Examplers Based Image Fusion Features For Face Recognition
Examplers Based Image Fusion Features For Face Recognition
Examplers Based Image Fusion Features For Face Recognition
*1 Asst. Professor and Group Lead, Machine Intelligence Group, Indian Institute of
Information Technology and Management-Kerala, India. www.mirgroup.co.cc, apj@ieee.org
2 Professor
and Deputy Director,Queensland Micro- and Nanotechnology Center, Griffith
University, Australia, www.gu.edu.au/qmnc s.dimitrijev@griffith.edu.au
Examplers of a face are formed from multiple gallery images of a person and
are used in the process of classification of a test image. We incorporate such
examplers in forming a biologically inspired local binary decisions on similarity
based face recognition method. As opposed to single model approaches such as
face averages the exampler based approach results in higher recognition accu-
racies and stability. Using multiple training samples per person, the method
shows the following recognition accuracies: 99.0% on AR, 99.5% on FERET,
99.5% on ORL, 99.3% on EYALE, 100.0% on YALE and 100.0% on CALTECH
face databases. In addition to face recognition, the method also detects the
natural variability in the face images which can find application in automatic
tagging of face images.
Keywords: Faces, Templates, Examplers
1. Introduction
spatial change detection filters and the classifier applies local binary decisions on
an average similarity measure. The use of multiple images can be incorporated
by either using a single average model for multiple images or a direct exampler
where, the local mean σ (p,∗) (i, j) is calculated on a window of features of size
k × l pixels.
We use six texture based spatial filters in the proposed method. These
filters and its corresponding outputs are shown in Fig. 1 (a)-(f ), while its
corresponding normalized spatial change is shown in Fig. 1 (g)-(l).
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 0 -1 1 2 1
0 1 0 1 1 1 -1 4 -1 0 4 0 2 0 -2 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 1 0 -1 0 -1 0 -1 1 0 -1 -1 -2 -1
Figure 1: Illustration of texture based spatial filtering applied to a face image in AR database.
The weights of the six texture based spatial filters and its corresponding outputs are shown
in images labeled (a) to (f ). The spatial change detection is applied on each of these outputs
and is shown in images labeled (g) to (l).
2.2. Classification
The classification process involves the comparison between the feature vec-
tors of a test image with that of gallery images. One of the simplest way to form
such comparison is by taking absolute difference between the features, and we
improve this difference method by normalization and we call the resulting vector
as similarity measure vector. This feature comparison operation is summarized
(p,d,k) (p,∗)
|xg (i, j) − xt (i, j)|
δ (p,d,k) (i, j) = (p,d,k)
min(xg (i, j), x∗t(i, j))
A comparison of a test feature vector with a gallery image having a index
d will result in p similarity measure vectors due to the p texture based spatial
features employed during the feature extraction process. To simplify the calcu-
lation and to reinforce the identity information the p similarity measure vectors
are averaged to form a single average similarity measure vector given by:
1 X (p,d,k)
δ̂ (d,k) (i, j) = δ (i, j) (5)
P p=1
1 δ̂(i, j) < θ
B (d,k) (i, j) = (6)
0 δ̂(i, j) ≥ θ
This binary decisions vector is used form a global similarity score S g given
Sg = B (d,k) (i, j) (7)
i=1 j=1
3. Experimental Results
Gallery Images Test Images
Figure 2: Illustration on the organization of AR database [11, 12] used for testing. The galley
images consists of first 7 images taken on session one containing expressions and illuminations.
The test images consists of 6 images taken on session one and 13 images taken on session two
and contains occlusions, expressions and illumination.
Recognition accuracy (%)
Examplers as gallery
Average as gallery
10x10 30x30 50x50 70x70 90x90
For the experimental analysis, on all the databases following are the values
of parameters used in the algorithm for the value of image/feature vector size
kept at a range from 10 × 10 pixels to 90 × 90 pixels: (1) standard deviation
filter size is 3 × 3 pixels, (2) local mean normalization window size for forming
normalized features is kept at 30 × 30 pixels, (4) the value of global threshold
is 0.25 and perturbations of ±5 pixels are applied in horizontal, vertical and
diagonal directions.
