a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper concerns with a numerical study on heat transfer by natural convection of different nanofluids
Received 17 June 2018 inside a porous medium between two horizontal eccentric cylinders. The Buongiorno’s model was uti-
Received in revised form 9 July 2018 lized to track the nanoparticles concentration. Heat transfer by natural convection of water-copper,
Accepted 11 July 2018
water-diamond and water–silicon dioxide nanofluids inside a porous medium between two cylinders
was studied. A set of characteristic equations were solved using finite element method. Range of param-
eters which are studied are Ra = 103-106, Da = 106-103, e = 0.1–0.9 and volume fractions of 0.0–0.1,
Nr = Nt = Nb = 0.1–0.5, and Le = 1–10. The porous medium was analyzed by Darcy-Brinkman model.
Natural convection of nanofluid
Porous media
The results showed that thermophoresis parameter and Brownian parameter have no significant effect
Two eccentric cylinders on isothermal lines and the streamlines. The probability of collision of nanoparticles decreases with
Buongiorno’s model increasing the Lewis number, which consequently decreases the average Nusselt number. The maximum
and minimum enhancement in natural convection was detected in water-diamond and water–silicon
dioxide respectively.
Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction the other hand, a porous medium with a solid section has a higher
conductivity coefficient compared to an empty space. Overall
Movement of fluid inside the porous medium can be detected conductivity also increases in the former medium. Heat transfer
both in natural and industrial area. Behavior of the fluid flowing is enhanced as the nanofluid passes through a porous medium
through the porous medium was considered in various studies [19–21]. The flow of nanofluids in a porous medium is a combined
due to its unique structure and its application in various sections problem that should be studied further in order to investigate
of mechanical engineering applications including solar heating thermal behavior of the nanofluid in this medium [22–26].
systems, energy storage units, fuel cells, geophysical system and Use of nanofluids as cooling agents in a porous medium was
catalytic converter. Scholars and engineers performed many proposed by Tsai and Chein [27] and Ghazvini and Shokouhmand
analytical, numerical and empirical studies to examine this [28]. Modeling such thermal wells requires a basic knowledge on
complex phenomenon. convective heat transfer of the nanofluid in a porous medium.
There are many methods for enhancing the heat transfer rate. Hyperthermia nanoparticles for treatment of cancer is another
Addition of nanoparticles to the base fluid is one of the methods discussion on use of nanofluids for convective heat transfer
used to enhance heat transfer [1–18]. Nanofluid is a new genera- [29,30]. In this case, use of hyperthermia nanoparticles aims to
tion of fluids obtained by distribution of particles in nano-scale impose a maximum damage to the tumor (this requires a
diameters from 1 to 100 nm inside a base fluid. Use of nanofluid temperature at least 90% above temperature of the tumor
in heat transfer systems was so remarkable that it was the subject (43 °C)) with minimal damage to body tissues. They developed
of many extensive studies by many academics in a short time. On optimal protocols for this treatment, which requires basic
knowledge on convective heat transfer in a porous medium.
Hajipour et al. [31] were the first academics who studied
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technology combined convective heat transfer of nanofluid through a vertical
Faculty, Fırat University, Elazig, Turkey.
channel, partly filled with metal foam both numerically and
E-mail address: (H.F. Oztop).
0017-9310/Ó 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
68 M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75
experimentally. The results showed that nanofluid flow in porous 2. Governing equations and boundary conditions
metal foam can increase the heat transfer rate. This can be also
used in the industry. Nazari et al. [32] studied heat transfer by Fig. 1 shows the schematic view of the desired geometry. The
forced convection in a nanofluid in a circular tube filled with alu- external cylinder was kept at Tc temperature and the internal
minum particles in a porous medium with open cavities with cylinder at Th temperature. The space between the two cylinders
50% porosity and constant wall temperature in a laboratory. They is porous and filled with a nanofluid. In this study, the cases of
showed that use of a porous medium inside a tube considerably three different nanofluids including water-copper, water-
enhances the heat transfer compared to an empty tube. Increase diamond and water-silicon dioxide were studied. The radius of
in volume fraction of aluminum nanoparticles increases the Nus- the outer and inner cylinder was ro and ri respectively. The radial
selt number. Umouthy et al. [33] performed a numerical study ratio (RR ¼ ro =r i ) was considered as 2.5.
