Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Iowa: Fourth Editon

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Grand Council of

Royal and Select Masters

Of Iowa

Fourth Editon
February 2015
Norman D. Rank, P.G.M., Chairman, Board of Custodians
Donald E. Mosier, P.G.M.
W. Charles Smithson, P.I.M.
APRONS, DRESS AND PARAPHERNALIA...........................................................................................2
APRONS...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
DRESS.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
PARAPHERNALIA................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
OPENING (SELECT MASTER DEGREE)................................................................................................5
PURGING.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
WORK........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
PRAYER.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
TRANSITION TO THE ROYAL MASTER DEGREE...............................................................................14
ROYAL MASTER DEGREE.................................................................................................................15
FIRST SECTION.......................................................................................................................................................................................17
PROLOGUE.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
WORK........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
PRAYER.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
CIRCUMAMBULATIONS..................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
OPTIONAL ADDITION TO THE WORK......................................................................................................................................................... 21
SECOND SECTION...................................................................................................................................................................................24
WORK........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 25
SCRIPTURE READINGS...................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
OBLIGATION.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
HISTORICAL LECTURE....................................................................................................................................................................................... 31
PROLOGUE TO THE SELECT MASTER DEGREE....................................................................................................................................... 31
SELECT MASTER DEGREE.................................................................................................................33
AHISHAR'S SOLILOQUY (Optional)............................................................................................................................................................... 36
WORK........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
OBLIGATION.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
HISTORICAL LECTURE....................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
APRON LECTURE................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45
CHARGE TO THE CANDIDATE........................................................................................................................................................................ 46
CLOSING (SELECT MASTER DEGREE)...............................................................................................47
CHARGE AT CLOSING......................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
INSTALLATION OF COUNCIL OFFICERS...........................................................................................50
CHARGE TO THE DEPUTY MASTER.............................................................................................................................................................. 52
CHARGE TO THE PRINCIPAL CONDUCTOR OF THE WORK................................................................................................................ 52
CHARGE TO THE TREASURER........................................................................................................................................................................ 52
CHARGE TO THE RECORDER.......................................................................................................................................................................... 52
CHARGE TO THE CHAPLAIN............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
CHARGE TO THE CAPTAIN OF THE GUARD.............................................................................................................................................. 53
CHARGE TO THE CONDUCTOR OF THE COUNCIL.................................................................................................................................. 53
CHARGE TO THE STEWARD............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
CHARGE TO THE ORGANIST............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
CHARGE TO THE SENTINEL............................................................................................................................................................................ 53
ADDRESS TO THE ILLUSTRIOUS MASTER................................................................................................................................................. 53
PROCLAMATION.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 54
Afer several years of Councils and Companions lacking a writen version of the rituals of Cryptc Masonry in
Iowa (the third editon was released in 1985, and supplies had been exhausted about 2011), it was determined
that a closer look at the Cryptc work in Iowa needed to be done prior to again releasing the work for printng.

With changes to the manner in which the work was communicated, the number of Companions profcient in the
work, and technology, much work needed to be done to keep Cryptc Masonry relevant.

On December 9, 2014, Most Illustrious Companion Kurt Hofmann, Grand Master released a poll to the
membership to gain further opinion on the subject of moving the ritual toward plain-English. The results of this
survey indicated that 60% of the membership favored plain-English, rather than encoding. However, the
obligaton, and any ‘secret work’ should remain encoded.

On December 20, 2014 M.I.Comp. Hofmann formed a Special Commitee on the Ritual. This commitee
consisted of: M.I.Comp. Norman Rank, Chairman of the Board of Custodians, M.I.Comp. Don Mosier, and
I.Comp. W. Charles Smithson. They were charged to review the work, see that it was properly converted to
plain-English, and that digital versions of the work would be made available. This commitee had a deadline of
January 15, 2015 in which to complete these tasks.

The commitee consulted with several sources to ensure accuracy in the ritual, including the frst three editons
of the Iowa ritual, the 24th editon of the rituals of the General Grand Council of Cryptc Masons Internatonal,
and rituals from other Cryptc jurisdictons.

Then on January 10, 2015, the Commitee announced to M.I.Comp. Hofmann that they had completed their
work. However, the Commitee asked that their draf be pre-released to the membership for their review and
comment. Thus, the work was distributed electronically for 30 days for the membership to review. Afer
considering numerous comments and suggestons from the membership, the commitee made changes as they
saw necessary. Finally, on February 15, 2015, the Special Commitee on the Ritual released their fnal work,
which you now hold in your hands.
Councils must be equipped with the following aprons, robes and paraphernalia:

The aprons are white bordered on the sides and botom and on the fap with a
band of purple, and are provided with purple strings. The emblem of the Council
is to be on the fap.
The emblem of the Council shall be as follows: In the center is a trowel in an
erect positon with the handle up and the blade or bowl down; outside of the
trowel is a broken equilateral triangle with the missing or broken side on the
lower or horizontal side; across and on top of the trowel and broken triangle in a
horizontal positon with hilt at right is laid a sword; around all of the above and touching
the outer points is a circle; and outside of the whole touching the top, botom and sides
of the circle, is a square.

Robes, if used, should be in good conditon, with appropriate footwear and no visible
jewelry. The dress of the frst three ofcers of subordinate Councils should be as follows:
• The Illustrious Master is dressed in a royal robe of purple.
• The Deputy Master is dressed in a royal robe of red or scarlet.
• The Principal Conductor of the work is dressed in a royal robe of blue.
• The Captain of the Guard, the Steward and the Sentnel may be clothed in ancient military costume
with a helmet on the head and a sword in the hand.
• The Conductor of the Council is dressed in a robe of scarlet.
• Use robes or dusters for crafsmen in the Select Master degree.

• A representaton of the nine arches.
• Three small tables for statons in the East.
• One seven branched candelabra. One Royal Arch Ark, with Triangular bronze plate containing
the Royal Arch cryptogram, Aaron's Rod, Pot of Manna, Book of the Law and three ancient squares.
• Trowels, swords, and shackles.

The above-mentoned equipment, with, possibly, the excepton of the furnishings of the Sanctum Sanctorum, is
essental for the proper presentaton of the degrees.
Ofcers and Statons

1. Illustrious Master (IM)

2. Deputy Master (DM)
3. Principal Conductor of The Work (PCW)
4. Treasurer (Tr)
5. Recorder (Rec)
6. Captain of The Guard (CG)
7. Conductor of The Council (CC)
8. Chaplain
9. Steward (St)
10. Sentnel (Sent)
Diagram 1
At the appointed tme the Illustrious Master will assume his staton and give one knock (*) to call the assembly
to order. All ofcers will take their respectve statons and all will be seated. Steward will see that the doors are
closed (Diagram 1).
IM: Illustrious Companion of Tyre, (Deputy Master rises) shall we resume our labors in the Secret Vault?
DM: Illustrious King Solomon, it is my ardent desire to see the Secret Vault completed, and the Sacred Treasures
safely deposited therein, that I may return to my own country with the satisfacton of having faithfully
discharged my duty to the Craf. (DM is seated.)
IM: (*) Companion Captain of the Guard, (Captain of the Guard rises) are all present Select Masters?
CG: (Being satsfed) Illustrious Master, all present are Select Masters.
Diagram 2
If Captain of the Guard is not satsfed, he will call on the Steward.

CG: Companion Steward, (Steward rises) are all present Select Masters?
St: I will ascertain and report.
Steward goes north to just in front of sidelines, then east to end of sidelines, about faces and returns to a line
just west of Altar, turns lef and goes south to just in front of sidelines, then east to end of sidelines, about
faces and returns along south side of room to his staton, purging north sidelines as he goes east and south
sidelines as he goes west, making square corners. (Diagram 2).
When challenging a Companion, Steward will halt, face the Companion, cause him to rise, right or lef face - he
should never turn his back to the Companion challenged - and say:
St: Companion Captain of the Guard, a visitor for whom I cannot vouch.
CG: (If he cannot vouch for the visitor) will any Companion vouch for the visitor? (The visitor being vouched for,
the Captain of the Guard will say) Companion Steward, the visitor is properly vouched for.
Steward will again face the Companion, direct him to be seated, and proceed with his dutes.
If the visitor is not vouched for, the Illustrious Master will appoint a commitee of three who will retre with the
visitor and examine him.
An examined visitor, having the proper credentals, and there being no objecton, may be introduced at any
convenient tme afer the Council has been duly opened.
Having completed his duty of purging, the Steward returns to his staton, faces the Captain of the Guard and,
St: Companion Captain of the Guard, all present are Select Masters. (Steward is seated)
CG: Illustrious Master, all present are Select Masters.
IM: Is our number complete?
CG: I fnd the number three tmes nine.
IM: See that the Companions are in order as Select Masters.
CG: (***) (All rise) Companions, be in order as Select Masters.
All give frst sign (pl--- ou- ey--) and hold it untl released by the knock (*) in the East. The Illustrious Master
does not rise or give sign.
CG: Illustrious Master, the Companions are in order.
IM: (*) (All drop hands to side. All are seated except Captain of the Guard) Companion Captain of the Guard, you
will see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded.
CG: Companion Steward, (Steward rises) see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded, and inform the Sentnel
that the Illustrious Master is about to open ___________ Council Number _____ of Select Masters. Direct
him to take due notce thereof and guard accordingly.
St: (Opens door) Companion Sentnel, the Illustrious Master is about to open ___________ Council Number
_____ of Select Masters. Take due notice thereof and guard accordingly.
Closes door, gives (*) answered by the Sentnel (*). Returns to his staton and reports:
St: Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sentnel is at his post and the Secret Vault is securely guarded.
(Steward is seated)
CG: Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure.
IM: Companion Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master?
CG: I am acknowledged as such, and have wrought my regular hours.
IM: What are the regular hours?
CG: From nine at night ‘tll twelve, the tme when prying eyes are closed in sleep.
IM: Where were you greeted as a Select Master?
CG: In a legally constituted Council of Select Masters assembled in a place representng the Secret Vault erected
by King Solomon under the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple.
IM: How many compose a Council of Select Masters?
CG: Nine or more.
IM: When composed of only nine, who are they?
CG: The Illustrious Master, Deputy Master, Principal Conductor of the Work, Treasurer, Recorder, Captain of the
Guard, Conductor of the Council, Steward, and Sentnel.
IM: The Steward's staton?
CG: At the entrance to the Secret Vault.
IM: (**) (All ofcers rise except the Illustrious Master) Companion Steward, your duty?
St: To guard the entrance to the Secret Vault with sleepless vigilance.
IM: The Conductor of the Council's staton?
St: In the South.
IM: Companion Conductor of the Council, your duty?
CC: To prepare, introduce and conduct all candidates for recepton and greeting; examine visitors and see that
they are properly accommodated.
IM: The Captain of the Guard's staton?
CC: In the West.
IM: Companion Captain of the Guard, whom do you represent?
CG: Adoniram.
IM: Your duty?
CG: To guard well my post, and sufer none to pass it but the select, the faithful, and the worthy; to aid in
organizing and preserving order and decorum in the Council; to obey the commands of my chief and be near
at hand to see them duly executed.
IM: The Recorder's staton?
CG: On the lef of the Illustrious Council.
IM: Companion Recorder, your duty?
Rec: To observe the will and pleasure of the Illustrious Master, and record the proceedings of the Council so far
as the same are proper to be writen.
IM: The Treasurer’s staton?
Rec: On the right of the Illustrious Council.
IM: Companion Treasurer, your duty?
Tr: To number and weigh out the shekels of the Sanctuary, and provide for the helpless orphans.
IM: The Principal Conductor of the Work’s staton?
Tr: On the lef of the Illustrious Master.
IM: Companion Principal Conductor of the Work, whom do you represent?
PCW: Hiram Abif
IM: Your duty?
PCW: To sound the silver trumpet at early dawn and eve of day, when the Sun’s frst and last rays guild the
mountain tops, announce high twelve, and proclaim the tme for refreshment and labor.
IM: The Deputy Master’s staton?
PCW: On the right of the Illustrious Master.
IM: Companion Deputy Master, your duty?
DM: As the representatve of Hiram King of Tyre with the Illustrious Master in Council, to exhibit the fellowship
of Kings; to brighten the chain of friendship; to furnish memorials of the ancient craf, and to aid and
support my chief in all the requirements of his ofce.
IM: The Illustrious Master’s staton?
DM: In the East of the Ninth Arch.
IM: His duty?
DM: As the representatve of Solomon King of Israel in Council, to recite the secret traditons; to illustrate the
moral principles of our order; to cherish the worthy, and hold in due veneraton the ancient landmarks.
IM: Companion Captain of the Guard, what is the hour?
CG: Nine at night.
IM: (Rises) (***) (All rise) Since it is nine at night, it is the tme to resume our labors. The Companions will repair
to their several statons, and, afer the regular alarm of the mysterious nine, each will resume his labors as
he may be directed. Give your orders accordingly.
CG: Companions, it is the order of the Illustrious Master that you repair to your several statons and, afer the
regular alarm of the mysterious nine, each will resume his labors as he may be directed.
IM: Companions, atend to giving the Signs.
(All present will give the signs in unison with the Illustrious Master as follows: 1: ha--- to he--; 2: pl--- ou- ey--;
3: ch-- of- ha--- (le-- ha-- f---); 4: bo-- qu------- an-- th---- am----- th- ru-----. Afer each sign, drop hands to side
before giving the next sign.)
IM: (*** *** ***).
DM: (*** *** ***).
PCW: (*** *** ***).
IM: Companions, let us pray. (Illustrious Master may give the prayer or call on the Chaplain thus:) Companion
Chaplain, you will lead us in our devotons.

