72 1.5 196 5.1 215 2.8 11 1.7

Median 54000 2 70 1.4 170 4 185 2.4 9 0
Mode 20000 0 18 1 170 2 196 N/A 21 0
Stand-Dev 205 887 2.5 38 0.6 91 3.3 120 2.3 7 7.2
Minimum 2800 0 9 0.6 65 1 45 0.3 3 0
Maximum 1200000 10 155 3.1 439 13 551 8.7 34 39.5

Average removal efficiency (YO)

Total coliform 99.9 Volatile solids 96.6

Volatile suspended solids 96.6
Total solids 26.1 TOC 81.8
Dissolved solids 12.3 Inorganic carbon 22.9 Phosphate 4.5

RE = Removal efficiency
IN = Initial influent quality
FE = Final effluent quality

system was also monitored; some blockages, dead space includes some minor modifications to the laboratory-
and short-circuiting within the pilot unit were identified scale plant design. For a 40 population (students) unit,
using these techniques. After about six months of con- the capacity of the raw grey-water buffering tank was
tinuous operation with a single slow filter, a head-loss had 1400 1. There are also two treated-water storage tanks, a
built up and there was some bacterial and algal growth low-level tank (700 1) attached to the treatment plant and
within the filter. The filter was changed over to the a high-level tank (500 1) connected to the WCs. A timer
standby filter at about this point. in the low-level tank initiates pumping, and surplus
treated water returns to the low-level tank via a return
pipe. The high-level tank also includes a stand-by mains’
Scale-Up supply with 150-mm air gap, as required by the water
bye-laws to prevent b a ~ k f l o w ( ~ ~ ) .
A demonstration full-scale plant (Fig. 4) has now been Each appliance in the hall has been fitted with a flow
installed at one of the university halls of residence, and meter, including a water meter to one WC, still connected

Fig, 4. Installation of demonstrationplant at Loughborough University

0 J,CIWEM,1998, 12, December 41 1

M . Smith and J. Dudley on

Mean Median Standard


Turbidity (NTU) 1.1 1 .o 0.5

BOD (mall) 8.5 4.2 13.4
F: coli(cfull00 ml) 4 3 4
T: coli(cfu/100 ml) 995 1020 111
TOC (mg/l) 9.8 7.9 6.7
SS (mg/l) 5.7 4.5 3.5

Table 8. Cost involved for recycling system in for& student halls

Calculated cost for Estimated cost in new
retro-fit system building
(f) (f)

Total capital cost 3345 1720

Total cost for treatment plant 905
Plant, media and ground-level storage tanks 630
Pumps and compressor 275
Capital cost for plumbing and installation 815
Material - pipes and fittings; 645
-shed to house plant and overhead tanks 385
Labour and excavator hiring charge 1410

0 & M cosvannum 128 128

Electricity CosWannum 43
Labour and materials/annum 85

Water savinglannum 516 516

Water savings 0 & M = 516 - 128/annum 388 388

Simple payback capital/(water saving - 0 & M) I 8-9 years I 4-5 years

Payback period (adjusted for 1% annual water bill 10-1 1 years 5 years
increment [OFWA7r33)], 3% inflation and 8% interest)

to mains’ supply to act as a control. Two other flow meters with climate change and the increasing costs of
measure total grey-water flows and any surplus grey traditional water resources.
waters still discharged to sewer. 2. A small biotreatment unit has been shown to reliably
l’he treatment unit comprises four adjacent remov- generate a near-potable water standard without disin-
able tubes (0.45 m dia.) on a 1 m x 2 m pallet, and the fectant or frequent maintenance. Disinfection will be
pumps and aerators are mounted on the same platform. necessary to meet the zero-coliform recycled water
The first six months operating data are given in Table 7. standard suggested for the UK.
This prototype research unit also includes on-line 3. Comparisons with competitive chemical and physical
monitoring of influent and effluent, dissolved oxygen, units will be necessary as soon as more data become
conductivity, p H and turbidity, for research purposes. available. Stormwater or washing-machine grey water
The cost of the unit (including instrumentation, instal- will be necessary to provide sufficient recycled water.
lation costs and power consumption) are shown in Table 4. The cost-benefit analysis has shown an 8-9 year pay-
8 and the pay-back on water charges (excluding instru- back against mains water; the major cost of instal-
mentation) will be 8-9 years. lation are the changes to the plumbing in an existing
5. Little is yet known about the annual maintenance
Conclusions costs at full scale, and these will be investigated
during the next stage of the work.
1. A case can be made for non-potable water recycle 6. T h e customer acceptability of the recycled water, and
systems to give some insurance against disruptions to of the aerosols generated, will be monitored during
mains’ supplies. This incentive will become greater the demonstration-scale tests.

41 2 0 J.CIWEM,1998, 12, December

Dynamic Process Modelling of Activated-Sludge Plants

Acknowledgements (16) ENVIRDNMENTAL

PROTECTIONAGENCY.Guidelines for Water Reuse
Technology Manual. Report EPN625/RR-92004.Washi ngton, USA,
The financial support of Entec Pollution Control is 1992.
gratefully acknowledged. The authors also wish to thank (17) SURENORAN, S. AND WHEATLEY, A. D. A sustainable solution for water and
the Estate Departments of Loughborough, Nottingham, wastewater problems. In Proc. of Reservoir Management and Supply:
Cranfield and Middlesex Universities. Anglian Water An Integratedsystem. IAWQ IWSA Conference, Prague, 1997,2,281.
supplied the SODCON data and Yorkshire Water (18) KIYA,F. AND AYA,H. Trends and problems of wastewater reuse systems
supplied the instrumentation for the demonstration unit. in buildings. Waf. Sci. Techno/.,1991,23,(4),2189.
(19) DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT. Using Water Wise/y Consultation
paper, HMSO, London, 1992.
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(15) HERRINGTON, P. Climate ChangeandDemandfof Watel: HMSO, London (33) OFWAT.Report on tariff structure and charges 1996/97. Ofice of Water
1996. Services, Birmingham, 1996.

0 J.CIWEM,1998, 1 2 , December 41 3

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