Subgrubs & Snazzards Core Rulebook
Subgrubs & Snazzards Core Rulebook
Subgrubs & Snazzards Core Rulebook
Welcome to Alternia.
It fucking sucks here.
In this game, you play as a troll— a grey, candy-horned alien species with
multicoloured blood which dictates your position in society— and live through
everyday, Alternian life. Trolls spend their childhoods and adolescence in
the unloving embrace of this miserable grey rock, fighting to stay alive be-
neath the crushing culture that exists. Every day is a struggle, though not
all struggles are the same; sometimes, you can find a glimmer of hope among
the dystopia as you band together with your friends. Play video games, form
messy, quadrant-based romantic relationships, go on adventures, and learn
to grow into the best version of yourself… if you can survive to maturity,
of course.
Most consequential decisions in Subgrubs & Snazzards are decided by
rolling a pair of dice. Fluorite Octets— or, if you prefer, two octahedron
dice, or even more simply, 2d8— are the core dice used in this book.
Oftentimes, you will be called to roll these dice in order to see the
outcomes of certain actions you take. When you’re told to roll for
something because of a specific move, roll 2d8, add up the roll results you
got, and compare them to this chart…
MIN Oh, wow, your roll was ABYSMAL. A MIN roll happens when
you roll two 1’s, or get a negative result
BAD Your result leaves a lot to be desired. A BAD roll is
any result of a 7 or below that isn’t a MIN roll
OK Your roll lets you succeed... to a degree. An OK roll
is 8-10.
GOOD Your roll lets you do what you want! A GOOD roll is a
GREAT Your roll gives you what you want, and you do it with
STYLE. A GREAT roll is a 14-19!
MAX Great Googly moogly. This is the best of the best. You
cannot do better than this. You get a MAX roll when you
roll two 8’s, or a result of 20+.
Okay, so you have dice-rolling
down, but WAIT— there’s MORE.
Certain rolls are raised or lowered PULCHRITUDE Smile for the camera!
by inherent abilities your troll Pulchritude is not
has: their attributes. You know,
+PLC just how pretty
(Charisma and you are on the
like in video games or tabletop Charm) outside, but how
roleplaying games?! The stats are pretty you are on the
as follows: inside. Or, well, how
well you can fake
it at least. Charm
VIGOR Tough guy, aren’t your opponents with
you? With Vigor, you
+VIM become tougher and
a smile and convince
them to do what you
(HP and Bulk)
stronger than ever want with your silver
before! Increase tongue! That’s
your HP! Make it Pulchritude!
harder for you to
become wounded! Push Sneak and slide
through the worst wherever you please!
of it! Live to fight +GRA With Grace you become
another day? Maybe (Speed and a ballerinarsonist,
so! Your +VIM score Agility) capable of getting
is added to 10 to out of the stickiest
make your base HP! situations smudging
your makeup even a
little bit.
RASCALITY Get a load of this
dude! With APPETITE Snack break! Appetite
+RAS Rascality you can is your staying
(Tricksiness pull off some tricksy +APP power; how sturdy
and Humour) (Healing and are you? How greedy
business, causing Gluttony) can you get? Not
problems the way
everyone’s as good
only you know how. at the medicinal
Maybe while you’re properties of food,
at it you can steal or holding onto lots
somebody’s wallet, of stuff in your
or maybe even pockets. But if
convince that teal you’ve got a high
blood over there enough Appetite… you
that you know about can vore up just
his business deals about all the healing
you get!
under the table.
Alright, gang, we’re in with the big kids now. We’re going to actu-
ally make a character sheet. This chapter is, in a way, a grand tour
of the rest of the book, so play close attention, and don’t wander
off— you know I worry. Pull open the character sheet ‘cause it might
help to do this as we go along. I’ve included it, but there’s a
print-friendly sheet at the back of the book. To guide you through,
we’ll be developing Dituen Tihrol more and making a character sheet
for him, which you’ll be able to reference at the end. Now, let’s
On the left side of the sheet, we This is where the fun begins!
can immediately see some parts that Moves are unique actions that only
we’ve already decided on in the certain trolls can take. You get
last section. Throw your troll’s two moves at Level 1, one of which
name, trollhandle, their age (in must be one of your caste’s Entry
sweeps, not years!),their height, Moves. The other can be any other
pronouns, and all the details of move you can access at Level 1!
their sign. Simple! Feel free to Let’s hop to the YOUR TROLL chapter
put your Typing Quirk in NOTES if and look at the options of move
you like. sources we have!
Alternia’s society divides you into one of twelve castes, with Fuchsia as
the apex. Every hue down from Fuchsia is a step down the feudal pyramid.
From the elite and super rich highbloods with their extravagant Violets,
Purples, and Blues, to the Green midbloods, who are forced to take part in
a society that they hate, to the pitiful lowbloods, who spatter all shades
of Rust, Bronze, and Gold under the feet of their oppressors without even a
glimmer of hope on the horizon.
That isn’t to say that there are trolls who do not suffer on Alternia! No
matter your position on the hemospectrum, you are a victim of oppression.
If a highblood does not take part in the culling of lowbloods, or refuses
to act in a way that is expected of their caste, they run the risk of being
culled themselves. There are no winners when it comes to the hemospectrum.
It’s just that some losers get to fly hover cars, and some end their lives
face down in the sewers.
The following are the exclusive moves available to each caste. They
highlight the physical abilities, psionic powers, and cultural touchstones
that any troll of their kind would understand. As you grow, you will start
to excel in your role, gaining new powers iconic to your blood color. And
remember, you don’t graduate from Alternia by showing mercy. Do whatever it
takes to get to your apex. It’s better them than you.
Here you are at the absolute bottom of the societal order. You are
among the most common of the castes, and definitely the poorest— and it’s
not hard to see why. According to Imperial Propaganda, your blood is of the
lowest quality; most prone to mutation, most likely to be haunted, furthest
hue from violet… you’re practically walking cullbait! Your life is a con-
stant cycle of subjugation, existential dread, and training for your even-
tual job as a foot servant, butler or janitor on some highblood’s cruiser—
and that’s if you’re VERY lucky. Chances are, you’ll just wind up dead.
Some rusts do have incredible psychic abilities, from telekinesis to the
ability to commune with the dead, but that doesn’t matter one bit to the
people up top. Like I said: practically walking cullbait.
STEREOTYPE: Walking Cullbait
REALITY: The Working Class
COMMON TRAITS: Resigned, Spooky, Diligent
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) Haunted]
Rusts are consistently the closest
TELEWAVE to death out of any caste, and
[Rust][Strife][Psionic][Unlock: thanks to some of their Necropathic
Psychic] psionics, death can be close to
You are a psionic rust; one of them, too. While you still have
the lucky few to be blessed with [Psionic] power similar to a
psychic abilities that can do more Psychic rust, they’re a little
than simply bending a spoon. The weak. Your main strength is your
downside is that while you do have affinity to speak to the dead. Any
psionic powers, unless you practice answers given follow the rules of a
them, they’re pretty shitty. When GOOD PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll. When
you want to give the opponent a bad you want to ask the ambient undead
headache, roll +IMG. for advice, roll +IMG.
MIN: Nnnnrgh… ah, fuck, you gave MIN: Ah, jeez! You’ve pissed off a
yourself a nosebleed! You take 2 ghost, somehow, with your stupid
damage, and start [Bleeding]. questions! You take 2 [Psychic]
BAD: Nothing happens. Dipshit. damage and are [Scared] as they
haunt you.
OK: Okay, they’re like, kinda
brainfoggy, but it really didn’t BAD: Don’t be stupid. There’s
help you out. They get 1 [Drag]. no such thing as ghosts. Nothing
GOOD: You give them an aching pang
of pain in their head! They take 1 OK: There might be such a thing
[Psychic] damage! as ghosts? You get some spectral
inspiration, and gain 1 [Boost].
GREAT: Your psionics rip through
their mind, causing genuine harm! GOOD: There’s such a thing as
They take 1 [Psychic] damage, and Ghosts! Ask the spirits a question;
their nose begins [Bleeding]. they respond, though their response
may be cryptic. People who witness
MAX: You ever stomp on a Go-gurt? you doing this are often a little
Yeah. You cause massive [Psychic]
unnerved; they take 1 [Drag].
trauma to the opponent, dealing 4
damage off the bat. You definitely GREAT: The whispers of the undead
over-exert yourself a lot though, haunt the halls! You can ask two
and you start [Bleeding] for 3 questions instead of one, though
turns. Seriously, what’s with their replies remain vague. Non-
psychic powers and nosebleeds? [Haunted] trolls witnessing this
freak out, and take 2 [Drag].
The undead scream for you, and you
can ask three questions with vague
answers. This makes other trolls’ skin
crawl; Non-[Haunted] trolls in the
area take 3 [Drag].
STREET RAT [Rust][Reaction]
[Rust][Passive][Unlock: Anytime you take 3 damage from a
Gutterblood] single attack, you may immediately
Why should you worry? Why should feign death, dropping to become
you care? You live in an oppressive [Floorbound], and your enemies
regime that treats you as sub- believe you are either unconscious
sapient flesh meant only to serve, or dead. If you spend your next
but you got that street savoir turn completely motionless, you can
faire. That means you know how use this to escape a situation like
to make the most of your shitty, via ABSCOND, or to get the jump on
shitty circumstances when the the target, treating yourself as
opportunity presents itself. [Hidden]. If the target succeeds
Whenever you make a surprise blow on a PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll before
against someone— for example, when your next turn, they realize you’re
you roll the first attack in a not fucking dead, asshole.
[Strife], when you come out from
being [Hidden], or if the opponent
fucks up and gives you a [Free] DIG THROUGH THE DITCHES
[Strife] opportunity— you do +1 [Rust][Downtime]
damage. You are a scavenger and proud of
it. You have found some really neat
shit that was just like, left on
BASIC MOVES a dead body somewhere! And it’s
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1) really good!! Your SCAVENGING rolls
are all [Tiered Up].
You’re used to messing up. But [Rust][Passive]
you’ve managed to push your You have fairly weak stamina— in
failures into kinda decent fact, you might even have full
successes— with a price. When you blown asthma! If you use [Physical]
roll a BAD roll, you can treat it moves twice in a row, you become
as a Good one, but you also take [Inept] at them. Continuing to do
the Min result. this will make you [Godawful], and
then doing this again will render
you unconscious for the encounter.
DEAD STARE But, on the plus side, everyone
[Rust][Passive] knows asthma fuels mind powers!
You have a stare that just creeps Doing this makes you [Talented]
people out, and makes people not at [Mental] rolls. If you become
want to look at you for too long. unconscious though, you’re still
0_0. PROBLEM SLEUTHING rolls fucking unconscious.
directed at you are [Inept].
[Rust][Psionic][Recharge: 1] JINX!
[Locked: Psychic]
1)The target trips and becomes
You have… bad luck, sometimes. But
thanks to your psionics, you can
spread that bad luck around! When 2)The target sprains their
you want to make someone experience ankle wh
misfortune, roll +IMG. ile walking, and gains -1 [Nerf]
to [Physical] rolls.
MIN: Ah, fuck! You experience the
jinx yourself! Roll a d8, and you 3) The target bonks their
experience an effect from the Good head, and takes a -1 [Nerf] to
table. [Mental] and [Psionic] rolls.
BAD: Bad luck… for you. You waste 4) The target accidentally
an action. hurts themselves, and takes 1
OK: The misfortune manifests, but
not very strongly. Your opponent 5) The target’s sylladex
gets a -1 on their next roll. malfunctions and their items all
spit out!
GOOD: Aha! Doom and gloom upon
you, foe! Roll a d8 from the JINX! 6) The target isn’t as good
table. at their usual talents as they
think! Their next [Talented]
GREAT: Luck is truly on your
roll is treated as a normal 2d8
side right now— and certainly not
one instead.
on the opponent’s! You roll 2d8
for the Jinx table, giving the 7) The target farts, and
target two effects instead of one, there’s not much more to
and rerolling/stacking repeats, say about that. They’re too
whatever suits best. [Humiliated] to do their last
move again for 3 turns.
OF ALL ACCIDENTS. You either roll 8) Yowza, talk about bad luck!
4d8 and give the target 4 effects, The target’s next roll is
or 2d8 and do 2 damage to them. [Inept].
[Rust][Psionic][Mental][Locked: [Rust][Strife][Locked:
Psychic] Gutterblood]
You can read people’s thoughts, Why play fair? It’s not like
letting you get to know them life is fair to you. Sometimes
without putting the work in! If you you need to swallow your pride,
spend an action focusing, you can and bite someone RIGHT on the
forgo rolling and read a troll’s bulge-bone. It sucks, but if it
thoughts and figure out some basic wins a fight, it wins a fight.
surface thoughts, as if you’d When you want to play dirty,
rolled a Good PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll +RAS.
roll. MIN: They sidestep your attack
completely, and realize what
WEIRDNESS MAGNET you were going to do. You
[Rust][Passive][Downtime][Locked: take 2 damage as you run into
Haunted] something, and the target gains
Whoa… this rock can bleed... 2 [WHAM].
that’s fucked up. Wherever you BAD: You miss, and you scrape
go, weird shit follows. Even a yourself up You take 1 damage.
task as trivial as rooting through OK: You don’t quite hurt
the garbage can bring up weird, — them, but you do throw them
unearthly relics from the ancient off balance. The target takes 1
past. You can find Cursed or Magic [Drag].
items like normal ones while you GOOD: Success! You sock ‘em in
use the SCAVENGE [Downtime] move. the face! You do 1 damage to the
GREAT: You catch them way off
guard with a dirty trick. You
do 1 damage to the opponent, and
MAX: OOF! Now talk about an
unfair attack! You bonk ‘em for
2 damage, and give them either a
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6) [Recharge: 2]
Your psioniccs are powerful, and
COUGH COUGH you aren’t fucking around anymore.
[Rust][Advanced][Mental] Anytime someone uses a [Psionic]
[Manipulate] move against you, before it takes
Everyone knows those disgusting effect, you can use a [Reaction] to
rust bloods are filthy. They roll +IMG.
don’t bathe. They don’t even own MIN: Nah, son. You don’t do it. At
soap. They carry diseases, ask all. Your nose starts [Bleeding]
any highblood, it’s true. Yeah, profusely, and you gain a
okay. Might as well weaponize the [Weakness] to [Psychic] damage for
ignorance. Roll +PLC to convince the encounter.
your opponent that you’re carrying BAD: This is gonna suck, huh?
a filthy lowblood virus. OK: You don’t stop the incoming
MIN: They uh. Believe you. And so move, but you do treat their roll
do the people who hear your cough as [Tiered Down].
nearby, who call the drones to put GOOD: Countered! You cancel their
you down. They’ll be here in 3 move completely, stopping them from
rounds. Ruh-roh. doing it.
BAD: They’re not buying what you’re GREAT: You redirect the incoming
selling, patient zero. psionic energy so bad it actually
OK: They might take a step or two kinda hurts the opponent! You
back just to be sure... They take cancel the incoming move, and deal
1 [Drag] trying not to physically 1 damage.
touch you, just in case.
MAX: Heh… your powers, target-
GOOD: They believe you. You got kun. You can’t use them, huh? Your
the plague. The brain slugs. The opponent loses nerve and becomes
screaming meemies. They take 1 [Godawful] at [Psionics] for your
[Drag] every time they touch you. +IMG worth of turns, taking 1 harm
GREAT: NO no no no no back up BACK and having their move cancelled as
UP-! They gain [Dread] and take 2 normal.
[Drag] if they dare touch you.
target [Despairs] as they become
convinced they’re gonna start
losing limbs any second now, and
they take the effects of a Good
WORDPLAY roll as you cajole them
into doing something stupid to
safegaurd themself. Even staying in
your vicinity is bad enough— they
take 3 [Drag] every time they touch
EXISTENTIAL APATHY [Rust][Advanced][Reaction]
[Rust][Advanced][Passive] Most Rusts are easy kills; they’re
If you die, you die. You’re staring frail, lactose intolerant, and shit
down a mayfly’s lifespan filled themselves constantly. But you’ve
with nothing but servitude and come so close to dying so often
subjugation. They cannot kill you that you just kinda… don’t? Maybe
in any way that matters. You’re it’s your underdog protagonist
kinda burned out on all this syndrome. Whatever the case, when
constant danger thing, so why you’re below ¼ health, roll +APP
bother caring? You can choose to as a [Reaction] to an opponent’s
feel [Dread] as an action, letting [Strife] roll.
your ennui swim over you. While you MIN: RIGHT IN THE WEAK SPOT!
have [Dread], all [Mental] effects You’re instantly knocked out, and
are [Tiered Down], because like… cannot be revived for the rest of
eh… sure, kill you, you guess..? the thread without use of a Swanky
You cannot be affected by any other healing item.
