B1AIP30 - Data Migration Guide
B1AIP30 - Data Migration Guide
B1AIP30 - Data Migration Guide
August 2011
Use this guide to plan and scope data migration activities during the implementation project.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................... 4
6. Master Data.......................................................................................................................... 11
6.1. Options for Master Data Migration.............................................................................11
6.2. Chart of Accounts...................................................................................................... 11
6.3. Business Partners...................................................................................................... 12
6.4. Items and Item Prices................................................................................................13
8. Open Transactions.............................................................................................................. 18
8.1. Options for Migrating Open Transactions..................................................................18
8.2. Open Documents without Impact on GL....................................................................18
8.3. Open Documents with Impact on Inventory...............................................................18
8.4. Historical Data........................................................................................................... 19
8.5. Open Documents with Impact on GL but not Inventory.............................................19
8.5.1. Importing Open Invoices from Previous Fiscal Year.....................................20
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
10. Reconciliation...................................................................................................................... 26
10.1. Reconciliation of Inventory Balances.........................................................................26
10.2. Reconciliation of Business Partner Balances............................................................26
10.3. Reconciliation of G/L Balances..................................................................................26
10.4. Reconciliation of Other Open Items...........................................................................27
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
Most implementations require the migration of legacy data into the new SAP Business One
system. Legacy data can include master data (for example, chart of accounts, customer, vendor
and product information), open transactions such as sales and purchase orders, and GL
account balances that should be transferred to the new system.
This document, the Data Migration Guide, provides a structured approach to data migration
during an implementation project.
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
SAP recommends that data migration is proposed separately, or on a time and
materials basis, to reduce risk from potential data migration project overruns.
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Data Migration Guide
In most cases data migration cannot start until the legacy data has been cleansed and
transformed. Therefore you need to track the completion of these activities in the
project plan.
3.3. Tools
Microsoft Excel provides many functions and formulas to help clean and transform legacy data,
for example, Concatenate, Vlookup, Search and Replace, etc. In addition, you can use the
Conversion Values feature of the Data Transfer Workbench to convert old values to new values
during data migration import runs.
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Data Migration Guide
You should also determine the best possible time for a stock count. Ideally this should be after
the legacy system is frozen. For the implications of migrating open transactions that affect
inventory, refer to the section on Open Transactions in this document.
If the customer needs to separate legacy and non-legacy transactions, you can
use separate transaction codes in SAP Business One when importing G/L
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
When creating opening balances via marketing documents, you can specify the
legacy exchange rate in the document directly.
For journal entries (including journal entries generated by the Opening Balances
utility in SAP Business One), the exchange rate is not recorded in the journal
entry transaction. Therefore, you need to either populate the exchange rate table
in SAP Business One before with the legacy rates, or specify the actual foreign
currency amounts in your data files.
If exchange rates are needed for the system currency, you must enter them in the
exchange rate table in SAP Business One prior to entry or import of transactions.
If you have already created the current period in the production database, you
can change the code and name of the current period to match the historical
period. You can also change the date ranges for the period. You must do this
before any posting to the current period. After you have made these changes,
you can create a new posting period for the current period.
When creating a new posting period, the G/L account determination for the new
posting period will default to the account determination for the current active
period. This applies whether the new posting period dates are earlier or later
than the existing periods.
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Data Migration Guide
Object Check
1. Master Data
1) Chart of Accounts
2) Budget
3) Business Partners
4) Items
5) Bills of Material
6) Sales Forecast
7) Price Lists
8) Special Prices
9) Catalogue Numbers
10) Employees
11) Service Contract
12) Service Templates
13) Customer Equipment Card*
14) Knowledgebase Solutions
*Consider that this object has dependencies on other master
data objects.
2. Item Quantities and Costs*
Item quantities and costs can be entered or imported using:
¡ Goods receipt without PO documents,
¡ Purchase orders from the legacy system, or
¡ The SAP Business One inventory stock posting
Using the goods receipt without PO document allows for
batches and/or serial number recording of items in stock
For standard cost items, the item cost can be entered with the
master data
For moving average and FIFO items, the customer should
determine how to enter item costs based on price volatility
*Should follow a cycle count
3. Open Transactions
1) Open documents* with no impact on GL: Open Sales
Quotations, Sales Orders, Purchase Quotations and Purchase
2) Open documents* with impact on inventory: Open Goods
Receipts without PO. Note: only import open Delivery Notes
and Goods Receipts PO if absolutely required
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
6.Master Data
Master data can be entered or imported at any time. It does not affect accounting. The
advantage of importing master data early is that training and system testing can be conducted
using the real data.