May the Supreme Grand Master graciously preside over all our Councils, and direct us in all such things as He
will be pleased to approve and bless. May our profession as Masons be the rule of our conduct as men. May our
secret retreat ever contnue to be the resort of the just and merciful; the seat of the moral virtues, and the
home of the select. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
IM: I now declare ___________ Council Number ______ of Select Masters duly opened. Companion Captain of
the Guard, you will inform the Sentnel; Companion Conductor of the Council, atend at the Altar.
CG: Companion Steward, inform the Sentnel.
(Conductor of the Council and Steward leave their statons simultaneously to perform their respectve dutes.
Conductor of the Council goes to Altar, opens Bible at Exodus 16:32-35, places Square and Compass on lef
hand page, gives frst two signs, (pl--- ou- ey--and ch-- of-ha---) which are acknowledged by Illustrious Master,
and returns to his staton.)
St: (At the door) (*** *** ***).
Sen: (Outside) (*** *** ***).
St: (Opens door) Companion Sentnel, the Council is duly opened.
(Steward closes door, gives (*) answered by Sentnel (*) and returns to his staton.)
Stew: (At his staton) Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sentnel is informed.
CG: Illustrious Master, your order has been obeyed.
IM: (*) (All are seated.)

-End of opening-
(The business of a Council will be transacted in the Select Master degree. When work is to be done in the Royal
Master degree, labor will be suspended in the Secret Vault as follows:)
IM: (***) (All rise) Companion Captain of the Guard, I now declare labor suspended in the Secret Vault and a
Council of Royal Masters duly opened for work. Inform the Sentnel.
CG: Companion Steward, inform the Sentnel that labor is suspended in the Secret Vault and a Council of Royal
Masters opened for work. Direct him to take due notce thereof and guard accordingly.
St: (At the door) (*** *** **).
Sen: (Outside) (*** *** **).
St: (Opens door) Companion Sentnel, labor is now suspended in the Secret Vault and a Council of Royal Masters
opened for work. Take due notce thereof and guard accordingly.
(Steward closes door, gives (*) answered by the Sentnel (*), returns to his staton and reports:)
St: Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sentnel is informed.
CG: Illustrious Master, your order has been obeyed.
(Bible remains open)
IM: (*) (All are seated.)
Diagram 3
In this secton the Illustrious Master, Deputy Master and Principal Conductor of the Work represent Solomon
King of Israel (KS), Hiram King of Tyre (HKT), and Hiram Abif (HA) respectvely.
The council room should be set up as in Diagram 3. A representaton of the Cherubim should be formed by the
use of standards (9), each with a burning taper on it or standards connected by silk ropes or other suitable
material enclosing the Altar with opening at the south.
In the northeast corner of the room there should be a table on which are several artcles as described in 1 Kings
7:48-50 and a trestle board on which are several geometric designs. Hiram Abif is at work there as the degree
Candles on the table remain lighted throughout entre frst secton.
Each of the three Grand Masters should have a pedestal with a lighted candle upon it. All three are in their
statons when candidates are brought in. Hiram Abif remains there untl afer the prologue.
Aprons should not be worn over robes except HA who puts his on afer repairing to the northeast corner.
When all is in readiness the Conductor of the Council will conduct the candidates into the Council chamber and
seat them on the south side of the room east of Conductor of the Council staton; assume his staton and be
All candidates, (Cand) or Adoniram (Ad), should wear plain white aprons.
Only one actve candidate should be used in the frst secton.
The Illustrious Master may give the prologue or request some Companion to do so.

Companions, you have repeatedly been informed that Masonry is a never-ending search for light. In the Craf
degrees you received light, more light, and further light, but your search was not ended. In the Chapter degrees
additonal light was imparted to you, and you found, as you fnd in life, that each advancement in knowledge
simply opens the eyes to a vaster feld of knowledge yet to be atained. Every revealment in Masonry is also a
reveilment. Every discovery of new truths also reveals a veil in front of some other truth, to be again the object
of further search. Ultmate Truth will be discovered only when we have passed the fnal veil and entered into the
presence of Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
In taking our degrees there is one thing you must remember, namely, the order in which events happen is
seldom the order in which we learn about them. The successive degrees in Masonry picture events in the order
we learn about them, not the chronological order in which they occurred. For instance, the events of the Mark
Master degree took place before those of the Master Mason degree, but they were not presented to you in that
order. The degree you are about to receive pictures events that happened prior to and afer the tragedy of the
third degree, and we would have you notce how well they fll the gaps in our knowledge of that tragedy and its
In this degree you, as a candidate, will represent Adoniram, one of the most skilled of the crafsmen employed
by King Solomon at the building of the Temple, who was a close personal friend of the Grand Master Hiram
KS: Companion Captain of the Guard, (Captain of the Guard rises) see that the Candidate is prepared and
(Captain of the Guard selects one Candidate, retres with him to the preparaton room and prepares him by
divestng him of his outward apparel (coat), his shirt sleeves rolled up, wearing apron as a Fellowcraf and
places a beautful piece of work in his hands. This piece of work should be a miniature representaton of the
three lesser lights which can actually be lighted.
As the actve Candidate is taken out, Hiram Abif leaves his staton, goes to table in the northeast corner, puts
on apron and is working there as the Captain of the Guard and the Candidate enter.
The Captain of the Guard takes the Candidate by right arm. They enter without alarm and pass directly to the
northeast corner of room where HA stands at the table examining the Holy Vessels.
The Candidate now represents the character Adoniram (Ad).)
Ad: Grand Master Hiram Abif, I have a piece of work for your inspecton.
(Hiram Abif takes the piece of work, examines it carefully, then turns to King Solomon and says:)
HA: This is a beautful piece of work and the crafsman who wrought it is worthy of the confdence of the Craf,
but its ofce and purport are unknown to me; neither is it of my designing.
(Hiram Abif takes work up to King Solomon, then steps back toward his staton in the northeast corner and
stands there while King Solomon makes his speech.)
KS: (Rises.)
KS: (Holding up piece of work) My Illustrious Companion Hiram Abif, this is a piece of work which I myself gave
orders to be made, and which, I observe, has been executed according to my command. It is intended to
serve as a reminder of the mysterious triad, expressive of the essence and atributes of Deity and of those
great Masonic virtues - Faith, Hope and Charity. You will deposit it in the Holy of Holies, with the other
sacred furniture, and hereafer, in every Regular Masonic Lodge, let there be displayed about the Altar of
Obligaton, three burning tapers, placed in a triangular positon; and may the virtues which they symbolize,
be a light unto the feet of every true and faithful Mason, in all walks of life, untl that perfect day when the
glory of the Lord shall illumine our souls forever.
(Hiram Abif advances and receives work from King Solomon)
HA: (Turns to Adoniram and says:) Adoniram, your work is accepted, and in due tme you shall receive your
(Hiram Abif places work on table with the other Holy Vessels and Captain of the Guard and Candidate stand
aside to west of table, facing south.)
HA: (Afer examining all the vessels on the table) Yes, the furniture of the Holy of Holies is now nearly
(Gong sounds 12 tmes.)
KS: Illustrious Companion Hiram Abif, what is the hour?
HA: High twelve, Illustrious King Solomon.
KS: It being high twelve, call the craf from Labor to Refreshment.
HA: (***) (All rise) Companions, it is the order of Illustrious King Solomon that the craf be now called from
Labor to Refreshment. Take due notce thereof and govern yourselves accordingly.
(The Craf remains standing. Hiram Abif removes his apron and proceeds to the Altar, going south, then west
to south of Altar, then north to center of west of Altar, proceeding by right angles as he goes. (Diagram 3).
When Hiram Abif starts for the Altar, Captain of the Guard with Candidate turns west and tming speech,
stops directly north of Altar, faces south and says "to enter" just as Hiram Abif enters from the south.)
CG: (As they proceed westward) It is now high twelve, at which hour it is the custom of our Grand Master Hiram
Abif to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum and ofer up his devotons to Deity.
(Hiram Abif kneels at Altar and prays. Any suitable prayer may be used but the following is recommended.)

