Grammar:: Dangling Modifiers
Grammar:: Dangling Modifiers
Grammar:: Dangling Modifiers
he miniquizzes on the following pages will help you determine your strengths and
weaknesses in grammar and punctuation. Each section begins with a quiz. If your
score is perfect, go on to the next exercise. If you score below 100 percent, continue by
reading the instructions and doing the practice exercise.
See Appendix A for solutions to practice exercises.
Dangling modifiers
Quiz yourself
Decide whether each sentence is correct or incorrect. Check the appropriate box.
2. Closing out the year end, a calculation error jumped out at him. U 0
3. Although he is only an assistant vice president, his parking space
is closest to the front entrance. 0 0
4. While Director of Communications,several pioneering ideas
became realities. 0 0
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~ y, luap!saJd
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a D 'pua J D ~ Aayl jno pasop ay
Scoring: 100%:Reward-go on to the quiz on parallelism. Less than 100%:Read the fol-
lowing guideline and complete the practice exercise.
Packed in Styrofoam, you can ship the Fogg smoke detector anywhere.
Written this way, the sentence means that you are packed in Styrofoam, not the detector.
Here are two ways to correct this dangling modifier.
Solution #I:
Add the missing subject (Fogg smoke detector) to the beginning of the main statement.
Solution #2:
Add the subject (Fogg smoke detector) and a verb to the modifying phrase to make it a
When the Fogg smoke detector is packed in Styrofoam, you can ship it
Practice exercise
Rewrite the sentences that contain dangling modifiers. (Answers are on p. 253.)
I . After spilling the soup at today's luncheon, the new Zappo contract was lost by
4. By editing carefully, a writer can make just a few words hold enormous mean-
5. After checking my messages, the letter carrier brought the mail, which I read
6. When 12 years old, her uncle was promoted t o vice president of a global cor-
9. While circling the airport, my mind was focused on the upcoming meeting.
10. Used for only two weeks, Jim expects t o sell his laptop at a good price.
Quiz yourself
Decide whether these sentences are correct or incorrect. Check the appropriate box.
I. The damage was worse than they had anticipated: the rugs
were stained, flood damage, and some wiring had t o be replaced. 5 a
2. Her skills for the new job included researching, organization,
and writing of long reports. 0 0
3. His prospective employer required five references, but he
had only four, so he was worried about his chances of obtaining
the job. 0 0
4. The personnel department couldn't decide between rental
and buying a third copy machine for the upcoming rush. 0 0
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Scoring: 100%:Reward-go on to the quiz on consistency. Less than 100%: Read the
guideline and complete the practice exercise.
Guideline: In a sentence or a list, present parallel ideas in parallel Form. In other words,
sentence elements with identical functions should have identical construction. To
achieve this harmony and equality of ideas, choose one form of a word, phrase, or clause
and stick to it. Why? Parallel sentence elements channel the reader's attention in the
same way as the refrain in a song-there's a familiar repetition to anticipate.
His typing is fast and he does it accurately.
His typing is fast and accurate.
Practice exercise
In the following sentences, correct the errors in parallelism. Mark "Correct" if the
sentence is already correct. (Answers are on p. 253.)
3. We think she is dedicated and resourceful, and we recommend her for the job.
4. When you make the list, arrange the items in order of importance, write them
in parallel form, and all the items should be numbered.
5. N o t only was the report disorganized and incomplete, but she misspelled many
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p aH .q
Scoring: 100%: Reward-go on to the quiz on logical comparisons. Less than 100%:
Read the guideline and complete the practice exercise.
Examples: Here are three different types of inconsistency:tense, verb-subject, and pronoun. A
correct version follows each incorrect sentence.
1. Tense
Today the Director of Training will appoint several new people t o the
committee. On his list were Kathy, Brad, and Li.
Today the Director offraining will appoint several new people t o the com-
mittee. On his list are Kathy, Brad,and Li.
Each of the day-shift employees start at 8:30 A.M.
Each of the day-shift employees starts at 8:30 A.M.
3. Pronoun
When someone has a cold, they should drink plenty of fluids.
People with colds should drink plenty of fluids.
Practice Exercise
Find and underline the inconsistencies in the following examples. (Answers are on
p. 254.)
I . Sometimes a person cannot decide whether they would rather have a raise o r
a vacation.
4. Arriving late at work is a problem we all have from time t o time. Sometimes
we are late because family responsibilities conflict with work responsibilities,
and you feel caught in the middle.
5. He walked up on the stage, grabbed the microphone, and tells a few hilarious
jokes as an icebreaker.
7. W e developed the new Web site after our t w o companies merged.They have
on-line support and a self-help database.
8. O n the day before her vacation, she handed in her report, answered all pend-
ing correspondence, and organizes her desk.
