Registration Form: 7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
Registration Form: 7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
Registration Form: 7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
Registration Form
Please fill out this form and e-mail to
Institution: _____________________________________________________________
Department: ___________________________________________________________
e-mail: ______________________________________
Registration categories Early Registration Late Registration On-site
Until November 1st, From 2nd
2018 November
until 5th December,
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, 〇 182 euros 〇 200 euros 〇 220
Other Mental Health euros
High Income
Psychiatrists, Psychologists, 〇 150 euros 〇 170 euros 〇 190
Other Mental Health euros
Low Income
7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
December 6-7th, 2018, Catania, Sicily, Italy
“The gray zone: the transition from Child to Adult Psychiatry”
Important notes:
The Early Registration Fee is applicable for registration and payment by November 1 st, 2018
After November 2nd, 2018, the late registration fee will apply without further notice
The Registration Fee should include an amount of +22% including IVA for fiscal purposes
After the registration phase, you will be contacted by email by DUERRE CONGRESSI which will
give you more details on methods of payment
Registration will not be confirmed until full payment has been arranged
Payment can be completed either by bank transfer or credit card
Personal cheques and Eurocheques are not acceptable
Bank transfer and credit card fees are paid by the participant
After the registration phase, you will be contacted by email by DUERRE CONGRESSI which will
give you more details on methods of payment
7th Young Psychiatrists' Network Meeting
December 6-7th, 2018, Catania, Sicily, Italy
“The gray zone: the transition from Child to Adult Psychiatry”