[Emotional] conditions while you BAD: You take the hit, and if it
have [Dread]. knocks you out, it knocks you out.
OK: You take the blow, but you’re
able to tough it out, if even only
a little. You gain 1 [Resistance]
for the incoming attack.
GOOD: WEAK! You remain standing
and conscious, with 1 [Resistance]
to the incoming attack, leaving you
at 1 HP at the very least.
GREAT: The same as a good roll,
but something about the way the hit
lands hurts the opponent, doing 1
damage back to them!
MAX: Oh, jeez. That’s kinda
freaky. You take no damage from the
incoming attack, and your refusal
to die surprises them. All foes who
see this take 1 [Drag].
Unlike Hunker Down, Weirdly
Resilient is NOT a Strife Roll, so
you can spam it as often as you
like while still rolling Strife in
[Rust][Advanced][Strife][Recharge [Rust][Advanced][Strife][Locked:
2][Locked: Psychic] Haunted]
Your Psionics have grown strong You use your Necropathic powers to
and powerful. You can lift heavy summon the restless dead, and they
loads with your mind, and slam shit help you in a fight. Roll +IMG.
around with ‘em. Roll +IMG. MIN: You summon a horde of ghosts!
MIN: NnnnnnnNNNNNNRGH… snnnnzzzzz. They hate you! A GHOSTLY GAGGLE
You just… collapse onto the floor. lusus spawns, and is hostile to all
Sssh… you’re [Unconscious]! Don’t players in the area.
wake the baby! BAD: Newshole, assflash: I ain’t
BAD: Well, at least you didn’t take afraid of no ghosts. Nothing
a nap. happens. Your nose starts
OK: Again, the fact you didn’t just [Bleeding], though.
fall unconscious is victory enough. OK: The Ghosts swarm around you,
You do gain energy for your next and either give you 1 [Boost], or
attack, gaining 1 [Boost]. the opponent 1 [Drag].
GOOD: You lift up something heavy, GOOD: Shadows bend and twist, and
and hurl it at the opponent. Do 2 the air begins to go cold. You
damage! can give yourself 1 [Boost] or
GREAT: You either pick up multiple the opponent 1 [Drag], and deal 1
things and barrage the opponent, damage.
doing 2 damage and rendering them GREAT: The Ghosts start to
[Trapped], or pick the opponent manifest, trailing ectoplasm as
up with your psionic might and they become partially physical. You
slamdunk them very far away, either give the opponent 2 [Drag]
doing 2 damage and leaving them or yourself 2 [Boost]. You do 2
[Floorbound]. In the latter’s case, damage as the spirits envelop them.
you do not have to roll ABSCOND if MAX: You are the Ghostlord, Lord
you wish to end the fight— you just of the Ghosts. You summon a GHOSTLY
throw them very, very far away. GAGGLE lusus and it becomes your
MAX: WHAMMO! You hope that [Minion]. Your target is [Scared].
douchebag didn’t like having
a spine! You do 2 damage, the
opponent is [Trapped], and can’t
use any [Physical] moves for a
round, because fuck, that HURT!
[Rust][Advanced][Strife][Psionic] [Rust][Advanced][Locked:
[Locked: Haunted] Gutterblood]
Boo! Nyeheheheh! Your psychic Serving highbloods? Oh sure, you’re
powers are boosted by your latent a rust blood, you know all about
spookiness, giving you the haunting it. Here, here, please choose
ability to slam shit around like from these many luxurious service
you’re some… some kind of… weird… options, sir— and kiss my ass!
german ghost, or something. You use You gain access to the following
it to stack chairs and scare the SWASHBUCKLE options:
shit out of children, fuck with GOOD:
televisions, or more commonly, slam SHUT UP, KARREN: You do what we
your opponents around! When you all wish we could, and you just...
want your target to have a haunting you fuckin’ slap them. They’re
experience, roll +IMG. [Confused] by your audacity.
MIN: You overexert yourself, and CLEANUP ON AISLE FIVE: Whoops! You
your lifeforce flickers, reminding spilled stuff everywhere! Sorry
you how thin the line between life about the mess, ma’am— you’ll get
and unlife is. You take 2 damage, RIGHT to it! The target is [Slowed]
and gain 1 [Weakness] to [Psychic] next turn.
attacks as you become slightly GREAT:
ethereal. CUSTOMER SERVICE SMILE: The target
BAD: You exert your full psionic is [Charmed], lulled into a false
strength… and somewhere, somehow, a sense of security by the familiar
spoon bends. Nothing else happens. dead-eyed cashier smile.
OK: Your spooky energy fucks with FIVE MINUTES TO CLOSE: You become
the target’s anxiety, but doesn’t [Quickened] for a number of rounds
hurt them; they gain 1 [Drag]. equal to your +HUB as you rush to
GOOD: BOOOO! HUHUHUHU! Your get this shit over with.
terrifying presence looms over your MAX:
target. They either take 1 damage I AM THE MANAGER: You drop a dunk
or become [Scared]. so powerful and yet so polite
that it shakes the target to
the core. No, Sharon, you can’t
AAAAAAAAAA!! Genuinely terrifying!
use that voucher! You are fully
Your target either takes 2 damage
immune from all [Emotion] tags and
or takes 1 damage and becomes
[Manipulation] moves for a number
of rounds equal to your +HUB.
MAX: Your eyes turn white, and
you start floating a few feet off
the floor, your words repeating
backwards. Fucked up! Your target
either takes 3 damage, or takes 2
damage and becomes [Terrified].
[Rust][Advanced][Passive][Locked: [Rust][Ultra][Passive][Locked:
Gutterblood] Haunted]
Uhhhhh, don’t mind if you do! Your kinship with the undead
Yoink! You’ve mastered the art reaches unsettling new levels as
of the pickpocket. It’s hard to the dead see you as one of their
live on crumbs, after all, and own. Any [Haunted] move you use is
let’s be real: you deserve it! Any [Tiered Up], and you gain access
SHENANIGANS roll you make to get to the Ghost Template, even if you
the YOINKED effect is [Tiered Up], aren’t dead in the traditional
and when you go shopping, items sense! It’s particularly hard
are always 25% cheaper as you… to hurt you, too— you have 1
make up for what you don’t have [Resistance] against all [Physical]
by “borrowing” from other trolls attacks as death slides off you like
around you. SHOPPING TRIP gains the water on rubber.
following price modifiers for you.
GREAT: 90% DISCOUNT [Rust][Ultra][Passive][Locked:
CAR HERE WELL IT’S MINE NOW By all accounts, you shouldn’t
still be alive. On a planet that
ULTRA MOVES hates you for even existing, with
no real extraordinary way to keep
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) yourself from dying, you should
have been picked off by a drone or
something by now. But you refuse to
TELEMASTER give up! You are [Talented] at all
[Strife] rolls. When you get an OK
[Locked: Psychic]
or lower result on any roll, your
Your telekinesis is all-powerful;
next roll is [Tiered Up] as you
with enough practice, you could
refuse to give up. Additionally,
probably throw a planet at someone!
any time you would gain a
For now, though, you’ll have to be
heightened [Emotion] effect, or
content with floating around and
after at least 3 rounds of a base
smashing people through walls. You
[Emotional] effect, roll a flat 2d8.
become [Legendary] in +IMG, and any
On a GOOD or higher, you don’t gain
time you roll at least a Good on a
the effect in question; instead, you
[Psionic] roll, you begin [Flying]
become [Inspired] as you refuse to
as you levitate off the floor. When
back down! You can use [Boost] on
you’re below half your max HP, your
this roll.
psionics freak out, and all your
[Psionic] rolls are also [Tiered
You’re the fastest wrench in the
west! With a quick clanking and
some expert welding, you can make
anything— ANYTHING— in a matter
of moments. You are [Legendary]
at all Mechanic moves, and all
Mechanic moves with the [Lengthy]
tag lose it. Any time you would
make a Garbage item, it’s instead
a Regular one; any time you make a
regular item, it’s a Swanky one.
Finally, you unlock the following
AI NODE: You add in some [Tech]
to your build to give it more
intelligence. You get a Good
result, except the machine works
automatically and doesn’t need
clanking to work; it might instead
use its action to repair itself if
around at breakneck speeds! You are
[Flying] and [Quickened].
ROBOT: BEEP BOOP! You summon
a ROBOT foe, and it gains the
[Minion] trait.
MECH SUIT: Get in the robot,
Tavros! You decaptchalogue some
steel beams, hydraulics, and
pistons, and spend a [Lengthy]
action making some sickass robot
armour. The Mech Suit has 10 HP
and 1 [Resistance]; it takes all
incoming [Physical] damage you
would take. So long as it is
intact, all your [Physical] rolls
are [Tiered Up].
The highest of the lows. The trolls with the most horns. Apex
gutterbloods. Are you ready for some fucking GAMING??? Are you ready
for some fucking computers??? Are you ready to have your life become an
eternity of torment as you are plugged in as a battery??? Well, okay, it’s
only an eternity if you’re the cream of the crop. Life support aint cheap
ya know! While potentially being any of that other rank shit other lowbies
are, you’re more likely to be designated tech support, the person who does
objectives in videogames, and a psionic mule for whoever the fuck, as golds
have the BEST psionics, including fucking LASER EYES! It’s trolls like
you that keep the internet up and running, as well as primarily staffed.
Hope you like computers!
STEREOTYPE: Gross Little Basement Goblin
REALITY: Internet Nerd
COMMON TRAITS: Smarmy, Overbearing, Inventive
ENTRY MOVES MIN: This really shouldn’t come as
a surprise, but you summon a BEE
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) SWARM which immediately attacks
you, and you alone.
BEES? BAD: The bees are pissed at
[Gold][One-Off][Unlock: basically everyone in the vicinity.
The BEE SWARM is hostile to all
Beekeeper] players in the area. It disperses
Maybe my bees can help! That was
after 3 turns.
a reference to the great comedy
sketch show from BBC, Sorry I’ve OK: Surprisingly enough, the bees
Got No Head. Look up the Beekeeper DIDN’T try to kill anyone. They
sketch, it’s really good. Anyway, just left, clouding you in bugs
you’ve got bees, those fuzzy little for a moment and distracting the
purple and black bugs that live in opponent. The opponent gets a -1
beehouses and produce Mind Honey [Nerf] to [Strife] rolls for a turn
when needed. You intend to become until the bees disperse.
a planet-class Beecoder, building GOOD: The bees swarm the opponent,
mainframes and using apiculture stinging angrily! They do 2 damage,
networking to modernize the world and the opponent is [Inept] at
with biotechnological science. [Strife] rolls for a turn as they
Right now, though, you just have a fend off the Bees. After this, it
jar of bees you keep with you for disperses.
safe-keeping. When you smash a jar GREAT: The bees owe you a life
of bees on the floor, roll +HUB. debt for freeing them from the
prison they were trapped in. You
summon a BEE SWARM [Minion]; it
disperses after 3 turns. Check
the FRIENDS & FOES chapter of the
ALTERNIA act for more information.
MAX: Buzz Buzz, bitch. The bees
barely even notice you; they’re so
sure the other guy is at fault.
You summon a BEE SWARM without the
[Minion] trait; instead, it gets
two actions each turn which it uses
exclusively to harm the opponent.
The bees only disperse when the
opponent is defeated.
[Gold][Mental][Unlock: [Gold][Strife][Psionic]
Streamer] [Unlock: Battery]
You’re cut from a different cloth Many golds have sick, multicoloured
to your other, nerdier brethren! LASER EYES unlike any other
For one thing, you bathe. In fact, caste; trolls with these
you have a sample of your bathwater multicoloured eyes are often other
for sale, if anyone is interested… trees, but they don’t know how
The point is, you’ve got moxxie! to control their power. You? You
You’ve got charisma! You’re not as fucking RULE at psionics. Your
bothered about learning stuff like psionics are the strongest of
controlling your potential psionic your caste, and one day, you’re
abilities or harvesting bees— not going to be a FANTASTIC battery.
while you have a loyal fandom of Whether you like it or not. You are
online mooks at your disposal! Or, [Talented] at [Psionics]. When you
well, you will someday. That’s the want to blast your Eye Beams at the
end goal, though! Whether it’s for opponent, roll +IMG.
gaming, commentary or some other MIN: AH, FUCK! Energy backlashes
form of live streaming, you know into you, and it hurts like hell.
to work your charisma rather than You take 2 damage and gain 1
overexert yourself. Your stats are [Brainmelt]. Take too much of that,
+PLC, -APP; you are charismatic, and you’ll lose your LASER EYES
but a little frail thanks to your and contract the Voidrot Template!
indoorsy lifestyle. Any time you BAD: Smoke sizzles out from your
would deal damage, you can reduce ears. That hurt a little. You take
the damage dealt by 1 (to a minimum 1 damage.
of 1) to instead gain double the
OK: Energy arcs through you,
total amount of damage you would
but instead of blasting into the
have dealt in [Boost]; you know how
opponent, it continues to build
to build up hype and get people
up. When this gasket blows, it’s
ready for something WAY cooler than
probably going to hurt a LOT. You
gain 1 [WHAM].
GOOD: Pthew! You pepper the
opponent with lasers! You do 1
damage to them.
GREAT: How do you like that,
Obama?! You do 2 damage.
MAX: Oh, gosh. That’s… that’s a
lot? Even for you? Lasers erupt
from your eyes like they’re
geysers, frying both you and the
opponent. The opponent takes 4
damage, and you gain 2 [WHAM]— but
you start [Bleeding], ‘cause yikes!
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1) [Gold][Downtime]
You’re a particularly skilled
GAMER. All those other plebs out
DUALITY there better watch out, because
you’re coming to stomp on their
heads and collect their secret
Everything comes in twos.
rings or something! You gain access
Including you! Your personality
to the VIDYAGAMEZ [Downtime]
is particularly volatile. Your
activity without needing to
personality is particularly
purchase the RUMPUSBLOCK from
volatile. Sometimes, it’s like
the Hivecrafting chapter. The
you’re living a double life.
VIDYAGAMEZ [Downtime] move works as
Sometimes, it’s like you’re two
different trolls. Choose a second
When you want to spend time honing
gold entry move. You gain that
your EPIC GAMING powers, roll +HUB.
move, and you gain access to any
locked move associated with it; MIN: Shit! You destroy your game
however, any time you take a console. You’ll need to buy a new
locked move from this list, your console for ₡40 on a SHOPPING TRIP
reality shudders; you either gain before using this roll again.
1 [Brainmelt] (if one of your BAD: God, you really suck at Troll
trees is Battery) or drop one of Just Dance, don’t you?
your stats by 1 permanently (if OK: Hey, practice makes perfect,
you don’t have the Battery tree). right? You gain 1 GAMER POINT.
This happens the first time you GOOD: You climb the ranks! You
take this move, and happens again escort the payload! You shoot the
every time you choose an additional plumbers! You gain 2 GAMER POINTS
move. If you have the PEAS IN A POD as you gain notoriety in the
mutation, you ignore the negatives, community.
but only one twin has access to GREAT: You won a minor tournament!
each tree. You win a number of Caegars equal
to 10 x the amount of GAMER POINTS
you have. Your GAMER POINTS reset
to 0. If you had no GAMER POINTS,
you win ₡20.
RECORD! You’re overwhelmed with
sponsorships and prize money, and
win 50 x the amounts of GAMER
POINTS you had accumulated. If you
had no GAMER POINTS, you win ₡50.
You are not a nice person to
talk to. In fact, you are quite
disgusting, whether through your
opinions or your physical hygiene.
Anyone who tries to roll WORDPLAY
on you has their roll [Tier Down]
as they sputter over their words,
distracted by your sticky skin or
garbage attitude. People who hang
out with you often MIGHT get used
to you.
Golds have powerful psionics.
Yes, even the ones who never
practice them! You’ve got some sick
telekinesis. Using this to hurt
someone gives the move the [Strife]
tag. When you use your telekinesis,
roll +IMG.
MIN: Surprise! It’s [Brainmelt] [Gold][Advanced][Tech]
time! If you are not a Battery gold
you instead take 2 damage instantly [Reaction]
as a migraine washes through you, Enough of these “lasers” and “beams
big time. of destruction”; a good fight needs
both combatants, head down, hacking
BAD: You raise a hand, trying back and forth. Any time someone
to look cool, and… yeah, nothing
tries to use a [Tech] move that
happens, champ.
would affect you, roll +PSP as a
OK: You alter the weight of your [Reaction].
target. They get either a +1 [Buff]
to [Physical] moves as you make
PASSWORD! Their move counts as a
them lighter or a +1 [Nerf] to
MAX roll.
