Gating and Risering A Typical Casting - A Try
Gating and Risering A Typical Casting - A Try
Gating and Risering A Typical Casting - A Try
Sajay G Surya
"If metals are perfectly inert chemically , if they absorbed no gases, if they exhibited no shrinkage on
cooling, and if they were not erosive to the mold and of various specific gravities, it would much simpler
to make a casting. Unfortunately the reverse is true..."
-Richard W Heine
Though we have a number of scientific approaches to the design of the gating and risering most
foundries still prefer to have the traditional way of designing gating & feeding systems by trials and
experimentations. Designing a gating system in a purely scientific way demands through knowledge in
the thermal and fluid dynamics field. Well this assignment utilizes a classic fluid dynamical approach to
design the gating with limited amount of empirical results concluded by the leading researchers of
1960s. An empirical way of risering is also formulated with some little success without following the
results concluded by prior researchers. As it is a completely theoretical try, the concluded results may
not match with the real time situations. And this is where we take the aid of simulation programs. The
results of the simulations are considered and the gating system is tuned in such a way that the practical
application of the proposed system becomes possible. Here we make use of SOLIDCast™ - one of the
leading finite element based casting solidification modeling software.
Let us first discuss about the limitations of the this software so that over expectation about the
results is eliminated.
It can calculate approximate flow of the metal and heat loss during the flow but cannot calculate
turbulence from the flow.
The software collects only the temperature and time data during simulations and do all plots
based on this data.
It cannot predict porosities occurring in the casting because of pressure that may occur in
various parts of the casting.
All predictions are done based on the 4 parameters namely Temperature, Time, Distance, and
gravity effects in some cases.
In certain cases a part of the casting comes down below the critical fraction solid point before
the pouring is finished, but all time plots are started from the moment the pouring is finished,
which leads to errors in the time plots.
In addition to the above limitation, the software assumes that the entire metal in the mould just
after pouring is at the same temperature which is equivalent to the pouring temperature.
Let this assignment may be formulated to look like a case study of a practical casting.
XXXX GmbH & Co. have placed their order to make castings of a pressure plate with the following
dimensions and the materials. Our job is to design a practical gating and risering systems for the
proposed casting such that the soundness of the casting and the yield is ensured.
The drawing is converted into a part file in ProE . With the help of the analyze function of the modeling
software the following conclusions are made.
VOLUME : 8.796 m3
MODULUS : 5.992 m
The material supposed to be used for casting is GG25
GREAT BRITAIN BS Grade 220/ Grade 260
SWEDEN MNC 0- 25-00
USA ASTM A48 Grade 40B
Thermal Conductivity = 53.329 W/m.K
Specific Heat Capacity = 460.24 J/kg.K
Density = 7150 kg/m3
Latent Heat Of Fusion = 230115.6 J/kg
Solidus temperature = 1122.203⁰C
Liquidus temperature = 1197.91684⁰C
Freezing range = 75.71384⁰C
Therefore this is a hypo eutectic alloy by analyzing its shrinkage characteristics.
"In General the velocity of the molten metal must be kept below 1 ⁄ for ferrous metals."
*NOTE: The first and the last results were contributed by B.Ravi and the Optimal filling time relation was
proposed by Richard.W.Heine
The gate must fill the entire casting before its fluidity is lost i.e., within the recommended
pouring time limits.
The gate must not entertain any backflow of the metal because of the graphitization expansion
of the grey cast iron.
The gate must introduce molten metal into the mould with minimum turbulence and must
reduce turbulence in the runner regions.
Though iron is not a dross forming substance, it is ferrous alloy with extreme melting
temperatures and hence its velocity must be controlled with a greater care.
The yield must be increased.
In order to apply the fluid mechanic properties to the gating, we need some fluid related properties of
the molten metal.
s . Vs = l . Vl
Therefore l = 6803.045
One can never achieve a laminar flow while introducing metal into the mould. But the degree of
turbulence must be as low as possible. For less turbulent flow the velocity must be as small as possible
and hence the cross-sectional area of the gating system must be as big as possible. But it must not be so
big so that fettling becomes a handicap.
