2nd Year Book 2 Short Questions
2nd Year Book 2 Short Questions
2nd Year Book 2 Short Questions
Q. 1:Who is the writer of „First year at Harrow‟?
Ans: Sir Winston Churchill is the author of the essay “First
year at Harrow”.
Q. 2: The writer says that the examiners ask question which
students cannot Ans:wer and not those which they can
Ans:wer. Is the complaint just?
Ans: To some extent, this complaint is true but mostly it does
not happen. It is the complaint of dull students. The
can Ans:wer any question asked in the exam.
Q. 3: What sort of questions is asked by your examiners?
Ans: Our examiners ask easy as well as difficult questions in
the examinations. They ask such questions which can
a diligent student from an ordinary one.
Q. 4: Why did not Churchill do well in examinations?
Ans: He liked poetry and essay writing but the examiners were
interested in Latin and Mathematics. He did not know the
Ans:wers of the questions. So he could not do well in the
Q. 5: How did he do his Latin paper?
Ans: He did his Latin paper badly. He just wrote his name,
question „1‟ and after much reflection put a bracket round it
(1). Then, unknowingly, he put a blot and many smudges on the
Q. 6: Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin
and Greek. Was it a gain or loss?
Ans: Churchill was taught English at Harrow and not Latin and
Greek it was a gain for him. This knowledge proved very useful
for him in future to earn his livelihood and a promising career.
Q. 7: What good did his three years stay at Harrow do him?
Ans: His three stay at Harrow was very important for
Churchill.Here he learnt the basic rules of English. This
knowledge proved very useful for him in future to earn his
livelihood and a promising career.
Q.8: In after years how did the knowledge of English stand
him in good stead?
Ans: In after years, the knowledge of English proved very
useful for him in his practical life.By knowing his national
language, he faced no difficulty in the daily affairs of life. He
became a successful politician.
Q. 9: What happened to boys who had learnt Latin and
Ans: Those boys who had leant Latin and Greek and had won
many prizes. They had to learn English again to earn their
Q.10: What is Churchill‟s advice regarding learning
Ans: His advice is that all English boys should learn English
first. They should get it into their bones. Later on, clever ones
may learn Latin as an honor and Greek as a treat.
Q.11: Who was Mr. Welldon?
Ans: Mr. Welldon was the head of Harrow. He was an
intelligent man. He judged the hidden qualities in Churchill and
granted him admission. Churchill had great regards for him.
Q.12: Who was Mr. Somervell and how did he teach
Ans: Mr. Somervell was a delightful teacher of English at
Harrow. He had his own method of teaching. He taught English
by meAns: of red, blue , black and green inks.
Q. 1: Who is the writer of Hitch-Hiking across the Sahara”?
Ans: G.F. Lamb is the writer of the essay „Hitch -Hiking
Across the Sahara‟.
Q. 2: Give an idea of the size of the Sahara. How does it
compare with England?
Ans: The Sahara is a very vast desert in Africa. It is many
times the size of greetBritain. England is very small if compared
with this desert.
Q. 3:What had Christopher„s foster mother to do with his
desire to see distant places?
Ans: In his childhood, Christopher‟s foster mother used to
threaten him to send him toTimbuktu (a city in Sahara) if he got
naughty. The threat instead of alarming him aroused a keen
desire in him to visit distant places of Sahara.
Q. 4: How did he manage to get a seat in the weapon carrier?
Ans: He requested the French in charge of the weapon carrier
to allow him to travel with them. He produced a permit from
Ministry of war that he could go to French troops for his article.
Q. 5: What was the most noticeable feature of the desert city
named Ghardaia?
Ans: Ghardaia was a typical desert city. Flies were in plenty
there. Its flies were even more numerous and stickier than
anywhere else. Almost everything there was covered with flies.
Q. 6: How did they manage to drive the heavy truck in the
trackless desert with its soft sand?
Ans: When the truck stuck into the sand, they took out steel
mesh and placed them together to make a runway for the truck
on the sand. In this way, they crossed the desert with its soft
Q. 7: What did the driver tell Christopher about three
Englishmen who had attempted to cross the desert?
