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pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

Open Access Article

A Study on Awareness, Coverage and Willingness to Avail

Health Insurance among the Residents of a Rural Area in
Central Karnataka
Netra G1, BA Varadaraja Rao2

Financial Support: None declared

Conflict of Interest: None declared
Copy Right: The Journal retains the Introduction: Health insurance is defined as “an individual or
copyrights of this article. However, re- group purchasing health care coverage in advance by paying a fee
production is permissible with due ac- called premium”, which helps to defer, delay, reduce or avoid
knowledgement of the source. payment for health care incurred by individuals and households.
As similar studies were lacking in this area the present study was
How to cite this article: undertaken to know the awareness, subscription in rural area.
Netra G, Rao BAV. A Study on Aware-
ness, Coverage and Willingness to Objectives: To assess the awareness, coverage and willingness to
Avail Health Insurance among the avail health insurance by the residents of rural practice area of
Residents of A Rural Area in Central SSIMSRC, Davanagere.
Karnataka. Natl J Community Med
2019; 10(4):190-196 Methods: The present cross sectional study was conducted in the
RHTC of SSIMSRC, Davangere from May-July 2016. A sample of
Author’s Affiliation: 600 families was visited by systematic random sampling and data
1Assistant professor, Dept. of Commu- was collected from the head of the family with informed consent
nity & Medicine, East Point College of using a predesigned, pretested questionnaire by house to house in-
Medical Sciences &Research Centre, terview. Analysis was done using SPSS v10 and Chi-square, re-
Bengaluru; 2Professor, Dept. of Com-
gression analysis tests were applied for association.
munity & Medicine, SSIMS & RC,
Davangere Results: The awareness, coverage and willingness to avail health
insurance were 65.7%, 45.5% and 77.1% among the total families
Correspondence (600) studied respectively.
Dr. Netra G
netragoudar90@gmail.com Conclusion: Enrolment centres should be set up in each village for
easy accessibility and the premiums should be customized to indi-
Date of Submission: 24-12-18 vidual levels to benefit the poorer section of the community.
Date of Acceptance: 19-03-19
Date of Publication: 30-04-19 Keywords: Health insurance, awareness, coverage, willingness,
rural area.

INTRODUCTION or elimination of the uncertain risk of loss for the

individual or household by combining a larger
Health is a human right. Its accessibility and af-
number of similarly exposed individuals or house-
fordability has to be insured to all sections of the
holds who are included in a common fund that
community. Man is exposed to risks from the time
makes good the loss caused to any one member”.2
of conception. Risks are inevitable which have to
To put it more simply, in a health insurance pro-
be met by minimizing their effects or by decreasing
gram, people who have the risk of a certain event
the risks. Hence, the concept of health insurance
contribute a small amount (premium) toward a
came in to existence.1 To endeavour and accelerate
health insurance fund. This fund is then used to
the universal health coverage (UHC), World Bank
treat patients who experience that particular event
& World Health Organisation (WHO), have devel-
(e.g., hospitalization). It is a form of risk manage-
oped a framework which includes financial risk
ment which is used primarily to hedge against the
protection, as one of the component.1
risk of a contingent, uncertain loss. Insurance may
Health insurance is a method to finance healthcare. be described as a social device to reduce or elimi-
The ILO defines health insurance as “the reduction nate risk of life and property.3

National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 10│Issue 4│April 2019 Page 190

Open Access Journal │www.njcmindia.org pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

