Factors Or: Group 1: The Environmental and Natural Resources Management

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Group 1: The Environmental and Natural It can be divided as:

Resources Management
a) Physical environment- all abiotic factors or
conditions like temperature, light, rainfall, soil,
Concept of Environment minerals, etc. It comprises of atmosphere,
lithosphere and hydrosphere.
The term environment refers to our b) Biotic environment- all biotic factors or living
surrounding which includes physical, biological and forms like plants, animals, micro-organisms.
socio-cultural aspect. c) Cultural environment- man-made like railways,
Physical aspects- non-living things like air, water, population density, cultural background of the
land, etc. people, the level of technological development
and factors like personal, domestic, religious,
Biological aspects- plants and trees educational, means of transport, market
Socio-cultural aspect- man-made aspects like facilities, economic conditions, and policies of
culture, religion, customs, etc. the government.

There is a harmonious relationship among Natural Resource Management

the components of the environment. The status of Refers to the sustainable utilization of major
soil, water and other elements determines the natural resources, such as land, water, air, mineral,
biodiversity because different animals and plants forests, fisheries, and wild flora and fauna.
have special adaptability cyclic relationship. Together, these resources provide the ecosystem
Environmental condition determines our health services that provide better quality to human life.
also. Natural resources provide fundamental life
Environment support, in form of both consumptive and public-
good services. Ecological processes maintain soil
“Environia, Environ and Environmer” means to productivity, nutrient recycling, the cleansing of air
surround. It refers to both abiotic (physical or non- and water, and climatic cycles.
living) and biotic (living) environment.
Biological diversity (biodiversity) is the occurrence
The surroundings or condition in which a person, of different types of ecosystem, different species of
animal, or plants lives or operates. organism with the whole range of their variants
Synonyms: Habitat, territory, domain, home, and genes adapted to different climates, and
abode. environments along with their interactions and
More the natural world, as a whole or in a
particular geographical area, especially as affected Classification of Resources
by human activity. Time for Environme Energy Materi
regenera ntal resource al
Components of Environment tion resources s resour
1. Micro environment refers to the immediate ces
local surroundings of the organism
2. Macro environment refers to all the physical
and biotic conditions that surround the
organism externally
Renewa < 1 year, Agricultura Solar Salt Some of the measures taken worldwide in
ble controlla l products, energy, protecting the fauna are:
ble by (non- water,
human permanent ethanol • Smart collars embedded with GPS, meters, and
) pollution sensors to keep track of endangered species like
of water rhinos and elephants
and air
• Remote monitoring of wildlife sounds and noises
Semi/ 1 – 200 Fish, Geother to detect any predator harm or natural distress
potentia years no forest, mal
lly human ground, energy, • SIM-based collars for animals near human
renewa influence water, water, habitats to reduce animal-human conflicts
ble (permanen firewood
t) pollution • Gene sequencing techniques to save endangered
of water species from incurable diseases like cancer
and air
Non- No Ozone, Oil, gas, Minera • Conservation drones to track and monitor wild
renewa economic endangere coal, ls, soil forest regions for any natural disasters like
ble relevance d fauna uranium,
Forming a significant part of ecology, man has
Potentially renewable – can be renewable if we do come up with ways to live a safe and a sustainable
not consume them faster than they can be lifestyle for helping the environment, Smart homes
replaced that advocate green living and lesser waste are
gaining popularity nowadays. These houses work
Non-depletable - cannot be depleted no matter on advanced sensors that help in saving energy in
how much we use them e.g. solar, wind, daily activities. Usually powered by a renewable
geothermal, hydroelectric and tidal energy energy source, they track the presence of people in
FUNCTION OF ENVIRONMENT the house to make decisions that can help in
sustainable living.
Saving environment with the technology is
helping us build better ecosystems or remedy They also employ natural waste management
systems with in-built recycling methods, thus,
One of the most significant ways to STRUCTURE OF THE ENVIRONMENT
contribute saving the environment is to sustainably
generate and use the available energy resources. ECOLOGY
Due to the non-renewability of fossil fuels like coal, Ecology is a branch of study of the
petroleum, and natural gas, researchers are coming interrelationships with the organism and its
up with new ways to generate energy with environment. It is a basic fact that the Earth
technology. includes a large variety of living things which
SAVING ENDANGERED WILDLIFE depend in some way on other living and non-living
things. This study of how the existence and activity
Technology- used in saving wildlife. of organism influences its environment and the
vice versa is ecology. Ecology involves collecting
information about organisms and their
environment, looking for patterns, and seeking to
explain these patterns. The ecology that takes Poverty Pillars of Food Security:
place in a defined area is called ecosystem.
I. Food Availability
III. Food Utilization
A combination of habitat, living things which live
there and the interaction between them. IV. Food Stability

Is a functional unit of dynamic system of organisms I. Food Availability

interacting with each other (biotic) and the
inanimate environment (abiotic) ❖ measure of the availability of food of
individuals to access it.
❖ there's a reliable and consistent source
of quality food.
•Technology policy DETERMINANTS:
•Environmental education
1. Food production
•Extramural cooperation
•Technical facility and information network 2. Food import and export
•International cooperation 3. Food aid
•Specific resources management 4. Food stock
•Coordinating compensating for resources FACTORS THAT AFFECTS FOOD AVAILABILITY:
•Implementing environmental strategy
1. Geography
3. Natural disaster
II. Food Access
Food security “exists when all people, at all
times, have physical, social and economic access to ❖ Food access refers to the affordability and
sufficient safe and nutritious food that meets their allocation of food, as well as the preferences
dietary needs and food preferences for an active of individuals and households.
and healthy life.” – FAO, 1996 ❖ Food access is a variable condition of
human consumers. And it affects all of us each
Characteristics of being Food Secured: and every day.
Concept of food security also includes the There are two distinct types of access to food:
presence of the following characteristics: Direct access- Household has sufficient land
● Enough food and other resources to grow its own food.
● Good food Economic access- The household has enough
● Healthy food income to purchase food at prevailing prices.
● Culturally appropriate food
Factors affecting Food Security: Food access is determined by a variety of factors:

