Theoretical Calculations of The Distribution of Aerodynamic Loading On A Delta Wing

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1ft, r;ty,;l't!
r n, & Mo Noo 2819
A.R.C. TeclmicaI Report





Theoretical Calculations of the

Distribution of Aerodynamic Loading
on a Delta Wing
of the Aerodynamics Division, N.P.L.

Crown Copyright Reserved


Theoretical Calculations of the Distribution of Aero-
dynamic Loading on a Delta Wing
of the Aerodynamics Division, N.P.L.

Reports and Memoranda No.2 8 I 9*

March, 1949

Summary.-The distribution of velocity potential difference has been calculated for a thin flat plate in the form
of a delta wing at small incidence. The method introduces novel functions with 10 arbitrary constants to expless the
doublet distribution over the wing and a special numerical integration to evaluate the downwash at 10 chosen points
on the surface. Three different forms of the doublet distribution (a), (b) and (c) are employed and lead to three
independent solutions of the resulting simultaneous equations; solution (c) is considered to be the most accurate.
The plan form selected for this investigation is that of a delta wing, of aspect ratio 3, shown in Fig. 1. One object
of the laborious calculations is to form the first step towards a fundamental comparison with pressure distributions
measured on a model of the wing in the National Physical Laboratory Duplex Wind Tunnel. Solution (c) has been
compared with two solutions of the identical problem by vortex-lattice theory as given in R. & M. 2596 2 , Tables 37
and 38 (Falkner, 1948), using respectively 6 and 8 simultaneous equations, uiz., solutions 33 and 34 of which the latter
involves an auxiliary function P to allow for discontinuities at the median section.
Conclusions.c-), The values of oCL/ort. and positions of the aerodynamic centre relative to the trailing edge determined
from solutions (a), (b) and (c) lie within 1 per cent and t per cent respectively.
2. The pressure differences compare very well over most of the plan form, the discrepancies only becoming appreciable
near the apex of the delta wing and the outboard trailing edge.
3. The calculated values of oCL!orx in R. & M. 2596 2 are about 3 per cent (or perhaps 5 per cent) greater than those
determined from the present method.
4. For a given CL, the spanwise distribution of lift from vortex-lattice theory compares very well over most of the
span but becomes too great towards the tips, as the conclusions of R. & M. 22253 (Jones, 1946) would suggest.
5. the position of the aerodynamic centre as given by solution 34 agrees better than solution 33 with the results of
the present method near the median section, but both solutions give a notable difference in the distribution of loading
at the median section, as shown in Fig. 6. This suggests that the mathematical form of the doublet distrihution near
the median section of a delta wing is of some importance (R. & M. 272]1).
6. The values of oCL!orx and positions of the aerodynamic centre are in excellent agreement with experiment.
Favourable comparisons between the theoretical and experimental pressure distributions are shown in Fig. 6.
Further Devolopments.-It is intended that the theoretical calculations should be extended to allow for wing thick-
ness and further to provide an estimate of the pressure distribution in viscous incompressible flow. The calculated
values would then be directly compared with the results from the pressure plotting experiments on the model of the
delta wing.
It is suggested that a similar investigation should be undertaken to establish the aerodynamic characteristics
associated with a swept trailing edge.

* Published with the permission of the Director, National Physical Laboratory.

(E9008) A
1. Introduction.-It is generally recognised that there is a great need for a well-founded
independent check on the existing theoretical methods of determining the pressure distribution
on thin swept-back wings in inviscid, incompressible flow. A critical survey of the position has
been presented in R. & M. 272P (October, 1948) ; and the recommendations made in that report,
in particular the second proposal, should be considered in the light of the results given in this

It is explained in R. & M. 272P, section 1, that the potential flow past a thin wing gives a
distribution of lift per unit area
(Pli - Pa) = PV ox (cPa - cP li ) , (1)

where the uniform undisturbed velocity V is in the direction Ox (Fig. 1) and (cPa - cP li) is the
difference between the velocity potentials on the upper and lower wing surfaces and is equivalent
to the strength of the doublet distribution which defines the vortex sheet. (cPa - cD li ) is determined
from the equations
w = lim (ocP) = V oz (x,y) (2)
z,+o OZ1 ox'

cD(X bY1, Z1) = Vx + -4ln II C

(cPa - cP li ) : - -
dx dy, (3)

where z (x,y) is the contour of the wing surface relative to the undisturbed stream, C is an area
bounded by the leading edge of the wing and extending to infinity in the wake, and
r2 = (x - X1)2 + (y - Y1)2 + Z1 2 .
In the wake (cPa - cD Ii) is a function of y only determined by its value at the trailing edge. A
solution is obtained by assuming a general form for (cD a - cP li ) with arbitrary coefficients, by
substituting (cD a - cP li ) in equation (3) to determine w in equation (2), by using the boundary
condition expressed in equation (2) at a number of solving points to determine the arbitrary
coefficients, and by evaluating (h - Pa) from equation (1).

There are four questionable features, at least one of which appears in each practical method
of solution considered in R. & M. 272P, section 2.2.
(a) The assumed form for (cPa - cP b) adheres rigidly to the basic two-dimensional chordwise
(b) w is evaluated by splitting the continuous doublet distribution (cPa - cP b) into a finite
number of discrete vortices.
(c) w is inevitably infinite at virtually all points of a wing section at which the direction
of the leading or trailing edge is discontinuous.
(d) The boundary condition (2) is satisfied at certain positions by a system of discrete vortices
related two-dimensionally to (Pb - Pa)'
An independent check on the accuracy of such methods must steer clear of these possible sources
of error. The theoretical calculation described in this report does achieve this at the expense of
lengthy computation and therefore is unsuitable for general use.

The delta wing selected for this investigation has the plan form, shown in Fig. 1, with aspect
ratio A = 3, a right-angled leading edge and cropped tips such that
tip chord 1
root chord 7'
Various suitable forms for the doublet distribution (<p a - <P b) with 10 arbitrary coefficients have
been chosen. A numerical method is used to evaluate the double integral for the downwash

w = lim
••7 0
~ [1-
OZl 4:n
(<p a - <P b) ~ (~)
dx dyJ (4)

corresponding to each coefficient at the 10 points of the half plan-form, shown in Fig. 1. The
investigation has been restricted to the uncambered wing in an inclined uniform stream, The
boundary condition (2) then simplifies to
w = ViX, (5)
which provides 10 simultaneous linear equations to determine the unknown coefficients. By
this process three different solutions have been obtained and the resulting pressure distributions
from equation (1) are compared.

2. General Form for Doublet Distribution.-The problem is expressed in terms of rectangular

co-ordinates (x,y,z) referred to the apex of the delta wing in the plane of symmetry, as shown in
Fig. 1. The leading and trailing edges of the wing are denoted by
x = Iyl }
x= h
respectively, and the semi-span is
s = ~h.

The order of magnitude of the doublet distribution (lP a - <P b) at the perimeter of the plan
form is necessarily expressed by the conditions

<P a W<P b
= 0 (X -h Iyl y/ 2 near the leading edge

at the trailing edge (6)

near the wing tip

Two-dimensional conditions suggest that furthermore

o (<P a -V <P b) =
ox 0 (h-h-
- X)1/2 near t h e trai'I'mg edge. (7)

In order to satisfy (6), consider

<P a - e, _ (X2 - y2)1/2 [ _ (X2 - y2) ]
hV - hx 1 hx f (y)
Then f(y) is chosen such that

when x=h,

Then the three conditions of (6) will be satisfied by

_(X /2 - 4 y l2) 1/2 [ _ 196 (X /2 - 4 y l2) ] (144 _ y'2 )1/2

- 28x' 1 3(196 - y'2) 28x ' 144 '
I 28x
x =h

Numerical values of <Po are tabulated for integral and certain half values of x' and y' in Table 1.
All the solutions are expressible in the general form
(<P a - <P b) = hV<P o ~ ~ Api1 - X)P (y)q , (9)
P q

where X, Y denote ~ , ~ respectively,

p takes values 0, ~, 2, 3, 4
and q takes values 0, 2, 4, 6.

Three particular forms of equation (9) have been used

<P - <P
(a) a hV b = <Po [{Ai +A 2(X - !X2) --f-- A 3(X - X2 + iX3)
+ A - ~X2 + X3 - !X
.. (lOa)
+ y2 {As + A - !X2) + A -6(X 7(X X2 + i X 3)}
+ y4 {As + Ao(X - !X2)} + Y6{A lO } ] ;

(b) <P
~ e, = <Po [ { Ai ( 1 - in (1 - X)3/2) + A 2(X - !X2)

+ A 3(X - X2 + iX3) + A 4(X - ~X2 + X3 - !X4) }

+ y2 {A s( 1 - 3~ (1 - X)3/2) + A 6(X - iX2)

.. (lOb)
+A 7(X - X2 + iX3) }

+ y4 {A s ( 1 - 3~ (1 - X)3/2) + Ao(X - lX2) }

+ y6 { A 10 ( 1- 3~ (1 - X)3/2) }] ;
(c) lP a h~ e, ='lP O [ { Al - A 2 . 3~- (1 .. X)3/2 + A 3(X - iX2)

+ A (X - X2 + lX3) }

+ y2 {As - A 3~ (1 - 6 • X)3/2 +A 7(X - iX2) }

+ y4 { As - Ag • 3~ (1 - X)3/2} + y6 {A l o}] ,

where y=!s .
(a) ignores the condition (7). (b) includes a somewhat rigid introduction of this condition.
(c) is more flexible in that respect. The factor 4/3,n is chosen in (b) because the chordwise
distribution of pressure corresponding to

(lP a - lP b) = h V<D o ( 1 - in (1 - X)3/2)

at the median section y = 0 gives a ratio of circulation to the limiting value of

( h~ ')1/2 i (<D a - <Db)

- x ox V
at the trailing edge consistent with two-dimensional theory. It is noteworthy that the down-
washes over the central half of the wing span due to the coefficient Al in (b) are remarkably
uniform, as shown by the second column of Table 6B.

In general the lift coefficient is

4K dy
I ----v:s- '
CL = 0

where K, the circulation round a wing section, is equal to the value of (<D a - <Db) at the trailing
edge, x = h, and the surface area of the wing is
5 = t~ h2 •

CL = ~ I (<D hV- <Db)
0 a x=n dY . (11)

The pitching-moment coefficient about the trailing edge is given by

ipV 2SeC
m= 2 I:I: (Pb - Pa) (h - x) dx dy ,

i,e., !p V
2 3
h • i~ . t C", = 2 I:I: V(h - x) oox (lP lP
p a - b) dx dy .

