F&o1 PDF
F&o1 PDF
F&o1 PDF
Rakesh H M
Assistant Professor, Dept. of MBA, VVCE, Mysore
The investor plays a very important role in the stock market because of their big share of
savings in the country. The Regulators of the stock market never can ignore the behavior of
retail investor. This study aims to understand the behavior of retails investor and their level
of awareness about equity futures and options. A survey is conducted to collect data relating
to the above subject. Primary data is collected from a sample of 50 retail investors of Mysore
City, Karnataka, India. The study also attempts to find the factors affecting the investment
behavior ofsuch as their awareness level, duration of investment etc.
Keywords: Investors Behavior, Retail Investors, Awareness level, Futures and Options.
The Indian financial market has undergone great changes during the last two decades. One of
the most significant changes is the introduction of derivatives in the year 2000. In March
1998, the L.C. Gupta Committee (LCGC) submitted its report recommending that, the
introduction of the derivatives markets. The Committee strongly favours the introduction of
financial derivatives in order to provide the facility for hedging in the most cost – efficient
way against market risk. Even after fourteen years from introduction of derivatives, market
participants especially small-retail investors are not familiar with the concept of derivatives.
Still they have misconceptions about derivatives. Indeed, they feared derivatives due to lack
of knowledge about them and their use. Access to risk-management instruments paper, a
small attempt is made to identify the myths of derivatives. At present total turnover of
derivatives business in India is around Rs. 200, 00,000 crores p.a. both in National Stock
Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange.
Before coming to the theme of the topic in elaborative way, better to know the meaning of
financial derivatives. A financial derivative has an underlying asset, that is, a financial
derivative is evolved to hedge the risk involved in dealing in a particular financial asset such
as a share or a foreign currency, interest rate etc,. Hence, the value of a financial derivative is
derived from the underlying asset, and that is why it known as a derivative security. Financial
derivatives are designed to provide protection to participants in financial markets against
adverse movements in the pricesof the underlying assets. They facilitate the exchange of
financial assets in future at prices determined in the present. Financial derivatives include
forwards, futures, swaps and options and the underlying assets to which they relative include
stocks, bonds, foreign currencies, interest rates and stock market indices. Standardized
derivative contracts (e.g. futures and options) are traded or transacted on organized exchanges
and these are known as exchange-traded derivatives. Other derivative contracts that are
privately negotiated between parties (e.g. forwards) are known as Over-the-counter
derivatives as they are not transacted on organized exchanges but are privately traded.
Forward contracts are commitments entered into by two parties to exchange a specific
amount of money for a particular good or service at a specified future time.
Today's sophisticated international markets have helped in the rapid growth of derivative
instruments. In the hands of knowledgeable investors, derivatives can derive profit from:
Changes in interest rates and equity markets around the world
Currency exchange rate shifts
Changes in global supply and demand for commodities such as agricultural products,
precious and industrial metals, and energy products such as oil and natural gas
Adding some of the wide variety of derivative instruments available to a traditional portfolio
of investments can provide global diversification in financial instruments and currencies, help
hedge against inflation and deflation, and generate returns that are not correlated with more
traditional investments
Literature review
Dr. ArifurRehman Shaikh, Dr. Anil B. Kalkundarikar conducted a research on,
KARNATAKA STATE” (July 2011). This research observed that 0.096 point change in
knowledge boosts investors return expectation by 1 point. Investors having extensive
knowledge has the return expectation of multifold when compared to other knowledge
categories. The primary rational behind this phenomenon is that small investors put small
investments in long range investments with rational expectation; on the other hand the
investors with extensive knowledge use their awareness to read the market trend and swap
their investments to achieve optimum returns.
Dr. Shaik Abdul Majeeb Pasha conducted a research on, “RETAIL INVESTORS‟
concludes that thederivatives offer a proven method of breaking risk into component pieces
and managing those components independently. Almost every investor has unique risk
profile inherent in his investment portfolio and that can be better managed through
derivatives trading.
Dr. Giridhar K.V, Mr. Krishna M.M. (Feb 2014),“A STUDY ON COMMODITY
DERIVATIVES: AN AVENUE FOR INVESTMENT” The research concludes that apart
from other products more products like Commodity Options need to be introduced. This will
further help deepen the market & would help in increasing the popularity of such exchanges.
This will finally lead to a wider investor base & lesser power in the hands of ruthless traders
& speculators.
decisions are influenced by psychological factors as well as behavioural dimensions and this
psychological effect is created by the fear of losing money due to sudden decline in the stock
indices, greed and lack of confidence about their decision making capability.
The research does not cover the entire population of all the branches of ING VYSYA
BANK customers, it only concentrates on the customers of IngVysya Bank of
Kuvempu Nagar Branch Mysore due to the limitation of time and resources.
The findings of this study would be based on sample size, so they cannot be
Study will be made only in Mysore.