● Climate •The income of people experiencing hunger

● Technology ❖ The UN Committee on Economic, Social,
● Loss of farmland and Cultural Rights noted that the causes of
● Pests and diseases hunger and malnutrition are often not a
● Water stress scarcity of food but an inability to access
● Conflict available food, usually due to poverty.
•The racial or cultural background of certain IV. Food Stability
❖ Stability of supply and access
❖ Having access to culturally appropriate
food means that people have food that they ❖ Weather variability, price fluctuations,
are familiar and comfortable with including political factors, economic factors
availability of familiar foods & varieties.
•The distance between people and food markets.
❖ Location can affect access to food and
which type of access a family will rely on.
III. Food Utilization
❖ It includes adequate dietary intake and ability to
use nutrients in the body.
❖ requires a healthy physical environment and
adequate sanitary facilities as well as the
understanding and awareness of proper health

Utilization can be affected by:

● Nutritional value
● Health status
● Food safety
● Preparation and consumption


Dependant on:
Food safety and quality
● Food safety refers to practices and
conditions that preserve the quality of food FOOD PRODUCTION SYSTEM
to prevent contamination and food-borne
illnesses during preparation, handling and
A food production system has three parts:
● Food quality is the quality characteristics Input: The different ingredients, materials,
of food that is acceptable to consumers. machinery and items which go into the system.
Clean water
● Water is the number one source of Process: The different things that happen to the
nutrition. Input which change it into the Output.
● Essential not only to remain safe from Output: The finished food product.
disease but also to maintain good health.
Sanitation Precautions taken during the food production
● Sanitation is the effective use of tools and process
actions that keep our environment healthy.
Production: Raw materials must be of high quality. A CCP (Critical Control Point) could be any
Storage: High-risk foods should be stored below 5 part of the production process, which could affect
degrees Celsius. the finished quality of the product.
Preparation: Equipment and food handlers must Examples are:
comply with hygiene regulations. • Visual: Checking decorations on cakes, or the
Cooking: Food must be cooked thoroughly to colour of a mixture.
prevent food poisoning. • Electronic: Fridge/freezer thermometers, timing
Transportation: Temperature control may be devices
necessary for high-risk foods. • Scientific: Carrying out microbe checks on
Serving: Food must be kept below 5 degrees equipment.
Celsius or above 63 degrees Celsius. Many of these processes can be monitored
by computer and require very little intervention
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) from food production workers. Continuous
If a food manufacturer wishes to produce monitoring will give feedback on all stages of
products which are of high and consistent quality production and action can be taken quickly to
s/he will need to identify areas of production remedy any problems. Early detection of problems
where inaccuracies (hazards) could occur. These can prevent waste of ingredients and reduce the
inaccuracies are known as hazards. need to shut down the whole production line,
The food manufacturer must then design checks to which would be both costly and time consuming.
be put into place to prevent hazards from
occurring. Quality control is the method used to check and
The first stage will be to write a product test a product as it is made.
specification, which will lay down the exact details When a product prototype gets into production,
of a product - for example, its size, shape, colour, the following checks need to be made...
storage life and packaging. • Quality of ingredients
The manufacturer will then carry out a risk • Working to designated tolerances (for
assessment that will identify what could go wrong instance, exact size/weight/viscosity/etc.)
and then specify how the problem will be dealt • Sizes/thickness/quantities
with. A team of people will identify the hazards, • Shape
which could be from micro-organisms, chemicals, • Texture
people or machinery. • Colour
Standard food components Improving irrigation systems and
These are ready-prepared ingredients used planting crops that use less water would be
during the manufacture of the food products. For an effective way. For example, rice and
example: Pizza bases, flaky pastry, mayonnaise, sugar cane are among the crops that need
grated cheese and chopped vegetables. the most water.