If you start importing the master data early, the customer will need to track any updates to the
master data in the legacy system.
When importing the chart of accounts using Data Transfer Workbench, follow these tips:
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The DTW template for the chart of accounts provides tooltips for required column data
In a user-defined chart of accounts, the drawers are automatically created and are
identified by a sequential number followed by 14 zeros. When referencing a draw, use the
15 digit draw number, for example:
100000000000000 for Assets, 200000000000000 for Liabilities
If you include the 15 digit drawer number in a cell, make sure the cell is formatted as text,
or insert a quote mark in front of the number, to prevent Excel from truncating the number.
In the father account key field, type the account code of the level above the account to be
inserted. If the level above is a title, you need to type the code of the title exactly as it has
been defined.
If you insert a title account at level 2, the parent account is the drawer number.
When using account segmentation, the FormatCode column must contain the complete
account code including all segments. The account code must be entered without any
separator, and as a string; for example: 6000000100101.
The header template (OCRD) covers the basic data. Child templates are optional and
cover contacts, addresses, bank accounts, payment methods, and so on.
Use the CardCode column as the record key to link the parent and child templates.
The Contact Person field in the header template defines the default contact person if more
than one contact will be imported.
The default CardType is customer.
The mail address in the header corresponds to the default ship-to address. If more than
one ship-to address should be imported for the business partner, use the CRD1 child
template for the remaining ship-to addresses.
If you wish to update existing contact persons or address information, use the LineNum
column in the child template to identify the relevant record for updating.
© SAP AG 2011
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When importing Items using Data Transfer Workbench, consider these points:
Item groups and warehouses must be created in advance.
GL Account determination needs to be completed before items are imported.
There are multiple templates for the item master data object:
To enter item cost for an item with standard cost valuation, you can enter the cost when
you import the master data, in the AvgPrice field in the OITM template.
For items with G/L account determination set at the item level, you can import the G/L
accounts for the item. Enter the accounts in the OITW – ItemWarehouseInfo template, and
enter a value in the LineNum field to identify the warehouse. If desired, you can import
different G/L accounts for the item in each warehouse, by entering multiple rows in the
You can import the item’s price into one or more price lists using the ITM1 – Items_Prices
template. The price list number can be found by running a query on the OPLN table.
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
A best practice is to set the date in the opening balances window as the go-live date. This
enables you to report the opening balances as of the first day of working with SAP Business
To enter the item cost, consider the valuation method:
For moving average price, create a price list with all the latest moving
average prices from the legacy system and choose this price list for the
opening balances transaction.
For FIFO pricing, you can enter the opening balances transaction
multiple times with different quantities at different cost prices, to
represent the FIFO layers in the legacy system.
For standard price, you must maintain the correct standard prices in the
item master data before you enter the opening balances. Either do not
select a price list and enter the item’s purchase price, or, if purchase
orders have been imported, choose Last Purchase Price as the price list
in the opening balances transaction.
If you have different stock valuation methods for different item groups or items,
you may have to import the opening quantities separately, and choose only
items with the same price source.
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
determination, but you should overwrite these accounts with the opening balance offsetting
account. This ensures there is no effect on standard general ledger accounts.
Since the inventory account is affected, you must avoid duplicating these postings when
creating the final G/L account opening balances (see the section on Final Opening Balances).
A best practice is to set the date in the inventory posting window as the go-live date. This
enables you to track and report stock value as of the first day of working with SAP Business
In the Stock Posting transaction, follow the rules for determination of the item cost
price according to the valuation method. Use the correct price list or item cost so that
item valuation is accurate.
You need to run the Stock Posting transaction even if perpetual inventory is not in
© SAP AG 2011
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If you have a large number of items to receive, you can temporarily change the default
offsetting account in the G/L account determination before you create the goods receipts
manually or import them using DTW.
The journal entry posted by the goods receipt does not have the origin as OB.
Therefore you should enter information in the reference fields in the goods
receipt, so you can later track the journal entries for opening balances.
