MESSINA - Practical Guide - Engineering The Shoreline PDF
MESSINA - Practical Guide - Engineering The Shoreline PDF
MESSINA - Practical Guide - Engineering The Shoreline PDF
July 2006
Component 4’s aims are to catalogue and analyse existing coastal defence
techniques used inside and outside Europe, with particular attention to
innovative techniques such as wetland creation, dune maintenance and beach
Through extensive bibliographic research, Component 4 found sites particularly
affected by erosion and where coastal defence techniques are applied (present,
under construction or projected).
Among these sites it selected those where the most innovative techniques are
present or under construction.
Component 4’s purpose is also to establish key factors of success related to
each of the techniques inventoried and to share best practice with local
authorities with responsibilities for coastal defence.
The best practice guide “Engineering the shoreline” will synthesise the results
of Component 4’s activity. It should help coastal engineers and local
stakeholders to choose the best solutions for shore protection interventions. It
will be widely distributed through the MESSINA website.
The guide, as part of the coastal management toolkit, will contain the following
main chapters:
i. Introduction to shoreline management
ii. State-of-the-art for shore protection interventions inside and outside Europe
iii. Presentation of a comprehensive database of coastal defence techniques
iv. Presentation of a world map illustrating the location of innovative techniques
v. Detailed description of the selected case studies
vi. Results from the case studies:
policy of intervention
measures adopted
analysis of key factors of success or failure related to each of the techniques
cost-benefit analysis
vii. Conclusions
viii. Recommendations
ix. References
x. Appendix: Glossary of terminology relating to coastal defence techniques
1. Beach nourishment
1.1. Purposes of beach nourishment and expected results (protection vs.
1.2. Basic principles
1.3. Applicative examples (Ostia Lido, Gulf of Riga, Dziwnow, Maronti –
Ischia, Ferrara)
1.3.1. Description of the site
1.3.2. Previous interventions
1.3.3. Applied methodology
1.4. Expected benefits
1.4.1. Environmental benefits
1.4.2. Social and economical benefits
1.4.3. Technical and financial benefits
1.5. Determining adequate sediment characteristics
1.6. Identifying adequate sediment sources
1.7. Selecting the adequate nourishment techniques
1.7.1. Establishing environmental mitigation strategies
1.7.2. Designing long-term monitoring
1.7.3. Factors influencing the success of beach nourishment
1.8. Assessing and monitoring the environmental and social indicators for beach
nourishment schemes
2. Beach drainage
2.1. Purposes of beach drainage and expected results
2.2. Basic principles
2.3. Applicative examples (Les Sables d’Olonne, Ostia Lido, Ferrara,
Chiaiolella – Procida)
2.3.1. Description of the site
2.3.2. Previous interventions
2.3.3. Applied methodology
2.4. Expected benefits
2.5. Selecting the adequate beach drainage methods
2.6. Assessing and monitoring the environmental and social impact of beach
drainage methods
2.6.1. Impact on shoreline stability
2.6.2. Impact on natural habitats
2.6.3. Impact on water quality
2.6.4. Social perception
4. Dune rehabilitation
4.1. Purposes of dune rehabilitation and expected results
4.2. Basic principles
4.3. Applicative examples (Estela, Séte, Vero Beach, Avalon)
4.3.1. Description of the site
4.3.2. Previous interventions
4.3.3. Applied methodology
4.4. Expected benefits
4.4.1. Environmental benefits
4.5. Designing dune rehabilitation scheme step-by-step
4.5.1. Assessing the “do nothing” scenario
4.6. Selecting the adequate dune rehabilitation techniques
4.6.1. Establishing environmental mitigation strategies
4.6.2. Designing long-term monitoring
4.6.3. Factors influencing the success of dune rehabilitation
4.7. Assessing and monitoring the environmental and social impact of dune
rehabilitation schemes
4.7.1. Impact on shoreline stability
4.8. Budgeting for dune rehabilitation schemes
4.8.1. Feasibility costs
4.8.2. Investment and engineering costs
4.8.3. Maintenance and monitoring costs
4.9. Limitations
orld coast is under growing threat from erosion. Coastal erosion is the
W gradual destruction of land by the sea. A fifth of the enlarged European
coastline is already severely affected, with coastlines retreating by
between 0.5 and 2 metres per year, and in a few dramatic cases even by 15
metres. Coastal erosion has dramatic effects upon the environment and on
human activity. It can make houses fall into the sea and destroy roads and other
infrastructure. It threatens habitats of wildlife, the safety of people living at the
coast, and economic activities such as tourism. It is largely caused by human
activity in the form of intensive development and use of sand for construction
and engineering purposes. Rising sea levels and increasingly frequent storms
and floods have worsened the problem. To cope with it, new and sustainable
forms of coastal management are needed.
Coastal areas perform several important functions. Coastal habitats such as
mud flats, salt marshes, sandy beaches and sand dunes are valuable for
wildlife. Dunes are an excellent natural flood barrier and natural filter for drinking
water. And salt marshes absorb wave energy during storm surges, thereby
counteracting erosion. It has been demonstrated from both field studies and
theory that a wide beach provides significant benefits in the form of storm
damage reduction. During storms with elevated water levels and high waves, a
wide beach performs as an effective energy absorber with the wave energy
dissipated across the surf zone and wide beach rather than impacting on the
upland structures. Lastly, beaches and beautiful coastlines are an essential
asset for the tourism industry.
Coastal erosion threatens all of this. It leads to loss of land of ecological
value (out of 132,300 km² - within 500 metres inland from the coastline - that
are under the direct influence of coastal erosion in the enlarged EU, 47,500 km²
are natural sites of high ecological value: they are rich in biodiversity and
represent important ecosystems); loss of land of economic value (within 500
metres of the coastline: beaches, agricultural land and industrial facilities); loss
of property; risk to human lives (over the past 50 years, the population living in
coastal municipalities has more than doubled. They are increasingly exposed to
the risk of erosion and flooding); destruction of natural sea defences, as erosion
makes natural sea defences, such as dune systems, vulnerable (in November
2001, part of the dunes on the Jurmala coast in the Gulf of Riga - Latvia
collapsed during a storm: this led to flooding of the hinterland); undermining of
artificial sea defences, potentially leading to flood risks as well (for instance in
Essex, UK, where the erosion of protective salt marshes has resulted in
frequent damage to traditional seawalls during storm events).
Sometimes natural features can affect the coastal equilibrium (the sand
balance). Impediments along the way, such as an inlet, can push the sand
balance in one direction, since sand cannot migrate across strong cross-shore
currents easily. Sand accretes or gets trapped in shoals and on the beach
“updrift” of the inlet, while the beach “downdrift” of the inlet erodes or is starved
of new sand. Erosion is a net effect over time when there is less new sand
entering a coastal system than leaving it. Erosion by itself is not harmful, as
long as the shape of the shoreline can change and allow for such losses.
A barrier island is a dynamic ecosystem that tends to migration towards land
over geologic time. This is due to the effect of severe storms which break
through or breach the dunes and deposit the sand they erode from the
oceanside onto the bayside in overwash fans. This normally builds up the
landward side of the island as the ocean side narrows. This erosion/accretion is
a slow, natural movement of sand.
But what happens to coastlines when sea levels rise? Many coastal
geologists believe that sea level is rising at a rate of one foot per century,
depending on the coastline. This seemingly small amount of change in water
elevation can cause extensive changes to the shoreline over time as a low
sloping, flatter beach is inundated. The most dramatic effects are seen during
extreme storms, when tidal range swings to even greater extremes. Increases
in levels of bay waters as well as ocean waters will narrow barrier islands from
both sides, causing flooding and erosion.
Another natural cause of localised erosion is hydrodynamic conditions. The
bathymetry or sea bottom contours of a particular area may focus wave energy
at one point along a coast. Material with little structure such as softer marsh
sediments will often subside, lowering the shoreline. A shoreline which lacks a
source of fresh sand, for example one which receives little direct flow of
sediments from inland rivers, will experience erosion. Storms such as
hurricanes and northeasters often are the most obvious precipitator of severe
erosion, but much of the sand that does not travel too far off shore in the storm
will return to the beach with favourable weather in the following weeks.
Some coastal experts argue that erosion is not a problem at all unless people
build on or near the beach. However, it is impractical if not impossible in many
developed areas to return the beach to a pristine condition. New development
must be undertaken in a well planned, responsible manner in order not to make
erosion a worse problem than it has to be. For example, if a beach builds
outward during an atypical accretional phase, the newly created land should be
considered temporary in its existence and not viewed as a new development
Sometimes the very act of trying to prevent erosion will make the problem
worse. Certain types of hard armouring that fight erosion, such as sea walls and
bulkheads, may protect the land behind them at the eventual expense of the
beach in front of them. This is because wave energy bouncing off these
structures can scour or pull sand away at their base. Groyne fields, when
constructed improperly or in the wrong order, may act as a block to littoral drift,
in the same way as the inlet system described above. Hardened inlets where
large jetties have been built and deep navigational channels are maintained
may be especially troublesome. Flood control structures such as levees in river
systems may block inland sand’s usual migration to the sea. Removal or
alteration of the natural beach system, such as bulldozing or building on dunes,
will hamper the beach’s ability to act as a buffer to erosion and flooding.
Present and forecast sea level rise, and an increase in the frequency and
force of coastal storms resulting from climate change, are likely to mean that
coastal defence efforts will become increasingly necessary to protect against
erosion and flooding.
The impacts of coastal defences vary widely according to the techniques
used, their specific design and the characteristics of the local environment.
Some generalised impacts of coastal defences include disturbances of natural
ecosystem processes and biotope structures of beaches, dunes, cliffs and the
nearshore zone by partial or complete modification of landforms and
sedimentary processes both on a local and regional scale; continuous loss of
characteristic marine influenced ecosystems, such as episodically flooded
coastal and riverine wetlands, coastal wet-forests or active cliffs; an increasing
threat to the biodiversity of coastal areas; and visual deterioration.
The impacts of hard engineering are usually more severe than soft
engineering. Hard engineering generally results in long-term changes in coastal
morphology, particularly erosion, alongside protected areas. It also often leads
to a reduction in the width of the shoreline as low-lying backshore areas are
reclaimed behind defences. This leads to a decrease in the size of shore
habitats, a phenomenon termed coastal squeeze. Soft engineering is generally
a more environmentally friendly approach which works towards providing a
dynamic equilibrium at the coast whereby erosion and flooding are kept to a
minimum. It also generally requires more space to be used, thereby reducing
coastal squeeze. Defensive structures which are designed to reduce wave
energy at the shore often result in the build-up of sediment in the wave shadow
of the structure. In some situations this may lead to covering or other changes
to existing shoreline ecosystems. Hard defence techniques which reduce upper
shore and cliff erosion also disrupt longshore sediment transport which often
leads to the accelerated erosion of adjacent shorelines.
Some structures can be visually intrusive or can limit access to the shore and
sea. They often present serious navigational and/or safety hazards. Where low
cost materials are used, such as motor cars, tyres or sunken ships, long-term
breakdown presents pollution hazards.
Defence techniques located in estuaries to protect against flooding such as
barrages, tidal surge barriers and flood embankments can seriously disrupt the
natural processes of these ecologically rich environments.
Nourishment techniques, if not carefully designed and/or if improper fill
material is used can result in increases in the turbidity of coastal waters, and the
continued wash-out of fine material can have long term negative effects on
adjacent benthic and inter-tidal ecosystems. Changes in beach grain distribution
can lead to the incursion of coarse-grained material over supra-tidal
ecosystems such as lower cliff or dune communities. Rapid sediment deposition
can swamp inter-tidal invertebrate communities and have serious effects on
feeding birds.
Sea walls and other upper shore structures, if placed too close to the
waterline, reduce the active width of the beach and dune during storms. This
significantly disrupts the sediment balance and causes erosion especially along
downdrift stretches of coastline. They also result in wave reflection leading to a
lowering of the foreshore and sometimes to the undermining of the toe of the
seawall, which may ultimately cause it to collapse. Sea walls prevent sediment
transport between beach and dune resulting in the deterioration of these
Finally, afforestation of coastal dunes with non-native species, primarily for
the purposes of coastal defence, has disturbed the natural dynamics of coastal
UNEP has estimated the potential impacts of climate change in the
Mediterranean assuming a 1.5° C rise in temperature by 2025. It predicts less
rain the South, more in the North, an increase in the number of hot, dry
summers, and exceptional droughts, rainfall, floods, storms, tidal surges, water
stagnation and eutrophication. As a result of these changes, degradation of land
and water will increase, causing a decline in agricultural production and damage
to ecosystems.
Sea level rise will also have an impact on low-lying areas, deltas and coastal
cities, particularly in combination with land subsidence which is exacerbated by
the depletion of groundwater. Solutions involving the construction of dykes,
walls and so forth are not considered feasible in the longer term over so wide an
area, and alternative solutions are being considered. For example, lagoons
could be used for aquaculture and nature reserves while serving as a buffer
zone between the sea and developed areas.
A coast is the boundary (interface) between the land and the sea. It can be
thought of as a system: it has inputs and outputs of energy.
There are 3 processes which create and modify the nature of this boundary:
- marine erosion
- transportation (longshore or littoral drift)
- deposition.
Waves are undulations of the water surface caused by winds blowing across the sea.
They consist of orbital movements of water molecules which diminish with depth.
- Waves are the main agents of change at the coastline.
- Wave energy brings coastal erosion and sediment transport.
- When the wind blows over the surface of the ocean, surface waves are generated by
the transfer of energy in the form of momentum from the air to the water: a ‘drag’
- When the wind first begins to disturb the surface of the water, tiny capillary waves
called ‘cat’s paws’ are formed. These quickly dissipate but while they exist they
roughen the surface and increase the transfer of energy from the wind to the sea
If there is no pattern to the wind, the surface becomes a chaotic state, called
‘sea’ or ‘chop’.
Over time, as the wind blows in the same direction, a swell will develop. Waves
moving out away from a storm eventually organize themselves into a swell, and
eventually, if they are not destroyed by interference, they will reach the shore. Waves
are a form of energy. The energy of the wind is transferred to the water. The wind
blows over the water and piles it up into waves. The stronger (faster) the wind, the
bigger the waves.