Therefore, on integration by parts,

9 6
h2C _ 2 IS In (<D a
m - 0 Y -~
- lP b) dx dy .

= ~9. IlIYI" (lP a hV

Hence C; 0
- <D b) dX dY . (12)
The chordwise centre of pressure along a wing section is at a distance p from the trailing edge
given by
p _ ((Pb - Pa)(h - x) dx __ (h (<p a - <P b) dX
Ii h 1: (Pb - Pa) dx (<p a - <Pb)x~h .

The hinge of the elevon is taken at a distance 0·85 chord from the leading edge of the wing.
Therefore the hinge-moment coefficient is given by

tp V2SlfCH = - cos fJ YoJh

JYl Xh (h - Pa)(x - xh ) dx dy .

where x, = 0·85h + 0'15y,

fJ = cos:' V(I'0225) = cos:" 0·988936
is the inclination of the hinge line to the y-axis, and
Yl <Y <Yo
is the spanwise extent of the elevon. It is convenient to consider the distribution of hinge
moment on an elevon of full span 0 < Y < s. Then

:IV:! (0' 15h)2C H = - cos fJ f: [ 0'15(h - y) :v -(, (epa ~ <P

) dxJ dy ;

Xh = Xh
Ii = 0·85 + 0·15 YIi = 0·85 + 0'0107143y , .
In order to calculate P/h from equation (13) and Ch from equation (14), it is necessary to evaluate
the integrals

Jl<PoP dX
and Jl <PoP dX ,

where <Po is defined in equation (8) and given in Table 1, and in accordance with the equations
(10) P represents each of the five functions of X = x[h.
1, (X - tX2), (X - X2 + !X 3
) ,

(X - ~X2 + X3 - iX4) and 3~ (1 - X)3/2 .

The resulting integrals (15) are tabulated for the required values of y' = 12Y in Tables 2A and
2B respectively. It is convenient to write each equation (10) in the form

- e, =
e, hV <Po
[ e.», + B P + B P + B P ] (16)
2 2 3 3 4 4

B l = Al +A SY
+A l OY6,

B 2= A 2+ A 6 Y 2+ A g Y 4,
B3 = A +A 3 7 Y2 ,
B4 = A4 •

For the solution (a) corresponding to equation (lOa),
P 1 = 1,
P2 = X - tX 2

P a = X - X2 + txa ,
P 4 = X - iX 2 + xa - !X4 ;
and, for example, the position of the chordwise centre of pressure from equation (13) is at a distance
P from the trailing edge given by

C1>0(B 1P 1
(C1>O)x=h (B 1
+ B 2P 2+ »», + B P
+ t B + tBa + !B
4 4)


For the particular doublet distributions defined in equations (10), CLand C; are evaluated
from equations (11) and (12) to give the following formulae:-
(a) CL = 1·64333(A 1 + tA 2 + tAa + !A 4 ) + 0·36034(A s + t A 6 + tA 7)

+ O' 16664(A s + tAg) + 0·09881 (A 10 ) ;

Cm = 1·57519A 1 + 0·66795A 2 + 0'47968A a + 0·37198A 4 •• (18a)
+ 0·23060A s + 0·10634A 6 + 0·07403A 7
+ 0·08494A s + 0'04028A g + 0·04336A 10 •
(b) CL =1'64333(A 1 + tA 2 + tAa + !A 4 ) + 0·36034(A s + tA 6 + tA 7)

+ 0·16664(A s + tAo) + O' 09881 (A 10) ;

C,n = 1·43194A 1 + 0·66795A 2 + 0'47968A a + 0·37198A 4 .. (18b)
+ 0·21828A s + 0·10634A 6 + 0·07403A 7
+ 0·08174A s + 0·04028A o + 0·04208A lO •
(c) CL = 1·64333(A 1 + tA a + t A 4) + 0·36034(A s + i A 7)
+ 0·16664(A s) + 0·09881(A lO ) ;
C; = 1·57519A 1 - 0·14326A 2 + 0'66795A 3 + 0·47968A 4 .. (18c)
+ 0·23060A s - 0·01233A 6 + 0·10634A 7
+ 0'08494A s - + 0·04336A0·00320A g lO •

The position of the aerodynamic centre is at a distance p from the trailing edge, where
p _ tc; _ 4 C; (19)
It - hCL -7 CL '

3. Method of Evaluation of Downwash.-From equation (4), the down wash at a point

(Xl' Y1) due to a doublet distribution (C1>a - C1>b) is

w = lim 4
(C1>a ~ C1>b) -;,0 2 (~) dx dy ,

uZ1 r

where C is an area defined by

Iyl:-::;;x<oo }
-- s :-::;; y :-::;; s
and r 2 = (x - Xl? + (y - Y1)2 + Z1 2 .
In a region excluding the singularity (X bY1) ' equation (20) becomes

Wo = -
4n II e, -r 3 <Db
dx dy .
Putting x x'
Ii 28 '
~ = { (x' - X/)2 + 4(y' _ y/)2\3/2
h3 784 f
Therefore outside the singularity the double integral becomes
V = -
II (<D hV <Db) {(x' -
a - dx'dy'
X/)2 + 4(y' - y/)2y/2' .. (21)

The downwash is determined by splitting the area C into a small rectangle R surrounding
(X b Y1) symmetrically and the remainder (C - R), over which equation (21) can be evaluated by
direct numerical integration. The contribution, WI, to the complete downwash, w, in equation (20)

from the area R is obtained as a linear function of the values of CDa h~ <Db )at 25 points on and
inside R, shown in Fig. 1. By expressing (<D
W<Db) in terms of these 25 values as a polynomial
in powers of (x' - x/) and (y' - Y1'), the 25 corresponding factors are found to be independent
of the position (Xl. Y1)' It is apparent that from the point of view of accuracy in W I1 it is desirable
to keep R as small as possible. But if R becomes too small, the evaluation of equation (21) over
the area (C - R) becomes difficult and wjV becomes the difference between two large quantities,
both tending to infinity as the dimensions of R tend to zero. Consequently it has been necessary
to establish the accuracy of the foregoing method of evaluation by varying the size and shape
of R. The writer is satisfied that at each of the ten solving points, shown in Fig. 1, the values
of wjV due to the basic doublet distribution <Do in equation (8) are within ± 0·05 per cent.
Moreover the method is of universal application, provided that (X b Y1) does not lie too close to
the leading edge or tips of a wing and the required distribution of wjV is continuous. Although
the process of calculation is laborious and requires very accurate computation, it is quite

The rectangle R is chosen to be

1 ~ I= 1 x' - Xl' I ~ 1}
11] I = Iy' - y/ I ~ 1

Let G(~, 1]) denote the value of (<D

h~ <Db) at (x',y') == (X/ + ~, y/ + 1]).
The contribution wjV from the area (C - R) in equation (21) is
1 X
Vo = - 14[J

1' - 1 + J12 y,'+l
{Joo F(x',y') dx'} dy'
+J Y
,' -I
{J ,'+ l
+ JOOx{+l
F(x',y') dx'} dy'] , (23)

where F(x',y') = (<D a h-~ <Db)/{(x' - X/)2 + 4(y' _ y/)2}3/2

_ G(~, 1])
- (e + 41}2)3/2 •

Consider first the integration with respect to x', It is necessary to give separate treatment
to each doublet distribution

( <I>ahV
- <I>b) = <I>

defined in equation (15). The factors (e + 41]2)-3/2 are tabulated in Table 3, as these are of
general use in computing the integrand F(x',y') for integral values of x', Over most of the plan
form evaluation of the integrals may be carried out by means of Simpson's rule, e.g.,

J:: F(x') dx' . F(14) + 4F~15) + F(16) . (24)

It is necessary to make occasional use of the formula

F(x') dx' = 1· 125F(25) + 3· 375F(26) + 3· 375F(27) + 1· 125F(28)

f 28

H 3

in order to complete an integration. Near the leading edge, x' = 2y', F(x',y') behaves as
0v'(x' - 2y') and this is taken into account by the formulae
F(x') dx' = 4· 52548F(2y' + 1) + O·8F(2y' + 2)
' +2
F(x') dx' = 4· 45384F(2y' + 1) + 2'51948F(2y' + 2) + 1'37143F(2y' + 3)
' +3

Do;:vnstream of the trailing edge (<I>a ~ <I> b) = :v is independent of x', and the integral

f:(<I>a ~ <I> b){(x' _ x/? + 4(y' _ y/)2} -3/2 dx'

_ K 1 [ (x' - Xl') ] 00
- hV . 4(y' - y/)2 v'{(x' - X1')2 + 4(y' - y/)2} 28
where the factors

are given in Table 4.

Near the singularity the integrand F(x',y') becomes large as 0(r- 3), while (<I>a ~ <I> b) remains

a well-behaved function of x' and y'. It is necessary to express the doublet distribution as
G($), a polynomial in $ = x' - x/ and to use a special method of evaluation. Consider
;' G($) d$
f;, (e + 41]2)3/2

where $3 - $2 = $2 - $1 = 0 and G($) is taken in the form

G($l) ($ - $2)($ - $3) + G($2) ($ - $3)($ - $1) + G($3) ($ - $1)($ - $2) .

($1 - $2)($1 - $3) ($2 - $3)($2 - $1) ($3 - $1)($3 - $2)
The problem of numerical evaluation reduces to the three integrals


+ G(~2) {- 212 + 2(~3 + ;1)11 - 2~3;11o}

+ G(t3) {12 - (t1 + ~2)11 + ~1~21o}J

= ~ CnG(~n), (29)

where the factors C; depend on ~b ~2' ~3 and n, When [r; I ~ 1, the formula (29) is used for the
range 1 ~ I ~ I ~ 5. When 1 ~ [Ill ~ 3, it is used for I ~ [ ~ 3. The factors, shown in Table 5, are
independent of (xr', Y1').