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8.Open Transactions
When open documents are entered into SAP Business One, automatic postings to the general
ledger occur. You need to consider the type of document and its effect on inventory levels.
If perpetual inventory is in use, you also need to consider the effect of a document on
accounting, including stock values.
§ The delivery date should be the original delivery date from the legacy
§ The posting date can be the first day of the current fiscal year
§ The document should include the correct item codes
§ Purchase orders affect the last purchase price
SAP recommends that these documents are not migrated, since this can lead to an imbalance
between stock quantities and valuation. For example, a delivery note on the legacy system has
reduced the inventory quantity. If the same delivery note is migrated to SAP Business One, it
will reduce the inventory quantity again. Similarly, a goods receipt has increased the inventory
quantity on the legacy system. If this is migrated, it will increase the quantity again.
© SAP AG 2011
Data Migration Guide
Instead the customer should try to invoice or close open delivery notes and goods receipts on
the legacy system. If it is not possible to close out these transactions before go-live, the
customer should retain these documents and process them on the legacy system until they are
closed. You may need to correct the stock levels in SAP Business One or predict in advance
the materials in the legacy system and take this into account when entering the initial stock
To assign the invoice number from the legacy system, enter a manual document
number when importing the invoice. You must make sure that manual numbers
do not overlap with the document series defined in SAP Business One for new
The posting date and delivery date should match the original posting and
delivery date on the legacy invoice.
When importing service invoices using Data Transfer Workbench, follow these tips:
In the DTW template, the service type is specified in the DocType column.
In the DTW child template for the row, use the service description column to enter
meaningful text so you can track the original invoice as an opening balance transaction.
Manual document numbering is specified in the Handwritten column and the document
number is specified in the DocNum column. For automatic numbering, leave the
Handwritten and the DocNum columns blank.
Make sure you enter the correct date for the posting date. Use the original posting date or
the last date of the previous fiscal year.
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If you use the original posting date, the due date will be calculated automatically. If you
use the last date of the previous fiscal year, you must enter the original due date.
The G/L account code is mandatory for service documents. Make sure you add the G/L
account code in the child template, and consider the effect on the P&L accounts:
¡ When you import AR service invoices, you can use the original revenue account
or a separate revenue account dedicated to opening balances.
¡ When you import AP service invoices, use the opening balance account as the
liabilities account.
For option 1:
Import open invoices for the earliest fiscal year, then run period-end closing before
importing open invoices for the next earliest fiscal year.
Since revenue in the previous fiscal year is affected by the open AR invoices,
you must run the period-end closing process using the opening balance account
instead of the retained earnings account.
The GL opening balances will be posted for the first day of the current fiscal year
including the full amount of the retained earnings account.
For option 2:
The GL balances including P&L accounts will be posted for the previous fiscal
years so there is no need to post GL opening balances for the first day of the
current fiscal year.
Since revenue in the previous fiscal year is affected by the open AR invoices, you
must subtract the open invoices revenue amount from the revenue account
You must run the period end closing process for every fiscal year using the
retained earnings account.
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Data Migration Guide
Many of the balances, such as business partner balances and inventory accounts, have been
already set by the migration of open documents. The remaining final opening balances need to
be recorded just before the cutover. Carefully read the notes that follow in this document
regarding going live in the middle of the fiscal year.
This trial balance can theoretically be entered as one journal entry. In this case, the journal entry
will be balanced. In real life, the trial balance will be entered as separate transactions (separate
steps for customer opening balances, vendor opening balances, inventory opening balances
© SAP AG 2011
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The opening balance account is used as the offsetting account for each transaction. At the end
of the process, the balance of this opening balance G/L account will be zero, based on the fact
that your trial balance is balanced.
When you enter opening balances for a business partner, a journal entry is posted to the
business partner and the offset opening balance account. The journal entry has the origin code
OB so can be easily tracked and reported.
§ When the business partner opening balance is updated, the control account
linked to it will be updated as well.
§ Since you enter total amounts, you will not be able to view open invoices or
credit memos of the customer or vendor.
§ If you are entering historical GL balances and do not wish to record the
balance for each business partner, you can create a general business
partner and enter all the historical balances for this business partner. The
disadvantage of this action is that you do not have the detail in SAP
Business One.
