Osteoarthritis - Surgical Therapy, Alternative Medicine and Proper Exercise
Osteoarthritis - Surgical Therapy, Alternative Medicine and Proper Exercise
Osteoarthritis - Surgical Therapy, Alternative Medicine and Proper Exercise
Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage's protective fluid at the ends of your bones gets less and less from
year to year. Although osteoarthritis can damage various joints in the body, this disease often attacks the
joints in the knees, hands, pelvis, and spine.
Osteoarthritis often worsens over time. However. if you stay active, maintain weight, and follow a healthy
lifestyle, then the progression of this disease can be inhibited and will improve joint function and pain can
be reduced.
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
Symptoms of osteoarthritis generally develop slowly and get worse with time. The severity of symptoms
and the location of the attack can vary from person to person. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis
Causes of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis occurs when cartilage (cartilage) which is a bearing at the end of the bone gradually
decreases in quality. Cartilage is soft and slippery tissue that softens jointmovements. In osteoarthritis, the
smooth surface of the cartilage becomes rough. Finally, when the cartilage becomes rough and eroded,
then the bones with bone will then rub together.
The following are conditions that increase the risk of developing osteoarthritis.
Diagnosis of Osteoarthritis
During a physical exam, the doctor will properly examine the affected joint, check for swelling, redness,
pain, and range of motion of the joint. The doctor will also recommend X-ray and MRI examinations.
On X-ray examination, the cartilage cannot be seen, but cartilage loss will appear as a
shortening of the space between the bones in the joint. X-rays will also show if there is
additional hard bone growth such as spurs around the joint. Some people can have evidence
of osteoarthritis before the onset of symptoms with X-ray examination.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an examination that uses radio waves and magnetic
waves to produce detailed images of bones and soft tissues, including cartilages. MRI is not
often needed to diagnose osteoarthritis but can help provide information for complex or
difficult cases.
Laboratory Check
Blood test . Blood tests can help find other causes of joint pain, such as joint pain due to
rheumatoid arthritis.
Analysis of joint fluid . Doctors can do this by using needles to take joint fluid from the
affected joint. Examination of joint fluid can determine if there is inflammation there and
whether joint pain is caused by gout or from infection.
Complications of Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that worsens over time. Joint pain and joint stiffness will worsen
and it will feel more difficult to carry out daily activities. Some people can't work too long. When joint
pain is too heavy, the doctor will recommend joint replacement surgery.
Until now, there is no effective cure for osteoarthritis, but the right lifestyle can help reduce pain and
maintain joint motion. Symptoms of osteoarthritis can be alleviated with the following treatments:
Acetaminophen can relieve pain, but does not reduce inflammation (inflammation).This drug
shows effectiveness in osteoarthritis with mild to moderate pain. The excess dose of
acetaminophen can cause liver damage, so consult a doctor to get this recipe.
NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) . NSAIDs can relieve pain and can also
reduce inflammation. NSAIDs that can be consumed are ibuprofen, naproxen, or a stronger
NSAID that can be prescribed by a doctor. NSAIDs can cause stomach pain, ear
problems, cardiovascular problems, bleeding problems, and kidney and liver damage.These
drugs should not be used in people over the age of 65 years and in people with gastritis
because of the risk of liver bleeding.
Although osteoarthritis cannot be prevented, sufferers can minimize the potential for experiencing more
severe conditions or complications that can cause paralysis by doing several things, such as: maintaining
ideal body weight, regular exercise to strengthen muscles and joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common
form of arthritis, affecting millions of people in the world. This happens when the cartilage's protective
fluid at the ends of your bones gets less and less from year to year.
Although osteoarthritis can damage various joints in the body, this disease often attacks the joints in the
knees, hands, pelvis, and spine. Osteoarthritis often worsens over time, and there is no cure. But if we
stay active, maintain weight, and follow a healthy lifestyle, then the progression of this disease can be
inhibited and will improve joint function and pain can be reduced.
