Hand Signal Illegal Service PDF

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Dear Madam/Sir/Referees/Umpires,

With effect from 1 July 2016, all umpires are to use the new hand signals
for illegal services. There were some amendments made to an earlier
video on the hand signals for illegal services. Appended below is the link
to the new hand signals for illegal services.


Please view the video together with the explanatory notes attached.

Please help to disseminate this information to all your umpires and

referees. Thank you.

Ronald Wee Norman Tang Werner Thury

ronaldwee22@gmail.com normtang12@yahoo.ca w.thury@oettv.org

+65 97352058 +1 613 523 4442 +43 699 11032189

1. The judgment on illegal services is one of the most challenging parts

of table tennis officiating as there are various kinds of illegal service
actions that cannot be expressed by a single hand signal. Thus, it is
necessary to create various hand signals correspondent to the illegal

2. The hand signals were developed and made into videos. The principle
considerations are as follows:

a. It should be simple and logical.

b. It must be easy to understand

c. It must be easy to implement.

3. The umpire or assistant umpire will first show the hand signal for
illegal service. If the player question or ask for clarification, the umpire or
assistant umpire will verbally communicate using the simple term i.e. Not
high enough or below the playing surface.

4. Appended below are the 7 new hand signals for illegal services with
short explanation.
1. If the ball does not rise at least 16cm after leaving the palm of the
free hand, umpire or assistant umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Not high enough
Hand signal: Figure 1

Figure 1 Not high enough

2. If service does not start with the ball resting freely on the open palm
of server’s stationary free hand, umpire or assistant umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Palm not opened
Hand signal: Figure 2

Figure 2 Palm not opened

3. If service start with the ball resting freely on the fingers of server’s
stationary free hand, umpire or assistant umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Ball resting on the fingers
Hand signal: Figure 3

Figure 3 Ball resting on the fingers

4. If the ball is under the level of the playing surface from the start of
service until it is struck, umpire or assistant umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Below the playing surface
Hand signal: Figure 4

Figure 4 Below the playing surface

5. If the ball is inside the server’s end line from the start of service until
it is struck or is struck inside the server’s end line, umpire or assistant
umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Inside the end line
Hand signal: Figure 5

Figure 5 Inside the end line

6. If the ball does not project near vertically upwards, umpire or

assistant umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Not vertically
Hand signal: from Figure 6(1) to Figure 6(2) using an arc

Figure 6(1) Not vertically Figure 6(2) Not vertically

7. If the ball is hidden from the receiver by the server or his or her
doubles partner or by anything they wear or carry, umpire or assistant
umpire shall do:
Verbal communication: Hidden by what or whom (elbow, shoulder,
head or partner)
Hand signal: Figure 7

Figure 7 Hidden by what or whom

If the player asks the reason why or where, the umpire will use his or her
index finger to show it. For example: If the ball is hidden from the
receiver by the server’s shoulder, the umpire’s action is as follows:
Verbal communication: Hidden by shoulder
Hand signal: Figure 7(1)

Figure 7(1) Verbal communication: Hidden by shoulder

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