Thermodynamics Notes
Thermodynamics Notes
Thermodynamics Notes
Department of Mechanical
Indian Institute of Science
Fundamental Concepts
and Definitions
¾ It is the science of the relations between heat,
Work and the properties of the systems.
¾ How to adopt these interactions to our benefit?
Thermodynamics enables us to answer this
Boundary Surroundings
Types of System
No mass entry or exit
¾ Open system- in which we permit mass to cross the system
boundary in either direction (from the system to surroundings
or vice versa). In analysing open systems, we typically look at
a specified region of space, and observe what happens at the
boundaries of that region.
Heat/work Mass
Out out
Mass in
¾ Isolated System- in which there is no interaction between
system and the surroundings. It is of fixed mass and
energy, and hence there is no mass and energy transfer
across the system boundary.
Choice of the System and
Boundaries Are at Our
¾ We must choose the system for each and every problem
we work on, so as to obtain best possible information on
how it behaves.
¾ In some cases the choice of the system will be obvious
and in some cases not so obvious.
¾ Important: you must be clear in defining what constitutes
your system and make that choice explicit to anyone else
who may be reviewing your work. (eg: In the exam
paper or to your supervisor in the work place later)
Choice of the System and
Boundaries Are at
Our Convenience (contd…)
¾ The boundaries may be real physical surfaces or they may
be imaginary for the convenience of analysis.
eg: If the air in this room is the system,the floor,ceiling
and walls constitutes real boundaries.the plane at the open
doorway constitutes an imaginary boundary.
Choice of the System and
Boundaries Are at Our
Convenience (contd…)
¾ The boundaries may be at rest or in motion.
eg: If we choose a system that has a certain defined
quantity of mass (such as gas contained in a piston
cylinder device) the boundaries must move in such
way that they always enclose that particular quantity
of mass if it changes shape or moves from one place
to another.
Macroscopic and
Microscopic Approaches
¾Extensive property:
whose value depends on the size or extent of the system
(upper case letters as the symbols).
eg: Volume, Mass (V,M).
If mass is increased, the value of extensive property also
¾Intensive property:
whose value is independent of the size or extent of the
eg: pressure, temperature (p, T).
Property (contd..)
Specific property:
¾ It is the value of an extensive property per unit mass of
system. (lower case letters as symbols) eg: specific volume,
density (v, ρ).
¾ It is a special case of an intensive property.
¾ Most widely referred properties in thermodynamics:
¾ Pressure; Volume; Temperature; Entropy; Enthalpy; Internal
(Italicised ones to be defined later)
It is the condition of a system as defined by the values of all its
It gives a complete description of the system.
Any operation in which one or more properties of a system
change is called a change of state.
It is a quantity of mass that is homogeneous throughout in
chemical composition and physical structure.
e.g. solid, liquid, vapour, gas.
Phase consisting of more than one phase is known as
heterogenous system .
Path And Process
Quasi-static Processes
¾ If we remove the weights slowly one by one the
pressure of the gas will displace the piston gradually. It
is quasistatic.
¾ On the other hand if we remove all the weights at
once the piston will be kicked up by the gas
pressure.(This is unrestrained expansion) but we don’t
consider that the work is done - because it is not in a
sustained manner
¾ In both cases the systems have undergone a change
of state.
¾Another eg: if a person climbs down a ladder from
roof to ground, it is a quasistatic process. On the other
hand if he jumps then it is not a quasistatic process.
Equilibrium State
Explanation of Zeroth Law
¾ Let us say TA,TB and TC are the temperatures of A,B and C
¾ A and c are in thermal equilibrium. Ta= tc
¾ B and C are in thermal equilibrium. Tb= tc
Types of Work Interaction
Cross sectional area=A
p p
1 2
Discussion on Work Calculation
The system (shown by the dotted line) has gone
through a change of state from 1 to 2.We need to 1 2
know how the pressure and volume change. p
¾ Pressure might have remained constant v
¾ It might have undergone a
change as per a relation p (V)
or p
¾ The volume might have remained constant
In general the area under the process on p-V 1
plane gives the work
Other Possible Process
¾ pv=constant (it will be a rectangular hyperbola)
¾ In general pvn= constant
IMPORTANT: always show the states by numbers/alphabet and
indicate the direction.
