CERAE Reflection in Learning Domain 12.odt

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CERAE Reflection

Learning Domain 12

Content- The components of classroom assessment can be classified in terms of the way
they relate to instructional activities. This category of assessments may include teacher-
student interactions in the classroom, observations, student products that result directly from
ongoing instructional activities.

Experience- We experience identifying and discussing the essential components of

classroom assessment through observation in a class and interviewing a resource teacher.
The resource teacher gives us his own opinion about the classroom assessment components
that we did write it down to our book.

Reflection- I believe that a classroom assessment may be based on a classroom discussion

or a group activity in which students explore and respond to each other ideas and learn as
they go through this process. It may be based on artifacts that are the products of classroom
activities, rather than on tasks designed solely for assessment purposes.

Action- In taking action, is also important to determine the observations which is the forms of
evidence in student work that are needed to support the claims, and then to develop tasks or
situations that will elicit the needed evidence.

Evaluation- Therefore, a classroom assessment may occur in the context of group work or
discussions, as long as the teacher ensures that all the students that need to be observed are
in fact active participants. It needs to be design to generate enough evidence about students’
understandings so that their locations on the intended pathway can be reliably determined,
and it is clear what next steps are needed for them to continue to progress.
Learning Domain 12

Learning Domain 12 talks about the components of classroom assessment and we are
tasked to visit, observe a class, interview the resource teacher about the components of
classroom assessment. The first essential component of classroom assessment is purpose. It
is to monitor students learning, monitor the progress of each and every learner. Also in
providing feedback on students' performance and together with motivations. The second
essential component of classroom assessment is measurement. Through a test, the resource
teacher can examine someone's knowledge of something to determine what students know or
has learned. Testing measures the level of skill or knowledge that has been reached. There is
also a ratings under the measurement component of classroom assessment. It is to classify
or ranking someone or something based on a comparative assessment of their quality,
standard or performance. The third essential component is evaluation, as an interpretations of
making judgment based on the value or condition of criteria in a careful and in a thoughtful
way. For us to be able to know who among the students place a value in doing their
performance task each of the time. It is also to determine the significance, worth or condition
of usually the said performance. Lastly, we have use in essential of classroom assessment to
provide information on the quality of instructions. Explicit instruction is one of the instruction
which is in the traditional or in an old way of doing it, folding in specific practices in achieving
premises to ensure students goals in reaching the lessons objective. Identify students as
important users of assessment information because they are active participants in the
assessment process. Involve students in tracking, reflecting on, and sharing their own
learning progress. The four essentials of classroom assessment must be based on clearly
articulated and appropriate achievement targets.

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