Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology Roadmap: Uday B. Desai B. N. Jain S. N. Merchant
Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology Roadmap: Uday B. Desai B. N. Jain S. N. Merchant
Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology Roadmap: Uday B. Desai B. N. Jain S. N. Merchant
Technology Roadmap
Uday B. Desai
B. N. Jain
S. N. Merchant
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………...4
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………….....7
2. A Brief History of Wireless Sensor Networks…………………………....9
3. Current Research and Development Trends…………………………......12
4. Survey on WSN Hardware…………………………………………........16
5. Applications of WSNs ………………………………………………….19
6. Investment in WSN Research and Development………………………...23
7. Funding Policy…………………………………………………………...26
8. Recommendations………………………………………………………..27
9. Conclusions……………………………………………………...….…....28
10. References …………………………………………………………….…29
Appendix A: Survey form for Wireless Sensor Network Technology.....…...33
Appendix B: Survey Results………………………………………………....35
Appendix C: Summary of Workshop Presentations ………………………...46
Appendix D: List of important URLs related to WSN Research Development
and Deployment (RDD)…………………………………………………..….69
Realizing the importance of this area, the Ministry of Communication and Information
Technology (MCIT), Department of Information Technology (DIT) decided that it
would be prudent to give a cohesive thrust to this very important area and to bring out a
white paper which has an Indian as well as an international perspective. With this in
mind a Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks was held at
IITB on April 20, 2007. The workshop was attended by over WSNs are natural
50 researchers working in this field. It included researchers progression to ICT
working on fundamental as well as applied aspects. systems that have
already made a
Subsequent to this, a WSN-Survey was sent out to over 200 major impact on
researchers in India as well overseas. As is with all surveys, business
about 10% of these responded. We are indeed thankful to productivity and
researchers who responded to this survey. The white paper our day to day
incorporates comments received from this survey. The lives.
comments were very encouraging and the overwhelming
perspective was that, India should give a major thrust to this area, since this is one of
the areas which will have a major impact on society. Since the workshop in April 2007,
a lot work has taken place in India in WSN. Nevertheless, it needs further impetus – in
particular in bringing together communication engineers, computer science researchers
and developers and mixed signal design engineers. Another thrust has been on the
design of sensors – in fact, communication and computing are at a much more
advanced stage then sensing technology. Moreover, the front end of any WSN is a
sensor, and consequently a major impetus is needed for sensor design and
Wireless Sensor Networks has been emerging from the vision of Smartdust
project in 1998 that required enabling both communication and sensing capabilities in
order of cubic millimeter. The Sensor Node, which is a basic element of Wireless
Sensor Network, is composed of Sensing, Computation
and wireless Communication unit. These sensor nodes The Sensor Node, which is
are hence capable of observing physical phenomenon, a basic element of
process the observed and received information and Wireless Sensor Network,
communicate the observed or processed information to is composed of Sensing,
the nearby sensor nodes to form a network of sensor Computation and wireless
nodes called Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The Communication unit.
wireless networking capability of the sensor enabled
nodes, have resulted in various interesting applications ranging from surveillance,
smart homes, precision agriculture, disaster detection, underwater, to vehicular and
supply chain management applications.
The present report is hence the consolidation of the intensive thought process of 50
researchers working in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks who participated on the
day of the workshop and around 20 researchers from the same field who extended their
help by participating in the WSN post-workshop survey. It is hence our belief that the
recommendations and guidelines provided in this report should provide new directions
and vision to work with Wireless Sensor Networks which has been one of the most
promising research areas in the last decade.
WSN has opened up the challenge for distributed and cooperative computing and
communication. Since voluminous unstructured and heterogeneous data is going to be
Another dimension that is being added to WSN is closing the loop. This brings in the
convergence of sensing, communicating, computing and control (SC3). Moreover, all
these actions could be adaptive. This has given birth to a new filed, Cyber Physical
Systems or Internet of Things --- of course, both these encompass much more than
This interest rose with the DARPA low-power wireless integrated microsensors
(LWIM) project of the mid-1990s and continued with the launch of the SensIT project
in 1998, which focuses on wireless, ad hoc networks for large distributed military
sensor systems. A total of 29 research projects, from 25 institutions, were funded under
this project. A short list of the more prominent development efforts (not all funded
through SensIT) follows.
The University of California at Los Angeles, often working in collaboration with the
Rockwell Science Center, has had a Wireless Integrated Network Sensors (WINS)
project since 1993. It has now been commercialized with the founding of the Sensoria
Corporation (San Diego, California) in 1998. The program covers almost every aspect
of wireless sensor network design, from micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS)
sensor and transceiver integration at the circuit level, signal processing architectures,
and network protocol design, to the study of fundamental principles of sensing and
detection theory. The group envisions that WINS will provide distributed network and
Internet access to sensors, controls, and processors deeply embedded in equipment,
facilities, and the environment. The WINS communication protocol data link layer is
based on a TDMA structure; separate slots are negotiated between each pair of nodes at
A wireless sensor network protocol has design features in common with protocols for a
wide range of network types, from underwater acoustic networks to deep space radio
networks. The need in oceanography for underwater acoustic networks, which share
the low power consumption, low data throughput, large physical area network
coverage, and high message latency tolerance characteristics of wireless sensor
networks, led to the development of several systems by the early 1990s. State-of-the art
underwater acoustic networks employ phase shift keying (PSK) in the physical layer, a
MACA-derived protocol for medium access control, and multi-hop routing
techniques142—all features that would be familiar to the designer of a wireless sensor
network protocol. Similarly, the strict power consumption constraints, ad hoc network
architecture, and tolerance of message latency requirements common in deep space
communication networks143 also are common with wireless sensor networks.
In the past 85 years, wireless data networks have gone from manually operated
transcontinental radiotelegraphic networks to fully automatic local and personal area
networks employing spread spectrum techniques. The methods of MAC, and network
organization and operation developed for early radiotelegraphic networks were often
independently reinvented for use in the computer communication networks that arose
from the development of packet-switched systems in the 1960s.
A recent issue of IEEE Spectrum classified WSNs as one of the top 10 emerging
technologies. Eventually, it is felt by most of the research community that it will
pervade into daily life like the cell phone technology. WSNs may either connect to the
rest of the world through the cellular network or through the
WSN technology is
wired internet. In any case WSN impact on the traditional slowly graduating
networks is likely to be transformative, simply by taking into from the researcher
account the amount of data that will enter/leave as machines “market” to the early
talk to enterprises and other machines. WSNs have a major role adopters in industry.
to play in cyber-physical systems, pervasive computing, Body
Networks and Internet of Things.
According to Freedonia Group report on sensors, 2002, Sensor market in 2001 was
approximately $11 Billion while the Wiring installation costs were more than $100
Billion. With recent advances and availability of wireless sensor device that can be
battery powered the cost of wiring would be the major saving. Further over-the-air
programming and solar power sensor devices, helps in reducing the deployment and
maintenance cost to a large extent.
Contrasting views
Interest in WSNs across industry and academia continues to be very high, although we
are now experiencing a bit of a “backlash” due to the large number of academic
research groups getting involved and few successes commercially to date. The vast
popularity of WSNs as a research field for academia has left some to feel that it is
becoming difficult to make fundamental contributions although the field is still very
young. There is also a sense of ossification behind the TinyOS and mote platforms
which are premature since many application domains involve quite different hardware
and software demands than provided by that system. This “second system effect” will
likely subside over the next year or so and it will become clearer where the lasting
contributions and research directions lie.
Research Issues:
Some of the research issues are:
• Transducer design: Developing new sensor transducers that are compact,
low power, and cost effective. Bio-degradable / environment-friendly
sensor design.
• Electronic system design: The system design is one of the promising
challenge areas where several new breakthroughs are possible in the near
term leading to fundamentally new design directions. Integrating sensors
with the appropriate electronic circuitry to extract digital data, using sensor
feedback to enhance the data collection within the electronics, and
providing low noise outputs using sensor arrays.
• Node design: Developing low power sensor nodes with appropriate
processing and networking capabilities.