Advantages of using standard food components: Raise/low water productivity

• Products are of a constant quality, size, shape Farmers grow crops that will ensure
and flavor. that they and their family can eat, whether
• It saves time and therefore money. that means eating their own crops or selling
Disadvantages of using standard food them to be able to afford food.
• Products must be available, in the right quality, Reduce food waste
whenever they are required. Globally, 30-50 percent of food
• Food producer has no input into the quality or production goes to waste because of
production of the standard food component. inefficient preparation or inadequate
• Prices may rise without warning. storage facilities. The United States is one of
ACTIVITIES TO ACHIEVE FOOD SECURITY the biggest culprits for this and needs an
INTERNATIONAL LEVEL agricultural land base that is 7 to 8 times
Close the yield gap larger than a land base in India to
Closing the gap between what is compensate for this waste.
being produced and what could be LOCAL LEVEL
produced would both reduce the need to 1. Balance food and nutritional security.
clear land for agriculture and feed 850 -consider the nutritional value of the
million people. food we eat.
2. Embrace new technology for knowledge
Use fertilizer more efficiently transfer.
The use of synthetic fertilizers with -The use of technology can help to
nitrogen and phosphorus on wheat, rice achieve food security, by sharing
and maize crops could be reduced by 13-29 information with the use of gadgets and
percent and still produce the same yields. social Medias.
3. Take a balanced ‘landscape’ approach to
Target food for direct consumption agriculture.
-Agriculture is a huge part of making a) Rapid population growth- A high rate of
population growth calls for more food
landscapes profitable, but so too are other
production and the need for ploughing more
industries. land. This leads to deforestation. At the
household level the food produced from the
4. Stop the spread of non-native
same plot of land that the household has may
invasive species. not be sufficient.
- Preventing the arrival of invasive
b) Deforestation- Leads to high top soil erosion
species in the first place is obviously and poor soil fertility. It will lead to decreased
rainfall and dryness.
important: Having better plant biosecurity
and proper pest risk analysis is essential. c) Poor governance- Corruption and diversion of
public resources to personal usePoor
5. Create careers in agriculture for young
distribution of resources.
people and women.
d) Lower level of saving- Leads to poor purchasing
power of households.
e) Extreme production fluctuation- Decreases
-At the household level, food food supplies available for consumption
security refers to the ability of the
household to secure, either from its own CHANGE
production or through purchases, adequate What is Climate Change?-A long-term change in
food for meeting the dietary needs of all the Earth's overall temperature with massive and
permanent ramification.-It is when the Earth
members of the household.
climate system can result innew weather patterns,
which can last ranging from several decades to
Household food security exists when all the
even million years.What are the causes of Climate
people living in the household have Change?1.) NATURAL CAUSES
physical, social and economic access to a. Volcanic Eruptions -the sudden occurrence
sufficient, safe and nutritious food at all of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic
times that meets their dietary needs and
b. Ocean currents - An ocean current is a
food preferences for an active and healthy continuous, directed movement of sea water
generated by a number of forces acting upon
 Availability (physical supply of food) the water, including wind and breaking
 Access (the ability to acquire food) c. Solar variation- Solar variations are events
 Utilization (the capacity to transform food where the Sun’s energy changes.
into the desired nutritional outcome).
Causes of Food Insecurity a. Increasing the amount of greenhouse
gasesGreenhouse Gases1.) Carbon dioxide
(CO2)2.) Methane (CH4): Methane is emitted
during the production and transport of coal, d) Tourism
natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also e) Businesses and the financial
result from livestock and other agricultural market
practices and by the decay of organic waste in f) Climate change and opportunity
municipal solid waste landfills.3.) Nitrous g) Individuals
oxide (N2O)4.) Fluorinated gases: h) Businesses and financial entities
Hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur i) Governments
hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride are 2. GEOGRAPHICAL
synthetic, powerful greenhouse gases that
An area of study that deals with the
are emitted from a variety of industrial
location of countries, cities, rivers,
mountains, lakes, etc.: the natural features
b. Deforestation - is the permanent removal of (such as rivers, mountains, etc.) of a place
trees to make room for something besides
a) Ice melting- This contributes to sea level
rising, expanding ocean waters ( due to
c. Coal Mining- Coal mining is the process of rising temperature ),
extracting coal from the ground. Coal is valued b) Drought -a prolonged period of abnormally
for its energy content and has been widely low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
used to generate electricity. Steel and cement
industries use coal as a fuel for extraction of 3. BIOLOGICAL
iron from iron ore and for cement production. -Climate has far reaching impacts on
biological systems. Survival and
d. Burning of fossil fuels - Fossil fuels are
reproduction depend on how well adapted
hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural
individuals are to local climate patterns.
gas, formed from the remains of dead plants
and animals. The burning of fossil fuels by Observation of the Biological to the impact of the
humans is the largest source of emissions of Climate change
carbon dioxide, which is one of the
The Earth’s climate has been in a state of
greenhouse gases that allows radiative forcing
change for most of the history of life, and ample
and contributes to global warming.
evidence exists to show how biological systems
e. Industrial processes- a systematic series of respond to changes in temperature and moisture.
mechanical or chemical operations that We know from fossils and other remains of long
produce or manufacture something. dead organisms that biological systems have
undergone dramatic changes in response to past
f. Agriculture -Any activity directly related to the
changes in climate.
production or processing of crops, dairy
products, poultry, or livestock for initial 4. METEOROLOGICAL
commercial sale or as a principal means of
Meteorite impacts nowadays, most of what is on
personal subsistence.
the Earth stays on the Earth; very little material is
VARIOUS IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE TO THE added by meteorites and cosmic dust. The only
FOLLOWING: material lost to space is in space hardware.
However, meteorite impacts have contributed to
climate change in the geological past; a good
a) Agriculture
example is the Chicxulub crater, Yucatán Peninsula
b) Infrastructure
in Mexico.
c) Human health and productivity
Large impacts such as Chicxulub can cause a range Every additional person increases carbon emissions
of effects that include dust and aerosols being
— the rich more than the poor — and increases the
ejected high into the atmosphere that prevent
sunlight from getting through. These materials number of climate change victims – the poor more
insulate the Earth from solar radiation and cause than the rich
global temperatures to fall; the effects can last for
a few years (Kring, 2007).
After the dust and aerosols fall back to Earth, the
greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, water and 1. OCEANS
methane), caused by the interaction of the
impactor and its 'target rocks', remain in the Ice sheets are melting
atmosphere and can cause global temperatures to All that melted ice eventually ends up in the
increase; the effects can last decades (Kring, 2007). ocean, causing sea level to rise, as it has many
Sum of the parts times in the geologic past. At present, sea level is
Each of the above factors contribute to changes in rising about 3–4 mm per year, more than ten times
the Earth’s climate, however the way they interact the rate of 0.1–0.2 mm/year that has occurred over
the past 3000 years.
with each other makes it more complicated.A
change in any one of these can lead to additional
and enhanced changes in the others.For example,  Warmer temperature makes weather more
we understand that the oceans can take carbon
dioxide out of the atmosphere:When the quantity
of CO2 in the atmosphere increases, the 3. FOOD