The research period is very short. Therefore, time constraint could be a limiting factor
Research methodology
Sample source
The research is purely done on the retail investors who have invested their funds in one or the
other financial instrument. So the sample source of the study is Retail Investors.
Sample size
The sample size we have taken is 50 retail investors who have invested in any financial
instruments in Mysore city. The sample size taken is very small when compared to the actual
population but the 50 respondents are selected randomly and there will be no bias in choosing
the respondents or sample size.
Sampling technique
Non-probability sampling, it represents a group of sampling techniques that help researchers
to select units from a population that they are interested in studying.So under this research the
sample is taken out of the retail investors who are directly related to our study.
Sampling Method:
Purposive Sampling,It is also known as judgmental sampling, selective sampling or
subjective sampling, is a type of non-probability sampling technique where the units that are
investigated are based on the judgment of the researcher. The main goal of purposive
sampling is to focus on particular characteristics of a population that are of interest, which
will best enable to answer research question.
Data collection method
The research is based on primary data and the primary data is collected through
Questionnaire method. A questionnaire has been structured to get needed information from
respondents. Questionnaires have been termed differently, including surveys, schedules,
indexes or indicators, profiles, studies, scales, inventories, etc.
20 Percent
0 Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Out of 50 respondents (retail investors) it has been proved that, 38% of people have „Some‟
knowledge, 42% of people have „Moderate‟ knowledge and 18% of people have „Extensive‟
knowledge. This analysis shows that majority of investors have „Moderate‟ knowledge about
Investment i.e., 42%. The statistics of level of investment knowledge is represented in the
above diagram.
Table 2: Level of Awareness about Derivatives
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Aware 15 30 30 30
Partly aware 30 60 60 90
Derivative is one of the emerging investment opportunity and many retail investors are not
aware about derivatives. The research reveals that out of 50 respondents 30% have awareness
about derivatives, 60% are partly aware and 10% of investors are doing have awareness about
the concept of derivatives. This statistics is represented in the above graph.
Table 3: Awareness about Equity Futures and Options
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
Aware 13 26 26 26
Partly aware 32 64 64 90
Equity future and option is one of the components of Derivative market. Many of the
investors are not even hear the concept of equity future and option. Out of 50 respondents we
came to know that 26% are aware about equity futures and options, 64% are partly aware and
10% are not aware about that. This statistics is represented in the above graph.
Table 4:Objectives of investment in Equity Futures and Options
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent
To earn regular income 8 16 16 16
To achieve investment goal 3 6 6 22
Safety of capital 5 10 10 32
Earn capital gain 8 16 16 48
Wealth for retirement 2 4 4 52
Multiple objectives 24 48 48 100
Total 50 100 100
Graph 4:Objectives of investment in Equity Futures and Options
0 Frequency
Earn capital gain
To earn regular
investment goal
Safety of capital
Wealth for
To achieve
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
The objectives of investment differ from investor to investor and investment to other
investment. So under this research we have taken 6 different objectives to know the major
objectives of the investment. The analysis proved that out of 50 respondents 16% of investors
invest for the purpose of earning regular income, 6% of the investors invest for the purpose of
achieving their investment goal, 10% of investors objective is to safe guard their investment,
16% of investors objective is to earn capital gain in the long term, 4% of investors are
investing for the purpose of their retirement benefits and the majority of investors i.e., 48% of
investors have multiple objectives in their investment.
Valid Percent
The expectation of returns on investment differs from investors to investors, some investors
will give more importance to the rate of return, and some give more importance to safety of
the investment. So the return expectation of different investors are analyzed and the result is
that, out of 50 respondents 24% investors expect 8-12% return per annum, 50% of investors
expect 12-16% return per annum, 16% of the investors expect 16-20% return per annum and
10% investors expect more than 20% return per annum. This statistics is graphically
represented in the above diagram.
Table 6:Derivatives are the emerging investment opportunities of present scenario
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
2 4 4 4
Strongly disagree
5 10 10 14
14 28 28 42
Neither agree nor
24 48 48 90
Strongly agree 5 10 10 100
50 100 100
Graph 6: Derivatives are the emerging investment opportunities of present scenario
0 Frequency
Neither agree…
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Valid Percent
Cumulative Percent
Derivative is one of the investment opportunities where many of the investors are not even
aware about the derivatives. In past 1 decade the derivatives have become very popular in the
financial market. So for the statement, “Derivatives are the emerging investment
opportunities of present scenario” out of 50 respondents 4% of investors strongly agree, 10%
of investors disagree, 28% of investors neither agree nor disagree, 48% agree and 10%
strongly agree. This is represented in the above graph.
Table 7: Equity Futures and Options are way to reduce the risk in investment
Strongly agree
Neither agree nor
Valid Percent
The above table and graph represent the opinion of the retail investors towards the equity
futures and options whether it is the best way of reducing the risk in investment. Out of 50
respondents 12% disagree that equity futures and options are the best way to reduce the risk
of investment. 18% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree, 62% agreed and 8%
strongly agreed. So, maximum respondents agreed that equity futures and options are the best
way to reduce risk in investment.