The health expenditure around the world is as be- Where, Z is level of significance, which is 1.96 at
low: 4 95% CI, p= Prevalence=14% and q=1-p, d = Rela-
tive precision=20% of the prevalence = 20% of
Total health Public OOP
expenditure 14%=2.8%.
Worldwide 9.94% of GDP 60.1 18.2 The estimated sample size was 590 families which
South-east Asia 4.4% of GDP 31.2 61.5 was rounded off to 600. The sampling unit was the
India 4.7% 30.0 62.2
family/household and unit of study was head of
USA 17% of GDP
the family from each selected family.
In India, currently any form of insurance including Sampling method: The list of households of each
the Central Government health scheme, Employee village was obtained from the village survey report
state insurance scheme, Government Sponsored of the Primary Health Centre (PHC, Lokikere) and
Schemes and Private Health Insurance together the sub centres, of SSIMS and RC. The sample in-
covers approximately 25% of India’s population.5 terval (K) was calculated by using the sample size
as below
According to NFHS4 data the households with any
usual member covered by a health scheme is 28.2% K= = =5.60 ≈6
among urban, 29.0% among rural area and overall
coverage is 28.7%.6 By using the household numbers documented in
the village survey book, households were selected
The level of awareness of the health insurance in
by systematic random sampling method.
India is quite low since only 54% of the households
have heard about it. In the urban area 56% of the By using the sample interval K=6, a household be-
households are aware of the health insurance com- tween 1st household to 6th household was selected
pared with 51% in rural households.7The data on randomly i.e, known as the ‘Random start house-
the willingness to pay (WTP) for health insurance hold’ by lottery method without replacement as
among the Indian population is lacking. the first household and followed by that house-
hold, every 6th household was selected after the
previous household.
After following the inclusion and the exclusion cri-
The study was conducted to assess the awareness,
teria’s the interview was done after obtaining the
coverage and willingness to avail health insurance
informed consent from the participating head of
by the residents of rural practice area of SSIMSRC,
the family.
During home visit, the purpose of the study was
explained to the head of the family and/or to the
members of the household and then the head of
The present cross-sectional analytical study was the family was interviewed with the pre-designed,
conducted in the rural health training centre pre-structured and validated questionnaire consist-
(RHTC) of SSIMS and RC, Davangere during May ing variables on socio-demographic characteristics,
2016 – July2016. The RHTC consists of 12 villages awareness, coverage and willingness to avail the
with 3,365 households composing a total popula- health insurance. From each house only one mem-
tion of 17,495. ber was interviewed.
Study population: All permanent residents of vil- The data collection was continued in the selected
lages under RHTC were defined as study subjects households of the RHTC unless the required sam-
to assess the awareness and coverage of health in- ple size of 600 families was met.
surance. For assessment of awareness levels and
The selected households which were locked during
factors influencing subscription of health insur-
the study even after three consecutive visits during
ance, head of the families or any responsible mem-
the study period were excluded and the interview
ber of the family (>18years) were interviewed, con-
was conducted for the next available household.
sidering better comprehension to the oral ques-
tionnaire after informed consent. Operational definitions: Families were considered
Sample size: The sample size of for the present insured if they had subscribed to any of the avail-
able health insurance schemes and paying the req-
study was calculated based on the prevalence of
uisite premium amount regularly with respect to
National Sample Survey 2014, 71st round which es-
the particular insurance scheme.
timated the prevalence of 14% coverage of health
insurance in rural areas.8 The families were considered to be completely
covered if all the members of the household have
Sample size was calculated as below n= the health insurance and considered incompletely

National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 10│Issue 4│April 2019 Page 191

