Registration Form: 7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting

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7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting

December 6-7th, 2018, Catania, Sicily, Italy

“The gray zone: the transition from Child to Adult Psychiatry”

Registration Form
Please fill out this form and e-mail to

A. PARTICIPANT’S DETAILS (please fill in capital letters)

Title: 〇 Prof. 〇 Dr. 〇 Mr. 〇 Mrs. 〇 Other

Degree: 〇 PhD 〇 M.D. 〇 Other

Surname: ______________________ First Name: ___________________

Institution: _____________________________________________________________

Department: ___________________________________________________________

Postal Address: ______________________________ Postal Code: ____________

City/State: __________________________________ Country: _________________

Telephone: __________________________________ Fax: _____________________

e-mail: ______________________________________

B. ACCOMPANYING PERSON’S DETAILS (please fill in capital letters)

1st Accompanying person: 〇 Mr. 〇 Mrs. 〇 Child

Surname: ____________________________ First Name: ________________________

2nd Accompanying person: 〇 Mr. 〇 Mrs. 〇 Child

Surname: ____________________________ First Name: ________________________

Registration categories Early Registration Late Registration On-site
Until November 1st, From 2nd
2018 November
until 5th December,
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, 〇 182 euros 〇 200 euros 〇 220
Other Mental Health euros
High Income
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, 〇 150 euros 〇 170 euros 〇 190
Other Mental Health euros
Low Income
7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
December 6-7th, 2018, Catania, Sicily, Italy
“The gray zone: the transition from Child to Adult Psychiatry”

Accompanying person 〇 65 euros 〇 80 euros 〇 90 euros

Official Congress Italian dinner 〇 25 euros 〇 25 euros 〇 25 euros
(Thursday 6th December, 2018)
International Dinner 〇 35 euros 〇 35 euros 〇 35 euros
(Friday 7th December, 2018)
Total Cost _____________+ 22% IVA = ________________

Important notes:
 The Early Registration Fee is applicable for registration and payment by November 1 st, 2018
 After November 2nd, 2018, the late registration fee will apply without further notice
 The Registration Fee should include an amount of +22% including IVA for fiscal purposes
 After the registration phase, you will be contacted by email by DUERRE CONGRESSI which will
give you more details on methods of payment

Registration Fee for participants include:

 Admittance to all congress sessions
 Admittance to the ehibition area
 Congress bag and material
 Certificate of attendance
 Welcome reception (6th December, 2018)
 International Night (7th December, 2018) with welcome drink
 2-days Coffee breaks
 2 Light lunches

Registration Fee for Accompanying Persons include:

 Access to the Congress Area
 Welcome reception (6th December, 2018)
 International Night (7th December, 2018)
 2-days Coffee breaks
 2 Light lunches

 Registration will not be confirmed until full payment has been arranged
 Payment can be completed either by bank transfer or credit card
 Personal cheques and Eurocheques are not acceptable
 Bank transfer and credit card fees are paid by the participant
 After the registration phase, you will be contacted by email by DUERRE CONGRESSI which will
give you more details on methods of payment
7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
December 6-7th, 2018, Catania, Sicily, Italy
“The gray zone: the transition from Child to Adult Psychiatry”

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