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Class 6 Computer Science (FA1) Set-A

SESSION 2016-2017

General Instructions:
• This question paper contains 7 questions.
• Write answers neatly and legibly.
• All the questions are compulsory.
• Marks for each question are indicated against it

1. Fill in the following blanks: (2½)

a. ________ is highly user friendly language.
b. ________ language consists of binary numbers i.e., 0 and 1
c. ________ key helps us move between fields while typing the data.
d. The data is organized in tabular form along with the _______ names.
e. In ________ folder, you can store digital photos, images and graphic files..

2. State whether the following statements are True or False: (2½)

a. Oracle is an example of fourth generation language.
b. In machine language zero means ‘ON’ state.
c. Lady Ada love lace was the first programmer.
d. In Windows 7, we cannot display two application windows side by side.
e. Merge cell option is used to combine the data in single cell.

3.Define the following terms: (3)

a. Ripping
b. Mail Merge
c. Syntax

4. Differentiate between the following terms: (2)

a. Compiler and Interpreter
b. High level and Low Level Language

5.Name the following : (2½)

a. The first computer programmer

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b. Feature of Windows 7 that enables you to preview all open windows as a stack
c. Full form of LISP
d. Term used for additional programs of Windows
e. The feature that is used to send letters with similar information to a number of people at
different addresses

6. Answer the following questions briefly : (5)

a. Explain the term Main Document.
b. Write the steps to create a recipient list for the main document in Mail Merge.
c.What is meant by the term Disk Cleanup?
d. What are the features of High Level language?
e. Write the use of Jump list in Windows.

7. Select the most appropriate answer from the options given below:(2½)

a. ____________ is an example of the second generation language.

i. Machine language
ii.Binary language

b. A/An ______ converts a high level language program into machine language, line by line.
iv. Interpreter

c. ________ turns the open windows transparent.

i. Jump list
ii. Aero flip
iii. Aero peek

d. _______ is a data item, which instructs Microsoft Word where to insert the data source
information in the main document.
i. Data Source

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ii.Merge Field
iii.Main Document
iv. Recipient List

e. _________ language was designed for business users.

iii. COBOL
iv. C

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