Scenario Summary: Changing Cells: Result Cells

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Scenario Summary

Current Values: Original 1st Career Start 2nd 3rd

Changing Cells:
$G$14 £3,000 £3,000 £2,000 £2,500 £3,000
Result Cells:
$G$28 £1,710.0 £1,710.0 £1,710.0 £1,710.0 £1,710.0
$G$31 £1,290 £1,290 £290 £790 £1,290
Notes: Current Values column represents values of changing cells at
time Scenario Summary Report was created. Changing cells for each
scenario are highlighted in gray.
Living costs

Task: A bank accountant wants to record his living costs. The areas that this accountan
He wants to compare the Total Expenses and Amount left Over if he has the Monthly
and as 3000 (New company).

He has asked you to help. As a proffesional Excel user, you use Scenario manager to cre
Perform Scenario manager and provide the summary with carefully corresponding na

First career Start

Monthly income £3,000

Rent £700.0
Travel £70.0
Food £250.0
Shopping £200.0
Going out £400.0
Electricity £20.0
Phone £35.0
Gas £20.0
Water £15.0

Total Expenses £1,710.0

Amount left over £1,290

as that this accountant wants to spend are recorded in First career start table.
he has the Monthly income as 2000 (First Career Start), 2500 (Over 5 years)

enario manager to create a summary to describe.

ully corresponding names of the areas spent

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