The longer distance over which the wind can blow (called ‘fetch’), the bigger the
waves. The more days a given wind blows (time), the bigger the waves – this can be
shown on a wind rose diagram.
Wave energy is equal to the square of its height. So a wave 2m high has 4 times
the energy of a wave 1m high. Wave power takes account of velocity, so it is H²xV.
The movement of water particles in a wave is in an orbit in deep water. As the wave
approaches the coast, and the water gets shallower, the wave path becomes an
ellipse. It starts to touch bottom where water depth is around 1/2 the wavelength.
The seafloor shallows as the waves approach shore, and eventually the waves
reach wave base.
Wave celerity decreases because of friction and wave celerity now depends on
water depth. The wave height increases and the trough flattens out. The wave gets so
tall it can’t support itself, and the water crashes over the top. This is called a breaker,
and breakers form in an area called the surf zone.
The wave losses most of its energy by breaking, and the remaining energy causes
the water to rush up the shore. It loses the rest of its energy to friction in this manner,
then gravity pulls the water back out to sea. The surge onshore is called swash; the
slump back to sea is called backwash. Swash and backwash occur in the swash zone.
There are 2 types of waves: surfing breakers and surging breakers. The first ones
are high energy, steep and with short wavelengths waves; the second ones are low
energy, shallow and with long wavelengths waves.
Waves interfere with each other and when two wave trains meet, crests and
troughs can add together to make a bigger wave, or crests meeting troughs will cancel
each other out.
Sandy coasts are made of loose mobile materials and so are subject to continuous
evolution by the dynamic sea action. It is evident that to carry out effective
management and safeguard of the coastal environment it is necessary to consider all
the processes, factors and phenomena of the examined system, and how they are
distributed in space and time.
Erosion of the cliffs can provide direct sediment input- However, there are lots
of other sources of sediment such as currents bring in material from the sea bed. In all
areas the sediment is either stored as a depositional landform or as a nearshore
feature such a bank or offshore bar. Alternatively it is transported as a throughput and
become outputs from the system being deposited either in deeper water or away from
the coastal area in question.
Sediment can be divided into 2 types
a) Clastic Sediment
b) Biogenic sediment
Clastic sediments are from rock weathering and erosion- these can vary
in size from really small clay and mud particles to sand, pebbles and boulder
size Biogenic sediments are the shells and skeletons of marine organisms.
Waves, currents, tides and wind provide the energy inputs for the
erosion and transport of sediment from the source areas to create coastal
landforms which exist in a state of dynamic equilibrium with the local conditions.
These depositional landforms such as beaches, sand dunes, salt
marshes and mudflats, act as a dynamic sediment store and sediments are
transported onshore, offshore, and alongshore to create them. These stores in
turn provide sediment for stores further down the coast.
The sand and larger particles are transported grain by grain as non-
cohesive sediments. The energy of the waves and currents needed to erode
and transport such sediments varies with the size of the particles (you might
expect smaller clays and muds to require very little energy but they are sticky or
cohesive. Their particles tend to cling together by electromagnetic bonding.
These sediments require a much larger velocity to become entrained (get
moving) than their individual grain size would suggest. Once they have been
dislodged and set in motion they are moved very easily with little velocity
As particles are transported they become rounded by attrition.
The movement of sand and shingle in the nearshore zone by longshore drift
(littoral drift) occurs in discrete, functionally separate sediment cells. Sub-cell
boundaries identify smaller cells associated within the major cells. There is some
movement of sediment between cells. These cells are called open systems.
There are 2 sorts of sediment cell boundaries: littoral drift divides and
sediment sinks.
Littoral drift divides (longshore drift divides) form where the coastline
abruptly changes direction such as at major headlands. They also occur where
wave conditions cause a change in longshore drift direction. Since material is
moved outwards from a drift divide there is a net output of sediment from the
area. This results in a dominance of erosional processes and landforms e.g.
eroding beaches and cliffs.
Sediment sinks form where sediment transport paths meet so that
sediment builds up in depositional environments. Sediment sinks occur in
deeply indented bays and estuaries, although spits and cuspate forelands may
form sub-cell sinks.
For these reasons, the MESSINA project pays strong attention to the
balance of costs - including environmental costs - and benefits - including
environmental benefits - related to the various technical solutions for the shoreline
Such solutions, in fact, must always be “sustainable” by local communities
either in financial or in socio-economic terms. In order to examine the relevance or
irrelevance of certain solutions, it is recommended that a cost-benefit analysis is
carried out, the result of which can help to identify the optimal solution, including the
“do nothing” option.
Carrying out a cost-benefit analysis is a technical exercise involving
numerous choices and calculations. The more complicated the decision being
addressed, the more care should be taken to identify and measure key variables
and to analyse them appropriately. However, the technical nature of the analysis
should not obscure the fact that the exercise is being carried out to inform the
decision process. Each decision under analysis must be documented and
described in a manner which will reassure those who are party to the decision
process that the choices are sound.
Once a decision to carry out a cost-benefit analysis is made, the conceptual
concerns raised above are set aside and the pragmatic business of specifying the
overall framework to be used, the input variables to be included, how to measure
them, and many other decisions must be made. These decisions are not
inconsequential, because seemingly innocuous choices, if arbitrarily made, can
cause large swings in the outputs of the analysis.
The cost-benefit analysis must generally measure the net benefits of projects
that generate costs and benefits over a period of time, with costs and benefits often
occurring in different time periods. This increases the complexity of the analysis,
because a euro of costs or benefits ten years from today is not directly comparable
to a euro of costs or benefits today. Because comparisons require a common
metric, cost-benefit analysis uses a process called discounting to express all future
costs and benefits in their present value equivalent. This takes place by discounting
costs and benefits in each future time period and adding them to arrive at a present
This gives rise to one of cost-benefit analysis weaknesses. Because the
discounting process calculates its results from the present generation's perspective,
one needs to be concerned about intertemporal equity issues, that is, to the
fairness of the decision to future generations. In fact, costs that occur far into the
future may be given little weight in traditional cost-benefit analysis.
1. Beach nourishment
viewed within human time scales (decades not centuries) in those situations
where its use is technically feasible, provide that erosion rate is reduced. Beach
nourishment may not be technically or economically feasible or justified for
some sites, particularly those with high rates of erosion.
shifted downdrift, causing damage to the beaches and the littoral road
Fig. 1..3. Location of the coastline of Latvia and the case study area, including harbours,
main rivers, and direction of integral load transport.
m high foredune behind the beach. Behind the modern foredune there is an
ancient 8 -15 m high dune ridge left after the Littorina sea transgression. The
landscape of the Lielupe and Daugava deltas is typical of the deltaic lowland
where coastal marshes and meadows are interspersed with deltaic branches,
oxbow lakes and dunes.
Fig. 1..4. Study area. Source: Shoreline Management Guide Eurosion case study Gulf of
The principal dynamics processes involved in the case study area are:
• Waves and storm surge:
• Wave activity and the wind-induced surge during storm events are the
principal physical erosion agents in the study area. The concave and flat coast
of Jurmala and Riga is exposed and extremely susceptible to the storm.
• Ice:
• Sometimes, in winter, an ice cover develops in the Gulf of Riga, which
ends wave action for the winter period, but in spring when the increasing water
level raises the ice, the ice-sheet breaks up and is pushed on to the coast by
strong winds, where it piles up in 5 – 10 m high hummocks. Ice, which is
pushed onto the shore, damages the coast (beach and dunes). However strong
ice pile-up might have been so far it has only had a very limited long-term
impact on coastal development within the study area, as the spatial distribution
of ice-scours randomly varied with every event. However, the combination of
ever more frequent disastrous wind-induced water level rises in the foreshore
with ever-higher winter- and/or spring-flood events at the river mouths does
increase the threat from ice pile-ups upon the coast.
• Eustasy vs. Isostasy:
• The south coast of the Gulf of Riga is in tectonic equilibrium with resulting
insignificant movements of the Earth’s crust, which have negligible impact on
secular coastal development in the study area.
• Tide:
• Regular tide ranges in the adjacent Baltic Sea foreshore are less than
0.25 m; therefore tidal action plays virtually no role in coastal development.
the bathymetry and the actual water level), whilst the suspension rate as well as
the bed load movement depend on the particle size distribution (grain size
dispersion: typical mean of the distribution lies within range from 0.1 to 0.3 mm).
Besides the bottom sediments, the load flow along the shoreline is being fed or
diluted by, respectively, the erosion or growth of the coastline. These processes
of coastal dynamics can result in changes of several hundred metres per half a
century, and are driven mainly by the wave field action on the beach, which has
a different impact for different water levels and size distributions of the sand
The sinks (sedimentation) and sources (erosion) of the material load
transport are dependent mainly on the bathymetry and the configuration of the
natural and artificial (hydrotechnical constructions) obstacles, that, interfering
with the hydrodynamics, results in the over- or undersaturation of suspended
load, and inability or ability to move the bed load. The above conditions
produce, respectively, sedimentation and erosion. These processes have a
reversing influence on the depth redistribution as well as on the grain size
dispersion of the bottom material (coarser particles in the erosion zones but
smaller ones in the sedimentation regions). The superposition of the human
influence on the depth distribution over the natural processes has to be carefully
accounted for.
The processes of coastal hydrodynamics driving the load transport are :
• water level fluctuations in the synoptic time-scale, due to the action of
mainly local winds and the overall atmospheric pressure field; in the
cases of the location of the harbour in the river mouth (see Fig. 1..1) the
river run-off (including its possible forcing by hydropower stations’
regime) also may affect (enlarge) the water level in the regions of the
vertical density stratification;
• wind wave field in the open sea and coastal wave transformation zone;
• longshore currents driven through the transformation of the wave field
energy due to (i) non-orthogonality of the wave vector in respect to the
coastline (energetic currents) and (ii) non-equal seaward depth profiles
in different locations along the shoreline (gradient currents); longshore
currents prevail in between the wave-breaking line and the coastline;
• wind-driven currents prevailing seawards from the wave breaking zone.
• One has to note also the interrelation of the above four elements of the
coastal hydrodynamics and their structural dependence on the depth
distribution and bottom material. The whole hydrodynamic process is
forced by the local (river run-off, wind velocity and direction) and the
global (cyclonic and anticyclonic atmosphere structures, non-
homogeneous wind field over the whole Sea or Gulf, etc.) meteorological
• the fronts of the wind waves transforming in shallow zones reach the
wave-breaking line non-parallel to the isobaths;
• energy transformation - after breaking, the waves produce the long-
shore currents with the maximum discharge at the depths of 6 to 7 m
along the coast of the Baltic Proper or 3 to 5 m along the coast of the
Gulf of Riga;
• the currents carrying the material load incline seawards (to the greater
depths) before the wave breakers; here, mainly due to the greater
depths, they become oversaturated and the sedimentation occurs;
• the long-shore current becomes even more oversaturated crossing the
border of the channel. Due to the rapid increase in depth the bed load
transport stops here, whilst the sedimentation of the suspended load
depends on the width of the channel;
• passing the seaport, the longshore current is undersaturated; it restores
the load transport up to pre-harbour transport capability continuously.
This process causes the prolonged erosion of the bottom downwind from
the harbour;
• the decrease of depth in the upwind side of the harbour shifts the wave-
breaking zone seawards. The load transport to and from the coastline
tends to support the growth of the beach (and vice-versa for the
downwind region).
Some types of technical measures employed on Riga’s beach have been
foredune and forestry maintenance (see §3.3b), revetment and submerged
• Revetment:
The revetment of Daugavgriva was built in 1960s in order to protect the
adjacent port facilities from erosion. There was a dyke (a storm surge
barrier) established and a concrete revetment was built in front of it. In
1999 the revetment has been reconstructed by applying geotextile
technology. The length of the revetment in Daugavgriva was ca. 600 m.
Year Amount in m3
1998 43000
1999 36000
2000 22000
2001 18000
• Submerged nourishment:
Sand material dredged from the Lielupe river has been applied for the
submerged nourishment of the coastal zone in 1990s in the foreshore
adjacent to the river mouth. The amount of dredged material (fine sand
and silt) applied for the submerged nourishment at Jurmala foreshore is
given in Table 2.3. The depth at which the dredged sediments were
dumped is 4 m.
The main objective for which the submerged nourishment has been
performed in Riga is the stabilisation of the coast, particularly in recreational
beaches where there are tourist facilities.
Fig. 1.10. Typical cross section of the seawall made of concrete tetrapods and pyramids
lying on sticks
Medium seawalls (Fig.1.11) were very often applied in the 50’s and 60’s, but
today we can see only remains in Dziwnow, because they were not very useful
along open sea beaches.
Fig. 1.11. Typical cross section of the bulkhead filled with concrete blocks
Hard seawalls are the hardest and more expensive costal protection. Their
main function is the reflection of the incident waves during the most violent
storms, but they have a negative result in the sand loss seawards. In Dziwnow
(Fig 1.12. and 1.13) this construction was undertaken in order to protect the
buildings which are located on the very narrow Dziwnow Spit.
39 4
39 2
39 0
39 8
39 6
39 4
39 2
38 0
38 8
38 6
38 4
38 2
38 0
38 8
38 6
38 4
38 2
Fig. 1.14. Dune base line changes in particular time intervals on the Dziwnow Spit.
hard seawall
Fig. 1.15. Dune base line changes from 1938-96 on the Dziwnow Spit.
Dziwnow region
all expenses mean per year
1985 – 95 820 kE 82 kE
1995 – 02 300 kE 43 kE
plan 2003 – 22 15 000 kE 750 kE
Tab.2.3. Breakdown of expenses for the coastal protection in Dziwnow
Fig. 1.24. Dziwnow: hard concrete seawall as well as rock filling seawall on the east side
of hard seawall (left side of picture) are seen; on the first plan the roots of T-shaped
groynes are visible; you can also see the protected property very close to the seawall.
Fig. 1.25. Dziwnow: hard concrete seawall and the narrow, but existing beach in front of
the seawall are visible; in the background the T-shaped groynes are visible, too
Fig. 1.26. Piece of the topographic map of Isle of Ischia showing Maronti Bay.