• System Design: Developing sensor networks of several nodes and
integrating them with application specific information systems.
• Protocol: Distributed algorithms, Power Aware Routing, Dissemination,
Time Synchronization, Security, Middleware, Localization of sensors, Data
aggregation Techniques, Multimodal sensor fusion, Energy-Efficient real-
time Scheduling. In the following section we briefly review research in
detection and tracking using WSNs.
The list of important URLs (websites) related to WSN Research, Development and
Deployment (RDD) have been included in Appendix D.
Various kids of motes have been developed and made available by different
companies. An exhaustive survey on WSN hardware has been done by Tatiana
Bokareva*. The information on various sensors, sensor nodes, processor, radio chipsets,
sensor network operating system, protocols is available at
Sensor Network Museum†. Embedded WiSeNts’ Research Each sensor node is
Integration: Platform Survey ‡compares different WSN required to be
platforms, namely ESB/2, Tmote Sky, BTnode, Ambient capable of sensing,
Platforms (µNode and SmartTag), and EYES. It further processing and
compares Sensor network operating systems: TinyOS 1.x, communicating the
TinyOS 2.0, Contiki, BTnuts and Ambient RT; Simulation processed data to
environments: Tossim, Glomosim, Matlab, Avrora, OMNET++ the neighboring
and NS2; and various Testbeds. Here we present list of some of nodes to form a
the available motes with specifications and recommendations. network.
Available Motes
• MICA2:
The processor and radio board used is MPR400 which is based on Atmel
ATmega128L. The radio uses 868/916 MHz frequency band and supports data rate of
38.4kbps. A variety of sensors and data acquisition boards for the MICA2 mote are
available which can be connected to standard 51 pin expansion connector. Apart from
its basic function as sensor node, it can also function as a base station when interfaced
with MIB 510/MIB 520. The MIB510/MIB520 provides a serial/USB interface for
both programming and data communications. Theoretically, it supports 150meter of
outdoor range for line of sight communication (1/4 wave dipole antenna).
Tatiana Bokareva, Mini Hardware Survey,
http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~sensar/hardware/hardware_survey.html, last access 12th Aug 2009.
The Sensor Network Museum, Home Page, http://www.snm.ethz.ch/Main/HomePage, last access 12th
Aug 2009.
Can Basaran st al., Research Integration: Platform Survey Critical evaluation of platforms commonly
used in embedded wisents research, Embedded WiSeNts, available at http://www.embedded-
wisents.org/studies/wisents/download/download2.php, last access 12th Aug 2009.
• Telos B:
The MICA2 and MICAz motes are found to be more suitable for field deployment
purposes. The Telos B motes has programming and data collection facility via USB
and is thus suitable for testbed deployment in lab for experimentation. It utilizes IEEE
802.15.4/ZigBee compliant radio (2.4-2.4835 GHz) which enables 250kbps of data
transfer. Its other features include 8 MHz TI MSP430 microcontroller with 10kB
RAM, Low current consumption, 1MB external flash for data logging, Integrated
onboard antenna, Optional sensor suite including integrated light, temperature and
humidity sensor (TPR2420).
• IRIS 2.4GHz:
It has improved radio range as compared to MICA2, MICAz and TelosB motes. It has
outdoor range over 300 meters (1/4 wave line of sight dipole antenna) and indoor range
of more than 50 meter (1/4 wave line of sight dipole antenna). The radio used is IEEE
802.15.4 compliant (2.4 to 2.48 GHz) which is a globally compatible ISM band which
enables 250kbps of data transfer. Apart from its basic function as sensor node, it can
also function as a base station when interfaced with MIB 510/MIB 520. The
MIB510/MIB520 provides a serial/USB interface for both programming and data
communications. It uses XM2110CA processor board that is based on the Atmel
ATmega1281. A single processor board (XM2110) can be configured to run your
sensor application/processing and the network/radio communications stack
simultaneously. As in Mica2 and MICAz, IRIS also possesses a 51 pin expansion
connector that supports analog inputs, digital I/O, I2C, SPI and UART interfaces.
• IMote 2.0:
It uses CC2420 IEEE 802.15.4 radio transceiver from Texas Instruments. CC2420
supports a 250kb/s data rate with 16 channels in the 2.4GHz band. It has a surface
mount antenna which supports nominal range of 30 meters. For long range SMA
connector can be soldered on board to connect external antenna. It utilizes Intel
• SunSPOT:
The Sun Small Programmable Object Technology (SunSOPT) is based on Java
platform (Squawk J2ME Virtual Machine) developed at Sun Labs. It uses ARM 920T
microcontroller. The radio used is IEEE 802.15.4 ZigBee complaint. It possesses 512K
RAM for programs and data and 4MB external Flash.
• Stargate:
Stargate is based on Intel XScale processor Intel PXA255 with 400MHz operating
speed. The complete design, which is developed by joint efforts of several research
groups, has been licensed to Crossbow Technologies for commercial production. It
works on Embedded Linux platform. It has various connecting options such as RS232
serial, 10/100 Ethernet, USB host and JTAG. It is compatible Stargate Netbridge
with Crossbow’s MICA2/MICAz family of family of WSN is based on Intel
products. It can hence be used as a gateway of WSN to the IXP420 XScale
existing Internet. 266Mhz processor
with Debian Linux
• Stargate Netbridge: operating system.
Stargate Netbridge is a WSN gateway developed by Crossbow
Technologies Inc., which is meant to connect WSN formed by Crossbow sensor nodes
to an existing Ethernet network. It is based on Intel IXP420 XScale 266Mhz processor
with Debian Linux operating system which is full fledged standard Linux for ARM
processors. It features one wired Ethernet and two USB 2.0 ports. It has a program
Flash RAM of 8MB, RAM of 32MB and a USB based system disk of 2GB. It displays
data when base station is connected onto its USB port using built-in Web server
MoteExplore and sensor network management tool XServe.
2. Environmental monitoring
Following are some of the projects and research plans sought in the environment
monitoring application of wireless sensor networks.
• Watershed: Correctly managing our watersheds is essential to ensure water
supply to the increasing human population in the world. Collecting data for
understanding the water systems of rivers and lakes including the impact of
environmental factors and human activity.
• Scientific investigation: Sensor networks are being used for various scientific
explorations including ecological and environmental ones.
• Pollution monitoring: Growing urban and industrial regions need efficient
pollution monitoring technology.
• Weather study (Singapore example http://nwsp.ntu.edu.sg/nwsp/): Detailed
measurements of weather phenomenon at fine granularity help manage weather
dependent industries such as agriculture and also help understand other effects
such as spread of epidemics.
• Threat-Identification: Sensors can be used to identify potential threats such as
chemical contamination of water distribution system at various locations,
pathogens in the environments, and other subtle changes in critical
• Coal mine monitoring for poisonous gases
3. Creative industries
Wireless Sensor Networks has made a significant impact in the automation and
control of the industrial processes. The benefits of WSN in industrial applications
are to increase production efficiencies, to reduce environmental impact, to form a
close loop by both sensing and controlling various equipments at disjoint locations.
The sensor nodes can be placed at remote and manually inaccessible locations
because of their small size and capability to communicate wirelessly. The WSNs
are hence found useful for steel, chemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, and
petroleum industries. Further the sensor nodes capability to sense and control the
4. Precision agriculture
Many initial deployments of wireless sensor networks have shown promise to
address various issues faced by rural community. With the help of WSNs, many of
the farming activities can be precisely done
resulting in yield optimization and minimization of With the help of WSNs,
the cost incurred in farming. The sensor nodes may many of the farming
be deployed on the field to measure various activities can be precisely
atmospheric and soil parameters. These can help in done resulting in yield
making decision on irrigation, fertilizer and optimization and
pesticide applications. The WSNs may also serve minimization of the cost
for the applications such as intruder detection, pest incurred in farming.
detection, plant disease prediction, fire detection,
automating irrigation etc. Some of the ongoing and past agriculture projects in
India are Agrisens§ [15], mKRISHI** [14], Agrosense†† [13] etc. Other important
problems that can be solved using WSNs include mushroom cultivation and cattle
5. Disasters response
Wireless sensor networks are also found useful for detection of various disasters
such as Landslide [amrita], [16], Volcanoes [17], [18] and forest fire [19]. When
sensor nodes detect occurrence of any such events they communicate that
information to their neighboring nodes for in-network data aggregation. A cluster
head or sink node makes the decision on the disaster occurrence considering the
information received from various sensor nodes. Such collaborative decision
making improves the reliability of the decision made by the entire network [39-42].