[Physical] moves as you weigh them
down. This effect lasts one round. BAD: You somehow managed to
make their hack stronger!? The
GOOD: You give the target the opponent’s move is [Tiered Up].
effects of the OK result for a
number for your +IMG rounds. OK: You took too long to do
anything. Your fate is in the other
GREAT: You give your target the hacker’s hands, now. You waste your
[Flying] condition, or float em
and yeet ‘em Team Rocket style,
doing 2 damage and leaving them GOOD: You raised your firewalls,
[Floorbound] or end the fight. They and managed to fuck em over! Their
also gain the effects of a GOOD. move is [Tiered Down].
MAX: Your telekinesis knows no GREAT: Denied! Their move doesn’t
limits. They either becomes happen, wasting their action.
[Flying] and [Quickened], or take MAX: They think they’ve pulled it
2 damage as they are [Trapped] off— until they realize you rerouted
AND [Floorbound] and can’t get up their attack to fuck themselves
for 3 turns. Attempts to ABSCOND over!? Their move goes through, but
it affects themselves, not you.
immediately succeed.
SPEEDRUN HACKS [Gold][Advanced][Locked:
[Gold][Advanced][Tech] Beekeeper]
You carry your bees with you in a
[Passive] big container; maybe a beehouse
People who see you working often strapped to your back, or a belt
assume you’re just keysmashing, of jars around your hips. Your
but actually, you’re just typing Bees? move loses the [One-Off] tag,
at like, a billion wpm. Any move and gains the [Recharge: 3] tag.
with the [Lengthy] and [Tech] tags Any time someone scores a GREAT
lose the [Lengthy] tag for you and [Physical][Strife] roll against
can be accomplished in a single you, they take 1 damage back as
action rather than two. Any [Tech] the bees in your bee box sting
[Reaction] is instead a [Free] and attack them! If they score a
action. MAX roll against you, the Bee-Box
shatters, you can’t use your Bees?
move again and you summon a BEE
SURPRISE OBSOLESCENCE SWARM that sweeps down on you both!
[Psionic][Recharge: 3]
Bricking phones is so last sweep. MIND HONEY
Bricking drones is the new craze! [Gold][Advanced][Locked:
Your body acts as a quasi-magnet Beekeeper]
that can kinda fuck up electronics; Consume as part of a Balanced Diet!
when you roll a GREAT GRIEF roll, You gain exclusive access to the
you can choose to do 1 less damage, Mind Honey item. You can choose to
and in return, cause your targets have all empty Sylladex slots be
electronics to freak the fuck out filled with Mind Honey. Eating it
and glitch all over the place. makes you act like an idiot most
Targets cannot use [Tech] moves for of the time instead of all the
a number of rounds equal to your time, and [Tiers Up] your [Mental]
+IMG score; robotic foes or trolls rolls for a thread; however, the
with robotic limbs are [Slowed] for first time you roll a BAD roll of
that time instead. any sort in an encounter after
eating some, you instantly fall
[Unconscious]. However, eating Mind
Honey can be particularly dangerous
for high-psionic trolls. Any troll
who has [Psionic] damage moves is
[Enraged] as their Psionics go
haywire. Golds with multicolored
eyes who eat [Mind Honey] gain
the EYE BEAMS move and become
[Enraged]; if they already had this
move, they become [Out of Control].
[Gold][Advanced][Locked: [Gold][Advanced][Psionic]
Streamer] [Locked: Battery]
Life is beyond stressful to you. What? You think you’re going to
As a gold blood social media guru walk on the ground? Like some kind
encroaching on the territory of of NORMIE? You’ve harnessed your
seadwellers, people are going to laserlike energy to hoist you into
have it out for you, but you have the air, silhouetting you with
your methods of chilling the fuck crackling power. It’s actually
out; notably, your chill lofi beats quite terrifying! You are able
to game and study to! When you put to start [Flying] at will. Any
on your headphones, you’re sent [Psionic] damage you do while flying
to a much calmer world. You are does +1 damage. Your energy is a
way too chill to be susceptible to detriment to both you and everyone
the [Enraged] tag, and way too zen around you; when people touch you
to be [Quickened], but you gain 1 while you are flying, you short
[Resistance] to all damage, because circuit, blasting both you and them
you’re just not really feelin’ the
for 3 damage. No touching!
pain right now.
[Locked: Battery]
Sometimes, you really don’t wanna
leave things to chance, so you
absolutely give it your all,
turning yourself into a living
nuke. You can forgo rolling any
[Psionic] move and instead receive
the MAX result; doing so gives you
1 [Brainmelt], makes you start
[Bleeding] and does 3 damage to
you. Be careful, bud!
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) [Ultra][Gold][Passive][Locked:
You’ve reached peak fame! You’ve
QUEEN BEE carefully curtailed your online
[Gold][Ultra][Psionic][Locked: exposure to go as high as it can go
without landing on the most wanted
Beekeeper] list of every influencer violet out
Or King Bee, or Monarch Bee, it’s
there. While they still might be
up to you. Regardless, you are a
hostile towards you, you’re not
master of your craft with bees.
in direct competition, so you’re
When you use the BEES? move, the
able to keep yourself safe. You
swarm never disperses; instead, it
are [Legendary] in +PLC, and most
stays, wrecking buzzy, buzzy havoc.
trolls you meet will know of you
On a MAX BEES? Result, the swarm
vaguely. You gain 1 [Resistance]
gains 4 extra HP and does 1 extra
against all [Non-Lethal] attacks
damage. If you have the BEE BOX
because you have desensitized
move, you can amplify the situation
yourself to attacks that won’t kill
with the addition of yet more bees.
you. Conversely, you can keep doing
When you use BEE BOX to summon more
[Verbal] damage even after punches
BEES?, you heal the swarm rather
have been thrown because you are
than summoning a second one. Roll
BEES?; on a GOOD, the Swarm heals nothing if not scalding.
1 HP. On a GREAT, the Swarm heals
2 HP. On a MAX, the Swarm heals 3
HP and gains 3 [Boost]. Meanwhile, ANIIME IIS REAL
if you fail, the new bees attack [Gold][Ultra][Psionic]
and kill the other bees! On a BAD, [Passive][Locked: Battery]
the Swarm takes 1 damage. On a MIN, You are the hope of the omniverse.
the Swarm takes 3 damage, and turns You are the lightbulb in the dark.
on you, because BITCH? Nothing You are the bacon in the meal
happens on an OK roll- your bee vault for all those that cry out
box was empty. BEE BOX does not in hunger. You are the terror
have the [Recharge] trait anymore. that flaps in the night! You are a
All Beekeeper moves you make are BATTERY TROLL! And you are a Super
[Tiered Up]. Saiyan! You are [Legendary] at
[Psionic] rolls. You no longer take
damage from a short-circuit when
[Flying] from GAMERS RISE UP, plus
you’re [Quickened] while you fly.
Any time you score a MAX roll using
EYE BEAMS, your energy overwhelms
your brain, cleansing it of filth;
you heal 3 [Brainmelt] and gain 3
[Boost] because you feel GREAT!
Lime bloods. The extinct caste; the non-canon. Very little is actual-
ly known about limes, considering most of them were hunted to extinction by
the Empire millennia ago. However, every once in a while, there’s a fluke—
one is born. One spawns out of the narrative entropy of the universe to
take on the role of hero. One is rescued from subjugation from the Empire.
Regardless of the how, limes do still occasionally exist, though they are
RARE, and all hunted by the Empire with the fury of a thousand slaughter-
hounds. As such, they tend to try to blend in, either choosing to present
as Hemoanon, or hiding among another low caste. With extreme psionic powers
that manipulate emotions or the fabric of reality, one thing is for sure…
no other trolls have the same experiences as the Limebloods.
Olive bloods are… okay, but not great. On the one hand, no powers.
On the other, no real privileges— you’re still an acceptable cull to many
highbloods. Lucky you! With an affinity for the feline, olive bloods are the
most populous caste; there’s just so many of these folks floating around,
going about their daily lives. They’re kinda the glue sticking Alternia
together. Speaking of being the glue, olives also tend to be the placation
class, a shoulder to cry on! They know the ins and outs of the struggles of
quadrants almost instinctively, and will relish in watching shitty romance
movies, writing slashfics, and helping you out with your lovelife. They’re
low enough to kinda push around but high enough to not throw a table at
your face with their mind.
STEREOTYPE: Feral Kitty Kat UwU Baby
REALITY: Nyaverage
COMMON TRAITS: Playful, Wild, Helpful
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) [Olive][Passive][Unlock:
Born on a mountain, raised in a
KITTYPET SYNDROME cave, huntin’ and gruntin’ is all
[Olive][Passive][Unlock: Tame] that you crave! You live in the
You just wanna live your life, wilderness, hunting with lusii,
man. You are the common troll; climbing trees, and purrhaps doing
the Nyaverage Joe, the background a touch of gardening. Who’s to say?
character on the street. It’s safer One way or another, your refusal
to not stick out, after all— even to live in a society baffles others.
if some other olives might resent Any troll who doesn’t also have
you for being “tamed”. You get GOOD the Wild Thing move has [Inept]
rolls on a roll of 10-14 instead [Mental] rolls against you.
of an 11-13; you’re not prone to
greatness, but you don’t suck
[Olive][Physical][Unlock: Stray]
You don’t live in the wilds,
but your life is not quite a
comfortable one either. You’ve
got that wanderlust to kick up
highway dust. Gotta strut them
city streets. Your home is the
Subgrubian Jungle; the streets
and the gutters. As such, you’ve
gotten pretty good at hiding; on
a successful ACT FAST to YOUTH
ROLL, you can choose to become
[Hidden] as you dive into the
winding streets and obstacles
around you and maneuver out of
sight with ease, even if you were
being observed. You can do this as
a [Reaction], just before someone
was about to spot you with PROBLEM
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1) [Olive][Passive]
Whether it’s carefully made food,
handmade weapons or herbs collected
SKIRMISH from the darkest parts of the
[Olive][Strife] woods, one thing is for sure. If
Living on a planet as dangerous as you have coin, greenblood has
Alternia brings the risk of meeting wares. You always have your wares
all sorts of lethal murderers. Or on you, and can purchase items
maybe YOU’RE the lethal murderer, mid-thread at a 20% discount.
a paid assassin ready to strike Swanky items get only a 10%
at a moment’s notice! One way or discount, because it’s harder to
another, you use a combat style get the highblood quality goods.
that doesn’t need to hit hard, just Additionally, you have a caegar
accurately. When you want to attack cap of 130, as you have absolutely
someone with deadly precision, roll legal methods of collecting caegars
+GRA. over your legal caegar cap. Gotta
MIN: Not only do you miss, but hoard profit somehow.
you stumble around and lose your
momentum too! That’s terrible! You LUSUS LOVER
take 1 damage and 3 [Drag]. [Olive][Passive]
BAD: You whiff your attack You love your lusus! Whether
completely, and while you avoid they’re there for protection,
hurting yourself, you lose some of to help you hunt down your prey,
your accuracy. You take 2 [Drag]. or just there to hang out with
OK: You don’t hurt the opponent you, your lusus is a loyal ally.
much, but you do graze them! Next When you fight alongside your own
time, you can hit them in the same custodian, you can spend an action
place for more damage; you gain 1 to whistle and call it to the hunt;
[WHAM]. it becomes [Quickened].
GOOD: THWONK! You do 1 damage to
the opponent.
GREAT: You get them right in a
weak spot, and it smarts! You do 2
damage, or do 1 damage and receive
1 [WHAM].
MAX: Your weapon strikes your
opponent so hard they start looking
like they’re from a cheesy East-
Alternian samurai movie, what with
how much blood they’re gushing. You
do 3 damage, or 2 damage and cause
them to start [Bleeding].
[Olive][Mental][Passive] [Olive][Passive][Locked: Tame]
You may or may not care to admit You live in a society. And society
it, but… you’re a sucker for demands productivity! Not everyone
quadrants! The loving embrace of can be a soldier when they leave
a good matespritship, the steamy Alternia, and you are training
tension of the perfect kismesitude, for one of the more mundane tasks
the calming camaraderie of a that keeps the Imperial Status Quo
healthy moirallegiance and the running. Nothing too torturous,
thrilling character dynamics of nothing too cushy. Choose one basic
a balanced auspisticism… oh, it move that you would use often in
drives you crazy! The first time your job; all BAD rolls on this
people start talking about romance move are [Tiered Up] to OK.
around you in an encounter, your
bloodpusher skips a beat and you
gain 1 [Boost]. You don’t need to
roll PROBLEM SLEUTHING to know [Olive][Mental][Locked: Stray]
the answer to a question about a There’s always a chance you’re
troll’s romance situation; you gonna get jumped while you’re in
simply spend an action, and act as the subgrubs, and you’ve learned
if you rolled a GOOD result. to adapt to that. Your peripheral
vision is always busy, keeping
an eye out for people trying to
COULD BE ANYONE sneak up on you! You do not need to
[Olive][Passive][Locked: Tame] roll PROBLEM SLEUTHING to spot a
Your normality really helps you [Hidden] target; you simply spend
hide. When you run, you can blend an action and do it automatically.
in with crowds. Dodge into a Moves which would make it more
restaurant, join in with the other difficult to spot the opponent
14 olive waiters. Hop into the require you to roll regardless.
garage, you’re one of the 8 olive
mechanics. You’re just kinda hard
to keep a track of, and when you
jump out, you can score some sweet
sucker punches! When you become
[Hidden], you gain 1 [WHAM]. You
gain an additional [WHAM] for every
2 turns you spend [Hidden].
[Olive][Passive][Locked: [Olive][Passive][Locked:
Feral] Feral]
You love lusii! Maybe you adore The streets have not claimed your
your own lusus to a fault, maybe heart; you live in the wilderness,
you hunt them, or maybe you’re and you’ve learned to run wild
just a big ol’ furry. One way through it in ways that nobody
or another, you emulate lusii in else can. You have a particular
everything you do. Choose a lusus environment that you call your own:
that inspires you in everything you swamps, jungles, woods, etc. While
do; you gain the following effect in that environment, you do +1
based on that animal: damage on [Strife] rolls, and you
BEAR: You stand with your feet are [Quickened].
planted firmly on the ground. You
cannot be knocked [Floorbound], ADVANCED MOVES
though you might still get it from
BIRD: You move with elegance and
grace. If an opponent becomes BLUESTAR’S SACRIFICE
[Quickened], so do you. [Olive][Advanced][Reaction]
BUG: You unnerve your opponents I’ve never read Soldier Purrbeasts,
with freaky aesthetics and odd but I’m told this one’s a great
mannerisms. On a Great [Strife] joke. You don’t go down without
roll, your opponent becomes taking others with you; any time
[Scared]. you are subject to a SHENANIGANS
CAT: POUNCE on your targets! You roll, you can use your reaction to
can roll [Strife] rolls twice in roll SHENANIGANS and bring them
the same turn, but your second one down with the exact same effect,
gives you 1 [Drag]. even if your result was a GOOD and
DOG: Trip your opponents up as you theirs was a GREAT or MAX. On the
go for the legs and drag them down! flip side, even if you roll a MAX,
On a GREAT [Strife] roll, they you get the same effect as them
become [Floorbound]. (though you do get a pity [Boost]).
FROG: Spend an action to LEAP
into the air and continue strifing
[Flying] targets as normal for your
REPTILE: Catch the opponent in
your clutches! On a GREAT [Strife]
roll, they become [Trapped].
[Olive][Advanced][Passive] [Olive][Advanced][Reaction]
You always land on your feet! You You’re ever so slightly obsessed
never miss a beat. And god help with romance and shipping. Choose
someone if they look at you around a quadrant you haven’t filled that
a corner, and then repeatedly you’ve been daydreaming about
slowly duck behind the wall and lately— you gain 1 of the effects
then check on you again to see how at the start of every thread. If
much you’ve moved. Every round, you you have all your quads filled,
may make one [Reaction] for free, you start every encounter with 2
without having to spend a move from [Boost]. If someone flirts with you
your turn and you gain 1 [Boost] or someone else in your vicinity,
for even trying it because it makes you can change your quad as a
you feel kinda good to remember how [Reaction].
quick you are. If you’re benefitting MATESPRITSHIP: When you would
from the Breath FRAYMOTIF, you gain be [Charmed], you either keep the
1 [Boost] per turn. effect and gain 3 [Boost] or remove
the effect and gain 2 [Drag].
