Energy Intensive Process in Professional Laundry Service
Energy Intensive Process in Professional Laundry Service
Energy Intensive Process in Professional Laundry Service
This paper deals with long-term research activities related to energy, water and detergent consumption in
industrial laundries and related energy intensive processes. An original approach consists of analysis of all
the process in a professional laundry. The aim is to target possible energy savings and low potential heat
utilization. In-house software for simulation was used for this purpose. Since this W2E (Waste to Energy)
software was created as open source it was adapted for the purpose of simulation in process and power
industry in various types of energy intensive processes. The most energy consuming equipment was
identified and the process as a whole as well as individual apparatuses was investigated. The
computational approach was supported by measurements in real facilities. This effort continued and
laundry of the future was designed. This laundry enables testing of various operational regimes,
verification of models, improving of key equipment design, and also comparing efficiency of processes
using various detergents and economic analyses.
Professional laundry process involves implementation of energy efficient technologies; however, being
lack of operational data is a common feature. Therefore the first testing laundry was built in NETME
Centre. It represents a unique technology which enables to analyse the operational costs comprising:
x Water, energy and chemicals costs
x Direct labour costs
x Costs of transport
Further, economics in this field in various European countries based on specific factors was evaluated.
Recent research activities lead to development of an original comprehensive approach. This approach
utilizes experience and know-how from analyses of various energy demanding processes both in the
process and energy industries as well as municipal sphere. It is also based on using sophisticated
computational methods (simulation of heat and mass balance, CFD simulation, equipment modelling,
experimental data processing, modelling of economics). Credible data are acquired from operation of up-
to-date testing laundry. Then it is possible to analyse the system quite thoroughly and provide
manufacturers of equipment, manufacturers of detergents, operators and investors as well as the
customers and linen testing institutes with valuable data and recommendations.
Please cite this article as: Masa V., Bobak P., Stehlik P., Kuba P., 2013, Energy intensive process in professional laundry service: up-to-
date approach, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 35, 259-264 DOI:10.3303/CET1335043
developed in mid 19-th century. Manual drive of these devices was substituted with electricity at the turn of
20-th century. First electrical dryer followed ten years later. Development of chemistry during First World
War resulted in production of new synthetic washing detergents which were broadly put in use many years
later. First automatic washing machine was introduced in 1950s as mentioned above (Procter & Gamble,
2012). At present, information technologies (IT) have the most significant impact on development of
laundry service, especially in application of IT in the control of the process.
Typical workflow of recent laundry facility consists of three sub-operations of professional laundry:
washing, drying and ironing. These are conducted in superior industrial machines. Operation of these
industrial machines is closely related to consumption of thermal and electrical energy and water, of course.
Basic elements of today's laundry process are shown in Figure 1: raw materials (left), products (right),
resources and consumables (top) and wastes (bottom).
Energy intensity of washing process is given by amount of energy used for heating the washing water.
Approximately 13 L of fresh water, 0.2 kWh of heat and 0.1 kWh of electrical energy are consumed so that
1 kg of laundry in a modern industrial laundry of low-capacity (300 – 500 kg of laundry per 1 shift) is
washed. Large amount of electrical energy and natural gas are further used to heat drying air. In addition
to that, much of the energy leaves the process in waste flows completely without any profit (Máša et al.,
European corporations and academic researchers are well aware of the fact that it is crucial to achieve
energy savings in industrial plants (Darabnia et al., 2013). This also applies to laundry care businesses
and increasing energy efficiency of laundry machines. Various energy efficient and environmentally
friendly measures for washing, drying and ironing are researched and developed constantly. However, few
businesses are able to provide complex solution to energy and water management in the whole facility.
This is where the academic institutes enter the scene since the businesses and laundry facilities operators
are keen to cooperate and develop solutions to this type of multiple tasks. It was found out that there is no
consistent research of energy efficiency and environmentally friendly measures in laundry service. This
fact is substantiated by absence of relevant scientific literature and lack of applicable methodologies and
regulations providing for long-term sustainability of laundry facilities. Extensive research study has proved
that there is no relevant scientific engagement in this field despite the fact that laundry industry is very
interesting from the scientific point of view (Máša et al. 2013). Success in research is conditioned by
knowledge from power industry, environmental protection, information technologies, machine design and
others. It comes from highly multidisciplinary character of this topic. Present activities of research that
applies complex and sophisticated approach to laundry service are presented in the paper. These
activities were greatly enhanced by construction of Laboratory of energy intensive processes (NETME
Centre), world unique research facility that focuses on energy efficiency and environmental impact of
laundry industry.