Exercise and achieving the ideal body weight are the best and most important steps for treating
osteoarthritis. The doctor can also suggest:
Physical therapy . Physical therapy can be done with physiotherapy therapists who can
provide programs that strengthen the muscles around the joints, thereby increasing the range
of joint motion and reducing pain
Occupational therapy . Occupational therapists can help you find steps to carry out daily
activities without giving pain to the joints. For example, an occupational therapist will
provide a toothbrush that makes it easy to brush your teeth if you have osteoarthritis in the
finger joint. Or a bath bench is prepared for you in order to relieve pain if you have to take a
shower by standing up if you have knee osteoarthritis.
Shoe wire or inserts . Your doctor may recommend shoe inserts or other devices that can
help reduce pain when you stand or walk. This device can disable or support you to overcome
pressure when walking.
Chronic pain class (Prolanis) . Arthritis and some treatment centers have classes for people
with osteoarthritis and chronic pain. Ask your doctor about classes of chronic diseases in your
area. These classes teach skills that help you manage pain. And you will meet other people
with osteoarthritis and learn their tips and tricks to reduce and overcome joint pain.
If conservative treatment does not help, you might want to consider procedures such as:
Changes in the Lifestyle of People with Osteoarthritis and who Need to Be Done at Home
Lifestyle changes and home care can also help reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. You might want to
try the following tips:
Sports . Exercise can increase endurance and strengthen the muscles around your joints, making the joints
more stable. Try walking, cycling or swimming. If you feel joint pain, pause. New pain that lasts for
hours after you exercise may mean you are over exercising but that does not mean you have to stop
exercising altogether.
Lose weight. Being overweight or obese puts heavy pressure on your joint pads, such as your knees and
hips. Even a small amount of weight loss can reduce some pressure and reduce your pain. Most people
combine changes in their diet with increased exercise.
Use hot and cold therapy to deal with pain. Both hot and cold can relieve pain in your joints. Heat also
reduces stiffness, and cold can relieve muscle tension and pain.
Give a pain cream that can be bought freely on the market. Creams and gels available at drug stores can
provide temporary relief from osteoarthritis pain. Some numb creams are given by making a hot or cold
sensation. Other creams contain drugs, which are absorbed into your skin like diclofenc sodium
salve. Pain creams work best on joints that are close to the surface of your skin, such as the knees and
Use tools. Aids can make it easier to go without pressing the affected joint. A stick can help relieve your
knee or pelvis when you walk. Bring a stick in the hand opposite to the affected leg. Consult a doctor or
occupational therapist about what types of assistive devices can help you.
People who are not helped by relieving medications for osteoarthritis pain sometimes turn to
complementary and alternative medicine practices for help. General treatments that have shown some
evidence for osteoarthritis include:
Acupuncture . Some studies show that acupuncture can reduce pain and improve function in
people who have knee osteoarthritis. During acupuncture, a thin needle is inserted into the
skin in the right place on your body. The risk of acupuncture includes infection, bruising and
pain where the needle is inserted into your skin.
Glucosamine and chondroitin . Research has shown this substance is mixed in nutritional
supplements. Some have found benefits for people with osteoarthritis, while most show that
these supplements work no better than placebo (no effect). Do not use glucosamine if you are
allergic to shellfish. Glucosamine and chondroitin can interact with blood thinners such as
warfarin and cause bleeding problems.
Avocado-soybean supplements . Avocado and soybean oil supplement supplements - are
widely used in Europe to treat knee and hip osteoarthritis. Actually this supplement acts as an
anti-inflammatory, and some studies have shown it might slow or even prevent joint damage.
Tai chi and yoga . This movement therapy involves gentle and stretched joint exercises
which are combined with deep breathing. Many people use this therapy to reduce stress in
their lives, although small studies have found that tai chi and yoga can reduce osteoarthritis
pain. When led by knowledgeable instructors, this therapy is safe. Avoid movements that
cause pain in your joints.