Table 8:The risk avoiders are interested towards Equity Futures and Options
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Strongly disagree 3 6 6 6
Disagree 16 32 32 38
Neither agree nor
8 16 16 54
Agree 17 34 34 88
Strongly agree 6 12 12 100
Total 50 100 100
Graph 8:The risk avoiders are interested towards Equity Futures and Options
60 Frequency
0 Neither agree…
Strongly disagree
Strongly agree
Valid Percent
Out of 50 respondents 6% strongly agreed that only the risk avoiders are interested towards
equity futures and options, 32% disagree, 16% neither agree nor disagree, 34% agree and
12% of respondents strongly agreed. So, maximum investors agreed that only the risk
avoiders are interested towards equity futures and options.
According to 4% of the retail investors equity futures and options are no risk investment,
76% told that it is a high risk investment, 12% said that it is a high return investment and 8%
of the respondents told that the equity futures and options are low return investment. Majority
of the population presumes that equity futures and options are high risk investment.
Table 10:Showing the feature of Derivatives
Hedging Arbitrage Speculation Leverage
1 to 4 1 8 2 35
5 to 7 17 40 11 15
8 to 10 32 2 37 0
Graph 10:Showing feature of Derivatives
20 1 to 4
10 5 to 7
0 8 to 10
The above table and graph shows that the rating given by the investors out of 10 point
scaling. There is only 1 investor, who rated below 4 as derivatives are used for hedging, 17
rated 5 to 7 and 32 rated 8 to 10. Majority rated 5 to 7 points for arbitrage. Majority rated 8 to
10 points for speculation and many investors will not use derivatives for leverage.
Very low
Liquidity is one of the important factors to be considered while deciding about the
investment. So the investor looks the level of liquidity in investing on any investment option.
Out of 50 respondents 6% said that the level of liquidity is very high in equity futures and
options, 36% feels that liquidity is high, 50% believe that liquidity will be moderate and 8%
say that the level of liquidity is very low in equity futures and options.
Valid Total
The purpose of investing in different investment alternatives will differ from person to
person; the reasons of investing of different investors are represented in the above diagram
and table. 14% of the respondents invest for the purpose of emergency needs, 12% of the
respondents invest to live a safe and secured life and 74% for the purpose of capital growth.
So majority of the investors are interested to invest for the purpose of capital growth.
Table 13:Factors affecting Investment behavior
The behavior of the investors will be affected by multiple factor; it differs from one person to
another. 6% of the respondents told that the main factor the influence on the investment is
family members, 14% told that the investment behavior affected by financial consultants and
80% told that the investment will be affected by the return expectation of the investors.
Table 14:Risk level of investors in Equity Futures and Options
Valid Total
Out of 50 respondents 18% told that investors risk level in equity futures and options is low,
52% told that risk is moderate and 30% feel that risk is high in equity futures and options.
Cant say…
Grow slowly
Valid Percent
As derivative is the recent development in the Indian financial market, the perceptions
towards the derivatives among retail investors are different. Out of 50 respondents 16%
perceived that the derivatives market will grow very fast, 60% feel that grow moderately,
12% feel that grow slowly and 12% told that can‟t say anything about the derivatives.
Table 16
Sl Std
No Factors Variance Skewness error Kurtosis Std error
1 Level of Investment knowledge .627 .555 .337 -.403 .662
2 Awareness about Derivatives .449 .592 .337 1.043 .662
The most important issue in efficient market theory is that it is not possible to outperform the
market over the long-term. An efficient capital market is characterized by the fact that
information is available to all investors or market participants, so stock prices always
incorporate and reflect all relevant information. Due to this issue, the price of a stock should
reflect the knowledge and expectations of all investors or market participants.
The study reveals that the respondents assimilate the objectives of saving, the factors
influencing the saving and the sources of information for decision making. The annual
income and the annual saving are given importance of consideration by the respondents,
because the level of income decides the level of savings. The investors are partly aware about
the equity futures and options and finally they feel that market movements affect the
investment pattern of investor
Analysis of Retail investor‟s Behavior in Belgaum District, Karnataka State, by Dr.
ArifurRehman Shaikh, Dr. Anil B Kalkundarikar on July 2011.
Retail investors perception on financial derivatives in India, by Dr. Shaik Abdul
Majeeb Pasha on 2013
A study on commodity derivatives: an avenue for investment, by Dr. Giridhar K.V,
Mr. Krishna M.M
Investment perception of small investors - a scientific analysis, byDr. T. N. Murty and
P.V.S.H Sastry
Investor‟s preference towards mutual fund in comparison to other investment
avenues, byGaurav Agrawal and Dr.Mini Jain.