6. Automotive/Vehicular
The usage of sensor nodes in the vehicles has led to envision of various automotive
applications of the wireless sensor networks. The cabling required to be done to
connect various sensors in any automobile can be redundant by using wireless
sensor nodes. This simplifies placement of the sensors resulting in more accurate
measurements. The vehicle to vehicle communication and vehicle to roadside static
node communication gives rise to enormous applications such as smart parking,
collision avoidance, multimedia data transfer, disaster detection, traffic information
communication. Vehicular WSN are also useful to prevent road accidents and
prevent vehicles from crashing into each other, prevent speeding streamline traffic
management. Some of these applications face the challenges of high speed
AgriSens, Wireless Network for Precision Agriculture, SPANN Lab, E.E. Dept, Indian Institute of
Technology Bombay, Mumbai, http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~spann/agrisens.swf, last access Aug 2009.
mKRISHI, mobile based agro advisory system, TCS Innovation Labs Mumbai, Tata Consultancy
Services, http://tcsinnovations.com , last access Aug 2009.
AGRO-SENSE: Precision Agriculture using sensor-based wireless mesh networks, Indian Institute of
Management Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
Several commercial products already exist:
Tripartite Collaboration
The collaboration should be tripartite including, Government Agencies, Academia
and Industry, for complete research-development-deployment cycle of WSN
applications. Equally important roles are there to play for all the three agencies in terms
of finance, research and commercializing leading to complete end to end deployment
of the WSN for emerging applications. It is indeed very important for all the three to
cohesively work to exploit the capabilities of WSN specifically to provide solutions in
Indian context.
Role of the academia is to solve various research problems relating to design and
development of WSNs. Funding is expected to motivate the research and development.
Early prototypes can then be commercialized with help of industry partners. Again
some seed fund for such commercial efforts would be of great help.
The Government must fully finance the theoretical research part of the project and may
demand royalties from the industry at a later date. Partnerships with the government
can focus on establishing new standards for application domains that benefit from
sensor networks. Structures of public utility, like bridges, dams, roads, railway line etc
could be made safe by the use of WSNs. Government should take initiative in taking
up defining requirements, disseminate any data at its disposal and take up pilot
projects. In this context, academia is required to contribute towards developing
innovative sensors and the industry needs to take on the turnkey project execution.
2. WSNs should be made available in schools as demos and items to play with. It
will be great to have Robots equipped with WSN technology for yet to be
imagined applications by young minds. Have open house or take demos to
schools etc. Develop a WSN+Robo toy like the LEGO for children to play with.
3. When building new national infrastructure like bridges, roadways, etc., WSN
technology should be built into it. This will avoid retrofitting.
7. WSN funding must have an interdisciplinary team. This is because most of the
applications catered by WSN require application domain knowledge as much as
engineering and designing skills.
9. Actively support WSN for healthcare / body area networks. This could be one
of the biggest driver for adoption of WSN
10. Developing WSN for RFID applications. This can cater to various applications
related to storage and transportation of food and drug.
The area of WSN is thriving and every day new ideas are emerging. A strong
testimony to this is the recent report on Smart Sensor Networks: Technologies and
Applications for Green Growth, by OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development, Dec. 2009 [49]. This report contributed to the OECD Conference on
“ICTs, the environment and climate change”, Helsingør, Denmark, 27-28 May 2009,
and is a contribution to the OECD work on Green Growth.
Thus, it is envisaged that WSN could become a major driver for Green Growth. As has
been mentioned at various stages of the report and also brought by the survey, WSN
has been a bit slow to take off, but once it takes off there will be no stopping it. What is
needed is something like the microprocessor and DSP chip revolution where the costs
came down by orders of magnitude, processing power went up immensely and energy
consumption came down dramatically. This will happen if we develop novel and cost
effective mixed signal design technology for WSN chipsets.
Another area which needs a tremendous impetus to make sure that WSN thrives is
sensor technology. Perhaps the weakest link in the chain of technologies of WSN is
sensor technology. Sensors are very expensive, partly because of niche technology and
also because of niche applications. Ubiquitous use of sensors for various day to day
applications, as promised by Internet of Things, will indeed help in bringing the cost
down for sensors.
Nevertheless, the area of biosensors is wide open. Bio-Wi-sensor networks could turn
out to be the biggest applications of WSN. Everything hinges on development of
biosensors. Significant financial resources need to be committed to the development of
biosensor in India. It is going to be very difficult to buy biosensors from overseas, and
thus very imperative that India puts in the requisite resources for development of
All in all, when we look at WSN, we need to think of a long haul game. We need to be
in the running for a long time and then good things n WSN will indeed emerge for
[7] Sukun Kim , Shamim Pakzad , David Culler , James Demmel , Gregory Fenves , Steven
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[14] Arun K. Pande, Bhushan G. Jagyasi, Sanjay Kimbahune, Pankaj Doke, Ajay Mittal,
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[25] Sarath Gopi, G. Kannan, U. B. Desai and S. N. Merchant, “Energy Optimized Path
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[26] Ian F. Akyildiz and Dario Pompili and Tommaso Melodia, “Underwater acoustic sensor
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[28] U. Lee, J. Kong, M. Gerla, J. S Park and E. Magistretti, “Time-critical underwater sensor
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[29] Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Bijendra N. Jain, “The role of colinearity of sensors in target
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[30] Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Bijendra N. Jain, "Tracking mobile target using selected sensors",
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[31] Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Bijendra N. Jain, "Tracking target using sensor networks: target
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[32] Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Bijendra N. Jain,”Random and Periodic sleep schedules for target
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[33] Naresh Sharma, Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Bijendra N. Jain, ”Tracking of a Mobile Target with
Selected Pair of Sensors”, Accepted in IEEE International Symposium on Wireless
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[36] Vaishali P. Sadaphal, Bijendra N. Jain,”Sensor Selection Heuristic for Target Tracking
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[38] Vaishali Sadaphal, “Tracking a Mobile Target using Energy Constrained Wireless Sensor
Network”, Ph.D. Thesis, IIT Delhi, 2008.
[40] Bhushan G. Jagyasi, Bikash K. Dey, S. N. Merchant, and U. B. Desai, “An Efficient
Multibit Aggregation Scheme for Multihop Wireless Sensor Networks,” EURASIP Journal on
Wireless Communications and Networking, (EJWCN) vol. 2008, Article ID 649581, 11 pages,
2008. doi:10.1155/2008/649581
[41] Bhushan Jagyasi, Deepthi Chander, Uday Desai, S. N. Merchant and Bikash Dey, “Blind
Adaptive Weighted Aggregation Scheme for Event Detection in Multihop Wireless Sensor
Networks” accepted in special issue on WPMC of Springer Wireless Personalized
communication (WPC).
[42] Bhushan Jagyasi, “Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Ph.D. Thesis, IIT
Bombay, 2008.
[43] Deepthi Chander, Bhushan G. Jagyasi, Uday Desai, and S. N. Merchant, Distributed
Velocity Dependent (DVD) protocol for Mulithop Cellular Sensor Networks, accepted Eurasip
Journal on Wireless Communication and Networking (EJWCN).
[44] D. Chander, B. G. Jagyasi, U. B. Desai, and S. N. Merchant, “DVD based moving event
localization in Multihop Cellular Sensor Networks,” International Conference on
Communications, ICC 2009, June 14-18 2009
[47] MetroSense, “Tracking mobile events with mobile sensors.” MetroSense, Dartmouth,
2008. [Online]. Available: http://metrosense.cs.dartmouth.edu/metro-projects.html
[48] M. Millenium, “Mobile millenium: Using cell phones as mobile traffic sensors.” UC
Berkeley College of Enginerring, CCIT, Caltrans, DOT, Nokia, NAVTEQ, 2008. [Online].