The formulae (24), (25), (26), (27) and (29) are sufficient to determine the integrals with respect
to x'. Let
Y1(Y') = foo2y' F(x',y') dx'

Y 2 (rj) = Y 2(y' - yr') = f X1

'- 1
F(x',y' - yr') dx' (30)

Y 3 (rj) = Y 3(y' - yr') = foo F(x',y' - yr') dx'


Then the contribution to wjV from (C - R) in equation (23) becomes

wo = _ 14 [f
Y 1(y') dy' + f12 Y 1(y') dy'
V n -12 y(+l


The spanwise integrations must be carried out for series of doublet distributions differing in
respect of factors dependent on y' only. From equations (9) and (10) it is seen that the general
form to be considered is

cI>a - cI>b)
= cI> P

where q = 0, 2, 4, 6. Thus the integrands (30) require various factors (y' jl2)q and the integrals
(31) have to be evaluated in each case.
YI(y') is evaluated for integral values of y' and is integrated by Simpson's rule, e.g., equation
(24), except near the tips y' = ± 12, where the formulae (26) apply, and near the singularity,
where YI(y') behaves as O((y' ~ y/)2)' In the regions 3 < Iy' - y/ I ~ 5, 1 ~ Iy' - y/ I ~ 3,

YI(y') is expressed in the form

a + b(y' - y/)2 + c(y' _ y/)4 .
(y' _ y/)2 '
and the resulting formulae
Y(y') dy' = 245YI(y/ - 5) + 1024Y (y/ - 4) + 243YI(y/ - 3)
JY1' -


Y(y') dy' = 27YI(y/ - 3) + 128YI(y/ - 2) + 25YI(y/ - 1)
J Y1' - 1

~-s 90·
are used to complete the integrations of Y I • An exception arises in the particular instance
YI' = 10, when by writing

YI(y') = 'Q~~~~:) {Y 1(11)(23 - 2y') - YI ( l 1 i ) . 9t2

(y' - 11) J '

the following formula is deduced :


f 11
YI(y') dy' = 0·144522YI(11) + 0·739023Y (l1 i ) . I (33)

To calculate the remaining integral of equation (31),

f~1 {Y (1] ) + Y 2 3 (1] )} dYJ ,

Y 2 and Y, are evaluated for y' - y/ = 1] = - 1, - i, 0, i, 1. Consider first the integrand,
when the doublet strength is independent of x', On writing F = (e + 41]2)-S/2 in equation (30)
it follows from equation (28) that
d~ [ ~ ]
~ (~2 + 41]2)S/2 - 41]\/(e + 41]2)

- ,\!--'-;-:(~~2+--:--;"4---n1]2"'"){~:--+-:---,\!-;-;(-:-;;e----:+-4-;-1]""'2)} ,
where, for the special rectangle R in equation (22), ~ = 1.
Y 2 and Y s are therefore considered in the general form
Y ( ) _ ao + a l 1] + a 21] 2
21] - '\!(e + 4YJ2){~ + '\!(e + 41]2)} .
By equating values at the positions 1] = 0, i, 1, it follows that
ao = 2ey 2(0)

a l = - 6ey 2(0) + 4'\!(e + 1){~ + '\!(e + I)}Y 2(i )

- ,\!(~2 + 4){~ + '\!(e + 4)}Y2(1) (34)

a2 = 4ey2(0) - 4'\!(e + 1){~ + '\!(e + I)}Y 2(i )

+ 2,\!(~2 + 4)U + '\!(e + 4)}Y2(1)

IIy 2'(Y} ) d'Y} -- II V(;2 +a4'Y}2){;

o 0
+ al'Y} + a2'Y}2
o d
+ V(e + 4'Y}2)} 'Y}
= a
+ 4) _ !) + a iog v(e +2;4) + ;
4· 4

+ a (~-ilog
4 28 e
V(e + 4) + 2)
; •

By substituting; = 1 in equations (34) and (35),

I: Y2('Y}) d'Y} = 0·309017a + 0·120303a o l + 0'069546a 2,

where ao = 2Y 2(0)
al = - 6Y2(0) + 13·65685Y (t ) - 7· 23607Y 2 2(1)

a2 = 4Y2(0) - 13·65685Y (t ) + 14·47214Y2(1) .

Thus .
f~l Y 2('Y}) d'Y} = + 0'693186{Y2(- t) + Y (t )}
0·348797Y2(0) 2

+ O·135953{Y 1) + Y , .. 2( - 2(1)} (36)

and an identical formula is used for

I~l Y 3 (-1] ) drl .

By means of the formulae (32), (33) and (36), equation (31) may be evaluated to determine the
contribution wo/V from the area (C - R) for each equation (10) for (<I> a h~ <I> b) in terms of the
coefficients AI, A 2 , ••• A lO •

Now consider the treatment of equation (20) in a region containing the singularity. The
contribution to w/V from the area R, defined in equation (22), is

- =
u1m [h
I I (<I>a hV- <1>/,) (1)r d dy
- x

z;~ [:n IJ(<I>a h~ b){- ;2(~) - :;2 (D} dx dyJ '

= <I> 0 (37)

which, by the use of Stoke's theorem*, becomes

* In vector notation, fJ (Oo~y - o~x) dx dy = IJ curl ~ . d!

= f~ .::s
= P(A x dx +A y dy) ,

taken round R in a clockwise direction. The equivalence of equations (37) and (38) is apparent by substituting

A =
(tP hV tPb)~
oy (~)

Ay = _
ox (!)
(tP hV tPb) ~
a -
_ (1)
h [IX,+d;,h (<I> a - <1» b _0 _ dxJy=Yt-';;.h _ _h [Iy,+,\h (<I> a - <1» b _ 0 (1) dy
_ JX=X,+d.

4n x,-~';,h hV oy r y=y,+,\h 4n y,-l.h hV ox r x=x,-.';,h

+~ ~ (<I>a - <l>b) ~ (!) + ~ (cD a - <l>b) } ~ (~) dx d

I I{ ax (38)
4n R hV ax r oy hV oy r Y
h . _h
4n 14
" +l
{(cD - cD)
+ (cD - a
<I> b)
h _
}_ dx'
28 r 3
+ l!- . ~ IY,'+l {(<I>a - <l>b) + (cD a - <l>b) } ~ . dy'3
4n 28 y,'-l hV >:'=x,'-l hV x'~xl'+l 14 r

_ ~
Y,'+l X"+l
y,'-l x,'-l
{(Xl _ x/) ~,
(cD a -
<P b) + (y' _ Y1') ~, (<P a - <P b
oy hV
dx' dy' ,

where ~: = 2I~52 {(x' - X/)2 + 4(y' - Yl')2r .

Therefore, ? = 1: (11 + 12 - 13) , (39)

- 1) + G(~, In (e + 4)3 /
11 = -1 {G(~, 2 '

12 I {G(- I,~) + G(I, ~n (1 + 4~2)3/2 '
= -1

_II II (aG
13 - -1
oG) d~ d~
~ o~ + ~ o~ (~2 + 4~2r/2 .

From equation (29) with ~1 = 0, ~2 = ~, ~3 = 1,

I ~U) :~/2 = 2 [G(0){I 2 - ill + ~Io} + G(t){- 21 2 + 2I1} + G(I){I2- ~I1}]'

I (
o ~ + )
where 1 2 = 0.0339982,11 = 0,0527864, 10 = 0·1118034 are determined by substituting ~1 = 0,
~3 = 1, r; = 1 in equation (28).


I: (I'~r;~:~3/2 = t I: (r;~~ tr/2 = HG(0){I2 - ill + ~Io} + G(t){- 21 2 + 2I1}+G(l){I2 - ill}],

where 1 2 = 0,5492083, 11 = 1,1055728, 10 = 3·5777088 are determined by substituting

~1 = 0, ~3 = 1, r; = ! in equation (28)". The integrals I~1 are treated in the same way, and it
follows that
11 = O· 0428812 {G(O, - 1) + G(O, In
+ O·0751528 {G( - i, - 1) + G(- ~, 1) + G(t, - 1) + G(i, In
+ 0·0152100 {G(- 1, - 1) + G(- 1, 1) + G(I, - 1) + G{I, In
.. (40)
12 = 0·3398517 {G(- 1,0) + G(I, on
+ 0·2781823 {G(- 1, - i) + G(- 1,~) + G(I, - i) + G(I, i)}
- 0·0008945 {G( - 1, - 1) + G(- 1, 1) + G(I, - 1) + G(I, In
The general formula from which j', is evaluated is obtained by expressing G(;, 1]) as a polynomial
in powers of .; and r; in terms of the 16 values of G occurring in equation (40) on the perimeter
of Rand 9 other values inside R, as shown in Fig. 1. The method of derivation is explained in
the Appendix to this report and leads to the formula
J3 = - 10· 7845628 {G(O, On + 2· 8338092 {G( - i, 0) + G(i, on
+ 0·4636337 {G(- 1, O)} + G(I, on + 0·7293835 {G(O, - i) + G(O,~)}
+ 0·3084028 {G(- i, - i) + G(- i, i) + G(i, - i) + G(i, in
+ o· 2422526 {G( - 1, - i) + G( - 1, i) + G(I, - i-) + G(I, in (41)
+ 0·0181922 {G(O, - 1) + G(O, In
+ 0·0879315 {G( - i, - 1) + G(- i, 1) + G(i, - 1) + G(i, I)}
+ 0·0350445 {G(- 1, - 1) + G(- 1, 1) + G(I, - 1) + G(I, In.
From equations (39), (40) and (41), the contribution to w/V from the rectangle R is
WI/V = 48·059661 {G(O, O)} - 12·628413 {G(- i, 0) + G(i, On
- 0·551614 {G(- 1,0) + G(I, on - 3·250380 {G(O, - i) + G(O, i)}
- 1·374347 {G(- i, - i) + G(- i, i) + G(i, - i) + G(t, in
+ 0·160115 {G( - 1, - i) + G(- 1, i) + G(I, - i) + G(I, -~)} (42)
+ 0·110023 {G(O, - 1) + G(O, I)}
- 0· 056946 {G(- i, - 1) + G(- i, 1) + G(i, - 1) + G(i, I)}
- 0· 092375 {G( - 1, - 1) + G(- 1, 1) + G(I, - 1) + G(I, I)} .
Therefore the value of

~ = ~o + ~I .. (43)

is obtained by summing the contributions (31) and (42).