Ideal cross-sectional area of a single ingate that satisfy the needs is 300mm2 ( 44.5 x 13.5 mm2 is the
maximum ingate area if fed through the projections. Half of this area is recommended as we aspire
easiness in fettling)
Let us verify if this area is suitable or else we have to go for a much larger area.
Therefore considering constant density as one of the assumptions,
Velocity =
The modulus of the ingate must be such that it freezes just after the first half (50.09 % of total time) of
solidification to prevent backflow of the solid metal because of graphitization expansion and hence to
achieve a sound casting of uniform high density i.e., free from micro porosity ( the gas bubbles are
expelled out because of the high internal pressure created.)
NOTE : The mould be of sufficient strength to withstand the internal forces or else it fails and breaks
down leading to a catastrophic disaster.
* +
(irrespective of x)this is greater than 1.498 but can satisfy our aim to a certain extent.
( )
Anyway in a pressurized system the sprue top and bottom area can be the same. Not much of the
streamlining is required as the gate is always full.
Now, let us design a gate for the application using a modeling software preferably ProE®.
The only parameter left is the effective head to be provided which is terms of the height of the sprue.
The areas prone for major friction head losses is the runner which can be divided into two parts, the
straight one and the curved part.
hydraulic diameter D = 24 mm
velocity =
v =
v = 0.2932 m/s
= -1.8 log { ( ) }
Reynold's number Re =
= 7978.6111
f = 0.094838
Head loss =
= 1.5 mm
= 197 mm x 155.8 x
= 0.5357 m
velocity =
v =
v = 0.2932 m/s
= -1.8 log { ( ) }
Reynold's number Re =
= 5700
f = 0.1144
Head loss =
= 15.67 mm
k=( )
Head loss =
= = 67.7 mm ( The highest in the entire gating system i.e., at the ingate is taken here)
Bernoulli's formula is
10 | P a g e
P1 =P2 (Assumption)
V1 =
V2 =
= 94.7 mm
Therefore height of the sprue (from the reference diagram in the previous page)
11 | P a g e
The casting and gate which are separately modeled are assembled in the Assembly feature of ProE® and
converted into the Stereo lithographic Format (*.STL) and exported into SOLIDCast™ for simulation.
The results of the simulation leads us onto the further discussion of improving the gating system.
The STL format approximates all the curved faces into a set of planes and generates a model as follows
12 | P a g e
Now as we lack the flow simulation module in SOLIDCast™. We need to calculate the pouring time for
the entire system.
The above is the plot of the regions and time to achieve the critical solid fraction point. By taking
a closer look at the ingate area, just before the entrance region we have purple color which corresponds
to approximately 0.8 minutes and just after the ingate area the casting has a red color which
approximately corresponds to 1.6 minutes. Thus it is evident that the ingate freezes in half the time as
the casting and hence prevents the backflow of metal because of graphitization. This is the basic
necessity of the gating system bringing in grey iron.
13 | P a g e
SOLIDCast™ records the temperature and time data during simulation and with those recorded
data, it plots the cooling rate at different points. It is really wonderful to have a uniform cooling rate
throughout the casting and hence a uniform microstructure of grey iron.
The temperature gradient is one of the most important criterion to predict localized directional
solidification. The darker areas in the plot shows the places where the temperature gradient is more,
i.e., a larger driving force for solidification. The lighter areas show the places of stagnation solidification
and lowest thermal gradient. These areas are the places prone for centerline shrinkage in the case of
pure metals, but in our case it the probable area for dispersed shrinkage. Anyway one cannot conclude
anything with temperature gradient plot and this is the main disadvantage of the method. In addition to
this, it is grey iron we are dealing with and this can compensate shrinkage.
14 | P a g e
The Niyama criterion is the custom criterion developed by Dr.Niyama, a Japanese researcher.
This is manipulated using the temperature gradient and the cooling rate. This is basically a prediction of
directional solidification. He actually formulated this criterion for prediction of dispersed shrinkage in
steel castings, which he managed to extend to other alloys also. He have concluded that a value of 0 -
0.75 at any point of the casting is a potential region for dispersed porosity. The lower the value the
larger is the probability for porosity. Any way our casting has a value no way near the critical value
limits. But this does not mean that we are safe as the Niyama criterion does not consider the gravity into
account. For accurate plotting of results we have to switch either to the FCC Custom criterion or the
Metal density plotter.