Fig. 1.27. Geomorphological map of the southern side of the Ischia Island. The western
area of the Maronti Bay is subjected to high erosional processes with landslide on
pyroclastic cliff. The eastern area, characterised by wide beaches, shows a steady
Ischia is one of the most important touristic locations in Italy both as a
seaside and as a thermal resort. Over the last 30 years, it has undergone a
radical environmental change due to population growth and the urban
expansion on the coastal belt has also created a change in the coastal
environment, thus increasing the risk factor. This is mainly due to the
construction of various touristic and commercial harbours and the building of
numerous coastal protection structures aimed at safeguarding tourist
establishments and infrastructures located on the coast.
The intensification of the properties along the coasts of the island and the
population growth of the towns on the waterfront have increased the
vulnerability of the area.
Natural processes strongly influencing coastal erosion are linked to the wave
motion and currents related to the river sediment supply and to the morphology
of the coast and the continental shelf. Climatic changes, sea-level rises and
subsidence phenomena of the coastal plains should also be considered.
Man-induced changes over the last 30 years, on the other hand, have also
caused coastal erosion due to various interventions carried out in the hinterland.
In particular, construction of hydroelectric and irrigation barrages, urbanisation
of river banks and construction of check dams on these river beds, have caused
the impoverishment of solid transport. The carrying away of inert materials from
the rivers and the excavation of coastal dunes in order to create urban and/or
tourist recreational areas should be taken into consideration. Finally, coastal
protection structures often result in more harm than good; commercial and
tourist harbours and general urban growth should also be emphasised.
The expansion of touristic infrastructures (hotels, spas, harbours), as well as
the interventions carried out in order to protect some coastal stretches, has
created a strong disequilibrium along the coasts, initiating or amplifying the
erosion phenomena which actually affect the island. These phenomena
determine the regression of sandy coasts and/or the landslides along the slopes
of high coasts, thus contributing to the augmentation of the risk factor in these
areas and (considering the high population density) to the increased possibility
of coastal hazards.
Fig. 1.30. Bathimetric and morphological map of the investigated area. Within the depth
of 5 m, the map indicates a large sedimentary stockpile, especially in front of the
tuffaceous cliff, with by ravitative phenomena. The eastern area, between 10 and 50 m
deep, is characterized by lava rocks remnants. In the western area, the morphology
testifies to the removal of some lava rocks. The removal exposes the coast to the waves,
amplifying the erosional phenomena on the shore.
Fig. 1.32. Sedimentary transit. a) Very coarse sands show an eastward and seaward movement, due to longshore and rip currents; b)
coarse sands move seaward along NE-SW and NW-SE direction; c) circulation of the medium sands points out a main movement due to
rip currents removing the sediments towards the lower depths; d) the movement of fine sands points out the presence of a secondary cell
in the western area of Bay with a seaward movement of sediments.
Fig. 1.33. Recent image of Maronti Bay showing the morphological step.
The erosional processes that act on the beaches of Maronti Bay are
mainly due to the anthropic action. The littoral dynamics allow the deposition of
a stockpile of sediments on the sea bed, moving through deep channels after
being eroded from the beaches.
The researches carried out allow the planning, for the environmental
readjustment of the littoral, of artificial nourishment, using the sediments present
on the sea bottom in front of the beaches. They are certainly in equilibrium with
the coastal environment, in their sedimentary characteristics as well as the
lithological. To prolong the retention of sediments on the reconstructed beaches
submerged breakwaters could be built. They would be prefabricated and
subjected to laboratory tests to avoid environmental damage.
Because of their environmental impact, rock breakwaters were not
suitable, especially in an area with great landscape value. The latter sometimes
produce negative effects along the coastal areas where they are built.
Lido di Volano
Porto Garibaldi
Fig. 1.34. Aerophoto showing littoral stretch between Lido degli Estensi (southward from
Porto Garibaldi dock) and Lido di Volano northward
In this site the installation of a sand-duct has been carried out. This is a
system based on the creation of a duct to transport the sand from the zone
where the sand accumulates (at north of Porto Garibaldi locality) to south.
Fig. 2.35. Evolution of the coastline of Lido degli Estensi from 1978 to 1998 (fount Arpa
Lido degli Estensi represents the on loan area: the area from which the
accumulated sand is transported toward Lido di Volano.
The next images show the initial works for the installation of the sand-duct:
Fig. 2.36. Location of the excavation area on the beach of Lido degli Estensi, close to the
docks of Porto Garibaldi
Fig. 1.38. Work in progress in Ferrara for the installation of the sand-duct.
Fig. 1.40. Lido degli Estensi after the nourishment in May 2004
Fig. 1.41. Lido di Volano: the image shows the narrow beach and dune instability
As regards the Gulf of Riga, this has benefits of erosion control, modifying
the slope of the shoreface and thus affecting the incident wave trains by
diminishing their energy (especially in stormy periods).
borrow with a given size distribution that will produce a required volume of
(beach) fill. Ideally, the median size of the borrow sand should not be less than
the median size of the native sand, and the spread of the sizes in the borrow
size distribution should not exceed the spread of sizes in the native sand. Often
it is impossible to meet these ideal conditions because suitable borrow material
does not exist in adequate volume at a reasonable cost. Furthermore, on
severely eroded beaches, the native sand may be skewed to coarser size
ranges because the fines have eroded out, producing unrealistic requirements
for borrow sand size distribution. Nourishment design aims to compensate for
the differences between borrow sand and native sand, usually by overfilling with
borrow sand and assuming preferential loss of the fine fractions. A favourable
feature of beach fill technology is the accidental, partial loss of the fine fraction
during the dredging and handling between borrow site and beach.
The shore protection and the recreational qualities of a beach fill conflict
when coarser sediment sizes are used. Usually, a beach provides more
protection against erosion when its particles are coarser (also when they are
more angular and more easily compacted). However, fill material larger than
sand size (about 2.0 mm) will reduce the recreational value of the beach.
Engineers pump sand from offshore or transport it in by barge. They prefer
coarse sand because it stays on top of the old fine sand, stopping it from being
blown away and giving the impression that it also remains there longer. But it
does not feel as pleasant as the old sand and it disappears rapidly.
Renourishment needs to be done every five to ten years, involving high costs. It
puts more sand near the beach, creating sand bars and causing the beach to lie
flatter, eventually no longer able to dry.
adequate attention to their effects on physical processes within local littoral cells
has caused much damage.
The performance of some beach nourishment projects can be substantially
enhanced by the use of fixed (hard) structures when they are appropriately
designed and placed at suitable locations: to anchor project ends, to protect
specific locations (e.g., inlets), to provide a reserve capability to prevent flooding
and wave attack where dunes cannot or do not exist, or to reduce wind-blown
losses to the land. Structure design and associated beach fill need to be
carefully planned and implemented because structures rearrange and control
the movement of sand rather than increase the volume of sand within the littoral
now available which cover not only different processes but also different
temporal and spatial scales. The role of numerical models in the design of shore
nourishment is primarily to assist in assessing the pre-fill and post-fill volume
loss rates and erosion rates working in concert with field observations.
Risk Assessment
Tab.2.4. Issues to be considered
elevations while maintaining its shape across the profile. In this way, sediment
volume can be added to or removed from the profile without changing the shape
of the active profile. As a result, most methods for predicting beach profile
change treat the longshore and cross-shore components separately. An error in
the definition of the equilibrium profile is immediately reflected in mismatches
between the predicted nourishment behaviour and the actual nourishment
Models can play a fundamental role when moving from nourishment projects
to nourishment plans. Planning nourishment in time requires more significant
prediction skills than available in the past and an attitude towards dealing with
uncertainty and variability. The fundamental role of models is that of reducing as
much as possible surprise. These surprises might be expressed in terms of
failures and in terms of costs.
side of harbours while downwind areas suffer from erosion. Siltation in sea
entrance channels is a real problem for navigation safety requiring annual
planning for carrying out dredging works. The optimisation of the measures to
ensure safe navigation at minimum cost is especially important for Liepaja and
Ventspils harbours, exposed as they are to the Baltic winds and waves.
As nourished beaches undergo erosion, they must be maintained through
beach re-nourishment. The re-nourishment process consists of restoring the
beach to its initial conditions and usually has less time and cost associated with
the project when compared to the initial nourishment. The time between re-
nourishment projects, called the re-nourishment cycle, is dependent upon the
severity of annual erosion of the beach and is usually several years.
Fig. 1.42. Temporary defence measures in the place of the eroded foredune. Jurmala,
November 2001
Fig. 1.43. Exposed recreation facilities after the storm surge erased the foredune.
Jurmala, November 2001.
An example of the costs for the mitigation of losses inflicted by the November
2001 storm to the coastal zone of Jurmala municipality (Gulf of Riga) is:
1.10. Limitations
To fight coastal erosion, all forests and foredune ridges of Riga coastal zone
in the case study area have been classified as protected and preserved. The
Forestry Department (Ministry of Agriculture) is responsible for policy making,
legislation, and coordination of practical efforts. However, there is a lack of
financial resources available. The Law on Protected Belts (1997) includes
several restrictions on land use in the coastal zone. It defines a protection belt
of 300 m, starting from the permanent vegetation line, and also extending 300
m seaward from the permanent vegetation line including the beach. If the dune
or other coastal formation exceeds 300 m, the protected zone is extended to its
natural boundaries. In this zone any new construction is prohibited. The law
also defines a belt of 5-7 km with limited economical activities. Unfortunately,
the law is not always respected, particularly, in Jurmala municipality.
Local authorities have to maintain protected natural areas. They have rights
to expand the regulations on the use of protected coastal territories in co-
ordination with Regional Environmental Boards. The National Programme for
Biological Diversity (1999) considers EUROSION Case Study problems of
environmental protection – including ecosystems like the Baltic Sea, Gulf of
Riga, beaches, dunes and coastal lakes – together with potential economic
2. Beach drainage
Fig. 2.44. The beach drains may be installed during low water by digging a trench using a
The idea is to place a drainage pipe under the sand below the high tide level.
For beaches with other problems such as sea wind obstruction or crusting,
this method may be less successful.
The origins of beach drainage lie in several earlier studies which showed a
relationship between the beach water table elevation and the rate of erosion
(e.g. Emery and Foster, 1948; Grant, 1948). It was later demonstrated that
artificially lowering the water table can lead to increased beach stability and in
some cases accretion (e.g. Chappell et al., 1979; Davis et al., 1992; Vesterby,
1997; Turner and Leatherman, 1997).
A particularly effective means of beach stabilisation is the Beach
Management System (BMS), which was developed by the Danish Geotechnical
Institute in Lyngby, Denmark. The BMS design was based on a water collection
system. The pipes are installed approximately 2m beneath the beach in the
swash zone to collect water that had soaked into the beach and filtered through
the overlying sand. Thus drained, there had been a considerable increase in
beach width and sand depth.
Despite a number of successful installations, full scale results are varied and
a number of studies have reported only limited success. This suggests that
although beach drainage can offer an option for coastal stabilisation, its
performance depends on local characteristics, and site-specific conditions must
be taken into account in system design. Performance prediction is complex due
to the number of potential influencing factors.
Several previous studies (Weisman et al., 1995; Briere, 1999; Mulvaney,
2001) have been carried out to investigate the phenomenon of beach
stabilisation through drainage. Model experiments have inevitably been subject
to scale effects, and previous results are thought to have provided an
underestimate (Weisman et al., 1995) or overestimate (in the case of lightweight
models) of beach drainage system performance (Mulvaney, 2001).
The swash/backwash motion, i.e., wave run-up and run-down in the swash
zone, provides the driving force for swash sediment transport. The upwash
moves sand on-shore while the backwash transports it offshore. The
hydrodynamics of these processes are very complicated, involving highly non-
linear transformations of broken and unbroken waves on a sloping beach.
Moreover, the wave motion interacts with the beach groundwater flow.
Seawater may infiltrate into the sand at the upper part of the beach (around the
shoreline) during swash wave motion if the beach groundwater table is low. In
contrast, groundwater exfiltration may occur across a beach with a high water
table. Seawater infiltration under a low water table was found to enhance on-
shore sediment transport, whereas groundwater exfiltration under a high water
table promote offshore sediment transport. Sediment size influences the
transport process of sand indirectly through the groundwater. A large sediment
size results in a large permeability and hydraulic conductivity of the porous
medium. This will increase the infiltration/exfiltration rate and hence affect wave
motion that provides the driving force for sediment transport.
The reflection of waves on the seawall, and the cross-shore transport due to
the action of waves have increased erosion. In the 60’s the beach disappeared
at high tide. The foot of the seawall was regularly damaged.
Fig. 2.46. Map of installation of the beach drainage system in Les Sables d’Olonne.
In June 2002 a BMS system module was installed in Chiaiolella (Isle of Procida,
Naples). Specifically, the intervention involved Ciraccio beach (in the north-
eastern part) and Ciracciello beach (south-western part). The system has three
BMS modules, respectively 200, 300 and 380 meters long.
Chiaiolella beach (Fig. 2.8) comprises Ciraccio and Ciracciello beaches and is
about 1.5 Km long to the west of Procida, between Punta Serra Cape and the
volcanic little islet of Vivara.
When breaking waves impact on a beach, they reach beyond the point where
the water table intersects the beach face and run up to a height controlled by
excess wave energy, beach permeability, beach slope and roughness.
In the run-up phase the suspended sediment load tends to deposit on the
beach face. The subsequent backwash flow accelerates the beach face down-
slope and transports the sand sediment offshore. The net result can be beach
erosion or accretion, according to the specific site and environmental conditions
and wave nature.
In this process the level of the ground water table plays an important role.
When the water table level is high in the beach, due to flow from the hinterland,
tidal level or percolated water from the swash zone, the backwash flow is
increased on the beach face, thus also the potential erosion of the retreating
wave is increased. Moreover, the seepage flow occurring between the water
table level and the mean sea level is mainly directed off-shore, thus contributing
to the instability of the sand in the run up region.
On the contrary, when the water table level is low compared to mean sea
level, a seepage flow will occur towards the beach during the run-up process.
