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Mapping Your Competitive

by Richard A. D’Aveni

Eight weeks. That’s all that separated the launch of Apple’s revolutionary
iPhone, on June 29, 2007, and Motorola’s next-generation
Razr2 (pronounced Razr Squared) cellular telephone, on August 24. Before
unveiling the successor to the Razr, which PC World magazine in 2005
ranked 12th on a list of the 50 greatest gadgets of the past 50 years,
Motorola’s top management team was more worried than usual. With sales
of the American communication giant’s other cellular telephones tapering
off, the company’s fate rested squarely on the Razr2. Moreover, senior
executives like chairman and CEO Edward J. Zander wondered if the iPhone
had changed the competitive dynamics of the market in ways they hadn’t
foreseen. Had the iPhone created a new niche or would it take the
Razr2 head-on? How much extra could they charge for the Razr2’s new
features? Should Motorola play up the Razr2’s noise-filtering technology,
which it had patented? The executives couldn’t wait for the results of focus
group sessions or sample surveys. They needed a fast, yet reliable way of
capturing changes that were emerging in the market so they could finalize
strategy quickly.

Like Motorola, most companies have to build fresh competitive advantages

and destroy others’ advantages faster than they used to. As innovation
pervades the value chain, they must migrate quickly from one competitive
position to another, creating new ones, depreciating old ones, and
matching rivals’. The process is disorderly and unstable. Senior executives
desperately need new tools to help them systematically analyze their own
and other players’ competitive positions in hypercompetitive markets.

One way to do that is to track the relationship between prices and a

product’s key benefit over time. However, it isn’t easy to come to grips with
either benefits or prices. Most customers are unable to identify the features
that determine the prices they are willing to pay for products or services,
according to a 2004 survey by Strativity, a global research and consulting
firm. Worse, 50% of salespeople don’t know what aributes justify the prices
of the products and services they sell.

If customers don’t know what they’re paying for, and managers don’t know
what they’re charging for, it’s almost impossible for companies to identify
their competitive positions. Whenever I’ve asked senior executives to map
the positions of their company’s brands and those of key rivals, we end up
confused and dismayed. Different executives place their firm’s offerings in
different spots on a price-benefit map; few know the primary benefit their
product offers; and they all overestimate the benefits of their own offerings
while underestimating those of rivals. The lack of understanding about
competitive positions is palpable in industries such as consumer
electronics, where the number of features makes comparisons
complicated; in markets like computer hardware, where technologies and
strategies change all the time; and when products, such as insurance
policies, are intangible.

Whenever I’ve asked senior executives to map the positions of

their company’s brands and those of key rivals, we end up
confused and dismayed.

Seven years ago, I came up with a way companies could capture

competitive positions graphically to serve as the basis for strategy
discussions. Drawn by using simple statistical analysis, a price-benefit
positioning map provides insights into the relationship between prices and
benefits, and tracks how competitive positions change over time.
Executives can use the tool to benchmark themselves against rivals,
dissect competitors’ strategies, and forecast a market’s future, as we shall
see in the following pages. By creating an accurate map of the competitive
landscape, companies can also get everyone in the organization on the
same page. During my consulting and research work, I have applied this
tool in more than 30 industries, including automobiles, advanced materials,
artificial sweeteners, cellular telephones, restaurants, retailing, turbines,
tires, motorcycles, and ships. Let me show you how to create and read a
positioning map.

Drawing Positioning Maps

In its simplest form, a price-benefit positioning map shows the relationship
between the primary benefit that a product provides to customers and the
prices of all the products in a given market. Creating such a map involves
three steps.

Define the market.

To draw a meaningful map, you must specify the boundaries of the market
in which you’re interested. First, identify the consumer needs you wish to
understand. You should cast a wide net for products and services that
satisfy those needs, so you aren’t blindsided by fresh entrants, new
technologies, or unusual offerings that take care of those needs. Second,
choose the country or region you wish to study. It’s best to limit the
geographic scope of the analysis if customers, competitors, or the way
products are used differ widely across borders. Finally, decide if you want
to track the entire market for a product or only a specific segment, if you
wish to explore the retail or wholesale market, and if you’re going to track
products or brands. You can create different maps by changing these
frames of analysis.

Choose the price and determine the primary benefit.