15 | P a g e
Any way the above two criterions are expected to give negative results as these are not optimized
methods for detection of porosity in cast irons which undergoes complex solidification methods. A more
generalized and a more accurate method have been devised for accurate prediction of porosity termed
as the "Material Density". This is the only criterion that takes the gravitational forces into account. This
is reliable enough to predict even piping of risers.
This gives more reliable results for ferrous castings. The results when analyzed gives the
presence, distribution and the amount of the porosity existing. We have severe porosity at both the
ingates. The result is also fascinating as it has predicted the pipe that occurred in the sprue.
Now the results concluded by analysis of the temperature gradient are found to be true. The lightest
areas in the casting had some shrinkage porosity too.
16 | P a g e
As it comes for Grey iron, all feeding stays in the scenario only till the critical fraction solid point
is reached. Above, is a plot of regions which remain well above the critical fraction solidification time.
These areas must never get isolated. If they get isolated, then no feeding can reach them. Even though
graphitization compensates, the graphite formed will be very porous and localized density is lost. This
again proved to be a fair reasoning for the results of the density plot.
Now our objective gets clear that we have to make changes in the gating system to acquire a
shrinkage free casting. Generally this is considered as an acceptable level of porosity as far as grey iron is
considered. But this is a special scenario where very huge centrifugal forces occurs because of localized
micro porosity. Hence Risering becomes compulsory.
We still have a little more generalized analyses which are of considerable importance..
17 | P a g e
Hot spots are areas which freeze at the last. This is simple yet effective plot that may say
whether a spot may have some problems. Well this is incapable to predict the severity of the defect or
the defect itself.
In grey iron castings hot spots do not disturb much until they are exposed to machining. These
hot spots may be of carbide and may also have shrinkage cavity. The material density plot confirmed
that we have no shrinkage cavity of that sort. But still carbide formation will be a problem as it come in
the face that is machined. It also affects the service of the casting as this is a friction pressure plate and
carbide causes excessive wear on the mating component and the graphite dependent lubrication is lost
18 | P a g e
which leads to the failure of the casting during service. One cannot forget about the brittleness of the
carbide too.
This is one more custom criterion analysis which predicts potential areas for hot tears. Though this is not
a major problem during gating. Foundry men have to adjust their sand properties to prevent this. This
plot is made considering the solidification time gradient. Higher the value the more is the potential for
hot tear.
19 | P a g e
As far as shrinkage is concerned, it happens in three phases
The first two of the shrinkage must be compensated by the riser as the last one is taken care of
by the shrinkage allowances provided. Empirically speaking, shrinkages in casting can never be removed
they can only be shifted from the casting to the riser to ensure soundness of the end product.
Though we have isolated solidification in the other parts of the casting (particularly near the
stem where gating is not done) the defects at those places are not threatening. Let us try with two
simple risers near the ingates. The main advantage of having such a system is
The shrinkage cavity because of the first stage shrinkage resembles a cylinder, whereas the
second stage shrinkage resembles a cone.
Grey iron can generally be made void of shrinkage by increasing gate dimensions with would
eventually feed. Here we go for risers so that that the gate size is small enough ideal for fettling and top
risers are added in the gates so that separate fettling of risers is also avoided.
20 | P a g e
Clearance volume for a safety factor and to bring in directional solidification.
h1 =
Height of the sprue to compensate second stage shrinkage by considering volume of cone relations.
h2 =
as we have assumed that the height of the sprue is 1.5 times its diameter
+0.75 d = 1.5d
Along with the riser and with the same flow rate, we have the pouring time as 5.2 s which is well within
the limits, or else it would have been like, we have to design the gate again.
21 | P a g e
It has been found that the shrinkages predicted by the material density function have been
wiped off to the riser. This is a positive move. Now the casting is sound. The next diagram neatly
visualises the piping in the riser.
Now too we have isoloted parts in the casting, but the shrinkages in the casting are considerably
removed. In order to prevent this, again we have to go for bulky risers which decreases the yield.