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covered when not all the members of the house- Table 2: Awareness, subscription and type of
hold have health insurance though other members health insurance
of the same family have any kind of health insur- Variables Frequency (%)
ance. Awareness (n=600)
Statistical analysis: Data was entered in MS Yes 394 (65.7)
No 206 (34.3)
EXCEL and statistical analysis was done using
Subscription among the aware (n=394)
SPSS version 10 and results were expressed in Yes 273 (69.3)
terms of percentages and proportions. Analysis No 121 (30.7)
was carried out by chi-square test and logistic re- Type of Health Insurance (n=273)
gression method to find the association between Government 247 (90.5)
the awareness of health insurance and the sub- Private 26 (9.5)
scription, and various socio-demographic charac-
teristics influencing the awareness, subscription Table 3: Awareness and sources of information
and willingness to avail the health insurance. A about the health insurance (n=394)
statistical significance of 0.05 was considered.
Indicators Frequency (%)
Awareness about the health insurance
RESULTS Small amount of money paid/year 384 (97.5)
helps get medical treatment
Table 1represents that majority (52.8%) of the re- Can be for individuals and families 378 (95.9)
spondents were in the middle age followed by the Can get admitted even in corporate 378 (95.9)
adults i.e. 29.5%. Males constituted about 92.5%. hospitals throughout India
More than 3/4th of respondents i.e. 89.3% of the Have to renew every year 368 (93.4)
Name any health insurance scheme 365 (92.6)
families belonged to Hindu religion and the rest
All age groups can be insured 362 (91.9)
belonged to Muslim religion. Cashless payment 325 (82.5)
Sources of information
Village cooperative society 311 (79)
Table 1: Socio-demographic profile of the par- Family 245 (62.2)
ticipants (n=600) Friends 96 (24.4)
Mass media 121 (30.7)
Variables Frequency (%)
Insurance Agents 48 (12.2)
Age group
Doctors/Tax consultants 15 (3.8)
Young adults 19-25 10 (1.7)
Adults 26-40 177 (29.5)
Middle age 41-60 317 (52.8) Nearly half of the respondents i.e. 45.7% were illit-
Elderly >60 96 (16) erates and 22.7% of the respondents had finished
their high school and only 6.8% were gradu-
Male 555 (92.5)
Female 45 (7.5) ates/postgraduates. More than half i.e. 56.3% of
Religion the respondents were farmers/shopkeepers by oc-
Hindu 536 (89.3) cupation followed by the unskilled workers (i.e.
Muslim 64 (10.7) labourers and construction workers) and 8.2%
Education were unemployed (Homemakers/elderly people).
Illiterate 274 (45.7) According to modified BG Prasad’s classification
Primary school 98 (16.3) 55.2% of the families belonged to class V socio-
High school 136 (22.7)
economic class followed by 28.0% to class IV and
Intermediate/diploma 51 (8.5)
Graduate/post graduate 41 (6.8)
only 1.8% and 3.5% belonged to class I and II re-
Occupation spectively.21 Nuclear families constituted 66% of
Unemployed 49 (8.2) the total families followed by joint (17.2) and 3-
Unskilled worker 119 (19.8) generation families (16.8).
Semi-skilled worker 27 (4.5)
Skilled worker 42 (7) It is seen from the table 2 that only 394 respondents
Shop keepers/ Farmer 338 (56.3) out of the total participants i.e. 65.7% were aware
Semi-profession/ profession 25 (4.2) of the health insurance and the rest were unaware
Socio-economic class (SEC) of the health insurance.
Class I (>6254) 11 (1.8)
Class II (3127-6253) 21 (3.5) Out of the 394 families who were aware of health
Class III (1876-3126) 69 (11.5) insurance, 69.3% families had subscribed health in-
Class IV (938-1875) 168 (28) surance and the rest 30.7% of the families did not
Class V (<937) 331 (55.2) have health insurance in spite of having awareness
about the health insurance and