Available: http://traffic.berkeley.edu/theproject.html
[49] Smart Sensor Networks: Technologies and Applications for Green Growth, by
It was felt by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MCIT), Department of
Information Technology (DIT) that it will be prudent to give a cohesive thrust to this very important area.
With this in mind a workshop was held at IITB on April 20, 2007
(http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/spann/wsn_workshop.html). We felt that in the globalized world it was important
to have perspective from a global audience. Thus, we now embark on soliciting opinions from researchers
Please do spare a few minutes of your precious time for filling out this survey form. Email the filled out
form to undesai@ee.iitb.ac.in by November 15, 2007
Survey Results
A survey on Future of Wireless Sensor Network Technology has been conducted by circulating
Survey form given in Appendix A to prominent researchers working in the filed of Wireless
Sensor Networks. As many as 17 top notch researchers from India and abroad responded to this
survey. Following is the list of researchers who have contributed in this survey.
• Aman Kansal
• Anish Arora
• Anurag Kumar
• Bhaskar Raman
• K. R. Sarma
• Mahesh U. Patil
• Matt Welsh
• Nabanita Das
• Onkar Dabeer
• P. R. Kumar
• Pramod K. Varshney
• Rama Murthy, Garimella
• Sanjay Jha
• Vinayak Naik
• Vishal Chandra
• Viswanatha Rao Thumparthy
• Shaheed Khan
1. Research deployments have been conducted and products are appearing. Research
Prototypes and PoC's are seen all across the world including India. However, not many
hardware products are manufactured in India for WSN.
2. Network Protocols: The simpler problems of network setup, mesh protocols have now
been worked on and nearing solution.
3. Application Driven: More current research is now focused on application driven
systems – so that more concrete issues can be addressed.
4. Comparison with other technologies of the generation: A recent issue of IEEE
Spectrum classified WSNs as one of the top 10 emerging technologies.
5. Hardware: There is also a sense of ossification behind the TinyOS and mote platforms
which are premature since many application domains involve quite different hardware
and software demands than provided by that system. This “second system effect” will
likely subside in some time and it will become clearer where the lasting contributions
and research directions lie.
• Funding: Several applications stand to benefit from sensor networks. WSN’s have
received enormous research funding (in US, Europe, and Asia) over the last 10 years.
Examples include research centers such as CENS (http://research.cens.ucla.edu/) in the
US and Swiss Ex http://www.swiss-experiment.ch/SwissEx/index.php/Main_Page, and
several other projects. Asian countries including China, Singapore, and Taiwan have
several projects in sensor networks as well. Several start-up companies are offering
products in the sensor networking domain: Sentilla, Sensicast, Point8, ArchRock,
SynapSense, Crossbow, sensorial, and others. Industrial research labs have also funded
sensor networking research:
aspx The military continues to fund research in this area, now more so in the context
of aiding mobile dismounts/units, but is yet to seriously adopt the technology in its
operation. This is historically consistent with it being the visionary for technology but
being a slower adopter than the industry.
• Applications: WSNs will not have one killer app. They are likely to have many! Most
discussions of this topic go into the lengthy (and sometimes identical) list of
application domains and a number of these areas over time will pan out. Whether they
connect to the rest of the world through the cellular network or the wired internet,
WSN impact on the traditional networks is likely to be transformative, simply by
taking into account the amount of data that will enter/leave as machines talk to
enterprises and other machines. In Indian context, it mainly influences Agriculture,
Health Care, Defense, Surveillance, Wild Life Habitat Monitoring, Medical, Under
Water WSN and Disaster Management. Thus Potentially WSN can enable a lot of
applications for improving the efficiency of industries (industrial monitoring, factory
automation), energy saving (home automation, Lighting / HVAC systems),
wildlife/agriculture (monitoring animals / soil), safety (fire-detection systems) etc.
However WSN are currently not widely deployed or used. Thus despite the promise of
WSN, due to the lack of technology at the right performance / price, we do not see
WSN entering the mainstream.
Thus it is a unanimous belief that the area of WSN is currently under research and
development. Several exploratory deployments have taken place. Preliminary results are
encouraging and widespread use is highly likely. WSNs are capable of enhancing system
performance significantly so they hold considerable promise. It is also believed that it will
pervade into daily life like the cell phone technology.
• More and more real time sensor information is expected to get integrated from sensors
into business information systems.
• RFID sensor data is now reaching global standardization (Eg.
http://www.epcglobalinc.org/home and integration of RFID with GPS based mapping
systems for tracking).
• Sensors embedded on Mobile phones forming “Cellular Sensor Networks (CSN)” has
been considered to be another important research area resulting in another set of novel
participatory sensing applications. The involvement of human in maintaining the
sensor nodes (mobile phone) solves major issues like deployment and power efficiency
in WSNs. However this has another constraint of mobility of nodes which leads to
form a more dynamic network.
• Research on incorporating UWB transmission in Wireless sensor networks envisages a
shift to cater high data rate applications, unlike low data rate applications which are
more often considered in the present scenario.
Future Applications
• The use of sensors in other domains is gaining increased attention, ranging from cold-
chain management, security, infrastructure monitoring, to scientific exploration.
• This field has tremendous potential for applications in public domains. With the
development of new application specific sensors along with the appropriate networking
protocol, data aggregation model, routing and scheduling techniques sensors can
invade all spheres of life to assist humans for better life.
• WSNs has a great potential in many application domains, resource monitoring,
environmental monitoring, defense applications, traffic systems, health care, precision
agriculture, etc. The potential is so great that it is hard to think of what areas may be
unaffected by developments in this area.
Hence a widespread use of WSN is expected in the future
Technological Advances
On the technology side, some of the initial design assumptions are giving way to more practical
designs learned through experiences in deployments and experiments. For instance, practical
systems may not be peer to peer ones with large number of nodes in a mesh network but
hierarchically organized with some higher power nodes every few hops. As more and more
practical systems are developed, the usefulness of sensor networks will continue to become
Going by the standardization efforts (Zigbee), and the race to build proprietary products
(Honeywell, ABB, Hitachi) it appears that the industry has a lot of expectations as well.
Some of the research issues, as suggested by the researchers working in the area, which holds
promise for the future of WSN technology, are summarized here.
Research Issues:
• Transducer design: Developing new sensor transducers that are compact, low
power, and cost effective. The space of interesting sensors is yet to be seriously
explored, and will result in much more serious adoption. Bio-degradable /
environment-friendly sensor design is another challenging area with good research
• Electronic system design: Integrating sensors with the appropriate electronic
circuitry to extract digital data, using sensor feedback to enhance the data
collection within the electronics, and providing low noise outputs using sensor
• Node design: Developing low power sensor nodes with appropriate processing and
networking capabilities.
• System Design: Developing sensor networks of several nodes and integrating them
with application specific information systems. System design is one of the most
promising challenges where several new breakthroughs are possible in the near
term leading to fundamentally new design directions.
• Distributed Algorithm: Distributed energy efficient algorithms for data
aggregation, routing, scheduling, clustering, time synchronization and localization
are some of the extensively researched area for single-hop and multi-hop Wireless
Sensor Networks.
2. Cost of sensing in “low visibility” setting. Traditional sensors under perform in many
scenarios because of topological constraints.
Theoretical Research is about theorem proving/mathematical analysis for relevant models and
"Practical Research/Deployment considers design and implementation often based on adhoc
methods. Both these are complementary tools with their own advantages/disadvantages.
The first wave of theoretical research seems to be complete. At this stage, a little more
attention to practical research (such as interference patterns with WLAN in a home
environment etc) and large scale deployment may be required. Practical research takes inputs
from Deployments and gives inputs to Theoretical Research. More importance should be given
on deployments in the field. Depending on whether or not any significant research issues arise
after this, attention can then be focused on theoretical or practical research. This will also result
in consideration of Practical assumptions in Theoretical research. More focus on deployment
would result in translation of large body of theoretical work into real systems. This in-turn will
need revision of theory. Hence resources to theoretical research should also not be ignored
completely. This will help the theoretical research efforts to be tied to the real-world problems.
