1.technical Vs Academic Writing PDF

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Wasim Hasan
Lecturer in English

MS Applied Linguistics
M.A. English (Linguistics & Literature)
PGD in Computer Sciences
PGD in Linguistics


You need to be able to:

• Know differences between academic and technical
• Identify the characteristics of effective technical
• Identify the steps in the writing process.
• Identify the components of good design.
• Identify the steps in organizing and writing
• Identify some tips to help your documents.

A type of everyday writing that surrounds us from

the time we wake until we climb in bed at night.

 Directions on the toothpaste tube

 Nutrition benefits on the cereal box
 Business letters and catalogs that come in the mail
 Written instructions for assembling a new product
 Tax receipts and notices
 Product safety information


“Technical writing conveys specific information

about a technical subject to a specific audience for
a specific purpose…The words and graphics of
technical writing are meant to be practical: that is,
to communicate a body of factual information that
will help an audience understand a subject or carry
out a task.”

Michael H. Markel
Director of Technical Communication,
Boise State University

 The information is organized, presented and

communicated in a specific format.
 The writing is concise, clear and accurate.
 The writing takes into account the audience’s
needs, biases and prior understanding.
 The writing presents information to help
readers solve a problem or gain a better
understanding of a situation.
 The writing conveys technical, complex, or
specialized information in a way that is easy for
a non-technical reader to understand.


Academic Technical

Purpose Demonstrate what you Getting something done

know about a topic with in an organization

Knowledge of Topic Less than teacher who is More than the reader
evaluating them

Audience Teacher Several People

Criteria for Evaluation Depth, logic, clarity, unity Clear and simple
and grammar organization of ideas

Examples are:
• Annual Report
• Books
• Computer Hardware Guides
• Magazines
• Newsletters
• Organizational Manuals
• Scholarly Articles/Journals
• Software Guides
• Technical Reports


The four C’s:

• Clarity -- it is easily understood by your intended
• Comprehensiveness -- all of the necessary
information is present
• Conciseness -- it is clear without excess verbiage
• Correctness -- it is grammatical and follows

 Write positive language.

Don’t use: Access to student information is not authorized
for any parties except Enrollment Services. Employees
who have access to student information are not allowed
to share that information with non- affiliated third parties
if you have not authorized it.
Do use: Access to student information is authorized only
for Enrollment Services purposes. Employees who have
access to student information are required to protect and
keep it confidential.

 Don’t write in upper case for more than A



 Use lists whenever possible.

 Use the title to define the task.

 Use headings and subheadings.

 Labelsegments in a way that reflects how

readers are likely to think about the
operation or procedure.

 Don’t use: Components

•Do use: How to Check the Components

 Provide only one way to do something within

a step.

 Be precise with your instructions.

 Use warnings.

 Write a conclusion.
Example: Congratulations! You’ve just created your
first document!

 Don’t annoy the reader.


 Chunk your information.

 Keep your paragraphs short.
 Less is better.
 Control the text width by using columns.

 S. Pfeiffer, William George. (2007) Technical
Writing: A Practical Approach (Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall)
 Bovee & Thill. (2008) Business Communication
Today (Prentice-Hall)
 Smith-Worthington Darlene, Jefferson Sue.
(2008) Technical Writing for Success (Nelson
Education, Ltd. USA)


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