Project: Design:: Bukit Keteri Pg3 Strip Footing

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Design : Strip Footing

Total Loading = P1 + P2 + Pn Ultimate Limit State Design
P = 100 kN Cover = 40 mm
Soil Bearing , So = 80 kN/m2 fcu = 35 N/mm2
L = 7.5 m fy = 460 N/mm2
UDL ,w = P/L
13 kN/m
B = P / ( So x L) L
= 0.20 m
Provide , B = 0.30 m B

LOCATION AT Column Strip-X, Column Strip-Y

Raft Thickness: 600 mm
Maximum BM x axis 13 x 1m kNm/m (+ve moment)
y axis 13 x 1m kNm/m
Depth 600 mm
Clear cover 40 mm
eff. Depth 550 mm
fcu 35 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Reinforcement Design to BS8110
X direction Y direction
Ultimate Moment 13 kNm/m 13 kNm/m
k 0.0012 0.0012
z/d = 0.9500 0.9500
z= 522.50 mm 522.50 mm
Asreq 780.00 mm2/m 780.00 mm2/m
Provide 3 T 20
or T 20 @ 0 c/c
( 943 mm2)
> As required : 780 mm^2/m .. Ok!
SHEAR CHECKING (for 1 point column load)
At column Location
Col Load , DL = 22 kN
LL = 0 kN
Col Size = x y
700 700
Base Thickness = = 600 mm at column
Ultimate Load= = 22 kN
effective depth = = 560 mm
fcu = = 35 N/mm2
fy= = 460 N/mm2
As prov= = 943 mm2/m

1. Shear at Column Face

v = 0.36 N/mm2
vc = 0.8*(fcu)%0.5
= 4.73 M/mm2 > v :0.03 ..OK!
2. Punching Shear
perimeter = 1200 mm
v = 0.03 N/mm2
vc = 0.39 N/mm2 > v :0.03 ..OK!

Transverse Bars : (Consider 1 m strip)

B= 300 mm
la = B/2 = 150 mm
Maximum moment, Mmax = (Qu x la x la)/2
Mmax. = 0.90 kNm
b= 1000 mm
d= 550 mm

k= M/(b x d^2 x fcu)

= 0.0001 Err:522

z= d(0.5 + (0.25 - k/0.9)^1/2

= 1.00 d = >0.95d
= 522.50 mm
**….choose the maxs AREA
As required= M/(0.87 fy z) = 4 mm^2
As min = 0.15%bH = 900 mm^2

provide T 20 @ 325 c/c

As provided = ( 967 mm2)
> As required : 900 mm^2/m .. Ok!
Project: shah alam seksyen 23 (corner load)
Design : Strip Footing

Total Loading = P1 + P2 + Pn Ultimate Limit State Design
P = 925 kN Cover = 40 mm
Soil Bearing , So = 80 kN/m2 fcu = 35 N/mm2
L = 17 m fy = 460 N/mm2
UDL ,w = P/L
54 kN/m
B = P / ( So x L) L
= 0.70 m
Provide , B = 0.80 m B

LOCATION AT Column Strip-X, Column Strip-Y

Raft Thickness: 600 mm
Maximum BM x axis 54 x 1m kNm/m (+ve moment)
y axis 54 x 1m kNm/m
Depth 600 mm
Clear cover 40 mm
eff. Depth 550 mm
fcu 35 N/mm2
fy 460 N/mm2
Reinforcement Design to BS8110
X direction Y direction
Ultimate Moment 54 kNm/m 54 kNm/m
k 0.0051 0.0051
z/d = 0.9500 0.9500
z= 522.50 mm 522.50 mm
Asreq 780.00 mm2/m 780.00 mm2/m
Provide 4 T 16
or T 16 @ 100 c/c
( 804 mm2)
> As required : 780 mm^2/m .. Ok!
SHEAR CHECKING (for 1 point column load)
At column Location
Col Load , DL = 625 kN
LL = 0 kN
Col Size = x y
125 250
Base Thickness = = 600 mm at column
Ultimate Load= = 625 kN
effective depth = = 560 mm
fcu = = 35 N/mm2
fy= = 460 N/mm2
As prov= = 804 mm2/m

1. Shear at Column Face

v = 1.33 N/mm2
vc = 0.8*(fcu)%0.5
= 4.73 M/mm2 > v :0.35 ..OK!
2. Punching Shear
perimeter = 3200 mm
v = 0.35 N/mm2
vc = 0.37 N/mm2 > v :0.35 ..OK!

Transverse Bars : (Consider 1 m strip)

B= 800 mm
la = B/2 = 400 mm
Maximum moment, Mmax = (Qu x la x la)/2
Mmax. = 6.40 kNm
b= 1000 mm
d= 552 mm

k= M/(b x d^2 x fcu)

= 0.0006 Err:522

z= d(0.5 + (0.25 - k/0.9)^1/2

= 1.00 d = >0.95d
= 524.40 mm
**….choose the maxs AREA
As required= M/(0.87 fy z) = 30 mm^2
As min = 0.15%bH = 900 mm^2

provide T 12 @ 125 c/c

As provided = ( 905 mm2)
> As required : 900 mm^2/m .. Ok!

c c

section c-c

T12 @ 125 c/c


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