S-10025 - T10025-Cyber Threat Assessment-2018-10-01-0957
S-10025 - T10025-Cyber Threat Assessment-2018-10-01-0957
S-10025 - T10025-Cyber Threat Assessment-2018-10-01-0957
User Productivity 10
Application Usage 10
App Categories 10
Cloud Usage (SaaS) 10
Cloud Usage (IaaS) 10
Application Category Breakdowns 11
Remote Access Applications 11
Proxy Applications 11
Top Social Media Applications 11
Top Video/Audio Streaming Applications 11
Top Gaming Applications 11
Top Peer to Peer Applications 11
Web Usage 12
Top Web Categories 12
Top Web Applications 13
Websites Frequented 14
Most Visited Web Domains 14
Top Websites by Browsing Time 15
Network Utilization 16
Bandwidth 16
Average Bandwidth by Hour 16
Top Bandwidth Consuming Sources/Destinations 16
Appendix B 19
Report Filters(Logic: Any) 19
Last year, over 2,100 enterprises were breached as a result of poor internal security practices and latent vendor content security.
The average cost of a corporate security breach is estimated at $3.5 million USD and is rising at 15% year over year. Intrusions,
malware/botnets and malicious applications collectively comprise a massive risk to your enterprise network. These attack
mechanisms can give attackers access to your most sensitive files and database information. FortiGuard Labs mitigates these
risks by providing award-winning content security and is consistently rated among industry leaders by objective third parties
such as NSS Labs, VB 100 and AV Comparatives.
User application usage and browsing habits can not only be indicative of inefficient use of corporate resources, but can also
indicate a lack of proper enforcement of corporate usage policies. Most enterprises recognize that personal use of corporate
resources is acceptable. But there are many grey areas that businesses must keep a close eye on including: use of proxy
avoidance/peer to peer applications, inappropriate web browsing, phishing websites, and potentially illegal activity - all of which
expose your company to undue liability and potential damages. With over 5,800 application control rules and 250 million
categorized websites, FortiGuard Labs provides telemetry that FortiOS uses to keep your business running effectively.
Performance effectiveness is an often undervalued aspect of security devices, but firewalls must keep up with the line speeds
that today’s next generation switches operate at. A recent survey by Infonetics indicates that 77% of decision-makers at large
organizations feel that they must upgrade their network security performance (100+ Gbps aggregate throughput) in the coming
year. FortiGates leverage FortiASICs to accelerate CPU intensive functions such as packet forwarding and pattern matching. This
offloading typically results in a 5-10X performance increase when measured against competitive solutions.
No matching log data for this report No matching log data for this report
Malware Detected ( 0 )
Malware can take many forms: viruses, trojans, spyware/adware, etc. Any instances of malware detected moving laterally across
the network could also indicate a threat vector originating from inside the organization, albeit unwittingly. Through a
combination of signature and behavioral analysis, malware can usually be prevented from executing and exposing your network
to malicious activity. Augmenting your network with APT/sandboxing technology (e.g. FortiSandbox) can also prevent previously
unknown malware (zero-day threats) from propagating within your network.
Botnet Infections ( 0 )
Bots can be used for launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, distributing spam, spyware and adware, propagating malicious
code, and harvesting confidential information which can lead to serious financial and legal consequences. Botnet infections need
to be taken seriously and immediate action is required. Identify botnet infected computers and clean them up using antivirus
software. Fortinet's FortiClient can be used to scan and remove botnets from the infected hosts.
Figure 4: These devices should be audited for malware and intrusion susceptibility
Figure 5: Activity originating from these countries should be audited for expected traffic sources
With the proliferation of cloud-based computing, enterprises are increasingly reliant on third parties for infrastructure plumbing.
Unfortunately for enterprises, this means that their information is only as secure as the cloud provider's security. In addition, it
can often introduce redundancy (if services are already available internally) and increase costs (if not monitored properly).
Cloud Usage (SaaS) IT managers are often unaware of how many cloud-based
services are in use within their organization. Sometimes, these
applications can be used to circumvent or even replace
78.46% iCloud (2.13 GB)
corporate infrastructure already available to users in lieu of
9.21% Netflix (256.19 MB)
8.56% YouTube (238.04 MB) ease of use. Unfortunately, a potential side effect of this is that
2.52% Google.Cloud.Storage (70.15 MB) your sensitive corporate information could be transferred to
0.53% Facebook (14.76 MB) the cloud. Accordingly, your data could be exposed if the cloud
0.21% Amazon.CloudFront (5.86 MB) provider's security infrastructure is breached.
0.51% Others (14.24 MB)
In today’s network environments, many applications leverage HTTP for communications – even some you wouldn’t normally
expect. The primary benefit of HTTP is that communication is ubiquitous, universally accepted and (generally) open on most
firewalls. For most business-related and whitelisted applications this typically augments communication, but some non-business
applications also use HTTP in either unproductive or potentially nefarious ways.
Estimated browsing times for individual websites can be useful when trying to get an accurate picture of popular websites.
Typically, these represent internal web resources such as intranets, but they can occasionally be indicative of excessive behavior.
Browse times can be employed to justify the implementation of web caching technologies or help shape organizational
corporate use policies.
600 MB
500 MB
400 MB
300 MB
200 MB
100 MB
One of the most telling ways to analyze bandwidth is by looking at destinations and sources generating the most traffic. Common
destination sites (e.g. external websites), such as those for OS/firmware updates, can be throttled to allow prioritized, business
critical traffic. Internally, high traffic hosts can be optimized through traffic shaping or corporate use policies.
Web Filtering
Every minute of every day FortiGuard Labs processes approximately 43M URL categorization requests and blocks 160k
malicious websites. The Web Filtering service rates over 250M websites and delivers nearly 1.5M new URL ratings
every week. FortiGuard is the only VBWeb certified web filtering solution - blocking 97.7% of direct malware
downloads in 2016 tests.
Every minute of every day FortiGuard Labs blocks approximately 21,000 spam emails and each week the Labs deliver
approximately 46M new and updated spam rules. Email is the #1 vector for the start of an advanced attack on an
organization so highly effective antispam is a key part of a security strategy.
IP Reputation
Every minute of every day FortiGuard Labs blocks approximately 32,000 botnet command & control communication
attempts. A key part of the attack kill chain on an organization is when the threat communicates with a command &
control server – either to download additional threats or to exfiltrate stolen data. IP and Domain address reputation
blocks this communication, neutralizing threats.