ldwin Park Boulevard, Baldwin Park, California. Initially, they On July 1, 1997, the RTC rendered a decision in favor of the
reported that only Carmelita's jewelry box was missing, but later Cabamongan spouses and against Citibank, the dispositive portion
on, they discovered that other items, such as their passports, bank of which reads, thus:
deposit certificates, including the subject foreign currency deposit,
and identification cards were also missing. 14 It was only then that
WHEREFORE, premises considered, defendant Citibank, N.A., is
SPS. LUIS and CARMELITA CABAMONGAN and their sons LUIS the Cabamongan spouses realized that their passports and bank
hereby ordered to pay the plaintiffs the following:
CABAMONGAN, JR. and LITO CABAMONGAN, Respondents. deposit certificates were lost.15
No pronouncement as to costs.
There is no hard-and-fast rule in the determination of what would
be a fair amount of moral damages since each case must be
governed by its own peculiar facts. The yardstick should be that it is SO ORDERED.
not palpably and scandalously excessive. 54 The amount of
P50,000.00 awarded by the CA is reasonable and just. Moreover,
said award is deemed final and executory insofar as respondents
are concerned considering that their petition for review had been
denied by the Court in its final and executory Resolution dated
October 17, 2001 in G.R. No. 149234.
Article 2208 of the New Civil Code enumerates the instances where