This seepage flow does not affect the run-up height, but reduces the backwash
flow, reducing its erosive potential. Moreover, the sub-vertical seepage flow
helps to stabilise the sand in the run-up region.
The system is based on the principle of the artificial drainage of the beach to
keep the water table level low. A drainage pipe is buried under the beach
almost parallel to the shoreline, removing the excess pore water, which is driven
by gravity to a collector pump station located further on-shore. The pumps
discharge the drained water back to the sea or – as it is salt water – to places
that can make productive use of it, such as seawater swimming pools, marine
aquaria or fish farms.
The BMS system constitutes an innovative solution to the erosion with many
advantages over traditional coastal protection systems, such as negligible
environmental impact, low installation and maintenance costs, and no negative
secondary effects on the nearby beaches.
The study of the results of the first installation has shown a problem in the
drainage on the upper-shore due to the presence of clay layers. So to optimise
the upper beach and improve the sediment deposition in this area, an upper
drain connected to the same pumping station has been installed, 30 metres in
front of the seawall. After the second installation of a beach drainage system in
March 2002, the survey by the public authorities (Service Maritime DDE
VENDEE) and the University of Nantes has shown that the positive effects
visible on the first installation are visible on the second as well. The
improvement brought by the second installation with the upper drain has been
established by the comity for the survey (December 2002). The upper drain is
able to conserve the summer upper-beach till December, even though some
severe storm events occur.
After the installation of the first drain system, the tourist capacity of the beach
has been improved, due to the drying of the foreshore and condition of the
beach during high tide. Since the installation of the system, no damage to the
seawall has been recorded, the beach profiles were stabilised and the erosion
has stopped.
Fig. 3.52. View of the lagoons and marshlands of the Hersey Nature Reserve.
3.2. Basic principles
Two factors are especially important before one can either identify a problem
or begin recovery processes in riparian ecosystems: (1) knowledge of the
management objectives and (2) knowledge of the physical environment and
biotic communities occupying the site, including the hydrologic regime, physical
and chemical characteristics of the soils and substrates, potential for the site to
support particular species and plant communities, and vegetation successional
There are six basic ingredients for adequate riparian ecosystem mitigation
planning: (1) a solid base of data concerning wildlife in the project area and in
the area set aside for mitigation; (2) a thorough analysis of the data; (3) creation
of predictive models with which to create, in theory, a design for the mitigation;
(4) design of required modifications, including site preparation (e.g., clearing,
installing an irrigation system), equipment needs, costs, and a careful analysis
of probable delays; (5) design implementation, including labour requirements
and labour sources; and (6) monitoring, including methods of gathering
information, analytical and interpretive techniques, and staff requirements.
When planning a creation or restoration project, close proximity to existing
high quality riparian ecosystems is advantageous for the added benefit of
3.3. FIRST Application: the Seaview Duver (Isle of Wight) case study
Fig. 3.54. General overview of the Duver site, showing construction work along the beach
on the outfalls for Barnsley Brook watercourse.
A £4.5 million coast protection scheme for the Seaview Duver frontage
between Oakhill Road and Springvale was completed in April 2004.
Constructed over a period of one year by Van Oord ACZ the project was
commissioned by the Isle of Wight Council’s Centre for the Coastal
Environment and designed by its coastal consulting engineers, Posford
Haskoning. The scheme was grant-aided by the Department for Environment,
Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).
The scheme provides the required standard of protection against coastal
erosion and sea flooding for at least the next fifty years taking full account of the
predicted impacts of climate change. The scheme comprises a 550m length of
stone-faced reinforced concrete seawall protected on the seaward side by a
rock armourstone revetment.
Additional facilities include an upgraded slipway and pedestrian walkways on
the seaward and landward sides of the wall together with seating. In order to
optimise the appearance of the final scheme the Council appointed John Maine
RA, a sculptor and artist, to contribute to the aesthetic qualities of the design.
The foreshore and intertidal area along this part of the Seaview coast are
designated as a Special Protection Area under the European Birds Directive. In
order to mitigate any impacts arising from the civil engineering works on this
European site the Council has acquired, for a peppercorn rent for the next fifty
years, 20 acres of marshland and reedbeds on the landward side of the former
toll road from the Ball family. With the assistance of English Nature, the
Environment Agency, local residents, and environmental specialist consultants
ECOSA, a nature reserve has been developed which includes public access
and the provision of a hide for bird watching. The area has been improved in
order to optimise the environmental quality, particularly for wading birds, ducks
and geese.
The nature reserve has been named after Alan Hersey, who was for many
years a Parish, Borough and County Councillor who had a great interest in the
history and environment of the village of Seaview. A formal opening of the coast
protection scheme took place in August 2004. The scheme has recently been
awarded a special prize by the Isle of Wight Society for the quality of the
conservation and landscaping work.
Fig. 3.55. Construction work on an outfall at the western end of the frontage.
The Gulf of Riga has been described in detail in §1.3b. In this section we
examine foredune and forestry maintenance.
The technical measures employed on Riga’s beach are foredune and forestry
maintenance, revetment and submerged nourishment.
• Foredune and forestry maintenance:
As mentioned, maintenance of coastal foredune and forest plantations
is the principal technical coastal stabilisation measure within the study
area. In the central part of Jurmala there was a concrete seawall
erected as a base for a newly raised foredune after the storm of 1969
Fig. 359 The concrete base of the foredune, erected after the storm of
1969 and exposed again after the erasure of the foredune in November
2001 (photo: G. Eberhards).
The goal of a project may not be to re-establish the former riparian situation,
if that situation is degraded. The goal should be to establish a new equilibrium
condition that supports a viable riparian zone. The overriding consideration in
planning a riparian ecosystem rehabilitation program may be to determine the
rehabilitation potential of the target area and identify the root causes of the
degraded condition. Causes must be resolved before an improvement project is
initiated. Riparian zone rehabilitation should not circumvent the real causes of
stream degradation. Natural recovery processes must be understood and
incorporated in the rehabilitation. Objectives of the rehabilitation program should
consider existing and future watershed condition, hydrologic regime, and the
desired rate of recovery.
A comprehensive set of methods used for evaluating riparian habitats. Topics
include sampling schemes, measuring vegetation, classifying riparian zone
communities, determining various features of the soil, remote sensing, water
column measurements, streambank morphology, measuring and mapping
organic debris, historical evaluations, and use of benthic macroinvertebrates to
evaluate stream riparian zone conditions.
In degraded situations where historical information is insufficient to formulate
a design format, the use of comparable areas that have been little disturbed and
managed as natural areas may be necessary to guide the revegetation plan.
Techniques for assessing vegetative distribution patterns for formulating a
working planting design involve a review of historical context and the selection
of comparable areas to inventory for distribution, community and soil patterns,
canopy heights, and elevational transects in relation to stream flow.
Knowledge of the geologic variability and geomorphological characteristics of
drainage patterns can help predict water storage capacity for streams being
reclaimed for riparian zone values.
Both site characteristics and the biological aspects of target species need to
be considered in the management of riparian systems. Site characteristics
include the climate (precipitation cycle, temperature ranges, length of growing
season), soils (structure, fertility, topography, residual pesticides), water control
potential (water supply/source, levees, control structures, pumps), plants
(composition, structure and maturity, seedbank), and disturbance (man-induced
perturbations, public use, research and management activities). Biological
aspects of target species include chronology (migration, breeding, moult),
nutritional requirements (population size, migration, breeding, moult), social
behaviour (foraging modes, breeding strategies), significance of location (local,
regional, continental), status (endangered or rare, recreational value), and multi-
species benefits.
Preliminary efforts should entail classification, inventory, and evaluations
from which critical aspects of the project design can be determined.
In the past, governmental reclamation agencies have relied heavily on
planting design techniques dependent on exotic plant materials to achieve
simplistic goals of erosion control, environmental tolerance (e.g., drought or
flooding tolerance, soil tolerance, browsing tolerance), and aesthetic
improvement. Today, use of exotic plant materials is still entrenched in riparian
projects. But the use of native riparian plants should be expected to increase as
more managers realise the value and ecological diversity that native riparian
systems offer.
Topics include matching original channel length, slope, meander pattern,
depth, and width; sloping banks; stabilizing banks with riprap and vegetation;
planting trees and shrubs; fencing; using suitable substrates; installing culverts
and stream crossings; and using instream structures (boulders, low rock and
stone dams, deflectors).
Many techniques involve planting or seeding either as the main technique
used or to supplement other techniques (e.g., seeding grasses to accelerate
vegetation recovery on fenced sites; planting trees or shrubs to accelerate
establishment of riparian growth on banks of relocated streams).
Seeding sites is less expensive than transplanting cuttings or seedlings.
Direct seeding eliminates costs associated with growing seedlings in a nursery
and is less time-consuming than transplanting seedlings. However, seeding of
shrubs and trees is generally less successful than transplanting cuttings or
Covering seeds is essential to most germination and seedling establishment.
Various methods can be used to enhance success rate of the simple hand
broadcast method of seeding, including seed drilling, hydroseeding, or cyclone
Erosion control matting/blankets of dead plant materials or organic material
provide temporary cover for exposed soils and moderate the effects of rainfall
impact, runoff velocity, and blowing winds, and are particularly important when
seeding slopes to provide protective cover for seedbeds, reduce evaporative
losses, and stabilise seed location until germination. Matting made of straw,
wood or coconut fibres, or synthetic materials costs more than simple layers of
straw, but is more efficient.
Fertilization and irrigation often are used to enhance initial seedling
establishment. Fencing may be necessary to protect seedlings from wildlife
(e.g., rabbits, deer) or cattle grazing.
Time of planting is important (winter is the best time for planting desert
riparian areas due to lower evaporation rates and thus greater saturation of soil
from surface to water table). Certain precautions are necessary when using this
method, including fencing the area from livestock, avoiding flooding for periods
longer than 3 weeks, and controlling beaver activity.
Creation of riparian ecosystems, or restoration of severe channel damage,
typically involves some type of landforming. Landforming can consist of
relocating a stream, recontouring a channel by sloping banks, building
meanders, creating pools, or creating marshes or ponds within the stream.
In urban areas, stream restoration is an alternative to conventional
channelization involving stream straightening and deepening with heavily
riprapped banks. A channelized stream may be restored by removing brush,
debris, and dead trees that blocked water flow; sloping banks to less than
vertical inclination; sloping meander bends to produce sandbars; seeding
banks; and sparingly using riprap along highly erosive slopes. The result is an
aesthetically pleasing urban stream with greater wildlife habitat potential and
lower flood hazard.
Several studies have used historical regional lists to determine desired plant or
animal diversity of the completed scheme.
Many techniques used to document and monitor riparian habitats are
untested, and some are designed to optimise time rather than accuracy. The
value of information obtained from monitoring wetland creation/restoration
projects depends on the precision, accuracy, and comprehensiveness of the
data used for interpretation and decision-making. Because past measurements
can seldom be verified for quality, data must be collected with tested methods
using a valid sampling design, followed by proper analysis and interpretation.
Guidelines useful for monitoring wetland creation/restoration efforts are
included in sections concerning sampling schemes, measuring vegetation,
classifying riparian communities, determining various features of the soil,
remote sensing, water column measurements, streambank morphology,
measuring and mapping organic debris, and use of benthic macro-invertebrates
to evaluate stream riparian conditions.
Determination of parameters to be monitored should be based on project
goals and objectives and may include both independent (i.e., habitat) and
dependent (i.e., population) parameters. Examples of independent parameters
include frequency and duration of flooding; groundwater dynamics; channel
morphology; streambank stability; streamflow characteristics; water quality;
vegetative composition, cover, and production; and stream shading. Dependent
parameters may include density and diversity of fish and wildlife populations.
Frequency of monitoring is based on project goals and deadlines. Monitoring
can be conducted frequently in the beginning and less frequently after rates of
trends are determined. By far the most common monitoring method has been to
evaluate plant growth and survival over time. Monitoring plant species
distribution below the level of community dominants provides superior
benchmark information as well as a more sensitive scale to detect changes in
water level, substrate type, and nutrient status.
4. Dune rehabilitation
Dunes and sand sheets develop under a range of climatic and environmental
controls, including wind speed and direction, and moisture and sediment
availability. In the case of coastal dunes, sea-level change and beach and
nearshore conditions are important factors. Organised dune systems and
sheets in continental environments form from sediment transported or optimised
by wind action. New generations of dunes may form from sediment optimised
by climatic change and/or human disturbances. Coastal dunes are important
determinants of coastal stability, supplying, storing and receiving sand blown
from adjacent beaches. They play an important role by providing morphological
and hydrological controls on biological gradients.
Removal of, or damage to, dune vegetation exposes sand dunes to high
coastal winds and wave action which eventually cause dune blowouts and sand
A vegetated and stable frontal dune acts as a buffer, providing an erodible
reservoir of sand that circulates between the front dune, the beach, the surf
zone and seabed according to sea and wind conditions. Loss of protective
vegetation through pressure from grazing, foot and vehicular traffic, fires and
building exposes sand to high-velocity coastal winds and wave action, often
resulting in erosion.
Dune erosion has two types: wind and wave. Wind erosion moves sand
grains in a series of hopping movements (saltation) or by rolling them along the
surface of the dune (soil creep). The larger grain size prevents the long-term
suspension that occurs with finer soil particles. In this way sand from dunes is
mobilised and forms transgressive dunes that creep inland, covering roads,
vegetation and buildings. Within the dune itself blowouts may occur. These
usually follow disruption to vegetation on the frontal or primary dune. They are
aligned with the prevailing wind and form a U-shape in a lower section of the
dune, which funnels wind, raising its velocity and increasing the loss of sand.
Wave energy plays a key role in beach formation, periodically depositing and
removing beach materials. The wash of the waves carries material onto the
beach while the backwash carries material away. During calm periods the
material forms a beach, while during storms beaches may be eroded by the
destructive backwash of the waves. Construction of buildings and roads on front
dunes interrupts the buffering role the dune plays in the wider beach zone.
