Q1) Comparison of Sorting Algorithms: Homework # 2

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Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CS 302

Homework # 2

Q1) Comparison of Sorting algorithms

In this question, you are going to implement several sorting algorithms and compare their
performance. The performance comparison will be based on time. You are free to use any
language. However, since the assignment tries to compare the algorithm, the programming
language, and the runtime environment (computer, operating system, compiler) have to be
identical for all algorithms.

Sorting algorithms
1. Insertion Sort
2. Merge Sort
3. Quick Sort (Pivot is element stored in last index of array)
4. Quick Sort2 (Pivot is selected by using median of three random values)
5. Heap Sort

Data Size
1. 10
2. 100
3. 1000
4. 10000
5. 100000
6. 1000000

You should run sorting algorithms on following 4 types of integer data.

1. Completely random.
2. Sorted
3. Almost sorted: 90% of the items are in increasing order, but 10% of randomly-chosen
items are random.
4. Reversed: sorted items are in reverse order.
Measure running time of each sorting algorithm using some library for clock time. In order to get
good estimate of running time you should each sorting algorithm 5 times and record the average
running time. You should repeat this for every size of input.
Create plots in Excel for results and comparison of different sorting algorithms. Create separate
plot for each type of input. Each plot should have running time of sorting on y-axis and input size
on x-axis. There should be separate line on plot for each sorting algorithm.
Plot 1: Random data
Plot 2: Sorted Data
Plot 3: Almost sorted
Plot 4: Sorted Data in reverse

Q2) Insertion Sort on small array instead in Merge Sort

Although merge sort runs in O (n lg n) worst-case time and insertion sort runs in O(n2) worst-case time, the
constant factors in insertion sort can make it faster in practice for small problem sizes on many machines.
Thus, it makes sense to coarsen the leaves of the recursion by using insertion sort within merge sort when
sub problems become sufficiently small. Consider a modification to merge sort in which n=k sub lists of
length k are sorted using insertion sort and then merged using the standard merging mechanism, where k is
a value to be determined.

Implement this modified version of merge sort and report the optimal value of k such that when input size
is smaller than or equal to k then it is more efficient to use insertion sort for sorting smaller sub lists.
You are required to conduct experiments and give your analysis in form of a report. For each
experiment, generate the data set of n integers randomly and find the optimal value of k. Perform
these experiments for n=1000, 10000, 50,000 and 100,000. In each experiment compute the
running time of standard as well as modified merge sort for different values of k. In order to make
your analysis more precise, conduct each experiment five times and record the average running

Submit complete code and report containing plots as zip file on slate.

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