Let me do my work each day and if the darkened hours of despair overtake me, may I not forget the strength
that comforted me in the sadness of other tmes.
May I stll remember the bright hours that found me walking over the silent hills of my childhood or dreaming on
the margin of the quiet river, when a light glowed within me and I promised my early God to have courage amid
the tempests of the changing years.
Spare me from biterness and from the sharp passions of unguarded moments. Though the world know me not,
may my thoughts and actons be such as shall keep me friendly with myself. Lif my eyes from the earth and
teach me the uses of the stars. Forbid that I should judge others lest I condemn myself. Let me not follow the
glamour of the world but walk calmly in my path.
Give me a few friends who will love me for what I am and not for what litle I may possess. And though age and
infrmity overtake me and I come not within sight of the castle of my dreams, teach me stll to be thankful for
life and for tme's olden memories that are good and sweet, and may the evening's twilight fnd me gentle stll.
(As the prayer is ended, the Captain of the Guard and the Candidate proceed to a point just west of the Altar,
then south to await Hiram Abif. Captain of the Guard talks as they move.)

CG: Our Grand Master Hiram Abif having concluded his devotons, let us await his return by way of the South
(Hiram Abif passes around Altar and out at the opening in the south, then turns west. The Captain of the
Guard and the Candidate meet and stop him as he turns west. Captain of the Guard does not touch Hiram
CG: Grand Master Hiram Abif, when shall I receive the Master’s Word?
HA: My worthy friend Adoniram, I do not know that you will ever receive it, for it is agreed by Solomon King of
Israel, Hiram King of Tyre, and myself, that the Master’s Word can only be given when the Temple is
completed, and then only in the presence of all three.
(Hiram Abif atempts to proceed westward and is again interrupted.)
CG: Grand Master Hiram Abif, suppose one of you three, even you yourself, should be removed by death prior
to that event, how shall I then receive it?
(Hiram Abif hesitates, meditatng a few moments, then takes Candidate by lef arm, goes west to a line one
pace east of Captain of the Guard’s staton, then north; the Captain of the Guard follows directly behind
Candidate untl opposite his staton where he turns west and assumes his staton. As Captain of the Guard
reaches his staton, King Solomon gives one knock (*) which seats everyone except Hiram Abif and the
Hiram Abif proceeds slowly north, then east, and should not begin talking untl all are seated. Hiram Abif with
Candidate moves slowly around Altar, speaking as they go, and pausing west of altar, one pace west of
standards, each tme around, faces east, gives three taps with toe (***) and pointng down (to a point beneath
the Altar), with right hand over lef, says: "It will be," etc.)
HA: Companion Adoniram, death is a theme not lightly to be broached by those subject to its power. The young
may die, the old must die, and the wisest knoweth not how soon. There is none that escapes the inexorable
doom. The youngest Entered Apprentce upon the checkered pavement below dwells ever in the shadow of
death, while the invisible hand extends equally above King Solomon on his ivory throne. We walk upon the
ashes of the generatons who have gone this way before us, to which our ashes must in turn contribute. It is
not for me, Companion Adoniram, to hope for an exempton from the common doom of man. I may not live
to see the Temple completed; the Master’s Word may be lost, but if I die, (***) (Pointng down), it will be
buried there.
(Circumambulates 2nd tme.)
HA: Companion Adoniram, death terminates the labor of a man. Thenceforth the generatons may build and
occupy, but he will not be there. The teeming brain, the skillful hand and the sinewy arm are alike useless
and superfuous in the grave. As our Most Excellent King Solomon has said, "The dead know not anything;
their love, their hatred and their envy is now perished; neither have they any more a porton forever of
anything that is done under the sun." What an incentve is this to an industrious use of our tme and our
facultes, that we should build industriously while our strength endures and labor to complete our work ere
the week closes and the Sabbath of Eternity sets in. My work, Companion Adoniram, is not complete,
though I have labored long and faithfully to execute it. I may not live to see the Temple completed, but if I
die, (***) (Pointng down), it will be buried there.
(Circumambulates 3rd tme.)
HA: Companion Adoniram, it is through the gate of death that we fnd an entrance to the place of wages,
refreshment and rest.
The Supreme Master of the Universe, before whom we bow in adoraton, and whose All-Seeing Eye has
marked our labors in the Lodge below, promises to spread before us in the Celestal Lodge above, all the joys
and glories of His Eternal Sabbath. Afer the strong hand of death has leveled all in the humiliaton of the
grave, the Almighty Hand of the Supreme Master shall prevail and exalt every brother to the glorious
companionship of that un-dissolving Lodge. There the designs upon the trestle board will be seen
completed. There the adoraton of the twelfh hour will be everlastng joy. There the noontde bliss will
eternally shine. There the scales of doubt and darkness shall fall from my eyes, and the wise purpose of the
Divine Architect will be displayed in all their splendor.
With the light of this faith beaming upon me, O death, where is thy stng? My hope, Companion Adoniram,
rests in the higher Lodge to which I am advancing. I may not live to see the Temple completed, but if I die,
(***) (Pointng down), the Word will be buried there.
(Captain of the Guard rises as Hiram Abif gives (***) and goes to right rear of the Candidate. As Hiram Abif
leaves, the Captain of the Guard will step up beside the Candidate. Hiram Abif returns to his staton and puts
on apron which is the signal for one (*), one gong.)
KS: Illustrious Companion Hiram Abif, what is the hour?
HA: One hour past high twelve, Illustrious King Solomon.
KS: It being one hour past high twelve, call the craf from Refreshment to Labor.
HA: (***) (All rise) Companions, it is the order of Illustrious King Solomon that the craf be now called from
Refreshment to Labor. Take due notce thereof, and govern yourselves accordingly.
(When Hiram Abif gives (***) to call up the Craf, Conductor of the Council goes to right rear of the Candidate
(behind Captain of the Guard). Afer Hiram Abif gives the order to resume labor, the CG steps to the rear of
the Candidate. and the Conductor of the Council takes positon on the right of the Candidate. and gives his
speech there.)
CC: (To the Candidate) The Craf being called from Refreshment to Labor, we will repair to the clay grounds
between Succoth and Zaredatha, and there resume our labors.
(Conductor of the Council and the Candidate face south and proceed to a point just in front and to west of
Conductor of the Council’s staton. Captain of the Guard follows directly behind Candidate.
If there is a class present on south side of room east of Conductor of the Council’s staton, they halt and the
Conductor of the Council will ask the class to follow him, single fle. Captain of the Guard will stand fast as class
passes and fall in behind the last candidate.
Conductor of the Council will conduct class west to a point on a line just in front of Captain of the Guard
staton, then north to a point opposite preparaton room door, then column lef and out.
Captain of the Guard drops out of procession when opposite his staton and assumes same.
As Captain of the Guard reaches his staton, King Solomon gives one knock (*) and all are seated together.)


The following optonal work must be performed in pantomime and in such a manner as to maintain dignity and
decorum in the Council. Roughness must not be permited at any tme.
At the conclusion of his speech following the 3rd circumambulaton, HA will proceed clockwise around the Altar,
again enter from the south and kneel a few moments in silence. He will then rise and proceed around the Altar
and out at the south as before. This tme he is met by the frst rufan who thrice demands of him the Secrets of a
Master Mason. On being refused the frst rufan gives him a blow across the th---- with a twenty-four inch
Hiram Abif proceeds west to a point on a line just east of Captain of the Guard staton, then north. Opposite
Captain of the Guard staton he is met by the second rufan who also thrice demands of him the Secrets of a
Master Mason. On also being refused, the second rufan gives him a blow across the br---- with a square.
Hiram Abif proceeds north to a point on a line opposite his staton in the northeast comer, then east. As he
reaches a point on a line just east of Altar, he is met by the third rufan who likewise thrice demands of him the
Secrets of a Master Mason. On likewise being refused, the third rufan gives him a blow to the fo------ with a
setng maul which fells him down on the spot. The three rufans then carry him out to prep room.
If this additon to the work is used, the Captain of the Guard and Candidate will remain west of Altar, the
Captain of the Guard turning the Candidate. so that he may see all the acton. They will be facing east as HA
meets the third rufan.
This additonal scene serves to refresh the memory of the Candidate concerning the great tragedy of the third
degree, enabling him to beter understand how the whole story fts together and also why Hiram Abif is missing
in the second secton.
When the rufans with Hiram Abif have lef the room, a gong will sound (*).
Since Hiram Abif is missing, King Solomon will address Conductor of the Council.
KS: Companion Conductor of the Council, (Conductor of the Council rises) what is the hour?
CC: One hour past high twelve, Illustrious King Solomon.
KS: It being one hour past high twelve, call the craf from Refreshment to Labor.
CC: (***) (All rise) Companions, it is the order of Illustrious King Solomon that the craf be now called from
Refreshment to Labor. Take due notce thereof, and govern yourselves accordingly.
(Immediately afer giving the order to resume labor, the Conductor of the Council will take his positon at right
of Candidate, give his speech and the secton will be concluded as previously described.)
iagram 4
In this secton the Illustrious Master and Deputy Master represent Solomon, King of Israel (KS) and Hiram. King
of Tyre (HKT), respectvely.
The Principal Conductor of the Work’s (Hiram Abif (HA)) Jewel lies on the table, his seat is vacant and draped
in mourning, and the light at his staton is extnguished.
The standards representng the Cherubim should be placed in a line equidistant between Captain of the Guard
staton and Altar and extending almost to marching line on north and south sides. Diagram 4.
House lights bright.
Conductor of the Council will instruct all candidates regarding due guards and signs and inform them that
events depicted in this secton occurred shortly afer the death of the Grand Master Hiram Abif.
All candidates should wear white aprons.
All candidates should take part in the circumambulatons, but if class is too large, one actve candidate may be
used and the others brought in, afer being instructed and seated on the south side east of Conductor of the
Council staton before beginning the work.
CC: (With the Candidate in prep room) (*** *** **).
CG: (Rises) Illustrious King Solomon, there is an alarm.
KS: Atend to the alarm.
CG: (Goes to door) (*** *** **) (Opens door) Who comes here?
CC: A Companion Royal Arch Mason, who wishes to be advanced to the rights and honors of a Royal Master.
CG: Is it of your own free will and accord?
Cand: It is.
CG: Is he duly and truly prepared?
CC: He is.
CG: Worthy and well qualifed?
CC: He is.
CG: Has he made suitable profciency in the preceding degrees?
CC: He has.
CG: By what further right or beneft does he expect to gain admission?
CC: By the beneft of the Pass.
CG: Has he the Pass?
CC: He has it not. I have it for him.
CG: Advance and give it. (A---, P--- H----. Grip is not given)
CG: Wait untl King Solomon is informed of your request and his answered returned.
(Captain of the Guard closes door, goes to his staton and reports:)
CG: Illustrious King Solomon, there is without a Companion Royal Arch Mason who wishes to be advanced to the
rights and honors of a Royal Master.
KS: It is of his own free will and accord?
CG: It is.
KS: Is he duly and truly prepared?
CG: He is.
KS: Worthy and well qualifed?
CG: He is.
KS: Has he made suitable profciency in the preceding degrees?
CG: He has.
KS: By what further right or beneft does he expect to gain admission?
CG: By the beneft of the Pass.
KS: Has he the Pass?
CG: He has it not. I have it for him.
KS: Give me the Pass.
CG: (A---, P--- H----.)
KS: The Pass is right. Admit him.
CG: (Goes to door, opens it and says:) Enter.
(Captain of the Guard steps aside untl Conductor of the Council and the Candidate have passed, then closes
door, resumes his staton and is seated.
Conductor of the Council and the Candidate enter, Conductor of the Council on the right and make one
complete circumambulaton, haltng in the east.
As they arrive in the east, the Deputy Master will rise.
They remain standing during the Scripture readings.
The reading should be done from the Bible or from a scroll prepared for the purpose. The Illustrious Master
may give the readings or have a Chaplain do them.
The Illustrious Master will give the appropriate knocks afer each secton of Scripture is read. Afer each set of
knocks the Candidate will give the due guard and sign of that degree led by the Deputy Master the Illustrious
Master will remain seated.)