Vegetation removal associated with construction and traffic reduces the dune’s
ability to trap wind-blown sand that would replenish sand removed by waves in
Transgressive (mobilised) dunes cause major problems for land-owners
inland from the original dune system as sand covers roads, property or farming
land. Similarly they can limit access and recreation. The creation of reflective
rock walls, groynes and breakwaters to protect property on frontal dunes
interrupts natural beach processes, sometimes increasing erosion risk and
beach scour, which often necessitates artificial replacement of sand. In severe
situations dwellings close to the beach or cliff may be undermined by wave
activity, causing property damage.
Fig. 4.60.
Duneguard scheme
phenomena affect mainly the direction and height of the waves. The tides on
the Portuguese North Western coast are of the semidiurnal type, reaching a
medium range of 2m and a maximum of 4m. The average tides in Leixões near
Porto are + 2.00 m (HZ). The tide and wave values indicate that this is a macro-
mesotidal tide-dominated coast. Meteorological tides are not significant outside
enclosed waterbodies but they can contribute to increase onshore
consequences when occurring simultaneously with spring astronomical tides or
severe storms.
was of an advanced state of erosion with the erosion cliff very close to the golf
fence. Before the 1999/2000 winter two more interventions were needed, one in
January and the other in March. In addition to this technique, some traps
(fences) were installed transversely to the shoreline to enhance the sediment
trapping on the dune.
The 5th intervention near hole number 5 was made in October 2000 (see Fig.
4.5.), after the spring tides occurred on 28th and 29th September. They had
partially destroyed the dunar system in that area, thus requiring further dune
renourishment works.
Fig. 4.63: Dune consolidation with wood piles and small sand bags, April 1999.
Fig. 4.64. Sand ripping works near the 5th hole, October 2000.
The 2nd intervention at the 13th hole – still using the same dune consolidation
technique -, was only needed in November 2000 after 5 previous interventions
on the CZ1 near the 5th hole. In fact, it was only a year after the first intervention
that the dune in this area exhibited erosion signals. This fact leads us to
conclude that the erosion phenomenon is significantly more severe on the
Northern extreme than on the Southern.
The winter of 2000/2001 was particularly severe with a high sequence of
storm episodes happening very close one to another. In fact, even though in
general wave heights with a return period higher than 10 years were not
reached, the persistence of the storms generated a very unusual case of
consecutive storm events in a way that made it necessary to carry on with
emergency works of dune repositioning several times in the period from
November 2000 to January 2001, both in the North and South limits of the golf
course. In this period, the 6th, 7th and 8th interventions in the adjacent area of the
5th hole, and the 3rd intervention near the 13th hole, were carried out.
The 6th intervention on the Northern extreme limit of the golf course was
carried out during the period of 14th to 27th November 2000, following the spring
tides that occurred in November in which the dune was significantly affected.
The emergency intervention consisted of mechanical sand ripping from the
frontal beach to the dune.
Fig. 4.65. Aspects of the execution of the technical solution using geotextile sand
containers, December 2000.
1997. The sea level variations depend on various factors, combinable between
them, as seen:
• astronomical tide (mean level variation of 20cm),
• meteorological factors (wind),
• hydrodynamic factors (shoreline currents),
• atmospheric pressure,
• morphological factors (coastal shape).
The wind is an essential morphodynamic factor of the Mediterranean
coastlines, responsible of the formation of dunes. In the area of the Thau
lagoon, the most important wind directions are:
• NNW: 300º – 340º; wind from land, formerly known as tramontane or
cers; represent 36% a year.
• NE: 20º - 30º; wind from land, known as mistral; represent 15%.
• SE: 120º - 140º; wind from the sea; represent 15%.
The transported volumes depend basically on the sediment characteristics
(particle size) and on the wind speed, but also on the beach moisture, among
others. The mean transport in the site of Séte is about 250m3/m/yr, based upon
observations made in the period from 1978 to1983. A typical Mediterranean
sedimentary coastal system can be divided into three compartments working in
close relation. The submerged part is limited in width by the breaking zone,
whereas the “active beach” or emerged beach comprises the shoreface,
foreshore and backshore. The terrestrial part is the single or multiple functional
dune strips, a true barrier for marine stormwaves, which are separated from the
fossil dunes by foredune basins. The functioning of these systems is based
upon two dynamic factors: the south-eastern storms and the land winds. The
former push the sediments held in the submerged system onto the backshore
(or conversely, depending on the capacity of energy absorption of the beach),
and the latter return the sediments to the beach, hence restoring the shoreline.
The nearshore bottom in front of the lido of Séte is characterised by the
presence of a set of longshore bars, parallel to the shoreline. South of
Marseillan, three longshore bars have been identified: a distal bar at –4m depth,
a proximal bar at –2m and the shoreface. In front of the lido of Séte the sea bed
presents only two bars: the distal one which is a prolongation of the
aforementioned, and the proximal one, close to the shoreline. The progression
of the bars is closely related to a sequential dynamic, by a succession of
deposits over the bar slopes (E. Akouango, 1997).
The sedimentary movements which produce variations in the beach profiles
are the resultant of the action of the hydrodynamic factors on the available
sediments. These factors comprise the waves and wind, which are the most
important, and with minor importance the tide-generated currents. These profile
evolutions mean modifications of the beach and sea bottom levels, and hence
of the distribution of sedimentary materials all along the profile. The resultant of
the coastal sediment transport is a longshore drift which runs from north-east to
south-west, with an average volume of carried load of 20,000 – 40,000m3/yr.
The evolution of the coastal strip between Sète and Cap d’Agde has been
• …among others.
The actions to restore the natural conditions of the beach and dunes are the
reshaping of the beach profile (to 70 – 80m width), as well as the reconstruction
of the dune cordon (3m high per 20m width) behind the backshore.
4.4.1. Environmental
In response to beach erosion, people plant deep rooting plant varieties,
believing that their root systems will halt erosion. But the force of moving water
is rather unforgiving. Water is 800 times heavier than air and once it moves by
waves, is very destructive. Only sand that keeps moving, can remain. But fixed
roots can stall erosion temporarily. Furthermore, salt water is fatal to any tree,
except the mangrove tree (Avicennia resinifera), which thrives only in very
sheltered, muddy bottoms.
The first drawing shows a healthy situation with a steep wet beach, an area
of dry beach, low fore dunes and rolling dunes further inland. The dune
vegetation is sparse. Sand moves.
Once dunes have been planted for stabilisation, the dense vegetation starts
to trap the sand. Once trapped, the sand can no longer move. The dunes grow
and become a single large dune (second drawing). The plan appears to work.
But once the dune has grown sufficiently tall, it lifts the sea wind from the
beach, impairing its self-repair mechanism. The sea starts to eat into the tall
dune, carving a steep bank (scarp). Sand can no longer saltate up this bank
and the dune stops growing. With every storm the dune erodes further (third
drawing). The massive amounts of sand from this process cause sand banks
further into the sea and the beach to lay flatter. There is no more dry beach and
the wet beach will no longer dry. The system’s self-repair mechanism is now
permanently damaged: the beach won’t dry, the sand won’t blow, the dunes
won’t roll and erosion becomes permanent.
Fig. 4.69. Dziwnow: uncovered by storm event part of the artificial dune with geotextile
bags core, east from hard concrete seawall
Fig. 4.70. Dziwnow: hard concrete seawall and hollow in the beach tetrapods in front of it
In the case of Estela, the soft protection structure using geotextile sand-filled
containers seems to have the potential to solve, in the short term, the erosion
problems existing in Estela but its effectiveness is not yet proven. At the
moment, this case is the subject of a research study and in the near future a
pilot study station will be created using an improved solution of geotextile sand-
filled containers.
As regards Séte, the BCEOM assessment estimates that there will be some
good impacts from the measures planned. These are outlined in the different
sectors defined below. The environmental benefits found are the increase in the
capacity to soften incident waves (breaking and storm waves), and the
upgrading of the biodiversity, as well as enrichment of landscape quality.
Several methods may be used to increase the height and stability of existing
dunes, repair damaged dunes, encourage sand accumulation closer to the
beach, or establish dunes where a low sand supply has inhibited dune
formation or where dunes have been destroyed.
Where fresh sand deposits around obstructions such as grass clumps show
conditions conducive to natural dune formation, plantings of native vegetation or
structural barriers can be used to start and accelerate sand accumulation.
Plantings of native vegetation should be the primary method for dune
construction, improvement, and repair. Planting vegetation on gradients in the
backshore and close to the line of vegetation, structures such as slatted wood
or plastic sand fencing can help trap sand and stabilise dunes, but they should
be used as a last resort and removed when vegetation is established for
aesthetic reasons, for safety, and to avoid interference with public access
(temporary fences).
Standard slatted wood sand fencing is ideal for dune-building structures
because it is inexpensive, readily available, easy to handle, and can be erected
Plastic fencing has the advantage of being strong, durable, and reusable,
and it won’t be taken for campfire fuel. Plastic fencing, however, is about three
times as expensive as wooden sand fencing.
A height of four feet, measured from the ground surface after installation, is
recommended for dune-building structures. In areas where sand conditions are
poor for dune building, a height of two feet is appropriate.
The fencing can be supported with wooden posts or metal poles at 10-foot
intervals. Wooden posts should be black locust, red cedar, white cedar, or other
wood of equal life and strength. Treated pine may be used as well. The
minimum practical length for posts is 6.5 feet; a length of 7 to 8 feet is optimum.
Wooden posts should be no larger than three inches in diameter. If the base of
a sand fence is placed at ground level, dunes will build over the structure. If the
base is elevated four to six inches above the ground, dunes will build on the
downwind side of the structure, and the fencing can be retrieved for reuse as
the dunes are formed. Structures should be placed no more than 20 feet
seaward of the vegetation line. In most cases, structures should be oriented
perpendicular to prevailing winds.
Dunes can be stabilised with success by using porous jute netting as sand
fencing and as protective ground cover.
Inorganic debris such as automobile bodies, concrete, wire, or tyres must not
be used for dune building. These materials are not biodegradable and are
safety hazards.
In areas where the local sand supply is insufficient for these two sand-
trapping methods to be effective, dunes can be artificially constructed with
imported sand. All dune improvement project sites must be vegetated to
maintain stability.
The planting of native vegetation to trap sand is always preferable to the use
of man-made structures. Planting native vegetation is the best method for dune
construction, improvement, and repair. Transplants from the vicinity of the dune
project are more likely to survive than plants brought in from a distance.
Generally, mid-winter to late spring is the best time to plant coastwide. Plants
should come from only healthy, dense stands in areas that are not subject to
erosion but not from coppice mounds or from foredunes that are sparsely
vegetated. Planted areas should be protected from vehicles, pedestrians, and
grazing animals with fencing.
Elevated walkways can prevent damage to dunes from pedestrian traffic. If
walkways are conveniently placed near access roads, parking areas, beachfront
subdivisions, and public facilities, pedestrians will be less likely to cut foot paths
through the dunes to the beach. The presence of walkways may increase public
awareness of the value and fragility of sand dunes.
A walkway should begin landward of the foredune and extend 10 to 15 feet
seaward of the vegetation line. It should be oriented at an angle to the
prevailing wind direction. Otherwise, wind blowing up the path of the walkway
may impede the growth of vegetation beneath it, erode sand from the seaward
end, and increase the possibility of washout or blow-out development. Sand
fencing can help restrict pedestrian traffic to the walkway.
Sand for dune construction must not be taken from the beach. Doing so robs
donor areas of the material necessary for maintenance of the beach and dunes,
and may increase erosion. Removal of sand and other materials from barrier
islands and peninsulas is sometimes strictly regulated by state laws (see
“Beach Access and Dune Protection Laws”). Sand for dune construction can be
obtained from construction-material suppliers or cement companies.
The salt content of sand used to construct dunes should not exceed four
parts per thousand (ppt). Higher salt concentrations will inhibit plant growth. For
this reason, freshly dredged spoil material is usually not a good source of sand
for dune construction projects. Imported sand should be similar in colour, grain
size, and mineral content to the sand at the dune-building site. If native sand is
topped with imported finer sediment, the finer sediment will quickly erode.
Man-made dunes should be of the same general height, slope, width, and
shape as the natural dunes in the vicinity. Generally, they should be no less
than four feet high with a slope of no more than 45 degrees.
The initial width of the dune base should be at least 20 feet. A dune with a
smaller base will not build to a height sufficient to provide storm protection.
Where there is an ample supply of sand, dunes should be constructed
slightly landward of the location where foredunes would naturally occur to allow
for natural seaward expansion. Dunes built too close to the Gulf can be
destroyed by wave action during even minor storms and may interfere with
public access along the beach.
The town of Séte, after analysing the fourth option drawn up by the
assessment, decided upon the third proposal of creating a “sanctuary” in the
lido between the reconfigured Castellas campsite and the Villeroy bottling
company. This proposed system depended on the principle of strategic
realignment for sustainable protection of the lido, that is to say, moving the
coastal road close to the railway. One of the techniques proposed in this
hypothesis is the reconfiguration of the dune field between the ‘Plage de la
Corniche’ and Marseillan.
The actions to be carried out were allocated to different sectors of the lido:
• Lazaret beach between the Corniche point and ‘le grau des Quilles’
The dune of Lazaret will be reconfigured in order to create a dune formation
simulating a natural morphology composed by a large beach, a first dune
cordon (active) and some others (ancient). This reconfiguration will be made
simultaneously with a new structure made with ganivelles, in order to keep the
new dune in place. In the long term, the monitoring of these structures will on
the one hand permit functional adaptations of this morphology to dynamic
modifications, and on the other hand assure a background of experience. In
addition, to limit the wind-blown inputs of sand on the dune of Lazaret, some
ganivelles will be placed perpendicular to the shoreline and to the dominant
winds as well.
• La Corniche beach to PK1 30,25
Among other actions to be carried out here is the creation of a dune with
ganivelles at the height of 3m above NGF, with a beach slope of 2/1 and rear-
dune slope of 5/1.
• La Corniche beach from PK 30,25 to PK 30,75
The reclamation of the upper beach and the creation of a dune cordon will
also soften the effect of breaking waves which could overwhelm them, including
storm waves. The management works can be divided into two phases, the first
of which is the most important, consisting of the realignment of the coastal road
and the reconstruction of a large beach and a dune ridge.
