Multi Nozzle, Dual Pump, Wheel Driven, Pull Type Agricultural Sprayer

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Madhusudhan G.1, Chirant G.2, K L Arjun 3, Thanuj Kumar M4.

1, 2, 3
8th Sem Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RRCE, Bengaluru-560074.
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, RRCE, Bengaluru-560074.

India is an agricultural land, which comprises of minor, marginal, to major farming. Farmers of our country
are using traditional ways, methods and equipment from the ages for cultivation. Besides that there is large
development of industrial and service sector when compared to that of agriculture. In order to meet the food
requirements of the growing population and rapid industrialization, modernization of agriculture is
inevitable.To get good yield from the crops many fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, etc. are being
used to control diseases, insects and weeds. Over the ages many innovative methods are developed using
mechanization in this field. Dusters and sprayers are generally used for applying chemicals. There are many
types of sprayers in the market like knapsack sprayer, rocker sprayer, centrifugal rotary disc type sprayer, foot
sprayer, tractor mounted sprayer, etc. Present work aims at developing a new method of spraying technique
called as “Multi nozzle, multi pump wheel driven pull type sprayer” which will perform spraying at maximum
rate in minimum time.The equipment is wheel operated in turn operating the pump and spraying of the liquid at
the back of the worker hence avoids contact with the liquid and reduces health hazards.

Key words: Agricultural Sprayer; Pumps; Multi Nozzles; Wheel Driven; Fertilizer.