4. Potential Solutions at a Uniform Incidence.-The values of the downwash angle 'w/V have
been determined for the doublet distributions in equations (lOa), (Iflb), (lOc) and are expressed
as linear functions of AI, A 2 , • • • A I O at each of the 10 positions, shown in Fig. 1, viz.,
(x/,y/) = (7,0), (14,0), (21,0), (27,0), (14,3), (21,3), (27,3), (21,7), (27,7), (27, 10).
It remains to equate the 10 linear functions with the values of w/V required at the respective
positions (x/,y/). The investigation has been restricted to the uncambered wing in an inclined
uniform stream, for which the simple boundary condition is expressed in equation (5),
w/V = IX. " (44)
The simultaneous equations and solutions for AI' A 2 , • • • A lO , when IX = 1, are set out in Tables
6A, 6E, 6e. The respective expressions for the velocity potential difference from equation (16)

(a) <Pah~:b = cI>o[B I + B 2(X - i X 2) + B 3(X - X2 + iX3) + B 4 (X - ~X2 + X3 - i X4)J ,

where BI = 0·4872 +
4· 4548Y2 - 1l·2068Y4 + 10· 8383Y6 ,
B 2 = - 1·2550 + 6·4203Y2 - 4· 5878Y4 ,
B 3 = - 3·9237 + 8·5248Y2,
B 4 = 0·3372. .. (45a)
(b) iDahY(l.iD b = c, [BIll - 3~ (1- X Y/2} + B 2(X - iX2)
+ Ba(X - X2 + !Xa) + B4(X - iX2 + X" - i X4 )J'
where B 1 = 0·9809 + 2· 2604Y2 - 6· 7968Y4 + 7·3591 Y";
B 2 = - 1·6520 + 1O·9844Y2 - 10· 2620Y4 ,
B a = - 21·2653 + 43· 1813Y2 ,
B 4 = 0·3227. (45b)

(c) iDa h~ :b = <1>0 [ B 1- B 2. 3~ (1 - x)a/2 + Ba(X - iX2) + B 4(X - X 2 + -kxa) ] '

where B1 = 2·0003 +
3·0860Y2 - 2· 5843Y4 +
2·9692Y6 ,
B2 = - 3·0590 - 0·5432Y2 + 6· 9848Y4 ,
0·3540 + 3·0693Y2,
n; =
B 4 = 0·3295. (45c)
The three sets of values of B 1 , B 2 , B a, B 4 are tabulated as functions of y' = 12Y in Table 7.
The three distributions of non-dimensional circulation K/h V (I., obtained by substituting
X = x/h = 1 in equations (45), are evaluated in Table 8, and the three solutions show agreement
within about ± 1 per cent.
The positions of the chordwise centres of pressure are defined in equation (13) and given for
solution (a) in equation (17). These local aerodynamic centres are hardly distinguishable when
plotted in Fig. 2.
On the other hand the distributions of hinge moment, calculated for the elevon of flap chord
ratio 0·15 from the formula (14), are plotted in Fig. 3 and show appreciable variation in the
three cases. With reference to the remarks that follow equations (10) these differences are not
surprising, as the condition at the trailing edge will inevitably be a most important factor in
determining the hinge moment. The flexible solution (c) should naturally be regarded as the
most reliable one.
The distributions of pressure difference have been calculated from equations (1) and (45) along
four selected wing sections y' = 0, 3, 7, 10. Curves of P;
2P (I.
yl a
against x' are shown in Fig. 4. Over
most of the plan form the agreement between the three solutions is excellent. The only discrepancies
worthy of comment appear near the apex of the delta wing (0, 0) and near the outboard trailing
edge (x',y') = (28, y') where y' ;;:;: 7. The former discrepancy can only be attributed to the
fact that the apex is rather isolated from the solving points, as shown in Fig. 1. The latter
discrepancy suggests that the somewhat rigid enforcement of the condition (7) by solution (b)
becomes increasingly unsatisfactory towards the tips. It is interesting to note how the total
lifts at a given section become consistent in spite of small local variations in (Pb - Pa).
Throughout solution (c) is the most convincing one; and the intrinsic accuracy of this particular
solution is considered to be better than that indicated by the comparison of pressure distributions
in Fig. 4.

5. Comparison with Vortex-Lattice Theory.-The method of this report has yielded three
solutions, (a), (b), (c) for the aerodynamic loading on the delta wing in Fig. 1. These have been
compared with solutions of the identical problem by vortex-lattice theory (R. & M. 2596 2, June,
1948), viz., Solutions 33,34, given respectively in Ref. 2, Tables 37, 38, of which the latter involves
an auxiliary function P to allow for discontinuities at the median section. The values for the
lift slope and the position of the aerodynamic centre measured from the trailing edge are as
follows : -

Solution (a) (b) (c) 33 34 Experiment

acL/3oc 3·018 3·007 3·038 3·142 3·123 3·07

a.c. 0·469h 0·466 5h 0'467 5h 0·477h 0·469h 0·467h

The table shows a mean difference of 3~ per cent between 3CL/3rt. as determined by the present
method in equation (18) and by the use of the vortex lattice. It is stated in R. & M. 2596 2 , section
6.5, that a factor
1 + 0·029 (tangent of sweepback of quarter-chord)
should be applied as a correction to the values of aCL/art. obtained by a 126 vortex-lattice, e.g.,
solutions 33, 34. This factor increases the discrepancy between the two methods from 3 per cent
to 5 per cent.

The spanwise distributions of circulation according to lifting-line theory and lifting-surface

solutions (c) and 34 are compared in Fig. 5. On the basis that solution (c) is correct, the use of a
126 vortex-lattice would apparently allow for about 85 per cent of the difference between the
lifting-line and lifting-surface theories over most of the span, but for only 70 per cent of this
difference at O· 8 span and less towards the tip. This is consistent with the conclusions of Jones
(R & M. 2225 3 , 1946), who has shown that, for a rectangular wing (A = 6), Falkner's approximate
downwash distributions agree well with the results of the exact lifting-surface theory for points
along the mid-chord axis of the wing over the inner part of the span, but that Falkner's
values are about 5 per cent low at O·8 span and are likely to be in greater error towards the tip.
Thus the circulation from vortex-lattice theory would be expected to be proportionately higher
towards the tip. The discrepancy of nearly 3 per cent over the inner part of the span is
presumably due to an error associated with sweepback. However, for a given eL , the spanwise
distributions of lift in Table 9 according to solutions (c) and 34 differ by less than t per cent
inboard of O·8 span.

Fig. 2 gives the loci of the chordwise centres of pressure along sections of the delta wing for
each solution. Apart from the neighbourhood of the median section and the extreme tips the
two methods are in excellent agreement. However vortex-lattice theory introduces fictitious
kinks at the median section, which arise as a direct consequence of the use of the parameter 0
given by
14 +ly'l- x'
cos e = 14 - Iy' I
in the general form for the pressure distribution (R. & M. 2596 2 , section 4)
Pb - Pa _ 2k _ 16s (
1 V2 -
V -
F; cot
1 _
2 e+ F 1
sin 0) , (46)

where F o, F 1 are functions of y only. The results suggest that, when F o, F 1 contain the auxiliary
function (Ref. 2, sections 4, 6.4) P = 0·65Pa + 0;35P b , as is the case in solution 34, the centres
ot pressure near the median section are greatly improved. The above table shows that theoretical
positions of the aerodynamic centre are determined in close agreement by the present method
and solution 34. But it is clear that the use of P will not fully overcome the difficulty at the
median section (R. & M. 272P, section 4.2).
A more detailed comparison of these solutions is given by the distributions of pressure
difference at the four sections y' = 0, 3, 7, 10. Solutions (a), (b), and (c) are shown in Fig. 4
and solutions (c), 33 and 34 in Fig. 6. The only region in which the disparities in Fig. 6 adversely
contrast those in Fig. 4 is along the median section y' = 0. Elsewhere the agreement is fairly
good. It is shown in R. & M. 272P, section 4.2, that a solution of the form (46) can never satisfy
the boundary conditions along y' = 0, as it necessarily produces infinite downwash there. It
is therefore to be expected that the local pressures so determined will be in serious error and this
is borne out by the results in Fig. 6. Solutions 33 and 34 also tend to give excessive pressure
differences near the leading and trailing edges and to underestimate the values at the central
part of the chord. It is noteworthy that it would appear from Fig. 6 as if the lift from these
solutions were less than that from the present method. In fact the excessive lift near the leading
edge is enough to provide the higher lift per unit span or circulation, as shown in Fig. 5. The
disparities might well be reduced by considering further Fourier terms F 2 sin 26 and F 3 sin 36
in equation (46). By thus increasing the number of terms in the chordwise loading of the vortex-
lattice theory from two to four a fairer comparison with the present method would be achieved.
But a remedy for the singularity at the median section must apparently be based on the
considerations in R. & M. 272P.

6. Comparison with Experiment.-A complete model of the delta wing of RAE 102 section
10 per cent 'thick" was tested at low speed in the National Physical Laboratory Duplex Wind
Tunnel. Measurements included the total lift and pitching moment at a Reynolds number of
106 and pressure plotting at six sections of the wing. When corrected for tunnel interference,
the tests covered an approximate range of incidence -4! deg < o: < +
4 deg.
The estimated free-stream lift slope and aerodynamic centre were
aCL/'orx. = 3· 07
a.c. = 0·467h (from trailing edge).
Both values compare well with the present solution(c), as the table in section 5 shows.
The corresponding distributions of pressure difference per radian incidence (Pb - Pa)/!P V 2rx.

were obtained at sections

y' = 121] = 0, 0'44,2'77,5,54,8·02,11,08.
The experimental points for the section y' = 0 are plotted in Fig. 6. The estimated distributions
at sections y' = 3, 7, 10, interpolated from the experimental data are also compared with the
theoretical curves in Fig. 6.
Although these pressure distributions are influenced by wing section, it is important to note
that the disparities between the theoretical curves of solution (c) and the experimental ones are
similar at all sections. The limitations of the vortex-sheet theory are shown by the divergence
at the leading edge, a marked discontinuity in the experimental pressure gradients at mid-chord
associated with RAE 102 section, and, as would be expected, a discrepancy close to the trailing
edge due to viscous flow. The curves so far given by vortex-lattice theory appear to be incorrect
in shape at the median section, although the two theories are in fair agreement elsewhere.
These comparisons distinctly encourage the extension of the present calculations to allow for
wing thickness and boundary layers and the application of similar methods to other plan forms.

