Comparison of Combustion Characteristics of Petcoke and Indian Sub Bituminous Coal in A CFB Test Facility

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International Journal of Thermal Technologies E-ISSN 2277 – 4114

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Research Article

Comparison of combustion characteristics of Petcoke and Indian sub

bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility
J Jaygopal†*, K Ganesh Palappan†, M Rajavel†, P S Guruchandran† and S Suresh‡
†Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.
‡National Institute of Technology, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India.

Accepted 30 May 2017, Available online 02 June 2017, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)


Fluidized Bed Combustion (FBC) is one of the best suited combustion technologies for petcoke combustion owing to its
capability of handling fuels with low volatile and high sulphur content. In this study, petcoke and Indian sub
bituminous coal (coal from Singareni mines, Telengana, India) are fired separately in Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB)
test facility and its combustion characteristics are studied and compared. Even though petcoke is a low reactive fuel
compared to Indian coal, temperature profile shows petcoke has a stable combustion. Significant post combustion in
cyclone is noticed while combusting petcoke. Around 40-60o C rise in the cyclone temperature is noted during
combustion of petcoke compared to 20-30o C while burning sub bituminous coal. Compared to Indian sub bituminous
coal petcoke has high sulphur content (4-9 %) and low ash content, therefore it requires limestone addition for in situ
sulphur capture and for maintaining bed inventory. Owing to the limestone addition, petcoke firing shows a better
material distribution among the splash zone. Although CFB boilers are fuel flexible, and petcoke can be fired in CFB
boilers designed for Indian coals, test results show that combustion efficiency of petcoke is lower than that of Indian
coal. Combustion efficiency can be improved by certain design modifications such as higher furnace height, higher
cyclone efficiency and higher refractory zone. The present study explore the opportunities of using 100% petcoke in
CFB boiler.

Keywords: Petcoke combustion, Indian coal, CFB, Cyclone post combustion, Combustion efficiency

1. Introduction power generation. FBC boilers are more suitable for

handling petcoke for its capability of handling low
1 Indiais the 5th largest producer of oil refined products volatile fuel (high thermal inertia available in fluidized
in the world (223.24 MMT- 2015) (Government of bed) and high sulphur content (in situ sulphur
India, 2014) (Statista, 2015). It also houses the world’s capture).
largest oil refinery, Jamnagar Refinery at Gujarat that The operating experiences of CFB boilers such as
process 1.24 million barrels of crude per day Provence 250 MW CFBC, Niscol 125 MW CFBC and
(Hydrocarbons Technology, 2015). Petroleum products Texas- New Mexico 2 X 500 T/h CFB proves it is
are the largest good exported from India (18.54 % of feasible to combust petroleum coke, however unburnt
total exports) and they contribute a major share of loss in fly ash is relatively higher (Jihui and Xiaofeng,
India’s GDP (Infodrive, 2015). Petroleum coke often 2007). In the present study, petcoke combustion
abbreviated as petcoke is a carbonaceous solid characteristics is compared with an Indian high ash
delivered from oil refinery coker units or other sub bituminous coal, while firing in a CFB test facility.
cracking processes. Petroleum production has been Coal from Singareni mines, Telengana is taken as a
increasing, resulting in increased production of
reference for Indian coal. Both, the coal and the
petcoke 4.2 MMT in 2008 to 10.06 MMT in 2015,
petcoke were fired separately in a 4 MWth CFBC test
making petcoke a cheaper alternative to Indian coal for
facility and the combustion characteristics such as
power generation (Government of India, 2014). While,
it can be used as a main fuel in a FBC boilers, it is used temperature profile, material distribution, cyclone post
as a supplementary fuel blended with coal at 10-20 % combustion and combustion efficiency were studied
before burning in a pulverized fuel (PF) boiler. and discussed. Studying the potential of alternative and
Technologies also exist for gasification of petcoke to cheaper fuels such as petcoke for CFB technology is
produce syngas that can be used in gas turbine for currently required, since in many cases fuel flexibility
may be a decisive factor in plant’s economy and
*Corresponding author: J Jaygopal feasibility of new projects.
100| International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)
Jaygopal et al Comparison of combustion characteristics of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