9. Concentration is the greater part of any skill. If a person wishes t o learn a new
skill, they must know how t o concentrate.
10. If a reader wants t o increase his reading speed, he should begin by examining
the entire book o r article in question. Once he assimilates the main ideas,
he can look at the details.You should strive t o master this technique in order
t o read more quickly.
Logical comparisons
Quiz yourself
Decide whether the following sentences are correct or incorrect. Check the appropriate
2. He was better prepared for his speech than any other speech
I've heard in a long time. 0
G R A M M A R : QUIZ Y O U R S E L F 223
4. This is among the easiest, if not the easiest, quiz I've ever taken. 0 0
Scoring: 100%: Reward-go on to the quiz for pronoun agreement. Less than 100%:
Read the guidelines and complete the practice exercise.
1. When making comparisons, clearly identify the parallels or differences between
the things you compare. You can make logical comparisons only between things
of the same class.
2. If you want to make two comparisons in the same sentence, be sure to complete
the fira before starting the second.
This is one of the best products we manufacture, if not the best,
Practice exercise
The following sentences are ambiguous as they stand. Delete, add, o r rearrange
words as needed t o make logical comparisons. (Answers are on p. 255.)
Pronoun agreement
Quiz yourself
Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Check the appropriate box.
2. Between you and I, I feel that the proposal was not fair t o
minority groups.. 0 0
Scoring: 100%:Reward-go on to the quiz on commas. Less than 100%:Read the guide-
lines and complete the practice exercise.
1. If a pronoun replaces or functions as the subject of a clause or sentence, use
Singular Plural
I we
I he, she, it they
Singular Plum1
me US
him, her; it them
The memo praised Brian. The memo praised him.
Send the letter to Sally and Greg. Send the letter t o her and Greg.
Remember: Before choosing a pronoun, determine how you will use it in the sentence.
Also decide whether the pronoun is replacing a single or plural noun or nouns.
Practice exercise
Think cardully about the function of each pronoun in the sentences below. Circle
the correct form. (Answers are on p. 255.)
I. Between you and (I, me), the company seems on the edge of bankruptcy.
3. (We, Us) architects must consider beauty as well as strength in our designs.
5. Hal was more irritated about the invoice than (I, me).
6. (She, Her) and (me, I) were the only ones who could have done the job.
8. Among (us, we) executives at the conference, there were many from Chicago.
10. The award for the best speech of the year went t o Alice and (she, her).
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~ uanaq .I
Scoring: 100%: Reward-go on to the quiz for semicolons. Less than 100%: Read the
guideline and complete the practice exercise.
Guideline: Use commas before and after phrases or clauses when the information in them
offers added facts about the subject. If the phrase could be omitted because it isn't es-
sential to the meaning of the sentence, use commas to set it off.
Peter Schreiber; who began his career in electrical engineering, is the
owner of the firm.
The clause "who began his career in electrical engineering" is an added fact
about Peter SchreiberYou could omit it and not alter the meaning o f the
Sentence-Therefore,use commas.
r Example:
All employees who work this Sunday will be paid overtime.
Practice exercise
Supply the missing commas where needed. (Answers are on p. 255.)
I. Our company which employs 1,800 people is the largest manufacturer in the
2. The men and women who work in management are well motivated.
3. People will usually try harder for a manager whom they consider fair:
4. The earth which has a limited amount of fossil-fuel resources can support only
a finite number of people and their homes, cars, planes, and offices.
5. Any person who is as intelligent as Donna can have a job with the firm.
6. 1 have never known a manager who was as efficient as Frank.
7. Tanya Brock who has never missed a day of work was promoted yesterday.
8. 1 believe that a firm should not manufacture any product that is useless t o so-
10. Often the people who are the loudest have the least t o say.
Quiz yourself
Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Check the appropriate box.
Scoring: 100%: Reward-go on to the quiz on colons. Less than 100%: Read the guide-
lines and complete the practice exercise.
1. Use a semicolon to link two closely related complete sentences. Independent
clauses must always precede and follow a semicolon.
W e cannot predict how long the study will take: we have never conducted
this type of analysis before.
2. Use a semicolon to precede independent clauses that begin with transition words
such as however, moreovev, therefore, consequently, or for example.
This training manual is confusing; moreover; it lacks an index and a table of
3. Use a semicolon to separate items in a list or series when any of those items con-
tains a comma.
The three people authorized t o sign checks are Vincent Cabral, the presi-
dent; Dora Bidiak, the treasurer; and LeslieTrawler; the office manager:
Practice exercise
Insert a semicolon in the following sentences where required. (Answers are on p.
2. The department needs the new equipment, however, there is no room t o in-
stall it.