on heat transfer by natural convection of a nanofluid inside a rect- The distance between centric points of the cylinders is called
angular enclosure using the Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman Model. eccentricity shown as ‘‘e” which has a positive value. Nanofluid is
The heat transfer by natural convection of a nanofluid was investi- considered as Newtonian fluid and flow are also two-
gated in the former study in a porous medium. Armaghani [34] dimensional. Thermophysical properties of the nanofluid are
compared forced convection of heat transfer using single-phase
and two-phase nanoparticles inside a porous channel. Numerical
results of these two methods were compared. The developed
Darcy- Brinkman–Forchheimer Model was used to solve the equa-
tion. The numerical results showed an increase in local Nusselt
number by decreasing the Lewis number. A similar trend was
detected in the Schmidt number. Other related works can be found
in [41–42].
A review of literature showed that heat transfer by natural con-
vection was not studied in a nanofluid inside a porous medium
between two eccentric cylinders using two-phase method. Given
that such geometry is used extensively in heat exchangers, it is
necessary to study the effect of different parameters of porous
medium and properties of the nanofluid for enhancing heat trans-
fer in such geometries. Buongiorno method [35] was used to ana-
lyze the nanofluid behavior in a heterogeneous manner. Hence,
there are some changes in the equations of momentum and heat
transfer in the heterogeneous method compared to homogeneous
method and the fluid base. Distribution of particles and variations
in distribution of particles were studied by changing various
parameters. The effects of Brownian movement and thermophore-
sis on thermal and hydrodynamic conditions were also studied. Fig. 1. Schematic geometry of examined problem.
M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75 69
Table 1
Thermodynamic properties of different nanoparticles and the base fluid [37].
assumed as constant parameters in this problem except for vari- porous medium. Porous medium was assumed Homogeneous
able density defined by the Boussinesq approximation [36]. The and isotropic. Two phases of porous medium also kept in the ther-
term on movement of nanoparticles under the influence of various mal equilibrium condition. Thermodynamic properties of the
factors is also added to the heat transfer equation. Also, nanoparti- nanoparticles and the base fluid are also shown in Table 1.
cle continuity equation is also added to the governing equations. The governing equations consist of the mass Eq. (1), the
The Darcy-Brinkman Model was used without term inertia in the momentum equation in the horizontal direction (2), in the vertical
direction (3), the energy conservation Eq. (4) and the continuity
equation of the nanoparticles (5). These equations are obtained
from relations (1)–(6) as follows:
4514 @u @ v
þ ¼0 ð1Þ
7 6232 @x @y
9008 !
qnf @u @u @p lnf @ 2 u @ 2 u lnf
6 6535 u þv ¼ þ þ u ð2Þ
14506 e2 @x @y @x e @x2 @y2 K
qnf @ v @v @p lnf @ 2 v @ 2 v lnf
u þ v ¼ þ þ
4 e2 @x @y @y e @x2 @y2 K
h i
þ ðqp qf ÞðC C 0 Þ þ ð1 C 0 Þqf bf ðT T c Þ g
2 !
1 @T @T @2 T @2 T
u þv ¼ anf þ
1 e @x @y @x2 @y2
( 2 2 !)
@C @T @C @T DT @T @T
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 þ s DB þ þ þ
@x @x @y @y Tc @x @y
Reversed arc length
Fig. 2. Grid independent study.
! !
1 @C @C @2C @2C DT @2T @2T
u þv ¼ DB þ þ þ ð5Þ
e @x @y @x2 @y2 Tc @x2 @y2
@U @V
þ ¼0 ð7Þ
@X @Y
1 @U @U qf @P #nf Pr @ 2 U @ 2 U #nf Pr
U þ V ¼ þ þ U
e2 @X @Y qnf @X #f e @X 2 @Y 2 #f Da
1 @V @V qf @P #nf Pr @ 2 V @ 2 V #nf Pr
U þ V ¼ þ þ V
e2 @X @Y qnf @Y #f e @X 2 @Y 2 #f Da
þ Ra Pr Nr ð1 uÞ þ Ra Pr h ð9Þ
Fig. 3. Comparison of average Nusselt number in the present and Besak et al. [39] qnf
70 M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75
! ! !
