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Diet PDF
Accepted: 27 January 2020 Tumours depend on nutrients supplied by the host for their growth and survival.
Published online: 25 March 2020 Modifications to the host’s diet can change nutrient availability in the tumour
microenvironment, which might represent a promising strategy for inhibiting tumour
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growth. Dietary modifications can limit tumour-specific nutritional requirements,
alter certain nutrients that target the metabolic vulnerabilities of the tumour, or
enhance the cytotoxicity of anti-cancer drugs. Recent reports have suggested that
modification of several nutrients in the diet can alter the efficacy of cancer therapies,
and some of the newest developments in this quickly expanding field are reviewed
here. The results discussed indicate that the dietary habits and nutritional state of a
patient must be taken into account during cancer research and therapy.
Department of Pathology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA, USA. 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. 3Broad Institute of Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, USA. 4Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, USA. 5Department of Biology, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, USA. 6Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Cambridge, MA, USA. ✉e-mail:
Metabolites metabolite
Dying area in
a tumour
Inert metabolite
toxic metabolite
Fig. 1 | Mechanisms of tumour inhibition by dietary modifications. a, immune inhibitory ligands such as PDL-1138 (orange). An additional example
Tumours are nourished by the patient’s diet. Nutrients consumed by patients (not shown) is that arginine supplementation enhances T cell activation and
with cancer become available to tumours. Dietary modifications of specific improves T cell-mediated antitumour responses and survival in tumour-
nutrients can have an anti-tumorigenic effect through several mechanisms, bearing mice139. Other examples are reviewed elsewhere6–8. d, Cancer-specific
conceptually shown here. b, Enhancement of drug-based therapy. It is toxicity. A nutrient that is inert for healthy tissues but can be toxic for cancer
hypothetically possible to increase the efficacy of metabolic anti-cancer drugs cells owing to their unique metabolism can inhibit tumour progression if
by nutritional changes through several mechanisms. For example, dietary supplemented through the diet. For example, mannose inhibits the
histidine supplementation enhances the response to methotrexate in a mouse progression of pancreatic cancer xenografts when given alongside
model of leukaemia81. In an additional example (not shown), methionine chemotherapy83. e, Tumour starvation. As tumours rely on nutrients provided
restriction improves cancer inhibition by chemotherapy and radiation through by the host for their growth and survival, dietary restriction of nutrients that
reduction of one-carbon metabolism and nucleotide synthesis51. c, Anticancer are essential for the tumour but not for other organs can inhibit tumour
immune response activation. Cancer immunotherapy is used to treat various growth. There are several examples of such nutrients, including glucose,
cancers and is being tested for additional types of cancer. There is strong glutamine, glutamate, asparagine, aspartate, methionine, serine and folate.
association between diet and the tumour-relevant immune response. For However, dietary restriction of some of these nutrients does not result in
instance, hypocaloric or ketogenic diets are associated with an increase in immediate depletion of the nutrient at the tumour site, compromising the anti-
tumour-infiltrating CD8+ T cells136,137 (purple) and a reduction in expression of cancer benefit of the dietary restriction.
Glucose has many pro-tumorigenic roles (Box 1); for example, glucose rather than for energy production is known as the Warburg effect19. Al-
is a source for energy production and for the synthesis of biomolecules though this effect may vary in its extent among different types of tu-
that sustain the high proliferation rate of cancer cells. In addition, mours in vivo20, it is a good example of how tumour cells can rewire their
dietary consumption of glucose results in the secretion of insulin, a metabolic programs to fuel their unique metabolic requirements16,21.