1 2 Gas
V = constant
p 2
Gas 2
Various compressions
2 Pv=constant 2 Gas
Gas p
V = constant
2 1
Alternate statement:
When a closed system undergoes a cycle the cyclic
integral of heat is equal to the cyclic integral of work.
Mathematically δQ = δW
In other words for a two process cycle
QA1-2+QB2-1=WA1-2+WB 2-1
First Law (Contd…)
HEAT and WORK are not properties because they depend on the
path and end states.
HEAT and WORK are not properties because their net change
in a cycle is not zero.
To sum up:
I law for a cycle: δQ = δW
I law for a process is Q-W = ΔE
For an isolated system Q=0 and W=0.
Therefore ΔE=0
Analogy (contd…)
¾The fluid entering the system will have its own internal,
kinetic and potential energies.
u1 Z2
A small slug of mass δm
Z1 W
¾Initially the system consists of just the large rectangle. Let its
energy (including IE+KE+PE) be E’
E’+ δm (u1+c12/2+gz1).
If p1 is the pressure at 1,
2 C2
Exit Total energy of the slug at exit
=Int. E+Kin. E+ Pot. E
A small slug of mass δm
Entry 1
c 1 Z2
= E’+ δm (u2+C22/2+gZ2)
¾If 1,3,5 … are entry points and 2,4,6… are exit points.
Q-W= [ m2(h2+C22/2+gZ2)+ m4(h4+C42/2+gZ4)+ m6(h6+C62/2+gZ6)
- [ m1(h1+C12/2+gZ1) + m3(h3+C32/2+gZ3)
+ m5(h5+C52/2+gZ5)+…….]
= h1-h2
Adiabatic Nozzle
¾ If h1 is sufficiently high we can convert it into kinetic energy
by passing it through a nozzle. This is what is done to steam at
high pressure and temperature emerging out of a boiler or the
products of combustion in a combustion chamber (which will be
at a high temperature and pressure) of a gas turbine plant.
Usually, C1 will be small - but no assumptions can be made.
Analysis of Air Conditioning
•SFEE yields
-q-0= ma(h2-h1) + mw hw
•Moisture conservation
Humidity ratio of entering air at 1=W1
Moisture content = maW1
Humidity ratio of leaving air at 2 =W2
Moisture content = maW2
Moisture removed = mw
•What enters must go out !
Moisture Air
maW1 = maW2 + mw
mw = ma ( W1- W2)
Substituting into SFEE
q = ma[(h1-h2) - ( W1- W2) hw]
3.Adiabatic Mixture of Two
Streams of Air at Separate
¾ 0-0=ma3h3-ma1h1-ma2h2
¾Dry air conservation
¾ ma3 = ma1 + ma2
¾Moisture conservation
¾ ma31 w3= ma1 w1+ ma2 w2
¾Eliminate ma3
¾(ma1+ma2)h3=ma1h1+ ma2h2
¾ma1 (h3- h1) =ma2 (h2- h3)
Adiabatic mixture
Adiabatic mixture (contd…)
¾0-0= mah2-mah1-mwhw
Moisture conservation
¾ma w2= ma w1+ mw
¾or mw = ma (w2- w1)
¾Substitute in SFEE
¾ma(h2-h1) = ma (w2- w1) hw
¾or hw = (h2-h1) / (w2- w1)
Spraying of Water (contd…)
From the centre of the circle draw a line connecting the value of
which is equal to Δh/Δw. (Note that hw units are kJ/g of water or
steam). Draw a line parallel to it through 1.