(The frst reading should begin as Conductor of the Council and the Candidate pass the Captain of the Guard’s
And he set the Cherubim within the inner house, and they stretched forth the wings of the Cherubim so that the
wing of one touched the one wall and the wing of the other Cherub touched the other wall, and their wings
touched one another in the midst of the house. (1 Kings 6:27)
And Solomon made all the vessels that pertained unto the house of the Lord; the Altar of gold and the table of
gold whereupon the shewbread was.
And the candlestcks of pure gold, fve on the right side, and fve on the lef, before the oracle, with the fowers,
and the lamps, and the tongs of gold.
And the bowls, and the snufers, and the basins, and the spoons and the censers of pure gold; and the hinges of
gold, both for the doors of the inner house, the most holy place, and for the doors of the house, to wit, of the
Temple. (1 Kings 7:48-50)
(*** *)
And Hiram made the lavers and the shovels and the basins. So Hiram made an end of doing all the work that he
had made King Solomon for the house of the Lord. (1 Kings 7:40)
(*** **)
So was ended all the work that King Solomon made for the house of the Lord. (1 Kings 7:51)
(*** ***)
And, behold I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am
Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the frst and the last.
(*** *** *)
(Afer giving the due guard and sign of the Royal Arch, the Conductor of the Council and the Candidate will
make one circumambulaton and again halt in the east. Deputy Master is seated.
The last Scripture reading will begin as they pass the Captain of the Guard staton.)
Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and may enter in
through the gates into the city. (Revelatons 22:12-14)
(*** *** **)
CC: (With foot) (*** *** **)
KS: (Rises) Who comes here?
CC: A Companion Royal Arch Mason, who wishes to be advanced to the rights and honors of a Royal Master.
KS: Is it of your own free will and accord?
Cand: It is.
KS: Is he duly and truly prepared?
CC: He is.
KS: Worthy and well qualifed?
CC: He is.
KS: Has he made suitable profciency in the preceding degrees?
CC: He has.
KS: By what further right or beneft does he expect to gain admission?
CC: By the beneft of the Pass.
KS: Has he the Pass?
CC: He has it not. I have it for him.
KS: Advance and give it.
(The Conductor of the Council ascends the dais and gives it (A---, P--- H----) in a low breath. Grip is not given.
He then backs down to his positon on the right of the Candidate.)
KS: The Pass is right. Re-conduct the candidate to the Captain of the Guard in the west, who will teach him how
to advance to the Altar for the eighth tme in Masonry in due and ancient form.
(Conductor of the Council conducts the Candidate to the west, where they halt and face Captain of the Guard)
CC: Companion Captain of the Guard, (Captain of the Guard rises) it is the order of Illustrious King Solomon, that
you teach this Candidate how to advance to the Altar for the eighth tme in Masonry in due and ancient
CG: Cause the Candidate to face the East.
(Conductor of the Council will direct the Candidate to about face, and he will hold his positon on the north.)
CG: Advance one step with your ri--- fo--; bring the he---- together, feet forming two sides of an eq--------- tr------.
CG: (Steps to right front of Candidate) I will now conduct you to the Altar where you are about to be made a
Royal Master in due and ancient form, (takes Candidate by the lef arm (the one on the south end of line)
and conducts him to the Altar, passing around south end of standards; Conductor of the Council follows in
the rear) which is by kneeling on both knees, (Done) both hands restng upon the Holy Bible, Square and
Compass. (Done) Illustrious King Solomon, the Candidate is in due form.
(On arriving at the Altar, Conductor of the Council will assist in placing the candidates.
If class is seated on the south side of room, Conductor of the Council will bring them up at this point in the
work. Every candidate should be caused to kneel, class forming a triangle with each placing his hand upon the
shoulder of the man in front of him.
When candidates are in positon, Conductor of the Council and Captain of the Guard step to right and lef rear,
respectvely, forming a triangle with the actve candidate at center of Altar.)

KS: (Rises) Companion, you are again kneeling at the Sacred Altar of Freemasonry and are in due form to take
upon yourself the solemn obligaton of a Royal Master which contains nothing that will confict with your
duty to God, your country, your neighbor or yourself. With this assurance on my part are you willing to take
the Obligaton?
Cand: I am.
(Deputy Master rises and leaves the dais with the Illustrious Master; they form a broken circle with the Captain
of the Guard and Conductor of the Council around the Altar. Steward remains at his staton.)
KS: Say I, pronounce your name in full, and repeat afer me.
I, ___________________ ,of my own fr wl nd ac, in th pr of th S.A. of th Un nd ths Cou. of R.M., do hby nd
hrn mst slmly nd sncly pr nd sw, that I wl frvr kp nd cncl th sec of ths deg nd wl nt rvl thm ex to hm or thm to
whm they of rgt blng.
I fhmr pr tht I wl not be pres or as at th con of ths deg upn an per unls he shl ha regly rec al th prcdng degs
frm E.A. to R.A.M. inclusive, and thn only in a legly cnstd Cou. of R.M.
Al ths, I mst slmly nd sncrly pr nd sw, without eq, men res, or sec ev in me whatever, bndng mysf un no le
pen thn tht of bng bu al, shld I ev, knly or wlfy, vi ths my sol ob of a R.M., so h m G, a k m s in the du per of
the sa.
(Solomon, King of Israel removes candidate's hands from Bible.)
KS: In token of your sincerity of purpose in these solemn engagements, you will kiss the Holy Bible now open
before you. (Done) Arise.
KS: (Steps back so that all may see) The step of a Royal Master is made by advancing one step with the ri--- fo--,
bringing the he--- together, feet forming two sides of an eq--------- tr------. (Demonstrates as he talks)
This is the sign of a Royal Master. (Demonstrates) With the f----- interlaced, place both ha--- palms down on
top of the he--. It alludes to the penalty of your obligaton, that of being bu---- al---, and is the sign with
which you salute the Illustrious Master on entering or retring from a Council of Royal Masters.
The sign of recogniton of this degree is given as follows:
(Conductor of the Council advances to lef of Solomon, King of Israel)
KS: (Takes broken triangle from Altar, hands it to Conductor of the Council and says:) Do you know anything
about this?
CC: I do. I know the beginning. What do you know about it? (Returns it)
KS: I know the ending. What is the beginning?
CC: Al---. What is the ending?
KS: Om---.
CC: The frst.
KS: The last.
CC: The beginning.
KS: The ending.
(Conductor of the Council returns to his positon at right rear of Candidate.
Hiram, King of Tyre approaches Solomon, King of Israel and they start to form a living arch, but one of the
indispensable three being absent, they place hands on each others shoulders, and Solomon, King of Israel
pointng to feet says:)
KS: What do you see there?
HKT: A Br----- Tr-----.
(Both raise their hands above their heads and exclaim:)
KS: A---. (Drops hands to side)
HKT: P--- H----. (Drops hands to side)
KS: This is the Grip of a Royal Master (Demonstrates with HKT) With the lef feet forming two sides of an
eq--------- tr------, place both hands on each others shoulders and the words " A---, P--- H----" is the Pass of
this deg.
The principal words of this degree are A----. and O----.
KS: We learn from Masonic traditon that the origin of this grip is as follows: (Demonstrates with HKT as he
Solomon King of Israel and Hiram King of Tyre, meetng in the Sanctum Sanctorum shortly afer the death of
Hiram Abif, placed themselves involuntarily in the positon to give the Master’s Word, when suddenly
realizing that one of their number was wantng, they immediately placed their hands on each other's
shoulders, and Solomon, pointng down, asked "What do you see there?" Hiram King of Tyre replied, "A
Br---- Tr-----"; both throwing up their arms, Solomon exclaimed, "A---". Hiram King of Tyre replied, "P---
KS: Companion Conductor of the Council, you will seat the candidates.
(Solomon, King of Israel, Hiram, King of Tyre and Captain of the Guard return to statons. Conductor of the
Council conducts class to seats and returns to his staton.
KS gives one knock (*) and all are seated.
KS or an appointed Companion will take positon in front of class and give the Historical Lecture.)
This degree originated in consequence of a conversaton between Grand Master Hiram Abif and Adoniram, just
before the death of the former.
Afer the Sanctum Sanctorum was completed, and a porton of the furniture deposited therein, Adoniram, on a
certain day near high twelve, went there to deposit one of the Holy Vessels. At high twelve, when the Craf were
called from labor to refreshment, Adoniram did not retre with the rest, but lingered behind with Hiram Abif,
whose custom it was at that hour to enter the Sanctum Sanctorum and ofer his devotons to Deity and to draw
designs upon the Trestle Board. Afer the rest of the Craf had retred, Adoniram asked Hiram Abif when he
should receive the Master’s Word. He answered, "I do not know that you will ever receive it, for it is agreed by
Solomon King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre and myself that the Master’s Word can only be given when the
Temple is completed, and then only in the presence of all three." Adoniram then said, "Suppose one of you
three, even you yourself, should be removed by death prior to that event, how shall I then receive it?" Afer
commentng on the subject of death, Hiram Abif with a signifcant gesture replied, "If I die, it will be buried
This conversaton having been related to King Solomon by Adoniram, the Master’s Word was deposited in the
Secret Vault, as will be more fully explained to you in the succeeding degree, to which this is preparatory.
Afer the untmely death of Grand Master Hiram Abif, the two surviving Grand Master's insttuted this degree of
Royal Master in token of their respect for his memory, and as a partal substtute for the Master Mason degree.
Being unable to form the triangle in giving the Master’s Word, as one of their number was dead, they
substtuted the br---- tr------, being the nearest they could come to the original.
They frst conferred the degree upon the noble Adoniram, and then upon other partcular friends of Hiram Abif.
As his friend we now confer it upon you, and we give it as illustratve of the Master Mason and Royal Arch
The furniture of the Sanctum Sanctorum consisted of many Holy Vessels made of pure gold, but the most
important artcle there was the Ark of the Covenant, called the Glory of Israel, which was seated in the midst of
the Holy Place under the wings of the Cherubim. It was a small chest, or cofer, three feet nine inches long, two
feet three inches wide and deep. It was made of wood exceptng only the mercy seat, but overlaid with gold,
both inside and out. It had a ledge of gold surrounding it at the top, into which the cover, called the mercy seat
was let in. The mercy seat was of solid gold, the thickness of a hand's breadth. At the two ends of it were two
Cherubs, looking inward toward each other, with their wings extended; which, embracing the whole
circumference of the mercy seat, met on each side in the middle; all of which, the Rabbis say, was made out of
the same mass without any soldering of parts.
Here the Shekina, or Divine Presence, rested and was visible in the appearance of a cloud over it. From hence
the Bathkol issued, and gave answers when God was consulted. And hence it is that God is said in the Scriptures
to dwell between the Cherubim; that is between the Cherubim on the mercy seat, because there was the Seat or
Throne of the visible appearance of His Glory among them.
IM: This concludes the degree of Royal Master. You will now retre with your conductor, while necessary
preparaton is made for the succeeding degree.
(Conductor of the Council will conduct candidates to west of Altar where they receive the prologue.)