well-characterized oncogenic signalling factor5. Glucose contributes
to cancer progression, resistance to therapy, and possibly cancer initia- Glucose induces pro-oncogenic signalling. In vivo, blood glucose levels
tion18. Unlike other nutrients, such as essential amino acids, systemic are buffered effectively by the actions of insulin. Dietary intake of sugar
levels of glucose can be reduced by relatively simple dietary changes: increases blood glucose levels; this is sensed by pancreatic beta cells,
therefore, glucose consumption is an ideal target for enhancing the which respond immediately by secreting insulin. Insulin reduces glucose
efficacy of cancer therapies through dietary modification. Below, we levels in the blood primarily by increasing the uptake of glucose by skel-
describe features of glucose metabolism and signalling, and how they etal muscle and the liver. However, insulin is also sensed by tumour cells,
can be therapeutically exploited. which express insulin receptors that activate the downstream phospho-
inositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling pathway. Aberrant PI3K activation is a
Glucose is a source for energy and biomass production. Glucose hallmark of cancer that is found in most cancer cells and promotes cancer
feeds several anabolic processes that are enhanced in cancer cells and growth through positive regulation of the cell cycle, survival, anabolic
are vital for their high proliferation rate (Fig. 2). The majority of glucose metabolism and more22. The PI3K pathway is driven by activating muta-
that enters cancer cells is channelled to glycolysis and pyruvate synthesis. tions in PIK3CA and the AKT kinase group of genes and inhibition of the
A surprisingly small fraction of pyruvate is used through acetyl-CoA to tumour suppressor PTEN22. Activation of PI3K signalling by insulin or by
the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle for ATP production in tumours, but, mutations activates mTORC1, which decreases autophagy and increases
however small, this aspect of glucose metabolism is essential for tumours anabolic processes, proliferation and biomass buildup5,22,23. Thus, the mo-
in vivo4. The preference of cancer cells to use glucose for biomass buildup lecular links between glucose consumption, blood insulin and oncogenic
signalling have been well characterized. In addition, chronically high various degrees and do result in reduced blood glucose (for example, in
levels of insulin, such as those found in individuals with obesity and/or humans, a 15% reduction in blood glucose was achieved following a 50%
diabetes, are correlated with a higher risk of cancer18. Although additional reduction in total caloric intake24), but also have far broader metabolic
factors beyond insulin and glucose are likely to play a pro-tumorigenic effects. Caloric or dietary restriction, although likely to be beneficial
role in individuals with obesity and diabetes, insulin, and, by proxy, dietary for patients with cancer in terms of depriving tumours of glucose25, are
glucose, contributes to the initiation of cancer, and therefore might also not optimal as a recommended diet for patients as they are difficult
be targeted for cancer prevention. to comply with, and might compromise the patients’ general physical
condition. Perhaps a better strategy is a diet that is low in glucose but
Dietary glucose restriction has benefits for cancer therapy. Many has normal caloric value (an isocaloric diet) such as the ketogenic diet.
laboratories have investigated whether reductions in dietary glucose The ketogenic diet is rich in fat but low in carbohydrates, and can indeed
can inhibit cancer progression. The most commonly tested glucose- inhibit cancer progression26,27. The ketogenic diet reduces glucose levels
reducing dietary restriction scheme is calorie restriction, sometimes in the blood (a 30% reduction in blood glucose was achieved in humans
termed dietary restriction. These diets restrict total caloric intake to adhering to an isocaloric diet in which carbohydrates provided only 8%
5,10-methylene 5-methyl
Phosphatidylserine Cystathionine Serine
synthase synthase dehydratase
Phosphatidylserine Cysteine Pyruvate Glycine
Fig. 3 | Serine metabolism in cancer cells. Serine is an essential metabolite for important for glutathione (GSH) synthesis and the oxidative stress response,
many cancer cells, even though it can be synthesized in mammalian cells. or for pyruvate, a TCA cycle substrate that is important for ATP production.
Serine can be synthesized from glucose through the serine synthesis pathway, Serine can also be converted into glycine during the conversion of THF to
or from glycine by the enzyme SHMT. Serine has been shown to contribute to 5,10-methylene THF, which is critical for one-carbon metabolism and
ceramide synthesis142, which is important for mitochondrial function; in nucleotide biosynthesis, as well as for the methylation cycle and thus
addition, through its metabolism to phosphatidylserine, serine participates in methylation of DNA, RNA and proteins143.
membrane synthesis. Serine can serve as a source for cysteine, which is
Amino acid deprivation one week only is sufficient to yield significant metabolic changes in
Although amino acids are traditionally classified as ‘essential’ or ‘non- mice66, and methionine deprivation for short time periods is more
essential’, reflecting their relative dietary requirements for organismal likely to be complied with by patients, future studies should probably
fitness and growth, these categories are less relevant for cancer cells. focus on the restriction of dietary methionine for periods shorter than
Most ‘non-essential’ amino acids are required in large amounts by several weeks.
