On Circular Knitting Machine Parts and Functions

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Circular knitting machine parts and functions

Submitted By:-
Md.Ibrahim Khalil
Department Of Textile Engineering
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

Circular knitting machine is widely used through out the knitting industry to produce
fabric. This machine can be built in almost any reasonable diameter and the small diameter
of up to five, which are used for wear.

 To know how to set up of basic elements on Circular knitting machine.
 How to maintenance the basic elements.
 To know the function of basic elements on Circular knitting machine.

Main Parts of Circular Knitting Machine:-
1. Creel 14. Needle Track
2. VDQ Pulley 15. Needle
3. Pulley Belt 16. Sinker
4. Brush 17. Sinker Ring
5. Tension Disk 18. Cam Box
6. Inlet and Outlet Stop Motion 19. Cam
7. Yarn Guide 20. Lycra Attachment Device
8. MPF Wheel 21. Lycra Stop Motion
9. MPF 22. Cylinder
10. Feeder Ring 23. Cylinder Balancer
11. Disk Drum 24. Unwave Lubrication
12. Pattern Wheel 25. Adjustable Fan
13. Feeder 26. Air Gun Nozzle

1.Creel: Creel is a part of a knitting machine. Hear yarn package are store and ready to
feed in the machine.

2. Pulley Belt: It controls the rotation of the MPF wheel.

VDQ Pulley: It is a very important part of the machine. It controls the quality of the
product. Altering the position of the tension pulley changes the G.S.M. of the fabric. If
pulley moves towards the positive directive then the G.S.M. is decrease. And in the reverse
direction G.S.M will increase.

Brush: Its clean the pulley belt.

Tension Disk: It confronts the tension of the supply yarn.

Inlet and Outlet Stop Motion: It is an important part of the machine. It stops the machine
instantly when a yarn is break.

Yarn Guide: Its help the yarn to feed in the feeder.

MPF Wheel: Its control the speed of the MPF. Pulley belt gives motion to the wheel.

MPF: It is Mamenger positive feed. It is also an important part of the machine. It’s give
positive feed to the machine.

Feeder Ring: It is a ring. Where all feeders are pleased together.

Disk Drum: Use in jacquard machine to produce various types of design.

Pattern Wheel: Pattern Wheel use in Pai Lung and Auto Stripe machine because of that
that help to produce various types of design and stripe.

Feeder: Feeder is help yarn to feed in to the machine.

Needle Track: Where all Needles is placed together in a decent design.

Needle: It is a principal element of the knitting machine. Its help the yarn to create a loop.
And by this way fabric are produce. Prior to yarn feeding the needle is raised to clear the
old loop from the hook, and received the new loop above it on needle stem. The new loop
is then enclosed in the needle hook as the needle starts to descend.

Sinker: It is most important element of the machine. Its help to loop forming, knocking
over and holding down the loop.

Sinker Ring: Sinker ring is a ring. Where all sinkers are pleased together.

Cam Box: Where the cam are set horizontally.

Cam: Cam is device s which converts the rotary machine drive in to a suitable
reciprocating action for the needles and other elements.

Lycra Attachment Device: Lycra is placed hear. And feeding to the machine.

Lycra Stop Motion: It is one kind of stop motion to stop the machine when the Lycra is

Cylinder: Needle track are situated hear.

Cylinder Balancer: It helps the cylinder to set in a proper alignment.

Air Gun Nozzle: To feed the yarn; sometimes it is used for cleaning purpose.

Adjustable Fan: This part removes lint, hairy fiber from yarn and others. To clean the
dust by air flow.

Needle Detector: This part detect the any type of faults of needles.


This experiment has significance in our study life.In this experiment we know
different problem & related maintenance of circular knitting machine.we point
out the various specification of the machine.


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