temperature of the Earth rises.This in turn would 4. HEALTH

contribute to a warming of the oceans. Warm
oceans are less able to absorb CO2 than cold ones, The Premechanical Age: 3000 B.C. - 1450 A.D.
so as the temperature rises, the oceans release Writing and Alphabets--communication.First
humans communicated only
more CO2 into the atmosphere, which in turn
through speaking and picture drawings.3000 B.C.,
causes the temperature to rise again. the Sumerians in
Mesopotamia (what is today southern Iraq)
GROUP 5: Application of STS concept to the issues devised cuniformAround 2000
of climate change B.C., Phoenicians created symbolsThe Greeks later
adopted the
The effects of global warming are Phoenician alphabet and added vowels; the
Romans gave the letters
already bringing harm to human communities and
Latin names to create the alphabet we use today.
the natural world. Further temperature rises will
have a devastating impact and more action on Paper and Pens--input technologies.Sumerians'
input technology was a
greenhouse gas emissions is urgently required. stylus that could scratch marks in wet clay.About
Population and climate change are directly linked. 2600 B.C., the
Egyptians write on the papyrus plantaround 100 slide rule Early example of an analog computer.
A.D., the Chinese made  The Pascaline. Invented by Blaise Pascal
paper from rags, on which modern-day (1623-62).
papermaking is based.  One of the first mechanical computing
machines, around 1642.
Books and Libraries: Permanent Storage  Leibniz's Machine.Gottfried Wilhelm von
Devices.Religious leaders in Leibniz (1646-1716), German
Mesopotamia kept the earliest "books"The mathematician and philosopher.
Egyptians kept scrollsAround  Babbage's Engines Charles Babbage (1792-
600 B.C., the Greeks began to fold sheets of
1871), eccentric English
papyrus vertically into
leaves and bind them together.
 The Difference Engine.Working model
created in 1822.The "method of
The First Numbering Systems.Egyptian system:The
numbers 1-9 as differences".
vertical lines, the number 10 as a U or circle, the  The Analytical Engine. As shown in the
number 100 as a image above.
coiled rope, and the number 1,000 as a lotus Joseph Marie Jacquard's loom.
blossom.The first Designed during the 1830s
numbering systems similar to those in use today Parts remarkably similar to modern-day
were invented between computers.The "store"The
100 and 200 A.D. by Hindus in India who created a "mill"Punch cards.
nine-digit numbering Punch card idea picked up by Babbage from Joseph
system.Around 875 A.D., the concept of zero was Marie Jacquard's
developed. (1752-1834) loom. Introduced in 1801. Binary logic
Fixed program that would operate in real time.
The First Calculators: The Abacus. One of the very Augusta Ada Byron (1815-52). The first
first information programmer
processors. As shown on the image above.
Electromechanical Age (1840-1940)
The Mechanical Age: 1450 - 1840  The discovery of ways to harness electricity
 The First Information Explosion.Johann was the key advance made
Gutenberg (Mainz, during this period. Knowledge and information
Germany)Invented the movable metal-type could now be converted
printing process in 1450.The into electrical impulses.
development of book indexes and the widespread  The Beginnings of Telecommunication.
use of page numbers.  Voltaic Battery.Late 18th century.
 The first general purpose  Telegraph.Early 1800s.
"computers"Actually people who held the  Morse Code.Developed in1835 by Samuel
job MorseDots and dashes.
title "computer: one who works with numbers."  Telephone and Radio.Alexander Graham
Slide Rules, the Pascaline and Leibniz's Bell.1876
Machine.Slide Rule.  Followed by the discovery that electrical
 Early 1600s, William Oughtred, an English waves travel through space
clergyman, invented the
and can produce an effect far from the point at Automatic Computer (UNIVAC).
which they originated. Late 1940s, Eckert and Mauchly began the
 These two events led to the invention of the development of a computer
radio Guglielmo Marconi called UNIVAC (Universal Automatic
1894 Computer)Remington Rand.First
Electromechanical Computing UNIVAC delivered to Census Bureau in 1951.
Herman Hollerith and IBM.Herman Hollerith (1860- But, a machine called LEO (Lyons Electronic Office)
1929) in 1880. went into action a
*Census machine few months before UNIVAC and became the
*Early punch cards. world's first commercial
The first large-scale automatic digital computer in computer.
the United States The Four Generations of Digital Computing.
was the Mark 1 created by Harvard University 1. The First Generation (1951-1958).
around 1940. This Vacuum tubes as their main logic elements.
computer was 8ft high, 50ft long, 2ft wide, and Punch cards to input and externally store data.
weighed 5 tons - HUGE. Rotating magnetic drums for internal storage of
It was programmed using punch cards. How does data and programs
your PC match up to this Programs written in Machine language Assembly
hunk of metal? It was from huge machines like this language Requires a
that people began compiler.
to look at downsizing all the parts to first make 2. The Second Generation (1959-1963).
them usable by Vacuum tubes replaced by transistors as main logic
businesses and eventually in your own home. element.AT&T's Bell
Laboratories, in the 1940s Crystalline mineral
D. The Electronic Age: 1940 - Present. materials called
First Tries.Early 1940s Electronic vacuum tubes. semiconductors could be used in the design of a
Eckert and Mauchly.The First High-Speed, General- device called a
Purpose Computer transistor
Using Vacuum Tubes:Electronic Numerical Magnetic tape and disks began to replace punched
Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) cards as external
*1946. storage devices.
*Used vacuum tubes (not mechanical devices) to Magnetic cores (very small donut-shaped magnets
do its that could be
calculations.Hence, first electronic computer. polarized in one of two directions to represent
*Developers John Mauchly, a physicist, and J. data) strung on wire
Prosper Eckert, an within the computer became the primary internal
electrical engineerThe Moore School of Electrical storage
Engineering at the technology.High-level programming languagesE.g.,
University of Pennsylvania FORTRAN and COBOL
*Funded by the U.S. Army. 3. The Third Generation (1964-1979).
*But it could not store its programs (its set of Individual transistors were
instructions) replaced by integrated circuits.
Share  Magnetic tape and disks completely replace
The First General-Purpose Computer for punch cards as external
Commercial Use: Universal
storage devices.Magnetic core internal memories climates. Technology
began to give way to a • Building houses
new form, metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) • Irrigations
memory, which, like • Developing tools
integrated circuits, used silicon-backed chips. • Musical instruments
Operating systems Advanced programming Spanish Rule
languages like BASIC • Brought their own cultures and practices