We use AR database [11, 12] with images of 100 persons for the simulations
reported in this paper. For each person there are 26 different images representing
13 conditions over two sessions. Seven images of each person are selected as
training samples to form the gallery (see Fig. 2) and the remaining 19 images
of each person is used for testing the recognition performance of the algorithm.
From Fig. 3 it can be seen that exampler method performs better than
average method for all the shown variation in the dimensionality. However,
exampler method require k times more amount of memory and comparisons as
opposed to average method and hence results in larger computational time as
Examplers as gallery
Figure 4: Graphical illustration showing the time it takes for the classifier for a comparison
of a test with all images in the gallery at different feature vector dimensions.
shown in Fig. 4. Further, it can be seen from Fig. 3 that exampler method shows
robust recognition performance than average method with respect to variations
in dimensionality of feature vector.
Table 1 shows the recognition performance and overall robustness of pro-
posed method using color images and perturbations. For AR [11, 12], ORL ,
FERET [16, 17], EYALE [8, 3], YALE [1] and CALTECH databases the re-
ported results are for the feature size of 60 × 60 pixels, 40 × 40 pixels, 60 × 60
pixels, 80 ×80 pixels, 60 ×60 pixels and 80 ×80 pixels. ORL database which con-
tains pose variation of 40 persons is also tested to benchmark the performance,
and clearly show high recognition performance. FERET database with images
of 200 persons are used and each person has 3 photos representing different
natural variability. EYALE database has 64 photos with different illumination
variation on each of the 10 persons in the database. This database base is often
used to benchmark the face recognition performance against serious illumination
variations. YALE database has photos of 15 persons under 11 different natural
variability. CALTECH face database has photos of 28 persons under random
background and in natural lighting conditions. Clearly, from Table 1 the pro-
posed method show high recognition performance in all the tested databases,
which confirms the overall robustness of the method.
Table 1: Recognition performance across different databases on the proposed method when
the number of training samples in the gallery and test are fixed for every person.
Recognition Accuracy(%)
Database Samples per person Perturbation
Gallery Test Yes No
AR 7 19 99.0 97.9
ORL 5 5 99.5 97.5
FERET 2 1 99.5 92.5
EYALE 7 57 99.3 99.3
YALE 5 6 100.0 100.0
CALTECH 5 1-15 100.0 100.0
Recognition accuracy (%)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Figure 5: Graphical illustration showing the effect of using multiple training samples. The
simulation is done by exampler feature comparisons using gray scale images of size 60 ×60 pixels
in the AR database and the proposed method is used without compensating for localization
Examplers as gallery
0 Average as gallery
Figure 6: A graphical illustration of the recognition performance of the proposed method with
variation in dimensionality of feature vectors when the number of training samples used for
creating the gallery are randomly selected and are not same for all the persons. Using AR
database this simulation also shows a comparison of average feature model against exampler
feature model.
3.3.1. AR Database
The following methods are used for comparison against the proposed pro-
posed algorithm: SIS [10], LDA [1], DCV [9] and PCA [15]. Clearly, from Table
2 it can be seen that proposed algorithm outperforms all other methods. In this
simulation 7 images per person is used for forming the gallery and 19 images
per person are used for testing. It can be also noted that AR database contains
occlusions of faces which is often considered as a difficult task for recognition.
Also this simulation shows the robustness of the proposed algorithm against
different natural variability under the same pose.
Table 2: The comparison of recognition performance of the proposed method for multiple
training samples person face recognition problem with other algorithms.
Top rank recognition accuracy (%)
Database Proposed SIS LDA DCV PCA
AR 99.0 98.1 56.5 57.4 44.7
2 2
Proposed MGFR-2D PCA 2D PCA
ORL 99.5 100.0 92.5
FERET 99.5 99.5 92.5
YALE 100.0 98.9 91.1
Proposed SIS Cones-cast 9PL real
EYALE 99.3 99.7 100 100
Table 3: Recognition accuracy of the proposed algorithm in the detection of natural variability
in the face images.
Recognition accuracy (%)
Rank Neutral Expression Illumination Eye occlusion Mouth occlusion
1 83.0 87.4 96.0 99.0 73.0
2 98.0 100.0 99.0 100.0 89.7
3 99.0 100.0 99.7 100.0 96.7
4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
4. Conclusion
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