7. Concluding Remarks.--Three approximate potential solutions for the pressure difference

across a delta wing (Fig. 1) in an inclined uniform stream have been obtained. The solutions
differ essentially in the manner in which the pressure difference is allowed to approach zero at
the trailing edge. The lift slope and the position of the aerodynamic centre relative to the
trailing edge are determined within 1 per cent and! per cent respectively. The spanwise distribu-
tions of lift (Table 8) and centre of pressure (Fig. 2) are in excellent agreement. The pressure
differences compare well over most of the plan form (Fig. 4) but there are understandable
(5900~) B
discrepancies, which become appreciable near the apex of the delta wing and the outboard trailing
edge. The distributions of hinge moment, calculated for the elevon of flap chord ratio 0·15,
vary a good deal (Fig. 3). This is not surprising, as the essential distinctions between the solutions
concern the trailing edge (equation (10) et seq.), but serves to emphasize the inherent difficulties
in estimating hinge moments theoretically. It is quite clear that solution (c) is more flexible
than the other two and in every respect more convincing; it is claimed that the intrinsic accuracy
of this particular solution is at least as good as that indicated by its comparison with solutions
(a) and (b) in Fig. 4.
On the basis of this claim certain conclusions with regard to the accuracy of the vortex-lattice
theory (R. & M. 2596 2) have been reached.
(a) The calculated values of aCJ2rt.are about 3 per cent too great (or 5 per cent if the suggested
correction factor in R. & M. 2596 2 , section 6.5 is used). This disparity is probably
associated with an error due to sweepback (Fig. 5).
(b) For a given CL , the spanwise distribution of lift from vortex-lattice theory compares very
well over most of the span but becomes too great towards the tips, as the conclusions
of R. & M. 2225 3 would suggest (Table 9).
(c) The use of the auxiliary function P is necessary in the determination of the aerodynamic
centre and leads to a very satisfactory estimate of its theoretical position.
(d) Fig. 6 shows notable discrepancies in the distribution of pressure difference, as calculated
in R. & M. 2596 2 at the median section. This suggests that the mathematical form
of the doublet distribution near the median section of a delta wing is of some importance
(R. & M. 2721).
It is intended that the calculations of downwash in this report will serve in an extension of
the theory to allow for wing thickness to the first order and further to provide an estimate
of the pressure distribution on the delta wing in viscous incompressible flow. In the opinion ot the
author the only practicable approach to this problem is to assume a cambered lifting surface
with the required two-dimensional characteristics at each section and to adjust the boundary
condition expressed in equation (44). It would then be possible to make a direct comparison
between a calculated distribution of pressure difference and the results from pressure-plotting
experiments on the delta wing in the K.P.L. Duplex Wind Tunnel. Comparisons of lift, aero-
dynamic centre and pressure distributions suggest a favourable measure of agreement between
these tests and the calculations for the thin delta wing in inviscid flow.
It is generally agreed that the aerodynamic characteristics associated with a swept trailing
edge present a more crucial problem than that of the delta wing. It is recommended that a
theoretical approach on the lines suggested in Ref. 1 should form the basis of a similar comparison
with pressure-plotting experiments on a Vee wing.

8. A clmowledgement.--The author is greatly indebted to Miss]. Elliott and Miss E. Tingle for
their help in carrying out most of the laborious numerical work of this report.

No. Author Title, etc.
1 H. C. Garner Methods of Approaching an Accurate Three-dimensional Potential Solution for
a Wing. R. & M. 2721. October, 1948.
2 V. M. Falkner Calculated Loadings due to Incidence of a Number of Straight and Swept-back
Wings. R. & M. 2596. June, 1948.
3 W. P. Jones Note on Lifting Plane Theory with Special Reference to Falkner's Approximate
Method and a Proposed Electrical Device for Measuring Downwash
Distributions. R. & M. 2225. May, 1946.
4 R. C. Pankhurst and H. B. Calculated Pressure Distributions for the RAE 100-104 Aerofoil Sections.
Squire c.r. 80. March, 1950.


Val'ues of <1>0 [from equation (8)J



0·18673246 0
2 1 2 2l 3 31.2 4 5 6

2 ·26089788 0·22711921 0
3 ·31563658 ·29853766 0·23827773
4 ·35996615 ·34930044 ·31447898 0
5 ·39742372 ·39001073 ·36655468 0·24453125 0
6 ·42984504 ·42432925 ·40716230 ·32642538 0·24462442 0
6l ·44452899 ·43968061 ·42467460 ·35608722 ·32782928 0·17727515
7 ·45833333 ·45402774 ·44076072 ·38140735 ·38364104 ·24358300
7l ·47133942 ·46748134 ·45563619 ·40352043 '42578379 ·29053941 0
8 ·48361557 ·48013082 ·46946382 ·42315371 ·45950858 ·32737650 0·24162967 0
9 ·50620242 ·50329879 ·49445549 ·45681831 ·42578379 ·38363172 ·32546477 0·23888101
10 ·52646961 ·52399371 ·51647529 ·48493043 ·45950858 ·42594325 ·38178805 ·32228478 0
11 ·54470441 ·54254933 ·53602234 ·50892346 '48744035 ·45960734 ·42403229 ·37834458 0·23118689
12 ·56113172 ·55922288 ·55345329 ·52969054 ·51108199 ·48729769 ·45748131 '42028685 ·31250551 0
13 ·57593268 ·57421575 ·56903442 ·54782772 ·53137665 ·51056168 ·48482878 ·45335235 ·36712612 0·22059525
13! ·58277069 ·58113383 ·57619743 ·55604599 ·54047455 ·52085372 ·49673186 ·46744944 ·38879414 ·26410363
14 ·58925565 ·58769009 ·58297152 ·56375418 ·54895598 ·53037715 ·50764696 ·48023328 ·40777482 ·29833478
14t ·59540229 ·59390036 ·58937595 ·57098767 ·55687154 ·53920590 ·51768467 ·49187505 ·42456806 ·32652320
15 ·60122416 ·59977907 ·59542803 ·57777730 ·56426457 ·54740215 ·52693618 '50251227 ·43953994 ·35036926
16 ·61194248 ·61059391 ·60653678 ·59013016 ·57762811 ·56210119 ·54337300 ·52120242 ·46506550 ·38880932
17 ·62149975 ·62022882 ·61640771 ·60099457 ·58928317 ·57481490 ·55743677 ·53699231 ·48592327 ·41852676
18 ·62997293 ·62876453 ·62513332 '61051567 ·59945063 ·58580097 ·56947976 ·55037155 ·50312966 ·44207325
19 ·63742906 ·63627098 ·63279244 ·61881172 ·60825344 ·59525946 ·57976871 ·56170098 '51738149 ·46097840
20 ·64392705 ·64280932 ·63945306 ·62598072 ·61582491 ·60334917 ·58851084 ·57125434 ·52917783 ·47623024
20t ·64683328 ·64573253 ·64242772 ·62916882 ·61918144 ·60692186 ·59235454 ·57543337 ·53427458 ·48272664
21 ·64951905 ·64843342 ·64517438 ·63210504 ·62226696 ·61019861 ·59587051 ·57924443 ·53888855 ·48854428
21t ·65199002 ·65091779 ·64769932 ·63479779 ·62509164 ·61319199 ·59907443 ·58270739 ·54305252 ·49374895
22 ·65425150 ·65319111 ·65000844 ·63725490 ·62766488 ·61591349 ·60198055 ·58584011 ·54679543 ·49838977
23 ·65816602 ·65712510 ·65400134 ·64149080 ·63209105 ·62058200 ·60695008 ·59117786 ·55311822 ·50614544
24 ·66130008 ·66027376 ·65719415 ·64486537 ·63560745 ·62427875 ·61086998 ·59536963 ·55803161 ·51209424
25 ·66368762 ·66267176 ·65962375 ·64742484 ·63826185 ·62706753 ·61381695 ·59850866 ·56167692 ·51645757
26 ·66535950 ·66435056 ·66132341 ·64921009 ·64011993 ·62900343 ·61585642 ·60067347 ·56417017 ·51941194
26t ·66593598 ·66492931 ·66190905 ·64982394 ·64075567 ·62966680 ·61655376 ·60141182 ·56501555 ·52040653
·61704476 ·60193093 ·56560783 ·52110040
0·66666667 0·66566278
·63041173 ·61733533
0·64155835 0·63050298 0·61743103
I ·56595669
TABLE l-contmued
Vaz'ues of <Do [from equation (8)]

>< lOt
61.2 7 7~- 8 9 9t I
10 I 11 lIt 12

3 I
5 I I
6 I
13 0
13t 0·15503525
14 ·21415293 0
14i ·25637053 0·14979484
15 ·28955074 ·20688003 0
16 ·33986234 ·27955353 0·19870221 0
17 ·37684555 ·32784453 ·26824679 0·18951924
18 ·40524200 ·36312421 ·31420383 ·25549799 0
19 ·42754325 ·38998892 ·34751981 ·29878556 0·16754293 0
20 ·44524810 '41086107 ·37262954 ·32985991 ·22457734 0·15429307 0
20t ·45269661 ·41952958 ·38288256 ·34224347 ·24505052 ·18377134 0·10133233
21 ·45933681 ·42720256 ·39187695 ·35297622 ·26169512 ·20641125 ·13903830 0
21t ·46524562 ·43398707 ·39976761 ·36229605 ·27561870 ·22452225 ·16524382 0·08851091
22 ·47048854 ·43997252 ·40668074 ·37038969 ·28735659 ·23932652 ·18518081 ·12110573 0
23 ·47919412 ·44983738 ·41797452 ·38346932 ·30569578 ·26175492 ·21367250 ·16032754 0·09921376 0
24 ·48582019 ·45728015 ·42640878 ·39311852 ·31875382 ·27726805 ·23246704 ·18377647 ·13023869 0·07012951
·49064793 ·46266244 ·43245619 ·39996849 ·32777702 ·28777625 ·24483718 ·19849875 ·14789429 ·09091706 0
25 0
26 ·49389774 ·46626213 ·43647139 ·40447892 ·33359250 ·29444970 ·25254010 ·20740880 ·15808946 ·10179764
·49498731 ·46746356 ·43780475 ·40596825 ·33548570 ·29660202 ·25499512 ·21020337 ·16121246 ·10500057 0
26i ·16328452 ·10708961 0
27 ·49574558 ·46829745 ·43872750 ·40699556 ·33678116 ·29806728 ·25665616 . ·21207855
·49618945, ·46878437 ·43926485 ·40759198 '33753224 ·29890790 ·25760351 I ·21314093 ·16444753 ·10824640 0
28 0.496334251 0·46894286 0·43943934 0·40778516 I 0·33776812 0·29917746 0·25790598 0·21347815 0·16481396 0·10860717 I 0