Module 4
¾ pv= RT
¾ p=rRT
¾ pV=n RuT
¾An ideal gas is one which obeys the above equation, but
whose specific heats are functions of temperature alone.
Real Gas
A real gas obviously does not obey the perfect gas equation
because, the molecules have a finite size (however small it may
be) and they do exert forces among each other. One of the
earliest equations derived to describe the real gases is the van
der Waal’s equation
P=constant V=constant
h or u
T Heat Heat
Alternate Definitions
From Physics (contd…)
¾cp= amount of heat to be added to raise the
temperature of unit mass of a substance when the
pressure is kept constant
Definitions Reduced pressure pr =p/pc;
=1 - [(T4-T1) / (T3-T2)]
Carnot Cycle
Consider a Carnot cycle - against which all other cycles are
It consists of two isotherms and two adiabatics
1Heat flows from a body at higher A hot cup of coffee left in a room
temperature to a body at lower becomes cold. We have to expend
temperature energy to rise it back to original
2.Fluid flows from a point of Water from a tank can flow down
higher pressure or potential. To get it back to the tank you have to
to a lower one use a pump i.e, you spend energy
Common sense tells us that
4. You can mix two gases or liquids. But to separate them you
have to spend a lot of energy. (You mix whisky and soda
without difficulty - but can’t separate the two - Is it
5. All that one has to say is “I do”. To get out of it one has to
spend a lot of money
6. When you go to a bank and give 1US$ you may get Rs 49.
But if you give Rs 49 to the bank they will give you only 95
US cents (if you are lucky !!). You spend more.
Common sense tells us that
6. When you go to a bank and give 1US$ you may get Rs 49.
But if you give Rs 49 to the bank they will give you only
95 US cents (if you are lucky !!). You spend more.
7. You can take tooth paste out of the tube but can’t push it
All processes such as 1-7 occur unaided in one direction
but to get them go in the other direction there is an
expenditure - money, energy, time, peace of mind? ….
They are called irreversible processes
Definitions of Reversible Process
A process is reversible if after it, means can be found to
restore the system and surroundings to their initial states.
Some reversible processes:
¾Constant volume and constant pressure heating and
cooling - the heat given to change the state can be rejected
back to regain the state.
Reversible Process (contd…)
heat transfer expansion
T1 > T2 P1 > P2
Irreversible Process (contd…)
mixing .....
Flow of current through a resistance - when a battery
discharges through a resistance heat is dissipated. You can’t
recharge the battery by supplying heat back to the resistance
Reversible Cycle
Yes, you can transfer heat from a cooler body to a hotter body by
expending some energy.
Clausius Statement (contd…)
Heat sink
T2 Q2
Heat source
Heat pump
A heat pump
• Invoke the definition: what we have achieved ¸ what we
spent for it
• COPHP = heat given out ¸ work done = ½Q1/W½
• Note : The entity of interest is how much heat could be
realised. Work is only a penalty.
Heat Pump (contd…)
The heat rejected at the sink is of interest in a heat pump , ie., Q1.
NOTE: η ,COPHP COP R are all positive numbers η<1 but COPs
can be > or < 1
Heat Pump (contd…)
Relation between η and COPHP
-Q1+Q2 = -W or Q1=Q2+W
You derive work > what is
This is the best that This is what thermodynamic maximum nor can
can happen happens in reality You expend work < what is
thermodynamic minimum
Examples (contd…)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Tem perature (K)
Some Interesting Deductions
¾Firstly, there isn’t a meaningful temperature of the source from
which we can get the full conversion of heat to work. Only at ∞
temp. one can dream of getting the full 1 kW work output.
Some Interesting Deductions
Secondly, more interestingly, there isn’t enough work
available to produce 0 K. In other words, 0 K is
unattainable. This is precisely the III LAW.
