La Sainte-Baume (The "Trouinade") : Le Corbusier
La Sainte-Baume (The "Trouinade") : Le Corbusier
La Sainte-Baume (The "Trouinade") : Le Corbusier
September 2019
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier La Sainte-Baume (the “Trouinade”) Käräjäkivet • 02 4 • 5
Publication name: Essay number: “Käräjäkivet” is a periodical publication of thought and criticism that
Käräjäkivet 02 was born from a wider project developed around a proposal which
Directors, Coordinators Author: was never accomplished, concerning the Saivaara Monument,
and Editors: Le Corbusier elaborated in 1978 by the legendary Finnish artist Tapio Wirkkala.
Márcia Nascimento Title: Website:
Nuno Costa La Sainte-Baume (the “In 1975, the President Urho Kekkonen expressed as his wish that
Edition: “Trouinade”) 1948 E-mail: his monument should be placed in northwestern Lapland, on the
Márcia Nascimento · Nuno Original title: Saivaara mountain. [...]
Costa. Architects La Sainte-Baume (la Facebook: How to make a monument on a site that is naturally so beautiful
Language: “Trouinade”) 1948 @karajakivet that one cannot take away anything from it, neither is man able
English Date: Instagram: to add anything to it? Tapio Wirkkala ended up with a proposal in
ISSN: September 2019 @karajakivet which all the materials of the monument have been picked from
2184-5735 Support: Address: the mountain itself.
Language advisory and Jenny and Antti Wihuri Rua Barjona de Freitas nº5, The monument consists of a straight, paved, almost imperceptible
translations: Foundation 1º Esq, 4750-265 Barcelos, path crossing over the Saivaara mountain. Five stones will be
Ana Catarina Mesquita Portugal raised from the mountainside to the summit of the mountain, […].
Graphic design concept: Phone numbers: These stones will form a circle, similar to the court venue stones of
Miguel Peixoto - Design. (00351) 967 366 089 the old days [called in Finnish as “Käräjäkivet”], on which the wise
Márcia Nascimento · Nuno (00351) 963 953 266 men of the village got together in order to decide about common
Costa. Architects matters. The one who has the strength to climb up the stony path
Cover photograph: may sit on these stones, look at the landscape and think.
Postcard “La Sainte-Baume- This artless monument is not going to change or destroy the
-Sainte-Marie Magdaleine à landscape.”
la Grotte (rep. tabl.) Edit IPA” Tapio Wirkkala Rut Bryk Foundation Archive, 1978
© Archives départementales
Editor’s Note
Márcia Nascimento During the next issues of Käräjäkivet, we will sporadically retrieve
& Nuno Costa some texts which, although already published on other platforms,
may allow a better understanding of the Saivaara Monument by
putting it into perspective with other works and projects from
completely different contexts but very similar circumstances.
The corollary of the enterprise was the search for a modern form of
hotel, of hospitality, for a clientele desirous of solitude and thought,
or simply for people who might come to stay a weekend or more
For some years Trouin lived in Paris in a garret the walls of which
he covered with plans, drawings and paintings. When the walls
were covered, he began to fill the ceiling as well. It is a pity that this
extraordinary room was never photographed.
After several years the affair was at a standstill. One might have
thought that our modern world was unsuited for such an enterprise,
the object of which was to touch the very foundations of the human
soul: sin and pardon, weakness and grandeur, magnanimity and
courage, simplicity and humility. There was nothing of the banal
in it; all was in deference to the landscape, modulated by and even
expressive of the landscape: landscape seen from buildings, or
landscape made of buildings in a passionately desired harmony.
The means employed were those at the disposal of people
who desire to do something, but have only the resources of the
unfortunate. The Permanent City of residence would have been
designed within the humblest existing techniques, the rammed
earth (pisé), inside a plank formwork and providing an essential
architecture of precision and magnitude, all on a human scale.
With such an architecture the noblest and greatest town plans can
be achieved, deprived of emphasis but with inherent grandeur.
Life in these pisé buildings can have great dignity and regain for
man in the machine age a sense of the fundamental human and
natural resources.
The illustrations here show only a miserable portion of all that was
made, thought and designed for La Sainte-Baume. At present
silence reigns after the hatred and scorn have raged. But Trouin
like Le Corbusier can raise his head, satisfied to have attempted, in
this age when no one works except for financial or utilitarian ends,
an enterprise destined to touch the bottom of the human heart. 2
Extracted from Le
Corbusier en France.
Réalisations et projets.,
Gilles Ragot et Mathilde
Dion, Electa / Moniteur,
Paris, 1987, p.161-162.
Extracted from Le
Corbusier, Oeuvre
complète, volume 5,
1946-1952. © 1953 Verlag
für Architektur (Artemis),
Detail. Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut. Ronchamp, France. 1955 Zürich. Twelfth edition
© ADAGP. Photo: Paul Kozlowski
Le Corbusier La Sainte-Baume (the “Trouinade”)
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