Values of J: (f)oPdX [from equation (15)]

y 1 X - tX 2 X -X2 +!X3 X - ~X2 + X3 - iX 4 i.
(1 - X)3/2
0 0·533333 0·198942 0·146994 0·116284 0·072915
1 ·506430 ·195549 ·144119 ·113757 ·063887
2 ·463347 ·186350 ·136502 ·107205 ·052196
3 ·412961 ·172524 ·125359 ·097857 ·040867
4 ·358690 ·155009 ·111546 ·086464 ·030723
5 ·302868 ·134848 ·096046 ·073952 ·022090
6 ·247346 ·113015 ·079647 ·060941 ·015070
7 ·193895 ·090581 ·063170 ·048066 ·009632
8 ·143933 ·068510 ·047298 ·035821 ·005651
9 ·098910 ·047814 ·032701 ·024674 ·002942
10 ·060136 ·029433 ·019962 ·015021 ·001274
11 0·028684 0·013914 0·009029 0·006395 0·000393
12 0 0 0 0 0


Values of J:" (f)oPdX [from eCl;uation (15)]

~ 0

X- iX2

X -X2 +!X3 X -

~X2 + X3 -

iX4 -±-
(1 -


2 ·083454 ·041497 ·027803 ·020862 ·000652

4 ·064370 ·032078 ·021461 ·016100 ·000383
6 ·044621 ·022256 ·014871 ·011155 . ·000190'
8 ·026159 ·013062 ·008719 ·006540 ·000072
9 ·018055 ·009019 ·006018 ·004514 ·000038
10 ·011028 ·005510 ·003676 ·002757 ·000017
11 0·005285 0·002641 0·001762 0·001321 0·000005
12 0 0 0 0 0

ralues 01("2
.; i
4';,2)3'2 Ifrom equation (23)J
I L ...

7 8 9 10
o 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1·00000000 I O' 12500000 0·015G2500
0·00195313 0·00100000
·00190822 ·00098519
0·00024414 I 0·00017147
·00024272 ·00017068
1 1 ·0000 0000 0·35355340 ·08944272
2 0·1250 0000 ·08944272 ·04419418 ·01118034 ·00395285 ·00178335 ·00094287 ·00055540 ·00035355 ·00023853 I ·00016834 ·00012315
:~ ·0370 3704 ·03162278 ·02133462 ·00800000 ·00331269 ·OOIG0330 ·00087874 ·00052840 ·00034070 i ·00023181 ·00016456 ·00012089
4 ·0156 2500 ·0142GG80 ·01118034 ·00552427 ·OO26G683 ·00139754 ·00080041 ·00049411 ·00032396 I ·00022292 I ·00015951 ·00011786
i ·00011413
·00800 000
·00462 9G3
·00014640 ·00010984
7 ·0029 1545 ·00282843 ·00259171 ·00190823 ·00127606 ·00083250 ·00054982 ·00037296 ·00026077 ·00018774 ·00013882 ·00010511
8 ,0019"-313 ·00190823 ·00178335 ·00139754 ·00100000 ·00OG9053 ·OOO47fi14 ·00033335 ·00023853 ·00017469 ·00013084 ·00010005
9 ·0013-,174 ·00134G73 ·0012/GOG ·00104675 ·00079017 ·00057273 ·00041066 ·00029G30 ·00021691 ·0001G164 ·00012269 ·00009479
10 ·00100 000 ·00098519 ·00094287 ·00080041 ·000fi3051 ·00047614 . OOO:~5:~55 ·0002G237 ·00019636 ·00014888 ·00011454 ·00008944
11 ,0007"-131 ·00074210 ·00071554 ·000G2362 ·00050834 ·00039741 ·00030438 ·00023181 ·00017718 ·00013G61 ·00010653 ·00008409
12 ·0005-,870 ·00057273 ·00055540 ·00049411 ·00041409 ·00033335 ·OOOZ6z:n ·00020460 ·00015951 ·00012500 ·00009877 ·00007881
13 ,0004"-517 ·00045116 ·00043947 ·00039741 ·00034070
'00011413/ ·00009135
·00010406 ·00008433
14 ·00036 443 ·0003616G ·00035355 ·00032396
15 ·00029 630 ·00029433 ·00028857 ·0002G729 ·00023716 ·00020354 ' ·00017068 ·00014108 ·00011576 ·00009479 ·00007774 ·00006400
16 ·00024 414 ·00024272 ·00023853 ·00022292 ·00020041 ·00017469 ·00014888 ·00012500 ·00010406 ·00008632 ·00007159 ·00005952
17 ·00020 354 ·00020249 ·00019939 ·00018774 ·00017068 ·00015078 ·000130:34 ·00011099 ·00009362 ·00007860 ·0000G589 ·00005529
18 ·OOOl7 147 ·00017068 ·00016834 ·00015951 ·00014640 ·00013084 ·00011454 ·00009877 ·00008433 ·00007159 ·00006061 ·00005133
19 ·00014 579 ·00014519 ·00014340 ·00013661 ·00012642 ·00011413 ·00010103 ·00008812 ·00007607 ·00006525 ·00005578 ·00004763
20 ·00012 500 ·00012453 ·00012315 ·00011786 ·00010984 ·00010005 ·00008944 ·00007881 ·00006873 ·00005952 ·00005133 ·00004419
21 ·00010 798 ·00010761 ·00010653 ·00010236 ·00009599 ·00008812 ·00007947 ·00007068 ·00006220 ·00005434 ·00004726 ·00004100
22 , ·00009 :391 ·00009362 ·00009276 ·00008944 ·00008433 ·00007795 0·00007086 ·00006354 ·00005639 ·00004968 ·00004354 ·00003805
23 I ·00008 219 ·00008196 ·00008127 ·00007860 ·00007446 ·00006925 ·00005728 ·00005123 ·00004547 ·00004014 ·00003532
24 ·00007 234 ·00007215 ·00007159 0·00006942 ·00006605 0·00006176 0'OOO0517G ·00004G62 0·00004167 0·00003704 ·00003280
~ ·00004251 ·00003047
~ 25 'OOOOG'400 ·00006:385 0·00006339 ·00005884
0·00003884 0·00002833
26 II
0·00005 690 0·00005677 0·00005264

~I 11 12 13 14 15 IG 17 18 19 20 21

0 0·00009391 0-00007235 0·00005690 0·00004555 0·00003704 0·00003052 0·00002544 0·00002143 0·00001822 0·00001562 0·00001350
1 ·00009362 -00007215 ·00005677 ·00004547 ·00003698 ·00003047 ·00002541 ·00002141 ·00001821 ·00001561 ·00001349
2 ·00009276 ·00007159 -00005639 ·00004521 ·00003679 ·00003034 ·OOOO25:H -00002133 ·00001815 ·00001557 ·00001345
3 ·00009135 -00007069 ·00005578 -00004478 ·00003649 ·00003012 ·00002515 ·00002121 ·00001806 ·00001549 ·00001339
4 ·00008944 -00006942 -00005493 -00004419 ·00003607 ·00002982 ·00002492 ·00002104 ·00001793 ·00001539 ·00001332
5 ·00008708 -00006787 -00005388 ·00004346 ·00003555 ·00002943 ·00002464 ·00002083 ·00001776 ·00001527 ·00001322
6 ·00008433 ·00006605 -00005264 ·00004259 ·00003492 ·00002898 ·00002430 ·00002057 ·00001756 ·00001511 0·00001309
7 ·00008127 -00006400 -00005123 -00004159 ·00003421 ·00002845 ·00002391 ·00002027 ·00001733 ·00001493
8 ·00007795 -00006176 -00004968 -00004049 ·00003341 ·00002786 ·00002347 ·00001994 ·00001708 0·00001473
9 ·00007446 -00005940 ·00004801 -00003931 ·00003255 ·00002722 ·00002299 ·00001957 ·00001679
10 ·00007086 ·00005690 -00004626 ·00003805 ·00003162 ·00002654 ·00002247 ·00001917 0·00001648
11 .00006720 ·00005434 -00004444 -00003673 ·00003065 ·00002581 ·00002191 ·00001875
12 .00006354 ·00005176 -(}()004259 ·00003537 ·00002983 ·00002505 ·00002133 0-00001830
13 .00005993 ·00004918 ·00004071 -00003399 ·00002861 ·00002427 ·00002073
14 ·00005639 -00004662 ·00003884 ·00003260 ·00002756 ·00002347 0·00002012
15 ·00005297 ·00004412 ·00003698 ·00003120 ·00002650 ·00002265
16 ·00004968 ·00004167 -00003515 -00002982 ·00002544 0·00002184
17 ·00004653 -00003931 ·00003336 -00002845 ·00002439
18 ·00004354 ·000o:n04 -00003162 -00002711 0·00002335
19 -00004071 ·0000:3486 -00002995 ·00002581
20 ·00003805 -00003280 -00002833 0·00002454
21 ·00003555 ·00003084 ·00002679 I
22 -00003320 ·00002898 0·00002531 I
23 ·00003102 .00002722 I
24 0-00002898 0-00002558
1 { 28 - x/ } .
Values of 4(y' _ y/)2 1 - y{(28 _ X/)2 4(y' _ y/)2} [from equation (27)J