[Olive][Advanced][One-Off] WORDPLAY to remove [Emotional]
Everyone knows cats have enough effects from anyone on a GOOD+ roll.
hubris to try and kill god, and AUSPITICISM: You gain a +1
it’s usually hilarious. Once per to WORDPLAY to [Manipulate]
thread, you may treat a BAD or OK (matespritship), SHENANIGANS
SWASHBUCKLE roll as GREAT, but you (moirallegiance) or to inflict
will look like an idiot while you [Verbal] damage (kismesissitude).
do it, and gain 2 [Drag]. KISMESSITUDE: You swap your
[Talented] and [Inept] rolls
Ah, the jade blood. The third rarest of the castes tend to be very
orderly and loving wiggler-raisers who spend most of their time in the
Brooding Caverns. Jade bloods are also basically entirely female, not
including their dear trans brothers and siblings, and while the depiction
of your caste in the media isn’t… unflattering… it’s most definitely
sexualized. While all Rainbow Drinkers are jade, not all jades are Rainbow
Drinkers; Trollywood just.. over represents them. Yeah, you basically need
to raise wiggers in a cave, but you can venture out and visit nearby towns
in the off time! It’s not a nunnery or anything, even if you all do share
one big multi-block hive, and absolutely feels like one. Every jade blood
knows each other, as they’re low in number and all live very close together
in the same caves and bunker. Hope you get along with your neighbours!
GAH! You hate wrigglers! You hate
caves! Okay, maybe you don’t hate
wrigglers, but you hate that YOU
are expected to take care of them!
You don’t want to spend your entire
life in the caverns. That SUCKS!
You rebel against authority, dress
up in goth, punk, or some similar
style, and generally make a menace
of yourself when you can. You’re
rude! Fuck you! Your talents are
+HUB, -PLC, not vice versa. If
someone fails a [Manipulate] roll
against you, you can choose to
become [Enraged], because nobody
tells you what to do!
The fact that other castes get to
CHASTISE do whatever they want so often can
[Jade][Strife][Mental] sometimes get to you. How come they
[Physical] get to mess around and have fun?
Excuse you? EXCUSE YOU? How dare Haven’t they heard of strict rules
they! It was SO rude of them to do and discipline? No? Why, you’ll
that! Have at you! You know that a have to SHOW them then! Any time
good angry lecture (paired with a you gain more than 1 [Boost] at a
few choice blows) . When you want time, you can choose to instead
to scold someone mid-fight, roll gain 1 [WHAM] for every 2 [Boost]
+PLC (+HUB if you are Altjade). you would have gained. This is
You decide if any damage done is an all-or-nothing effect; if you
[Verbal] or [Physical]. were to gain 4 [Boost], you could
MIN: Ah, fuck! You slip up and hit not exchange that for 1 [WHAM]
the floor, and you bite your tongue and 2 [Boost]. In the case of odd
hard! You should have been watching numbers, you gain the highest
where you were going! You take 2 amount of [WHAM] with 1 additional
damage, and are [Floorbound] and [Boost] leftover; 3 [Boost] becomes
[Bleeding]. 1 [WHAM] and 1 [Boost], 5 [Boost]
becomes 2 [WHAM] and 1 [Boost],
BAD: Your yelling and swinging
does nothing at all.
OK: You miss, and that only makes
you madder. You gain 1 [WHAM].
GOOD: You slam your strife
specibus into the target and scold
em hard. You do 1 damage.
GREAT: Oh, they’re really in
for it now! Your target either
takes 2 damage, or takes 1 damage
and one of the following effects:
[Saddened], [Anxious], [Scared],
[Confused] or [Enraged], your
break the opponent’s heart and
their ribs. You do 3 damage, and
give them one of the following
effects: [Crying], [Despair],
[Terrified], [Dumbfounded] or [Out
of Control], your choice.
Here’s the thing; you grew up
around mostly girls, attended
what is essentially an all-girls’
private school, and if you’re not
a girl yourself, you were probably
raised as one for at least a sweep
or two. The Jade Caverns tend to be
very female centric- and as such,
you’ve learned to easily navigate
the complexities of a woman’s mind.
Conversely, you have no fucking
patience for men. Your [Manipulate] CAVERN GOSSIP
rolls against female trolls are
[Tiered Up], and your [Strife]
The caverns are small, with only
rolls against male trolls gain a +2
around a hundred jades living in
[Buff]. Nonbinary and other gender
the one communal hiveblock. As
non-conforming trolls are cool in
such, word gets around VERY fast
your books- you can decide which
down here. If you are interacting
effect you would like to use on them
with a troll who interacted with a
as a case by case basis, depending
jade within the last week, you have
on how nice they are to you. a vague knowledge of what happened.
Additionally, you can forgo PROBLEM
SLEUTHING other jades; just spend
GOFFIK an action and get a GOOD roll.
Jades are unfairly stereotyped as
being Rainbow Drinker crazy in the SOOTHING VOICE
media. It’s a little unflattering; [Jade][Passive][Locked: Mom
while all Rainbow Drinkers are Friend]
jade, the opposite is not true! Hey, shhh, it’s alright, dear. It’s
Even if you really, really wish okay. Your mannerisms and soothing
it was. Okay, fine, you admit it. attitude are excellent for helping
You love Rainbow Drinkers, and others remain calm, even in dire
wish you could be one. You gain situations. Your WORDPLAY rolls
access to one move from the Rainbow can remove [Emotion] effects from
Drinker list, even though you are targets, even if you’re not their
not one; you just like to roleplay moirail. If you have a moirail,
sometimes, and you’ve got a tonne you can give them basic, positive
of cosplay and combat materials [Emotion] effects (like [Joyful] or
that would let you replicate these
[Hopeful]) with WORDPLAY, too.
[Jade][Physical][Heal] [Jade][Passive][Locked: Mom
[Hook][Recharge: 2][Locked: Friend]
Guardian] Hey, shhh, it’s alright, dear. It’s
Aw, jeez! You’ve learned to quickly okay. Your mannerisms and soothing
try and stop any bloodshed you come attitude are excellent for helping
across— your own, your friends, others remain calm, even in dire
your enemies, doesn’t matter! Just situations. Your WORDPLAY rolls
slap some bandages onto the wound, can remove [Emotion] effects from
and hope for the best. When you targets, even if you’re not their
want to [Heal] anyone, yourself moirail. If you have a moirail,
included, roll +PLC. you can give them basic, positive
MIN: Ah, jeez, you’re out of band [Emotion] effects (like [Joyful] or
aids! You can’t roll this for the
[Hopeful]) with WORDPLAY, too.
rest of the encounter.
BAD: Your band aid just kinda
slides off. Nothing happens. MALLBAT
OK: It doesn’t help, but it’s the [Jade][Passive][Locked:
thought that counts. You or the
target gain 1 [Boost]. Altjade]
GOOD: That helps, at the very You’re not going to pretend to be
least. Your target [Heals] 2 HP. something you’re not; you like
shopping. The thrill of being in
GREAT: You bandage your target
a busy mall, the adrenaline from
up, [Healing] 2 HP, removing the
scoring a good deal, and the terror
[Bleeding] condition, and give them
you feel watching a drone mow down
either the [Charmed] or [Hopeful]
a shoplifter— it makes you feel
more alive than any musty cave. You
MAX: You break out the big guns: have 2 extra sylladex slots. If a
the Salutations Meowbeast novelty sylladex slot is empty, you can
band aid. You [Heal] the target for buy items on the fly and say that
3 HP, end any physical condition you “bought them on your last mall
the target was suffering from (Like trip”. Doing so puts the item in
[Ablaze] or [Floorbound]), and your sylladex without spending an
either make them [Fascinated] or action, but you still need to spend
[Inspired] condition. an action to take it out! If you
use your downtime activity to go
for a SHOPPING TRIP, your rolls are
[Tiered Up], because you’re REALLY
good at shopping, dude.
Altjade] DECOY JADE: You rabble some
The caves are strict, that much is scenery together and make
for sure. Sometimes, the rules mean it look like you’re still
you can’t go hang out outside of there; this gives the move the
the caves when you’re “on duty” or [Lengthy] tag, but your target
whatever. Good thing you’ve gotten doesn’t realize you’re gone
pretty good at escaping unnoticed until the end of their next turn
when you need to! When you want to or they physically interact with
make a quick escape, roll +RAS. the decoy.
MIN: You’re ready to make a daring DUCK OUT OF SIGHT: You become
escape, when— you step on a clown [Hidden].
horn! What the fuck? How the hell ESCAPE ARTIST: You remove the
did this get here!? Everyone sees [Trapped] condition.
you, and you take 3 [Drag]. Stupid! HIGHTAIL IT OUT: You ABSCOND
BAD: Oh, this escape is… this in a way that does not trigger
escape is actually a lot harder CAN’T ABSCOND BRO.
than you thought it would be. Hmmm. SHAKE A LEG: You remove the
OK: You don’t manage to get out [Slowed] condition.
quite yet, but… you’re almost WINDOW BREAK: You smash a
there! You gain 1 [Boost]. window, and force change the
GOOD: Gotcha! You benefit from one scene to a public or private one
of the effects on the BREAKING & as you jump through.
EXITING table.
GREAT: That’s an escape for the
history books! You gain 2 effects at
once, or 1 effect and 1 [Boost]. (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6)
MAX: Whoa! That’s some heist movie
bullshit! You gain 3 effects, 2 CONDESCENDING JAB
effects and 1 [Boost], or 1 effect [Jade][Advanced][Mental]
and 3 [Boost].
You can’t help it; sometimes,
you’re just a little bit petty.
You’d like to imagine that your
pettiness is justified. After
all, you live such a hard life.
Sometimes it’s nice to just be a
little bit of a bitch. When someone
gains [Drag], you can throw in a
seething jab or a condescending
remark. Any [Drag] they would gain
MACABRE OBSESSION [Jade][Advanced][Strife]
[Jade][Advanced][Mental] [Locked: Guardian]
You’re a big fan of gothic horror. Parry! Parry! Parry! THRUST!
Rainbow Drinkers, Grimbarks, You’ve studied the art of taking
Daywalkers— you’ve read countless hits well, and on the flip side,
novellas about them, many of which of dealing heavy hits too. When
may or may not have been romance. you are fighting, you can spend
That’s not important. What’s an action to enter an offensive
important is that you don’t need to or defensive stance (this counts
roll PROBLEM SLEUTHING to identify as a [Strife] action). With the
any troll with a supernatural offensive stance, you move fast and
origin such as Rainbowdrinkers, hit hard; you are [Quickened], and
Ghosts, Grimbarks, Grimdarks or you deal +1 damage on all attacks,
Shadowdroppers. You instantly get but you have 1 [Weakness] on all
a gut feeling that you know what types of damage. On the flip side,
they are as a [Free] action, but your defensive stance gives you 1
you can’t prove it beyond it being [Resistance] against all types of
damage, but you do -1 damage on
a hunch. all attacks (minimum 1). Swapping
stances takes another single action
with the [Strife] tag.
[Jade][Advanced][One-Off] [Jade][Advanced][Passive]
[Locked: Guardian] [Locked: Mom Friend]
You can’t lose now! There’s so Taking care of grubs has made you
many people depending on you! When an excellent planner. You keep an
you’re about to be defeated, you itenarary, you fill that diary, and
think about everyone who relies on you have a routine you stick the
you— and you keep going, even if fuck to. Nothing can ever go wrong
only for a moment. When you would if you have a plan! Nothing! In an
be reduced to 0 HP in a fight, you encounter, you can take an action
can instead be left at 1 HP, and to plan your next 3 moves. You lock
keep going for a little bit longer. yourself into rolling these moves
Make it count, junior! in the order you chose; succeeding
on these rolls gives you 1 [Boost]
for each success (GOOD, GREAT or
ATLAS PERSONALITY MAX results), and if you succeed at
[Jade][Advanced][Mental] all three, you get an extra [Boost]
[Reaction][Locked: Mom Friend] at the end. However, if you try a
Show weakness? No, no, no, you move that wasn’t in your plan, or
could never! You need to serve as you fail a move, you gain [Drag]
a role model for the other jades! instead. Intentionally breaking
Ahahaha! You’re perfectly okay, away from the plan also removes all
please, PLEASE don’t look into [Boost] gained and gives this move
it— so long as everyone else is the [Recharge: 5] tag.
fine, you are fine. You can ignore
any effect that happens to you,
be it [Physical] like becoming
[Floorbound] or [Emotional] like
being [Scared], gaining 2 [Drag]
instead. As a [Reaction], you can
gain 2 [Resistance] to an incoming
attack, gaining 2 [Drag] again.
When someone makes you use [Drag]
you gained from this move, you feel
[Dread]; if you use it again and
they make you use [Drag] again, you
gain [Despair]. You cannot use this
move to ignore these conditions.
[Manipulate][Locked: Altjade]
Listen here, bulge-breath- do what
I say or I’m gonna kick your ass,
okay?! Whether or not you’re that
rude about it, you’ve learned that
politeness isn’t the only way to
make someone listen to you and do
what you say. Sometimes, you gotta
grab ‘em by the necktie and yank
‘em close so you can thread a vague
(or not so vague) threat in there!
When you want to make a demand of
someone, roll +HUB.
MIN: They just laugh in your
face. It’s kind of embarrassing! ULTRA MOVES
Your +HUB and +PLC switch talents (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12)
and ineptitude back to normal for
2 rounds, you’re that caught off
guard. Maybe being nice would help… A TRUE HERO
BAD: They don’t pick up what [Jade][Ultra][One-Off][Locked:
you’re laying down. Nothing
They’re gonna have to try a little
OK: They stumble and make excuses, harder than THAT. You’ve trained
and it just annoys you more! You yourself to be an undying force
gain 1 [WHAM]. against insurmountable opposition-
GOOD: Your threat breaks through! and you won’t let anyone stop you
Make a demand of your opponent; from protecting those who need
they can either listen to it, or protecting! You’re [Talented] at
take 1 [Non-Lethal] damage as your all [Strife] rolls. When you drop
grip tightens and your face sours, under ½ your max HP, you become
giving you 2 [WHAM]. [Inspired], though you don’t heal,
GREAT: They listen, and apologize and your [Strife] moves are all
for upsetting you. The target does [Tiered Up]. If you have the LAST
as you say, and becomes [Scared]. TROLL STANDING move, you become
MAX: You straight up lift them off an almost invincible threat when
the floor, and you look so goddamn you’re on your last legs- on top of
intimidating that they can’t help being left at 1 HP, you gain +APP
but blubber and do what you want. [Resistance] for the next 3 turns,
The target becomes your [Minion], but you are [Slowed]; any roll that
and is too [Scared] to actively isn’t [Strife] is [Tiered Down].
disobey you, even if your request After the 3 turns are up, you hit 0
is dangerous for them. HP.
Alternia has a system of laws. Said laws need to be followed and up-
held. Negotiated with in courts of law! Drafted and memorized! …weaseled
through… It’s a thankless job being teal. You’re a nerd; while some of your
caste are accountants, researchers or similar, the most famous of your kind
are lawyers, and it’s a lawyer’s job to seek out lawbreakers and have them
KILLED. Most trolls don’t have a right to a trial, but for intra-highblood
disputes (or your friends!), you sure as hell are needed to press charges.
While many highbloods hate your pedantic guts, there’s little they can do
about it, other than mercilessly harass you on public transport- you’re
too important to society to cull! Those guys can die mad about it though,
you’re needed at the Bookhive for some heavy reading.
STEREOTYPE: Untrustworthy Midblood Weasel
REALITY: The Backbone of Society
COMMON TRAITS: Know-It-All, Bookish, Practical
LIBRARIAN: You categorize
[SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1] knowledge, and you spit it out like
it’s nothing. If you fail a PROBLEM
AREA OF EXPERTISE SLEUTHING roll, you can try to ask
[Teal][Passive][Locked: Nerd] the same question again a second
Teals don’t have “jobs”. However, time.
they often bully each other into OCCULTIST: You’re a scholar of
doing tasks around officeblocks the esoteric. Instead of the normal
under the pretense of training teal talents, you’re [Talented] at
for graduation. There’s no actual +IMG, and [Inept] at +APP, because
enforcement to do it; it’s not you’re a shrewd, freaky collector
required by the Empire at all. But of supernatural artefacts. You can
if you don’t take part in this buy [Rare] items as normal ones.
terrible office culture, you’re OFFICE WORKER: You just do
putting yourself at a disadvantage, boring jobs around the office, like
because everyone else is gaining an filing stuff, taking calls, checking
advantage by doing it— but it’s an licenses, etc. You get GOOD rolls
advantage that nobody would need on a roll of 10-14 instead of an
if they all collectively stopped 11-13.
raising the bars for themselves.
