Laundry Soap Specs
Laundry Soap Specs
Laundry Soap Specs
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Table of contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Requirements ................................................................................................................................. 2
5 Sampling......................................................................................................................................... 3
Annex B Analysis of soaps — Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content Error!
Bookmark not defined.
Annex D (informative) Surface active agents — Analysis of soaps — Determination of free caustic
alkali ........................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annex F (informative) Soaps — Determination of moisture and volatile matter content — Oven
method ....................................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Annex G (informative) Soaps — Determination of chloride content titrimetric method Error! Bookmark
not defined.
Development of the East African Standards has been necessitated by the need for harmonizing
requirements governing quality of products and services in East Africa. It is envisaged that through
harmonized standardization, trade barriers which are encountered when goods and services are
exchanged within the Community will be removed.
In order to achieve this objective, the Partner States in the Community through their National Bureaux
of Standards, have established an East African Standards Committee.
The Committee is composed of representatives of the National Standards Bodies in Partner States,
together with the representatives from the private sectors and consumer organizations. Draft East
African Standards are circulated to stakeholders through the National Standards Bodies in the Partner
States. The comments received are discussed and incorporated before finalization of standards, in
accordance with the procedures of the Community.
East African Standards are subject to review, to keep pace with technological advances. Users of the
East African Standards are therefore expected to ensure that they always have the latest versions of
the standards they are implementing.
It is important that users of East African Standards ascertain that they are in possession of the
latest amendments or latest editions
The following table will assist the user to update the standard
© 2005 EAC — All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for EAC Partner States’ NSBs.
The African countries produce a variety of vegetable oils, which are the basic materials for soap
manufacture. Hence there is the potential for production of soaps on the continent. Soap production in
Africa is by both the formal (organized large scale) and informal (unorganized small scale) producers.
Consequently, many different types and grades of soaps are produced.
This EAS defines one type of soap, that is laundry soap, which is widely used on the continent. It
establishes three different grades of laundry soap based on the total fatty matter content and addition of
builders and fillers to the soap. This standard will enable the purchaser to define his requirements with
precision by referring to the grade and designation given in this East African Standard.
1 Scope
This East African Standard specifies requirements for two grades of laundry soaps in the form of cakes,
tablets or bars, produced from vegetable or animal oils or fats or a blend of all or part to these materials.
It does not cover liquid soap for household purposes, and bar soap, in which synthetic detergents
have been added to enhance its performance.
2 Normative references
ISO 672 Analysis of Soap – Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
ISO 685 Analysis of Soap – Determination of total alkali content and total fatty matter content
a complementary component of soap, usually inorganic, which with reference to the washing action,
adds its characteristic properties to those of the essential constituents
NOTE: Builders are added to a soap to improve its effectiveness under the conditions of use. The
action of builders is mostly physico-chemical and comprises a series of effects, which results in more
economic usage and better cleansing action of soap especially in hard water areas. Substances
commonly used as builders are soda ash, sodium silicates, sodium phosphates, borax and cellulose
built laundry soap
a grade II laundry soap containing moderate quantities of builders (see table 1).
colouring matter
Any dyestuff that may be used to colour laundry soap.
materials added to soaps to increase the mass of the product but which in themselves do not improve
effectiveness of the soap under the conditions of use.
Note: Fillers are generally inert and of an almost or completely non-detergent character.
free caustic alkali
the quantity of hydroxyl ion, reported as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for sodium soaps or potassium
hydroxide (KOH) for potassium soaps, which is found in solution after precipitation with barium chloride
under the operating conditions described.
laundry soap
A soap, which is intended for use in washing clothes.
NOTE Laundry soap may contain fillers, builders, colouring matter, perfume, optical brighteners, preservatives, glycerin or
an identified quantity of laundry soap produced under essentially the same conditions.
total fatty matter
water-insoluble fatty material obtained by decomposing the soap with a mineral acid under the
conditions specified. This term includes unsaponified matter, glycerides and any rosin acids contained in
the soap, in addition to the fatty acids.
total Free Alkali
sum of the free caustic alkali and the free carbonate alkali contents.