Once you’ve defined the market, you need to specify the scope of your
analysis of prices. You have implicitly decided whether to study retail or
wholesale prices when you chose which market to focus on, but you must
also consider other pricing parameters. You must choose whether to
compare initial prices or prices that include life cycle costs, prices with
transaction costs or without them, and the prices of unbundled or bundled
offers. These choices depend on the yardstick that customers use in
making purchasing decisions in the market under study. Remember to be
consistent about the price definition you use while gathering data.

Identifying the primary benefit—the benefit that explains the largest

amount of variance in prices—can be complicated. A product offers several
benefits: basic functions, additional features, durability, serviceability,
aesthetics, ease of use, and so on. Besides, companies usually differentiate
products by focusing on a different benefit than competitors do. However,
the success of strategies depends on the value that customers, not
companies, place on features. To determine that value, you must first draw
up a list of the benefits offered by all the different products or brands in the
market and gather data on how customers perceive those benefits.

You should use unbiased data, rather than rely on gut instinct or top
managers’ opinions, so that you estimate the benefits’ value correctly.
There are more sources of hard data today than ever before. You can draw
on the product ratings of independent organizations, such as Consumers
Union, J.D. Power, and Edmunds, as well as on government agencies, like
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration. Consumer guides, such
as Zagat and Michelin; websites, such as TripAdvisor and the Tire Rack;
and trade publications, like Ward’s AutoWorld, also provide information on
products and services. Industrial catalogs publish detailed product
specifications, especially for high-tech and industrial goods. Distributors
often collect details about product benefits. For example, vehicle dealers
gather warranty information to track how reliable automobiles are. Your
own R&D department probably tracks scientific data: Consumer electronics
manufacturers, for instance, collect information on audio and video
systems’ reproduction quality.

Once you’ve gathered data on products’ benefits and prices, employ

regression analysis to find out which benefit explains most of the variance
in products’ prices. Using regression analysis is more reliable than asking
people how much they are willing to pay for each feature because
consumers often can’t explain how they make their choices and they often
don’t do what they say.

Regression analysis examines the relationship between a dependent

variable (in this case, price) and several independent variables (product
benefits) and creates a mathematical model of that relationship called the
regression equation (in this case, the price-benefit equation). Many
software packages—Excel, SAS Analytics, and SPSS 15.0 for Windows, for
instance—allow executives to perform regression analyses. When the
software finds the regression equation, it will also yield an incremental r-
square statistic for each independent variable. That statistic shows the
extent to which each benefit contributes to the differences in the prices of
competing offerings while controlling for the impact of all other benefits.
The benefit with the highest incremental r-square accounts for more of the
variation in prices than the other benefits, so it’s the most important driver
of price. If several benefits correlate with one another, that suggests they
jointly influence price differences. In such cases, you can combine them
into a single benefit by creating an index or a scale—a common practice in
marketing research.

Plot positions and draw the expected-price line.

When you have identified the primary benefit, you are ready to draw a
positioning map by plotting the position of every company’s product (or
brand) in the marketplace according to its price and its level of primary
benefit. Such positioning maps may be an oversimplification, but they show
the relative positions of competitors on a common scale.

Finally, you must draw the expected-price line—that is, the line that best
fits the points on the map. The line shows how much customers expect to
pay on average to get different levels of the primary benefit. In addition,
the line’s slope tells us how much more a customer is likely to pay for a
higher level of the primary benefit. You can find the line that best fits the
data by taking the slope associated with the portion of the price-benefit
equation that links the primary benefit to prices. Or you can look at the
map and draw a line that runs roughly through the middle of the cloud of
points; in other words, half the points should lie above the line and half
should lie below. Research shows that in almost all industries, a straight
line that rises to the right fits the data best. Curved lines and negatively
sloped lines are possibilities in theory, but they describe short-lived
phenomena. Markets tend to converge on the same price for each benefit,
and people tend to pay more for a higher level of benefit, so those trends
create a straight line with a positive slope.