Companions: The degree you have just received was preparatory to the one that is to follow, but the events it
pictures occurred prior to those of the Third Degree and those of the Royal Master.
As a candidate in the various Masonic degrees, you represented a seeker for Truth symbolized by the Master's
Word. In the Craf degrees this Word was lost when it seemed almost atained. You were given a substtute with
the hope that the true one would be recovered. You again became a seeker for the Word, and in the Chapter
degrees it was found. Then the queston arose: How was it thus preserved, and how came it to be in the place
where you found it? In the Royal Master degree you had the defnite assurance, not given in the Third Degree,
that it would be preserved, and you were given a hint as to where it would be buried. In the degree you are
about to receive, you will learn how and why it was buried there.
In the Select Master degree, Hiram Abif is stll alive and the three original Grand Masters are the principal
characters in the scenes portrayed.
You, as a candidate, will represent Zabud, who was the son of Nathan, and a very close personal friend of King
(Conductor of the Council and the Candidate give sign (hands to head); IM responds.
Conductor of the Council conducts the Candidate to prep room.)
IM: (***) (All rise) I declare this Council of Royal Masters closed and labor resumed in the Secret Vault.
Companion Captain of the Guard, inform the Sentnel.
CG: Companion Steward, inform the Sentnel.
St: (At the door; (*** *** ***) answered by Sentnel) (*** *** ***) (Steward opens door) Companion Sentnel,
the Council of Royal Masters is duly closed and labor resumed in the Secret Vault.
(Steward closes door, gives one knock (*) answered by Sentnel (*) and returns to his staton.)
St: Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sentnel is informed.
CG: Illustrious Master, your order has been obeyed.
IM: (*) (All are seated.)
Diagram 5
In this degree the Illustrious Master, Deputy Master and Principal Conductor of the Work represent Solomon,
King of Israel (KS), Hiram, King of Tyre (HKT) and Hiram Abif (HA), respectvely.

The preparaton room represents King Solomon's most retred room, and the Council chamber, the Secret Vault
with its nine Arches, eight of which are in process of constructon, and the ninth completed. The west part of the
room represents the frst Arch, and the east part the ninth Arch.

Arches are placed directly in front of east leaving the ninth Arch as large as room permits. Diagram 5.
Altar is in the southwest.
Dim lights as candidate enters. Bright lights afer the obligaton.
The Conductor of the Council takes Candidate into the preparaton room and instructs him that in this degree
he represents Zabud, a partcular friend of Solomon, King of Israel, and that he is to enter and proceed toward
the East; if asked. "Who comes here?" to answer, “A zealous brother, desirous of partcipatng in your labors."
Crafsmen with trowels are working on the frst eight Arches. Each has a sword within reach.
The Captain of the Guard is guarding the frst Arch with sword at carry.
Ahishar: (as he falls asleep across inner door opening) In truth this is the life of a mongrel dog. Evening afer
evening I walk here; up and down, back and forth, untl my feet are weary and my legs scarce hold me to my
path. Nine to twelve, night afer night, "When prying eyes sleep," they say.
(Yawns and stretches)
I could do with a litle sleep myself. Would I were with my friends at the inn by the City Gate. They know
how to treat a man. But no, here I must stand guard where never a soul comes to share a word with me. Full
three months since anyone approached this arch save those who work behind there.
(Walks a few steps in silence.)
I wonder what they work at? A precious secret it must be within those arches, to make a man sufer so. And
- if I ask, wherefore I stand guard, what answer is given? Solomon says, "Be content good Ahishar, in due
tme you will receive your reward."
(Begins to lean back on one elbow)
"Guard well your post," they say to me. A foolish task for a man to guard against no one.
(Yawns and setles farther back)
Two long hours to pass before low twelve. My eyes will scarce open now.
(Falls back on foor asleep and snores)
(Only one actve candidate should be challenged; however, all candidates should be brought in from
preparaton room and caused to step over Ahishar. Having given his instructon in the prep room, the
Conductor of the Council, on the lef, will conduct the class, single fle, into the Council chamber and direct
them to be seated on the northwest side of room. He will then take his positon on the lef of the last
candidate as he is challenged by the Captain of the Guard)

CG: Who comes here?
Zabud: A zealous brother, desirous of partcipatng in your labors.
CG: Advance and give the Sign and Token of your entrance.
Zabud: I cannot.
CG: An intruder! An intruder!
(The workmen quickly drop their working tools, seize swords and rush to the spot. Only two workmen should
actually go to the assistance of the Captain of the Guard so as not to obstruct the view of the class.
At the same tme the three Grand Masters enter hurriedly from the ninth Arch. They pass through the Arches
with Solomon, King of Israel in the lead.)
KS: What is the cause of this alarm?
CG: An intruder has entered our Secret Vault.
KS: Put him to instant death.
(One of the guards (workmen) raises his sword as if to carry out the order on the spot. The Captain of the
Guard suddenly recognizing the prisoner, steps forward, parries the blow with upraised sword and exclaims:)
CG: Hold! (Turns to Solomon, King of Israel) Illustrious King Solomon, are you aware upon whom you are about
to execute this sentence? This is none other than your partcular friend Zabud.
KS: (Surprised) Zabud! (Approaches for a closer look at the prisoner, pauses a moment in thought, then says:)
Companion Captain of the Guard, (Captain of the Guard salutes with sword; Solomon, King of Israel
responds) bind him fast and have him forthcoming when called for, or your life shall answer for his escape.
KS: (To Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abif) Illustrious Companions, Let us retre to the ninth Arch for
(Guards bind the Candidate under directon of the Captain of the Guard. They step back to northwest corner of
the room. Candidate should not be taken out of the room. Captain of the Guard guards prisoner. As the three
Grand Masters retre to the ninth Arch for consultaton, the workmen return to their labors. On arrival in the
East, the three Grand Masters do not assume their statons but hold their consultaton standing in front of the
dais. Curtains at ninth Arch remain open.)
KS: Companions, you are aware that Zabud has long been my partcular friend and favorite. If it were possible, I
should be glad to pardon him. My worthy Companion of Tyre, what is your opinion?
HKT: Illustrious King Solomon, our Obligatons are such that but twenty-seven can be admited. Our number is
full. How then can he be pardoned?
KS: My worthy Companion Hiram Abif, what do you say?
HA: Illustrious King Solomon, it would seem that curiosity and disobedience prompted him to enter. He should
therefore sufer the penalty.
KS: (Meditates a moment) It seems indeed impossible to save him. Let us return to the frst Arch and announce
our decision.
(They return to the frst Arch; Solomon, King of Israel in the lead. At the return of the three Grand Masters, the
workmen cease their labors and stand silently by, watching and listening to the proceedings.)
KS: Bring forth the prisoner.
(On the order of Solomon, King of Israel, the Candidate is brought forth, Conductor of the Council on the lef
and Captain of the Guard on the right.)
KS: My unfortunate friend Zabud, your curiosity and disobedience have cost you your life. I have consulted with
my colleagues and found them inexorable. The nature of our obligatons is such that I cannot pardon you.
You must therefore prepare for death.
(Conductor of the Council and the Candidate fall on their knees and remain in this positon untl ordered to
CC: (Speaking for Candidate) Illustrious King Solomon, I pray your Majesty to remember my great and sincere
atachment to your sacred person, your service and your secrets; of late, fnding a secret work going on with
which I was not made acquainted, I feared I had lost your Majesty's favor and grieved in silence untl unable
to bear it longer; I humbly made known my fears to your Majesty, when you directed me to remain content,
for a door would soon be opened for my recepton. This assurance satsfed me. This evening having
important business to communicate to your Majesty, I sought you as usual at your private apartment.
On fnding the door open, I took it for granted that it had been lef open for my recepton, and entered. But I
beg your Majesty to believe that it was not curiosity or disobedience that led me hither, but fervency and
zeal in your Majesty's service.
(Toward the end of the above plea, Hiram Abif proceeds to the west where Ahishar is sleeping, looks down at
him for a moment and then returns to the frst Arch.)
HKT: Illustrious King Solomon, if this be true, Zabud is not guilty of the charge alleged against him. His ofence
was owing to an unguarded explanaton of your own. He ought to be pardoned and admited one of our
Select Masters.
KS: My worthy Companion of Tyre, how can that be? Is not our number already full?
HA: 'Tis true, Illustrious King Solomon, our number is already full, but Ahishar, the guard, (points to him) is no
longer worthy of our confdence. He is sleeping at his post. Let him be dismissed and executed, and Zabud
appointed to the work.
KS: My worthy Companion, I thank you for this advice. It shall be done. Companion Captain of the Guard, (CG
salutes with sword; KS responds) let Ahishar be put to death instead.
CG: (Goes to Ahishar and shakes him) Ahishar, Ahishar! Awake! Arouse! Thou art condemned to die.
Ahishar: (As he rises) Mercy! Mercy! Is there no mercy?
CG: (As they go out through preparaton room door) None for you. It has been extended to another.
(Afer a few moments, Captain of the Guard returns and reports.)
CG: Illustrious King Solomon, (Salutes with sword; Solomon, King of Israel responds) your order has been duly
KS: Zabud, are you willing to take upon yourself a solemn obligaton to keep the secrets of the Secret Vault?
Z.: I am.
KS: Then arise. (Conductor of the Council and the Candidate rise) Free him from his shackles, and conduct him to
the Altar.