The results are generally expressed as a percentage by mass as either sodium hydroxide (NaOH) for
sodium soaps or potassium hydroxide (KOH) for potassium soaps.
a chemical reaction permitting the separation of an ester into its constituent parts, acid and alcohol, or
possibly phenol, by the action of a base, with the formation of a salt from the acid
4 General requirements
4.1 Appearance
Laundry soap shall be free from visible dirt and other foreign matter.
Laundry soap shall be of firm texture and possess good lathering and cleaning properties.
4.3 Odour
Laundry soap shall be free from objectionable odour. It shall not leave objectionable odour on clothes
after washing and thoroughly rinsing with water.
When coloured laundry soap is used in washing any white fabric, it shall not leave any visible stains on
the fabrics after washing and thorough rinsing with water when tested in accordance with Annex A
4.5 Stability
When immersed in distilled water for one hour at 25 – 30 °C, laundry soap shall not disintegrate, and
when dried at room temperature for 25 h thereafter, it shall not crumble, crack or break.
4.6 Toxicity
The product shall be not injurious to health, cause irritation to the skin during use or handling, damage
the fabrics and be environmentally friendly/safe.
5 Sampling
Samples shall be drawn at random from lots.
6 Methods of test
6.1 Samples of laundry soap shall be tested in accordance with the methods of test referred to in
4.5 and Table 1.
6.2 Before testing, reduce the sample taken in clause 6 to a final sample by cutting each bar or
cake of soap into eight parts by three mutually perpendicular cuts passing through the middle of each
Take two diagonally opposite eights and, if the final sample so obtained exceeds 500 g, divide each
eighth into two equal parts. Slice, grate finely or pass through a mechanical grinder, mix thoroughly and
store in a completely filled container.
Laundry soap shall be packed in clean, sound and dry containers made of a material, which does not
affect the product and which protects the product from excessive loss of moisture and from
8.2 Marking
8.2.1 Packaging
Each package shall be marked legibly and indelibly with the following particulars:
8.2.2 Wrapper
On the paper or wrapper in which the bar or cake is wrapped shall be marked with the particulars
contained in 10.2.1 (i) to (ii).
9.1.2 Lot
In a single consignment, all packages containing laundry soap bars or cakes drawn from the same
batch of production shall constitute a lot.
9.2 Sampling
9.2.1 For ascertaining the conformity of the lot to the requirements of this standard, tests shall be
carried out on each lot separately. The number of packages and product units from each container
respectively to be selected for drawing the sample shall be in accordance with Table 2.
9.2.2 The packages (cartons) shall be selected at random, using tables of random numbers. If
these are not available, the following procedure shall be applied:
Starting from any package, count all the packages in one order as 1, 2, 3 ...., N, selecting every kth
package, where k is the integral part of N ÷ n.
From each package thus selected, draw at random an equal number of cakes so as to obtain a total
mass of at least 2 kg.
9.2.3 Inspection - Inspect the cakes selected for compliance with the requirements specified under
table1 and performance requirements
Annex A
A.1.1 Principle
Test pieces of cloth of defined area are rubbed with soap and then dipped in water overnight then
scrubbed and rinsed in running water.
A.1.2 Materials
NOTE: The staining test is conducted in triplicate for all cloth types.
A.1.3.1 Rub evenly about 10 g of soap over a 15 cm x 7.5 cm test swatch placed on a china
A.1.3.2 Pour gently 50 ml of hot water (approximately 55 °C) into the plate so that the test swatch
is covered and left overnight (16 h).
A.1.3.3 Hand rub the swatch 10 times and then rinse each of the three test swatches are rinsed
twice in about 2 litres of water and then dried in the drier.
A.2.1 Principle
The method involves subjecting fabrics to prolonged soaking in a highly concentrated soap solution.
A.2.2 Materials
NOTE: The staining test should be conducted in triplicate for all cloth types.
A.2.3.1 Weight 10 g of soap in a honey jar and then add 200 ml of hot water at a temperature of
approximately 60 °C, shake until when the soap is thoroughly dissolved.
A.2.3.2 Place a test swatch A 15 cm x 7.5 cm in the soap solution (B.2.3.1) and allow to stand
A.2.3.3 Transfer the test swatch in a bowl containing 1 litre of water and then agitate vigorously
by hand for 10 s.
A.2.3.4 Rinse the test swatches in 5 litres of water by hand. The times should be fixed for all
washes, and then dry swatches.