developed.Which is where Bill Gates and Microsoft • Established schools and introduced the concepts
got their start in of subjects and
1975. discipline. • Learning of Science in school focuses
4. The Fourth Generation (1979- on understanding
Present).Large-scale and very largescale different concepts related to the human body,
integrated circuits (LSIs and VLSICs) plants, animals, and
Microprocessors that contained memory, logic, and bodies. • Technology focuses on using and
control circuits (an developing house tools.
entire CPU = Central Processing Unit) on a single Spanish Era - Modernized
chip.Which allowed • Filipinos replicated technology brought by the
for home-use personal computers or PCs, like the Spaniards using
Apple (II and Mac) indegenous materials. • Medicine ang advanced
and IBM PC.Apple II released to public in 1977, by science were introduced
Stephen Wozniak and in formal college and universities.
Steven Jobs.Initially sold for $1,195 (without a Galleon Trade - it is used by merchants to sell the
monitor); had 16k spaniards spices,
RAM.First Apple Mac released in 1984.IBM PC porcelain, ivory, processed silk cloth and other
introduced in 1981.Debuts commodities. • The
with MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System). country became one of the center of the global
Fourth generation language software products E.g., trade in the SEA.
Visicalc, Lotus 1-2 American Period
-3, dBase, Microsoft Word, and many • Public education system
others.Graphical User Interfaces • Improved engineering works and health of the
(GUI) for PCs arrive in early 1980sMS Windows people.
debuts in 1983, but is • Mineral resources were explored and exploited.
quite a clunker.Windows wouldn't take off until Health and Sanitation
version 3 was released • Filipinos learned the value of cleanliness, proper
in 1990. hygiene, and
healthy practices. • Hospitals, clinics and health
Role of Science & Technology in the Phil. National center established.
Building Infrastractures
Brief History • Built roads, streets, and bridges
Pre-Spanish • Boulevards, Zone districts, and Center of Leisure
Science were also
• Plant their crops that provide them food established.
• Taking care of animals
• Interpret the movements of heavenly bodies to ISSUES THAT CURRENT AFFECT PHILIPPINES
predict seasons and SOCIETY
1. Slow and expensive internet •Plant and Animal Breeding
 Our country is still lagging in internet speed Applications of Biotechnology
1. Nutrient Supplementation
and is more expensive compared to
2. Abiotic Stress Resistance
other countries in Asia. 3. Industrial Biotechnology
2. No 3G, 4G LTE coverage or connectivity 4. Strength Fibres
3. “UNLIMITED” services 5. Biofuels
4. Fair Usage Policy aka FUP 6. Health Care
5. Hacking
 Hacking is still a prevalent issue not just in (GMO)
powerful countries like the US and China
but in developing countries as well like the Genetically Modified Organism (GMO), is a
Philippines. plant, animal, microorganism or other
organism whose genetic makeup has been
6. Cyberbullying and social media flogging modified in a laboratory using genetic
7. Social media addiction engineering or transgenic technology.
8. When no one Likes or Retweets my post
9. Hoaxes A common approach to thinking about the
 The objective of a hoax is to trick someone ethics of the genetic engineering of food
crops and the appropriate regulatory
into believing something that is not true. environment is by evaluating safety and
10. Online scams weighing potential risks and benefits. The
 Online scams or internet fraud is an ongoing risk side of the ledger includes (Food and
issue especially in the Agriculture Organization of the United
GROUP 7: BIOTECHNOLOGY First are potential risks to the
1BSA2A, Group 8 environment and wildlife.
Figuracion, Furaque, Kayas, Obina, Pintang Genes may "escape" and find their way
into other members of the species or other
BIOTECHNOLOGY species. Imagine the trouble if herbicide-
resistant genes found their way into
weeds. GM crops could compete or breed
with wild species threatening biodiversity.
DEFINITION OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Monogenetic crops may not react
sufficiently to environmental stresses,
According to Biotechnology Innovation posing the danger of a reenactment of
Organization, “Biotechnology is technology Ireland's potato famine. What are the risks
based on biology – biotechnology to birds, insects and other non-target
harnesses cellular and biomolecular species that come into contact with or
processes to develop technologies and consume GM plants?
products that help improve our lives and
the health of our planet. Second are potential risks to human
Types of Biotechnology: There is the potential that allergy-
1. Medical Biotechnology producing genes will be inserted into
Examples: unrelated foodstuffs. Since GM foods are
•Vaccines not labeled, a person could suffer a
•Antibiotics potentially fatal allergic reaction, e.g., an
2. Agricultural Biotechnology allergenic Brazil nut gene was transferred
Examples: to a soybean variety, but the resultant
•Pest resistant crops modified crop was never released to the
public. GM products may inadvertently While GMO research is still in its early
enter the human food supply as evidenced stages, critics of GMOs mention a number
by the settlement earlier this month of health concerns related to the
between Syngenta and the U.S. consumption for GMOs.
government over the accidental sale of
unapproved GM (Bt10) corn seed to 1) Harm from Bt Protein:
farmers. Bt is a naturally occurring insecticide (a
substance used to kill bugs) made from a
type of bacteria called Bacillus
Third are potential socio-economic thuringiensis. Genetic engineers remove
effects. the gene that produces Bt from the
Small-scale farmers could be negatively bacteria and then reinsert it into the DNA
impacted by the market dominance of a of plants. After this genetic modification,
few powerful seed companies. Some worry plants that have been genetically modified
about the potential loss of traditional to contain Bt can protect themselves from
farming practices such as collecting, insects, therefore reducing the need for
storing, and replanting seed. The farmers to use harmful superficial
proprietary nature of biotechnology may insecticides to protect their crops. A new
slow basic research, and patent protection finding has also been revealed that the use
may hinder the entry of GM foods into of Bt crops has greatly reduced the use of
developing countries as has been the case synthetic insecticides.
with pharmaceuticals.
2) Allergies:
Fourth is the potential risk to public trust According to a recent national survey, the
generated in part by industry refusal to potential that GMO foods may trigger
label GM foods as such. allergies is highly concerning to
The benefit side of the ledger stresses: consumers. To begin with, virtually any
food is capable of causing an allergic
First, there are potential benefits to response. Awareness of GMO’s and their
