Bonsai Symbol of Culture Ideals Money An
Bonsai Symbol of Culture Ideals Money An
Bonsai Symbol of Culture Ideals Money An
Department of Plant Physiology, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India.
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MS Received on : 27th March, 2011 Acccepted on : 21st March, 2011
A bonsai is not a genetically dwarfed plant and is not kept small by cruelty in any way. In another term bonsai
establishes a connecting link between art and science. There are many myths which are associated with bonsai.
These not only provide confusion for budding enthusiasts, but give the pastime a bad name for anyone not
quite experienced in the area. Seeds or cuttings from young trees and stunted tree can be used for bonsai
cultivation in containers. Over 2000 years ago china has the technology for bonsai cultivation, so it is regarded
as the first country where bonsai first appeared at basic scale. Japanese contribute an extraordinary role in
refining the art of china for bonsai, so Japanese are also credited for its introduction in the world. Bonsai were
brought indoors for display at special times by the ‘Japanese elite’ and became an important part of Japanese
life by being displayed on specially designed shelves. Bonsai has tremendous commercial potential for its
ornamental value.
Keywords: Bonsai cultivation, Connecting link, Science.
Japanese arts reached their peak and were regarded very highly. Planting
Bonsai again evolved to a much higher understanding and refinement
A plant is planted in the center of the pot in straight bonsai, whereas
of nature, although the containers used seemed to be slightly deeper
cascade type should be planted on one side the side over which it
than those used today (Tomlinson, 2003). The main factor in
hangs. Due to water falling directly over the soil, it leads to formation
maintaining bonsai is now the removal of all but the most important
of hard surface of soil and it causes negative effect on growth and
parts of the plant.
development of roots of bonsai plants. So hardening of soil in the
pot can be prevented by scattering of small pebbles of different
Growing technology colour spread randomly over the surface, which will prevent the soil
from becoming hard.
The plant raised from seeds or seedlings will take some time to train Common styles of bonsai
as bonsai. Large seedlings plants can also be obtained from nurseries. The different style of bonsai is based on the shape of the trunk at
maturity and number of the tree grown in a pot. The important styles
Container are:
Formal bonsai containers are used for growing of developed trees. 1. Upright or chokkan style: In this bonsai style, stem of plant is
These containers are usually ceramic pots, which come in a variety directly upright and straight. Only one specimen is grown at a time.
of shapes as round, oval, rectangular and colors generally black,
green, or brown and may be glazed or unglazed. When a flowering
tree having red or pink flower is chosen as bonsai, a brown coloured
pot should be avoided. Pots usually have vertical sides, so that the
tree’s root mass can easily be removed for inspection, pruning, and
replanting. A bonsai pots have drainage holes in the bottom surface
to complement fast-draining bonsai soil, allowing excess water to
escape the pot. For preventing soil from falling out and to hinder
pests from entering the pots from below growers cover the holes.
Fig. 2
Fig. 1
Planting Mixture
A good potting mixture is made up of 2 parts of fibrous loam, 1.5
parts coarse river sand, 1 part leaf mould. Repotting of bonsai plant
should be done after a certain period ranging from one to two year Fig. 3
3. Cascade-style or Kengai: In this bonsai style, the trunk hangs Plants Suitable for Bonsai
over the edge of the container just like as if it hangs over the edge of
a high mountain. Trees Adenanthera pavanina, Adansonia digiata, Berberis
thunbergi, Bombax mamabaricum, Brassaia
actinophyalla, Babbusa nigra, Butea monosperma,
Callistemon lanceolatus, Chorisia speciosa,
Erythrina crista-gall, Ficus religiosa, Ficus
benghalensis, Ficus infectoria, Ficus retusa, Kegellia
pinnata, Mangifera indica, Punica grantum,
Putrangiva roxburghii, Thesposia populnea
Conifers Juniperus chinensis, Juniperus prostrate, Pinus
Fig. 4 khasiana, Cedrus deodara, Cryptomeria Japonica,
4. Broom style or Hokidachi: In this bonsai style, trunk is straight Ginkgo bilobia, Pinus densiflora, Picea excels, Taxus
and upright. It is used for those trees having numerous, fine baccata.
branching of stem often with species like elms. Shrubs Abenium obesium, Azalea indica, Berberis asiatica,
Brya ebenus, Contoneaster horizonalis, Fortunella
japonica, Jatropa podagrica, Bougainvillea spp.