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Table 4: Association of socio-demographic and economic characteristics with subscription of health in-
Variables Health insurance Total n (%) X2 Value df P Value
Yes n (%) No n (%)
Age (years)
18-25 5 (50.0) 5 (50.0) 10 (100) 1.88 3 0.59
26-40 76 (42.9) 101 (57.1) 177 (100)
41-60 152 (47.9) 165 (52.1) 317 (100)
>60 40 (41.7) 56 (58.3) 96 (100)
Male 250 (45.0) 305(55.0) 555 (100) 0.62 1 0.43
Female 23 (51.1) 22(48.9) 45 (100)
Type of family
Nuclear 177 (44.7) 219 (55.3) 396 (100) 0.32 2 0.85
Joint 48 (46.6) 55 (53.4) 103 (100)
3-genation 48 (47.5) 53 (52.5) 101(100)
Illiterate 115 (42.0) 159 (58.0) 274(100) 24.77 4 0.00*
Primary 34 (34.7) 64 (65.3) 98(100)
High school 62 (45.6) 74 (54.4) 136(100)
PUC /diploma 32 (62.7) 19 (37.3) 51(100)
Degree 30 (73.2) 11 (26.8) 41(100)
Unemployed 31 (63.3) 18 (36.7) 49 (100) 13.18 5 0.02*
Unskilled 44 (37.0) 75 (63.0) 119 (100)
Semi-skilled 13 (48.1) 14 (51.9) 27 (100)
Skilled 20 (47.6) 22 (52.4) 42 (100)
Clerical/ shop/ farmers 158(46.7) 180(53.3) 338 (100)
Semi/ profession 7(28.0) 18(72.0) 25 (100)
Socio-economic status
Class I 6 (54.5) 5 (45.5) 11(100) 11.98 4 0.04*
Class II 15 (71.4) 6 (28.6) 21(100)
Class III 36 (52.2) 33 (47.8) 69(100)
Class IV 79 (47.0) 89 (53.0) 168(100)
Class V 137 (41.4) 194 (58.6) 331(100)
Total 273 (45.5) 327 (54.5) 600 (100)
*Significant at 5% level of significance

Table 5: Association of health insurance with Majority of the families i.e. 90.5% subscribed gov-
education, occupation and socio economic class ernment health insurance schemes such as Yeshas-
Variables P Odds 95% CI
vini co-operative farmers’ health scheme, RSBY,
value Ratio Vajpayee Arogya Bhagya and ESI whereas 9.5%
Education had subscribed private health insurance schemes
Illiterate 1 such as ICICI Lombard and Star health.
Primary 0.472 1.198 0.732 - 1.962
High school 0.161 0.735 0.478 - 1.130
Coverage of the health insurance: About45.5%
Diploma/PUC 0.001* 0.320 0.168 - 0.609 (273 out of 600 families) were covered by some
Graduate 0.000* 0.231 0.108 - 0.494 form of the health insurance in which all the mem-
Occupation bers of the household may or may not have insur-
Unemployed 0.004* 0.223 0.080 - 0.619 ance and the rest 55.5% (327 out of 600 families) do
Unskilled 0.704 0.843 0.348 - 2.039 not have any form health insurance i.e. none of the
Semiskilled 1 family members have health insurance.
Skilled 0.498 1.430 0.508 - 4.029
Clerical/ shop/farmer 0.533 0.770 0.338 - 1.754 Table 3 depicts that out of the 394 respondents
Profession 0.322 0.567 0.184 - 1.744 who were aware, more than 90% had knowledge
Socio- economic class about the various components of the health insur-
Class I 0.311 3.780 0.289 - 49.503 ance as shown in the figure and 82.5% knew that
Class II 0.029* 0.370 0.151 - 0.902 health insurance may be cashless payment. The ta-
Class III 0.144 0.654 0.370 - 1.157
ble also represents that the source of information
Class IV 0.173 0.757 0.507 - 1.130
Class V 1 regarding the health insurance was mainly
*Significant at 5% level of significance through the village co-operative society i.e. 78.9%,
followed by friends and family, i.e. 62.2% and

