Factors Or: Group 1: The Environmental and Natural Resources Management
Factors Or: Group 1: The Environmental and Natural Resources Management
Factors Or: Group 1: The Environmental and Natural Resources Management
Resources Management
a) Physical environment- all abiotic factors or
conditions like temperature, light, rainfall, soil,
Concept of Environment minerals, etc. It comprises of atmosphere,
lithosphere and hydrosphere.
The term environment refers to our b) Biotic environment- all biotic factors or living
surrounding which includes physical, biological and forms like plants, animals, micro-organisms.
socio-cultural aspect. c) Cultural environment- man-made like railways,
Physical aspects- non-living things like air, water, population density, cultural background of the
land, etc. people, the level of technological development
and factors like personal, domestic, religious,
Biological aspects- plants and trees educational, means of transport, market
Socio-cultural aspect- man-made aspects like facilities, economic conditions, and policies of
culture, religion, customs, etc. the government.
Today's scientists and engineers are finding Pundits have warned that the resulting
a wide variety of ways to deliberately make patent creates an adverse effect in progress
materials at the nanoscale to take advantage in technology and have argued that there
of their enhanced properties such as higher should be held patents on "basic"
strength, lighter weight, increased control of nanotechnologies. IBM holds an early and
light spectrum, and greater chemical basic patent on single-wall CNT which can
reactivity than their larger-scale identify as one of the most significant
counterparts. patents that could have an impact on the
future development of nanotechnology. CNT
APPLICATION OF NANOTECHNOLOGY has great potential to replace major
conventional raw materials. However, as
Military applications their application expands, anyone
A high proportion of nanotechnology manufactures or sell CNT, no matter what
research is sponsored by the military and the uses, must first buy a license from IBM.
thus focused towards military applications.
The potential military applications include Effect on employment
nanorobotics, magnetorheological fluid The nanotechnology impact on labor is in its
(MRF), artificial intelligence and molecular use of particular factors of production.
manufacturing. During the improvement of nanotechnology,
firms are likely to have high demands for the
The advanced developments in military scientists, engineers, and technicians who
technology may have implications for have to build and integrate the new ideas
societal and political relations within the into processes and products. In addition,
community. Modern defense armies are there is a need for supporting labor services,
protected from today’s civilian threats in a which creates career opportunities.
way that never had before. It is likely that
nanotechnology will further widen the gap Nanotechnology is likely to have even less
between the means of political violence impact on labor market inequalities. This is
available to the military and those available because most of us do not need to be literate
to the civilian population. in nanotechnologies any more than we are
literate about computer circuit design.
gaining money with nanotechnology. For us
The balance between the citizens and in Ireland nanotechnology has received
governments excellent funding which is good to hear as
Nanotechnology can be expected to nanotechnology could be a useful ploy in
concentrate political power in the hands of helping with our current national financial
governments. Nanotechnology can be situation.
expected to be applied to further miniaturize
and advanced surveillance technologies such
as cameras, listening devices, tracking
devices, and face and pattern recognition NEGATIVE
systems. Weapons of War
On the instrumental level, concerns include
The improvements in the field of electronics the possibility of military applications of
and computer memory that nanotechnology nanotechnology (for instance, as in implants
makes possible the capacity of government and other means for soldier enhancement
to collect, store, and examine data. like those being developed at the Institute
Developments in nanotechnology, can for Soldier Nanotechnologies at MIT) as well
therefore, be expected to significantly as enhanced surveillance capabilities
increase the ability of governments to keep through nano-sensors. There is also the
track of their citizens. possibility of nanotechnology being used to
develop chemical weapons and because they
POSSIBLE POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE will be able to develop the chemicals from
IMPACTS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN the atom scale up, critics fear that chemical
SOCIETY weapons developed from nano particles will
be more dangerous than present chemical
POSITIVE weapons.
Efficiency and Environmental
Friendliness Fear of the Unknown
'Molecular Scale Manufacturing ensures that Nanotechnology is quite a new concept and
very little raw material is wasted and that we some effects are time dependent so it's
make only what we intend to make, no more. difficult for experts to predict the damage
Factories begin to look more like clean nanoparticles might do. There are concerns
rooms' Rogers, B Adams, J & Pennathur, S about how nano-particles may accumulate in
(2008) Nanotechnology Understanding Small nature. Could large amounts be ingested by
Systems. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis fish? And if so, would it be harmful? Would
Group. the particles be passed along the food chain
A study in 2007 details how nanomaterials like DDT. Thresholds need to be determined.
can be created that are not only safe, but It's vital to find out how to remove or simply
also cost less and perform better than detect nanomaterials if they become
conventional materials. "Green problematic.
Nanotechnology: It's Easier Than You Think,"
was written by the Washington D.C. think The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies
tank, the Woodrow Wilson International (PEN), also Washington-based, says it has
Center for Scholars. The study, which is free inventoried more than 600 consumer
online, is based on a series of dialogues with products in 20 countries with nano-scale
scientists, policymakers and industry materials, and "new nanotech products are
representatives about green hitting the market at the rate of three to four
nanotechnology. per week." The interest in nanomaterials is
coming at a time of growing awareness of
Financial Benefits for Countries how chemicals – many of which we don't
involved in Nanotechnology know are manufactured into the products we
Nanotechnology is expected to be a $2.6 use on a daily basis – may be causing us
trillion market by 2015. Each country harm.
involved, including Ireland, has a bright
financial future ahead when it comes to What happens to nanoparticles such as silver
nanoparticles which are used quite a bit, for
example is certain socks? In an experiment States, Japan, Germany, Canada and
reported at the American Chemical Society France). In addition, most patents related to
meeting, two Arizona State University nanotechnology are concentrated amongst a
scientists, Troy Benn and Paul Westerhoff, few multinational corporations, including
washed seven brands of nanosilver socks IBM, Micron Technologies, Advanced Micro
and then tested the wastewater. All but one Devices and Intel. This has led to fears that it
pair leaked silver.That silver, of course, ends will be unlikely that developing countries will
up in our sewers, rivers and lakes. Results have access to the infrastructure, funding
like this have strengthened the calls among and human resources required to support
scientists and environmentalists for a closer nanotechnology research and development,
examination of nanoparticles and their and that this is likely to exacerbate such
effects on humans and the environment. You inequalities.
can find nanosilver in products from clothing
and shoes to mattresses and pillows to The agriculture and food industries
appliances like Samsung's SilverCare demonstrate the concentration of
washers, and Conair's Infiniti Nano Silver hair nanotechnology related patents. Patents
straighteners. The TTC also intends to paint over seeds, plant material, animal and other
the stanchions in its new subway cars with agri-food techniques are already
antimicrobial silver. Considering how quickly concentrated amongst a few corporations.
the market is expanding worldwide, This is anticipated to increase the cost of
scientists doubt that current regulations are farming, by increasing farmers' input
sufficient. They also point out the lack of dependence. This may marginalize poorer
regulations that specifically address farmers, including those living in developing
nanoparticles and say that not enough is countries. Scrinis G, and Lyons K (2007).
being spent on their health effects. "The Emerging Nano-Corporate Paradigm
and the Transformation of Agri-Food
Systems". International Journal of Sociology
of Agriculture and Food 15.