Products lie on either side of the line not by accident but because of
companies’ strategies. Enterprises position a product or brand above the
line to maximize profits, which they can do by simply raising the price in
the short run. They can also do so by enticing customers to pay a higher
price for desirable secondary benefits. Companies can slot their offerings
below the line to maximize market share by simply charging less than
expected, or they may drop some secondary benefits to attract price-
sensitive customers. Sometimes, a product’s secondary attributes may
actually reduce its price below what people would usually pay for that level
of benefit. For example, if a calorie-free sweetener leaves an aftertaste,
people will pay less for the same level of dieting benefit the sweetener
gives them. Thus, deviations in price above or below the line are caused by
the added or reduced value associated with secondary benefits or pricing
strategies designed to milk or build market share.

Let me illustrate the process and purposes of drawing a positioning map by

returning for a moment to the challenges that Motorola faced in launching
the Razr2. In early June 2007, my research assistant and I spent a week
collecting data from public sources on 40 “unlocked” cellular telephones,
which work with the calling plans of many U.S. cellular service providers.
We also gathered all the data we could find on the iPhone. We drew up a
list of the phones’ features, consumer ratings of those features, and retail
prices. A regression analysis showed that advanced functionality accounted
for most of the difference in the prices of cellular telephones. By advanced
functionality, I mean high-tech features like the ability to play music in the
MP3 format and to snap high-resolution photographs, the presence of
sophisticated e-mail software, and a QWERTY keyboard. Advanced
functionality accounted for 68% of the variation in prices, and according to
my analysis customers paid on average $28 more for each advanced
feature in a cellular telephone.

Two other benefits contributed to price differences, albeit to a lesser

degree: display quality (color, high-resolution screens, and touch screens)
and advanced connectivity (Bluetooth, 3G, and Wi-Fi technologies). These
three benefits together accounted for 80.5% of the difference in the prices
of handsets. Contrary to the popular perception that battery life and the
clarity of sound while making and receiving calls matter to consumers, I
found that competition had reduced those to hygiene factors (indicated by
the fact that their r-square values were extremely low). Although Motorola
has patented a technology that filters out background noise from
conversations, the results suggested the company should think twice
before emphasizing that as one of the Razr2’s main benefits.

When I mapped the competitive positions that various products occupied in

the marketplace and drew the expected-price line, I found five clusters of
mobile phones (see the exhibit “Mapping the Cell Phone Market”). Motorola
had wisely spread its bets, positioning products in four of the five groups.
Like all the other cellular telephone manufacturers, it had no product in the
ultrapremium segment that the iPhone seems to be pioneering, but it had
positioned products on both sides of the expected-price line. For example,
in the midrange group, the Razr V3c was almost exactly on the line,
whereas the Razr SLVR L7 and Razr V360 were below it. Sony Ericsson,
Samsung, and LG had also positioned devices below the line, which
suggested that the segment was becoming crowded and prices would soon
go into freefall. The LG VX9800 had positioned itself above the line,
because of the added pricing power of its superb color display.

Mapping the Cell Phone Market

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Clearly, the iPhone will have a major impact on the superpremium

segment; Motorola’s Q, for example, will be outclassed. While some
customers are likely to postpone purchases of cellular telephones until they
can afford the iPhone, it is unlikely to have an impact on the rest of the
market—initially. However, Motorola will face a stiff challenge because
Apple is deploying its iPod strategy in the cellular telephone market.

In the market for downloadable-music players, Apple started in a high-

price, high-benefits position but rapidly moved down and to the right by
lowering the price for the same primary benefit (see the exhibit “How Apple
Set the Pace with the iPod”). In like vein, the company slashed the price of
the iPhone by 33% in early September, two months after its launch. If Apple
continues to use the same strategy, the iPhone will move quickly from the
ultrapremium to a midrange position. The Razr2 will then become a basic
phone because it doesn’t offer the iPhone’s advanced functions.

How Apple Set the Pace with the iPod

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Apple also created a full line of iPod products, making it tough for rivals to
find uncontested spaces. If it does the same with the iPhone, Motorola will
soon have to contend with a line of iPhones that will match Motorola’s full
line of Razrs. Motorola would do well, in that case, to push those of the
Razr2’s advanced functions that consumers value most, rather than add
more secondary features. For instance, having a haptic touch screen on the
Razr2 is a novel benefit. Do customers want it? Perhaps—but it comes
second to the advanced functionality they are more willing to pay for.

Interpreting Positioning Maps

Positioning maps help companies penetrate the fog that shrouds the
competitive landscape. They can pinpoint the benefits that customers
value, locate unoccupied or less competitive spaces, identify opportunities
created by changes in the relationship between the primary benefit and
prices, and allow companies to anticipate rivals’ strategies. When
interpreted within the context of industry and customer knowledge, they
help explain why some enterprises’ products and brands perform better
than others do.