Ans: The driver told the story to him about three English
people who tried to cross the part of the desert in a car. Their
was stuck in a sand dune and thus they died of thirst.
Q. 8: Give an account of the little town, named El Golea, and
compare it with In Salah.
Ans: El Golea was a true oasis with plenty of water. In El
Golea, Christopher took bath in a little pool. The pool was
shaded by palm-trees. He also enjoyed lying on the cool grass
beside the pool. On the other hand, In Salah was fighting a
for its survival. The sand was encroaching it.
Q. 9: What do you know of Professor Claude Balanguernon?
How did he save the hero‟s life towards the end of hitch-
Ans: Professor Claude Balanguernon was a Frenchman who
devoted his life to educate the Taureg people. He was well-
aware of the features and routes of theSahara. He saved
Christopher‟ life by helping him in time when he missed his
route and might die of thirst.
Q.10: Describe the events leading to the killing of a camel?
What sort of water did they get from its stomach?
Ans: When they had dire shortage of water and they might die
of thirst, they killed a camel. They obtained a tick yellowish
green liquid from its stomach and drank that to save their lives.
Q.11: Describe the journey through “The land of Thirst and
Ans: The area where they killed a camel for water was known
as “The land of Thirst and Death”. It was notorious for sand
storms and dry wells of water. They also saw a snake and
vultures there.
Q.12: How much distance did Christopher cover to reach his
Ans: He crossed 3200 kilometers of desert and reached his
destination Timbuktu.
Q.13: Describe the stay at In Abbangaret . How did
Christopher manage to get water there?
Q. 1: Who is the writer of the essay Sir Alexander Fleming?
Ans: Patrick Pringle is the writer of the essay „Sir Alexander
Q. 2: What are antiseptics?
Ans: Germs can be killed or destroyed or poisoned by using
some chemicals known as antiseptics.
Q. 3: What is the antiseptics method?
Ans: Anti-septic are the substances when are entered the body
they kill the germs of diseases theta are harmful for the body.
Q. 4: What was the chief defect of antiseptic method?
Ans: The chief defect of anti-septic method was that it not only
destroyed the germs but also the white blood cells of body,
which are very important in the human body.
Q. 5: What part is played by the white cells in the blood of a
human body?
Ans: The white blood cells of the body are to protect the body
against disease.
Q. 6: Describe how Fleming discovered penicillin?
Ans: In 1922, Fleming was suffering from catarrh. He
examined his own nasal secretions. He found a natural
produced by the body itself.
Q. 7: What was aseptic method?
Ans: The method in which heat was used to destroy the germs
of dise4eases was known as aseptic method
Q. 8: In what respect is penicillin better than the chemical
Ans: Penicillin is better than other chemical antiseptics as it
destroys only germs of disease and is harmless to the white
of the blood.
Q. 9: Was Fleming proud of his discovery?
Ans: Fleming was humble and not proud of his discovery. He
said, “Nature makes penicillin, I just found it”.
Q. 10: Why couldn‟t penicillin have been discovered in the
research laboratories of America?
Ans: Penicillin could not have been discovered in laboratories
of America as these were very neat, clean and covered from all
sides and spore of penicillin could not reach inside them.
Q. 1:Who is the writer of the essay „Louis Pasteur”?
Ans: Margaret Avery is the writer is the essay „Louis Pasteur‟.
Q. 2: Describe the early life of Pasteur?
Ans: Pasteur belonged to a humble family. He lived in a village
from where he got early education. Then he moved to city and
became a famous scientist in history.
Q. 3: Give some instances of Pasteur?
Ans: Pasteur was a great patriot. He offered himself to serve in
the army. He worked for France in the field for science. He
saved the wine and silk industry of France. Once. He donated
his savings t the welfare of France.
Q. 4: What do you meant by „spontaneous generation‟?
Ans: Spontaneous generation meAns: that things change
without the external influence.
Q. 5: How did Pasteur prove that spontaneous generation
was not a fact?