'y' _y/ I


7 14



t ·00113186 ·00254130 ·01005050 ·29289324
1 ·00112613 ·00251263 ·00961901 ·13819660
2 ·00110384 ·00240475 ·00823480 ·04734152
3 ·00106878 ·00224597 ·00668732 ·02321114
4 ·00102363 ·00205870 ·00533587 ·01368696
5 ·00097140 ·00186266 ·00426538 ·00900496
6 ·00091498 ·00167183 ·00344534 ·00636774
7 ·00085689 ·00149435 ·00282034 ·00473853
8 ·00079910 ·00133397 ·00234055 ·00366258
9 ·00074304 ·00119154 ·00196776 ·00291522
10 ·00068966 ·00106634 ·00167412 ·00237515
11 ·00064132 ·0009568/ ·00143966 ·00197230
12 -00059287 ·00086134 ·00J25000 ·00166384
13 ·00054980 ·00077796 ·00109471 ·00142244
14 ·00051020 ·00070508 ·00096615 -00122999
15 ·00047393 ·00064124 ·00085863 ·00107409
16 ·00044076 ·00058514 ·00076787 ·00094508
17 ·00041047 ·00053568 ·00069061 ·00083962
18 ·00038282 ·00049194 ·00062433 ·00075018
19 ·00035756 ·00045311 ·00056706 ·00067430
20 ·00033448 ·00041853 ·00051726 ·00060938
21 ·00030742 ·00038763 ·00047370 ·00055340
22 0·00028939 0·00035992 0·00043537 0·00050479

Values of en [from equation (29)J

Integral I I 11 'I = 0 [ 11 [ = t i l 11 I = 1 I [11 I = It 111[=2 11111=3


f3-5 -5
-3 0·0109684 0·0095188 0·0066403

fl-3 -3
-1 0·2159726 0·0952802 0·0283262 0·0105014 0·0047936 0·0014949

0 0·0428812 0·0125294 0·0052540 0·0015490
2 0·0751528 0·0235324 0·0101342 0·0030488
1 0·0152100 0·0053393 0·0023973 0·0007433

3 -0,0062495 0·0030062 0·0057713 0·0041649 0·0026463 0·0011106

f5+3 3
5 0·0020795 0·0020409 0·0018687

TABLE 6.-\

Simultaneous Equations and Solution (a)

I wjV

(7,0) 0·982422 0·113302 0·133984 0·138595 -0,062115 -0' 0209521-0.016014 -0,009059 i -0-004116 -0'0038441 1
(14,0) I ·726192 -258320 ·222552 ·183883 - ·105478 - ·043649 - ·032051 - ·016099 .- ·007460 - ·006439 1
(21,0) ·638820 ·329748 ·227718 ·167470 - ·136008 - ·063817 - ·044309 - ·023531 - ·011331 - ·009640 1
- ·151608 - ·074386 - ·050205
- ·002434 + ·000914
1- ·028566 - ·014045 - ·025488 1
+ ·008890 - ·024275 - ·010983 - ·009960 1
(21,3) ·629305 -320416 ·222290 ·164067 - ·041636 - ·018880 - ·012868 - ·041589 - ·019786 - ·016577 1
(27,3) -557285 ·311290 ·192549 ·141462 - ·063756 - ·029362 - ·020777 - ·050519 - ·024821 - ·020837 1
(21,7) ·577980 ·276912 '196639 ·148992 + ·332465 -L ·155363
I + ·110169 + ·083789 + ·038496 - ·001456 1
(27,7) ·459141 ·251676 '157384 ·116008 + ·268046 + ·139114 + ·090065 + ·039643 + ·021589 - ·031036 1
(27,10) 0·280827 0·151987 0'096017 0·070989 +0'495631 +0·252034 +0·165786 +0, 410565 I+0, 207667 +0'290213 1

Solution Al = 0·4872 A 2 = 4·4548 As = - 11·2068 A 4 = 10·8383 A 5 = - 1·2550 A 6 = 6·4203 A 7 = - 4·5878 As =- 3·9237

A 9 = 8·5248 AlO = 0·3372
Simultaneous Equations and Solution (b)

I 0·624305
- ·094381
- ·043649
- ·032051
- ·015318
- ·007460
- ·006276
(21,0) ·619630 ·329748 ·227718 ·167470 - ·129741 - ·063817 - ··044309 - ·022878 - ·011331 - ·009473 1
(27,0) ·629904 ·323578 ·199627 ·146518 - ·149313 - ·074386 - ·050205 - ·028178 - ·014045 - ·025368 1
(14, 3) ·611438 ·256678 ·222345 ·185047 + ·000782 - ·002434 + ,0009i4 - ·022772 - ·010983 - ·009454 1
(21,3) ·606627 ·320416 ·222290 ·164067 - ·040312 - ·018880 - ·012868 - ·040090 - ·019786 - ·016125 1
(27,3) ·606757 ·311290 ·192549 ·141462 - ·059697 - ·029362 - ·020777 - ·049755 - ·024821 - ·020615 1
(21,7) ·541349 ·276912 ·196639 ·148992 + ·310878 + ·155363 + ·110169 1+ ·077155 + ·038496 - ·002670 1
(27,7) ·492976 ·251676 ·157384 ·116008 + ·276249 + ·139114 + ·090065 + ·042632 + ·021589 - ·029737 1
(27, 10) 0·298135 0·151987 0·096017 0·070989 +0·502029 +0·252034 +0·165786 +0·414068 +0'207607 +0'292418 1

Solution Al = 0·9809 A2 = 2·2604 As = - 6·7968 A 4 = 7·3591 A 5 - - 1·6520 A6 = 10·9844 A 7 = - 10·2620 As = - 21·2653

A9 = 43·18]3 AI O = 0·3227

Simultaneous Equations and Solution (c)

A lO I wJV
(7,0) 0·982422 -0,358117 0·113302 0·133984 -0,062115 +0·0]062] -0·020952 -0,009059 +0·0005018 -0·003844 1
(14,0) ·726192 - ·146524 ·258320 ·222552 - ·105478 + ·011097 - ·043649 - ·016099 + ·0007807 - ·006439 1
(21,0) ·638820 - ·019190 ·329748 ·227718 - ·136008 + ·006267 - ·063817 - ·023531 + ·0006529 - ·009640 1
(27,0) ·57663] + ·053273 ·323578 ·199627 - ·151608 + ·002295 - ·074386 - ·028566 + ·0003881 - ·025488 1
(14,3) ·770684 - ·159246 ·256678 ·222345 + ·008890 - ·008108 - ·002434 - ·024275 + ·0015033 - ·009960 1
(21,3) ·629305 - ·022678 ·320416 ·222290 - ·04]636 + ·001324 - ·018880 - ·041589 + ·0014988 - ·016577 1
(27,3) ·557285 + ·049472 ·311290 ·192549 - ·063756 + ·004059 - ·029362 - ·050519 + ·0007637 - ·020837 1
(21,7) ·577980 - ·036631 ·276912 ·196639 + ·332465 - ·021587 + ·155363 + ·083789 - ·0066336 - ·001456 1
(27, 7) ·459141 + ·033835 ·251676 ·157384 + ·268046 + ·008203 + ']39114 + ·039643 + ·0029889 - ·031036 1
(27, 10) 0·280827 +0·017308 0·151987 0·096017 +0·495631 +0·006398 +0·252034 +0·410565 +0·0035025 +0'290213 1

Solution Al = 2·0003 A2 = 3·0860 As = - 2·5843 A 4 = 2·9692 A 5 = - 3·0590 A 6 = - 0·5432 A 7 = 6·9848 As = 0·3540

A9 = 3·0693 AI O = 0·3295
Values of B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , Bs for Solutions (a), (b), (c)
Solution (a) from equation (45a)


0 +0·4872 4·4548 -11,2068 10·8383

1 0·4782 4·4998 -11,2387 10·8383
2 0·4493 4·6397 -11,3342 10·8383
3 0·3935 4·8894 -11,4935 10·8383
4 0·2997 5·2734 -11,7166 10·8383
5 +0·1528 5·8264 -12,0033 10·8383
6 -0,0666 6·5927 -12,3538 10·8383
7 -0,3809 7·6266 -12,7679 10·8383
8 -0,8161 8·9922 -13,2458 10·8383
9 -1,4003 10·7635 -13,7874 10·8383
10 -2,1637 13·0245 -14,3928 10·8383
11 -3,1377 15·8687 -15,0618 10·8383
12 -4,3544 19·3999 -15,7946 10·8383

Solution (b) from equation (45b)


0 + 0·9809 2·2604 - 6·7968 7·3591

1 0·9684 2·3387 - 6·8680 7·3591
2 0·9186 2·5988 - 7·0818 7·3591
3 0·7946 3·1156 - 7·4381 7·3951
4 0·5352 4·0140 - 7·9370 7·3591
5 + 0·0548 5·4689 - 8·5784 7·3591
6 - 0·7562 7·7053 - 9·3623 7·3591
7 - 2·0309 10·9980 -10,2887 7·3591
8 - 3·9256 15·6720 -11,3577 7·3591
9 - 6·6194 22·1019 -12·5692 7·3591
10 -10'3135 30·7128 -13·9232 7·3591
11 -15·2305 41·9792 -15,4197 7·3591
12 -21,6137 56·4261 -17,0588 7·3591

Solution (c) from equation (45c)


0 + 2·0003 3·0860 -2·5843 2·9692

1 1·9791 3·0824 -2,5358 2·9692
2 1·9156 3·0733 -2·3903 2·9692
3 1·8106 3·0640 -2,1478 2·9692
4 1·6653 3·0635 -1,8082 2·9692
5 1·4816 3·0842 -1,3717 2·9692
6 1·2629 3·1420 -0,8381 2·9692
7 1·0134 3·2565 -0,2076 2·9692
8 0·7396 3·4509 +0·5200 2·9692
9 0·4503 3·7516 1·3446 2·9692
10 +0·1571 4·1890 2·2662 2·9692
11 -0,1246 4·7967 3·2848 2·9692
12 -0,3751 5·6121 +4·4005 2·9692


Values of h~!Xfor Solutions (a), (b), (c)

y' Solution (a) Solution (b) Solution (c)

0 1·1257 1·1235 1·1319

1 1·1209 1·1187 1·1271
2 1·1064 1·1042 1·1127
3 1·0823 1·0799 1·0885
4 1·0484 1·0458 1·0546
5 1·0045 1·0017 1·0107
6 0·9501 0·9470 0·9564
7 0·8844 0·8808 0·8907
8 0·8051 0·8010 0·8112
9 0·7077 0·7031 0·7135
10 0·5830 0·5781 0·5880
11 0·4097 0·4053 0·4133
12 0 0 0

Values of CLC =
7 1
2"' CL hV
y' Vortex-lattice theory Method of present
1) = 12 Ref. 2, solution 34 report, solution (c)

o 1·300 1·304
0·25 1·250 1·254
0·5 1·099 1·102
0·75 0·822 0·822
0·85 0·651 0·643
0·95 0·385 0·365

Numerical Formula for 13 .
In order to determine numerical values of wl /V in equation (39), it is required to evaluate

13 = I III
-1 -1
aT + t] 0'" (~2 + 41]2)3/&
d~ dt]

in terms of the values of G(~, t]), when I~ I, It] I = 0, i, 1. Consider first the polynomial
representation of GU, 1]) as a function of ~ only; then
GU,17) = iaijGj(H)i,
where the convention of suffix summation is used for i, j = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,

Gj denotes G
. 2
2 ' 1] ) e
and a ij is given by the following table:

I j=o I j=1 I j=2 I j=31 j=4

i=O 0 0 + 3 0 0
i = 1 + 1 - 8 0 + 8 - 1
i=2 -2 + 32 - 60 + 32 -2
i=3 -16 + 32 0 - 32 +16
i=4 +32 -128 +192 -128 +32

Similarly the polynomial representation in two variables is

G(~, 1]) = ~aijakIGjl(H)t1;;t])k ,

where G jl = G ( -2-' -2-

j - 2 l- 2) .
Therefore, the coefficient of ~i1]k is
Mi)i+kaijaklGjl = Mi)i+k A ik , say.