• The coast between PK 30,75 (ZAC de Villeroy) and PK 32,5
(bottling company)
The most important works to be carried out here are the moving of the
coastal road close to the railway and the reconstruction of a large beach and a
dune ridge.
• The coast from PK 32 to PK 40
The realignment of the road close to the railway will permit the linking of the
ancient dunes with the active ones (those remaining), creating a vast dune field
of about 150m long. At shoreline level, in order to recreate a coastal system in
equilibrium in the long term, that is to say, capable of responding to the present
hydrodynamic characteristics and of anticipating future trends (sea level rise,
increasing storminess, …), it will be necessary to reconfigure the beach profile
according to the next criteria:
- a dune cordon of 2 or 3m height, and 30m long;
- an active beach of 70m width;
- a beach slope of 1/50 to 1/70 (mean grain size of 0.22mm).
The reconstitution of a large beach will be made possible by the backward
placement of the dune baseline. The softening capacity of incoming waves and
the sedimentary exchanges throughout the profile will be then increased, which
is necessary for the maintenance of an active dune field. With efficient
PK=kilometric point
management of the dunes, this new configuration better resists the assaults of
the sea.
• The coast from PK 32,5 to PK 37,2 (Camping Castellas)
All along this 5km of coast, the system can be directly linked to the large
dune field (20 to 80m) bordering the vineyards of the Listel Company. The
realignment of the coastal road helps to recreate a coherent beach profile. At
the time of the dune cordon creation, the places presently used as parking
areas will be filled in to be incorporated in the new dunes, necessitating some
sand input. These dunes, reinforced by a series of ganivelles, will be stabilised
by vegetation, using, as much as possible, local species.
• The camping of Castellas (PK 37,2 to PK 40)
The area recovered will be used to reshape the active beach, much as the
previous section, of about 70 to 80m width, using as much as possible the
autochthonic material after the removal of the road pavement. The dunes will be
equipped with ganivelles (with public pathways) and will be entirely vegetated,
with the aim of increasing its stability and resistance in the face of marine
• The coast from Camping Castellas (PK 40) to Port du
Marseillan beach (PK 41,2)
The solution is the same for that planned for the northern sector of the
• The ancient dunes of the lido of Séte
The displacement of the coastal road, which will be transformed into a beach
restoration (80 to 100m width), allows the possibility of reconstructing a true
dune system. Moving the dune baseline backwards, the ancient dunes will
serve as a foundation to the new dune cordon. The beach width will assure a
consequent softening of breaking and storm waves. The continuous dune
cordon, maintained by ganivelles, will catch windblown sediments and will limit
marine intrusion.
Furthermore, during the research studies on the erosion control of the dunar
system of Estela two basic solutions will be studied. These solutions can be
combined to minimise the wave energy impact on the dune, which consists of:
The following tables show the detailed budget plan for the feasibility stage:
AMO: Assistance à Maîtrise d’Ouvrage (Assistance to Master of Works)
Private works
Rebuilding of Castellas campsite 2 500 000
being 3 850€ / year. The relative costs of dune maintenance will increase in the
coming years due to increase in the number of ganivelles installed, which will
usually be maintained, repaired and changed. Some predictions give the
hypothesis of a cost multiplication of 4, being 168 000€ per year.
4.9. Limitations
For the first time, in Portugal, a coastal erosion problem is being addressed
with a coastal defence solution using geotextile containers. The fact that the
incident waves on the West Portuguese coast are among the most vigourous in
the world leads people to underestimate the potentialities of this kind of solution,
especially in cases like Estela. Nevertheless, this type of solution can
effectively control some coastal erosion problems, in the short term, but needs
to have a design procedure similar to any other coastal defence structure. At
the moment, there is still a significant lack of information regarding the design
and behaviour of these defence techniques.
for tourists and holiday-makers; it would also increase the use of stone material,
adding to the impact on the environment “transferred” to the quarry areas and
those deriving from its transport, with a considerable increase in costs.
The submerged barrier acts as a physical operator, dissipating and damping
down the energy of the wave movement, respecting the shape of the local
shoreline in its pre-erosive form and protecting the addition of granular material
suitable for reconstructing the emerged and submerged beach.
The presence of such a barrier is a physical support to the beach profile,
enabling it to reform with a more moderate gradient than that naturally
assumed; it also leads granulometric fractions, which otherwise would have
been lost out at sea, to become stable in water. It does not create any negative
visual impact on the coastal landscape, and it may enhance habitat for local
marine fauna.
There are many types of longshore structures protecting beach. They vary
according to the type of site, the erosive process, the availability of space and
Not all materials are suitable for the creation of artificial reefs. Some, which
may be suitable for one site may not be so for another. The materials for reef
creation need to be durable and have a large multi-dimensional surface area for
the colonisation of sessile organisms, and several entrance and exit holes for
mobile organisms, water flow and light penetration. The reef components
should be designed for long-term stability and be suitably weighted so they
cannot move around on the sea floor. All materials need to be free of noxious
substances and residues.
Many materials such as concrete pipe, concrete pilings, steel highway
bridges and a variety of other bulky structures are often re-utilised as substrate
in the construction of artificial reefs, but the most favoured reef materials are
concrete (including cubes, blocks and pipes) and rock stones (also with
In the last years, the artificial reef construction has been developed in many
coastal sites of the world, with different materials used, and different designs
tested; so that many private companies take out a patent on their products.
Some Japanese private companies are world leaders in the artificial reef
technology for commercial fishery enhancement and have been creating
artificial reefs since the 18th century. Materials used are of high quality – for
example concrete grass and reinforced glass.
For example, the Japanese Nishimatsu company has developed a new type
of submerged breakwater called the Wave Trapping Artificial Reef (WATAR). It
is a subsurface wave neutralisation structure, consisting of a first-stage reef,
made of rubble mounds and jackets where wave energies are magnified by the
sudden slope, and a second-stage reef made of an upper-level concrete slit
structure, where waves are broken. Finally the broken waves pass through the
slit of the second-stage concrete reef and the resulting internal disruption
reduces their energy.
In the USA, the artificial reef programmes of many maritime states are run for
the benefit of recreational sports fishing, diving, commercial fishing, waste
disposal, and environmental mitigation. Materials used are mostly waste
including concrete, rocks, construction rubble, cars, railway carriages, ships and
reef balls.
In Great Lakes (Winsconsin, USA), reef breakwater structures provide
nesting and roosting sites for waterfowl, as well as supporting many human
recreational activities. The structures are constructed of rock of varying sizes,
construction and demolition materials (concrete), and sheet pilings. Many
structures use a combination of materials, often in different segments. These
structures attract fish, intercept seasonal movements, and provide shore
anglers with access to deeper water. The economic value of the area has been
improved by designing a marina as well as improving public access for fishing
(a boat ramp and fishing access from the breakwater) and hiking (observation
platform, footpath, and boardwalk). Concurrently, the ecology of the area has
been greatly enhanced by creating a vegetated breakwater.
Innovative longshore structures are the so-called “beachsavers”, Forte, the
P.E.P. (prefabricated erosion prevention) reefs and also the geotextile
structures (such as the undercurrent stabilizers), too.
Breakwaters International Inc. has developed a new type of submerged
breakwater called the beachsaver reef that works more effectively with the
natural beach system and improves a beach’s equilibrium. As their name
implies, the breakwaters break the waves and create a shadow of calmer water
in their lee which allows suspended sand to settle out of the water and deposit
in the near shore area and on the emergent beach.
The beachsaver reef system works with sand nourishment and ocean forces
to protect and extend the life of beaches. The reef reduces the volume of sand
required for a nourishment project, retains replenished sand as it is pumped
onto the beach, and keeps added sand on the beach longer by slowing the rate
of erosion.
The reef works to enhance the long-term performance of beach fills in two
ways. First, the reef forms a partial barrier, preventing suspended sand from
moving out to sea in the return wave. This sand resettles instead in the
nearshore zone or emergent beach. Second, the energy of incoming waves is
reduced by 20 to 30 % as they cross the reef and as they break farther offshore,
taking less of a toll on the beach front (Fig. 5.1.).
An important patented design feature of the reef is the “backwash flume”
(circled in the Fig. 5.1). The flume consists of three slotted openings which are
wider on the curved beachward face and become narrower as they arc upward
to the top of the structure. As a storm wave recedes, the flume projects a high
velocity curtain of water and suspended sand upward off the reef so that the
next incoming wave cycles the sand back towards the beach. This inhibition of
the offshore movement of sand is key in erosion control during storm events.
Fig. 5.2. Artificial reef beach stabilisation project for the Grand Cayman Marriott.
At present, the town of Giardini Naxos has about 10,000 inhabitants and it is
the most important tourist area in the eastern Sicily with more than 1 million
tourists per year. With its 34 hotels and 46 restaurants, the bay of Giardini is
typical of coastal tourism development around the Mediterranean sea. In
summer, the promenade may be frequented by more than 20,000 tourists a
day, i.e. twice the population of Giardini Naxos.
The beach enclosed by the bay is considered as a “relict” beach or pocket
beach; its length is 5 km and is oriented to the east, between two rocky
headlands: Capo Taormina in the north of the bay and Capo Schisò in the
south. It has an average orientation of 34° E, morphologically regulated by a
regional fault system.
Fig. 5.5. Aerial photo of Giardini Bay with photo references on artificial reef project.
From an environmental point of view this is also a good choice, as the
material used is taken from the erosion of the central area of the same bay and
therefore borrow and native materials have similar textural and compositional
The beach-fill design has been stabilised by a single nearshore submerged
reef-breakwater (top submergence at 0,5 m. b.s.l.; crest width: 15.00 m.; length:
330 m. in phase B.1 and 1000 m. in phase B.2) with selective placement of
volcanic stones. The aim of this natural reef-barrier is to reduce the effects of
wave action on the beach, minimising the loss of sand to the sea. Structural
combinations, similar to those of Giardini-Naxos Bay, mitigate downdrift
impacts, increase the fill life of the re-nourished beach and reduce their
environmental impact more than if selectively implemented. These would also
eliminate the unacceptable appearance of hard protective structures such as
transversal groynes and sub-parallel reefs.
In this coastal area there is also a conflict between previous protection
measures (breakwaters and groynes) present inside the bay and the need to
create one or two marinas inside the bay. This case study should be part of a
wider SEA, but at the moment the local coastal conflicts appear to take place at
a political level only, with no public participation.
0 400 m
E3 Schisò
San Giovanni E3
San Pancrazio
H2 E3 Sirenetta
The detail of the bathymetric map, drawn in the summer 2000, of the Giardini
Bay shows a fairly marked trend in the isobaths to the depth of – 15m, generally
increasing in gradient proceeding northwards. A regular distension could be
seen, except lower isobaths (-1 and –2 m) close to the coast with the
interdistances between isobaths present at depths between –2 and –14 m
depth. This distension is marked in the Sirenetta area and does not appear in
the Macine, San Pancrazio and San Giovanni areas.
In the nearshore areas, anomalies in the bottom morphology can be seen
due to the shore protection interventions along the coast. In the Sirenetta area,
under the total protection of the harbour quay, there occurs a wide area of
sedimentation, which sometimes emerges; while in the sector adjacent to the
Macine, it is possible to observe a steeper gradient of the coast, without a
corresponding steepness in the more distal areas.
The regularisation of the distension could be done to coincide with the –5 m
isobath which maintains a constant distance (about 150 m) from the shoreline,
and marks an irregular internal area (inland) and a regular external area
(seaward) with uniform interdistancies.
Considering the orography of the area, the site proves to be well protected
from north winds and to some extent from north-east winds, being sheltered
from these by the headland of Capo Taormina. However, the area is exposed to
south-easterly and easterly winds; the former are slightly broken by the
headland of Capo Schisò, while the latter sweep into the Bay of Giardini without
meeting the slightest impediment. Because of the orientation of the coastline
between Capo Taormina and Capo Schisò, the dominant east and north-east
winds tend to generate southward littoral currents within the bay, while the
dominating south-west winds generate minor northward currents.
There are no specific studies of the area on eustacy vs. isostasy, while the
entire coastline of Sicily is considered as a patchwork of pieces which show a
differential movement related to the local tectonic activity. Tide range is not
important, being less than 15 cm.
In the past, the dynamic equilibrium of the beach was determined by the
alternative driving forces due to the SE winds, which moved the sediments
northward along the beach, and to the NE winds, which moved the sediments
The never-completed construction of Schisò Harbour has stopped the
northward movement of the material, constricting the sediment transport to
Underwashing activity, in the last decades, brought Giardini bay a sediment
transport towards the southern area.
From a sedimentological view-point, in Giardini Bay the sediment distribution
is abruptly interrupted opposite the Town Hall area, where there are very coarse
sands; in fact, in the Northern sector the medium sands disappear almost
completely. The coarse sands, present from the backshore area to a depth of –
5 m., give way, moving out to sea, to fine sands, to a depth of between 8 and 12
metres; beyond these, the coarse sands reappear. It may be that these fine
sands had widely covered an area naturally occupied by coarse sands; only
subsequently, following a change in the sediment distribution system, probably
linked to the building of the harbour, they were transported further out to sea.
From the Macine to the Municipio areas, the beach is characterised by coarse
sands up to a depth of about –3 m, while medium sands are present up to the
isobars of –5 and –6 m and fine sands are dominant offshore. In the southern
sector, between Lido Sirenetta and Schisò Harbour, to a depth of about 6
metres, medium sands are present, while externally the sands are finer; in an
isolated zone, corresponding to the sub-perpendicular groyne dividing the two
sectors, there is a limited outcropping of coarse sands.
On the subject of weathering, it is interesting to mention the action of the
discharge of the pluvial water through tubes located along the “promenade”
(seawalk) which give rise to an eroding action concentrated on the emerged
beaches. This water discharge action, concentrated, causes concentrated
erosive processes in the few points in a good state along the beach (Fig. 5.7).
Tab. 5.1. Presence of Italian and Foreign tourists in hotels (1990 – 2001).
