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Chapter Wise mapping with Course
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RNGPIT, Bardoli Department :Mechanical Engineering Page : 1 of 3
Course :Advance Welding Technology Subject Code: C2181927 Year/Semester: 4/8

Course Outcome (CO)

After learning the subject, student will be able to
1. Understand the theoretical aspects of welding technology in depth and selection of
appropriate welding process for a particular application.
2. Explain basic metallurgy of the melted and heat-affected zone of a metal or alloy and
cause of welding defects and avoid them.
3. Identify the Welding parameters and techniques to optimize the weldment properties.
4. Understand the theoretical aspects of Brazing and Soldering.
5. Demonstrate their ability to check the weldment quality using various inspection and
testing methods
Course Content
Sr. CO Total %
No. Fulfilled Hrs. Weig.
1. Introduction to welding and joining processes
Introduction to consolidation processes, Classification of
welding processes, some common concerns, types of fusion
welds and types of joints, Design considerations, Heat effects, 01 03 07
Weld ability and join ability. Welding terms and definitions,
welding positions, elements of and construction of welding
2. Welding Metallurgy:
a. Fundamentals of physical metallurgy: Need, phase
diagrams: Fe-C, Al-Cu, Cu-Zn system, phase transformations in
Fe-C system, TTT diagram, CCT diagram, carbon equivalent,
Schaffer diagram, relevance of above in welding.
b. Solidification of weld metal: Principle of solidification of
weld metal, modes of solidification, effect of welding
parameters on weld structure, grain refinement principle of
weld metal, method of weld metal refinement, inoculation, arc
pulsation, external excitation. 02 08 19
c. Heat affected zone and weld metal: Transformations in
HAZ of steel, factors affecting changes in microstructure and
mechanical properties of HAZ, reactions in weld pool- gas
metal reaction,
slag metal reaction.
d. Metallurgical issue in weld joint: Mechanisms, causes and
remedy of cold cracking, solidification cracking, non-metallic
inclusions, lamellar tearing, hydrogen damage, banding,
3. Weld joint preparation and temperature control: Checks 03 02 05
prior to weld joint preparation, joint preparation checks,
preheating and interpass heating, post weld heating, heating
processes, post heat treatments, insulation of heated joints.
4. Gas flame and Arc processes:
Welding power sources (features) Oxy-fuel gas welding- processes,
uses, advantages, and limit
Consumable electrode Arc welding: Shielded Metal Arc Flux cored 03 07 17
Arc Welding, Gas Metal Arc Welding, Stud weld
Non-consumable electrode welding processes: Gas tungwelding,
gas tungsten arc spot welding, plasma arc welding
5. Resistance and solid state welding processes:
Theory of resistance welding: Heating, pressure, current and
current control, power supply.
Resistance welding processes: Resistance spot welding,
resistance seam welding, Projection welding. Advantages and
03 06 14
limitations of resistance welding.
Solid state welding: Forge welding, Forge-seam welding, cold
welding, roll welding or roll bonding, Friction welding and
Inertia welding, Friction-stir welding, Ultrasonic welding,
Diffusion welding, Explosive welding.
6. Other welding processes, brazing and soldering:
Thermit welding, Electro-slag welding, Electron beam welding, 04 06 14
Laser beam welding, Flash welding.
Weldment Inspection and Testing
a.Codes governing welding inspection: Structural welding
code; ASME boiler and pressure vessel code, spot examination
of welded joints, duties of the inspector, ASTM standards, API
b.Chemical, Metallurgical, and Mechanical testing of
weldments: Comparison of destructive and non-destructive
tests, chemical tests, forms of corrosion, testing for corrosion
resistance, metallographic tests.
c.Visual and liquid penetrant inspection: Selection of NDT
method, relationship of welding processes, discontinuities and
inspection methods, visual inspection prior to, during and after
welding, Liquid penetrant test. 05 10 24
d.Magnetic particle and Radiographic inspection: Magnetic
particle inspection, types of magnetizing currents,
demagnetization, interpretation of patterns, non-relevant
indications, radiographic sources, detectable discontinuities.
e.Ultrasonic inspection: Criteria for successful
implementation, test equipment and techniques, advantages,
f.Eddy current inspection, acoustic emissions, proof tests
and leak tests: Eddy current inspection, fundamentals,
welded tubing and piping, applications, acoustic emissions,
types of emissions, inspection of pressure vessels.

Reference Books:
1. DeGarmo’s Materials and processes in Manufacturing
2. Lancaster J F, “Metallurgy of welding”, Allen and Unwin Co.
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3. K Esterling, “Introduction to Physical Metallurgy”,
4. “Welding Handbook”, Volumes 1, 2 and 3, 9 th edition, American Welding Society
5. Larry J and Jeffus L, “Welding Principles and Applications”, 5th edition, Delmer
6. Parmer R. S., ‘Welding Engineering and Technology’, Khanna Publishers, 1997
7. Hull., ‘Non-Destructive Testing’, ELBS Edition, 1991
8. AWS D1.1 Structural Welding Code
9. API 5L
10. API 1104
11. ASME Section VIII – Division 1,2
12. ASME Section IX
14 ASME Section II Part A and C
List of Experiment:
Experimen CO Total
t No. Fulfilled Hrs.
1. 01 2
Welding Terms and Definitions
2. 01 2
Arc striking practice & Study of arc physics
3. Study of effect of welding parameters on weld bead by 03 2
4. Study of different weld joint types and Selection of proper 02 2
WEP for given condition
5. 01 2
Study of different weld metal reactions
6. 05 2
Study of NDT & Hands on DPT
7. 02 2
Study of microstructure of weld joint (CS)
8. Welding of a Test Coupon & Performance of Mechanical 05 2
9. 05 2
Preparation of WPS & PQR
10 01 2
Study of Welding symbols

Major Equipment required for Experiment:

 GTA welding
 GMA welding
 Manual metal arc welding
 Oscilloscope

List of Open Source Software’s and learning website:

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Active Learning Assignment:
1. Each chapter assignment with practical. (GTU Question Paper)
2. Preparation of slide showwhich includes videos, animations, pictures, graphics for
better understanding theory, practical work and presentation in front of other students
and faculties.

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