2. Chinese researchers have built systems where they use taxi mounted GPS data streams
to monitor urban traffic conditions. Unlike the developed world where road embedded
sensors give real time traffic information (http://trafficmap.cityofbellevue.net/),
developing countries can leverage the high density of taxis in major urban areas to get
similar information.
4. Bangladesh Arsenic contamination: discussed briefly in some of the videos near the
It is common overall view that high efforts are required for the standardization of
WSNs, since it would involve standardization of radio, hardware, software on motes
(middleware as well as EOS along with communication and sensing interfaces), and
middleware on the distributed server.
Some of the existing standardization efforts resulted in
• 802.15.4 for low power MAC layer using open spectrum radios
• EPC for RFID sensors
• Electronic datasheets IEEE 1451
• Zigbee for upper layers in the stack such as network layer
• The IPv6 over Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks (IP/6LoWPAN) is
IPv6 Network stack for Wireless Sensor Networks in which sensor nodes can
communicate using protocols such as ICMP, TCP and UDP. As compared to
IEEE 802.15.4, the IP/6LoWPAN provides more convenience for
communicating with Internet based devices and web-server and web-browser.
Debates are on whether IP-6LowPan with appropriate TCP versions will be a
better fit because that is much more inter-operable with the Internet.
• The sensor architecture for various applications could evolve for some
• Standardization should be such that it compliance the large scale
deployments, which are almost non-existent. Interoperability issues have not
been experienced. This may be one area that would lead to refinement in the
Some of the potential barriers to growth as suggested by various researchers working in the
area of WSNs are summarized below.
1. Interdisciplinary collaborations: Most of the applications catered by WSN
require interdisciplinary collaborations. Integrating IT with Application Domain
Experts is one of the potential barriers to WSN growth.
2. Scalability: Design and maintenance at large scale will probably require new
engineering design directions.
3. Energy efficiency. The power is still considered as an issue for developing most
of the algorithms. The current radio, processors, and software are power hungry.
For the nodes to be able to last for long duration (potentially a year or two),
would need clever design. The limiting factor could be the state-of-the-art of the
battery technology.
4. Spectrum: WSN have to use unlicensed spectrum. Thus spectrum issues need to
6. Talent: A huge and critical barrier is the shortage of PhD students and neglect of
adequate research infrastructure, education, capital, development projects. Talent
is scarce, especially in terms of expert programmers. Lack of skilled manpower
with a combination of expertise in Hardware, Systems Software, and Embedded
Software with possibility of also lack of knowledge in Web and Distributed
7. Cost: Cost of the solutions is not regarded as barrier to the growth of WSNs by
many researchers in the long run. Whereas, cost per node is still considered to be
too high for practical deployment of nodes. It is still unclear that weather these
networks can really run unattended for years, while doing something useful. We
hence need some experiences with large practical deployments. Moreover, the
WSNs will become practicable only when the cost of commercial sensors
is brought down significantly from the current value.
13. Others: Some of the other barriers to growth are hype exceeded delivery, size of
the node, interference from other technologies using the same spectrum,
packaging, sensors and antenna design.
1. Partnerships between industry and academia should focus on application domains that
can benefit from sensor networks. For instance, food supply industry can leverage
sensor networks for maintaining temperature and quality control throughout the farm
to fork food pathway. The industry can help academic researchers understand the
practical issues, interfacing requirements and immediate needs. Partnerships with the
government can focus on establishing new standards for application domains that
benefit from sensor networks. Continuing the food supply example, a premium grade
food category may be created that is certified to be monitored for temperature and
contamination control throughout the production cycle.
Mote design:
Being application driven is good as it leads to more concrete research and helps distinguish the
research project from other similar ones. Indian institutions may have an advantage in
conducting large scale deployments due to lower cost of manpower, and larger number of
graduate students. Building a mote prototype locally should be feasible using schematics
shared from Berkeley motes and also having a locally developed design such as through an
Electronic Design Project (EDP) at Dept of EE at IITB. Once the core mote is made easily
available many researchers can use it to build custom platforms for various apps. This is an
important area that allows India to leapfrog the “industrial age” and move into the information
driven automated age. This is an important area where India can become a leading player
globally. So major effort should go into its development.
At present sensor node exist but they are too expensive to make a WSN deployment cost-
effective and attractive. Thus a WSN node (which is a PCB) needs to be converted into an all-
integrated SoC to achieve low-costs.
Physical Layer
While a lot of work has been done to improve performance for WSN protocols (already
achieved high reliability with high efficiency) the capabilities of PHY layer for robustness,
low-power etc., need to be really worked upon.
Communication Capability
A key aspect of wireless sensor networks is that of the communication capabilities of the
sensor nodes. Wireless networking adds a new dimension of capabilities to the sensor / actuator
/ transducer paradigms of the past. As such, new horizons are opened for both research and
more ‘practical’ applications, however, the loss of wires (for power & communication)
introduce a myriad of new issues:
1. Lack of available RF space in the electromagnetic spectrum. Free bands crowded
and any other real-estate prohibitively expensive. Sensor nodes intended to be
deployed in large number and from different vendors.
2. Power constraints cannot be ignored.
3. TX power artificially reduced because spectrum must be shared, radio uses a large
amount of this limited power.
4. Low-cost parts/radios.
Inaugural Address:
Prof. J. Vasi, Deputy Director, IIT Bombay
Presentations I
Chair: S. N. Merchant
10:15 - 10:30 Venkat Padmanabhan (Microsoft Research India)
10:30 - 10:45 Deepak Bharadwaj (Intel)
10:45- 11:00 Sajid Mubashir (TIFAC-DST)
11:00 – 11:15 Puneet Gupta (Infosys)
11:15 – 11:45 Coffee / Tea / Snacks
Presentations II
Chairman: Venkat Padmanabhan
11:45 – 12:00 Venkat Rangan (Amrita University)
12:00 – 12:15 H. S. Jamadagini (IISc)
12:15 – 12:30 Rajakumar (IIT Kharagpur)
12:30 – 12:45 Dinesh Sharma (IIT Bombay)
12:45 – 13:00 Bharadwaj Amrutur (IISc)
13:00 – 13:15 M. K. Dhaka (DEAL Dehradun)
13:15 – 14:15
Demo by Airbee Wireless: Rapid WSN Deployment for
Commercial Building Automation
Talks Summary
Prof. B. N. Jain
1. How could DIT facilitate R&D in this area.
2. What will it take to realize potential in WSN.
3. Numerous Applications, a variety of sensors and a variety of network
technology in WSN
4. Identify those applications that are interesting, important, and challenging and
put effort, time and energy in these technologies.
5. Unclear in India: Which few applications and technologies are relevant
- mostly in defense,
- now in environment monitoring, and
- detection and prediction of disasters
- Detection of fire in buildings,
- landslide, tsunami detection/early warning,
- exotic body area WSN medical applications,
- Humidity in soil, efficient irrigation,
Prof. J. Vasi:
- Willing to collaborate, Physics, Chemistry
- On-chip circuitry, Nano-electronics
Prof U. B. Desai:
Motivation and issues of WSN
- WSN R&D in US in1994, India, a decade behind,
- Need to be adventurous, own ideas.
- Invite “ISRO” next time
- Processors are well developed
- Weakest link are sensors, accelerometers are there.
- But not sensors that sense nitrates in the soil, bio chemical substances in soil,
- Sensors are not air-tight
- Sensor technology needs a big push
- Lot of work already done in protocols etc… (slide)
- Attempt to take old algorithms and make them distributed, we must have a new
look from collaborative perspective
- Distributed data mining: Tiny DB not much developed
- Java for resource hungry platform: work is in progress
- Zig bee
- Deborah’s group very active
- Shankar Shastry workshop in Taiwan
- Need for a global network
- Almost all major Universities and Research Labs. abroad have R and D in
- Inexpensive sensors
-scalability: large scale
Development of sensors
- Other departments like agriculture, mining, cross disciplinary interaction a must
- Is USA the key driver
- We in India should have our own drivers
- Need to go out and deploy instead of using simulators like NS2
- Overcome letting ideas die down in the institute, let them be marketed
Enabler technology
- Edited book, invited papers after this workshop
ICICI looking for software that answers the question: what is health of the crop?
