CS 1102 Unit 5 Programming Assignment
CS 1102 Unit 5 Programming Assignment
CS 1102 Unit 5 Programming Assignment
In this assignment, you will again modify your Quiz program from the previous assignment. You will
create an abstract class called "Question", modify "MultipleChoiceQuestion" to inherit from it, and add a
new subclass of "Question" called "TrueFalseQuestion".
This assignment will again involve cutting and pasting from existing classes. Because you are learning
new features each week, you are retroactively applying those new features. In a typical programming
project, you would start with the full suite of features, enabling you to re-use code in ways natural to
Java and avoid cutting and pasting.
The new file "Question.java" should appear in the editor pane. Make sure it is also listed under "(default
package)" in the "Package Explorer" pane, along with "Quiz.java" and "MultipleChoiceQuestion.java".
• If you forgot to check the "abstract" box, add the modifier "abstract" to the "Question" class.
public abstract class Question {
Add variables and methods to the "Question" class that will be inherited by the subclasses. Copy the
following from the "MultipleChoiceQuestion" class and paste them into the "Question" class.
Do not copy the constructor for "MultipleChoiceQuestion" or the instance method "ask".
The editor pane for "Question" should now show one error at the statement in "check" that calls the
"ask" method.
• Add an abstract declaration for the "ask" method. This should be inside the "Question" class but
outside all the method definitions.
abstract String ask();
Note that this is a method declaration only, with no "{…}", because the method is abstract. It must be
defined (implemented) in any concrete (non-abstract) subclasses of "Question".
The error warning in the editor pane should disappear. The "ask" call in "check" will use the methods
defined in the subclasses of "Question".
Now modify the "MultipleChoiceQuestion" class to be a subclass of "Question".
• Delete from "MultipleChoiceQuestion" all the variables and methods that you pasted into
"Question": "nQuestions", "nCorrect", "question", "correctAnswer", "check", and "showResults".
• Do not delete the constructor or the "ask" method.
The editor pane should show many errors, particularly in the constructor.
• Change the type of any "MultipleChoiceQuestion" variables in the main method of "Quiz" to
• But do not change the constructor calls used to initialize these variables. They should still be
Your program should still work using "Question" variables to reference "MultipleChoiceQuestion"
objects. Test it to make sure.
• If you did not add the Superclass name, you will need to add "extends Question" to the class
public class TrueFalseQuestion extends Question {
The IDE may have already added an empty "ask" method because of the abstract method it found in
"Question". It may have also added the annotation "@Override", which is optional and instructs the
compiler to make sure the method actually does override a method in a parent class.
Add a "TrueFalseQuestion" constructor to initialize the "question" and "correctAnswer" Strings inherited
from "Question".
Run your program and test that the following are true.
Finally, add at least four more true/false questions, for a total of at least five multiple-choice questions
and five true/false questions. Test your program again.