§ You can enter multiple opening balances for the same customer or vendor,
for example, one balance per month. Enter each balance with a different
§ Opening balances entered in this transaction appear as journal entries in the
incoming and outgoing payments window. Since the opening balance
usually includes several invoices, you will have to manually match the
journal entry when the payment is made.
§ The journal entries posted by opening balances are included in the dunning
§ In the Aging Report – just one amount will be displayed for each balance
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When entering opening balances using this transaction, you must enter the minus sign
for credit balances if the Display Credit Balance with Negative Sign checkbox is set in
Administration → System Initialization → Company Details.
9.2.2. Payments
Incoming and outgoing payments should only be imported when they represent down payments,
partial payments, or payments on account not based on an invoice. These payments can be
entered manually as incoming or outgoing payments if loads are low, or imported using the
In countries working with VAT, cash discounts have to be considered. If you have open
items where a cash discount is still applicable, you need to assign the correct VAT code in
order to have the system perform the VAT correction. As a result, the journal entries
additionally affect the VAT accounts.
If no discounts are applicable, you can migrate the transactions with zero amount VAT.
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Ensure that GL balances are not entered twice:
If opening balances have been entered for items, or goods receipt documents
have already been imported, do not reenter the inventory account balances
(when using perpetual inventory).
The GL control accounts (receivables/payables) appear in this screen. You
should not enter the opening balances for the control accounts. The opening
balances must be entered separately for each individual business partner using
the business partners opening balance transaction.
When entering opening balances using this transaction, you must enter the minus
sign for credit balances if the Display Credit Balance with Negative Sign checkbox is
set in Administration → System Initialization → Company Details.
The Origin in the journal entry will be recorded as a manual journal entry, not as opening
Before you enter the opening balances for cash bank accounts, you should sort the transactions
into open and closed transactions:
Closed transactions are all transactions that were cleared and reconciled in the legacy
system. You can enter the balances for these accounts using the GL Accounts Opening
Balances transaction. Alternatively, you can import the opening balances as journal
entries using the Data Transfer Workbench. In both cases, the offsetting account should
be the opening balance account.
Open transactions are detailed transactions that remain open from the legacy system to
be reconciled in SAP Business One. Open transactions contain un-cleared checks,
bank transfers and other transactions that have been recorded in the books but were
not yet reconciled with the bank statement. You can import these transactions using the
Data Transfer Workbench as individual journal entries or as one large journal entry with
multiple rows. In both cases, record one line per open transaction. This will make it
easier to reconcile these transactions later. The offsetting account should be the
opening balance account.
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Data Migration Guide
Go-Live during fiscal year. 1. Enter opening balances in SAP Business One for all
No historical balances accounts, including P&L balances
required. 2. For reporting purposes, run reports from both systems,
and run P&L reports from SAP Business One
Note: If the customer goes live in the middle of the fiscal
year, there is no need to conduct the period-end closing
process on legacy system
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10. Reconciliation
Regardless of how you perform the migration of open items and balances (manually or via the
Data Transfer Workbench), you need to reconcile the accounts between SAP Business One and
the legacy system.
Print and retain a hard copy of all reconciliation reports from SAP Business One and the legacy
system to prove the migration correctness.
Run the Stock Audit Report. When you run this report, make sure that:
The system date information is selected properly.
The Display setting is set to “Items”
The indicator for “Display OB for items/accounts with no transactions” is selected.
Match the item quantities in SAP Business One with the quantities in the legacy system.
Make sure the stock account balances in SAP Business One match the stock account balances
in the legacy system.
If a variance remains after reconciliation between SAP Business One and the legacy
system, for example, due to different prices, you have to correct this difference
Run the Customer Receivables and Vendor Liabilities Aging Reports with a posting date range
until the start of the current fiscal year.
Make sure the total open balance for all vendors matches the total Payables balance and the
total for customers matches the Receivables balance in the G/L.
Run the Balance Sheet as per the first day of the current fiscal year. It must be identical to the
balance sheet of the legacy system.
Run the P&L Statement as per first day of the current fiscal year and make sure it is zero.
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Run the Trial Balance for the previous fiscal year(s). The balance must be identical to the
balance in the legacy system for each account.
Run the Open Items List report in SAP Business One and compare the total with the total
balance of the corresponding item in the legacy system.
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Data Migration Guide
© SAP AG 2011