- Web cam on all mobiles, system may route a query to a mobile, contact a
proper mobile to take a required picture.
- Traffic monitoring by noise mapping. By sensing noise level in a city.
- GPS enabled cell phone, tells something about traffic condition, may be my car
is broken and is slow. False alarm if information from only one mobile used.
Use information from all mobiles and do traffic monitoring
Prof Rajkumar, IIT Kharagpur: Security and Billing
- Cost: communication cost, energy cost in participation, combine and find a
composite cost
- Privacy: track my mobile device, but system should not know the identity of the
person who is moving
Mr. Bharadwaj: platform on mobiles? Windows mobile phones, cost 100$ mobile,
Smart phones?
Prof. Venkat Rangan
Title: “Disaster recovery management”
Project: WINSOC: self organizing capabilities for critical and emergency applications
11 partners working on this project from Europe and 2 in India. Uses satellite to collect
as a sensor clusters from different geographically placed sensors. The project started 6-
7 months back. Breaking down the task to sensor activity and distribution of data
collection. Application gas leak, forest fire etc.
Research challenges
How to prototype land-slide prediction and deployment where shown as clip. Using
heuristic to come up with an early warning system. Using 10-20 sensors covering of 2
kms in land slide areas. Sensors used a rain gauge to start the sensing of other vibration
and sliding sensors.
- Sensor Development
- Wireless Mote design
Early in the deployment stage. Project web site www.winsoc.org
Ques: Dr Venkat (MSR): How much training one had to give to the system,
parameters? Does the system learn by itself?
Research challenges
Using models, first in the form of terrain, weather. Study of hard to deploy areas such
as mountain ranges, terrestrial link sending data to one center. Use models to get digital
terrain to find out the different faults and defects. Range of sensor is between 2-20 km
area of test bed. This data is send to a central processing station e.g. Chandighar. Help
the network domain expert to transmit data.
Advance forecasting of weather data for the region in Gulmarg, Banihal, Patseo and
Dhundi. Difficulty in networking in mountain ranges and wireless reliability and
repeater stations. Range is 1.2km. Finding critical route paths and tunnels for expected
avalanche activity.
Flow per meter
All weather forecasting stations in India.
Sensors need to work in the area in the deployed area. Hence some R&D works to get
better understanding of avalanche early detection and the new network and topology
requirements. Fault tolerant and how to replace the lost sensors (cost effective).
Mr. Dhaka,
Defense Electronics application laboratory DEAL:
Chair: S.N. Presenter: Manoj Kumar Dhaka Defense
Merchant Electronics
Research challenges
Deployment of ad hoc network in hostile environment. Sensors are not rugged for
existing war field conditions. To collect data in real-time to extend the active battle
field. Issues of mobility in ad hoc network. Power is not an issue due to terrain vehicles
like tank.
WSN as the lower layer, upper layer ADHOC network (no power constrain in either
Design goals:
Two fast moving mobile nodes should be able to communicate in an ad-hoc network
Ultra frequency mobility 10 times per second, multihop routing in this scenario
Security in ad hoc networks
To interoperate ad hoc and WSN network
Defense hardware suppliers.
Nuclear radiation sensors, developed by DRDO
Structural defect detection system in war planes
Interface between the sensor and the CPU must be standardized, any sensor must be
Institutions should come out with proposals, not only on acquaintance based
Proposals invited
Design and development of WSN, Real time remote monitoring
Study project on WSN
Outcome in physical terms
Research challenges
1. Design and development of wireless sensor networks for real time monitoring
All the funded DIT projects.
R&D in IT,R&D Electronics, R&D Communication and broadband and technology
and extent to low cost WSN deployment.
Presentations II
Disaster management:
Plenty of theory, inadequate deployment experience, expensive platform
Use of standard platforms: cell phones
Inexpensive: 150 $ per piece. Redone (indigenization) in India in Rs. 200
Agriculture focused
Given that “so much” crop is sowed, and the rainfall is falling, then “how much” yield
will I get? So that if the crop is poor, them I can take up another job instead of wasting
time in farming.
Rain prediction
- Frequent power outages, unreliable power- variable voltage
- Complete dysfunction of sensor nodes
- Sensors buried so signal strength goes down
WSN research going to take a long time, so keep supporting. May take a long time to
see the day of light
Self healing ?
Research challenges
The area of sensor network as a research area in environmental applications.
Technology for environment monitoring. Optimization is very much addressed due to
low cost and resource. Use standard platforms, new inexpensive platform. Inexpensive
sensors. The e.g. of deployed sensor in Projects
Semi-arid agriculture (various part of India)
Important measure:
Soil moisture
System Specification:
Real-time data collection, soil moisture using a cluster based networks.
Practical problems:
Battery replacements every one month
Power outage due unreliable lines
Latest Application
WIFI with WSN clustering and aggregation to get remote picture.
Calibrating with Switzerland CISL for sensors. Crop modeling with Australian
Effective use of timeouts and clustering techniques in WSN for data reliability.
Umesh Kumar: tracking moving objects using range and bearing information
New problem suggestion: find out locations of the mines and thus find out a track
which will avoid mines
Multipath problem
Research challenges
WIMAX – Software radio, 4th generation of mobiles and WSN network Involved
faculty from various department working on different WSN areas Tracking of moving
object(Association/tracking): Student projects adapted to sensor networks using sonar
in underground sensing. (sensors, target passes through the sensors and as the object
moves it switches the sensors).
ECE, CS and Mechanical depts..
Environment monitoring
Human intervention must since one can not apply 110 V to heart just because of noise,
thus we need human interface
Silicon locket sends SMS to doctor in case of problem. Doctors logs into a server to
check data. Then take a decision to see/not see the patient. Service provider to provide
services to doctors to log into the server/web site.
Doctor can also ask for all the data from the silicon locket in case he needs details.
Developed own integrator of analog signals. TI processor for its “low power” property.
Another project:
Monitoring proteins in blood, sensor dip in blood, cantilever type, differential
Involving the user agencies (domain specific): In this case a hospital involved.
Ques: (MSR) Dr. Padmanabhan: In case of critical patients, silicon locket is not good.
Ans: In India rural patients find it difficult to stay in bigger cities for a long time. This
is not for critically ill patients.
Another application: Doctor does not go in an ambulance. But the patient can wear the
jacket. And the Doctor can monitor from remote: increase oxygen, change in angle of
lying down position etc
Can it be used by a pacemaker user? Patients with a pacemaker can not use radio. But
card can be taken out from the silicon locket and taken to the doctor.
Configurable computing might not work. If you are looking for arrhythmia then you
need high computation all the time.
Research challenges
Project: Silicon Locket and E Jacket work between IIT-B/TCS
Patient monitoring
Low power, low cost and reliability
Heart monitoring unit, rural people cannot afford the overheads to go to a city health
care provider.
Develop platform technology to address low cost porting to many target devices.
Design of heart sensor for patient diagnostic.
Lower deployment using local processing and sending processed data as opposed to
raw data.
Sensors developed for heart beat detection. Miniaturizing the CMOS made the analog
performance suffer.
TCS, India
“A WSN project”
Solar driven cells, form factor larger in case of solar cells, if solar source is more
efficient then smaller solar panel will result in smaller form factor
Research challenges
A WSN research project is a 3 year project funded by DRDO-CAIR and 11 faculty
from four departments.
