Hexweb Nonmetallic Flex-Core: Product Data
Hexweb Nonmetallic Flex-Core: Product Data
Hexweb Nonmetallic Flex-Core: Product Data
Product Data
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Hexcel manufactures two types of nonmetallic HexWeb Flex-Core :
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HexWeb HRP – Fiberglass cloth reinforced with a high temperature phenolic resin. This product provides good
retention of strength for temperatures up 350°F.
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HexWeb HRH-10 – NOMEX aramid paper reinforced with a high temperature phenolic resin. This product
provides good retention of strength for temperatures up to 300°F.
Specifically designed for formability (cold form)
Retains mechanical properties in the curved condition
Offer coast savings for curved panels
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The HexWeb Nonmetallic Flex-Core cell configuration as opposed to the standard hexagonal cell honeycomb
provides for exceptional formability into compound curvatures with reduced anticlastic curvature and controlled
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buckling of the cell wells. When formed into tight radii, HexWeb Nonmetallic Flex-Core provides higher shear
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strengths than comparable hexagonal cores of equivalent density. HexWeb Nonmetallic Flex-Core applications
exist whenever extreme curvature dictates a flexible cell geometry, e.g. radomes, ducts, leading edges of wings
and stabilizers.
Standard Dimensions
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HexWeb HRP and HexWeb HRH-10 Flex-Core are available in two standard panel sizes.
For HRP: For HRH-10:
L W T Min L W T Min
42 in. ± 1 in. 48 in. ± 1 in. 0.125 in. 42 in. + 2 in. -0 in. 48 in. + 2 in. - 0 in. 0.125 in.
42 in. ± 1 in. 72 in. ± 1 in. 0.125 in. 42 in. + 2 in. -0 in. 72 in. + 2 in. - 0 in. 0.125 in.
Other L, W, and T dimensions may be available on request. One block minimum buy may apply.
Thickness Tolerance
Tolerances on cut thickness are as follows:
T Min to 1.500 in. tolerance will be ± 0.006 in.
1.501 in. to 3.000 in. tolerance will be ± 0.010 in.
3.001 and over tolerance will be ± 0.062 in.
Tighter tolerances may be available upon special request.
HexWeb® Nonmetallic Flex-Core Product Data
Type Designation
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HexWeb Nonmetallic Flex-Core is designated as follows:
Material – Cell size – Density
Example: HRH-10 – F50 – 3.5
HRH-10 – refers to the type of material
F50 – refers to the cell size in cells per lineal foot in the W direction
3.5 – refers to the density in pounds per cubic foot
Dimensional Nomenclature
T = Thickness, or cell depth
L = Ribbon direction, or width
W = Long direction, or direction perpendicular to the ribbon
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HexWeb Nonmetallic Flex-Core is shipped as follows:
SHIPPING TERMS: FCA Hexcel, Casa Grande, AZ, USA (Incoterms 2010)
Lead times will vary with the particular core type selected.
The information in this Data Sheet is subject to change without notice.
Contact your nearest Hexcel Sales Office for delivery information.
HexWeb® Nonmetallic Flex-Core Product Data
Mechanical Properties
Test per AMS-STD-401 at 0.500 inch thickness.
Other cell sizes, densities, and dimensions may be available on special request. Please contact your nearest Hexcel
Sales Office for additional information. One block minimum buy may apply.
Density Tolerance – Standard tolerance is ±10%. HRH-10 Flex-Core meets the requirements of SAE specification
HexWeb® Nonmetallic Flex-Core Product Data
Hexcel Corporation believes, in good faith, that the technical data and other information provided herein is materially
accurate as of the date this document is prepared. Hexcel reserves the right to modify such information at any time.
The performance values in this data sheet are considered representative but do not and should not constitute
specification minima. The only obligations of Hexcel, including warranties, if any, will be set forth in a contract signed
by Hexcel or in Hexcel's then current standard Terms and Conditions of Sale as set forth on the back of Hexcel's
Order Acknowledgement.
For US quotes, orders and product information call toll-free 1-800-688-7734. For other worldwide sales office
telephone numbers and a full address list, please click here: http://www.hexcel.com/contact/salesoffices.
Copyright © 2014 – Hexcel Corporation – All Rights Reserved. NOMEX® is a registered trademark of E.I. DuPont de Nemours, Wilmington, Delaware.
HexWeb®, Flex-Core, Hexcel and the Hexcel logos are registered trademarks of Hexcel Corporation, Stamford, Connecticut. June 2014