1. Introduction effective equipment for increasing the

India is set to be an agricultural based productivity. In addition, most industrialists
country; approximately 75% of population of are desperately seeking different ways to
India is dependent on farming directly or improve the equipment quality while
indirectly. More than 70% farmers are reducing the direct overhead costs (labor)
belonging to small and marginal land and capital. Thus, a significant opportunity
holders.It is generally said that rests with understanding the impact of a
mechanization of small farms is difficult. But pesticide sprayer in an agriculture field. The
Japan having average land holding even conventional sprayers are having the
smaller than ours, with proper mechanization difficulties such as (more effort to push the
has led agriculture to great heights. In order liver up and down in order to create the
to minimize the drudgery of small farmers, to pressure to spray, non-uniform spraying,
increase efficiency and save farmer's time for health hazards, etc. Certain sprayers are
taking up additional/supplementary working using fuels like petrol which
generating activities, the use of modern time increases the running cost. In order to
saving machines and implements of overcome these difficulties, a new equipment
appropriate size of equipment’s need to be is being developed and named as “Multi-
suitably promoted. Agriculture sector is nozzle, duel pump, pull type wheel driven
facing problems with capacity issues, agricultural sprayer”, it is a portable
shrinking revenues, and labor shortages and device, requires no fuel to operate, any
increasing consumer demands. chemical can be used for spraying.
Our farmers are using the same methods and
equipment for the ages. E.g. seed sowing, 2. Literature Review
spraying, weeding etc. which is one of the Agriculture being the back bone for Indian
main reasons for low productivity and poor farmers and also plays a very important role
farming, so there is need for development of in Indian economy as around 65% of
population in the country depending on trend is to use least amount of carrier or
agriculture contributing 65% of GDP[6]. diluents liquid. In spraying, the optimum
More than 75% Indian farmers are belonging droplet size differs for different types of
to small and marginal land carrying and application. Fine droplets are required to
cotton is alone which provide about 80 % control insects, pests or diseases and bigger
employment to Indian workforce [7]. size droplets for application ofherbicides, etc.
Fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, The greater the number of fine droplets
etc. are widely used for controlling disease, produced by the device better wills
insects and weeds in the agricultural crops bedeposition on target area. The size of
with the help of a special device called as a droplet is important as it affects drift and
"Sprayer," Sprayers provides excellent penetrationdistance of droplets towards the
performance with least efforts. The invention target. Hence a compromise is to be made to
of sprayers has brought revolution in the prevent drift, achieve wide coverage of plant
agriculture or horticulture sectors enabling or target area and more penetration. Hand
farmers to obtain maximum agricultural sprayer, stirrup pump sprayer, hand
output. compression sprayer, rocker sprayer, foot
There are many advantage of using sprayers sprayer, knapsack sprayer, power sprayers,
such as easy to operate, maintain and handle, motorized knapsack mist blower, tree
it facilitates uniform spread of the chemicals, sprayer, blower sprayer, tractor mounted
capable of throwing chemicals at the desired sprayer are some of the types of sprayers
level, precision made nozzle tip for used in agriculture.
adjustable stream and capable of throwing There are many drawbacks of existing
foggy spray, light or heavy spray, depending sprayers such as backpack tank capacity
on requirement. which is of 10 to 12liters, labours
These are applied on plants or on soil in the experiencing back pain and hand pain,
form of spraying or dusting or by misting. As insufficient pressure development on the
chemicals used are costly, best equipment’s sprayers, more time consumption and tedious
have to be used to ensure uniform and job. Apart from these drawbacks power
effective application of the chemicals on the sprayers need fuel to work, tractors, boom
crops. sprayers are very costly, even rents on these
Spraying is used for various purposes such are costly.
as: Advanced sprayers like aeroplane sprayers,
etc are not affordable by small and medium
 Herbicides: In order to reduce land owners and framers. To overcome these
competition from weeds. draw backs new equipment was in great
 Protective Fungicides: To minimize need. Hence this project “multi-nozzle, duel
the effects of fungal diseases. pump, wheel driven, pull type agricultural
 Insecticides: To control various kinds sprayer” was designed and fabricated to
of insects & pests. make sure that most of the problems listed
 Micro-nutrients: Used especially for above were addresses.
manganese or boron.
2.2 Problem Identification
2.1 Classification of Spraying Drawbacks in Existing backpack Sprayer
Technologies Pump Lever operated backpack sprayer. A
Spraying techniques are classified as high backpack sprayer consists of tank 10 -15 liter
volume (HV), low volume (LV) and ultra- capacity carried by two adjustable straps, this
low volume (ULV), according to the total may causes the back pain to the operator due
volume of liquid applied per unit of ground to constant pumping which result in muscular
area. Initially high volume spraying disorder [1]. Also, the backpack sprayer can’t
technique was used for pesticide application maintain sufficient pressure for the spraying
but with the advent of new pesticides the action. Results in drifts [4]. Developing
insufficient pressure is laborious and time 3.2 Reciprocating Pump
consuming [5]. Pumping to operating in the These pumps are operated by using a
insufficient pressure is also time reciprocating piston. The liquid enters a
consuming[3]. Moreover, very small area is pumping chamber via an inlet valve and is
covered while spraying. So, more time are pushed out though an outlet valve by the
required to spray the entire area. action of the piston or diaphragm.
Uneconomical cost of sprayers. Presently Reciprocating pumps are generally very
farmers are using knap-sack sprayer for efficient and are suitable for very high heads
spraying pesticides on crops in their farms at low flows. These types of pumps are self-
which costs for Rs 1800-4500/-.Pesticides priming as it can draw liquid from a level
are diverse and omnipresent[2].This sprayer below the suction flange even if the suction
has a wide limitations and thus farmers can pipe is not evacuated. The pump delivers
use the other sprayer also like power sprayer, reliable discharge flows and is often used for
boom sprayer and tractor mounted sprayer. metering duties delivering accurate quantities
Cost of boom sprayer is about Rs 80000/. of fluid.

3. Model Design & Fabrication

3.1 Working Model
The working of this manually operated multi
nozzle, duel pump, pesticides sprayer is
based on the principles of transmission of
power with the help of motion transmission,
due to chain and sprocket arrangement which
in turn makes plunger cylinder arrangement
to spray the liquid to a desirable place with
known quantity.
The rotary motion of the sprocket is
converted into the reciprocating motion by Fig. 2 Reciprocating pump
the cam type mechanism, where cam moves
upward and downward which makes 3.3 Chain and Sprocket arrangement
reciprocating motion of the piston of single The normal function of a chain sprocket is
acting reciprocating pump mounted in front not only to drive or be driven by the chain,
of the storage tank. During the upward but also to guide and support it in its
motion of the connecting rod the pesticide is intended path. Accurate alignment of shafts
drawn into the pump and during the and sprocket tooth faces provides a uniform
downward motion of connecting rod the distribution of load across the entire chain
pesticide is forced to the delivery valve, the width and contributes substantially to
delivery is connected to the pipe carrying the maximum drive life.
number of nozzles.



