What Is Bancassurance
What Is Bancassurance
What Is Bancassurance
Banks and insurance companies collaborate to form a partnership in which the bank
sells the insurance firm’s products to its customers. This arrangement of selling an
insurance product through banks is known as Bancassurance.
This arrangement profits both the bank and the insurance company, as the bank
earns a commission amount from the insurance company while the insurance firm
broadens its market share and customers. The bank acts as a mediator by helping
an insurance firm reach its target customers to increase its market reach.
Importance of Bancassurance
The importance of Bancassurance are listed as follows:
Bancassurance is a relatively new idea in the financial sector. The belief behind
Bancassurance is to combine the marketing capabilities and selling-culture of
insurance companies with the distribution network and sizeable customer base of
In this arrangement, insurance products are traded through the broad distribution
sections of the banking services accompanied by a comprehensive range of banking
and investment products. In short, Bancassurance has a tremendous chance, if
appropriately implemented, to be a win-win situation for banks, insurers and the
Bancassurance Models
Pure distributor: In this model, the bank sells the products of an individual insurer
exclusively, either bundled with the bank’s products or in stand-alone basis.
Strategic alliance: In this model, a higher degree of involvement is made in product
development, service terms and management by the bank.
Joint venture: The bank and the insurance company form a new corporation in which
they both hold shares. The shareholding may be equal for both parties, though it not
Financial service group: In this model, an insurance company may make/acquire a bank
or a bank may create/purchase an insurance company. Here, a larger conglomerate may
look to create multiple financial services companies, including a bank and an insurance
company, and may utilise the synergies that come with operating both the businesses.
Bancassurance in India
In India, the first three models are practised, but the laws do not permit either banks
or insurers to own an insurance company or bank wholly.
The insurance sector in India is expanding rapidly. Both banks and insurance
companies perceive bancassurance as an opportunity to increase the Indian
financial industry’s future income and footprint. Non-life insurance products are
featured to a lesser extent as compared to life insurance products. The banks have a
customer base of more than 100 million and therefore are in a perfect situation for
taking bancassurance forward.
Bancassurance in India is gaining ground extremely fast despite being a very new
concept. In India, the banking sector is under the control of Reserve Bank of India
and insurance sector is managed by the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA). Since Bancassurance contains constituents from both industries, it
comes under the influence of both regulators. Each of the regulators (RBI and IRDA)
have given out comprehensive regulations for the bank’s involvement in the
insurance sector.
However, many customers are also bypassing the bancassurance channel and
purchasing insurance online directly through self-service channels. Aegon Life is one
of the pioneers for the online channel of distributing life insurance in India. A
fantastic term insurance plan that you can purchase online is the Aegon Life iTerm
Plus Insurance Plan which also offers a term Plan with cover for 36 Critical Illnesses.