8th April

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8th April 2020

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● You can download PDF version of today’s newspaper Analysis by clicking the link
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● You can download PDF version of March 2020 magazine from our website

Note- Mostly we source topics from The Assam Tribune newspaper but we also pick some
important topics from national level newspapers like The Hindu and The Indian Express.

Editorial National Target UPSC PT

● Overseas Development ● Section 54 of Disaster Topic No 141 to 145

Assistance by Japan Management Act 2005
against rumour mongers

International Assam

● World Intellectual ● Sarathi 104

Property Organization
Editorial- Overseas Development Assistance
● Paper III- International

Source- The Indian

Editorial- Official Development Assistance
Points to remember- 4 major
islands of
About the article Japan-Hokkaido,Honshu, Shikoku,
Kyushu( North to South)
● The article talks about economic impact of Covid-19 on
● Tokyo Olympics 2020 has been deferred by at least one
● This will have an economic cost of at least $6 billion.
● Japan has halted its economic activities.
● Also it has put complete restriction on tourist coming from
China and South Korea which is one of the major source
of revenue generation for Japan.
● In the end the article writes economic losses for Japan will
lead to cut in Official Development Assistance by Japan to
developing countries like India.
Editorial- Official Development Assistance
Official Development Assistance

● It is a low-interest and a long-term loan(soft loan) offered

by Japan to developing nations including India.
● Japan claims that it is a tool to maintain good relations
with other countries.
Business interest of Japan-
● Pre 1990 ODA was mostly a “tied aid” under which the
recipient countries had to buy technical equipments for
from the Japanese companies.
● Post 1990 Japan left the option open for the recipient
countries to buy technical equipments through open
biddings.Still Japan insists the recipient country to buy
equipments from Japanese companies.
Editorial- Official Development Assistance
Official Development Assistance & India

● India was one of the first countries to receive Japanese ODA

loan in 1958.
● In 2007 Japan had to cut ODA to China due to demand by
Japanese public.
● Since then India has become the largest recipient of ODA by
● Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the
government body that coordinates the official development
assistance (ODA) given by Japan to other nations like India.
● Japan’s ODA Charter stipulates that the country will halt its
ODA loan to countries that violate human rights, do not
promote democracy, invest hugely in defence, or are
involved in proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
● Thus ODA to China has been limited by japan.
Editorial- Official Development Assistance
The article says that when Japan is itself
Some major projects by Japan’s ODA in India struggling with economic slowdown
because of covid-19. It may cut down
● Delhi Mass Rapid Transport System, ODA for India.This will hamper the
● The Dedicated Freight Corridor progress of so many ongoing projects in
● The Kolkata East-West Metro India.
● The Chennai Metro, the Bangalore Water Supply
● The Ahmedabad Metro project Practice Question-
● Mumbai- Ahmedabad Bullet train project Q.Which of the following statements are
JICA projects in Guwahati 1. Japan is the only country that provides
● Two JICA funded projects are run in Guwahati- ODA.
1. Sewage and Sanitation 2. India is largest recipient of ODA from
2. Drinking water supply Japan.
Both projects are being run by Guwahati Municipal a. 1 Only
Corporation. b. 2 Only
c. Both
d. None
International- World Intellectual Property Org.
● Paper III- International Relations
● Prelims

What is the news?

● China has become world's largest source of applications for

international patents.
● China has replaced the US has the largest source of
international patent registering country.
● The US has registered maximum number of patents every
year since 1978, since Patent cooperation Treaty came into
● World Intellectual Property Organisation that registers
International patents has confirmed China has registered 58,
990 patents whereas the US has registered only 57,840
patents this year.
International- World Intellectual Property Org.
World Intellectual Property Organisation(WIPO)

● WIPO is one of the specialised agencies of

United Nations.
● WIPO was created in 1967 to promote the
protection of intellectual property throughout the
Intellectual Property- It is a category of property that is
intangible in nature. It is creation of mind. It includes-
1. Literary works like songs, books etc protected
under Copyrights
2. Technological innovations protected under
3. Logo protected under Trademarks
International- World Intellectual Property Org.
World Intellectual Property Organisation(WIPO)

● It is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland.

● WIPO currently has 191 member states.

Some of the international conventions administered by World

Intellectual Property Organisation(WIPO)
1. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial property, 1883
It covers
● Inventions(patents),
● Trademarks,
● Industrial Designs
2. 1886 — Berne Convention
● It is for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works under
International- World Intellectual Property Org.
What is the needs of National Patent
World Intellectual Property
Office if we have WIPO at the
international level?