Sprocket and


Fig. 3 Chain and sprocket arrangement

Fig.1 Catia model of the Equipment
Calculations based on operating pressure, spray height and
nozzle spacing.
° In many cases, typical height adjustments are
Pitch angle, =
° based on 1:1 nozzle spacing to height ratio.
= = 360 For example, 110° flat spray nozzles spaced
Pitch diameter of sprocket, D = 20″/50 cm apart are commonly set 20″/50 cm
above the target.

Allowable load, fa=13.1 x 106 p2

=13.1 x 106 x 12.5 x 10-3
= 163KN

Length of chain, Lp=2Cpcosα + + α

Cp= = = 48.8
α = sin-1( ) = sin-1
Fig. 3 Chain and sprocket arrangement
( ) = 6.116
3.5 Fabricated Equipment
Lp = 2x48.8cos 6.116 +
This is a two wheeled body with cranking
+ 6.116 ( ) mechanism with pump being cranked and
=125.878mm pushed and pulled to result in pumping,
L= LpxP building the pressure in the tank for pesticide
=125.878 x 12.5 spraying. The wheels are fixed on the main
=1573.485mm axle and cranking is on the other axle which
Circumference = 2πr pushes the piston rod in and out of the
= 2 x π x 20 cylinder pumping the air pressure into the
= 125.6mm tank. There is a tank fitted on the frame
through there is a main suction tank which
. consists of pesticide which the sprayer is
Pitch = = = 12.56
connected on the protruded rod and jet is set
for the required pitch. This equipment has an
Pitch distance between two teeth = 12.5mm air pump which compresses air into the tank
The chain pitch distance = 12.5mm and pressurizes the spray mixture. The
Chain pitch = Tooth pitch pressure slowly drops as the liquid is
sprayed. The forward motion of the wheels
3.4 Nozzles drives the reciprocating pump to pump the
air into the tank which maintains the pressure
Solid stream or broadcast streaming nozzles for the spraying. In this equipment the
are offered in a variety of configurations and reciprocating pump take place reciprocating
are commonly used for liquid fertilizer action by two methods one is by moving the
application. The solid stream spray pattern equipment.
reduces foliar coverage to minimize leaf burn
while projecting the liquid more directly to
the soil surface where it can be absorbed by
the root system. Spray coverage will vary
Width of spraying: 10 feet
Spraying distance for 5 liters: 109 feet
Tank capacity: 40 liters
Total spraying distance for 40 liters:

10 feet

5. Conclusion
The equipment is being designed for the
farmers having small farming land say 2 - 8
acres. It is suitable for spraying any kind of
liquid such as fertilizers, chemicals,
pesticides, herbicides, etc. at minimum cost
for the farmers so that they can afford it. This
wheel driven pull type sprayer is manly low
Fig. 4 Final Model of the fabricated equipment cost and easy to move in the fields and also
improves the quality of spraying pesticides.
Table: 1 List of items used
Sl. Name of Material
Removed the problem of back pain, since
Material Specification
No. Component used there is no need to carry the tank (pesticides
Cheap, durable, tank) on the back. Designed equipment has
1 Frame M.S
good strength
Light in weight, more number of nozzles which will cover
2 Tank Plastic
durable maximum area of spraying in minimum time
3 Nozzle Plastic Traditional sprayer & at maximum rate. This mechanism is
4 Nozzle bar Steel
Durable, light in mainly manual operated system without any
Durable, light in
use of external forces like electric motors,
5 Wheel Steel electric pumps and without any use of fuels.
6 Tyre Rubber For friction purpose Experimentation on this wheel driven pull
type sprayer, it was observed that the
7 Sprocket Steel Power transmission
operator can cover five parallel rows
8 Shaft M.S Power transmission simultaneously without any additional energy
being used without much fatigue of the
9 Pump Steel Pressurizing Liquid

4. Testing Authors extend heartfelt gratitude to the
Management and Principal of RajaRajeswari
After testing the equipment we concluded College of Engineering (RRCE), Bengaluru
that the performance, the efficiency is more for their support and encouragement to carry
than 150% than that of the conventional out this Project work.
backpack sprayers and rock sprayers.
The obtained results are
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