Copper wire is used very commonly for training and bending of
bonsai trees. The gauage of the wire will depend on the specimen of
Fig. 7
the plants. During wiring, we should take a precaution, that a branch Repotting
first bind the wire round the trunk several times and then around the
The fast growing plants will need repotting every year while low
branch. The wire coil should spaced evenly by about 0.5 to 0.06 cm.
growing will need repotting after 2 to 3 years.
Rewinding is to be done every six months. In upright and oblique
style very little wiring is needed, whereas in other styles wiring is
Role of growth retardant in canopy management of Bonsai
As we know growth retardants are those chemical substances that
Pruning and Pinching retard stem elongation without causing a malformation of plants.
e.g. Phosfon-D (2, 4-dichlorobenzyltributyl phosphonium chloride),
Bonsai tree additionally wants adequate quantity of sun light to
cycocel or CCC (2-chloroethyl trimethylammonium chloride) and B-
grow properly, at least 3 to 6 h daily. The last exercise is trimming
nine (N-dimethyl aminosuccinamic acid) are found effective on large
the particular crown of the bonsai. The main attraction of the bonsai
number of plants. Cycocel (liquid) is used as foliar spray or soil
tree is its physical and morphological appearance and therefore we
drench. Phosfon-D and cycoel dust are applied in soil, while B-nine
need to sustain its gorgeous look simply by trimming them regularly.
is used as foliar spray. In case of perennial plants, chemicals are
With the sapling, this pruning can be important to minimize the
used when new shoots on pruned plants attain 5-10 cm length.
expansion. Various methods of pruning viz. shoot pruning, leaf
pinching, root pruning helps bonsai to keep plant dwarf.
Watering 1. Aragaki, H. and Bester, J. (translator), 1989. Classic Bonsai of
Japan. Kodansha International Ltd, 17-14 otowa 1-chme,
Maintenance of optimal level of soil moisture within the growing
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo. 188.
pot is very important for desired level of performance of bonsai
plants, hence regular and appropriate watering after a certain interval 2. Douthitt, J., Hill, W., 2001. Bonsai- The Art of Living Sculpture.
of time is an additional crucial action for growing bonsai tree. The Rizzoli International Publication. Inc., 300 Park Avenue South
particular earth of most bonsais must be kept wet constantly simply New York. London, 144.
because dried up soil may get rid of the bonsai tree effortlessly. 3. Gustafson, H.L., 1996. The Bonsai Workshop. Sterling International
Excessively watering in pot again leads to detrimental effects on Publication. Inc., 300 park Avenue South New York. London,
growth and development of growing plant roots, because excessive 128.
water causes reduction of soil porosity and these soil air space is 4. Lewis, C., 1996. Bonsai Survival Manual: tree by tree guide to
occupied by soil water, so ultimately due to reduction of soil air buying, maintaining and problem solving. Quarto Publishing
anaerobic condition develops so that root respiration is affected Plc., The old Brewery 6 Blundell Street London, 160.
causing reduction of energy generation; this slows the growth and
causes death of plants roots. Choosing the stability is essential in 5. Pessey, C.,1993. A Step-By- Step Guide to Growing Training and
this case. Additionally, bonsai tree cooking pots must have sufficient General Care. Sterling, 120.
quantity of deplete openings thus water can easily strain properly. 6. Tomlinson, H., 1995. Bonsai-pocket encyclopedia. Readers Digest
Watering should be done depending on climate as during the rains Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York, London, 216.
watering should be reduced. 7. Tomlinson, H., 2003. 101 Essential Tips: Bonsai.DK Publishing,
Inc. 375 Hudson Street, New York, 72.