Because of this we may have hot spots too in the casting. In order to completely eliminate the defects
we have to go for a separate design of gating system. This is because we have designed the ingate to
freeze before the casting and so the riser cannot communicate with hot spot. This gate is sufficient
enough to make a shrinkage free casting as we have some graphitization expansion.
22 | P a g e
The occurrence of the hot
spot can be controlled in the
casting by the addition of chills.
Hot spots are reduced to a great
extent. Off course the probability
of hot spots occurring the surface
to be machined is less.
23 | P a g e
YIELD Calculation
Weight of the casting = 6.29 kg
Yield = 66.6%
This time we are concentrating more on the directional solidification as our aim is to get perfect
directional solidification and perfectly hot spot free. We have traditionally gated through the stem
whose modulus (when approximated as a cube 44.5x13.5x25.75) is 3.69 mm where as the modulus of
the casting is 5.9 mm. Lets again use a chill to regulate the directional solidification.
Riser becomes compulsory at the ingate. Therefore if we group the castings near the ingate, a
single riser can be used to ingate feed all of them. Let us design with three ingates grouped together.
Also by keeping the riser at the ingate, we ensure that hot metal gets into the riser.
24 | P a g e
The design of riser is exactly same as we did in the previous section. we consider shrinkage in
three sections, by similar empirical assumptions calculations are made. Here we have one riser feeding 3
in short,
h1 = x3
h2 = x3
Let the clearance height be 0.75 d
as we have assumed that the height of the sprue is 1.5 times its diameter
+ 0.75 d = 1.5d
This is analogous to a side gate. Let us have a hemispherical bottom to reduce R30
surface area and hence to increase modulus.
We have 3 ingates.
25 | P a g e
Assuming modulus of neck as that of the part it attaches with. (i.e.,3.69 = let us approximate it as 3 as
we lose two surface areas one to the casting and the other to the riser.
( )
3.333 is the maximum irrespective of x. This value is near 3.69 and hence can somewhat feed our
casting. Though this is less than 3.69 the temperature and very high modulus of the riser will take care
of the directional solidification.
Let's take as x as 20mm this is well below 25mm(half of diameter of riser - according to the conclusions
of Heine). This is the proposed feeding system.
We do have some shrinkage at the stem near ingate. Let us increase the riser dimensions and
decrease the ingate length to avoid this. Let us do the next trialing along with the entire gate.
26 | P a g e
Hot spots have been significantly reduced with the use of chills.
Volume of the entire casting along with the riser is = 8.796 x 10-4 x 3 + 4.95x 10-4 = 3.1338 x 10-3
= 49.39lb
Considering some safety factor let us take the optimum pouring time as 9s
27 | P a g e
This is within the critical limit.
Let us omit the runner as we directly feed into the riser. This increases the yield too. Let us try
with the fountain gate gated at the bottom of the sprue.
The only disadvantage is that air entraption take place in the initial stages of filling. As grey iron is not
prone for slag and dross formation because of this, this king of gating system can be adapted.
hydraulic diameter D = 34 mm
velocity =
v =
v = 0.3868 m/s
= -1.8 log { ( ) }
Reynold's number Re =
= 14911.368
f = 0.0789
28 | P a g e
Head loss =
= 5.025 mm
Ingate inlet has 0.5 and turbulent ingate exit has 1 as loss coefficients respectively. We have 3 ingates
Total k = 5.5
Head loss =
= = 94.3 mm ( The highest in the entire gating system i.e., at the ingate is taken here)
Bernoulli's formula is
P1 =P2 (Assumption)
V1 =
V2 =
= ( ) ( )
= 109.5 mm
29 | P a g e
The finalized gate is...
30 | P a g e
Hot spots also remain considerably reduced
31 | P a g e
This FCC Custom criterion also shows nil
defects in the casting.
Total volume of the present gating system along with the casting is = 3.449 x
32 | P a g e
- B Ravi
SOLIDCast™ workbook
- Finite Solutions
ooz foundries - material specification
- material specification
Canlin Castings - Cast Iron Grades
33 | P a g e
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