@h @h anf @2h @2h @ u @h @ u @h @u @u e @2u @2u e Nt @ 2 h @ 2 h
U þV ¼e þ þ Nb e þ U þV ¼ þ þ þ ð11Þ
@X @Y af @X 2 @Y 2 @X @X @Y @Y @X @Y Le @X 2 @Y 2 Le Nb @X 2 @Y 2
" 2 #
@h @h where Rayleigh number Ra, Prandtl number Pr, Darcy number Da,
þ Nt e þ ð10Þ
@X @Y Lewis number Le, buoyancy ratio Nr, thermophoresis parameter
Nb and Brownian parameter Nb are calculated as follows:
Table 2
ð1 C 0 Þqf gbf DTL3 vf K af
Ra ¼ ; Pr ¼ ; Da ¼ ; Le ¼ ;
Comparison between the results of present study and the study carried out by Habibi lf af af 2
and Pop [40]. ð12Þ
ðqp qf ÞC 0 sDB C 0 sDT DT
Nr ¼ ; Nb ¼ ; Nt ¼
Volume Present Habibi and Pop’s Relative error
qf bf DTð1 C 0 Þ af af T C
fraction work work percentage
0.01 5.60 5.66 1.07 Dimensionless boundary conditions are expressed using the
0.015 5.78 5.81 0.51 following equation given geometry of the problem:
0.02 5.86 5.89 0.51
0.025 6.04 5.97 1.15 @u @h
h ¼ 1; U ¼ V ¼ 0; Nb þ Nt ¼ 0 On the internal cylinder
0.03 6.07 6.02 0.82 @N @N
Fig. 4. Streamlines, isothermal-lines and distribution of nanoparticles at u = 0.05, Ra = 105, Le = 10, e = 0.65, Nb = Nt = Nr = 0.3 and different Darcy numbers (a) Da = 105, (b)
Da = 104, (c) Da = 103.
M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75 71
@u @h knf @T
h ¼ 0; U ¼ V ¼ 0; Nb þ Nt ¼ 0 On the external cylinder Nuav g ¼ ð15Þ
@N @N kf @N
N in the above relation is the perpendicular orientation to the
Thermophysical relationships of the nanofluid can be obtained surface.
as follows [38]:
Fig. 5. Streamlines, isothermal-lines and distribution of nanoparticles at u = 0.05, Da = 103, e = 0.65, Nb = Nt = Nr = 0.3, Ra = 105 and different Lewis numbers (a) Le = 1, (b)
Le = 5, (c) Le = 10.
72 M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75
numerical simulations. Fig. 3 shows comparison of average Nusselt and isoconcentrations of nanoparticles with respect to Darcy num-
number in the present work and the simulation carried out by ber for water-copper nanofluid. Two symmetric clockwise (on the
Besak et al. [39]. It is worth mentioning that u is the angle of trape- right with a negative sign) and counter-clockwise (on the left with
zoidal enclosure studied in Besak et al.’s work. Simulations results a negative sign) vortices are formed on both sides of the internal
are consistent in both studies. Table 2 shows comparison in aver- cylinder. This shows rotational direction of the nanofluid based
age Nusselt number between the present study and the that car- on the buoyancy force with respect to the boundary conditions.
ried out by Habibi and pop [40]. The results of the present study The nanofluid flows more easily by increasing the Darcy number
were consistent with the results of Habibi and Pop’s work. and the fluid friction decreases in the porous medium due to
increased permeability. In this case, the resistant force against
4. Results and discussion the nanofluid flow in the porous medium reduces and the strength
of the fluid flow greatly increases.
In this section, numerical study of natural convection heat Natural convection heat transfer is less enhanced at Darcy num-
transfer is evaluated using different nanofluid types consisting of bers of 104 and 105. In this case, heat is transferred by conductiv-
water-copper, water-diamond and water-silicon dioxide. the range ity. As a result, isothermal lines are parallel without any distortion.
of key studied parameters are such these 103 < Ra < 106, 106 < Da The strength of streamlines increases as Darcy number increases,
< 103, 1 < Le < 10, Nr = Nt = Nb = 0.1–0.5, 0 < u < 0.1, 0.1 < e < 0.9. which leads to further mixing of the nanofluid throughout the cav-
The other parameters are constant so that Pr = 6.21, RR = 2.5, ity that enhances uniformity and homogeneity of the nanofluid
~e ¼ 0:5. Fig. 4 shows variation of the streamlines, isothermal lines (third column). In addition, thickness of thermal boundary layer
Fig. 6. Streamlines, isothermal-lines and distribution of nanoparticles u = 0.05, Le = 10, Da = 103, e = 0.65, at Ra = 105, e = 0.65, Nr = 0.1, (a) Nb = Nt = 0.1 (b) Nb = 0.1 and
Nt = 0.5 (c) Nb = 0.5 and Nt = 0.1.