(Captain of the Guard returns sword. Captain of the Guard and Conductor of the Council remove shackles.
Captain of the Guard conducts the Candidate to Altar. If there is a class, Conductor of the Council directs them
to follow the actve Candidate to the Altar. Conductor of the Council follows behind and assists Captain of the
Guard in placing them. The candidates should be arranged in a triangular positon. One at the Altar and those
behind each placing his hand upon the shoulder of the man in front of him. Candidates kneel.
Captain of the Guard actve Candidate, and Conductor of the Council form a triangle back of Altar; Captain of
the Guard on the right and Conductor of the Council on the lef.
The three Grand Masters form a triangle in front of Altar, HKT on the right and two paces back of Solomon,
King of Israel. Hiram Abif on the lef and two paces back of Solomon, King of Israel
As the Candidate is conducted to the Altar, the workmen retre to the sidelines and are seated.
Steward remains at his staton.
Candidate is placed at the Altar, kneeling on both knees, both hands restng on the Holy Bible, square, and
CG: Illustrious King Solomon, the Candidate is in due form.
KS: Say I, pronounce your name in full, and repeat afer me.
I, _____________________, of my own fr wl and ac, in th pr of the Su Ar of th Un and ths Ill. Cou. of S.M., do
hby and he mst sol and sinc pr and sw tht I wi frvr kp and con the sec of ths deg, and wl nt reveal thm ex to
hm or thm to whm thy of rt belong.
I furthermore prom tht I wi st to and ab by the B.L., Ru and Reg of any Cou. of S. M. of wh I ma bec a mem;
also the Con., La and Edicts of the Gr. Cou. un wh the sa is holden, so far as thy may co to my kn.
I fu pr tht I wI ans nd ob all du si and su, given or coming to me in a consttutonal manner, fm a Cou. of S.M.
or fm a wor Comp. of ths deg, if in my pwr so to do.
I fu pr tht I wi he, ai and as all po and dis wor Comp. S.M., thr wid and orps, ac to thr necsts and my ability.
I fu pr tht I wI nt be pres or as at the con of ths deg upn any per unless he shl ha regly recd al th precdg degs
frm E.A. to R.M. inclusive, and thn only, in a legly con Cou. of S.M.
I fu pr tht I wi nt ch, wr or def a Cou. of S.M., or a Comp. of ths deg.
I fu pr tht I wl nt penetrate th nth A. wtht per of th IM
All this I mst sol nd sin pr nd sw, wtht eq, men res or sec ev in me whtvr, bi mysf und no le pen thn tht of
hvng my eys pl ou, my ha ch of, my bo qu and th am th rub, sh I ev kn or wlfy vio ths my sol ob of a S.M., so
he me God and kp me st in the du per of th sa. (Bright lights)
(Solomon, King of Israel removes candidate's hands from Bible.)
In token of your sincerity of purpose in these solemn engagements, you will kiss the Holy Bible now open
before you. (Done) (In so doing you are actng on behalf of your fellow candidates).
This is the First Sign of a Select Master. (Gives it)
(The ends of the thmb nd fst two fn of ea ha placed at th eys; thrust th hands forward as tho ping ou eys.)
and this is the Second Sign. (Gives it)
(Strike the lf wri wth th edge of th ri ha and th ri wri wth th edge of th lf ha, as tho chpng of hnds.)
They allude to a porton of the penalty of the Obligaton, that of having your ey-- pl----- out and your ha---
ch----- of-. With these signs you are to salute the Illustrious Master, on entering or retring from a Council of
Select Masters.
This is the Grand Hailing Sign, or sign of distress. (Gives it)
(Draw the edge of the ri ha fr th lf shldr to th ri hip, and th lf ha fm th ri shldr to th lf hip; then throw the
hands to th lf as if to throw it amg th rub.)
It alludes to the additonal porton of the penalty, that of having your bo-- qu------- and th---- among the
The signs by which you will be enabled to pass the frst eight Arches, and in which you were defcient when
challenged by the Captain of the Guard, are as follows:
On being asked, "Who comes here?" you reply, "G-----." The Guard then says, "Advance and give the Sign
and Token of your entrance." You answer with the Sign of Silence, thus: (Gives it) He responds with the Sign
of Secrecy, thus: (Gives it) Then both give the signs of Silence and Darkness, thus: (Gives them)
(S of Sil: Wth th thu nd last two fn of th ri ha closed in th palm thereof, place th fr two fn diagonally
across the mo.
S of Sec: Ri ha on the lf br.
Signs of Sil and Dar: S of Sil as above; lf ha ov th ey.)
With these signs you will be enabled to pass the frst eight Arches.
(Solomon, King of Israel goes around south of Altar, with lef hand grasps actve candidate's lef coat lapel
insertng his frst two fngers under coat lapel thumb on top palm out, with slight pressure, and says:
"Arise" He retains grip untl explanaton is completed. All candidates will rise at the same tme.)
KS: Arise, Zabud, henceforth be dumb and blind to all you have seen and heard. This is the grip of a Select
Master. Its name is "Ish Sodi," which signifes, "Man of my choice," or "Select Man."
Zabud, being obligated and instructed, you are qualifed to advance to the ninth Arch.
(The three Grand Masters return to the East through the Arches, close the curtains, assume their statons and
are seated.)
Captain of the Guard follows the Grand Master and takes positon guarding the frst arch, draws sword and
stands at carry, facing west.
Conductor of the Council and the Candidate will stand fast west of Altar untl the above movements are
completed, then approach the frst arch)
CG: Who comes here?
Cand: Gi----.
CG: Advance and give the Signs and Tokens of your entrance.
(Conductor of the Council and Candidate: Give Sign of Silence)
(If there is a class, all candidates will give signs.)
CG: (Returns sword and gives Sign of Secrecy)
(Captain of the Guard, Conductor of the Council and candidate(s) all give signs of Silence and Darkness)
CG: You have my permission to pass the eight arches.
(As Conductor of the Council and candidate(s) pass to the ninth arch, Captain of the Guard will assume his
staton and be seated.)
CC: (At ninth Arch) (*** *** ***)
HA: (Rises and steps down to entrance) Who comes here?
CC: Zabud, the King's friend, who has King Solomon’s permission to advance to the ninth Arch, desires to be
HA: Illustrious King Solomon, your friend Zabud desires to be admited.
KS: Admit him.
HA: Enter.
(Hiram Abif resumes his staton and is seated. Conductor of the Council conducts class into the ninth arch. The
Ark should be so placed that the class will have a good view as the deposits are made.)
KS: (From his seat) Zabud, my Illustrious Companions, being deeply impressed with the zeal you have displayed
in our service, have, in unison with myself, determined to reward your devoton by admitng you to the
secrets of the ninth Arch.
God has revealed to us in His Word, that this city and Temple which we are now erectng, will, at some
future period, be destroyed, the naton carried away into captvity, where the worship of the true God will
cease for a tme among them, and the forms and ceremonies which He has enjoined upon us to pursue, will
also be forgoten. To avert so dire a calamity from the Craf and Jewish people, He has enjoined upon us in
His Word to deposit those sacred treasures, which the people most revere, in a secret and secure place, for
He has promised us that in three score and ten years, He will restore this people to the land which they now
inhabit, and He will put it into the heart of a Prince of the House of Judah to rebuild the Temple to His Holy
Name, and He will give him a sign as a reward and encouragement for his zeal and fdelity, and the sign shall
be the recovery of the Word.
You are fortunate in having come forth at this tme, as we are about to make that deposit, and which you
will now have the privilege of witnessing.
We will now make the deposit.
(The three Grand Masters rise, step down from the dais and form a triangle at the Ark, facing the class.
KS takes up Scroll or Book of the Law and says:)
KS: The record of the Book of our Fathers says: (Reads Exodus 16:32-34) "And Moses said, this is the thing which
the Lord commandeth: fll an omer of it to be kept for your generatons; that they may see the bread
wherewith I have fed you in the wilderness, when I brought you forth from the land of Egypt. And Moses
said unto Aaron, take a pot, and put an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the Lord, to be kept
for your generatons. As the Lord commanded Moses, so Aaron laid it up before the testmony, to be kept."
(Solomon, King of Israel hands pot of manna to Hiram, King of Tyre, and he to Hiram Abif, who deposits it in
the Ark, afer Hiram, King of Tyre has lifed the lid.)
KS: (Reads Numbers 17:10) "And the Lord said unto Moses, bring Aaron's rod again before the testmony, to be
kept for a token."
(Deposit made as before.)
KS: (Reads Deuteronomy 31:24-26) "And it came to pass when Moses had made an end of writng the words of
this law in a book, untl they were fnished, that Moses commanded the Levites, which bare the Ark of the
Covenant of the Lord, saying, Take this Book of the Law, and put it in the side of the Ark of the Covenant of
the Lord your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee."
(Solomon, King of Israel takes key and places it inside of Book as he says:)
KS: Within the Book of the Law we will place a key to the characters upon the Ark.
(Deposit made as before.)
KS: We will now deposit on the top of the Ark, this triangle containing the Master’s Word or Great and Sacred
Name (Done) And that it may be known that this Ark contains treasures belonging to the craf, we will place
our three squares on the sides of the triangle.
(Afer the squares are placed, Solomon, King of Israel raises his hands and prays - extemporaneously or as
O Lord God of Israel, we ask that Thou protect and preserve these Sacred Treasures untl it pleases Thee to
reveal them to future generatons. Amen.
All is fnished.
(Hiram, King of Tyre and Hiram Abif do not raise hands. The three Grand Masters resume statons and are
KS: Companion Conductor of the Council, you will seat the Candidate.
(Conductor of the Council seats the Candidate, goes to his staton and is seated. Solomon, King of Israel or an
appointed Companion will take positon in front center of the class and give the Historical Lecture.)
In giving the history of this degree, we revert to the building of the Temple.
Our three Grand Master's, Solomon King of Israel, Hiram King of Tyre, and Hiram Abif, being in possession of the
writngs of Moses and the Prophets, well knew that if the Children of Israel deviated from the laws therein