2. Lab analysis Table 3 Ultimate analysis of petcoke & sub bituminous

Indian coal (Air dried basis)
Analysis such as proximate, gross calorific value,
ultimate, bulk density and the chemical composition of S. No Parameter Unit Petcoke
ash were conducted for petcoke and Indian coal Coal
samples. Results are presented in Tables 1 to 5. It can 1 Carbon %wt. 85.32 55.68
be seen from the results petcoke is a high
carbonaceous high calorific value fuel. The quantity of 2 Hydrogen %wt. 3.09 2.62
fuel requirement is less for petcoke fired boiler
compared to Indian coal fired boiler of the same 3 Sulphur %wt. 7.16 0.72
capacity. Compared to Indian coal, petcoke has high
sulphur and low ash content. Therefore, petcoke 4 Nitrogen %wt. 1.25 1.28
requires sorbent limestone for sulphur capture in a
CFB boiler, which also serves for maintaining inert bed 5 Moisture %wt. 1.11 2.99
inventory in furnace. The in situ sulphur capture using
lime stone in CFB boilers are represented by the 6 Ash %wt. 1.79 32.84
reactions 1 & 2: Oxygen
7 %wt. 0.28 3.87
Sulphur capture by limestone
CaCO3→CaO+CO2 (1) Table 4 Bulk density of petcoke & sub bituminous
CaO + SO2 + ½ O2→ CaSO4 (2) Indian coal feed material

Low volatile content of petcoke results in a lower Indian

S. No Parameter Unit Petcoke
reactivity and lower fragmentation of fuel in the Coal
furnace. Bulk density results as shown in Table 4 gm/
1 Bulk density 0.8582 0.7065
indicates petcoke is a heavier fuel than Indian coal. cc
Thermo-gravimetric burn out study of petcoke and
Indian coal were performed in a TA instruments make Table 5 Chemical composition of petcoke ash and sub
Differential Scanning Calorimeter-Model Q600 SDT. bituminous Indian coal ash
Heating rate of the experiment was 100 C/min from
room temperature to 10000 C. Reaction medium was Indian
Constituents Formula Unit Petcoke
air at flow rate of 100mL/min. It can be seen from coal

Figure 1 that ignition temperature of Indian coal is Silica SiO₂ %wt. 48.5 62.2
3000 C while that of petcoke is 3900 C.
Al₂O₃ %wt. 15.6 23.9
Table 1 Proximate analysis of petcoke & sub
bituminous Indian Coal (Air dried basis) Iron Oxide Fe₂O₃ %wt. 6.9 5.8

Indian Titanium Oxide TiO₂ %wt. 1.10 1.40

S. No Parameter Unit Petcoke
1 Moisture %wt. 1.11 2.99 Calcium Oxide CaO %wt. 3.3 3.4
2 %wt. 13.42 25.07 Magnesium
Matter MgO %wt. 1.9 1.1
3 Ash %wt. 1.79 32.84 Vanadium
V₂O₅ %wt. 13.8 -
Fixed Penta Oxide
4 %wt. 83.68 39. 10
Nickel Oxide NiO %wt. 3.7 -

Table 2 Gross Calorific value of petcoke & sub Sodium Oxide Na₂O %wt. 2.30 0.40
bituminous Indian coal (Air dried basis)
K₂O %wt. 1.3 0.6
S. No Parameter Unit Petcoke
Coal Sulphate SO₃ %wt. 1.3 0.6
1 calorific 7981 4586 Others - %wt. 0.3 0.6
101| International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)
Jaygopal et al Comparison of combustion characteristics of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

Petcoke Indian coal





0 200 400 600 800 1000

Temperature (oC)