Application Classification
Detection, location, classification and tracking of point events
Detection and mapping of events covering large regions
Estimation of a continuously varying random field
Assistance in Navigation and Guidance
Monitoring of inventory levels
Current work
Detection, location and tracking
- Perimeter Fencing
- Border Surveillance
Border surveillance
- Problem Scenario
- Inference
- Performance specs
- Network lifetime
- Design plan
- Algorithms
- Prototype with off the shelf motes
- Prototypes of critical
Mr. Ramamurthy
- Industry academia interaction and inter academia interaction
- Security
- Real time response
- Radiation resistance
In addition to funding act as facilitator
Brigadier Kochar:
- Same products can be used in different ways and will come back about this
- Many are defense driven. All the new projects are gaining experience from
some of optimization done in WSN research.
- Defense is going through a revolution
- Naval research board has lots of problems
- Need for research in anti jam algorithm, WSN working on a single frequency, it
should not be possible to jam WSN at will
- use of UWB for communication
- security
- presently, sensor and analog circuitry kept separately, MEMS is done on silicon
and also analog is on silicon, possible to integrate,
- standardization issue, draft initial standard on sensor networks
- after standardization number of customers will be larger
- software, self reliance, otherwise licensing fees would be an issue
Mr. Vijay
- Looking at WSN as a thrust area
Brainstorming Session 2
Is cost an important factor?
Is Cost of sensor, networking, life cycle cost
worth the data collected?
Potential barriers to WSN growth?
Prof. B. N. Jain:
- water most important resource, monitoring quality of water of Ganges
- no of sensors 20,000, cost: RS 20 Crore
- 200 million people lives at stake
- Lives more important, proves the worth of sensor networks
- Need to look at wired sensor network, wireless is not required always, self
configuration issue is still there, eg. Agriculture, irrigation, wiring of sensors is
feasible, things very simple for wired configuration, energy also not a constraint
- Working together, R&D driven by one or more applications, do everything to
make this possible
- New sets of applications of WSN with cell phone as sensors
- Do-able, challenging, important applications must be located
- Seek funding from DIT targeted at collaborations (DARPA identifies problems
to be solved and then others bid)
Prof. U. B. Desai:
- are there any barriers to growth, change out mindset (Dr.Pradhan)
- lack of applications (Dr. Venkat Padmanabhan)
- Dr. Venkat P.: PhDs prefer to work in lab since they feel they will earn PhDs.
They will not get a PhD like this with implementation and deployment. PhD
students are not willing to do hardware kit deployments due to legacy academic
IIT Kharagpur,
- sensor node need not be low power, wireless
- potential business models should be drawn with flexible models of node
- cost is not an issue
Dr. Dinesh:
- we went to TCS with the idea.
- Academicians need not make business model, they do not want to be second
rate businessmen
- We are coming together since industry does business best and academicians to
their work best.
Dr. Pradhan:
- use expertise from business schools of IITs / IIMs
- let them make business plan for you
- issues involved
- let them do a market survey, target customers
Prof. Jamadagni:
- create a project that students want to join
- Academicians should have good problems first. Pool of problems.
Prof. Amrutur
Prof. U.B.Desai:
- exciting since it is interdisciplinary, very important to have domain experts
- other disciplines are looking at us for collaborations
Dr. Pradhan:
- Academician do academics, industry does business
- DARPA model: identify the person who puts together this interdisciplinary
team, DARPA finds out problems
- NSF model: output is publications, patent, researcher find out problem
Prof. U.B.Desai:
- DIT and DST has requested to find out a problem
Prof. Dinesh:
- Application must have 1. impact: either a. societal or b. industrial (list these
- Development of base line capabilities e.g. students are trained, find out what
should they be trained on? (list out)
Prof. Jamadagni:
- partnership has to be natural
- institutionalization has problems of its own
Prof. U.B.Desai:
- Mr. Baveja promised that whatever problem is defined they will fund.
Prof. U.B.Desai:
- Manpower is an issue
URL: http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in/~spann/wsnworkshop/index.html
WSN for http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in • Deployed in Sula Wines and running for almost a
precision /spann year. U. B. Desai
Agriculture (ubdesai@iith.ac.in)
IIT Bombay S. N. Merchant
Wireless • Developed protocols for Multihop WCSN for U. B. Desai
Cellular pollution monitoring and data aggregation. Soon (ubdesai@iith.ac.in)
IIT Bombay, IIT - http://www.ee.iitb.ac.in S. N. Merchant
Sensor plan on filed deployment.
Hyderabad, India /spann (merchant@ee.iitb.ac.in)
U. B. Desai
Pervasive http://www.iu-
IIT Bombay, IIT - • Developing protocols for Context aware (ubdesai@iith.ac.in)
sensor atc.com/indiaPartners.h
Hyderabad, India applications for Multihop WCSN. S. N. Merchant
networks tml
Dreamajax Technologies
Private Limited,Orchid
Techscape, STPI Campus,
• Provides lab setup of approximately 2Km with
Dreamajax http://www.wsnindia.c 6th Floor, Cyber Park,
Technologies Bangalore, India external interface for all Research and
om/ Electronics City,
Bangalore, India - 560100.
Phone:+91 80 66186194
Venkat Padmanabhan
• Current Projects Microsoft Research India
• Ongoing research spans the following areas: "Scientia"
• DirCast: Improving wireless multicast 196/36 2nd Main,
Mobility, performance Sadashivnagar
Microsoft Research, t.com/en-
Networks, and • CocoNet: Wide-area network acceleration Bangalore 560 080
India us/groups/mns/default.a
Systems • NetPrints: Home network configuration India
management and diagnosis Tel: +91 (80) 6658-6004
• Distributed sensing using mobile phones Fax: +91 (80) 2361-4657
Association Email:
for Intelligent India • Improving Road Safety secretariat@itsindia.org
Transport Tel: +91-755-2660635
• The use of high bit rate low power radio transceivers Head of Institute
(>= 1Mbps) for low data rate and low duty cycle Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn.
Wireless Self- applications Dietmar Dietrich
sustaing Vienna University of • The development of an energy efficient MAC Location,A-1040 Vienna,
Sensor Technology, Protocol (CSMA-MPS), optimized for high bit rate Gusshausstrasse 27-
c.at/wireless/ radio transceivers
Network Austria 29,Building
(WSSN) • The design of low cost energy efficient hardware Neues EI, 2th floor
including node design, energy scavenging Phone
techniques and storage +43 1 58801-38401
Company:AustriaTech -
Gesellschaft des Bundes für
Maßnahmen GmbH
Contact Person:
http://www.coopers- Mr. Reinhard Pfliegl
Coopers Austria • Cooperative Systems for Intelligent Road Safety
ip.eu/ Address:
Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220
Phone: +43 1 26 33 444 20
Fax : +43 1 26 33 444 10
European Commission
Information Society and
ICT for Transport
Brussels, rmation_society/activiti
i2010 • Intelligent Car Initiative BU31 4/66,
Belgium es/intelligentcar/index_
Avenue de Beaulieu, 31
B-1160 Brussels
Email: infso-intelligent-
General: info@sevecom.org
Antonio Kung
France http://www.sevecom.or
SEVECOM Tel: +33 144 70 61 03
g/ • SEcure VEhicle Communication Antonio.kung@trialog.com
AIRNET France • Airport Network and Mobile Surveillance (project coordinator)
Project Leader
Cyber http://www.cybercars.o
France • Cooperative Vehicles INRIA - Rocquencourt
Cars rg/
Research Unit, France
Dr.-Ing. Karl-Oskar
• Creating and establishing an open European
industry standard for CAR 2 CAR
c/o GZVB Competence
communication systems based on wireless
Center GmbH
LAN components and to guarantee European-
http://www.car-2- Hermann-Blenk-Straße 17
CAR-2-CAR Germany wide inter-vehicle operability
car.org/ D-38108 Braunschweig
• To enable the development of active safety Phone: +49 531 / 354 06-72
applications by specifying, prototyping and E-mail: contact@car-2-
demonstrating the CAR 2 CAR system to car.org
promote the allocation of a royalty free
Luisa Andreone
Centro Ricerche Fiat -
http://www.watchover- • Real time detection and relative localisation of Technologies Division
Watch-Over Italy
eu.org/ vulnerable road users Strada Torino 50, 10043
Orbassano, Torino, Italy
Tel. +39 011 9083071
Project Coordinator
Roberto Brignolo
http://www.safespot- Centro Ricerche Fiat
SAFESPOT Italy eu.org/ • Road Safety and related applications strada Torino 50, 10043
Orbassano Torino, Italy
tel. +39 011 90 80534
email: safespot@crf.it
Narito Kurata
Kobori Research Complex
Kajima Corporation, Tokyo
107-8502 Japan
Risk http://de.scientificcom Tel: +81-3-6229-6558, Fax:
mons.org/43502765 • Ubiquitous structural monitoring (USM) of
monitoring of Japan +81-3-5561-2431
buildings with WSNs
buildings E-mail: kuratangkajima.com
tGraduate School of Frontier
The University of Tokyo,
Chiba 277-8561 Japan
Antonio Marqués
• Developing new systems for cooperative sensing Tres Forques, 147
and predicting flow, infrastructure and 46014 Valencia
TRACKSS Spain http://www.trackss.net/
environmental conditions surrounding traffic, SPAIN
with a view to improve road transport +34 96 313 40 82
operations safety and efficiency technology-projects.etra-
AIDE Coordinator
Gustav Markkula (VTEC)
Volvo Technology
http://www.aide- • Joint effort of several reseach institutes, Intelligent Vehicle
AIDE Sweden
eu.org/ universities and manufacturers Technologies
Dept 06320, M1.6
SE-405 08 Gothenburg,
Cormac Duffy
Room 309, Kane building,
• Using the MISL sensor network and expertise
Computer Science
Visual Art http://www.cs.ucc.ie/mi from the MISL researchers, the space watches,
monitors and records the visitor and stores their Department,
with Wireless Ireland, UK sl/research/art.php University College
Sensor information, and then remixes previously
Networks captured data and subtly infuses it with the
Phone: (+353)21-490-3975
viewer's own experiences in the space.