contained, their enemies would be let loose upon them, their cites and Temple sacked and destroyed, and all
the Sacred Treasures in the Sanctum Sanctorum would be forever lost. In order to prevent this evil, they agreed
to erect a secret vault under ground leading from King Solomon’s most retred apartment and ending under the
Sanctum Sanctorum or Holy of Holies.
This secret vault was divided into nine arches or apartments. The ninth Arch was erected by our three Grand
Masters as a place wherein to deposit a true copy of all the Holy Vessels and Sacred Treasures contained in the
Sanctum Sanctorum above; also to meet in Grand Council to confer the Master Mason degree when the Temple
should be completed. There were employed on the other eight Arches, twenty two men from Gebal, a city of
Phoenicia, together with Ahishar and Adoniram, all of whom were well skilled in the arts and sciences generally,
but partcularly in sculpture. Their hours of labor were from nine at night ‘tll twelve, the tme when prying eyes
are closed in sleep.
During the erecton of this Vault, a circumstance occurred which characterized this degree, and upon which the
ceremony of initaton is founded.
One of King Solomon's partcular friends, whose name was Zabud, discovered that there was a secret work going
on with which he had not been made acquainted, and for a long tme he grieved in silence. At length he
complained to King Solomon, and received for an answer, "Be content, friend Zabud, the tme will come when a
door shall be open for your recepton," meaning that when the Temple should be completed he should receive
the Master Mason degree. This satsfed him.
One evening, having some partcular business with King Solomon, he went to his most retred room in search of
him, and fnding the door of the Secret Vault open, and not guarded, as usual, by the Grand Steward, Ahishar,
who was sleeping at his post, he took it for granted that it had been lef open for his recepton, whereupon he
entered and was dealt with as you have already learned.
When the ninth Arch was completed, our three Grand Master's deposited therein an exact imitaton of the Ark
of the Covenant, and placed within it an imitaton of the Pot of Manna and Aaron's Rod, and also a true copy of
the Book of the Law, or all the writngs of the Bible up to that period, and that it might be known by whom and
for what purpose it was deposited, they placed on three sides of the Ark the initals of their names, and on the
fourth, the tme when, meaning, "Deposited in the year of light 3000, by Solomon King of Israel, Hiram King of
Tyre and Hiram Abif, for the beneft of the Craf in general, but the Jewish naton in partcular."
The Master’s Word was then placed on the top of the Ark, engraved on a triangular plate of gold, on the sides of
which, in certain mysterious characters were engraved the Key, or cover words by which the Master’s Word may
be revealed. A key to these characters was placed inside the Ark in the Book of the Law, so that if the Children of
Israel should ever be carried into captvity, and remain so long as to forget their mother tongue, yet on their
return, if found, by means of this key, the Word might be restored; and that it might be known and distnguished
as the Master’s Word when found, they placed on the top of the Ark their three Jewels, one on each side of the
triangle, knowing that a descripton thereof would be handed down to the latest posterity. Thus was preserved
the long lost Master’s Word, now the Grand Omnifcent Word or Great and Sacred Name, which Royal Arch
traditon informs us was frst communicated by God to Moses at the Burning Bush, and remained in use untl
near the completon of King Solomon’s Temple.
It was then lost at the death of our Grand Master Hiram Abif, and lay buried in darkness 470 years, when, as
you are aware, at the building of the Second Temple afer the Babylonian captvity, through the merits of
Jeshua, Zerubbabel and Haggai, it was again restored to the Craf, in whose possession we trust it may forever
I now present you with the apron of a Select Master. Its color is white bordered with purple. The white is
Ancient Masonry's fnal reminder of that purity of life symbolized in the frst Apron you received as an Entered
Apprentce; while the purple, the color of kings, exhorts us to rule well our own lives that we may be numbered
with that select nobility who truly practce our Royal Art.
The sword designates us as guardians, whose peculiar duty is the preservaton of those sacred treasures, which
are ours through Masonic heritage.
The trowel reminds us that we are builders, and that our lives should be constructve in their infuence upon the
Brotherhood and upon the world.
The broken triangle speaks to us of mortality - of the uncertainty of our tenure of life, of the importance of an
industrious use of our tme and our facultes, and of the place of wages, refreshment and rest, which awaits our
entrance through the gate of death.
Enclosing this emblem of our mortal life is the unbroken triangle, emblematc of Deity, whose love enfolds us all,
whose justce and mercy are alike infnite and alike perfect, and whose Word points the way of life immortal.
May you wear this Apron with such honor that it may ever distnguish you as a Mason who is truly a Select
Companion(s), having atained to this degree, you have passed the circle of perfecton in Ancient Craf Masonry.
In the capacity of Select Master you must be sensible that your obligatons are increased in proporton to your
privileges. Let it be your constant care to prove yourself worthy of the confdence reposed in you, and of the
high honor conferred, in admitng you to this select degree.
Let uprightness and integrity atend your steps; let justce and mercy mark your conduct; let fervency and zeal
stmulate you in the discharge of the various dutes incumbent upon you; but sufer not an idle or impertnent
curiosity to lead you astray, or betray you into danger.
Be deaf to every insinuaton, which would have a tendency to weaken your resoluton, or tempt you to an act of
Be voluntarily dumb and blind, when the exercise of those facultes would endanger the peace of your mind, or
the probity of your conduct; and let silence and secrecy, those cardinal virtues of a Select Master, on all
necessary occasions, be scrupulously observed.
By a steady adherence to the important instructons contained in this degree, you will merit the approbaton of
the select number with whom you are associated, and will enjoy the high satsfacton of having acted well your
part in the important enterprise in which you are engaged, and afer having wrought your regular hours, may be
admited to partcipate in all the privileges of a Select Master.
IM: (*) Companion Captain of the Guard, (Captain of the Guard rises) I am about to close this Council. You will
see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded.
CG: Companion Steward, (Steward rises) see that the Secret Vault is securely guarded, and inform the Sentnel
that the Illustrious Master is about to close ___________ Council Number _____ of Select Masters. Direct
him to take due notce thereof and guard accordingly.
St: (At the door) (*** *** ***) answered by Sentnel (*** *** ***) (Stew opens door) Companion Sentnel, the
Illustrious Master is about to close ___________ Council Number ______ of Select Masters. Take due
notce thereof and guard accordingly.
(Steward closes door, gives one knock (*) answered by Sentnel (*) and returns to his staton.)
St: Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sentnel is informed. (Steward is seated)
CG: Illustrious Master, the Secret Vault is secure.
IM: Companion Captain of the Guard, are you a Select Master?
CG: I am acknowledged as such and have wrought my regular hours.
IM: What are the regular hours?
CG: From nine at night ‘tll twelve, the tme when prying eyes are closed in sleep.
IM: Where were you greeted as a Select Master?
CG: In a legally consttuted Council of Select Masters assembled in a place representng the Secret Vault erected
by King Solomon under the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple.
IM: Whom did you represent?
CG: One of those who for their fdelity and skill were selected to assist in building the Secret Vault.
IM: How many were employed in the erecton of the Secret Vault?
CG: Twenty-two from Gebal, Ahishar, Adoniram, and our three Grand Masters, twenty-seven in all, and no
IM: Why but twenty-seven?
CG: Because there were but nine Arches, and three only could be employed on each Arch.
IM: Where did the Secret Vault begin?
CG: In King Solomon’s most retred apartment.
IM: Where did it end?
CG: Under the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple.
IM: For what purpose was it erected?
CG: As a place wherein to deposit a true copy of the Ark of the Covenant, containing imitatons of the Pot of
Manna and Aaron’s Rod, also the Book of the Law.
IM: Where was the deposit made?
CG: In the ninth arch of the Secret Vault.
IM: What countryman are you?
CG: A Phoenician.
IM: Of what city?
CG: Gebal.
IM: What is your name?
CG: Gi----.
IM: What is your age?
CG: Three tmes nine, or twenty-seven.
IM: What are your implements?
CG: The Sword and Trowel.
IM: How explained?
CG: As the Sword and Trowel were used by our ancient brethren for defense and protecton, and to cement and
complete the Secret Vault, so should we as Select Masters devoutly guard the inestmable secrets of our
venerable fraternity, and unite and cement the brotherhood.
IM: What is the hour?
CG: Low twelve.
IM: What remains to be done?
CG: To retre in peace, practce virtue, and maintain silence.
IM: (Rise) (***) (All rise) Companion Captain of the Guard, it is my order that ___________ Council Number
______ of Select Masters be now closed and stand closed untl its next stated assembly, unless especially
convened by order, of which due and tmely notce will be given. Proclaim this to the Companions present,
that having due notce thereof, they will govern themselves accordingly.
CG: Companions, it is the order of the Illustrious Master that ____________ Council Number ______ of Select
Masters be now closed and stand closed untl its next stated assembly, unless especially convened by
order, of which due and tmely notce will be given. Take due notce thereof and govern yourselves
IM: Companions, atend to giving the Signs.
(IM will lead in giving all signs from the R.M. through the S.M. degrees.)
PCW: (*** *** ***)
DM: (*** *** ***)
IM: (*** *** ***)