Fig. 1 Thermo-gravimetric analysis of Petcoke and Indian coal

Fig. 2: Schematic diagram of CFB Test facility

3. Experimental setup high pressure centrifugal fan provides primary air (40-
50 % of total air) through a bubble cap nozzle type air
3.1 Experimental Facility distributor, located at the bottom of the combustor. A
positive displacement blower delivers about 50-60% of
The schematic diagram of 4 MWth CFB facility is the combustion air through secondary air nozzles. A
illustrated in Figure 2. Combustor is of rectangular cyclone captures coarser particles and a loop seal
cross section of area 1 m2 and of aspect ratio 2.3. The returns the collected ash into the furnace. The flue gas
lower part of the combustor is lined with refractory to exiting the cyclone is cooled in a convection back pass
maintain the bed temperature and to reduce erosion. before leaving to the stack through an induced draft
The fuel, stored in the bunker, is admitted to the (ID) fan. A dedicated blower supplies air for fluidizing
combustor through a variable speed screw feeder. A the recirculating material in loop seal.
102| International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)
Jaygopal et al Comparison of combustion characteristics of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

3.2 Field Test of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal 4. Results and discussions

Petcoke and Indian coal were fired separately in CFB 4.1 Temperature profile
test facility. Limestone was added along with petcoke
for in- situ sulphur capture. Particle size distribution of Temperature measurements were taken along the
the feeds are shown in Figure 3. Mean particle size of height of combustor and the temperature profile
petcoke, limestone and Indian coal are 417 µm, 143 µm plotted for Indian coal and petcoke is shown in Figure
and 400 µm respectively. It can be seen that over 55 % 4.
of the limestone is in the range of 150-1000 µm, 20 % As fuel enters into the furnace, it mixes with the bed
is below 150 µm so that they ensure good fluidization and it absorbs heat from the bed for drying and heating
properties and has sufficient amount of fines for the fuel. A slight dip in bed temperature is noticed for
sulphur capture and heat transfer. The furnace was petcoke as well as for Indian coal at this zone (0.02 H).
initially heated up and then maintained up to 8500 C by As sub stoichiometric condition is maintained below
charcoal during start up. the secondary air elevation and majority of the
combustion take place above secondary air elevation,
100 the major difference in temperature profile between
90 Indian coal and petcoke is observed above the
secondary air elevation. Volatile matter burns in a
diffusion flame at boundary between oxygen and
Cumulative Residue, %vol

unburnt volatiles. In case of isolated fuel particle, a
60 diffusion flame will develop around the particle, whose
50 position will depend upon the rate of oxygen diffusion
to the flame and upon the rate of volatile release (Basu,
2006). Indian coal has 10-20 % more volatile content
30 than petcoke, thus its combustion rate is faster and it
20 can be seen as a small hump in the figure (at 0.14 H).
For example, it would take 50-120 sec for a
devolatilized char of size less than 0.2 mm to burn out
(Keairns, et al, 1984), while for a coal particle of 0.1
10 100 1000 10000
Sieve Size in microns mm size the estimated time for de-volatilization and
Petcoke Sample Limestone Sample combustion is 22 and 32 seconds respectively
Indian Coal
(Brereton, 1997). The rapid increase of temperature
Fig. 3: Particle size distribution of CFB test facility feed observed in Indian coal is therefore not witnessed in
material petcoke.
Petcoke is majorly char (90- 85%), comprising of
After bed temperature become stable and giving carbon, ash, nitrogen and sulphur. On reaching above
sufficient time for complete charcoal combustion, fuel 7500 C char oxidizes to gaseous products CO, CO2, SO2,
is feed into furnace using screw feeder. After achieving NO and NO2. Since burn out time of char of petcoke is
the steady state predetermined key test parameters more than that of lateral dispersion it is spread all
like fluidizing velocity, excess air and bed height was around the cross section and the small unburnt
maintained for eight hours as shown in Table 6.
particles will be entrained. Thus the number of feeding
point required for petcoke is less than that of Indian
Table 6: Test conditions at CFB facility
coal. Due to high reactivity, Indian coal combusts even
Sl no Parameters Unit Range on higher elevation, while petcoke majority of
Combustor combustion take place at dense and splash zone.
1 m/sec 2.5-3
bottom velocity Volatile content also aids in primary fragmentation,
2 Overall velocity m/sec 5-5.5 increasing the distribution of lower size fuel particles
3 0C 800-950 in the lean zone of furnace.
bottom temp
Primary: Therefore, as height increases temperature
4 Secondary air ratio 40:60 decreases too sharply for petcoke when compared to
ratio Indian coal resulting in a lower furnace outlet
Ca/S Molar ratio temperature for petcoke. For the combustor of same
5 ratio 2.5-3
Wind box
dimensions, the combustion loss of petcoke will be
6 mm WC 630 -690 more than that of Indian coal as petcoke need more
residence time. Therefore, to increase the residence
Measurements like pressure, temperature were taken time and maintenance of temperature, a taller furnace
using calibrated instruments installed along the height with a higher refractory zone may be required for
of furnace, furnace exit, and cyclone and seal pot. complete combustion of petcoke.
103| International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)
Jaygopal et al Comparison of combustion characteristics of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

