TSL Decision Matrix Worksheet Feb2018

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Select the appropriate road condition description for each of the four factors, and in the right hand circle list the
Appendix B
chosen TSL for that road condition. Transfer lowest TSL to the bottom circle.
Speed Limit

1. Minimum Lane Width
Pavement / Surface Condition

3.5m 3.25m 3.00m 2.75m

2. Pavement / Surface Condition
The shoulder and lane is clear of The road is close to normal condition Defects and / or loose material on the There are major defects and / or
loose or greasy material and the except for a few minor defects lane (eg unattended reseals) significant loose material on the lane
traveled way is smooth (eg small pot holes or a few pieces of
loose aggregate)
50km/h for protection of a new seal (eg recently milled surface , large
stones, steel plates) 110
70km/h where new seal has been
swept but not marked
3. Visibility and Alignment
There is greater than 140m visibility There is less than 140m visibility to the There is less than 60m visibility to the first There is less than 30m visibility to the first
to the first cone in taper, first cone in taper, cone in taper, cone in taper,
and or or or
the worksite has not imposed a vehicles are deflected by 20 degrees or vehicles are deflected by 20-45 degrees vehicles are deflected by more than 45

change in alignment less from the original direction of travel from the original direction of travel degrees from the original direction of travel

Deflected by less than 20º Deflected by 20º to 45º Deflected more than 45º

4. Site Clutter

Low site clutter, clear vehicle lanes, Some site clutter either plant or Considerable site clutter requires Has numerous driver distractions including
cycle lanes and footpaths materials, vehicle lanes, cycle lanes additional management to guide construction traffic.
and footpaths are lightly trafficked vehicles though the site.
Some queues of road users
Cycle lanes or footpaths are closed.
30km/h for portable traffic signals, MTC
operations or where traffic has to traverse
the actual active working space (either in a
delineated single lane or where traffic is not
separated from the working space)

Is the lowest speed 80km/h or less and at Yes Use this Temporary Speed Limit
least 10km/h below the permanent speed? No No Temporary Speed Limit Required

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