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24.4% respectively. The other minor sources were ingness of health insurance among the selected
mass media (television, newspaper), insurance families of the rural field practice area. Discussion
agents and doctors/tax consultants. part is divided into four main sections: socio-
demographic characteristics of the participants,
Table 4 depicts that though the association be-
awareness, coverage, willingness to avail health in-
tween various variables and subscription of health
insurance is not statistically significant, more than
40% of the respondents in each age group have Socio-demographic characteristics
health insurance, and likewise more than 45% of
In the present study males constituted the majority
males and females have health insurance. Similarly
of the respondents (92.5%) which was similar to
nearly 50% of the respondents possess health in-
other studies conducted by Indumathi et al.,
surance with respect to religion and the type of
Chethana et al and Holyachi et al.3,9-10The propor-
family. And as the level of education is increasing
tions of females was less compared to males; as the
the subscription of health insurance is also high as
head of the family and the financial decision maker
seen in the degree holders and those completed
was observed to be males in our study area. Con-
PUC. There is variable subscription of health in-
trary to it in the study of Reshmi B, this ratio was
surance among different occupations and the ma-
reverse and male constituted 38.4% and females
jority of upper class families (71.4% of class II and
were 61.6 %.11
54.5% of class I) have subscribed for health insur-
ance compared to lower class. Therefor education, In our study over half i.e. 54% were literates and
occupation as well as economic status are signifi- 46% of the respondents were illiterates and accord-
cantly associated with subscription of insurance. ing to modified BG Prasad’s classification 55.2% of
Similarly for awareness about the health insurance the families belonged to class V (poor) socio eco-
also, education (x2=34.11, p value=0.00) and socio- nomic class followed by 28.0% belonging to class
economic status (x2=11.96, p value=0.01) are sig- IV (lower middle), similar to studies done by SK
nificantly associated. Bawa et al., and Madhukumar et al. 13-14In the pre-
sent study majority of the study population were
On regression analysis (Table 5) it was found that
farmers (56.3%) and unskilled workers (labourers =
the subscription of health insurance was 1.1 times
19.8%)similar to study done by Choudary et al.15
more among those who have studied up to pri-
mary level than illiterates with OR=1.1, CI= 0.7-1.9. Awareness
But, there was significant association with the In the present study the awareness about the
health insurance and those who have studied up to health insurance was 65.7%, which is almost in par
diploma and graduate level. Likewise the subscrip- with study conducted by Reshmi B, Nair NS et al.
tion was 1.4 times among the skilled workers than (64%), and higher than Reshmi Raghu et al.,
the others and it was low among the unemployed (38%).11-12,16Similar findings were noticed in the
persons which was significant with OR=1.430 and studies carried out by Choudary et al.,(57.3%) and
CI=0.080 - 0.619. Similarly the subscription of Kumar Set al.,(43.4%).15,17 The high awareness in
health insurance was found to be 3.7 times more our study may be attributed to the high literacy
among the class I families (OR=3.7, CI=0.289- rate (54.3%) among the respondents. Whereas the
49.503) when compared to families belonging to awareness in our study was lesscompared to the
class V but it is not statistically significant. studies conducted by Indumati et al., and Holyachi
Factors Influencing Non-subscription: About 76% et al., which were 75.7% and 75.0% respectively
of the non-subscribers said that they cannot afford which may be because of the different settings in
to pay for insurance, difficulty in availing services which the studies carried out.3,10
in the hospitals(56%), lack of comprehensive cov- Source of Information
erage(40%), would like to invest in some other ar-
eas, and other 42.7% did not wanted to buy as they In the present study, the source of information re-
felt no need of it. garding the health insurance was mainly through
the village cooperative society i.e. 78.9%, followed
Willingness to participate in health insurance by friends and family, i.e. 62.2% and 24.4% respec-
schemes: Out of the 327 families who did not have tively and also through television (17%) and mass
any insurance 77%of them were willing to sub- media (12.4%). This shows that the village coopera-
scribe any of the existing health insurance schemes. tive societies and associated health providers are
fulfilling their responsibilities in creating aware-
ness among the people and have made the process
of availing health insurance easier and accessible at
This study is an effort in the area of health insur- the village cooperative societies. The information
ance to assess the awareness, coverage, and will- regarding health insurance is spread from one per-