But hey, the plus side is that
teals tend to have some pretty
niche interests and abilities! [Teal][Passive][Unlock: Shady]
Choose an area of expertise, and You know the laws. You know them
gain the associated benefits. very well, actually. It just
so happens that you also know…
ACCOUNTING: Money makes the world gaps in the law. Loopholes, if
go round! You automatically know
you will. And since Alternian
how much money a troll has, and do
Law is so perfect, then these
+1 damage on trolls with more money
loopholes exist for a reason— to
than their starting amount.
be exploited, certainly! You’re
ADMINISTRATOR: You take care of a fraudster, a scammer, or some
online forums, web administration other blend of shady lawyer who
and meme laws. You gain the gold benefits from twisting the law, be
HAXX0R move. it through bogus insurance claims,
LAWMAKER: Order! Order! No more tax evasion, or even just “helping”
backflips! If the opposing troll has mutants. You are [Talented] at
[Boost], they lose a point of it WORDPLAY, thanks to your healthy
every time they roll an OK or lower experience in twisting the truth to
result. fit you.
LAWYER: You love arguing, and when
you succeed on WORDPLAY rolls, you
are thrilled. On a GOOD, you gain
1 [Boost]. On a GREAT, you gain
2 [Boost]. On a MAX, you gain 3
[Teal][Passive][Unlock: [Teal][Strife][Mental]
Enforcer] [Physical][Verbal]
You are a Legislacerator in OBJECTION! HOLD IT! TAKE THAT!
training; not bound by books or You blur sharp words and sharper
by procedure, your job is to hunt weapons into a deadly cocktail
down those who perform, sympathize of damage. When you want to cut
with or even THINK about criminal someone’s lies and limbs to pieces,
actions and bring them to justice. roll +PSP.
Or maybe that’s just how you like MIN: Your argument is bogus, and
to imagine yourself; you might you fucking fall all over your
just be a beat cop, prowling the weapons. Dumbass. You take 1 damage
streets but not really getting much and 2 [Drag].
badass mercenary lawyer action. BAD: You don’t deliver a
Either way, you can take an action satisfactory blow, verbal or
to use this move to establish a physical. You take 1 [Drag].
case you’re going to pursue— an OK: You don’t hit the opponent, but
intense investigation into a single your scathing words rattle them.
physical subject (typically a They take 1 [Drag].
single troll, item, or location).
GOOD: Ouch! Your words can strike
When you’ve selected a subject,
a sore spot, but your blades can
you get a +1 [Buff] on all [Strife]
leave one too! You do 1 damage OR
rolls, and your PROBLEM SLEUTHING
deal 2 [Drag].
rolls against them are [Tiered Up].
Changing your target is a [Lengthy] GREAT: Your foe’s body and
action. confidence are wounded! You do 2
damage, and the target takes 2
BASIC MOVES MAX: You call out one of your
target’s best hidden secrets, as if
roll. You do 3 damage, and the
target takes 3 [Drag] as they crack
SNITCH under pressure.
You’re a spineless whelp, and
you have no shame. Fuck you.
Bulgelicker. Bootsucker. Nook.
Stinky. ATAB. You can call the
drones and have them wreak havoc on
the people you’re ratting out, you
pathetic little weasel. You call
for some Drones from the FRIENDS
& FOES chapter of the ALTERNIA
Act, and they arrive in 3 rounds.
[Teal][Hook][Mental] [Teal][Passive][Locked: Nerd]
Teals live in tight-knit It’s not that you don’t try. You
communities, and as such, rumours do! You’re just… kind of pathetic
and gossip spread fast. If you sometimes? Not in a bad way, it’s
are interacting with a troll who just really funny to see you wheeze
interacted with a Teal within and clutch your knee and blubber
the last week, you have a vague when you eat shit on the floor.
knowledge of what happened. So much so that opponents often
Additionally, you can forgo PROBLEM question… is it okay to punch a
SLEUTHING other Teals; just take an teal with glasses? Whenever you
action and act as if you’d gotten become [Floorbound] or [Trapped],
a GOOD roll. This doesn’t count as you wriggle and moan like a grub,
a GOOD or a PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll and your opponent’s [Strife] rolls
for triggers which might allow you [Tier Down] for a number of rounds
to get bonuses from them. equal to your +PSP.
Your use of long, long words makes
it hard to pinpoint your goals
rolls made against you are [Inept].
[Teal][Reaction][Locked: Nerd] [Teal][Locked: Shady]
Let’s face it: you’re a desk You have some EXCELLENT products
jockey. You’re a bureaucrat. You’re to sell, gang! And not only that,
a lawyer, or an accountant, or they’re dirt cheap, so you can
an administrator— whatever the safely say nobody will ever regret
case is, you’re not the type of buying from you, ever. You always
teal to actively seek out fun and have your wares on you, and can
excitement. You’ve got colour-coded purchase items mid-thread at a 50%
binders and that makes you excited. discount. Swanky items get only a
That’s the kind of teal YOU are. 30% discount, because it’s harder
Your intelligence does put you at to get the highblood quality goods.
an advantage, however; when someone When you use these items, roll
fails a [Mental] roll around 1d8 every time you do use them—
you, you can go on a long well on a 1, the item falls apart. If
actually speech about the definitely it was a disposable item, it’s of
interesting technicalities of what particularly shitty quality; roll
they were trying to do. Roll +PSP. the d8 when you use it, and on a 1,
MIN: I mean, it’s pretty obvious, it does nothing when used as well
right? The reason is… wait… no, was as falling apart.
that… hmm… you’re… not actually
sure? You become [Confused]! MYSTERY SOLVER
BAD: You try to go off on a tangent [Teal][Mental][Lengthy]
and explain to them in great detail
[Locked: Enforcer]
about some archaic law that’s
Sniff sniff. You drop to one knee,
barely related. They really don’t
and pick up a piece of evidence.
give a shit. Nothing happens.
You lick it. Ah, of course. This
OK: Jegus, you can drone on, huh? answers everything. If you TAKE THE
Your target takes 1 [Drag]. CASE about a scene or an object,
GOOD: They make the mistake of you can forgo rolling PROBLEM
listening to you. The target SLEUTHING; instead, you can use a
becomes [Stunned]. [Lengthy] action to act as if you
GREAT: Oh, gog, they not only got a GREAT roll, answering one
listen, they try to understand question in a clear and concise
you. The Target is [Stunned] and manner that doesn’t hide what’s
[Confused]. going on. This does not count as
MAX: They really, reeeeeally try getting a GREAT roll for triggers
to understand you. And it doesn’t which might allow you to get
work. The target is [Dumbfounded] bonuses from a GREAT.
and [Slowed].
[AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6] [Teal][Advanced][Passive]
After however many sweeps of
dealing with your idiot coworkers,
NOT GUILTY you don’t get enraged anymore. You
[Teal][Advanced][Passive] just fume. Whenever you become
Wait, hold on! It’s all good! Look, [Enraged], you maintain the benefits
you’re a lawyer! You’ll handle it of being in such a state without
from here! No reason to get all… the downsides, because you’re still
shooty about it! Don’t worry about in control. If you become [Out of
it, you’ve got this. You know how Control], you’re on your own. You
to talk drones out of their murder- can choose to become [Enraged] when
sprees— a rare feat indeed. You can someone rolls a BAD result on any
roll [Manipulate] WORDPLAY rolls [Manipulation] roll.
against Drones and control them.
Drones will never attack you once
you make it clear you’re a lawyer. I ALREADY KNEW THAT
VERITY’S LAW [Recharge: 3][Locked: Nerd]
Your studies have given you an
[Teal][Advanced][Passive] approximate knowledge of many
Highblood privilege? You don’t things and often, when you sleuth,
think so! Named after the legendary you recall things you already knew.
metermaid who gave the ACTUAL When you roll PROBLEM SLEUTHING,
FUCKING HERIESS a scuttlebuggy you can declare you “already knew
ticket, you’ve followed in the that”, even if you out-of-character
footsteps of giants. You gain 1 did not, and ask a second question
[Resistance] to blue, indigo, based on the question. For example,
purple and violet [Strife] moves, after asking about the feeding
as you’ve dealt with enough uppity habits of a particular lusus, you
coldbloods to take their childish might state your troll already knew
tantrums and shrug it off. they ate exclusively bugs; as a
[Free] action, you could roll again
YOU THINK THAT’S FUNNY? and see if you know anything about
[Teal][Advanced][Passive] where to procure said bugs.
NO FUN ALLOWED! Maybe you have an
incredibly underdeveloped sense of
humor. Maybe you’re just too tired
to deal with it. Maybe you kin
Troll Captain Raymond Holt. Either
way, you’re not going to fall
for any stupid shenanigans, and
SHENANIGANS rolls against you [Tier
specifically prevents sweet ramps
[SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 12] through the air on a skateboard
in your presence! On a successful
WORDPLAY roll, you can prevent
WORKAHOLIC targets from rolling +HUB or +RAS
[Teal][Ultra][Passive][Locked: moves for a number of rounds equal
Nerd] to your +PSP.
You love your job. You love your LAWYER: You never lose an
job. You love your job. Coffee argument. Never. You can’t be
drools down your face as you knocked out by [Non-Lethal] damage
repeat this to yourself, over easily; you survive being KO’d a
and over. You’re a star in your number of times equal to your +PSP
field. All other teals at least modifier per encounter as you just…
vaguely know you and are aware keep arguing. Any [Non-Lethal]
of your accomplishments. You are damage you do is increased by
[Legendary] in PROBLEM SLEUTHING. +1, and you can continue dealing
You gain the following benefit, [Verbal] damage after a punch is
depending on your department: thrown.
ACCOUNTING: Freeze those LIBRARIAN: Thinking is but a
assets! You send a signal into reflex to you; any PROBLEM SLEUTHING
your palmhusk and stop the target roll you make is [Free].
from using items, jamming their OCCULTIST: STAY BACK! YOU KNOW
using +PSP specifically to gain gain the TELESHOVE rust move, and
the YOINKED effect with the frozen can take any non-advanced [Psionic]
assets in question. You do not gain moves from any other caste as you
other effects; gaining more effects cast wicked magic spells.
simply yoinks more items. This has OFFICE WORKER: You’re just
the [Tech] tag. Opponents cannot absurdly good at run-of-the-mill
use their Sylladex or retrieve any tasks. You draw perfect circles
items from it for the encounter. in one try, and can carry stacks
ADMINISTRATOR: Your mastery of of books as tall as a person with
tech knows no bounds! You gain one ease. Any OK roll you make counts
[Tech] move from any other list, as a GOOD roll.
even ones you couldn’t access. You
can take more of these moves in the
future as level up moves.
[Passive][Locked: Shady]
You never lie, it’s just that the
truth is subjective. You have
learned to weave it to fit any
narrative that fits you. You are
[Legendary] in WORDPLAY. When
someone rolls a GOOD or GREAT while
you can choose to give them false
information. This must still be
worded cryptically on a GOOD, and
clearly on a GREAT, except that
the information just simply isn’t
true. A MAX still susses you out.
You don’t declare when you use this
move— and make sure not to use it
too often! Be sneaky; the best lies
are mixed in with the truth.
Here’s the thing about law on
Alternia: every trial is a
showtrial. The verdict is foregone,
and the verdict is always GUILTY.
When you select a target with
TAKE THE CASE, you take it upon
yourself to end this fool’s whole
career— and also, coincidentally,
their life. Your [Strife] rolls are
[Legendary]. When you gain [WHAM],
it remains until used, unless you
make a MIN or BAD [Physical] roll.
You gain 1 [WHAM] every time the
target rolls a MIN or BAD roll.
Everyone better watch the fuck out because you got their number, all
of their numbers, fuck them for trying to keep their precious numerals away
from you! Everything everyone else has? It’s yours. Every opportunity?
Yours. All the money and bitches? Why would you look at that, YOURS!!!!!!!!
The life of a cerulean blood is a volatile one- they are the future
spymasters, mercenaries and thieves of the Empire. As the lowest of the
highbloods, they find their lives in a pretty sweet spot- high enough to get
away with anything, low enough to do what they want. And they do both in
spades. Chaotic, ambitious and dangerous, if there’s one thing any troll of
any caste can agree on, it’s that you do NOT mess with a cerulean blood.
You are the spiderbitch, it’s you.
COMMON TRAITS: Ambitious, Chaotic, Insecure
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) [Cerulean][Passive][Unlock:
Watch out, watch out, watch out!
FREAKY EYE Not only are you good at things
[Cerulean][Lengthy][Manipulate] which would usually be expected
[Hook][Unlock: Spider] for your caste… you’ve put extra
One or both of your eyes has an special effort into honing your
irregular amount of pupils and it gives skills elsewhere, too! Of course,
you the ability to control minds with this might have made you neglect
your [Psionic] power! When you want to your needs elsewhere… You become
Manipul8 someone, roll +IMG. permanently [Talented] in another
MIN: Ah, fuck. They know what you just stat, as though it were from your
tried to pull, and they’re not happy. caste, but you also become [Inept]
They can choose to become [Enraged]. in another. If you choose to become
[Inept] at +VIM, your max HP drops
BAD: The sheer lack of a response by 3.
is beyond embarrassing. You are too
[Humiliated] to try again.
OK: It doesn’t QUITE work, but...your SPIDERPUNK
[Manipulate] rolls against this specific [Cerulean][Unlock: Punk]
troll are [Tiered Up] until they take You? You’re the REASON ceruleans
damage. have the reputation as the badass
GOOD: Got them! You can make any one punk caste. You’re a rough tough
request from this troll. This can be spiderbitch and it’s just better
anything, no matter how dangerous— for everyone if people don’t get
give me your money! Get out of here! in your way whether your goal is
Jump off that cliff! The other troll sold-out tickets to the latest
will remember what you did once they concert or revenge on some asswipe
snap out of it once they complete the who thought they’d get cute with
request.. you. All [Manipulation] rolls
GREAT: Not only do you gain the made against you are [Inept].
benefits of a Good roll, but all future Additionally, whenever you are
attempts to control them again are inflicted with a status condition,
[Tiered Up]— even if it’s not this like being [Inept] or [Ablaze],
encounter. This lasts until you fail a roll 1d8. On an 8, you completely
FREAKY EYE roll against them. shrug off the effect, and gain 1
[Drag] instead.
MAX: They bend to your superior will.
Maybe even forever! The target becomes
your [Minion], and you get the effects
Moves that would hamper your
of a Great roll. But watch out— if they
[Manipulation] do not affect this
take any more than 4 damage, or your
move: can’t say no to your
concentration lapses, they wake up, and
psychic powers!
you’re TOAST.
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1) [Cerulean][Passive]
You focus on doing something REALLY
SCOURGE well, consequences be damned. Your
[Cerulean][Strife][Passive] next move is [Tiered Up], but the
[Hook] move after is [Tiered Down]. If
Trolls think they and their muscles used in conjunction with SUPEREGO
and mangrit are hot shit, huh? and you receive a MAX roll, your
Yeah? Well, guess what, you can next roll is [Inept] and [Tiered
dance circles around those losers! Down].
When you want to cut someone up,
MIN: Ow, FUCK! You accidentally [Cerulean][One-Off]
hit yourself as you swing and miss Things ALWAYS go your way— and when
wildly! You take 2 damage and start they don’t, you lose your actual
[Bleeding]. shit. On a MIN or BAD roll, you can
BAD: Nope. Nice try. You miss, become [Enraged].
and your momentum carries you into
harm’s way. You take 1 damage!
OK: You didn’t hit them, but you’re [Cerulean][Passive]
definitely outpacing them. You get
You have an innate sense of danger.
an extra action this turn.
Like… like some kind of spider…
GOOD: Wham! You do 1 damage to Whenever you would normally be
your opponent. caught unaware by something, you
GREAT: You hit them in JUST the instead can react to it as if you
right spot. And by the looks of knew of it ahead of time! The first
it, that’s gonna leave a mark. You time you would get a [Reaction] on
do you 1 damage, and the opponent a turn, it is instead an [Free]
starts [Bleeding]. action. If you are benefitting
MAX: Now THAT’S a critical hit! from the BREATH FRAYMOTIF, your
Whether it’s a nasty artery slash [Reactions] are all [Tiered Up].
or a wholeass severed limb, you
seriously wound the target. You
do you 3 damage, and the opponent
starts [Bleeding].
[Cerulean][Psionic][Hook] [Cerulean][Passive][Locked:
[Locked: Spider] Punk]
Why would you get anything for You’re a veteran of the streets.
yourself when there’s all this Alley fights, bar fights, mosh pits,
weak-willed help walking around? you’ve seen it all and conquered
You can spend an action to mind it too. Any BAD or OK SHENANIGANS
control some gutterblood into rolls you make are [Tiered Up], and
bringing you any Regular quality any OK SHENANIGANS rolls against
item, like a [Medicine] item in you [Tier Down] to BAD; you’ll need
combat or a [Tool] item in a to pull something new if you want
regular thread. It takes 1d3 full to surprise this old dog.
rounds for the item to arrive.
Most other castes are LOCKED into
their STUPID and BORING lives! Not
you! You’re an exception! For sure!