agricultural productivity through the link to potential allergens has increased
development of crops more resistant to due to the knowledge that allergy inducing
pests, disease, and severe weather, proteins known to be present in one
decreasing the risk of devastating crop specific species will remain an allergen
failure. after being engineered into a second
species. A well-known example of this is
Second are potential benefits to the the Brazil nut allergen, which was
environment including: transferred into the soybean species. It
Improved productively could result in more was discovered that the allergy producing
food from less land and a decreasing property associated with the particular
reliance on the cultivation of marginal protein in the Brazil nut was still produced
land. Genetically engineered pest and even after being expressed in the soybean,
disease resistance could reduce the need which could obviously be bad news bears
for pesticides and other chemicals, thereby for someone with a nut allergy enjoying
decreasing the environmental load and some French fries cooked in soybean oil.
farmer exposure to toxins. The potential
longer shelf life of fruits and vegetables 3) Constituents that can Alter
could decrease the gross wastage Nutrient Bioavailability:
associated with transportation and storage. Genetic modifications can potentially
Third are potential benefits to human influence the bioavailability of certain
health and wellbeing. nutrients (bioavailability is the ability our
body has to absorb nutrients). Mycotoxins,
GMO Impact on Health for example, are toxins produced by molds
and other fungi. It is possible that changes
to a crop by genetic modification may means we can more confidently support
make the crop more or less susceptible to the findings in these studies.
mycotoxin production. These changes in
myotoxin production have been seen with GMO Impact on the Environment
corn modified to express Bacillus There have been concerns with respect to
Thuringiensis . Another example involves the influence of GM crops on biodiversity.
phytoestrogens, which we know are Let’s look at some of the potential
naturally present in soy and other concerns.
legumes. It’s possible that genetic
engineering can increase or decrease the 1) Honey Bees
amount of phytoestrogens in the crop, Genetically modified (GM) plants and their
which in turn may have positive health impact on honey bees have been widely
effects for some individuals, and negative studied, and the results indicate that
health effects in excess for others. genetically modified plants are actually not
harmful to honey bees. A review by Malone
4) Random Gene Insertion and Pham-Delègue looked at seven
Critics of GMOs often worry of the dangers studies. Their conclusion was that “Bt
of inserting a gene into DNA, as it is transgene products are very likely to be
thought that the randomness of it may safe for honey bees and bumblebees.” One
cause mutations or change the way genes large study by Duan et al. looked at 25
are expressed. This may be true, but it is different studies and concluded that “the
also true in other forms of conventional Bt Cry proteins used in genetically
breeding. Genes and larger fragments of modified crops for control of caterpillar and
DNA can often get rearranged or inserted beetle pests do not negatively affect the
during conventional plant breading, and survival of honey bee larvae or adults in
some experts believe that this process is the laboratory.” The study included an
far more unpredictable in conventional experiment where they exposed honey
breeding then in the heavily-regulated GM bees to 50 times the dose of Bt varieties
process. Furthermore, changes in DNA are and there was no mortality noted.
also a natural part of evolution. It happens
every day to a wide range of crops as part 2) Superweeds
of evolution, so what we see in GMOs is not Superweeds are weeds that have become
exactly novel. immune to the herbicides sprayed on
them. One of the most common herbicides
5) Lack of Long-Term Studies used to kill weeds is the “Roundup”
An updated review was conducted in 2016, (glyphosate) because it is less toxic than
where Domingo re-iterates the concern other common herbicides. You’ve probably
with the lack of long-term studies. The heard about Monsanto’s GMO line of seeds
researcher also states the majority of GMO called Round Up Ready seeds, which were
research is based on nutritional studies manufactured to be resistant to Round Up.
(which has shown GMO and non-GMO foods In other words, farmers could use a less
are nutritionally equivalent) but limited toxic herbicide to kill the weeds but not
long-term toxicology studies exist. One damage their crops.
positive thing that Domingo points out in
his review is that recently GMO research
has reached a certain equilibrium, meaning NANOTECHNOLOGY
aside from just biotechnology companies
funding research, there have also emerged Nanoscience and nanotechnology involve the
a number of studies conducted by ability to see and to control individual atoms
independent research groups that do not and molecules. Everything on Earth is made
have the intention of commercializing the up of atoms—the food we eat, the clothes we
GM crop. Kicking biased studies to the curb wear, the buildings and houses we live in,
and our own bodies.
But something as small as an atom is The advancement of nanotechnology might
impossible to see with the naked eye. In fact, contribute to terrorism, as it can exacerbate
it’s impossible to see with the microscopes existing trends towards asymmetric warfare.
typically used in high school science classes. If the military forces of the industrialized
The microscopes needed to see things at the world become more difficult to attack and
nanoscale were invented relatively recently defeat due to nanotechnology, this may
—about 30 years ago. force those involved in the war with them to
adopt new strategies, including sabotage
Once scientists had the right tools, such as and attacks on civilians and other targets.
the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) The enhancement of military application in
and the atomic force microscope (AFM), the nanotechnology may thus indirectly increase
age of nanotechnology was born. the occurrence of terrorist attacks in the
Although modern nanoscience and The patent attorney must establish
nanotechnology are quite new, nanoscale uniqueness and obviousness in the process
materials were used for centuries. Alternate- of nanotechnology patent application. A
sized gold and silver particles created colors patent examiner may state that a
in the stained glass windows of medieval nanostructured product lacks novelty
churches hundreds of years ago. The artists because the relevant nanostructure material
back then just didn’t know that the process was present in an existing product, even
they used to create these beautiful works of though the nanostructure material was not
art actually led to changes in the recognized.
composition of the materials they were
working with. Intellectual property issues