3. We'd like everyone t o contribute something t o the staff party for example,
bring cheese, crackers, cider, soda, cake, o r cookies.
4. When I'm on time, no one notices when I'm late, the whole ofice knows.
5. The telephone survey showed that the bank's services were little known con-
sequently, the PR department started a new publicity campaign.
8. We are tightening security therefore, we will not issue night passes this year.
10. If you need more exercise, don't use the elevator take the stairs.
I I. We would like t o give him a farewell party however, he would prefer that we
do not.
13. He opened my mail for me while I was on vacation he even answered most of
my letters.
14. The job carries several diverse responsibilities for example, you must prepare
the budget, design and implement new systems, and oversee a staff of six.
16. The company softball team lost two out of three games this summer, but
morale remained high.
Quiz yourself
Which of these sentences are punctuated correctly? Check the appropriate box.
4. Dear Monica, 0 0
Scoring: 100%: Reward-go on to the quiz on dashes. Less than 100%: Read the guide-
lines and complete the practice exercise.
1. Use a colon after a name in the salutation of a business letter
Dear Ms. Culpepper:
Dear Martin:
Six states are participating in the conference:New jersey Oklahoma, New
York Florida,Texas,avd California.
3. It is incorrect to use a colon after a preposition or after a form of the verb to be.
Distribute these forms t o human resources, finance, sales, and 1.T
The departments that need these forms are human resources, finance,
sales, and 1.T
The following departments need these forms: human resources, finance,
sales, and 1.T
4. Use a, colon to introduce an amplification of a statement or idea. When used
this way, the colon replaces such words as that is, namely, orfor example.
There is only one way t o do things: the right way
Practice exercise
Decide where colons should replace commas. (Answers are on p. 256.)
I. Make an outline, headline each paragraph, begin each paragraph with a topic
sentence, and proofread for spelling and punctuation.
2. Several of our functions were outsourced within the last few years, technical
support, payroll, and shipping.
3. The nurse gave him the same old advice, drink plenty of liquids, get lots of rest,
and take vitamin C.
4. We have three salespeople in each of our four regions the Northeast, the Mid-
Atlantic states, the Northwest, the Southwest.
5. The board met in January but could not take a vote, the chair, the secretary,
the treasurer, and two members were absent with the flu.
6. There is only one thing t o dispel the midwinter gloom in this office, a party.
7. Vacation time increases with length of service, one week the first year, two
weeks the second through the fifth year, three weeks thereafter.
8. 1 cannot begin without the following equipment, a laptop with expanded mem-
ory, a scanner, a color printer, a CD burner.
Quiz yourself
Which sentences are punctuated correctly? Check the appropriate box.
2. The book begins with the simplest writing task-a short letter Ll 0
o r e-mail-and then moves on t o more challenging issues.
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1. Use a dash to indicate an emphatic pause.
He knew he had closed the sale-they asked for a contract.
The office was cold-ice-cold.
The chip-which consumes only 100 mW--quickly converts text into
Practice exercise
Decide whether a dash could improve the following sentences. Some are correct
either way. (Answers are on p. 257.)
I. The suburban branch will be closed by the end of this month, unless its sales
pick up unexpectedly.
2. He designed, produced, and distributed the posters you saw around the build-
7. 1 gave many specific examples, all well documented. Still, no one understood
the problem.
8. Please visit our new showrooms, the new models have arrived.
9. If this trend continues, and there is no reason why it should not, we will show
unprecedented profits this year.
10. You are the last one included in our retirement plan; you signed up just in
Quiz yourself
Which sentences are correct? Check the appropriate box.
3. Genes happiness with the job was a pleasure t o see, and his
enthusiasm was contagious. U 0
4. Please use the rear entrance in the evening; i t s the only one
open after 6 P.M. 0 0
Scoring: 100%: Go on to "Editing: Quiz Yourself." Less than 100%: Read the guidelines
and complete the practice exercise.
2. Also use the apostrophe alone to form the possessive of plurals ending in es, as
in "the witnesses' testimony."
3. Apostrophes have traditionally been used to form the plural of letters and num-
bers ("mind your p's and q's"), but the more recent approach is to drop apos-
trophes whenever the meaning will not be affected-for example, "1990s" or
"CD-ROMs." Always add both an apostrophe and an s to form the singular pos-
sessive, however ("the YMHAs building fund").
Practice exercise
The following sentences need apostrophes. Put the 18 missing apostrophes where
they belong. (Answers are on p. 257.)
6. Womens retirement needs are different from mens because statistically they
live longer.
7. Sudden power surges can damage a computers drives and circuit boards.
9. He thought Sarahs reports were more carefully researched than either Dawns
or his.
10. The X2000s cost is greater than the X IOOOs, which was developed in the