Valuing intangible benefits.

Many companies, especially in industrial markets, seek to retain customers

by offering intangible benefits. To that end, they spend a great deal of
money to offer supplementary services without knowing if customers want
them enough to pay for them. This often proves to be a drain on corporate
resources. Companies can avoid the problem by calculating the premiums
they earn for intangible secondary benefits.

That was driven home to me when my colleagues and I conducted an

analysis of the U.S. motorcycle market. According to a regression analysis,
in the early 2000s, variations in engine power, as measured by
displacement, explained much of the difference in motorcycle prices. Yet a
positioning map showed that, in 2002, most of Harley-Davidson’s models
earned large premiums compared with rival products. Customers paid 38%
more, on average, for Harleys than they did for motorbikes from Honda,
Yamaha, Kawasaki, and Suzuki, even though the Japanese Big Four offered
8% to 12% more engine power. Because we had accounted for the impact
on prices of all physical features and attributes, we concluded that the
premium was most probably the result of the intangible secondary benefits
the company offered, such as the image created by membership in the
Harley Owners Group (HOG) and apparel from Harley-Davidson’s
MotorClothes. These benefits had helped Harley-Davidson create the
impression that its customers were rebels, that they enjoyed an
adventurous lifestyle, and that they belonged to a macho club. Harleys had
attained cult status, especially among the baby boomer generation.

However, the 2004 positioning map revealed a different picture. The price
of a Harley was still higher than that of equivalent Japanese motorbikes,
but it no longer commanded the highest premiums in the market. New
American rivals, such as Victory and Big Dog, earned a 41% premium over
Harley-Davidson for the same level of engine capacity. The market leader
was leaving money on the table, possibly because its image no longer
appealed to customers. We hypothesized that both Generation X and
Generation Y consumers were seeing the Harley as their father’s motorbike
and that many women hated its bad-boy image. Victory and Big Dog had
capitalized on the desire for a “New American Bike” as opposed to Harley-
Davidson’s “Easy Rider” image, which the Harley Owners Group and
Harley’s MotorClothes helped maintain. The newcomers’ highly customized
products were trumping Harleys because riding a motorcycle had changed
from being an act of rebellion to one of self-expression.

The 2004 analysis was an early indicator that Harley-Davidson was in

trouble, despite the fact that industry experts insisted it would remain
dominant owing to its history and market share. As it turned out, by 2006,
Harley-Davidson recognized the need to create a new image for its
products, saying in its annual report: “We’ve embarked on a full range of
marketing outreach activities, new events, and new strategies to connect
with emerging customer segments. Through these efforts, we welcome
more and more African-Americans, Hispanics, women, and younger riders
into the family every year.” These initiatives included ladies-only “garage
parties”; a line of women’s jackets in pink, blue, red, and other bright
colors; and motorbikes with lower seats to accommodate customers with
smaller builds. Harley-Davidson is also using its new Buell line to reach out
to younger riders who want to have fun rather than portray a macho image.
Still, Harley-Davidson’s stock price floundered between 2005 and 2007,
rising only recently on rumors that Honda is trying to acquire it!

Anticipating shifts in the value of benefits.

Companies can employ the price-benefit equation to get ahead of rivals in

markets where consumers keep demanding different benefits. Once they
have identified what benefits appeal to customers, executives can use the
equation to decide which features to develop, at what cost, and how soon
they must create the next differentiator.

Take the case of a major U.S. hotel chain that in 2000 wanted to know what
new restaurants it should open in its New York City hotels, which ones it
should reformat, and how it could earn more from them all. The food
business is notoriously fickle, so I decided to conduct a three-year historical
analysis of the 1,700 restaurants in the city on which Zagat, the restaurant
guide, had data. The eateries served every possible cuisine, from pizza to
French haute cuisine, and they were located in all the city’s boroughs. The
restaurants in the analysis ranged from Gray’s Papaya, which featured a $2
two-dogs-and-a-tropical-drink special, to Le Bernardin’s seafood, which set
a customer back $75, on average, for dinner and a drink in 1998.