Here, let me prove it: you have
interests usually associated only
with other castes! If that’s not
proof that you’re immune to the
oppressive society of Alternia, I
don’t know what is! You can gain
one move from any other caste,
so long as it isn’t [Locked],
[Advanced] or [Psionic]. This move
may be taken more than once, up to
a total of three times, but only
ever from the same caste.
[Cerulean][Mental][Manipulate] (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6)
[Hook][Locked: Punk]
You know how to make people do what
you want, and sometimes, by flexing ANYTHING YOU CAN DO
off some physical intimidation, [Cerulean][Advanced][One-off]
like grabbing ‘em by the shirt or Oh, you think your little trick
leaning in real close, you’re more makes you special? Puh-lease.
likely to get it. When you want to Once per encounter following an
roll to coerce someone, roll +GRT. opponent’s move, you can use that
MIN: Ha! Everyone, take a look at move too, regardless of caste,
this loser! People start mocking class, or aspect, so long as it’s
you, and it’s really hurtful? Now not [Psionic]. If it requires a
the Bully has become the Bullied! roll, you are [Talented] at this
You get a -1 [Nerf] to +HUB rolls, roll, because, duh. You’re better.
and you’re too [Humiliated] to do
this again. QU’EST-CE QUE QU’EST
BAD: They just shrug off your [Cerulean][Advanced]
threats! What’s the big idea?! You’re a real Psycho Killer! Better
Nothing happens. run, run, run, run, run away!
OK: It starts dawning on your You know the ins and outs of
opponent that you might want inflicting torturous pain on people.
something. Your next [Manipulate] Maybe you’ve practiced. Maybe
roll against this fool is [Tiered you’re just a natural! Regardless,
Up]. while using a [Strife] roll, your
GOOD: You strongarm your way into roll result tiers are lowered; you
getting what you want. You can make only receive a BAD result on a 6
a request of the target, and if or below, an OK result on a 7-9, a
they refuse, they become [Scared] GOOD result on an 10-12, a GREAT
as they quiver in anxiety against result on a 13-18 and a MAX result
you. on 2 8’s or a 19+, making it easier
GREAT: You intimidate the fuck out to get better results.
of this douche! They do what you
say, and can’t cause you to take
damage unless you damage them first.
The target is [Scared].
MAX: Check this chump out! They’re
on their knees, begging you not to
hurt ‘em, or something! You get the
effects of a Great roll, and they
either give you ¼ of their caegars
or one of their sylladex items as
an offering.
[Cerulean][Advanced] [Cerulean][Advanced]
You never slow down. You never [Manipulate][One-off]
lose. You’re on top of your game, Manipulation is such a dirty word.
and you don’t let anyone’s mistakes You prefer the term tactical
slow you down— not even your own. encouragement. And sometimes,
When someone calls on you to use that encouragement can be in
[Drag] you have built up, you can their favour! Sometimes! When you
instead convert it to damage you encourage someone to do their best,
take instead, taking 1 damage for through veiled threats, blackmail—
every 2 points of [Drag] you have or, y’know, genuine friendliness?—
rounded up, reducing your [Drag] to roll +PLC.
0 and leaving your roll unscathed. MIN: ARGH! STUPID DUMB PIECE OF-
Phew! NRGH! Some people REALLY don’t
understand subtext, do they? Your
words don’t go through, and it
pisses you off irrationally. You
become [Enraged].
BAD: They just kinda blink at you.
Maybe you should… clarify? Try
OK: They frown at you a little, or
maybe, smile? Either way, they’re
not impressed enough to do anything
GREAT, but… their next [Talented]
roll is [Tiered Up].
GOOD: There we go, we made some
progress! That wasn’t so hard, was
it? Your target’s [Talented] rolls
become [Legendary] for 3 rounds.
GREAT: Ah, they listened VERY
closely, it seems! Your target’s
[Talented] rolls become [Legendary]
for the whole encounter.
MAX: Oh, wow. I… I guess you said
something that really resonated
with them? Like, they’re either
pissing themselves in fear of
disappointing you, or having a
heroic revelation through your kind
words. You’re kind of confused by
it. Your target’s [Talented] rolls
are [Legendary] AND [Tiered Up] for
the whole encounter.
[Cerulean][Advanced][Psionic] PSYCHIC DOUBLE REACHAROUND
Spider] 1-3) RUST: You control a lowly
Your psionics are so strong, you rust psionic. You summon a RUST
don’t even need to be near your NPC.
target for them to work. So long
4-5) BRONZE: That bronze
as you have spoken one on one to
over there? Yours. You summon
a target before, you can use your
a BRONZE NPC. This NPC has the
FREAKY EYE move from any range. You
Bronze COMMUNE move.
can also roll +IMG to control the
crowd and seek out to use a psionic 6-8) GOLD: You embrace Christian
troll’s abilities for yourself, Dad Society and subjugate the
like anime supervillain Aranea Gamers. You summon a GOLD NPC.
MIN: Oh god, you pissed EVERYONE
off! You summon an ANGRY MOB from
the FRIENDS & FOES chapter of the
ALTERNIA Act, and they’re coming
for you.
BAD: Aw jeez! Your mind control
flickers away, and you piss off a
Level 1 NPC! You get the results of
a GOOD, but they aren’t listening
to you- in fact, they’re hostile to
you! Dammit!
OK: Nothing happens. Which is better
than getting mobbed, at least.
GOOD: YOURS! You gain a Lowblood
[Minion] that lasts until they
take 2 damage, after which point
they wake up and run. Better try
again afterwards! Roll 1d8 from the
GREAT: You seize a tough one! The
NPC lasts until it dies, and has an
extra [Advanced[ [Caste] move.
MAX: Whoa! You don’t just summon
a single troll- you summon a whole
gaggle of them! You summon an ANGRY
MOB, and they’re your [Minion]. The
ANGRY MOB has +2 HP, and +1 higher
to all stats.
[Cerulean][Advanced][Strife][Manipulate] [Cerulean][Advanced][Locked:
[Psionic][Hook][Locked: Spider] Multitalented]
Secrets schmecrets! You can pull the Scorpio Sun. Scorpio Moon. Rising
information people don’t want you to Scorpio. With you, it’s Scorpio all
know directly from your target. It is the way down, baby. You don’t give
NOT a pleasant experience, but hey, who a squeakfiend’s ass about optimism
gives a shit, right? When you want to or pessimism, prefering to stick to
invade someone’s privacy completely, a strange blend of the two. To you,
roll +IMG. the glass is both full and empty,
MIN: Your psionics short-circuit, but not with water— with SPIDERS.
and you accidentally use your And YOU put them all there. All
powers on yourself! You spill of them. You may take one ability
secrets and give the opponent a from the opposite moon. (Derse if
free PROBLEM SLEUTHING answer of Prospit, and vice versa). You can
their choosing. You take 2 damage. take this move up to 3 times.
BAD: Your opponent realizes what
you’re pulling, and they shrug you GESTALT PLAYER
off! You take a -1 [Nerf] to +IMG [Cerulean][Advanced][Locked:
rolls for the encounter.
OK: You fail, and you’re pretty Pfft! Playing by one set of rules?
annoyed by that, frankly! You gain No way! You’re a social chameleon,
1 [WHAM] as you start getting kinda and your personality can often
mad. bleed over multiple archetypes from
GOOD: Whoop! Your opponent the Extended Zodiac. Choose one
“gladly” “offers” you their secrets. Aspect you do not belong to. You
The opponent is forced to speak take one move from this Aspect. You
out loud, and you get 1 PROBLEM can take this move three times, but
SLEUTHING result, and they take only ever from one aspect, and only
1 damage. They know what just ever [Basic] moves.
GREAT: WHOOOP! Your opponent
“accidentally” “overshares” to you,
and has a pretty bad “headache”.
results, and they take 2 damage as
they clutch their head and tell you
MAX: Your target tells you their
whole life-story. You know ALL
their darkest secrets, and they’re
under the effects of a Max FREAKY
EYE Roll— but if they take more
than 2 damage, they’re free.
FEELING LUCKY, PUNK? additional action, either now or
from your next turn, to strengthen
your grip on their minds, or you
Punk] take the effects of the Min roll.
Oh? So you’re approaching me?
You’re going to walk up to a stone-
OK: You have a moderate influence on
their minds. Take 1 [Hold].
cold punk legend like me and try
and start something? Try it. If GOOD: You command their being
you deal the first damage in an quite competently. Take 2 [Hold].
encounter, you can choose to do GREAT: Your control over these
+1 damage and [Stun] the opponent plebs is incredible! Not only do
as you hit them with a hard you take 2 [Hold], but you gain
suckerpunch to the jaw! If you miss 1 [Boost] as you spread your
your first attack, or the opponent spiderweb.
strikes first, adrenaline kicks MAX: ALL THE TROLLS BELONG TO YOU!
in, and you are [Quickened] for 2 ALL OF THEM! You assume direct
turns. control. You gain 3 [Hold], 3
ULTRA MOVES [Boost] and probably look really
cool as you command your army.
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) [Hold]s may be spent to do the
following actions. Spending a
WEB OF ASSOCIATES [Hold] takes 1 action, or a
[Reaction] in the case of BODY
[Cerulean][Ultra][Manipulate] SHIELD.
[Psionic][Locked: Spider] SING YOUR PRAISES: You gain 2
Your psionics are beyond the grasp [Boost] as people cheer you on.
of the plebs beneath you. Where SWARM: You deal +1 damage on your
others struggle to control lone next [Strife] roll as your opponent
trolls, you can amass a posse of is held in place.
obedient sheep. Calling forward
a web is a [Lengthy] activity as
WEB UP: Your opponent takes 2
you shoot out your psionic powers
into a nearby lowblood, and use BODY SHIELD: You gain 1
them like a blockchain to weave in [Resistance] to an incoming
other lowbloods. Your [Psionic] [Strife] roll.
rolls are [Tiered Up], and your CHEER: You [Heal] 1 damage as the
[Manipulation] checks against ANGRY crowd lifts your spirits, giving
MOBS are not [Tiered Down]. When this the [Heal] tag.
you wish to organize a gang to do SHOVE: You duplicate a GOOD
your bidding, roll +IMG. SHENANIGANS effect.
MIN: Your posse breaks free of RESTRAIN: You [Stun] the opponent;
your control! You summon an [Angry this effect has the [Recharge: 2]
Mob] and they’re trying to get your tag.
ass! FUCK! TROLLISH PYRAMID: This gives you
BAD: Your gang is breaking out the effects of [Flying] for 3 turns
of your grasp. You must spend an as you walk atop their bodies.
[Cerulean][Ultra][Passive] [Cerulean][Ultra][Passive]
[Locked: Multitalented] [Locked: Punk]
Hahahahahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Everyone knows not to mess with
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! YOU ARE, QUITE you. Whether you’re the most
SIMPLY, BETTER AT EVERYTHING THAN notorious fighter in the bad blue
ANYONE, EVER! PERIOD! That thing neighborhood, the most ruthless
other people can do? PATHETIC! spiderbitch in town, or the
Doesn’t hold a CANDLE to you! Your toughest barfly in the local scene,
skills are unlimited, and your you’re just not the troll to
bulge is HUGE. Any move you’ve challenge. You become [Legendary]
stolen from another caste/aspect/ in ALL +HUB rolls. You get 1
class/sway that can be [Tiered Up] [Boost] at the start of your turn,
is, and anything you are [Inept] at and another [Boost] every 3 turns
is instead merely at a -1 [Nerf]. afterwards. You can also take a
[Reaction] to convert all your
[Boost] to [WHAM], and vice versa.
You can’t convert only some; it’s
all or nothing, gang.
Oh, so you think you know about the greatest caste? The purveyors of
fine taste and civility in a galaxy of ruffians and nuvo riché upstarts? No,
allow me to inform you, as I know far better. Indigo bloods ARE culture,
full stop, and as the culture they obviously need to keep it out of the
hands of foolish lowbies and other, less fancy highbloods. As heads of
organizations, owners of businesses, STRONG arms of gentrification, and
patrons of the arts, indigos are the boss. They’re renowned for their
WEALTH and POWER, but also their STRENGTH; the most famous athletes on the
planet are indigos, and they perform in Muscular Theatre, Kaijuball and
other sweaty sports like it’s NOTHING. You should listen to them. You kind
of have to. They’ll call your manager if you don’t. Or the drones.
STEREOTYPE: Muscular, Snooty, Terrifying Bourgeoise Milk Lovers
REALITY: All of the above
COMMON TRAITS: Autocratic, Stern, STRONG
AUTHORITY FIGURE You are the apex, the best of the
[Indigo][Passive][Unlock: best. Other castes shudder before
Boss] you and your noble training. While
As is correct per your stance of other trolls are simply schoolfed
the most upstanding and proper of as wrigglers, you are different, and
highbloods, you’re in charge. At thanks to some rather expensive
all times. With a clear of the learning institutions, you’ve
throat and a few choice words, undergone some advanced learning
things always go the way you want techniques. Education is the
them. Whether you are a military great privilege of aristocracy,
leader in the making, a future CEO, after all! You can choose to be
or perhaps even a would-be dungeon [Talented] in +PSP instead of
boss, one thing is for sure— you +GRT (even if you’re still quite
do not tolerate silliness. +RAS beefy). Additionally, choose a base
rolls targeted at you are [Inept] move like GRIEF or SHENANIGANS.
as your very gaze is enough to make You may choose to roll this move
someone-second guess if they want using your +PSP stat instead of its
to do this. usual stat as you deftly calculate
how to react rather than do it on
COMPETITIVE instinct- but you don’t use your
[Talented] status, if you have it.
You are a fan of the competitive
arts: Muscle Theatre. Kaijuball.
Golf Without Limits. You are
you get REAL MAD when your team
loses, and like to flip cars in such
an event. You can’t just let other
people beat you, you gotta WIN!!!
Any time you roll the same move as
an opponent directly after them,
you gain 1 [Boost], because you
just have to show them you’re the
better one here! Moves with the
[Strife] tag always count as GRIEF
for this purpose; for example, if
someone rolls SCOURGE on their turn
you may still take your bonus if
you roll GRIEF on your turn.
When someone upsets you, you don’t
need to do much to make it clear.
Your think pan is geared much more
Your flat, unimpressed expression
to logical understanding than it is
is plenty. When someone forces
to emotional maturity. To tell the
you to bring out the Neutral Face
truth, you sometimes have difficulty
of Displeasure, (usually from
understanding or expressing
failing a roll that would benefit
emotions, full stop. It’s not your
you or succeeding on a roll that
fault exactly— you were raised to
wouldn’t), roll +PLC.
view yourself as better, after
all. Whenever you would gain an MIN: Ha! They relish in your
[Emotion] effect, you can choose displeasure! Their roll is [Tiered
to ignore it; you instead take 1 Up/Down] in a way that doesn’t
[Drag]. favour you!
BAD: If anything, your expression
only fuels them. Their roll is +1
GOT MILK? higher/lower in a way that doesn’t
[Indigo][Passive] favour you.
Lusus Milk is the secret to your OK: They didn’t actually see you
caste’s strength, or so you like make the face. You waste your
to tell yourself. It’s a cultural [Reaction].
icon to your people; you drink
milk, you shower in milk, you crush
GOOD: Your dissatisfied face
throws the opponent off balance.
milk bottles into shards and let it
If their roll was GOOD or GREAT,
drip all over you before a fight…
it’s [Tiered Up/Down] in a way that
god, you just like milk a lot. Your
favours you.
empty Sylladex inventory slots are
always full of Milk Bottles; you GREAT: Oh no! Guilt crushes them,
can consume this milk and help whether they realize it or not!
strengthen your bones and muscles! Their roll is automatically GREAT/
You gain 1 [Resistance] for a BAD.
number of rounds equal to your +APP MAX: tt he yd iddnt mean t o
stat. Consuming or discarding this upse t y you? P le ase gont be
milk frees up an empty inventory a,nrgy;;., Their roll becomes a
slot which only replenishes with MIN/MAX roll.
more milk when the encounter ends.
PARTICULARLY INTENSE [Indigo][Manipulate][One-Off]
[Indigo][Passive][Hook] [Locked: Boss]
Your oblivious attitude to You know when you’re playing a board
interpersonal relationships can game, and the GM says “make a fear
make people very uncomfortable, save” or something? Yeah. Whether it’s
whether intentional or not. Whether in the way you hold yourself or the
it’s mentioning your fixation on stern look in your eyes, people know
muscles, making accidentally rude better than to cross you. Do you really
comments, or having a poor concept want to throw hands with someone this
of boundaries, you’re the best at imposing?! When an opponent tries to
making people squirm. When you roll fuck with you, you can take an action
+PLC, you can spend an extra action to loom. The opponent must roll +APP as
to make your move [Lengthy], but a [Free] action.
give the target [Drag] (1 on a MAX- MIN: They basically shit themselves in
OK, 2 on a BAD and 3 on a MIN). fear. Oh, oh god, you’re WAY stronger
than they are. They are [Terrified].
