Lecture 2 Answer 2 1564205851105

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Given Profit & Loss and Balance sheet for the Years 2017-2019.

Project the P&L and Balance sheet for 2020 using the most rec

Profit & Loss Statement

Income Statement provided (Values in Millions)

Sales Revenue
Gross Profit
Selling, General & Administrative expense
Depreciation & Amortization expense
Interest Expense
Income before tax
Income tax expense
Income from extraordinary items a d discontinued operations
Net Income
Outstanding shares
Balance Sheet
(Values in Millions)
2019 2018 2017
46839 42025 37410 Cash
31445 28389 25498 Accounts receivables
15394 13636 11912 Inventories
10534 9379 8134 Other Current assets
1259 1098 967 Total Current Assets
570 556 584 Gross PPE
3031 2603 2227 Accumulated depreciation
1146 984 851 Net PPE
1313 190 247 Other Assets
3198 1809 1623 Total Assets
891 912 910
Accounts payable
Current portion of Long term debt
Accrued expenses
Income taxes & other
Total current liabilities
Deferred Income taxes & other liabilities
Long term debt
Total liabilities
Common stock
Additional paid in capital
Retained earnings
Shareholder's equity
Total liabilities & Networth
ance Sheet

2018 2017 2016

2245 708 758
5069 4621 5565
5384 4531 4760
1224 3092 852
13922 12952 11935
22272 19880 20936
5412 4727 5629
16860 15153 15307
1511 3311 1361
32293 31416 28603

5779 4956 4684

504 863 975
1633 1288 1545
304 1207 319
8220 8314 7523
2010 1815 1451
9034 10155 10186
19264 20284 19160
74 76 76
1810 1530 1256
11145 9526 8111
13029 11132 9443
32293 31416 28603
Profit & Loss Statement
Income Statement provided (Values in Millions)
2019 2018 2017
Sales Revenue 46839 42025 37410
COGS 31445 28389 25498
Gross Profit 15394 13636 11912
Selling, General & Administrative expense 10534 9379 8134
Depreciation & Amortization expense 1259 1098 967
Interest Expense 570 556 584
Income before tax 3031 2603 2227
Income tax expense 1146 984 851
Income from extraordinary items a d discontinued operations 1313 190 247
Net Income 3198 1809 1623
Outstanding shares 891 912 910

Selected Ratios (%)

Sales growth rate 11.46% 12.34%
Gross Profit Margin 32.87% 32.45% 31.84%
Selling General and Administrative expense/Sales revenue 22.49% 22.32% 21.74%
Depreciation expense/Gross prior PPE 6.33% 5.24%
Interest expense/Prior year Long term debt 5.17% 4.98%
Income tax 37.81% 37.80% 38.21%

Forecasted assumptions are taken as the figures marked in green above


Projected Profit & Loss Statement for 2020

Projected 2020 2019
Sales Revenue 52204.44785247 46839
COGS 35047.05187388 31445
Gross Profit 17157.39597858 15394
Selling, General & Administrative expense 11740.67878644 10534
Depreciation & Amortization expense 1410.485311871 1259
Interest Expense 493.4343801053 570
Income before tax 3512.797500171 3031
Income tax expense 1328.16428083 1146
Income from extraordinary items a d discontinued operations 0 1313
Net Income 2184.633219341 3198
Outstanding shares 891 891
Balance Sheet
(Values in Millions)
2019 2018 2017
Cash 2245 708 758
Accounts receivables 5069 4621 5565
Inventories 5384 4531 4760
Other Current assets 1224 3092 852
Total Current Assets 13922 12952 11935
Gross PPE 22272 19880 20936
Accumulated depreciation 5412 4727 5629
Net PPE 16860 15153 15307
Other Assets 1511 3311 1361
Total Assets 32293 31416 28603

Accounts payable 5779 4956 4684

Current portion of Long term debt 504 863 975
Accrued expenses 1633 1288 1545
Income taxes & other 304 1207 319
Total current liabilities 8220 8314 7523
Deferred Income taxes & other liabilities 2010 1815 1451
Long term debt 9034 10155 10186
Total liabilities 19264 20284 19160
Common stock 74 76 76
Additional paid in capital 1810 1530 1256
Retained earnings 11145 9526 8111
Shareholder's equity 13029 11132 9443
Total liabilities & Networth 32293 31416 28603

Selected ratios
Accounts receivable turnover ratio 9.2402840797001 9.094352 6.722372
Inventory turnover ratio 5.8404531946508 6.265504 5.356723
Accounts payable turnover ratio 5.4412528119052 5.728208 5.443638
Accrued expenses turnover ratio 28.682792406614 32.62811 24.21359
Taxes payable/Tax expense 0.2652705061082 1.226626 0.374853
Dividends per share (given) 0.31 0.26 0.24
CAPEX 2392 -1056 3189
CAPEX/Sales 0.0510685539828 -0.025128 0.085245
Scheduled current maturity of the loan given 751

Projected Balance Sheet

Projected 2020 2019
Cash 2367.8821690716 2245 to be calculated in the end
Accounts receivables 5649.6583224271 5069
Inventories 6000.7418441404 5384
Other Current assets 1224 1224 assuming 2020 to be same as 2019
Total Current Assets 15242.282335639 13922
Gross PPE 24664 22272
Accumulated depreciation 6822.4853118712 5412
Net PPE 17841.514688129 16860
Other Assets 1511 1511 assuming 2020 to be same as 2019
Total Assets 34594.797023768 32293

Accounts payable 6440.9894348602 5779

Current portion of Long term debt 751 504
Accrued expenses 1820.0615585961 1633
Income taxes & other 352.32281097063 304
Total current liabilities 9364.3738044269 8220
Deferred Income taxes & other liabilities 2010 2010 assuming 2020 to be same as 2019
Long term debt 8283 9034
Total liabilities 19657.373804427 19264
Common stock 74 74
Additional paid in capital 1810 1810
Retained earnings 13053.423219341 11145
Shareholder's equity 14937.423219341 13029
Total liabilities & Networth 34594.797023768 32293
Forecasted assumptions are taken as the figures marked in green above

to be calculated in the end

2020 to be same as 2019

2020 to be same as 2019

2020 to be same as 2019

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