Because, we don’t know what 0 K looks like, we haven’t
got a starting point for the temperature scale!! That is why
all temperature scales are at best empirical.
Summation of 3 Laws
You can’t get something for nothing
To get work output you must
give some thermal energy
You can’t get something for very little
To get some work output there
is a minimum amount of
thermal energy that needs to
be given
You can’t get every thing
However much work you are
willing to give 0 K can’t be
Violation of all 3 laws: try to get everything for nothing
Equivalence of Kelvin-Planck
and Clausius statements
Applying I Law
Sum of heat interactions = sum of work interactions
Q1+ Q2=W= Q1 (T1-T2)/T1
Q1 is +ve heat interaction; Q2 is -ve heat interaction
Equivalence of Kelvin-Planck
and Clausius statements
¾ Heat rejected = -ve heat interaction = -Q2= (Q1-W)=
¾ For a reversible heat engine operating in a cycle Q1/T1+Q2 /
T2= 0
¾ or S(Q/T) = 0
Ideal engine
10,000/600 +(-5000/300)=0
Clausius Inequality
Suppose we have an
engine that receives from
several heat reservoirs and
rejects heat to several
reservoirs, we still have
the equation valid.
Clausius Inequality
Consider a reversible
cycle constructed as
shown. Since we will be
integrating ∫ δQ /T over
the entire process say 1-2
along A or B, processes A
and B need not be
The Concept of Entropy
Lesson learnt:
¾ Just as we can represent work interactions on P-V plane
¾ we can represent heat interactions on T-S plane.
¾ Naturally, T will be the ordinate and S will be the abscissa.
¾ All constant temperature lines will be horizontal and constant
entropy lines vertical. So Carnot cycle will be just a
The Concept of Entropy
2. The both (isobars and isochores) will have +ve slopes and
curve upwards because the slope will be larger as the
temperature increases
Calculations (contd…)
∫ δQ /T≤ 0
In the cycle shown let A be a
reversible process (R) and B an
irreversible one (ir), such that
1A2B1 is an irreversible cycle.
Applying Clausius inequality
δQ /T⏐along 1A2 + ∫ δQ /T⏐along 2B1 < 0
(because the cycle is irreversible < sign applies)
Since A is reversible ∫ δQ /T⏐along 1A2 = S2-S1
S2-S1+ ∫ δQ /T⏐along 2B1 < 0
• Implying that ∫ δQ /T⏐along 2B1 < S1-S2
• Or S1-S2 > ∫ δQ /T⏐along 2B1
• Had B also been reversible ∫ δQ/T⏐along 2B1
would have been equal to S1-S2
Moral 1
An irreversible process generates more entropy than a reversible
Moral 2:
If process B is adiabatic but irreversible S1-S2 >0 or S1 > S2
In general we can say ds ≥δQ /Tor δQ≤T ds
(equality holding good for reversible process)
Option 1: T3’>Ta
We like to get the state 3 as close as We are left with no choice but
possible to the saturated vapour (g) to use polytropic
state at pa. compression. Ideally we like
to have n=γ.
Ideally the process should follow
the path 2-g.
Refrigeration Processes
¾ The process 4-1 is a pressure reduction process.
Possibilities are polytropic or isentropic expansion. State 4
is saturated liquid.
¾ In practice, it is extremely difficult to compress or expand
¾ What happens in an actual refrigeration cycle is the liquid
at 4 is throttled from pressure p4 to p1. But throttling is an
irreversible process. Consequently, the cycle is
¾ As a convention we depict irreversible processes by dashed
¾ The above cycle is called vapour compression refrigeration
Refrigeration Processes
¾ The working fluid that goes through those cycle changes is
called a refrigerant.
¾ Ammonia (NH3), CO2, SO2, methyl chloride were some of
the early refrigerants.
¾ Chlorofluorocarbons (commonly called as freons)
revolutionalised the refrigeration industry from about late
¾ There is a rethinking on them because of their ozone
depletion potential.