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son to the other living in the rural area and also advice from family and friends (71.4%) and society
through Panchayat offices where the cards were is- mandatory (59%) were reasons for subscription.
sued to the people. This finding was similar to Our findings were higher compared another study
studies of Indumati et al., Choudary et al.3,15In a conducted by Holyachi et al.10
study carried out by Reshmi Nair et al., insurance
Where as in a study conducted by Indumati et al,
agents (9%), doctors (9%) and from the internet
majority of the respondents 96.2% had taken health
(2.6%) was the source of information.11
insurance to cover their medical expenses and oth-
Education and socioeconomic determinants of ers for employer compulsion 3.4%, when asked
awareness about the benefits of health insurance, 86.6% of
them reported that for reducing healthcare expen-
In the present study a significant association is
diture, 18% reported that they have subscribed be-
found between education and socio-economic
cause of better coverage of the entire family, 2.5%
status with the awareness of the health insurance
for the emergency health care, and 0.9% said they
which is similar tostudies of SK Bawa et al., Chou-
knew about better utilization of medical facilities
dary et al.13,15 In our study, awareness was found to
and other benefits.3
be more in class V (52.5%) and classIV (27.4%)
which may be attributed to the fact that a good Willingness to pay for health insurance
awareness was created among the lower socioeco-
In the present study, 21.2% (58 families) of the in-
nomic classes by the village cooperative societies
sured families which were incompletely covered
and health care providers of the respective area.
expressed their interest to avail health insurance
These were similar to the study done by Madhu-
for other members of their family too i.e. 100%
kamar S et al., whereas in studies of Choudary et
willingness from the incompletely covered fami-
al., Reshmi Nair et al., awareness level increased
lies. This is by seeing the efficiency of the health in-
with the increase in education and the socioeco-
surance schemes in reducing the health expendi-
nomic class.11,14-15 Hence it can be stated that the
ture among the other family members. Whereas
socioeconomic status and education do play an
among the families (327 families) who did not had
important role in awareness on health insurance.
any health insurance 77.1% of them expressed their
Coverage willingness to avail health insurance. Our findings
were higher compared to studies conducted by SK
The coverage of health insurance in the present
Bawa et al., Sayem Ahmed et al., whereas willing-
study is 45.5% i.e. 273 families out of 600 families
ness to pay for health insurance in a study con-
were covered by some form of health insurance.
ducted by Holyachi et al (87%) by Mathiyazhagan
Butbased on awareness, out of the 394 (65.7%)
et al., (91.8%) was higher which is because the ma-
families who were aware, only 273 families (69.3%)
jority of families belonged to class V were unable
have subscribed for health insurance and the rest
to afford to pay the premium. 10,13,16,18
171 families (30.7%) did not have health insurance
though they were aware of the health insurance.
This can be attributed to the lower socio-economic CONCLUSION
condition of the participants. These findings were
The awareness of health insurance in the present
higher comparedto studies conducted by Indumati
study was found to be 65.7% out of which 69.3% of
et al., Reshmi Nair et al., Madhukumar et al and
the families have subscribed various health insur-
Choudary et al.3,11,14-15 According to NFHS4 data
ance schemes.
the households with any usual member covered by
a health scheme or health insurance is as follows. The coverage of health insurance was nearly 50%
but not all the members of the family were cov-
ered. The awareness and coverage of the health in-
NFHS4 Rural(%) Urban(%) Overall(%)
India 28.2 29.0 28.7
surance was significantly associated with the edu-
Karnataka Factsheet 31.8 23.4 28.1 cational level, occupation of the head of the family
DLHS4 Davangere 39.9 34.9 38.0 and the socio-economic status of the families.
Majority (90.5%) of the families had opted for gov-
ernment health insurance schemes out of which
The coverage in the present study is higher to oth-
about 84% of the families have subscribed Yeshas-
ers which can be attributed to the good awareness
vini co-operative farmers’ health scheme.
and accessibility provided to the people by the
healthcare providers. Willingness to subscribe was seen in all the incom-
pletely covered families and 77.1% of the non-
Reasons for subscription
In the present study awareness of the benefits
about health insurance among majority (87.5%),

National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 10│Issue 4│April 2019 Page 195

Open Access Journal │www.njcmindia.org pISSN 0976 3325│eISSN 2229 6816

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National Journal of Community Medicine│Volume 10│Issue 4│April 2019 Page 196

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