Email: cd5 AT cs.ucc.ie
Jeff Frolik
Electrical and Computer
Sensor Engineering Department,
Networks & http://www.cems.uvm.e • Snow Water Equivalent Monitoring with University of Vermont,33
Wireless du/research/cems/snow Wireless Sensor Networks Colchester Ave,
Workgroup /default.php Burlington, VT 05405,
Tel: 802.656.0732
FAX: 802.656.3358
E-mail: jfrolik@uvm.edu.
Deepak Ganesan
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer
• Building scalable, energy-efficient sensor
University of Massachusetts,
http://sensors.cs.umass. networks through the use of heterogeneous
Sensors USA Amherst
edu/index.shtml sensor modalities, sensor platforms and
Office: CS Building, Room
Phone: (413) 545 2450
Fax: (413) 545 1249
Anish Arora
ExScal: • The aim is to investigate the challenges in scaling Computer Science and
Extreme Scale to a network of 10,000 sensor nodes. Engineering
Wireless USA • Environmental monitoring, traffic surveillance, 395 Dreese Hall
Sensor battlefield awareness, habitat monitoring, The Ohio State University
Networking supply chain integration, and weather tracking. Columbus, OH 43210-1277
+1 (614) 292 1836
Wang, X
(Sean.Wang@uvm.edu) ,
• A Robust and Manageable Approach for The University of Vermont,
EnArchi USA u/abs/2006AGUFMIN2
Dynamic Large-scale Sensor Networks 33 Colchester Ave.,
Burlington, VT 05405,
United States
Georgia Institute of
http://www.gatech.edu/ 75 Fifth Street, N.W.,
news- • Continuous monitoring air around persons prone Suite100,Atlanta, Georgia
Biomedical Atlanta, USA
room/release.php?id=1 to asthma 30308 USA
677 Abby Vogel (404-385-
Andrea Goldsmith
Professor of Electrical
Stanford University
Packard 371
• Sensor network localization using visual
Department of Electrical
Vision-based http://wsnl.stanford.edu observations made by image sensors from a
Stanford, USA Engineering
Localization /localization.php beacon agent are used to estimate network
Mail Code 9515
node coordinates.
Stanford, CA 94305-9515
Phone: (650) 725-6932
Fax: (650) 723-9251
Email: andrea at
Information Technology
• Distributed detection and estimation Laboratory
NIST USA wctg/smartsensors/sens
• Multi-sensor data fusion NIST, 100 Bureau Drive,
Stop 8900,
University of
Wisconsin- Madison, WI 53706- http://www.ece.wisc.ed • Location-Centric Distributed Computation and
1691, USA u/~sensit/
Madison Signal Processing in Microsensor Networks
USC/Information Sciences
• Exploring sensor-net-specific MAC protocol Suite 1001
design, improving energy efficiency by 4676 Admiralty Way
allowing radios to sleep when not in use, Marina Del Rey, CA 90292-
MACSS: coordinating the MAC protocol with the 6695
physical layer and sensors. U.S.A.
MAC http://www.isi.edu/ilen
USA Office: 1140
Protocols se/macss/
• Studying how sensor net applications differ from telephone: +1 (310) 448-8708
Specific for Internet-style applications. e-mail: johnh@isi.edu
Networks • Releasing of a software
Adrian Perrig
• Key distribution is the basic task of preloading
Email Address
http://sparrow.ece.cmu. secret information onto sensor nodes to allow
Sensor :perrig@cmu.edu
USA edu/group/research_pro the establishment of shared secret keys for
Networks Office CIC (Collaborative
jects.html#sensors secrecy, authentication and integrity..
Innovation Center) 2107
• Designing algorithms to detect the presence of
Telephone 412 268 2242
323 Engineering 2 Building
• VSN (Visual Sensor Networks) intends to
Baskin School of Engineering
address the issues in a visual sensor networks
University of California
related to network protocols, computer vision
Visual Sensor 1156 High Street
http://inrg.cse.ucsc.edu/ algorithms and their interaction.
Networks USA Santa Cruz, CA 95064
• Setting up a Visual Sensor Network testbed
Phone and Email
• Handling energy consumption issues Voice: (831) 459-4308
Fax: (831) 459-4829
E-mail: katia@cse. ucsc .edu
Sarah Bergbreiter
497 Cory Hall
http://www- • Investigating algorithms ising mobile robots for
UC Berkeley
CotsBots Berkeley, CA, USA bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/ cooperation, and distributed sensing in large (>
projects/cotsbots/ 50) robot networks
Berkeley, CA 94720
sbergbre at
BISON • BISON explores the use of ideas derived from University of Bologna
complex adaptive systems (CAS) to enable the Department of Computer
construction of robust and self-organizing Science
Biology- information systems for deployment in highly
Inspired Mura Anteo Zamboni, 7
http://www.cs.unibo.it/ dynamic network environments. We cast
techniques for Italy 40127 Bologna
bison/ solutions to important problems arising in
Self- Italy
overlay networks and mobile ad-hoc networks
Organization as desirable global properties that systems
in dynamic Tel: +39 051 2094504
should exhibit. We then search for CAS which
Networks Fax:+39 051 2094510
can bring about these global properties.
University of Massachusetts
• CASA is a multi-sector partnership among
academia, industry, and government dedicated
209 Knowles Engineering
to engineering revolutionary weather-sensing
Casa- Building
networks. These innovative networks will save
Collaborative http://www.casa.uma 151 Holdsworth Way
USA lives and property by detecting the region of
adaptive ss.edu/index.php Amherst, MA 01003
the lower atmosphere currently below
sensing of Tel 413-577-2221
conventional radar range - mapping storms,
atmosphere Fax 413-577-1995
winds, rain, temperature, humidity, and the
flow of airborne hazards.
M Palaniswami
Network Convener
• Micro and Nano Sensors Department of Electrical and
ISSNIP Electronics Engineering
• Distributed Sensor Networks
The University of Melbourne
• Surveillance and Monitoring
ARC Research http://www.ee.unimelb. Parkville, Victoria - 3010
Network on Australia • Sensor Fusion and Tracking Australia
Intelligent Sensors, • Scheduling and Optimization swami@ee.unimelb.edu.au
Sensor Networks
and Information • Machine Intelligence
Tel: +61 - 3 - 83446710
Fax: +61 - 3 - 83446678