Ans: Pasteur proved that things change because of bacteria.
Things do not change without external influence.
Q. 6: What help did Pasteur render in curing the “silkworm”
disease in his country?
Ans: Pasteur advised the rearers of silkworm to avoid over-
crowding‟ over-heating and unhealthy conditions because
things weakned them to get disease.
Q. 7: How did Pasteur discover the treatment of the cattle
disease, Anthrax?
Ans: Pasteur cultivated the germs in such a way that they were
weakened. When these germs were i8noculated into the healthy
animals, they produced a mild type of illness. This protects
from different diseases.
Q. 8: Who did Pasteur discover the method of making
Ans: Pasteur cultivated the germ in such a way that they were
weakened. When these germs were inoculated into the healthy
animals, they produced a mild type of illness. This protects
from different diseases.
Q. 9:Give and account of Pasteur‟s treatment of
Ans: The first human disease for which Pasteur used
inoculation was hydrophobia or Rabies. It was a horrible
caused by the bite of a “Mad” dog.
Q. 10: How did Pasteur show the way to other scientists?
Ans: Pasteur abolished superstitions about diseases. Diseases
and death was mysterious thing. He found out their causes and
brought them to the world of facts.
Q. 1: Who is the writer of the essay “Mustafa Kamal”?
Ans: Wilfred F. Castle is the writer of the essay “Mustafa
Q. 2: What was the attitude of the Turkish government
towards the allies after world world I?
Ans: Padsha and old liberals and old liberals wanted to from a
government in collaboration with the allies.
Q. 3: Why was Mustafa Kamal sent to Antolia?
Ans: Mustafa Kamal was sent to Anatolia to put down the
rebels who were not obeying Padsha.
Q. 4: What was the reaction of the Turkish patriots to the
intentions of the allies to partition the Ottoman Empire?
Ans: They planned to rage a war against the Greeks through
guerillas. They wanted to build up to the national army and
temporary government in Anatolia.
Q. 5: Writer a note on Mustafa Kamal activities in Anatolia?
Ans: Mustafa Kamal planned to rage a war against the Greeks
through guerillas. He wanted to build up the national army and
temporary government in Antolia.
Q. 6: Why did Mehmet order Mustafa Kamal to return to
Ans: Mehmet felt that he was working against the interest of
his government. So, he ordered him to come back at once.
Q. 7: Whatwas Mustafa Kamal‟s reply?
Ans: In reply to the order of the sultan of turkey, Mustafa
Kamal said. “ I shall stay in Anatolia until the nation has won its
Q. 8: What was decided by the Grand Turkish National
Assembly at the end of war?
Ans: The Grand National Assembly of Turkey decided by the
unanimous vote to abolish the Sultanate in Turkey.
Q. 9: Why did Mustafa simply the Turkish language?
Ans: The Turkish language had many Arabic and Persian
words. It was difficult to learn. Mustafa kamal simplified the
Turkish language to make it simple, easy and modern.
Q. 10: What were Mustafa views about women of the
Ans: Mustafa was of the opinion that woman should have
equal rights. They should be educated. They should bye
encouraged to take part in nation progress.
Q. 11: What were Mustafa Kamal economic reforms?
Ans: For economic reform, new roads and railways were
constructed. New factures were opened. He encouraged heavy
industry. They banking system was organized. He did all this
without borrowing from outside.
Q. 12: What were his social reforms in the country?
Ans: Mustafa Kamal finished old title. The people used to wear
Fez: now wearing of hat was compulsory. Veil was also
abolished. Women were allowed to get higher education.
Q. 13: What happened on 23rd of April, 1920?
Ans: On 23rd April, 1920, the revolutionary Turkish Grand
Assembly met and elected Mustafa Kamal as the first president
of Turkey.
Q. 14: Why October 1923 I famous in the history of the
Ans: The 29 October 1923 is famous in the history of the world
because on that day the Ottoman Empire was wiped from
and a new Turkish Republic was established.
Author: zahidenotes.com
Redesigned By Safdar