2. Up-to-date approach
Well optimized energy consumption of each stand-alone machine does not always stand for the lowest
amount of required energy on the whole. This fact is mirrored in a situation when even the best individuals
not always make up the best team. Therefore, the best practise to decrease energy consumption is to look
at the process as a whole and utilize energy of all available hot streams while still keeping the whole
solution profitable (Bobák et al., 2010). A complex analysis of all the laundry processes is essential. Basic
steps of up-to-date approach are as follows:
x Deeper understanding of the process in question
x Acquisition of operational data
x Data processing supported by computational tools
x Design of energy efficient and environmentally friendly solution
2.1 Deeper understanding the process in question
Research team conducted several successful optimization studies aiming at functional properties of
machines for various producers of laundry machinery. Optimization concerned operation of continuous
batch washers and dryers, application and control of heat recovery systems or optimization of the air flow
in the vacuum channel of the ironer. This optimization task greatly supported the current knowledge and
know-how of laundry technologies and production procedures. The most energy consuming equipment
was identified and the whole process and individual pieces of equipment were investigated. The basic
condition for low energy consumption is optimization of water management because lower consumption of
water goes hand in hand with lower energy necessary for its heating. Two most important parameters of
dryer and ironer are their real specific energy consumption and drying capacity (Bobák et al., 2010).
Values of all the parameters usually can be found in technical documentation of each machine but real
operational values often differ from values provided by manufacturer.
2.2 Acquisition of operational data
Extensive measurements were conducted in several European laundry facilities so that declared
consumption of washing, drying and ironing processes may be verified. Each laundry facility has its own
unique operating conditions that have to be considered in data acquisition. Common impediment of the
data collection is a limited measurement system. Individual consumption of water, electrical energy, steam,
natural gas, and detergents are the most important parameters which are rarely measured. Operators are
familiar with consumption of the facility thanks to billing meters and reading is commonly performed only
once every billing period. Consequently, there is a lack of data where and how efficiently energy and
materials are consumed (Máša et al., 2013). Therefore, portable measuring devices are commonly
preferred. Devices must comply with high standards for reliability and accuracy. At the same time, they
must be compact and portable. Instalment of most of the sensors constitutes interference into existing
technologies and quite frequently discontinuation of operation.
2.3 Data processing supported by computational tools
Data processing is closely related to theoretical knowledge of laundry care process. High quality analysis
of machine energy intensity should be based on mathematical description (model). Experimental data is
used to specify these theoretical models. Equipment as well as the whole facility may be subjected to
modelling. Computational tools come in handy here. It is a great advantage if the tool may be customized
for a specific task. New computational tool which enables to analyse flows of energy through the
professional laundry service from utilities to every consumer was introduced by Bobák et al. (2011). This is
in-house simulation software originally created for waste-to-energy applications. This is also where the
name Waste to Energy (W2E) comes from. Software was introduced by Touš et al. (2009). Core
advantage consists in monitoring and comparison of effects of different operational regimes (Kropáč et al.,
2011). Results are useful for techno-economic analysis of laundry service and software may thus be used
as a support in decision making process. Software support is also indispensable in processing data related
to fluid flows and heat transfer. This can be carried out using computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
2.4 Design of energy efficient and environmentally friendly solution
Design of specific solution is a final phase that may be targeted at the production plant and/or laundry
facility operator. Laundry equipment producers and laundry detergents producers have extensive
knowledge of laundry technologies. Their main objective is to innovate individual pieces of equipment.
Cooperation with laundry operators is a must because they have everyday contact with the laundry and
may provide valid operational data. Laundry facility operators' objective is to increase efficiency of the
whole process. Specific solution was presented by Máša et al. (2013) which basically comprise
implementation of heat recovery systems, water management and increase in productivity of human
labour. Bobák et al. (2012) focuses on heat recovery in laundry facilities. It is obvious that each design of
heat recovery systems must be customized to meet specific local conditions of the facility. Máša et al.
(2013) proved that energy efficiency measures may have significantly different economic impact in various
European countries. Environmental impact assessment cannot be neglected.
Up-to-date approach therefore consists of a complex analysis of the whole laundry process and application
of the state-of-the-art methods and technologies. Successful development and implementation of energy
efficiency measures in laundry services are conditioned by long-term and systematic research of laundry
3. Research facility
Recently built NETME Centre (New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering) - a regional research and
development centre at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Brno University of Technology –
enables to perform a systematic research of professional laundry care process. Centre operates a unique
laboratory combining a real laundry facility with capacity of 500 kg of linen per shift with superior research
equipment. Research model of professional laundry care process will be fully functional as a real laundry
facility and will allow for analysis of the process and its optimization in authentic premises.
Mission of the research team is to help an industrial process with minimization of wastes, high efficiency of
energy utilization, minimum environmental impact, and outstanding quality of the linen and advanced stage
of automation. This is the so called "laundry of the future" (Figure 2). Introduced vision is supported with
modern equipment, infrastructure, measurement system and related technologies.
3.1 Machines
These are the core technological components available in the laboratory “laundry of the future” (Figure 2):
x Five washer extractors with combined heating (electricity and steam), total capacity 92 kg of dry
linen. Washing machines are equipped with automated detergent dosing system.
x Three compact dryers with total capacity of 64 kg of dry linen. Each of the installed dryers has a
different heating system (steam, natural gas, electricity) allowing for comparison.
x Two cylinder heated ironers (mangles) with identical size, electrical and gas heating and smaller
ironing press with steam heating.