Companions, being about to quit this sacred retreat, to mix again with the world, let us not forget, amid the
cares and vicissitudes of actve life, the bright example of sincere friendship, so beautfully illustrated in the lives
of the founders of this degree. Let us take the lesson home with us; and may it strengthen the bonds of fraternal
love between us; incite our hearts to duty, and our desires to wisdom. Let us exercise Charity, cherish Hope,
walk in Faith. And may that moral principle, which is the mystc cement of our fellowship, remain with us and
bless us. Amen.
Response: So mote it be.
IM: I now declare this Council duly closed. Companion Captain of the Guard, inform the Sentnel. Companion
Conductor of the Council, atend at the Altar.
CG: Companion Steward, inform the Sentnel.
(Conductor of the Council and the Steward leave their statons simultaneously to perform their respectve
CC: (goes to Altar, closes Bible and returns to his staton.)
Stew: (At the door) (*** *** ***) answered by Sentnel (*** *** ***) (Steward opens door) Companion
Sentnel, this Council is closed. (Door is lef open; the Steward returns to his staton.)
Stew: Companion Captain of the Guard, the Sentnel is informed.
CG: Illustrious Master, your order has been obeyed.
IM: (*)

-End of closing-
INSTALLING OFFICER: Companions, the installaton of ofcers in a Council marks the completon of one year's
work and the beginning of the next. It impresses upon us the democratc nature of our insttuton and
teaches the peculiar art of laying aside the insignia of rank with willingness and gracefulness and of
assuming the honors and responsibilites of ofce with humility. As the present ofcers have relinquished
their statons in token of the completon of the past year's dutes, we are once more reminded of the
equality that should always exist among the members. Companion Recorder, you will announce the names
of the ofcers elected and appointed for the ensuing year. Companion Marshal, as the names are called
you will place the ofcers in positon.
(Afer all are in positon, with Illustrious Master on right of line west of Altar, Marshal says:)
MARSHAL: Illustrious Master, I present these worthy Companions who have been selected as ofcers of this
Council for the ensuing year and are now ready to be installed.
INSTALLING OFFICER: Companions of ____________ Council Number ______, you see before you the
Companions who have been selected to serve as ofcers of this Council during the ensuing year. If any
Companion knows of any just cause why they, or any of them, should not be installed, let him now make it
known or forever hold his peace. That we may have the needed strength and guidance to accomplish the
task before us, let us invoke the blessing of Deity. (Gives knocks ***, all rise) Companion Chaplain, you will
lead us in prayer.
CHAPLAIN: (The following prayer is optonal. Any suitable prayer may be used.) Oh, Thou Grand Master of
Heaven and Earth, we approach Thee with reverence and implore Thy blessing upon these Companions
who are about to assume the dutes of their important ofces. Grant them frmness of mind and kindness
of dispositon, that they may govern the afairs of this Council with justce and moderaton. Bless them, O
Lord, and bless those whom Thou hast placed under them. May Thy richest blessing rest upon all our
Companions wherever dispersed throughout the world. Amen. (Audience is seated)
INSTALLING OFFICER: My Companions, before proceeding to ofcially install you, it is necessary for you to take
upon yourselves a solemn obligaton. You will, therefore, each of you, place your right hand over your
heart, say "I", your name, and repeat afer me:
"do solemnly promise on my honor as a Royal and Select Master, that I will support and maintain the
Consttuton, Laws and Regulatons of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Iowa, the By-Laws
of this Council, and all ancient Masonic usages; that I will, to the best of my knowledge and ability, perform
the dutes of the ofce with which I am now to be invested."
(Ofcers drop hands and are seated)
INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion Marshal, you will present the Illustrious Master elect for installaton.
(Marshal, on the lef, conducts ofcer elect to the East, directly in front of, and facing Installing Ofcer)
MARSHAL: Illustrious Master, I present Companion _______________ who has been elected to serve as
Illustrious Master of this Council and is now ready to be installed.
INSTALLING OFFICER: My Companion, I feel great satsfacton in installing you into the ofce of Illustrious
Master of this Council. It is a staton highly honorable to him who diligently and faithfully performs the
important dutes connected therewith; but before investng you with the honors and responsibilites of
your ofce, it is mandatory that I propound to you certain questons to which, at the close, I must require
your unequivocal answers.
1. Do you solemnly promise that you will use your utmost endeavors to correct the vices, purify the
morals, and promote the happiness of your Companions?
2. That you will never sufer your Council to be opened unless there shall be present at least nine
Select Masters?
3. That you will not sufer any person to receive the degrees in your Council in whose integrity,
fervency and zeal you have not entre confdence?
4. That you will not acknowledge or hold communicaton with any Council that does not work under
some regular and consttutonal authority?
5. That you will admit no visitor into your Council who has not been regularly and lawfully invested
with the Council degrees?
6. That you will faithfully observe the By-Laws of your Council and the Consttuton and Laws of the
Grand Council?
7. That in the government of your Council you will administer justce tempered with mercy?
8. That you will pay due respect and obedience to the Grand Ofcers when duly installed and will
sustain them in the discharge of their dutes?
9. That you will faithfully atend all assemblies of the Grand Council upon receiving proper notce
Do you submit to all these requirements and do you promise to observe them faithfully?
INSTALLING OFFICER: With entre confdence in the purity of your intentons, and in the integrity of your
character as a Select Master, I now declare you duly installed as Illustrious Master of this Council. You will
now be invested with the apron and jewel of your ofce.
(Marshal invests him with apron and jewel)
Having been elevated by the voice of your Companions to the highest staton in their gif, you are now to
assume the functons of that ofce. It is your duty to set an example of diligence, industry and fdelity; to
see that the ofcers associated with you faithfully perform their respectve dutes, and that the interests
and reputaton of your Council are not endangered by imprudence or neglect. The important trust
commited to your care will call for your utmost exertons and the exercise of your best facultes. As the
representatve of Solomon, King of Israel, it will be your duty to recite the secret traditon, illustrate the
moral principles of our order, cherish the worthy and hold in due veneraton the ancient landmarks.
I now present you with the Charter under which your Council will work; you will receive it as a sacred
deposit and never permit it to be used for any other purpose than those expressed therein; and at the
expiraton of your term you shall duly transmit it to your successor in ofce.
Receive also the Consttuton, Laws and Regulatons of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of
Iowa, together with the By-Laws of this Council. Familiarize yourself with them and keep them handy at all
tmes for ready reference.
Receive in charge the Holy Bible, Square and Compass, the three great lights of Masonry. May they guide
you through your year as Illustrious Master and remind you of the whole duty of man. You will now
assume your staton in the East.
(Installing ofcer conducts the new Illustrious Master to his staton) (removes hat)
I cover you with that mark of distncton, which agreeably to an ancient custom, you are to wear while
presiding over your Council.
(Installing ofcer will call up Council (***) and say:)
Illustrious Master, behold your Companions. Companions, behold your Illustrious Master. Let us salute him
with the Public Grand Honors of Masonry by three tmes three. (Done)
Finally, my Illustrious Companion, I place in your hand this gavel, the emblem of your authority. Wield it,
my Companion, with prudence and discreton.
(New Illustrious Master seats Council (* ) and may proceed to install the remaining ofcers or he may invite
the Installing Ofcer to contnue. In the later case he will uncover and surrender the gavel untl the
completon of the installaton ceremonies)
INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion Marshal, you will present the remaining ofcers in the order of their rank.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, the dutes of your ofce will require your constant and
earnest atenton. As the representatve of Hiram King of Tyre with the Illustrious Master in Council you are
to occupy the second seat in this Council, and it will be your duty to aid and support your chief in all the
requirements of his ofce. In his absence you are to preside and perform his dutes; in his presence you are
to assist him. In this important trust it will be your duty and should be your pleasure to justfy the
confdence of your Companions. You will be invested with the jewel and apron of your ofce and be
conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, as the third ofcer in the Council, it is your duty to sound the
silver trumpet at early dawn and eve of day, when the sun's frst and last rays gild the mountain tops, to
announce high twelve and proclaim the tme for labor and refreshment. In the absence of both your
superiors you will be called upon to preside. As the interests of the Council should never be permited to
sufer through the lack of preparaton by its ofcers, you will allow me to urge upon you the necessity of
being always prepared and qualifed to meet such an emergency. You will be invested with the jewel and
apron of your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, you have been elected to the very important and
responsible ofce of Treasurer of this Council and the qualites which should distnguish you are accuracy
and fdelity in carefully preserving the property and funds of the Council and in rendering a just account
when required. Your interest in this Council, your atachment to the Craf and your known integrity of
character are a sufcient assurance that the dutes of your ofce will be faithfully performed. You will be
invested with the jewel and apron of your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ______________, you have been elected to an important ofce in this
Council, which will require your discriminatng judgment as to what is proper to be writen. The possession
of the requisite qualites has designated you as a suitable Companion for this ofce, and I doubt not that
you will discharge its dutes with diligence and fdelity. You will be invested with the jewel and apron of
your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, to you is commited the devotonal exercises of our
assemblies and to perform the sacred functons of your ofce at our public ceremonies. I do not doubt that
you will discharge the dutes of your present appointment with steadfastness and perseverance in well
doing. You will be invested with the jewel and apron of your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, guard well your post and sufer none to pass it but the
select, the faithful, and the worthy. Obey the commands of your chief and be near at hand to see them duly
executed. You will be invested with the jewel and apron of your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, in the discharge of the dutes of your ofce, and with which
you are doubtless familiar, be fervent and zealous. You will thus merit the respect and esteem of your
Companions and the approbaton of your own conscience. You will be invested with the jewel and apron of
your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, your duty is to guard the entrance to the Secret Vault with
sleepless vigilance and sufer none to pass it without permission of the Illustrious Master. You will be
invested with the jewel and apron of your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, you have been appointed Organist of this Council. As
harmony is the strength and support of all insttutons, so may the harmony furnished by you strengthen
and support every gentle and ennobling emoton of the soul and be an inspiraton to your Companions. You
will be invested with the jewel and apron of your ofce and be conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion ____________, as the frst applicaton from visitors is usually made to the
Sentnel, it is therefore essentally necessary that you exemplify that spirit of friendliness, which is manifest
in the Council. It is your partcular duty to prepare the Council Chambers for the Assemblies and to care for
its paraphernalia. You will be invested with the jewel, apron and instrument of your ofce and be
conducted to your staton.


INSTALLING OFFICER: Illustrious Master, you now occupy the highest ofce in the power of your Companions
to bestow. You have accepted a trust to which is atached a responsibility that will require your best eforts
to discharge with honor to yourself and satsfacton to your companions. You are to keep a watchful eye
over the general conduct of the Council, see that the members are properly instructed and that due
solemnity be observed in the practce of our rites. Moreover, you should be an example to your ofcers and
members, which they need not hesitate to follow, thus securing for yourself the favor of Heaven and the
approval of your Companions.
(Installing ofcer calls up Companions***)
INSTALLING OFFICER: Companions, from the very nature of the consttuton of every society, some must rule
and others obey. While justce and moderaton are required of the ofcers in the discharge of their ofcial
dutes, subordinaton and respect are equally demanded of the members. The relaton is reciprocal. The
interests of both are inseparable. Without mutual cooperaton the labors of neither can succeed. A house
divided against itself cannot stand. Let brotherly love, therefore, prevail among you. Let each be emulous
of the others in promotng peace and unity and in striving to see who can best rule and best obey. And may
He whose watchful care is over all who put their trust in Him ever keep and preserve this Council to the
glory of His name.
INSTALLING OFFICER: Companion Marshall, you will make the proclamaton.
(Marshal goes to west of Altar, raises right hand and says:)
MARSHAL: In the name of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Iowa, I proclaim the ofcers of
____________ Council Number ______ duly installed. All interested will take due notce and govern
themselves accordingly.
(Marshal drops hand to side and returns to place on sidelines)
(Installing ofcer presents gavel to IM who puts on hat and seats the Council (*)

-End of installaton-

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