Since I II
-1 -1
~ 2"1 + t]
0 t] (e
d~ dt]
+ 4t]2)3/2
vanishes if G(~, t]) is odd in either ~ or I}, it is 'only necessary to consider the coefficients
A 20 , A 40 , A 02 ' A 22, A 42J A 0 4 ' A 24, A 44. Thus
13 = fJ 2: (i)i+k(i + k)Aikl ik ,
where I ik = I-1 II-1 (e + 41/)3/2
I dYj ~iYjk d~

and (i, k) takes the 8 pairs of values. Now

1 20 = [ { Yj loge {~ + yI(~
2 2}1
+ 41))} -1
-1 = 2 loge yS
. ylS +
- 11
= 1,92484730,

140 = [{ - 21]3 loge U + v(e + 41]2)} + ~-~1]\/(e + 41]2) LJ~l
y5 + 1
= - 4 loge y5 _ 1 + 2y5
= 0-62244136,

[02 = [{ H loge {y(e + 41]2) + 21]} [J~1 = ! loge ~~ ~;

= 0-72181774,

122 = [{ .J-;f e loge {y(~2 + 41]2) + 21]} + h 3 loge U + y(e + 41]~)}

1 , / ( 2 + 4 2)}1 J1 _ 1 1 y5 + 2 + 2 1 y5 + 1 L 15
- 12~1]V ~ 1] -1 -1 - 12 age y5 _ 2 3 age y5 - 1 - 3V
= 0·13686568 ,

I J2 = [{ ,loe loge {y(e + 41]2) + 21]} - %1]5 loge U + y(~2 + 41]2)}

+ -.10;17 (61]2 - e)y(e + 41]2) }~J~1

_ 1 y5+2 12 y5+1
- 20 loge y5 _ 2 - -5- loge y5 _ 1 + y5

= 0·070614767,

lot = [ { - -l4e loge {y(~2 + 41]2) + 21]} + l2(hye + 41]2) }~J~1

- - 32
1 1 y5 + + SV
age y5 _ 2
L 15

= 0 ·18928128 ,
1 24 = [{ - dO;5 loge {y(~2 + 41]2) + 21]} + %1]5 loge {; + y"(e + 41]2)}

+ lio (3e - 81]2)y(~2 + 41]2) }~J~1

_ 3 y5 + 2 y5 + 1
2 1
- - 160 loge y5 _ 2 + 5 loge y5 _ 1 - sy5
= 0-051324632,

144 = [{ - 4~8e loge {y(e + 41]2) + 21]} - !i1] 7 1oge U + y(e + 41]2)}
+ 2~4;1](3e - 8e1]2 + 481]4)y(e + 41]2) }~J~1

_ 3 1 y5+2 121 y5+1 43,/5

- - 224 age y5 _ 2 - -r age y5 _ 1 + 56V
= 0·02844285 .
Therefore, 13 = ~ [B20120 +B 40140 +B 02102 +B 22122 +B 42142 +B 04104 +B 241 24 +B 44144 ] ,

where B ik = (~)i+k (i + k)A ik = (~)i+k (i + k)a;jak/G j1.

It follows from the table of a;j that B;k is given by the respective columns below i-s-

Factor of

G2~ -90 +144 -90 +900 -1080 +144 --1080 +1152

G I2 + G32 +48 -- 96 0 -480 + 720 0 + 576 - 768
G02 + G,t2 - 3 + 24 0 + 30 - 180 0 - ~~6 + 192
G21 + G23 0 0 +48 --480 + 576 - 96 + 720 - 768
Gil + G13 + G3 1 + Gad 0 0 0 +256 - 384 0 - 384 + 512
GOI + G03 + G4 1 + (;,13 0 0 0 - 16 + 96 0 + 24 -- 128
(;20 + G2 ,! 0 0 -- 3 + 30 - 36 + 24 - 180 + 192
GIO + GI 4+- G33 + Ga.'! 0 0 0 -- 16
+ 24 0 + 96 - 128
Goo + Go'!+ G-IO+ G.1 1 0 0 0 + 1 -- 6 0 -- 6 + 32

13 = - 10·7845628 {G(O, On + 2·8338092 {G(- i, 0) + G(i, on
+ 0·4636337 {G(- 1,0) + G(I, O)} + 0·7293835 {G(O, - i) + G(O, -!n
+ 0·3084028 {G(- ~-, - i) + G(- i, -~-) + G(i, - -!) + G(~, in
+ 0·2422526 {G(- 1, - i) + G(- 1, i) + G(I, - i) + G(I, in
+ 0·0181922 {G(O, - 1) + G(O, In
+ 0·0879315 {G(- -!, - 1) + G(- i, 1) + G(!, - 1) + G(i, In
+ 0·0350445 {G(- 1, - 1) + G-(l, 1) + G(I, - 1) + G(I, In.

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0 solvIng paint. (:x.~.
one of 25 pOlnGS dC
Semi &pC\n
h. = 2B
'" 6/7 h
/ :JC
'" '\.
which (~a-!l2b)
"? evaluat.ed
deter'm'lne the down-
/11. y
/ I'"
y yt wash at.. (21, 'i') from
-""'- /
/ "-r-, the ShClded area
h 14-
Ix/-:x.( ) ~ I, I ':1/- '::J~ I!:. I
/ "- r-,
/ "-
/ I'\.
/ '\.
/ I'\.
/ ""'- r-,
/ ""'-
/ "-
/ '","-"'-
/ r-,
FIG. 1. Plan form of the delta wing.

- - - Salutions(a.) and (c) Solut.lons 33 and 34 comcicie. with

Solut-ion (b) .,(---4 1----.", SaJut.lon (a) when a.< I 'oj' J.< 10
--~-- Re~.Z Solublon 33
------ Re£2 Solubron 3+




2 ()f----+---+----+----t-"::>O"';~____'t_..

2 .4·!-'----+----j---+----+---t-----'~::"'I

L -_ _- I -_ _- - I ~ _ __ L '---_ Z , 6 L - - - - L_ _---lL--_ _--l-_ _--I. .L.-_ _- '

12. 10 8 6 4 Z. ~I 0 ~z. -8 -10 -1'2.

FIG. 2. Loci of the chordwise centres of pressure along sections of the delta wing.

o . 7 r----y---r------,-----,-----.------.----.------,
C h is deFined ,n egua-t10l"l
Elevon chore!
Wing chord
o . 6 r----''''t----II------+----I--- -+----+----1----1
Solue on ld)
" , --.---.---- Solve on (b)
,, - - - - SalvI::. on (c)


- C
h 0'3


O' I

2 3 5 B 10 II

FIG. 3. Spanwise distribution of hinge moment on the undeflected elevon.

Scale 1'or Scale for Scale Tor Scale Tor

':1'=0 lJ' = 3 "Ii: 7 y/:IO
-- Solution (a) " \

--- --- Solution (b)
SolutIOn (c) 5 ~\ 4
" ~\

6 5 4 \' '- 3
\. -~

1\ ~,~' , ~
-. ~

'" I~
3 .~

,, '\,
"-':' "- ,,\,
--- ' --- ~ ~ ~ 0
r-, " '~,~
3 2 ~~
~ ~

"2 I
~~ 0
~~ r-,", -, , ,
r--- ~ ~

o "2 4

6 8 JO 12
14 15 18

-- ~
24 26

~~ -,
~ ,\


FIG. 4. Distributions of pressure difference along four sections of the delta wing.

t-- _
t- -
- r--- __
:-- ..........
-- ----- ...............

- - --- <,
~:..::.: <,
-=-:.:.:.::.: ---....:.::. ........
~ " ",,-
M -- "
~ <,
- - - LiFbn'3 Line Theor~
--------- Vorbex Theor-q (Ref 2)
50lut.lon Cd
R, r-,

N ~

o 0 2 3 -'I- 6 7 8 9 10 \I 12.

FIG. 5. Comparison of spanwise distributions of circulation round the delta wing.

'3e-ale for 11'= 0 ""cale for y_=...:"5:,-_ _-,-_ _--r_S_c_a_le Jor yl = 7 ,

- - - - ReF. 2 ('3oll>l:.ion ?,5) 0
- - Ref 2 (Solu\;,on 11+) 1\ Ii.
7 - - SoJul:..ion (c) 6 '5 1\ 41-------lI-'-\\-l---/----+- 1

° Experu-nerrc 0 \ \ °
6 \ \ I '5 \~\\\' 4
0" t---+--\-'°r+--__+

~ "~
\ (

1 '5
o \ \
~ 0 I~~O

\ ,,~~:5 ~
~ ~O ~
'l2p V ec \ \

4 \ \ 0 " 0 I "~ '\~

~~c-- ,~,,_, ~~u"'~~
"5 0 I

"~~~ r---r-----

0 -~~
-:-- 1-.
:-:- _
I'--- ( 0 ~--.
21----+--+-- r----t--~ --- _-:~~~~ 0 ~~

----I- -- _o_~ ~

I f------/--.-+--- 0 _ 1

2. 4 10 12 14 16 18 20

FIG. 6. Comparison of pressure distributions from solution (c), vortex-lattice theory and experiment.
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