¾ General trend is to use naturally occurring substances eg:
NH3, CO2
Refrigeration Processes
The vapour compression refrigeration cycle is seldom
analyzed on the p-V plane. T-s is slightly better. p-h is the
Refrigeration Processes
¢ Selection criteria for refrigerants:
9 pb > atm. pr. or else if there is a leak atmospheric air will
enter the system.
9 Heat of vaporization at Tb (or pb) should be large - so that
we can circulate only the minimal amount of refrigerant
9 pa/pb should be small so that the work of compression is
the least.
Refrigeration Processes
¢ Components of a refrigeration system
¾ The compressor is the heart - Process 2-3 occurs in this. It
is here that we meet the II law requirement of giving the
work input. This is the “black box” at the rear bottom of
your domestic refrigerator. This is the one which makes
noise while running
¾ The evaporator - or the freezer is where process 1-2
occurs. This is where we get the cooling. This is the unit
inside your refrigerator and on which a lot of frost forms.
This serves the role of the low temperature heat source.
Refrigeration Processes
• The condenser - where the process 3-4 occurs. It is the black
painted serpentine tube with grill on it at the rear of the
refrigerator. Usually it feels warm. This serves the purpose of
high temperature sink. (In the modern refrigerator it is embedded
beneath outer surface of the refrigerator - so don’t be surprised if
you don’t physically see one!!)
ΔB = ΔH − To ΔS T
Tin , Pin
out , Pout
b = h − T0 s
• T0 is the temperature of a heat reservoir (usually the environment).
• The datum level for b (the state at which b = 0) depends on the datum
levels for h and s. These can be chosen arbitrarily because it is only
differences in h, s and b which are meaningful.
Steady-flow exergy equation….(cont.)
• When a fluid is at equilibrium with the environment, it has zero potential for
doing work
• It would therefore be physically meaningful if b were zero at this condition.
• This will not be so unless h and s also happen to be zero. Rather than change
the h and s datum levels in all the different thermodynamic tables, we choose
instead to replace the availability function with a new quantity called the
• When the fluid is at equilibrium with the environment it is said to be in its
dead state (pD, TD).
• The dead state is usually taken as pD = 1 bar and TD = 25 °C (which coincides
with what is known as the ‘standard state’).
• The specific steady-flow exergy e is then defined as the difference between the
actual value of b and its value bD at the dead state,
e = b − bD = ( h − T0 s ) − ( hD − T0 sD )
where hD and sD are the fluid specific enthalpy and entropy at (pD, TD). Hence, eD = 0.
Steady-flow exergy equation….(cont.)
Neglecting changes in KE and PE between inlet and oulet states, the steady-flow
energy and entropy equations applied to the control volume are :
2 2
m& ( h2 − h1 ) = ∫ dQ& S − ∫ dQ& 0 −W& X (1)
1 1
2 dQ& S 2 dQ& 0
m& ( s2 − s1 ) = ∫ −∫ + ΔS&irrev ( 2)
1 T 1 T
where ΔS&irrev is the rate of entropy creation in the control volume due to
irreversibilities. Mulyiplying eq. (2) by T0 and subtracting from eq. (1), we
⎛ T0 ⎞ & ⎛ T ⎞
m& [( h2 − T0 s2 ) − ( h1 − T0 s1 )] = ∫ ⎜1 − ⎟dQS − WX − T0 ΔSirrev − ∫ ⎜1 − 0 ⎟dQ& 0
2 2
& &
1⎝ T⎠ 1⎝ T⎠
Second Law Efficiency
The general definition of second law efficiency of a process can be obtained in
terms of change in availability during the process:
Production of availability
Second Law Efficenccy = η II Law =
Destruction of availability
wa 1 2 Cold
η II Law =
bi − be m& 1 (b2 − b1 )
η II Law =
m& 3 (b3 − b4 )