The analysis revealed that from the beginning of 1998 through the end of
2000, the primary driver of variations in food prices wasn’t restaurants’
locations or the type of cuisine, as one might expect. It was a composite
factor I called “customer experience”—the extent to which the decor, the
taste of the food, and the service satisfied customers. That explained 73%
of the variation in prices, whereas cuisine accounted for a mere 3.5% and
location just 2.5%. Other features, such as outdoor tables and dancing,
were each responsible for only 1% of the differences in price.

“Customer experience”—a combination of decor, taste of food, and

service—accounted for 73% of the price variation at NYC
restaurants; cuisine accounted for 3.5%, location just 2.5%.

The longitudinal study helped identify several trends and strategies.

Initially, locating a restaurant in a hotel added between $2 and $3.60 to the
price that could be charged for each meal, but that amount declined
significantly between 1998 and 2000. This suggested the hotel chain would
do better if it placed restaurants outside its properties, with an entrance
from the lobby. Restaurants with dance floors charged $4.50 to $7.25 more
for a meal and saw their pricing power rise over the three years. That was a
convincing argument for adding dancing to the menu—something the W
Hotels chain, which turns its lobbies into clubs, has successfully done. The
premium on seafood and Russian food rose during the period while it
declined for French and Japanese cuisines, indicating that the hotel chain
could earn more by repositioning its sushi bars as seafood restaurants and
setting up restaurants that served Russian food.
Interestingly, the expected-price line became steeper over the three years
of the study, an indication of a more intense demand for the primary
benefit. So it wasn’t surprising that high-end restaurants were enjoying a
rising premium for the customer experience they offered while the pricing
power of low-end restaurants was eroding. It seemed plausible that as
incomes rose in the city over the period, more people frequented upscale
restaurants. Declining demand at the low end meant that such restaurants
had to offer better deals to hold market share or to grow: For instance, a
meal’s average price in restaurants with the lowest ratings in our sample
fell from $7.20 to $5.80. The tilt in the line was good news for restaurants
in the hotel chain’s high-end properties, but it created a dilemma for the
middle-tier properties. The chain decided that instead of reducing prices in
the restaurants in those hotels, it would enhance the customer experience
or change the restaurants’ cuisines. In its budget hotels, the chain lowered
the price of the food to match or undercut local rivals because those
restaurants needed traffic to make money.

Finding paths of least resistance.

To extend the use of price-benefit maps, companies can throw more data
into the mix. A map that includes unit sales and sales growth, for instance,
can help companies identify areas with low competitive intensity. In the
1990s, when I worked with a major U.S. automobile manufacturer, we
created positioning maps to spot fresh opportunities in the American
midsize-car market (see the exhibit, “Finding Opportunity in the Crowded
Midsize-Car Market”). A regression analysis showed that the most
important driver of price in that segment was a measure that combined
several automobile characteristics such as engine power, chassis size,
passenger capacity, gasoline tank capacity, trunk capacity, and
crashworthiness. We called this primary benefit, the “platform,” for lack of
a better word.

Finding Opportunity in the Crowded Midsize-Car Market

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When we created a price-benefit positioning map for 1993, we found some

subsegments with few big sellers or products whose sales were growing
markedly, an indication of low competitive intensity. In niches like the
pricey low-end (where the low-end versions of luxury brands like Mercedes
and Volvo reside), companies were withdrawing models from the market.
This suggested that a manufacturer with the right price-platform mix and
some desirable secondary benefits could find untapped customers by
offering products in those spaces. Auto aficionados will remember that in
the mid-1990s, many experts criticized BMW for trying to enter the pricey
low-end subsegment of the U.S. market by repositioning the 3 Series. The
map indicated that there was an opportunity—and history tells us that BMW
capitalized on it.

Many experts criticized BMW for repositioning the 3 Series. The

map indicated there was an opportunity at the pricey low end—and
history tells us that BMW capitalized on it.

Fast-forward to 1999, and you will see that there were few open segments
left (that is, segments with fewer than a couple of big sellers or fast-
growing models). Most companies had moved from intensely competitive
positions in 1993 into less competitive positions. For example, there was an
exodus from the basic and bargain midrange positions. The three big
sellers in the 1993 basic subsegment—the Buick Century, the Honda
Accord, and the Nissan Altima—all moved to new positions by 1999. The
Honda Accord moved to a bargain low-end position, the Century shifted to
a bargain midrange position, and the Altima created an ultralow position in
the basic niche. At the same time, the 1999 map indicated some
opportunities. The pricey midrange—the white space between the pricey
low-end and pricey high-end segments—was still virgin territory, while the
Saab’s 9-3 was exploring the white space below the premium end of the
expected-price line.