WRECK AND ROLL BAD: Oh, this was a mistake, wasn’t
[Indigo][Passive] it? The target becomes [Scared].
You destroy your surroundings OK: Your size and command of the
in a fight with ease, making situation is unnerving, but not
every battlefield a tricky one to debilitating. They take 1 [Drag].
navigate. When you get a GREAT GOOD: The target keeps their cool, and
GRIEF roll, you can do 1 damage nothing happens.
less than normal (min 1) and use GREAT: Oh yeah, tough guy? I’m not
the [Trapped] or [Floorbound] effect scared of you! The target gains 1
as you smash someone into a wall or [Boost].
smack them down to the ground. On a MAX: The target refuses to back down,
MAX, you can do both options. even in the face of adversity! They
gain 3 [Boost] and become [Hopeful].
[Indigo][Passive][Locked: Jock]
Sure, just putting your opponent right
in the dirt is flashy for a while, but
everyone loves a late-game comeback,
and you know how to put on a show. When
you fall below half health (rounded
down), the spirit of the classic
underdog story seizes you. You gain an
automatic one [WHAM] at the start of
every turn so long as you remain under
[Indigo][Physical][Lengthy] (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1)
[One-Off][Locked: Jock]
BAM! There’s no greater feeling to
you than a good suplex! When you DUST ONESELF OFF
hit someone with a GRIEF Roll, you [Indigo][Advanced][Physical]
can turn it into a [Lengthy] action [Heal][Recharge: 3]
and slam them onto the floor. Doing Hmmmm. You’re completely in control
so frazzles them- they’re dizzy and of the situation. On fire? Submerged
get a -2 [Nerf] to all rolls for a in acid? Bleeding to death? No,
number of turns equal to your +GRT no, that won’t do. Just take a
stat. On a MAX, this lasts for the moment and dust your shoulders off,
entire encounter. before getting back to rocking and
rolling. When you want to gather
BALLROOM BLITZ your bearings, roll +APP.
[Indigo][Passive][Locked: MIN: YOU SLAP YOURSELF IN THE FACE
BY ACCIDENT. You take 1 damage.
You have spent a truly unfortunate BAD: The problem is a little too
number of hours with books stacked much for a light dusting to fix.
on your head, learning to dance for Nothing happens.
the obligatory military cotillions OK: Just a scrape, surely. You
and lawnring parties and everything [Heal] 1 HP.
else that comes with the Season. GOOD: Dust off one shoulder, then
But as with all duties of your the next, straighten your shirt—
caste, elegance and sophistication and it’s go time. Either [Heal] 2
make you superior in more than one HP, or remove a physical condition
way. FRAYMOTIF rolls lose the [One- that’s bothering you, such as
Off] tag for you and any allies [Ablaze] or [Floorbound].
present, and gain the [Recharge: 3] GREAT: Ha! You’re in top form!
tag instead. Your sweeps of dance Nothing slows you down. You either
lessons are NOT about to be wasted [Heal] 3 HP, remove all physical
over some trivial setbacks such as conditions that are bothering you,
failure! or [Heal] 2 HP and remove one
physical condition.
MAX: You look exactly like one of
those douchebags who walks away
from explosions and doesn’t flinch.
You either [Heal] 4 HP, [Heal] 3 HP
and remove all physical conditions
bothering you, or remove one
condition bothering you and do 2
[Psychic] damage to your opponents
as they shit their pants a little.
[Advanced][Indigo][Downtime] [Indigo][Advanced][Mental]
You fancy yourself something of an [Reaction]
architect, not to brag- and your Those who fail in your proximity
own hive is your canvas. You have are in for a treat. It’s only
a vision for the perfect dream natural they should embarrass
hive; and you’re making that dream themself; after all, you’re quite
a reality. But not by doing it a bit better than they are, both
yourself, no no no- you’re a job in terms of this encounter and
creator, and you’re going to pay a in general pedigree. When an
tonne of children to do it for you! opponent receives a MIN or BAD
When you purchase new rooms from roll, or becomes [Floorbound] in
the HIVECRAFTING chapter, a Swanky your presence, roll +HUB as you
room costs the same as a Regular loom over them and denounce their
room as you pay lowbloods to build skills.
it for you rather than drones. Less MIN: Your lording over them gives
money spent on building your hive, them a burst of motivation. You’ve
more money spent on building your only made them stronger! They gain
fortune! 2 [Boost] and 1 [WHAM].
BAD: Your antics only waste time,
they don’t react.
OK: Ow, dude. That kinda hurt my
feelings? They takes 1 [Drag].
GOOD: Yowch! Your opponent takes 1
[Psychic] damage. If they failed a
roll, they take a -1 [Nerf] to that
roll for the encounter. If they are
[Floorbound], they take 1 [Drag].
GREAT: Your powerplay makes them
feel really shit. Your opponent
takes 2 [Psychic] damage. If they
failed a roll, all rolls of that
kind are [Inept] for the rest
of the encounter. If they’re
[Floorbound], they take 2 [Drag].
MAX: You rip their hair from their
scalp in a process you’ve come
to refer to as “dewigging” your
opponent. They take 2 [Psychic]
damage. If they failed a roll,
they’re too [Humiliated] to try
that roll again for the rest of the
encounter. If they’re [Floorbound],
they are [Slowed].
[Locked: Boss]
As a commanding figure, you know
that trolls are not the only pieces
on the chessboard you need to
worry about; the environment is
very important. Your discerning
eye reveals a lot of options on
the combat field, even ones that
usually wouldn’t seem to be at all
relevant. When you want to use your
perception to reveal potential
battlefield advantages, roll +PSP.
MIN: You hum and haw loudly, and
your opponent sees an opening.
They can make a [Free] [Strife]
or SHENANIGANS roll which isn’t
affected by any nerfs you may have
STRONGJUMP BAD: You furrow your brow as you
[Indigo][Advanced][Physical] try to spot something useful, but
When people said they had friends alas, there’s nothing.
in high places, they might have OK: While you don’t quite find
meant it rather literally! You anything, you don’t waste time
engage in POWERFUL LEAPS, and lunge either. You don’t spend an action.
to FANTASTIC HEIGHTS in order to GOOD: Ah, an advantage, over
pursue foes. When you STRONGJUMP, there! Perhaps a dangling curtain,
you gain the [Flying] condition or a weak floorboard… you receive
until the end of your next move 2 [Hold], which you can spend on
as you lunge through the air with a GOOD SHENANIGANS result. [Hold]
muscular legs. If you successfully take one action to spend, but don’t
GRIEF an airborne opponent after a require rolling.
STRONGJUMP, they are knocked out GREAT: Ohoho! Your opponent is in
of the air and take the FALLING for quite the nasty surprise! You
SHENANIGANS result. If you use gain 2 [Hold], but you can spend
GRIEF on a landbound opponent after these [Hold] on GREAT rolls too.
a STRONGJUMP, your roll is [Tiered
Up], but has the [Recharge: 3] tag.
Getting a MIN GRIEF roll on either
THIS SPOT! You can immediately use
means you land terribly, and cannot
a GREAT SHENANIGANS roll, and you
use STRONGJUMP again for this
get 3 GREAT [Hold].
encounter on top of your usual MIN
[Indigo][Advanced][Strife] [Indigo][Advanced][Physical]
[Recharge: 2][Locked: Boss] [Locked: Jock]
You did not get to where you are You have an in-depth understanding of
today by being nice. You got Muscle Theatre. Their ancient fighting
here by being EXTREMELY good at styles will serve you well when the
destroying any opposition to your time comes. When you want to show off
command. You’ve mastered the art of your moves, roll +HUB.
the boss battle, and have learned MIN: CRAMP!!! You take 3 [Drag].
the perfect boss punch. When you BAD: You fail to pull your target into
want to punch someone into next your grasp, and waste your time trying.
week, roll +GRT.
OK: You don’t do your cool trick, but
MIN: You throw ALL your weight you DO flex really hard, and you look
into this single blow, and when you great. You get 1 [Boost].
miss, that weight SLAMS your fist
GOOD: WHOLLOP! You pull off a sick
into a wall! A single tear goes
move! Choose one of the following...
down your face, and you take 3
damage and 2 [Drag]. PILEDRIVER: You pick them up and fucking
piledrive them. They take 1 damage.
BAD: You punch the wall, but in a
kinda badass way? You do 1 damage GIRL LOOK AT THAT BODY: You give them
to yourself. your signature wink and a subtle flex, maybe
even a ‘kachow’. They are [Charmed].
OK: You barely miss, and it’s
enough to make the target shit BOO: You something up and hurl it at your
themselves a little. They take 1 opponent. They take 2 [Drag] as you bean
[Drag]. them in the head.
GOOD: You sock ‘em GOOD, and it GREAT: This ain’t that fake wrestling
HURTS! The target takes 2 damage shit! Choose 2 of the above or...
and 2 [Drag]. You take 1 [Drag] GIVE HIM THE CHAIR: You pull a folding
yourself as you overexert yourself. chair out of nowhere and beat them over the
GREAT: A devastating blow! You head with it. They take 2 damage.
SLAM your target in the gut, and ON THE ROPES: You pick them up and
it makes them wheeze in pain. They tangle them in something, like telephone
take 3 damage, 2 [Drag], and are wires or vines. They are [Floorbound] and
[Stunned]. You take 2 [Drag] as you [Trapped].
take a second to breathe. LOW BLOW: You deck the guy in the bone
MAX: That Finishing Zoom from Ultra bulge. You do 1 damage, and the target is
Thrash Hatchmates happens in real life; [Stunned].
there’s a spark, a sound effect, and a MAX: Whoa, man, take it easy? You may
slow-mo zoom before your punch WHOLLOPS use the effect below, 3 GOOD effects, two
the target flying. You might have broken GREAT effects, or 2 GOOD, 1 GREAT effect.
something, frankly? Your target takes 4 PEOPLE’S ELBOW: You drop down and
damage, 3 [Drag] and is [Slowed]. You slam your elbow into them, doing 3
take 3 [Drag] too, because that shit damage and leaving them [Stunned] and
isn’t easy! [Floorbound].
As an elite member of society and
appreciator of the arts, you have [Indigo][Ultra][Passive][One-
more than enough resources and Off][Locked: Boss]
knowledge. When the time comes to You are a force to be reckoned
share, it’s only right for you to with, certainly— but what boss
be generous. You may designate a is complete without the faceless
troll as your protégé as a [Free] mooks who will die at their
action, once per thread. You can command? Whether they’re soldiers
only do [Non-Lethal] damage to in training, future employees or
your protégé as you test out their pop idols, your loyal subjects do
limits. Your [Manipulate] rolls as your command; they even die!
against them [Tier Up], and their You can summon an ANGRY MOB as an
[Talented] rolls [Tier Up] as you action, and they arrive immediately
show them their caste’s strengths. (they’re never really far behind,
However, if your protégé acts after all). While with the Mob,
out and loses your respect, you your HUNKER DOWN rolls [Tier Up] as
can whoop their ass for their you use your goons as body shields.
insolence, and all your [Strife]
rolls against them are [Tiered Up]. If you’re alone, though, you’re
Know your place, whelp! still a force to be reckoned with;
your [Strife] rolls [Tier Up] as
you get ready to wreck shop against
TRAPPED!! the fool who dared try to oppose a
[Indigo][Advanced][Passive] BBEG without a party to back them
[Locked: Elite] up! societal convention, that
is. Sit down, boy! We’re in a
restaurant, you can’t start a fight
here! And for god’s sake, you’ve
got your fancy forks backwards.
People who try to roll [Physical]
rolls against you while you’re
in a public setting (at a park,
a restaurant or a street corner)
are [Tiered Down], and lose their
[Talented] status to rolls which
involve them if applicable- even
if there aren’t any other people
[Indigo][Ultra][Physical][One- [Indigo][Ultra][Mental]
Off][Locked: Jock] [Lengthy][One-Off][Locked:
The Impossible. Things that Elite]
physically cannot be done. Your knowledge of Alternian culture
Feats of strength, of power, of is so vast, so inarguably correct,
invincibility. You can do these that you can write into existence
things— either because you have new aspects of the culture on a
trained your whole life to do whim. You are [Legendary] at either
so, or because you’ve become so +GRT or +PSP, depending on your
obsessed with sports that your choice at creation. When you are
body has ascended to new planes facing an opponent, you can spend
of power that let YOU join ranks an action explaining to them that
with the best of the best. Once they are not entitled to be good
per encounter, you can attempt a at their talents, for some longass
Herculean Act. Doing so immediately bullshit reason. You neutralize
treats one of your [Physical] rolls their [Talent] altogether and turn
as a MAX roll as you perform some [Legendary] rolls into merely
insane feat of strength, but it [Talented] ones. You can also
gives you 2 [Drag] once you’ve choose to do the opposite- to
accomplished it, because wow, that remind a troll of their talents,
was tiring, even for you. and tell them to stick to that
exclusively. You give your target
the [Talented] condition to their
already [Talented] rolls, bringing
them up to [Legendary]- but giving
them a -2 [Nerf] to all other rolls
for the encounter.
Pure motherfucking magic right? This shit will blow your motherfucking
mind. All purple bloods are members of the Clown Church, a mystic cult of
Juggalos who worship the Mirthful Messiahs, and they aint CLOWNIN AROUND
MOTHERFUCKER! Well, maybe sometimes :o) honk. Purple bloods’ culture and
fine art revolves around ULTRAVIOLENCE and MIRACLES. WOOP WOOP! Though not
all clowns necessarily enjoy either, they need to learn to get silly with
it; if you don’t wear juggalo makeup and clown around at the mandatory
church meetings, you’re immediately excommunicated and that means INSTANT
DEATH at the hands of your peers! Purples already rule the land, and if it
weren’t for the seadwelling Violets, would also rule the world- and when
you figure out how to wipe out their undersea cities, the planet will BOW to
STEREOTYPE: Stoned Crazy Motherfucking
Murderclown Cultists
REALITY: Honk :o)
COMMON TRAITS: Vicious, Stoned, Scary
[Purple][Recharge: 3][Passive]
[Unlock: Subjuggulator]
CLOWN PRAYER WHOOP WHOOP! Society is a ladder,
[Purple][Psionic][Unlock: and you’re at the tippy top, and
Faithful] everyone best be remembering that,
All other purples are of Clown Church— motherfuckers! Didn’t remember it?
but THEY DON’T LOVE THE GODS THE WAY Bet you’ll remember these BROKEN
YOU DO, HONK HONK. When you give KNEECAPS, brother!
yourself a quick blessing on behalf of Whenever you roll a GOOD or above
the Mirthful Messiahs, roll +IMG. [Strife] move, you can choose one
MIN: Ah, Crisis of Faith! You take 2 of the following effects.
[Psychic] damage, 2 [Drag] and fall to BATTERED: You deal 1 extra damage.
your knees, blubbering and crying. BRUISED: Your opponent takes 1
BAD: The Gods can’t hear you! You’re [Drag].
not BELIEVING hard enough! Try again! HAMPERED: Your opponent takes a
OK: You feel some divine energy -1 [Nerf] to [Physical] Rolls for 3
entering you… you gain 1 [Boost]. turns.
GOOD: The Messiahs are on your side! SHAKEN: Your opponent takes a
You gain a boon from those wicked -1 [Nerf] to [Mental] Rolls for 3
clowns in the carousel in the sky. turns.
HOLY POWER: You gain 1 [WHAM].
DIVINE INSIGHT: You get 1 [Free]
STRENGTH TO GO ON: Gain 1 [Boost].
condition affecting you ends.
non-believer. Choose 1 GREAT Effect, or
double a GOOD.
takes 1 damage and is set [Ablaze].
BAD LUCK: They become [Floorbound].
HOLY CASCADE: They’re [Stunned] by a
physical show of actual holy magicks.
GUSHER: Your opponent takes 1 damage
and spontaneously starts [Bleeding].
receive either 2 GREAT effects, 1 GREAT
and a doubled GOOD effect or a tripled
GOOD effect.
[Purple][Physical/Mental] [AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1]
[Unlock: Performer]
You love performing! You don’t
necessarily care all that much CHUCKLEVOODOO
about the Church (though you still, [Purple][Reaction][Psionic]
of course, go to Mandatory Messiah Your strange clown magic allows you
Mass), but gosh dang do you just to keep the lower castes in check.
LOVE putting on a show! Whether When someone uses a [Psionic]
it’s singing, playing with puppets, ability around you, you can attempt
or doing sweet backflips, you’ve got to counter it with your own MAGIC
a performance and you know how to abilities— they’re different from
use it to wow the crowds. psionics.