This machinery reflects equipment in recent laundry facilities with 500 kg per shift capacity. Technological
equipment was further extended with necessary accessories such as manual ironer, sewing machine,
transport trolleys, etc.
3.2 Universal infrastructure
Flexible connection of all the above mentioned machines requires instalment of infrastructure. Steel
structure is located in the laboratory and connects inlets for fluid flows, waste, exhaust, and elements for
analysis of operational characteristics (see process fluid flows distribution system in Figure 2). 18
independent sites are located around this structure where various energy intensive appliances may be
tested (e.g. reactors, dishwashers, sterilizers, etc.).
Water is the main process fluid in the research facility. Raw water is commonly softened in modern
industrial laundries and therefore a water treatment facility is also operated (Figure 2, left). Electrical
energy and natural gas are supplied at each station in addition to steam of two pressure levels: 8 bar(g)
and 0.3÷1 bar(g) and pressure air.
3.3 Measurement and data acquisition system
Measurement system has to be highly flexible. Therefore, infrastructure is enhanced with universal
instalment set for attachment of various measuring elements. Collected data are gathered in hardware
which a programmable logical controller allowing to sense up to 250 values with 2Hz frequency. All
individual machines (monitoring of state) and all sensors are attached to the controller. Measurement
system comprises following measuring elements:
x electricity meters, gas meters, magnetic flow meters, turbine flow meters (consumption of
x orifice plate flow meter with differential pressure gauges, absolute pressure gauges and
thermometers (consumption of steam),
x platform scale and bench scale (weighting of linen),
x strain gauges in machine base (weighting of linen inside of machines),
x Prandtl tubes with differential pressure gauges and relative moisture meters (chimney heat loss),
x resistance thermometers PT100/PT1000 and temperature gauge (temperature of water and gases),
x thermocouples (measurement of temperature of heat exposed parts of machines),
x strain gauges (measurement of deformation and stress of selected parts of machines),
x electrical conductivity meter (conductivity of washing bath).
Measured data are transferred from measuring hardware via local ethernet network into the server. Server
runs software for visualization and storage of the data. Data are stored in network attached storage (NAS)
with disc field in RAID1 configuration (data mirroring).
3.4 Other up-to-date technologies
Gas microturbine is also part of the laboratory machinery and is used as a generator of dry air (up to 90
kWt) and electrical energy (up to 28 kWe). Microturbine will serve for testing of cogeneration in laundry
service. Flue gas coming from turbines may be a drying medium in dryers (Figure 2, right).
Measurement system was supplemented with wireless sensor network (WSN) which comprises 6 sensor
nodes. These nodes use wireless technology to communicate with base station and with each other via
radio waves of 2.4 GHz and help measurings in out-of-reach places, such as in a drum of a washing
machine or dryer. Use of WSN is also favourable in short-term and long-term collection of data in real
professional laundries thanks to the speed of instalment.
Additionally, a supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA) is used. It is installed on the
server to review and visualise the whole process. Graphics output within the the laundry premises is
delivered via all-in-one computers and/or wirelessly on tablets. This measure enables flexible review of
particular technologies during operational testing and also in education.
intensive appliances. This should bring precise mathematical models of all of facility machines and laundry
processes. Research activities cover following directions:
(i) Design of appropriate construction and technological adjustments of particular machines with the
help of computational tools. The objective consists in reducing energy and media consumption and
environmental impact. Close cooperation with laundry equipment producers provides us with
valuable background in terms of real outputs.
(ii) Thanks to experimental operational testing of energy intensive process it is possible to design
energy efficient measures that optimize operational costs of the process. At the same time there is
focus on maintaining low environmental impact of the process (optimized use of energy resources)
and decrease of produced waste flows. This research and its results are highly beneficial for
laundry facility operators.
(iii) Cooperation with manufacturers of detergents and linen testing institutes. Laboratory infrastructure
and multidisciplinary character of the research can enable applications in other research and
development areas in the future.
5. Conclusion
Professional laundry service is an energy intensive process with high potential of implementation of
various economic measures. However, implementation is conditioned by sufficient amount of experimental
data so that theoretical assumptions of the process and technologies may be reliably verified. Therefore
the first testing laundry was built in the NETME Centre, research and development centre. It represents a
unique technology which enables testing of machines and credible data acquisition. Original
comprehensive approach was developed. This up-to-date approach utilizes experience and know-how
from many European laundries and manufacturing companies and engages computational tools for
optimization of the process.
Combination of superior research facility and up-to-date approach provides for high quality analyses of the
system. Industrial partners may benefit from valuable data and solutions. Strong emphasis is laid to
optimization of operational costs of laundries and reduction of laundry care environmental impact. Hand in
hand with process optimization and costs reduction, it is necessary to maintain top quality of the laundry
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support provided within the projects No.
CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0020 “Science for practice” and CZ.1.05/2.1.00/01.0002 “NETME Centre – New
Technologies for Mechanical Engineering”.
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