Today's scientists and engineers are finding Pundits have warned that the resulting
a wide variety of ways to deliberately make patent creates an adverse effect in progress
materials at the nanoscale to take advantage in technology and have argued that there
of their enhanced properties such as higher should be held patents on "basic"
strength, lighter weight, increased control of nanotechnologies. IBM holds an early and
light spectrum, and greater chemical basic patent on single-wall CNT which can
reactivity than their larger-scale identify as one of the most significant
counterparts. patents that could have an impact on the
future development of nanotechnology. CNT
APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY has great potential to replace major
conventional raw materials. However, as
Military applications their application expands, anyone
A high proportion of nanotechnology manufactures or sell CNT, no matter what
research is sponsored by the military and the uses, must first buy a license from IBM.
thus focused towards military applications.
The potential military applications include Effect on employment
nanorobotics, magnetorheological fluid The nanotechnology impact on labor is in its
(MRF), artificial intelligence and molecular use of particular factors of production.
manufacturing. During the improvement of nanotechnology,
firms are likely to have high demands for the
The advanced developments in military scientists, engineers, and technicians who
technology may have implications for have to build and integrate the new ideas
societal and political relations within the into processes and products. In addition,
community. Modern defense armies are there is a need for supporting labor services,
protected from today’s civilian threats in a which creates career opportunities.
way that never had before. It is likely that
nanotechnology will further widen the gap Nanotechnology is likely to have even less
between the means of political violence impact on labor market inequalities. This is
available to the military and those available because most of us do not need to be literate
to the civilian population. in nanotechnologies any more than we are
literate about computer circuit design.
gaining money with nanotechnology. For us
The balance between the citizens and in Ireland nanotechnology has received
governments excellent funding which is good to hear as
Nanotechnology can be expected to nanotechnology could be a useful ploy in
concentrate political power in the hands of helping with our current national financial
governments. Nanotechnology can be situation.
expected to be applied to further miniaturize
and advanced surveillance technologies such
as cameras, listening devices, tracking
devices, and face and pattern recognition NEGATIVE
systems. Weapons of War
On the instrumental level, concerns include
The improvements in the field of electronics the possibility of military applications of
and computer memory that nanotechnology nanotechnology (for instance, as in implants
makes possible the capacity of government and other means for soldier enhancement
to collect, store, and examine data. like those being developed at the Institute
Developments in nanotechnology, can for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT) as well
therefore, be expected to significantly as enhanced surveillance capabilities
increase the ability of governments to keep through nano-sensors. There is also the
track of their citizens. possibility of nanotechnology being used to
develop chemical weapons and because they
POSSIBLE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE will be able to develop the chemicals from
IMPACTS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN the atom scale up, critics fear that chemical
SOCIETY weapons developed from nano particles will
be more dangerous than present chemical
POSITIVE weapons.
Efficiency and Environmental
Friendliness Fear of the Unknown
'Molecular Scale Manufacturing ensures that Nanotechnology is quite a new concept and
very little raw material is wasted and that we some effects are time dependent so it's
make only what we intend to make, no more. difficult for experts to predict the damage
Factories begin to look more like clean nanoparticles might do. There are concerns
rooms' Rogers, B Adams, J & Pennathur, S about how nano-particles may accumulate in
(2008) Nanotechnology Understanding Small nature. Could large amounts be ingested by
Systems. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis fish? And if so, would it be harmful? Would
Group. the particles be passed along the food chain
A study in 2007 details how nanomaterials like DDT. Thresholds need to be determined.
can be created that are not only safe, but It's vital to find out how to remove or simply
also cost less and perform better than detect nanomaterials if they become
conventional materials. "Green problematic.
Nanotechnology: It's Easier Than You Think,"
was written by the Washington D.C. think The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
tank, the Woodrow Wilson International (PEN), also Washington-based, says it has
Center for Scholars. The study, which is free inventoried more than 600 consumer
online, is based on a series of dialogues with products in 20 countries with nano-scale
scientists, policymakers and industry materials, and "new nanotech products are
representatives about green hitting the market at the rate of three to four
nanotechnology. per week." The interest in nanomaterials is
coming at a time of growing awareness of
Financial Benefits for Countries how chemicals – many of which we don't
involved in Nanotechnology know are manufactured into the products we
Nanotechnology is expected to be a $2.6 use on a daily basis – may be causing us
trillion market by 2015. Each country harm.
involved, including Ireland, has a bright
financial future ahead when it comes to What happens to nanoparticles such as silver
nanoparticles which are used quite a bit, for
example is certain socks? In an experiment States, Japan, Germany, Canada and
reported at the American Chemical Society France). In addition, most patents related to
meeting, two Arizona State University nanotechnology are concentrated amongst a
scientists, Troy Benn and Paul Westerhoff, few multinational corporations, including
washed seven brands of nanosilver socks IBM, Micron Technologies, Advanced Micro
and then tested the wastewater. All but one Devices and Intel. This has led to fears that it
pair leaked silver.That silver, of course, ends will be unlikely that developing countries will
up in our sewers, rivers and lakes. Results have access to the infrastructure, funding
like this have strengthened the calls among and human resources required to support
scientists and environmentalists for a closer nanotechnology research and development,
examination of nanoparticles and their and that this is likely to exacerbate such
effects on humans and the environment. You inequalities.
can find nanosilver in products from clothing
and shoes to mattresses and pillows to The agriculture and food industries
appliances like Samsung's SilverCare demonstrate the concentration of
washers, and Conair's Infiniti Nano Silver hair nanotechnology related patents. Patents
straighteners. The TTC also intends to paint over seeds, plant material, animal and other
the stanchions in its new subway cars with agri-food techniques are already
antimicrobial silver. Considering how quickly concentrated amongst a few corporations.
the market is expanding worldwide, This is anticipated to increase the cost of
scientists doubt that current regulations are farming, by increasing farmers' input
sufficient. They also point out the lack of dependence. This may marginalize poorer
regulations that specifically address farmers, including those living in developing
nanoparticles and say that not enough is countries. Scrinis G, and Lyons K (2007).
being spent on their health effects. "The Emerging Nano-Corporate Paradigm
and the Transformation of Agri-Food
Systems". International Journal of Sociology
of Agriculture and Food 15.