M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75 73
decreases and heat transfer rate by natural convection increases nanoparticles. The thermophoresis parameter depends on temper-
with increasing Darcy number to 103. As a result, isothermal lines ature gradient. Comparison of the first and second rows in the fig-
are bended and distorted (second column). ure shows that the flow strength decreases (the first column),
Fig. 5. pictures the effect of Lewis number on the streamlines, thickness of the boundary layer increases and density of isotherms
isothermal lines and isoconcentration of nanoparticles. A slight in vicinity of the heater decreases by increasing the thermophore-
increase in the Lewis number increases the flow strength. This is sis parameter. The isotherms move towards outer cold cylinder
because the flow strength increases by decreasing penetration of (the second column), which reduces heat transfer. Concentration
nanoparticles and decreasing their collisions. The figure shows no of nanoparticles increases in lower part of the external cylinder
considerable change in temperature contours with increasing by increasing the thermophoresis parameter. In other words, more
Lewis numbers. On the other hand, the boundary layer thickness nanoparticles move towards lower part of the cylinder where the
of nanoparticles decreases by increasing the Lewis number. As a temperature is lower as thermophoresis parameter increases. As
result, the flows with higher Lewis number prevent from further a result, nanoparticle migration increases and nanofluid uniformity
dispersion of nanoparticles. Therefore, distribution of the nanofluid decreases as the thermophoresis parameter increases. Comparison
is more homogeneous. Fewer nanoparticles can be transferred of the first and third rows shows that the strength of streamlines
from high energy zones (hot walls) to low energy zones (cold slightly increases by increasing the Brownian parameter. An
walls) by increasing the Lewis number and thermal penetration. increase in the Brownian parameter does not considerably change
Fig. 6 demonstrates the effect of Brownian and thermophoresis the isotherms. Finally, nanoparticle movement increases and
parameters on the streamlines, isothermal-lines and distribution of nanoparticles are distributed more homogenously by increasing
the Brownian parameter.
Fig. 7 confirms that the average Nusselt number enhances by
increasing the Darcy number. As mentioned in the previous sec-
tion, the flow strength increases and heat transfer by natural con-
vection considerably increases by increasing the Da. The effect of
3 Da increases at higher Rayleigh number as natural convection
dominates thermal conductivity.
The effects of the thermophoresis parameter and volume frac-
4 Ra=105
tion of nanoparticles at different Ra are pictured in Fig. 8. Nuavg
is reduced by increasing the thermophoresis parameter. As seen
in Fig. 8b, the flow strength decreases as this parameter increases.
4 Ra=103 Ra=103
Ra=104 4 Ra=104
Ra=106 Ra=10
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
φ Nt
(a) (b)
Fig. 8. Variations Nu according (a) to volume fraction for different values of Ra when Nb = Nt = Nr = 0.3 and different values (b) thermophoresis parameter for different values
of Ra when Nb = Nr = 0.3, u = 0.1 at constant parameters Le = 10, e = 0.65, Da = 103.
74 M. Izadi et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127 (2018) 67–75
Fig. 9. Variations Nu according (a) to Brownian parameters for different values of porosity coefficient when Nt = Nr = 0.3 (b) to buoyancy parameters for different values of
porosity when Nt = Nb = 0.3 at constant parameters, Le = 10, e = 0.65, Da = 103, u = 0.1.
Table 3
Average Nusselt number at different Darcy numbers for different nanofluids and pure
water at u=0.1, Le = 10, e=0.65, Nb = Nt = Nr = 0 and Ra = 106.
Nr=0.1 Nanofluid Darcy number
2.19 Nr=0.2
105 104 103
Water 1.1714 2.1794 4.6415
Nr=0.4 Water-cooper 1.3750 2.4600 4.9604
Water-diamond 1.3875 2.4793 5.0314
Water- Silicon dioxide 1.2427 2.3905 4.6601
Fig. 10. The effect of Lewis number on average Nusselt number at different
buoyancy parameters at u = 0.1, e = 0.65, Nb = Nt = 0.3 and Ra = 105. 5. Conclusion
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respectively. [22] M. Izadi, G. Hoghoughi, R. Mohebbi, M. Sheremet, Nanoparticle migration and
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