Medico Legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes
Medico Legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes
Medico Legal Aspects of Sexual Crimes
Kinds of Virginity
1. Moral virginity – the sate of not knowing the nature of sexual life and not
having experience sexual relation.
2. Qualified Seduction
3. Simple Seduction
4. Acts of Lasciviousness
5. Abduction
6. Adultery and concubinage
Adultery – committed by any married woman who shall have sexual
intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal
knowledge of her, knowing her to be married, even if the marriage be
subsequently declared void.
Concubinage – any husband who shall keep a mistress in a conjugal
dwelling or shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous circumstances,
with a woman not his wife, or shall cohabit with her in any other places.
7. Prostitution
Prostitute – woman who, for money or profit, habitually indulge in
sexual intercourse or lascivious conduct.
8. Corruption of Minor
9. White slave trade
10. Abuses against chastity
Sexual Deviant Behavior.
Sexual disorders are common causation of sex crimes.
1. As to sexual reversals
Homosexuality – sexual behavior directed toward the same sex. For
female, it is referred as lesbianism or tribadism.
Transvestism – achievement of sexual excitation by dressing as a
member of opposite sex such as a man wearing female apparel
Fetishism – sexual gratification is obtained by looking at some body
parts, underwear of the opposite sex or any other objects associated
with the opposite sex
2. As to choice of partner
Pedophilia – child of either sex
Bestiality – animals
Autosexual (Autoeroticism) – self
Masturbation refers to sexual stimulation , especially of one’s own
genitals often to the point of orgasm.
Gerontophilia – elders
Necrophilia – corpse
Agalmatophilia – statues or mannequins
Hybristophilia – people who have committed crimes
Acrotomophilia – amputees
Acuculophilia – attraction towards circumcised penises
Incest – relatives by consanguinity (blood relationship)
3. As to sexual urge
Satyriasis – excessive desire of men to have sexual intercourse
Nymphomania – excessive desire of women for sex
Ablutophilia – sexual urge derived from taking baths, shower or other
modes of washing oneself
6. As to visual stimulus
Voyeurism – “peeping tom”, achievement of sexual pleasures through
clandestine peeping and frequently, the person masturbate during
peeping activity.
Scoptophilia – intentional act of watching people undress or during
sexual intimacies
Emission – first stage of ejaculation, in which sperm and semen are propelled
into the urethral bulb.
Ejaculation – ejecting of semen from the penis and is usually accomplished by
Orgasm – peak of sensation during sexual activity during which sexual tension
is released. A typical orgasm lasts from three to ten seconds with
contractions occurring every 0.8 seconds for both men and women.
Semen – alkaline fluid expelled from the penis during ejaculation, containing
fluids from glands as well as sperm.
Pregnancy – state of a woman who has within her body the growing product of
conception or fertilization of a new life.
Viability – is the point at which the fetus is potentially able to live outside the
mother’s womb.
Clinical Types of Abortion
1. Missed abortion – an ovum destroyed by hemorrhage into the choriospace,
usually before the fourth month of pregnancy.
2. Threatened abortion – hemorrhage without dilatation of the internal os.
3. Inevitable abortion - hemorrhage with dilatation of the internal os and
presence of rhythmical pain.
4. Incomplete abortion – not all the product of conception has been expelled
from the uterus; fragments or portion of which is retained.
5. Complete abortion – the whole product of conception is expelled.
Kinds of Abortion
1. Spontaneous or natural abortion – occurs without any form of inducement
or intervention.
2. Induced abortion – will not take place had it not been for some form of
inducement or intervention.
a. Therapeutic – abortion purposely done to preserve the life of the mother
from death.
b. Criminal – abortion done without any therapeutic indication but with
criminal intent and is punishable by law.
INFANTICIDE (Neonaticide)
It is the killing of child less than three days old. If the killing was done by
parents, grandparents or other direct ascendants, or either of them, the
penalty to be imposed is the same as that of parricide. However, if the killing
was done by any other person, the penalty is the same as that of murder. (Art.
255 RPC)