Set-1 TSSN - Scribd
Set-1 TSSN - Scribd
Set-1 TSSN - Scribd
UGC Autonomous
III B.Tech – II Sem - I MID Examinations (2017 Batch) Jan-2020
(ECE – A&B)
Time: 1 Hr. 20 Mins. Total Marks: 20
Instructions: 1) Answer Part A & B in Main Answer Booklet only.
2) Answer all Questions in Part-A.
3) Answer any two Questions out of four Questions in Part-B.
Part-A: (20 x 1/2 = 10M)
Choose The Correct Answer:
1. Describe the functions performed by switching systems?
a) Control functions b) establishing c) releasing d) all the above
2. Sharing leads to reduction of____________.
3. Blocking probability can be defined as ____________.
3. Telegraphy introduced in the year ____________.
a)1837 b)1876 C)1846 d)1890
4. Traffic intensity can be measured in _________and_______
5. The control functions are performed by a computer or a processor system are named as,
a) SPC b) step by step c) crossbar d)TDS
6. Which converts electrical signals into audio signals in a telephone set ____________.
7. Signal conditioning includes
a) Amplification b) filtering, band-limiting c) multiplexing and demultiplexing d) all the above
8. Non-blocking switching network can provide_______________ simultaneous paths.
a)N/2 b)N2/2 C)N/4 d)N
9. The probability that a user may get blocked is called______________.
a) blocking probability b)busy hour traffic c)symmetric d)switching network
10.The tone is of 400Hz or 800 Hz named as_______________.
a)routing tone b)busy tone c)dial tone
Match The Following:
1. Subscriber traffic in erlangs a) BHCA*CCR
2. Traffic carried per server b) lost traffic/offered traffic
3. Busy hour calling rate c) busy period/total period
4. GOS d) occupied duration/total duration
5. Average busy hour calls e) average busy hour calls/total number of subscribers
Choose True/False:
1. Space division switching is a variant of Stored Program Control [True/False].
2. The cost capacity index is defined by CRC [True/False].
3. Thyristor is one variant of Electromechanical cross point technology [True/False].
4. Inlets/outlet configuration is one kind of Non-folded network [True/False].
5. Uniselectors are not required for 100 line switching system [True/False].