False Hype Producers in developing countries could also

Some worry that nanotechnology will end up be disadvantaged by the replacement of
like virtual reality -- in other words, the hype natural products (including rubber, cotton,
surrounding nanotechnology will continue to coffee and tea) by developments in
build until the limitations of the field become nanotechnology. These natural products are
public knowledge, and then interest (and important export crops for developing
funding) will quickly dissipate. countries, and many farmers' livelihoods
depend on them. It has been argued that
Social Justice and Civil Liberties Picture their substitution with industrial nano-
''Those nations, governments, organizations, products could negatively impact the
and citizens who are unaware of this economies of developing countries, that
impending power shift must be informed and have traditionally relied on these export
enabled so that they may adequately adapt'' crops.
James Canton, President of the Institute for
Global Futures, said of nanotechnology and It is proposed that nanotechnology can only
its disruptive economical potential. be effective in alleviating poverty and aid
development "when adapted to social,
Social justice and civil libertiesConcerns are cultural and local institutional contexts, and
frequently raised that the claimed benefits of chosen and designed with the active
nanotechnology will not be evenly participation by citizens right from the
distributed, and that any benefits (including commencement point" (Invernizzi et al.
technical and/or economic) associated with 2008, p. 132)
nanotechnology will only reach affluent
nations. The majority of nanotechnology Robots Taking over the World
research and development - and patents for Believe it or not there is a very real fear out
nanomaterials and products - is concentrated there of robots controlling the world one day.
in developed countries (including the United This is not as far removed as one might think
as robots are becoming freakishly Heart Disease, high blood pressure,
independent. Nanotechnology is playing a Alzheimer's, arthrits and diabetes are hard
major role in the creation of these robots.
Take a look at the video on the right made in to treat because you have to introduced
February of this year which has gone viral. more than one gene. May induce a tumor if
The video shows robots which are completely integrated in a tumor suppressor gene
autonomous playing an eerie version of the because insertional multigenesis.
James Bond theme tune on various
instruments. 2 types of Gene therapy:

Group 8: What is gene therapy? 1. Somatic gene therapy, which involves

introducing a "good" gene into targeted cells to
Gene therapy is an experimental technique that treat the patient — but not the patient's future
uses genes to treat or prevent disease. In the children because these genes do not get passed
future, this technique may allow doctors to treat a along to offspring.
disorder by inserting a gene into a patient’s cells
instead of using drugs or surgery. Researchers are 2. Germline gene therapy, which involves
testing several approaches to gene therapy, modifying the genes in egg or sperm cells, which
including: will then pass any genetic changes to future
generations. Experimenting with this type of
 Replacing a mutated gene that causes therapy, scientists injected fragments of DNA into
disease with a healthy copy of the gene. fertilized mouse eggs. Although it has potential for
preventing inherited disease, germline gene
 Inactivating, or “knocking out,” a mutated
therapy is controversial and very little research is
gene that is functioning improperly.
being done, for technical and ethical reasons.
 Introducing a new gene into the body to Five of the ways gene therapy can cure, stop, or
help fight a disease. slow a disease...

W. French Anderson, the 'Father of Gene Therapy' 1. Cancer

2. Vision
Problems of Gene Therapy 3. Movement
1. Short Lived 4. Infectious diseases
5. Rare diseases
Hard to rapidly integrate therapeutic
DNA into genome and rapidly dividing
Detriments of gene therapy
nature of cells prevent gene theraphy for
long time. Would have to have multiple Gene therapy has some potential risks. A gene
rounds of theraphy. can't easily be inserted directly into your cells.
2. Immune Response Rather, it usually has to be delivered using a
New things introduced leads to carrier, called a vector.
immune response increased response when
The most common gene therapy vectors are
a repeat offender enter.
viruses because they can recognize certain cells
3. Viral Vectors
and carry genetic material into the cells' genes.
Patient could have toxic, immune, Researchers remove the original disease-causing
inflammatory response also may cause genes from the viruses, replacing them with the
disease once inside. genes needed to stop disease.
4. Multigene Disorder
This technique presents the following risks:
 Unwanted immune system reaction. Your
body's immune system may see the newly
introduced viruses as intruders and attack
them. This may cause inflammation and, in
severe cases, organ failure.
 Targeting the wrong cells. Because viruses
can affect more than one type of cells, it's
possible that the altered viruses may infect
additional cells — not just the targeted cells
containing mutated genes. If this happens,
healthy cells may be damaged, causing
other illness or diseases, such as cancer.
 Infection caused by the virus. It's possible
that once introduced into the body, the
viruses may recover their original ability to
cause disease.
 Possibility of causing a tumor. If the new
genes get inserted in the wrong spot in your
DNA, there is a chance that the insertion
might lead to tumor formation.
The gene therapy clinical trials underway in the
U.S. are closely monitored by the Food and Drug
Administration and the National Institutes of
Health to ensure that patient safety issues are a
top priority during research.
Expensive Cell And Gene Therapies May Fare Well
In Cost-Effectiveness Analyses
Expensive therapies—even those with record high
prices—may offer substantial health gains and thus
have comparable value, in terms of cost-
effectiveness, to less expensive conventional
treatments. To assess the extent to which cell and
gene therapies offer true breakthrough health
benefits, we compared the incremental quality-
adjusted life year (QALY) gains associated with cell
and gene therapies to corresponding gains for
conventional (small molecule) drugs and biologics.

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