Indian coal Petcoke inventory. It can also be seen that splash zone of
petcoke fired boiler has relatively better distribution of
Height fraction from distributor plate(Ratio of

Furnace pinnacle
material. In spite of low fragmentation ratio and low
0.9 content of petcoke, the improvement in distribution in
splash zone and lean zone, takes place due to limestone
addition which contributes the fines.
A better distribution of particles at lean zone
total height)

0.6 results in better heat transfer at higher elevations (Gao,

0.5 et al, 2005), as heat transfer coefficient is proportional
0.4 to the square root of suspension density (Glicksman,
1988). Increased amount of particles increases the
particle convention and cluster radiation (Basu, 1990)
0.2 Secondary air port (Dutta and Basu, 2004). Thus, the size distribution and
Fuel feed point amount of limestone added plays an important role in
0 heat transfer coefficients of petcoke fired CFBC.
200 400 600 800 1000
Temperature (°C)
4.3 Cyclone post combustion
Fig. 4: Comparison of Temperature profile of Indian
Cyclone post combustion is the effect in which fuel gets
coal and Petcoke
combusted in the cyclone and results in an increase of
temperature at cyclone (Yue, et al, 2006). High velocity
4.2 Material Distribution
and high residence time in the cyclone (Grief and
Muschelknautz, 1994) promotes char combustion in
The bed quality is influenced greatly by boiler feed
the cyclone. This will lead to an increase of the
distribution and ash formation (Yang, et al, 2004).
temperature of solids and flue gas in the cyclone and
Pressure drop of combustor was maintained and the
loop seal region. Excessive temperature rises and
total pressure drop at each zone, naming dense zone,
constricted area may lead to issues like sintering in the
splash zone and lean zone were estimated. Zone from
loop seal. Increased flue gas temperature also affects
distributor plate to 0.05H is considered as dense zone,
the heat balance in heat transfer surfaces like super
0.05 H to 0.17 H is considered as splash zone, 0.17 H to
heater and re-heater. It also increases the CO
the furnace outlet is considered as lean zone, where H
concentration at exit of cyclone. Post combustion in a
is the total height of the furnace. Pressure drop at each
CFB boiler is strongly influenced by fuel properties
zone is divided by the total pressure drop along the
especially the volatile content (Yue, et al, 2006).
furnace, to obtain the distribution of material at each
70 Indian coal Petcoke
Net temperature difference b\w Cyclone

3.5 3.4
100% 60
Solids inventory (%)

80% 50
exit and inlet(0 C)

40% 83.0
61.7 20

Indian coal Petcoke 750 800 850 900 950
dense zone splash zone lean zone
Average bed temperature(0 C)

Fig. 5: Comparison of Bed Material distribution of Fig. 6 Cyclone post combustion for Petcoke and Indian
Indian coal and Petcoke (with lime) among dense zone, coal
splash zone and lean zone
Cyclone post combustion characteristics of both
Figure 5 compares the distribution of solids inventory petcoke and Indian coal were compared by measuring
in dense zone, splash zone and lean zone between the net increase in cyclone temperature. Maintaining
petcoke and Indian coal. It can be noticed that lean parameters mentioned above in Table 6 and fluid flow
zone of Indian coal and petcoke has almost the same rates in heat transfer coils, bed temperature was
distribution, Indian coal has 3.5 % of the total increased by increasing the fuel flow rate, thus
inventory in the furnace, petcoke has 3.4% of the total increasing the furnace outlet temperature.
104| International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)
Jaygopal et al Comparison of combustion characteristics of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

