Structural Similarities between Hb & Mb: Both contains Heme, polypeptide chain & Fe(II)
Fig. 03 Structure
of HbO2
Hb is
with four
units linked with four protein chains.
Two protein chains are labeled as α made up of 141 amino acids.
Two protein chains are labeled as β made up of 143 amino acids.
Molecular weight of Hb is 64,500 daltons
Mb is monomeric with single heme unit linked with single protein chain consisting of
153 amino acids.
Molecular weight of Mb is 17,000.
Fig. 04 Structure of MbO2
1) Haemoglobin (Hb) binds and transports oxygen from the lungs to Myoglobin in tissues.
Hb 4O2 Hb (O2)4
Cooperativity :
1) Cooperativity was proposed by M.F. Perutz
2) Definition of Cooperativity : Deoxy-hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) has a relatively
low affinity for oxygen, but when one molecule binds to a single heme, the oxygen
affinity increases, allowing the second molecule to bind more easily, and the third
and fourth even more easily. This phenomenon of increasing oxygen affinity at
second, third and fourth sites in Hb is known as Cooperativity
3) Effect of Oxygen Binding by Oxygen Dissociation curve:
From % saturation Vs pO2 curve (called as oxygen dissociation
curve), it is clear thata)
Nature of curve: Curve for Hb is sigmoidal (S-shaped) whereas that of Mb is
b) Effect of binding with Hb: Hb binds O2 only at high partial pressure of oxygen
because it has less affinity towards oxygen.
Hb + O2 ⇋ HbO2 (At high partial pressure of oxygen)
c) Effect of binding with Mb: Mb binds O2 even at low partial pressure of
oxygen because it has more affinity towards oxygen.
Mb +O2 ⇋ MbO2 (At low partial pressure of oxygen)
d) Effect of binding in muscles & lungs:
i) When Hb reaches the cellular tissue (muscles), it becomes more tensed
i.e. in T-form which is low-oxygen-affinity form so O2 will be released.
ii) While in lungs, Hb will be in relaxed form i.e. in R-form which is highoxygen-
affinity form so O2 will be able to be bound.
e) Effect of binding w.r.t. pH: (called as Bohr effect)
i) The binding affinity of Hb with O2 decreases with decrease in the pH of
blood as shown in fig.