When customers’ priorities shift radically, the benefits they desire also
change. Careful price-benefit analysis can provide an early warning of such
a shift. For example, the slope of the expected-price line in the midsize-car
market declined throughout the 1990s, implying that customers were
becoming less willing to pay for a larger platform. Instead, our regression
analyses showed, customers were starting to pay more for safety. In 1993,
customers weren’t willing to pay very much for new safety features, but by
1999 they were paying an extra $1,800 for each increment of improvement
in air bags and crash test performance, and an additional $1,500 for
antilock-braking systems. The rate of change in the expected-price line’s
slope suggested that the basis of competition among midsize cars would
shift by the 2000s. Sure enough, by 2001, safety features overtook the
platform as the primary benefit that customers looked for in midsize cars.
Due to the advance warning provided by this analysis, the car
manufacturer I worked with was able to anticipate the shift, rather than
play catch-up.

Preempting rivals.

Companies can use price-benefit maps to predict the strategic intent of

rivals and to find ways of preempting them. One method of doing that is to
draw maps based on projections of market trends. That’s what a division of
a U.S. Fortune 500 company did. The $1 billion unit, which I’ll call Primo
(the company requested anonymity), manufactures advanced materials for
high-tech component makers in the electronics industry. When its senior
managers and I teased out the impact of each feature, we found that the
product’s primary customer benefit was performance. At that stage, Primo
sold a high-priced product that delivered better results than the offerings of
its three major rivals, an American company I’ll call Neutryno, and two
Japanese competitors I’ll label Tokyo Tech and Samur-Ion. In 1997, Primo
had the biggest market share, as indicated by the size of its circle in the
exhibit “Capturing an Evolving Strategy.” But its rivals were improving
quality and reducing prices. We projected and mapped their possible
trajectories, based on the firms’ historic rate of improvement.

Capturing an Evolving Strategy

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When Primo’s senior executives saw the map, they were shocked.
According to the scenario, Primo’s competitors in this highly price-sensitive
market would dominate the market by 1999 because they would be able to
offer more for less. Primo’s executives decided to seize the initiative. They
increased R&D investment to come up with product improvements and
process changes that would lower manufacturing costs. Primo first moved
at the high end, pushing the expected-price line to a higher level of the
primary benefit even as it lowered prices. It also split its high-end product
into three, so that customers interested in middle-level performance would
stop buying low-end products, while high-end customers might stick with
its premium product longer. More and more people began to use the
products, and to use them in additional applications. Primo gained market
share, which more than made up for the loss in margins. The strategy hurt
Neutryno so much that it quit the market.

Having outpaced its competitors, Primo then decided to outflank them. In

2000, Primo moved one of its products down the new expected price line to
a low-cost position in the basic segment. The same year it also introduced a
high-end product for a new generation of electronic devices. Between 2001
and 2004, the company reduced this product’s price as Primo gained
experience and economies of scale, moving it from a high-end niche to the
mass market. Primo also sold its old product at a discount to keep its
Japanese competitors pinned down at the market’s low end. This cut deep
into its rivals’ profit margins, which left them without the money to invest
in new product development. Had it not been for their parents’ deep
pockets, the Japanese companies would have left the market. Not only did
Primo escape the vicious cycle of declining market share and profit margins
but it also turned the tables on rivals by shaping the emerging competitive
landscape. By forecasting the movements of prices and benefits, Primo
stayed ahead of shifts in the expected-price line—and its rivals.• • •
A price-benefit map sounds early warnings, suggests responses to
competitive threats, and opens executives’ minds to many possibilities.
Like all strategy frameworks, it isn’t a silver bullet. Every map suggests
several hypotheses about the reasons behind changes in competitive
positions, and executives must use their knowledge of the industry to
interpret them and arrive at the right strategies. Ultimately, though, price-
benefit maps allow executives to make decisions based on fact and to
avoid the fatal allure of wishful thinking.

A version of this article appeared in the November 2007 issue of Harvard

Business Review.

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