Temperature difference between the inlet and exit of It can be seen from Figure 7 that while the combustion
cyclone was measured and its variation on varying the efficiency of Indian coal is around 98-99 %, the
furnace temperature was studied. Figure 5 shows the combustion efficiency of petcoke is lower 90-95 %.
This is due to the low reactivity of petcoke.
variation of the net cyclone temperature rise against
It can also be seen petcoke’ s combustion efficiency
change of furnace temperature. It can be seen from is very sensitive to furnace temperature when
Figure 6; post combustion is in the range of 40-600 C compared to Indian coal. But temperature cannot be
for petcoke while 20-300 C for Indian coal. increased after a limit as it affects the limestone
This difference is due to low reactivity and the low reactivity. An increase of temperature also results in
ash content of petcoke. Since petcoke is a low reactive increase of emissions and probable ash deposition.
fuel, the combustion fraction in the furnace is lesser Thus the operational temperature must be decided
than that of high reactive fuels. It results in higher based on consensus between emission factor and
amount of unburnt carbon being elutriated and combustion efficiency. Petcoke requires a higher
captured by cyclone. The cyclone provides high residence time and hence the furnace height may be
residence time and high velocity aiding the combustion increased suitably. Lafanechere, Basu and Jestin
in cyclone. Secondly, for combustion of char, the (1995), studies on effect of fuel properties on
combustion design also confirms the requirement of
oxygen from free stream must overcome the following
higher furnace for low volatile and high carbon fuels.
resistances: (a) diffusion resistance of inert particle
Combustion tests of petcoke conducted in bench scale
around the char particle, (b) diffusion resistance
test rig at Jianghan University,China reports high
through ash layer, and (c) the diffusion resistance unburnt carbon (Tie, et al, 2002). However, the
through the gas film layer around char particle (Basu, unburnt loss can be reduced to a considerable level
1999). While the high ash Indian coal offers the with suitable furnace and cyclone design.
diffusion resistance mentioned in (a) and (b), petcoke
will expose themselves to the external environment 100 Petcoke Indian coal
with very less resistance due to its low ash content.
The post combustion can be mitigated by increasing 98

the combustor temperature. Raising the combustor 96

Combustion efficency(%)

temperature increases the combustion fraction inside

the combustor reducing the amount of elutriated 94

carbon from the furnace. It can be seen from the figure 92

that on increasing the furnace temperature the post
combustion effect is significantly reduced in case of
petcoke. However, the furnace temperature cannot be 88
increased above a limit as the optimal temperature
range for sorbent reactivity is 800- 850 0C (Leckner 790 810 830 850 870 890 910 930 950
and Amad, 1987) (Schaub, et al, 1989). The bed
Temperature (o C)
temperature rise does not affect Indian coal as the
amount of the elutriated carbon is not significant Fig. 7 Combustion efficiency for Petcoke and Indian
enough to cause variation. coal
Even though the furnace outlet temperature of
petcoke is less than that of Indian coal, the cyclone post Conclusions
combustion increases temperature of the flue gas
exiting the cyclone. Back pass coils must be designed Petcoke was successfully combusted in CFB test facility
considering this fact. and its combustion characteristics was compared to
Indian coal combustion characteristics. Even though
the petcoke combustion efficiency is less compared to
4.4 Combustion efficiency
high ash Indian coal, further improvements can be
achieved by certain design modifications. The main
The overall combustion efficiency is estimated using glimpses of the studies conducted are presented below:
Equation 3 by measuring the carbon loss in bottom ash
and fly ash. The ratio of heat energy associated with 1) While petcoke combustion takes place mainly at
the carbon lost in the fly ash and bottom ash, to the the bottom of the furnace, combustion of Indian
heat energy in feed coal is a measure of combustion coal takes place at higher elevations also. For the
efficiency of the system: same bed temperature, furnace outlet temperature
Combustion efficiency of petcoke is lower than that of Indian coals. To
improve the furnace outlet temperature and
( ) combustion; petcoke fired boiler requires a higher
( ( )
) (3) refractory zone.
105| International Journal of Thermal Technologies, Vol.7, No.2 (June 2017)
Jaygopal et al Comparison of combustion characteristics of petcoke and Indian sub bituminous coal in a CFB Test facility

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