Functions of WIPO- The benefit of international patent at

1. It is a policy forum to WIPO according to Patent Cooperation
shape balanced Treaty 1972 is -
international IP rules ● By filing one international patent
world. application under the PCT,
2. To protect IP across applicants can simultaneously seek
borders and to resolve protection for an invention in a
disputes. large number of countries who are
3. A world reference source signatory to PCT 1972.
for IP information ● If an organization or individual has
regarding how IP got international patent then Indian
protection should be Patent office will automatically give
given. patent to that product.
National- Disaster Management Act 2005

● Paper IV-Disaster Management

Source- The
Assam Tribune
National- Disaster Management Act 2005
Covid 19 and Panic

● In recent times there has been a problem of false

informations and fake news being spread through social
media platforms creating a necessary panic regarding
● Thus many state governments including the state
government of Assam has warned the rumour mongers
that they may be charged under section 54 of Disaster
Management Act 2005 for spreading false information
and creating panic.
National- Disaster Management Act 2005
Steps taken by Whatsapp to curb
false informations

● Social media platform WhatsApp also has

taken steps to curb the spread of false
● To slow down misinformations via WhatsApp
platform WhatsApp has announced stricter
norms for forwarding messages.
● Frequently forwarded messages that have
been already forwarded five times or more can
only be forwarded to one chat at a time.
Assam- Sarathi 104
Sarathi 104 helpline service

● Piramal Foundation along with State

Government of Assam and National Health
Mission had established helpline for health
related issues for Assam.
● Helpline runs under the name Sarathi 104.
● This helpline helpline number has been
converted exclusively for covid-19
● A resident of Assam can dial 104 to connect to
this helpline number to get genuine
informations related to Covid-19 as per WHO
● Another helpline no 1077 has also been
started by Kamrup administration in this
400 most probable topics-UPSC PT 2020
Topic 141-Gandan Tegchenling Monastery Q. 141 Gandan Tegchenling Monastery’
was in news recently. Where is it located?
● Gandan Tegchenling Monastery is a prominent a) India
centre of Mongolian Buddhists and a treasure b) Bhutan
house of valuable Buddhist heritage. c) Tibet
● It was in news because Prime Minister d) Mongolia
Narendra Modi and Mongolian President
jointly unveiled a statue of Lord Buddha at
Gandan Monastery in Ulaanbaatar.
● Ulaanbaatar is capital of Mongolia.
400 most probable topics-UPSC PT 2020
Q. 142 Consider the following statements
Topic 142- International Migrant Stock 2019
about ‘International Migrant Stock 2019’
● Population Division of the UN Department of 1. It is released by International
Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Organization for Migration (IOM).
releases International Migrant Stock 2019. 2. As per the report India is the leading
● According to the report India is the leading country of origin of international migrants in
country of origin of international migrants in 2019 followed by the US.
2019 with a 17.5 million strong diaspora,
followed by Mexico (11.8 million), China Which of the statements given above is/are
(10.7 million), Russia (10.5 million) and Syria correct?
(8.2 million).
● USA hosts largest number international a) 1 only
migrants (51 million) followed by Germany b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
400 most probable topics-UPSC PT 2020
Topic 143-Association of World Election Q.143 With reference to ‘Association of
Bodies (A-WEB) World Election Bodies (A-WEB)’,
consider the
● A-WEB is largest association of Election following statements:
Management Bodies (EMBs) worldwide. At
present AWEB have 115 EMBs as Members 1. A-WEB is largest association of
and 20 Regional Associations Election Management Bodies (EMBs)
/Organisations as Associate Members. worldwide.
2. It undertakes election
● Election Commission of India (ECI) hosted Observation Programmes in various
the 4th General Assembly of Association of countries.
World Election Bodies (A-WEB) at a. 1 Only
Bengaluru on 3rd September 2019. b. 2 Only
● Its permanent secretariat is in Seoul, South c. Both
Korea. d. None
400 most probable topics-UPSC PT 2020
Q.144 Which of the following are correctly
Topic 144- Important Military exercises matched

1. T SENTR- Initiated by China

● MAITREE- India and Thailand 2. MAITREE- Military exercise between
● MALABAR- Navies of India, Japan and USA India and Bangladesh
● KAZIND - India and Kazakhstan
● Exercise TSENTR (CENTRE) 2019 was a. 1 Only
conducted by Central Military Commission of b. 2 Only
Russia. Apart from host Russia, military c. Both
contingents from China, India, Kazakhstan, d. None
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Uzbekistan
also took part in this mega event.
400 most probable topics-UPSC PT 2020
Topic 145-Hope Island Q. 145 Hope Island seem in news is a part of
which of the following sanctuaries?

● .Hope Island, a part of the Coringa Wildlife a) Pulicat Wildlife Sanctuary

Sanctuary located in coastal Andhra b) Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary
Pradesh. c) Krishna Wildlife Sanctuary
● Recently a Mangrove Genetic Resources d) Malvan Wildlife Sanctuary
Conservation Centre has been developed in
the core area of the Coringa Wildlife
Sanctuary in the Godavari delta.
Homework- Please map Hope Island, Pulicat lake,
Coringa Wildlife Sanctuary and tributaries of
Godavari in your Atlas.
400 most probable topics-UPSC PT 2020
Solution Question -136-140

Q.136 b) Human Rights in relation to sexual orientation

and gender identity
Q. 137 a) Border demarcation between nation states ● Students can answer these
Q. 138 b) Dachigam National Park questions in comment section.
Q. 139 b) Ladakh ● We will give answer to these
Q. 140 b questions in tomorrow’s
newspaper analysis.
Prachya Bharati College Building,Nayanpur Road,
Ganeshguri, Guwahati
Email id- spmiasacademy@gmail.com
Contact- 6901259799 / 9864174653

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