cancer cells for various anabolic processes, and the deprivation of Recently, it was shown that methionine restriction in humans results
specific amino acids often severely compromises the fitness of can- in similar metabolic changes to those observed in methionine-deprived
cer cells, regardless of their ability to synthesize these amino acids. tumour-bearing mice, including inhibition of one-carbon metabolism and
When discussing dietary restriction of amino acids it is important to nucleotide synthesis51. These encouraging results imply that methionine
consider the buffering of their levels in the blood by muscle atrophy, restriction in patients with cancer is likely to inhibit tumour progression
which occurs in order to allow the supply of essential amino acids to similarly to its well-documented anti-tumorigenic effect in mouse models.
essential organs49. Owing to muscle atrophy, dietary deprivation of There are drawbacks to methionine deprivation. For example, the
essential amino acids is likely to cause an increase in the levels of all restriction of both methionine and cysteine has a pro-angiogenic
non-deprived amino acids in the serum, and even full withdrawal of all effect67 that should be carefully considered when recommending
dietary protein is ineffective at reducing the levels of most amino acids dietary changes for patients with solid tumours. Specifically, secre-
in the blood50. Therefore, it is not trivial to deplete amino acid levels tion of VEGF by endothelial cells following restriction of methionine
in the tumour milieu without causing a severe whole-body reduction and cysteine might support tumour growth, and must be taken into
of these amino acids that is likely to be toxic. From a technical per- account in cases of tumours that overexpress VEGF and rely on it for
spective, specific amino acid restriction can be achieved in humans their growth68.
by defined protein beverages, supplemented with fruits, vegetables Dietary restriction of methionine shows particular promise as a
and some grains51. cancer-preventive regime: it has been shown to extend the lifespan
Here we do not consider the common requirement for all amino acids of rodents69,70, and to result in several metabolic benefits that might
as building blocks for protein synthesis, but rather focus on the unique improve healthspan as well70–72. These studies suggest that long-term
metabolic functions of specific amino acids in cancer metabolism, and methionine restriction is a safe and beneficial dietary strategy that is
the potential benefits of their dietary depletion. worth considering by healthy individuals to prevent cancer.
Methionine. Cancer cells require high levels of methionine for their Serine. Serine contributes to several metabolic processes, including
growth, and many cancer cell lines are methionine auxotrophs52. In ad- nucleotide synthesis, the response to oxidative stress, and the TCA
dition to its key requirement for translation, methionine is a substrate cycle. Serine is considered a non-essential amino acid because cells can
for S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) metabolism and is thus important for synthesize it de novo from glucose or glycine (Fig. 3). However, cancer
SAM-dependent downstream methylation reactions, including DNA cells depend on exogenous serine to support their high proliferation
methylation, which regulates gene expression53. Adequate levels of SAM rate73,74. This positions serine as a cancer-specific essential nutrient.
are also necessary for the activation of mTORC154, which is the effector Dietary deprivation of serine might enhance serine synthesis from
kinase of a major pro-proliferative oncogenic signalling pathway5,23. glucose and/or glycine. While de novo synthesis of serine from glu-
Finally, dietary methionine reduces cellular redox stress55, which is of cose by the serine synthesis pathway is an essential process in some
particular importance for cancer cells. cancer cells and can promote tumour growth in vivo, in these cases it
The potential of dietary methionine restriction to enhance cancer is uncoupled from serine availability and its activation depends mostly
treatment was first suggested in the early 1990s, and has been dem- on genomic variations in the first enzyme in the serine synthesis path-
onstrated in various mouse models and types of cancer, including way—phosphoglycerate dehydrogenase (PHGDH)75. PHGDH catalyses
sarcoma51,56, glioma57,58, prostate cancer59,60, colorectal cancer51,61, the committed step in serine synthesis (3-phospho-d-glycerate + NAD+
breast cancer62–64, and melanoma65. As restriction of methionine for ↔ 3-phosphonooxypyruvate + NADH). In many cases, serine synthesis