Years It.arrivals It. presences For. Arriv. For. presences Total arriv. Total presences
1990 57795 229931 51538 311504 109333 541435
1991 59991 229188 59541 351622 119532 580810
1992 56659 205448 48400 246292 105059 451740
1993 60184 223932 32750 181289 92934 405221
1994 73317 262121 57643 286410 130960 548531
1995 81513 310055 84567 381924 166080 691979
1996 91002 379314 96184 483196 187186 862510
1997 92126 360773 102296 479922 194422 840695
1998 88885 347011 104512 467874 193397 814885
1999 88393 352975 102237 483730 190630 836705
2000 85387 338909 109227 509756 194614 848665
2001 96295 372635 126646 565302 222941 937937
Tab. 5.2. Presence of Italian and Foreign tourists in extra hotel structures (1990 – 2001).
Years It.arrivals It. presences For. Arriv. For. presences Total arriv. Total presences
1990 429 1934 249 1004 678 2938
1991 289 1123 427 2615 716 3738
1992 194 994 121 444 315 1438
1993 187 1019 66 1004 253 2023
offshore, in 2.9 m of water. The total length of the structure is 1.2 m, including a
66 m gap near the north end for a submerged cable easement. The purpose of
the structure was to reduce incident wave energy, allowing accretion of
sediment in the lee of the structure, resulting in good environmental mitigation
In Giardini Bay, environmental mitigation strategy is limited to the artificial
reef creation, with no other schemes planned.
Over recent years several stretches of the coast of Giardini have been the
subject of intense erosive activity, caused and aggravated by a series of man-
made constructions: within the hydrographical basin (check dams); along the
coast (sub-parallel breakwater barriers); or directly at sea (harbour quays).
The seafront has retreated considerably, with the result that important
stretches of the coastal road have been damaged. These stretches of road
have been replaced and temporarily protected with breakwater barriers and
shoreline defences, which in turn have had a strongly negative environmental
impact because, while protecting a few dozen metres of coastline, they have
accelerated the erosion of neighbouring areas.
The erosive process is also favoured by a general reduction in transported
solid load, due to a series of factors (some of them common to most of the
shorelines of Italy).
Fig. 5.8. Before artificial reef construction in the Macine area (Giardini Bay), the beach is
in retreat and threatened by eastern waves. It is a narrow beach with mixed sediment
patterns. Photo (January-2004).
Fig. 5.9. In spite of a winter sea storm the beach is wide, and the seafront has not
sustained damages. Photo (9-dec-2004) after intervention in Macine area (Giardini Bay).
Comparing the maps of 1938, 1967, 1972 and 1984 for Giardini, it is
possible to define an area, stretching from south of the Sirina torrent as far as
Capo Schisò, where the increase in urbanisation, seafront building and the
new hard protection structures, have together led to the erosion of the
Northern sector (San Pancrazio) and the progressive advancement of the
beach in the area protected by the harbour structure.
For example, in the years between 1967 and 1972, the beach decreased by
about 5 metres each year, along the northern sector of Sirina area.
In the more northern part, the seawall erected to protect the railway line
initially led to severe erosion, later stabilising naturally, probably because of the
characteristics of the seabed. In fact the beach initially found a new balance
along the direction of the foot of the roadbed supporting the railway line, but
then it became more stable thanks to the presence of natural rocks which
created more protected areas.
Fig. 5.10. Water clarity after intervention in Macine area (Giardini Bay). Detail of previous
photo (9-dec-2004).
were for the most part habitual visitors to those beaches, although there were
also some occasional tourists.
The questionnaire asked beachgoers to give their assessment of various
aspects connected with the beach, divided into four categories: physical and
geomorphological characteristics, environmental aspects, infrastructures and
services, aesthetic aspects/design and comfort of the beaches.
The questionnaire also asked beachgoers to supply some personal
information (sex, age, place of origin, type of accommodation chosen, number
of hours per day/days per week spent on the beach, reasons for going to the
beach) so that a social profile of beach users could be traced. Some
questionnaires were discarded during the data processing phase, because they
were incompletely or incorrectly filled in. The data are still being analysed and
The local stakeholders and economic operators interviewed included
shopkeepers, hotel, bar and restaurant owners, managers of the lidos and
people working in the port area. The activities of all these operators are in some
way strictly connected with the presence of the beach and their work places are
located in the immediate vicinity of it.
The local Administrators were interviewed in an informal way in the course of
normal discussion. Further interviews took place with two free-lance
professionals, both involved with the MESSINA project. Because all these
interviews were held in a very informal and colloquial way, it has not been
possible to represent the information exchanged in the form of diagrams or
From the results of the interviews it is easy to see that the vast majority of
beachgoers go to the beach for the purpose of swimming and sunbathing; only
some of them go to the beach for other purposes.
Visitors from different places of origin tend to view the physical aspects of the
Bay in slightly different ways. The ones who appear to appreciate these aspects
most are those from the north of Italy. Also foreign visitors appear to appreciate
the climatic and geomorphological aspects of the Bay, but they tend to be more
critical of the present rocky shoreline and the emergent rocky groynes. The
most critical of all have been generally local and habitual beachgoers.
With regard to the environmental aspects of the beach it is easy to note here
that the assessment of the various environmental components analysed tends
to be less favourable among the higher social and economic categories and
vice versa.
With regard to a general assessment, most of those interviewed have given a
generally positive evaluation and only some of them gave the beach an low
All the people interviewed agreed that the local project for an artificial reef
creation with sand nourishment has led to an improvement in the environmental
situation. Design and aesthetic aspects of the area have generally been viewed
Fig. 5.11. The shoreline in December 2004, two weeks after nourishment, at the end of the
intervention. The barrier is completely submerged. Photo (5-dec-2004) of the Macine area
(Giardini Bay).
Fig. 5.12. During the first winter sea storm, waves surfing (and breaking) on the
submerged barrier. Photo (9-dec-2004) of the Macine area (Giardini Bay).
The calculated total intervention cost for completing the executive plan (the
next phase B.2) is € 8,500,000. Phase B.2 of the Coastal Defence Project in
Giardini Bay is enhancing phase B.1, for the model and intervention solution
used (Tab. 5.3).
Defence Project in Giardini Bay is planned to enhance phase B.1 for the model
and intervention solution.
No environmental mitigation cost has been calculated for Giardini Naxos’
defence work.
€ 243,720.31 is invested in Giardini Naxos’ project.
5.9. Limitations
The intervention can be performed only after a study of the area and it has
produced a very good result also because it was sited inside a closed bay.
Delft Hydraulics (1989). Coastal protection plan, Lido di Ostia: morphologic study.
Report H 891
De Pippo Pennetta M., Terlizzi F (2001), Variazioni ambientali e genesi antropica e
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De Pippo T., Monti L., Pennetta M., Terlizzi F., Vecchione C. (2000a), Morfologia
della spiaggia sommersa ed individuazione delle modificazioni indotte dagli interventi
antropici nel litorale compreso tra Punta del Soccorso e Punta Caruso (Isola d’Ischia,
Napoli). Geol. Tecn. Amb., 2, pp. 13-20.
De Pippo T., Pennetta M., Terlizzi F., Vecchione C. (2000b), Ipotesi di
intervento di ripascimento protetto lungo la spiaggia dei Maronti (Comune di
Barano – Isola d’Ischia – Napoli). Geol. Tecn. Amb., 1, pp. 33-43.
Dubrawski R. (1998). Zalecenia do sztucznego zasilania brzegów w rejonie Mierzei
Dziwnowskiej.Ocena oddziaływania na środowisko prac czerpalnych dla celów
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Gdańsk, luty.
Duncan J. R. (1964). The Effects of Water Table and Tide Cycle in Swash-Backwash
Distribution and Beach Profile Development. Marine Geology, 2, 186-197.
Emery K. O. and Foster J. F. (1948). Water Tables in Marine Beaches. Journal of
Marine Research IIV, 3, 655-6607
EUROSION (2004). Estela. Eurosion Case study. Shoreline Management Guide
EUROSION (2004). Gulf of Riga. Eurosion Case study. Shoreline Management Guide
EUROSION (2004). Sables d’Olonne. Eurosion Case study. Shoreline Management
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Ewing L. (1997). Procedural Guidance Document: Monitoring. California Coastal
Ferrante A., Franco L. and Boer S. (1992). Modelling and monitoring of a perched
beach at Lido di Ostia (Roma). Proc. 23rd International Conference, October 4-9, 1992,
Venice, Italy.
Furmanczyk K., Musielak S., Dutkowski M., Dudzinska J., Lecka A. (2002). West
Polish Coast – Final Report of EUROSION Project. Szczecin.
Gajewski L. (1997). Pomiary batymetryczne oraz profilowanie sejsmoakustyczne na
polu poboru piasku do zasilania Mierzei Dziwnowskiej. Wydawnictwo wewnetrzne IM nr
5321 Gdańsk.
Gourlay M. R. (1992). Wave set-up, run-up and beach water table: Interaction between
surf zone hydraulics and groundwater hydraulics. Coastal Engineering, 17, 93-144.
Grant U. S. (1948). Influence of the Water Table on Beach Aggradation and
Degradation. Journal of Marine Research, VII, 3.
Hamer et al. (1999). The Benefits of a Strategic Approach to Decision making. Proc.
34th MAFF Conference of River and Coastal Engineers.
Hazen A. (1892). Physical properties of sands and gravels with reference to their use
in filtration. Report of the Massachusetts State Board of Health.
Hudson R. Y. and Keulegan G. H. (1979). Principals of Similarity, Dimensional
Analysis, and Scale Models. Coastal Hydraulic Models, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers
Coastal Engineering Research Centre, Special Report No. 5, May 1979.
Italian Parliament (1907). Law no. 542, 14th of July 1907. Gazzetta Ufficiale della
Repubblica Italiana, July 1907
Kamphuis J. W. (1975). Coastal Mobile Bed Model – Does it Work? Proc. 2nd
Symposium on Modelling Techniques, ASCE, 2, 993-1009
General features
Carrying out a cost-benefit analysis is a technical exercise involving numerous
choices and calculations. The more complicated the decision being addressed,
the more care should be taken to identify and measure key variables and to
analyse them appropriately. However, the technical nature of the analysis
should not obscure the fact that the exercise is being carried out to inform the
decision process. Each decision going into the analysis must be documented
and described in a manner that will reassure those who are party to the decision
process that the choices are sound.
Once a decision to carry out a cost-benefit analysis is made, the conceptual
concerns raised above are set aside and the pragmatic business of specifying
the overall framework to be used, the input variables to be included, how to
measure them, and many other decisions must be made. These decisions are
not inconsequential, because seemingly innocuous choices, if arbitrarily made,
can cause large swings in the outputs of the analysis.
- monetary values for marketed goods
- monetary values for non-marketed directly used goods
- monetary values for non-marketed passively used goods
- goods for which monetary values cannot be measured
- monetary values for marketed input goods
- monetary values for non-marketed directly used goods that must be
given up
- monetary values for non-marketed passively used goods that must be
given up
- costs for which monetary values cannot be measured
Because the values chosen for these variables will significantly influence the
final values calculated, the decision maker must satisfy herself that the values
chosen are reasonable.
PV = [FV/(1+r)]t
The symbols represent present value (PV), future value (FV) and the discount
rate (r) expressed as a percentage. The number of periods from the day (period
0) the net benefit accrues is the number of discounting periods, t.
Both the payback and discounted payback methods for determining value of
capital projects are inconsistent with the criteria mentioned above. Although
occasionally employed in industry as a thumbnail measure of a project's value,
neither is consistent or fully acceptable for evaluating capital projects.
Net Present Value. Net present value (NPV) is similar to the discounted
payback method in that the cost-benefit flows are discounted to reflect the time
value of money. However, unlike the discounted payback method, NPV
considers all future cost-benefit flows. The method yields one value that is
easily interpreted. If the value is positive, the project yields benefits that exceed
its costs. If the value is negative, costs exceed benefits. The discounting
calculations are based on the same formula that is used to discount cost-benefit
flows in the discounted payback method.
NPV easily allows us to compare projects and is also consistent with the
identified criteria. The method accounts for the time value of money through
discounting. It also considers all of the expected future cost-benefit flows.
Further, the discount rate can be adjusted on a project by project basis to reflect
the inherent risk of each.
Internal Rate of Return. It is often difficult to determine the rate at which future
benefits should be discounted to today's dollars. In addition, decision makers
are often more comfortable with value expressed in percentage terms rather
than some other metric. The internal rate of return (IRR) is a method for
determining value that does not depend on the determination of a discount rate
and that expresses value in terms of a percentage. Essentially, the method
requires the calculation of a discount rate such that the discounted value of
future cost-benefit flows exactly equal the initial investment. In other words, the
present value of costs minus the present value of benefits equals zero.
To calculate the IRR it is necessary to find the discount rate that would equate
the initial investment with the future cost-benefit flows.
IRR is based on the assumption that the cost-benefit flows are reinvested at the
internal rate of return. If we are examining projects that are mutually exclusive,
IRR may yield results that are inconsistent with a ranking based on the NPV
One should note the effect of the timing of the cost-benefit flows on the IRR
calculation. Any project that has relatively large positive cost-benefit flows early
in its life will generate a relatively large IRR.
Finally, the use of IRR as a measure for choosing between projects is
inappropriate when capital rationing exists. This problem is again due to the
assumption that the cost-benefit flows are reinvested at the internal rate of
return rather than at the cost of capital as in NPV. What this implies for the
decision maker is that the ranking of projects will depend as much on their
relative size and the timing of their cost-benefit flows as it will on the actual cost-
benefit flows, where the actual flows should be the only determinant of
acceptance or rejection.
The inconsistency implies that the usefulness of the IRR method is limited.
Furthermore, difficulty arises when calculating the IRR of a project that has
negative cost-benefit flows after the first period. Due to the mathematics of the
calculations, it is possible under these circumstances to calculate multiple IRR's
that equate the net present value of costs with the net present value of benefits.
This is clearly an undesirable situation.
PV = [FV/(1+r)] T-t
Once the initial calculations have been completed, the final step is to determine
a MIRR that equates the positive cost-benefit flows with the present value of the
negative cost-benefit flows. The decision rule for utilising the MIRR method is
similar to the decision rule employed for the IRR method. If the MIRR is greater
than the hurdle rate, accept. If it is less than the hurdle rate, reject.
While the MIRR method does eliminate the potential for calculating multiple IRR
when projects have negative cost-benefit flows late in their useful lives, it does
not eliminate the problems that arise from mutually exclusive projects or capital
Scale differences refers to the relative size of the cost-benefit flows. When
comparing projects that vary in size dramatically (i.e., thousand dollar cost-
benefit flows versus million dollar cost-benefit flows) only NPV yields results
consistent with our criteria.
The NPV is the only method that is both consistent with the above mentioned
criteria and acceptable given any set of circumstances that affect the
comparison of projects under consideration. While not as easy to calculate as
the payback method, NPV is computationally easier than either the IRR or the
MIRR. Finally, NPV provides a simple basis upon which to accept or reject
projects and to compare across projects.
Beach nourishment
Artificial increase of sand volumes in the foreshore via the supply of exogenous
sand. Sand supply may be achieved through the direct placement of sediment
on the beach, through trickle charging (placing sediments at a single point), or
through pumping. It can be also take place in the emerged part of the foreshore
(“beach nourishment”) or under the water line (“underwater nourishment”) which
is generally cheaper.
Beach drainage
Beach drainage decreases the volume of surface water during backwash by
allowing water to percolate into the beach, thus reducing the seaward
movement of sediment. Beach drainage also leads to drier and “gold” coloured
sand, more appreciated for recreational activities.
Dune rehabilitation
Wind-blown accumulation of drifted sand located in the supra-tidal zone. Wind
velocity is reduced by way of porous fences made of wood, geo-textiles, or
plants, which encourage sand deposition
t =T
NPV = ∑t =0
(BEt-ICt-ECt) [1/(1+r)t]
- BE are the estimated benefits for year t
- IC are the estimated internal costs for year t
- EC are the estimated external costs for year t
- T is the life expectancy of the shoreline defence solution
- r is the annual capitalisation rate.
So, benefit-cost analysis, through the NPV method, reduces a complex problem
down to one number. It’s important to understand the assumptions and theory
behind the calculation of that one number.
The analytical process requires inputs from models representing a variety of
disciplines. Arbitrarily these models have been divided into three broad areas:
models of beach behavior, environmental models and economic models. Figure
1 presents a schematic of the cost benefit process.
Although NPV is not always computable (and it does not usually reflect effects
on income distribution), efforts to measure it can produce useful insights even
when the monetary values of some benefits or costs cannot be determined. In
these cases: a comprehensive enumeration of the different types of benefits
and costs, monetized or not, can be helpful in identifying the full range of project
Quantifying benefits and costs is worthwhile, even when it is not feasible to
assign monetary values; physical measurements may be possible and useful.
Internal costs
Internal costs are the investment and recurrent expenses relating to the
implementation of the shoreline management scenarios. They include:
• the preliminary costs, which is to say the costs of preliminary studies
including technical feasibility, environmental impact assessment, cost-
benefit analysis, and social perception studies.
• the investment or capital costs necessary to implement the Shoreline
management scenario. These costs include the collection and production
of baseline data and indicators, consulting fees for shoreline modelling and
technical design, expenditures related to input materials and field
operations, and the costs of project management and administration.
• the operating and maintenance costs, which are the costs to be spent
annually to maintain the effectiveness of the Shoreline management
solution over its life expectancy. These costs should be capitalised at
present bank interest rate.
• the operating cost of environmental monitoring procedures, which is to say
the costs of measures and procedures to monitor and mitigate the adverse
effects of the Shoreline management scenario, as defined by the
environmental impact assessment study. These costs should be
capitalised at present bank interest rate.
The table below summarises the different value indicators which are expected
to be used, as suggested by the Guide for implementing Geographical
Information Systems (GIS) dedicated to shoreline management, prepared in
the framework of MESSINA project.
Table 2
For each of the selected techniques, expected benefits will be identified, based
on the case studies analysis. Such benefits will be classified as follows:
- Environmental benefits
- Social and economic benefits
- Technical and financial benefits
In budgeting for soft engineering techniques schemes, the following costs will
be taken into account:
- Feasibility costs
- Environmental mitigation costs
- Investment and engineering costs
- Maintenance and monitoring costs
General description
The nourishment carried out in the Levant sector of the Ostia Beach is the most
important in the Lazio Region and it is the first soft intervention (that is without
any protection) created both in the Region and in Italy.
This kind of intervention was based on monitoring executed between 1990 and
1995 on the stretch near Ostia Centre, followed by a cost-benefit analysis, to
choose between a sheltered nourishment (with a submerged barrier) and a soft
one (sand only), which showed that the barrier’s protective effect cannot justify
its cost if the nourishment sand price is reasonable, beneath 7,50 Euro/m3.
The nourishment (made in 1999), involves a 3,5 km stretch of coast, with a
950.000 m3 sand dredging, that implies a total expense of Euro 7.643.562,
without contemplating maintenance and monitoring.
The sand collection has been made adjacent to the Torvaianica-Anzio site, 7,4
km from the coast and about 45 km from Ostia, having a potential of over 2
billions m3.
The project involves 50.000 m3 sand for maintenance a year and a biennial
monitoring consisting of measuring the shore-line and the transversal sections
On the whole, the intervention showed a remarkable efficacy and a more than
satisfactory meeting of the project’s expectations, allowing a moderate
advancement of the shore-line of about 44 m.
6 years after the creation of the scheme, the available information relates to
internal costs (Investment and engineering costs, Maintenance and monitoring
costs) and external benefits (social and economical) based on the annual
turnover indicator related to the beach activities of the lidos.
Cost-benefit analysis
The soft nourishment intervention carried out in 1999 cost 7.643.562 €: about
87 % was the cost of the sand purchase, while the rest was technical expenses.
The monitoring in the following years emphasises that, due to the natural
erosive process, not moderated by any protecting nourishment operation, it is
necessary to nourish again the stretch of beach with about 120.000 m3 of sand
in the first year and with 60.000 m3 yearly, on average, for the following years.
For that reason, by restricting investment and maintenance costs, quantified by
the attribution of 7 €/m3 cost to the nourishment sand, in the 25 years of the
investment temporal horizon, it is expected to obtain the following internal costs
2017 553.700 “
2018 553.700 “
2019 553.700 “
2020 553.700 “
2021 553.700 “
2022 553.700 “
2023 553.700 “
Tab. 3
Regarding the benefits, on the other hand, only the economic value has been
taken into account: this is the most important, considering the beach’s purpose
(bathing) and the economic market entity revolving around it.
As an economical value indicator, the annual turnover of the tourism industries
has been used: in the interests of rigorousness, only the turnover coming from
beach activities has been taken into account, even if the increase in the beach
surface suggests an impact on the other economic activities (eg cafés,
restaurants, hotels, etc.) that, in the case of Ostia, the bathing resort of Rome,
is really remarkable.
By considering that the soft nourishment in Levant Ostia has increased the
beach by 155.300 m2 and that the state-subsidised surfaces represent 80% of
the total beaches, and by using the above-mentioned medium value of 25,20
€/m2, it is expected to obtain a constant annual benefit (external benefit - social
and economical), of 3.130.848 €, as an increase of the annual turnover.
Thus, by applying the NPV formula, with an average capitalisation rate of 3,5%
(medium value of the discount rate in the last 7 years in Italy), the present net
benefit is of about 33 million € (ratio B/C = 2,78), with a unitary value of
9.440.200 €/km of shore and 212,75 €/m2 of increased beach.
€ (millions)
0 5 10 15 20
-10 r = 3,5 %
years Cost of sand: 7 €/mc
Fig. 2
The following tables and graphs show the sensitivity analysis made in respect of
the capitalisation rate and of the sand cost:
Ostia Levante Soft nourishment: Net Present Value over 25 years
Millions of €
10 NPV/km
2% 2,5% 3,0% 3,5% 4,0% 4,5% 5,0%
Annual capitalization rate Cost of sand: 7 €/mc
Fig. 3
Millions of €
10 NPV/km
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost of sand €/mc r = 3,5 %
Fig. 4
As said above, the studies before the intervention showed that, keeping the
sand cost under 7,50 €/m3 , the soft nourishment is preferred, on the basis of
the NPV calculation, over the nourishment interventions protected by hard
structures (seawalls, groynes etc.).
General description
Ciraccio and Ciracciello beaches, in the isle of Procida, have been the
application sites of a beach drainage intervention made in 2002. They are
sandy beaches, used for bathing tourism, not very extensive, and hardly
suffering from erosive phenomena. The intervention choice (the first experience
of BMS use for an island in the Mediterranean Sea) has been imposed by the
desire of Procida Municipality to avoid the use of severe protection works.
The intervention has been carried out by placing 4 sections (one at Ciraccio
beach and the others at Ciracciello beach), each of them provided with two
pipe-drain parallel lines in the beach front, a little collecting well for the drained
waters and a lifting pump for the discharge: two little wells release the water into
the sea and another two, linked to each other, send out the water into Chiaolella
port, so facilitating the port’s oxygenation.
In total, the intervention involved 1km of coast, for a drain length of 850 m and a
cost of about 1.000.000 €, a sum inclusive of studies, planning, patent rights,
and installation (included material and labour).
In June 2003, a year after the intervention, a survey was made of the shore-line
that, compared with a similar investigation carried out before the intervention,
revealed a moderate advancement of the beach of 8,11 m. The beach surface
increase was accompanied by a thicker layer of sand, estimated at 7987,30 m3
Cost-benefit analysis
€ (millions)
r = 3,5 %
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 5
The following graph and table show the sensitivity analysis, made in respect of
the annual capitalisation rate:
Millions of €
0,6 B/C
2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5
Annual capitalization rate
Fig. 6
NPV (millions of €)
r = 3,5 %
5 6 7 8 9 10
Cost of sand (€/mc)
Fig. 7
Summary table
Test case Ostia Levante (Italy) Procida (Italy)
Beach typology sandy beach sandy beach
Defence technique nourishment Beach drainage
(nourishment according to
Year of the intervention 1999 2002
Length of the intervention 3,5 km 1 km
Shoreline progress (average) 44 m 8m
Investment and engineering costs 7.643.562 € 1.000.000 €
Maintenance and monitoring costs 553.700 € 6.200 €
Type of benefit External benefits: economic External benefits:
value economic value
Benefit value indicator annual turnover from beach annual turnover from
activities: 25,20 €/m2 beach activities: 22,64
Net Present Value 33 millions of Euro 0,716 millions of Euro
(over 25 years with r = 3,5%)
Net Present Value/km 9,4 millions of Euro 0,716 millions of Euro
Net Present Value/m2 212,75 € 88,30 €
Tab. 8
€ (millions)
-2 NPV
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 8
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Project life (years) 25
Length (km) 2,0
Shoreline increase (m) 37
Volumetric increase (m3) 445.000
Interest rate (%) 3,5
Initial Costs (€) 8.236.636
Annual Maintenance costs (€) 414.666
• Annual turnover from beach services 984.614
NET BENEFITS (€) 1.836.152
Tab. 9
Existing problems
Project Objectives
“The final solution must fulfill the three objectives at the most economical cost”
Unit costs paid by Miami beach are much higher, but the benefit to cost ratio,
conversely, shows that the Miami Beach project realised enormous benefits
compared to Bradley Beach.
Moreover, the value 1,4 refers to four towns, not only to Bradley Beach. Avon-
by-the-Sea and Ocean Grove, for example, traditionally attract many more
holiday-makers and have more restaurants and expensive private homes
located close to the ocean.
We can reasonably state, therefore, that regarding Bradley Beach Municipality
benefits are less than costs.
Some reasons for such failure are summarised in the table below, which show
how some aspects constitute benefits for Miami Beach and not for Bradley
Bradley Beach
Miami Beach
The greenish tint of the sand is not Miami Beach was fortunate to dredge
aesthetically pleasing much whiter sand
Small population and a low per-capita income: Having a larger population to distribute
Bradley Beach will suffer from an increase in the burden is beneficial
property taxes
Fishermen used to fish from the jetties: now Fishermen in Florida more commonly
they are situated only 30 yds from the beach prefer deep-sea fishing
Visitors to Bradley Beach arrive at weekends Tourists from U.S. and foreign
or make day trips, for 3 months/year only Countries alike vacation in Miami year-
round and stay for longer periods
The additional area is not wide enough for The additional area (300 ft), with
entertainment events (100 ft) especially hard-packed sand, allows
musical concerts and entertainment
Smaller benefit from storm protection (fewer Greater benefit from storm protection
storms and low-value infrastructure) (frequent storms and high-value
Tab. 13
General description
The Narrowneck reef is located on the Gold Coast, Australia, where there have
been erosion problems for years. In the past, natural processes used sand
from the beach to create protective sandbars offshore, but development has
flattened the dunes and vegetation and consequently reduced the ability of
nature to curb erosion. It was decided that an artificial reef could use nature to
solve nature’s problems, whilst providing amenity benefits to surfers and
The reef is the first of its kind in the world. It consists of 350 heavy geotextile
sand bags and is situated about 500 feet offshore, with a northern section
providing a right wave-break and a southern section a shorter left wave-break.
The sections are made out of three layers of geotextile bags, filling an area of
1,150 feet by 2,000 feet and ranging from 3 to 33 feet in depth.
Marine life is already well established on the reef and was said to have rapidly
There are no negative down-coast impacts, although there has been some
concern about the quality of the surfing waves. The inside parts of the reef are
working well even on small swells, but the outside two-thirds are still too deep
and only work when waves are above six or seven foot.
Cost-benefit analysis
The reef cost $1.5 million; however, it is estimated that just one surfing
competition on the reef will bring $2.2 million in to the Gold Coast economy.
The beach opposite the reef has been significantly widened, creating additional
public open space and providing effective coastal protection.
Replenishment was carried out before the reef was built: as a result the reef has
sunk lower than expected and the quality of the surfing waves has been
The project is expected to generate 60 times more benefits (in terms of cost
savings and direct revenues) than costs, which is a high rate.
The benefits would be derived through direct tourism revenue ($1.6 million in
taxes per annum) and savings from not having to repair beach erosion.
The Narrowneck reef has been awarded a Queensland environmental award
which entailed evaluation in 17 categories including: Environmental
Management, Environmental Impact, Project Management and Construction