You gain the following exclusive MIN: UH-OH! Looks like you made
SHENANIGANS effects: em STRONGER! The opponent’s roll
GOOD: is a MAX roll now, you clowny
DISTRACTING: Your performance is motherfucker!
FLASHY! In fact, it demands all their BAD: Howowowowonk… their roll is
attention— the target can’t use any [Tiered Up]. :o(
[Reaction] for 2 rounds. Great for OK: You didn’t do it right! Nothing
making a getaway, or landing a sucker happens.
punch! GOOD: Honk Honk Honk! You [Tier
ENDEARING: Oh… maybe you’re not so Down] the opponent’s [Psionic]
bad? That was kinda cute… your opponent roll.
can’t strife you on your next turn GREAT: Dark shadows flit around
unless you do damage to them before your target’s peripheral visions,
then. This effect is [One-Off], and can and they hear some weird honking.
end a fight if you choose (in which Their roll is [Tiered Down] AND
case, it has the [Hook] tag). [Inept].
PHYSICAL: Your opponent is somehow MAX: Your target is sent, even for
swept into your performance, and they just a moment, to Clown Hell, and
don’t come out unharmed. They take 1 experiences horrific visions like
damage! some kind of bad LSD trip, full
GREAT: of clowns and terrible, terrible
BIZARRE: Your performance really religious imagery. Their roll is a
weirds the target out! Their next MIN.
[Mental] roll is [Tiered Down].
STARTLING: Agh! Your performance
shocked them! The opponent’s next
[Physical] roll is [Tiered Down].
PAINFUL: Ow!!! Your performance was
a convoluted series of painful tricks!
The opponent takes 2 damage!
[Purple][Passive] [Purple][Physical][Reaction]
There’s just something about you [One-Off]
that makes other people quake Your body is potentially not made of
in fear a little bit. Y’know, flesh, but rubber. A punch to the gut
that special something that mightn’t sometimes just launches you
automatically keeps people on their away in a stupid as fuck manner and
toes and want to make sure you’re when you hit the floor you land in
not angry and want to hurt them? a pile of limbs and stupid smiles.
Coincidentally, this sometimes Once per encounter, you can choose to
makes it harder for people to totally negate one single piece of
focus around you. Kind of funny, damage by instead making a funnyboy
isn’t it, how that works out? tumble and bounce away against other
Whenever you succeed on a WORDPLAY surfaces, honking as you go. You
roll, you can choose to make the are [Floorbound] by the end of your
opponent [Scared] instead of using bouncing adventure.
a [Manipulate] effect.
HUH? WHAT? [Purple][Passive]
[Purple][Reaction][Mental] You indulge yourself on the calming
SORRY, WHAT? WHAT WAS THAT? SAY effects of Sopor from the ITEMS
THAT ONE MORE TIME? When a troll chapter of the Alternia Act. When
tries to roll WORDPLAY against you, you get stoned on that sweet green
you may roll WORDPLAY as well. If slime, your unbridled rage against
your roll is equal to or higher the world quietens. You’re immune
than theirs, they must do what YOU to [Enraged], and any [Psionic]
say instead. Because :o). However, effects against you [Tier Down].
if your roll is less than theirs, Meanwhile, any +IMG rolls you make
you’re [Humiliated], sadly do what [Tier Up] as you witness ALL them
you’re told, and you cannot attempt motherfuckin’ miracles out there.
this move for the rest of the
thread. Because :o(
Like a lightswitch! Just go click-
it’s a cool little Clown Church
trick. You do it all the time!
As with many other members of
institutionalized religion and
trauma, you know how to stuff your
feelings down VERY VERY VERY far.
It’s fun, and healthy! You can take
an action to overcome any [Emotion]
condition you are suffering from.
You gain 2 [Drag] instead.
[Purple][Physical][Strife] [Purple][Physical][Strife]
[Heal][Lengthy][Recharge: 3] [Locked: Subjuggulator]
[Locked: Faithful] Have you ever just been so fucking
Ah, Faygo, that sweet motherfuckin’ done with some stranger’s shit that
nectar what’s milked right you wanted to pick up the nearest
outta the godly teats of the object and break it over their
motherfuckin’ Mirthful Messiahs heads? Yeah, well, now you can.
themselves. Skin covered in that You’re doing that right now, in
familiar grody stickiness is the fact. You are picking up the park
greatest motherfuckin’ treasure of bench and smacking it with them
all, even if other castes don’t posthaste. You can spend an action
recognize it. When you want to to use a random object in your
spray some fucking soda, roll +RAS. sylladex— or one just lying around,
OW! You take 2 damage, and are roll to YOINK one from nearby— and
[Stunned]. make a [Tiered Up] GRIEF roll to
break it over their head. Or back.
BAD: Aw, it was flat. The Faygo
Or arm. Or wherever. The item
just kinda drips onto the floor.
is immediately destroyed in the
OK: It doesn’t spray very far, but
process. Aaaa, go crazy, aaaa go
it’s enough to excite you. You get
1 [WHAM] as you get excited about
clown gods.
GOOD: Streams of soda! You deal 1
damage to all non-clowns present,
and [Heal] any purple bloods for 1
HP- including yourself.
GREAT: Oh, this one’s a real
popper! You blast concentrated
Faygo around, catching everyone
around you hard! All non-clowns
present take 2 damage, and all
clowns (again including yourself)
restore 2 HP.
MAX: The Faygo can ROCKETS out of
your hand, leaving a sickly sweet
stream of destruction in its wake.
All non-purple foes take 2 damage
except one, who takes 3 damage
and is knocked [Floorbound]. This
target is randomly determined.
All purples take their +APP worth
of healing or 2 HP, whichever is
[Purple][Physical][Mental] [AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6]
[Locked: Performer]
You’re able to spin your
performances into stories or CHUCKLEVISION
narratives that can induce certain [Purple][Advanced][Psionic]
emotions in your targets. You gain [Manipulate][Hook]
the following GOOD SHENANIGANS Chu-chu-chucklevision! Your swirling
effects: eyes overload your opponent with
SCARY: Your performance is vintage Troll British Messianic
frightening! The target is Propaganda tunes, and can force the
[Scared]. weak to comply! You can override the
DISHEARTENING: Your performance minds of those who dare look into your
is depressing. The target feels eyes. Roll +IMG.
[Dread]. MIN: You see your reflection in your
TRAGIC: Your performance is really opponent’s eyes, and hypnotize yourself
sad… the target feels [Sad]. for a moment. You are [Slowed] for 3
FUNNY: Hoho! Your performance turns, and you take 1 [Psychic] damage.
cheers them up! The target feels BAD: Your opponent simply looks away.
[Joy]. They don’t see you trying to rip their
CUTE: Aw. Your performance is agency from their fingers.
adorable! The target is [Charmed]. OK: Your gaze shakes them, but their
UPLIFTING: Hey! Your performance will overcomes it. They gain 1 [Drag].
made them feel optimistic! The GOOD: Chu-chu-chucklevision! You force
target is [Hopeful]. the opponent to use a move of your
choice as a [Reaction], choosing to
make them receive a BAD roll if you
CHUCKLEVISION! You decide both moves
the opponent makes on their next turn,
choosing to make them both BAD rolls if
you prefer.
MAX: ChU-ChU-ChUcKlEvIsIoN! ChU-
ChUcKlEvIsIoN! ChU-ChU-ChUcKlEvIsIoN!
You implant a goal in your opponent’s
mind; they believe it is their own.
They will actively try to complete said
goal, even to their own detriment.
As soon as they complete the goal,
they snap out of it, and they hear
Chucklevision’s theme song really
loudly and realize this was your doing.
Curse you, Chucklevision!
[Purple][Advanced][Psionic] [Purple][Advanced][Passive]
[Strife] Most castes? Wack! Lack of
WELCOME TO MY TWISTED MIND ;o) You loyalty? Wack! But you? You and
have the ability to make people your siblings are tight as fuck.
see illusions in their mind. As an Clowns tend to be close allies of
action, you can make your eyes flash one another, but you have garnered
purple and focus on one target, a reputation for yourself. Allied
hunting their secret fears and purples do not need to roll to
making them see visions that scar join in when they FRAYMOTIF; they
their mind. When you wish to scare can automatically take a GOOD
the opponent, roll +IMG. result for [Free]. You can also
MIN: Ah, fuck, your voodoos went call up a clown car of brothers to
haywire and lashed back at you! You come lay waste to some foes; you
take 1 [Psychic] damage and a -2 summon 3 Level 1 Purple NPCs from
[Nerf] to your next roll as you try the FRIENDS & FOES chapter of the
to shake the visions. ALTERNIA Act, who will be here in 2
turns to align themselves with you.
BAD: Something isn’t working right
and you give yourself a headache
trying. You take 1 [Psychic] THE MESSIAHS LOVE ME
damage. [Purple][Advanced][Passive]
OK: You focus for a moment, and [Recharge: 3][Locked: Faithful]
your opponent is unnerved. They Yes they do! Deep in your
become [Scared]. bloodpusher, you KNOW that the
GOOD: You make your opponent start Messiahs love you (glory to their
seeing visions in their mind that wicked souls) because you love
they can’t shake for a moment. You them! When you take a bit of time
deal 1 [Psychic] damage to your to utter a prayer to the Messiahs
opponent and leave them [Scared]. (glory to their eternally changing
GREAT: Your wicked illusions whimsies), you may forgo rolling
plague their mind, dealing 2 normally for any one roll; instead,
[Psychic] damage and leaving them roll a d8. The roll results are as
[Terrified]. follows:
MAX: Oooh, you manage to target
something real bad for them. Their 1 MIN
worst fear, maybe? Your opponent 2 BAD
becomes [Floorbound], takes 2 3 BAD
[Psychic] damage and becomes 4 BAD
[Terrified]. 5 GREAT
[Purple][Advanced][Passive] LAUGHSASSIN TRAINING
[Locked: Faithful] [Purple][Advanced][Reaction]
Donate it to the CHURCH, of course. [Locked: Subjuggulator]
Every good clown knows that the Failure is punishable by a good
Messiahs wish for the world to be whooping, brother! You’ve studied
painted in glorious, sanguineous those sweet ninja tactics used by
color! It’s basically a staple of the legendary Laughsassins and
how you worship them. This involves know how to open your Faygo can
finding (un)willing trolls to donate of whoopass in the blink of an
to such a cause! Whenever you roll eye. When someone fails to give
a GRIEF result of GREAT or MAX, you their all by rolling an OK or
you also give your opponent the lower, roll +GRA.
[Bleeding] effect, as you aim to MIN: YOU SLIP ON A BANANA PEEL!
paint for the Messiahs with utmost How’d this get here!? You’re
dedication. Splashing a Blood Bag [Floorbound] :o(.
item all over the place as an
action gives you 2 [Boost] for
BAD: Nothing but air! You miss.
lowblood, 4 [Boost] for midblood OK: Your suckerpunch barely misses
and 6 [Boost] for highblood. their face! That’s fucked up! Your
opponent takes 1 [Drag] as they
reel back in shock.
HOLD STILL GOOD: Right in the gut! You do 1
[Purple][Advanced][Psionic] damage.
[Locked: Subjuggulator] GREAT: RIGHT IN THE FACE! HONK
You’ve mastered the art of using your HONK HONK! You do 2 damage.
voodoos mid-strife in order to get the MAX: I regret to say this, but you
advantage against your opponent. Roll kick them RIGHT in the bulge bone.
+IMG. And you get them HARD. The target
MIN: Duhhhhh… you voodoo yourself. You is [Stunned] as they keel over,
are [Slowed] for 2 rounds! blinking away tears, and you do 3
BAD: Nothing happens. Your voodoos damage.
just ain’t workin’ right now, sibling!
OK: You manage to slow them down, but
not stop them. The opponent takes 1
GOOD: HALT! They slow down, and take 1
[Drag]. They’re also [Trapped].
GREAT: Got ‘em! Their body seizes up,
giving them 2 [Drag] and rendering them
[Stunned] and [Trapped].
MAX: Your opponent can barely move!
They gain 3 [Drag] and become [Slowed]
for 3 turns as well as [Dumbfounded]
and [Trapped]!
[Purple][Advanced][Passive] [SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 12]
[Locked: Performer]
You’re a little bit of a diva!
You’ve a penchant for the dramatic MIRACLE WORKER
that extends to your performances; [Purple][Ultra][Passive]
when you make someone feel [Locked: Faithful]
something, you don’t do it in half- Your connection with the Mirthful
measures! Any time you would give Messiahs is so great that you can
someone an [Emotion] effect, you sometimes act as a divine conduit
give them the heightened version to their powers, allowing them to
(for example, [Enraged] becomes possess you and use you to spread
[Out Of Control], or [Scared] the good word. Or at least, you’re
becomes [Terrified]). very good at conning people into
thinking that’s the case! Your
When you drop to half HP rounded
[Purple][Advanced][Passive] down, you enter MIRACLEMODE as
[Locked: Performer] the Messiahs enter you and keep
Your talent in performing has you alive. You start [Flying],
attracted wide renown! Every and anyone who damages you
troll you meet knows who you automatically takes 1 [Psychic]
are, and knows vaguely of your damage as the weird magic which
accomplishments. Your natural surrounds you lashes out.
charisma means that all trolls you
meet are either [Charmed] by you or
[Scared] of you, depending on your DETERMINATOR
reputation. These effects are not [Purple][Ultra][Passive]
boosted by DRAMATIQUE, and can be [Locked: Subjuggulator]
dispelled by a successful PROBLEM Oh my messiahs. You’re like some
SLEUTHING roll to learn more about kind of… non… giving up… clown guy!
you. Once a troll has done this, You are set on your quarry, and
they’re immune to your reputation like a runaway train, you CANNOT be
forever. slowed down. You are [Legendary]
in +GRT rolls, and you are immune
to all [Physical] conditions; they
may visibly affect you, but they
don’t actually do anything. This
immunity lasts for +APP number of
turns; deal with it before then, or
it gets too hard to ignore. HONK.
honk. HONK. honk. HONK… honk.
Yeah that’s right, you’re the highest up the hemospectrum you can go!
Every seadweller is at best a shitty, bossy, needy tantrum fiend and at
worst outright genocidal. Really, violet bloods can do whatever the fuck
they want. You have funds to invest as much as you want into any hobby,
access to… well… everything. The only one who can tell you what to do is
the empress and perhaps the heiress, and that one’s a bit of a stretch.
Some land-dwelling highbloods might try to cramp your style, but fuck
those guys! Oh, you gonna honk your clown horn at me, you frickin’ loser?
Whatever, I’m going to roast you online for clout! Many violets are social
media influencers and celebrities, as they have the biggest audience and
easiest time starting up in the world. You are the star. The star is you.
STEREOTYPE: Narfishus (Get it? Get it?)
REALITY: The Top .01%
COMMON TRAITS: Self-centered, Vicious, RRRRICH
ENTRY MOVES with any troll of a lower caste
than you, and rather than gaining
[SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1] [Boost] from OK or GOOD rolls,
you can choose to give the target
[Drag] instead as your face sours,
NAUTICAL NIGHTMARE scaring them a little.
[Violet][Unlock: Commander]
Quiver, disgusting landdwellers!
You are a future captain of space SELF-MADE VIRTUOSO
armadas, bringer of terror, and [Violet][Unlock: Prodigy]
overall big fucking douchebag. Not many people have the kinds of
You peddle weapons, death, and opportunities you have. You aren’t
maybe some other stuff on your oppressed! You aren’t constantly in
online stores; who knows, dude. danger of being killed! And you’re
The emphasis is on your military RICH! All of this, plus the fact
training— and your LOVE of weapons! you’re not really all that bothered
You have an infinite armoury of about the military or social media
weapon parts. You have your fame, means that you can just throw
signature weapon: old reliable, money at- uh, spend time perfecting
your favourite weapon to destroy your talent at your interests.
lives with. You can have two Rune Choose one of the Basic moves
Abstrata of any kind on your everyone has access to; you become
starting weapon, and you start off [Talented] on rolls involving
with one for free! However, you can this move as you pay for the best
also construct brand new weapons classes in training a related
on the fly; simply pull out your hobby. Choosing SWASHBUCKLE does
Infinite Armoury app, flick together not make you [Legendary]. Instead,
a weapon like a build-a-bear, and you get a new SWASHBUCKLE effect:
put together a new weapon with any BONK, which does 1 damage and has
two Kind Abstrata you like as a the [Strife] tag. If you roll a
single action. God have mercy on GREAT SWASHBUCKLE roll, BONK lets
the lowbloods you’re about to ruin. you do 2 harm in place of receiving
[Violet][Passive][Unlock: BASIC MOVES
Influencer] [AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1]
You are the star! The star is you!
The culture of Alternia throws
all the spotlight on you, and you HIGHESTBLOOD
LOVE it. You are able to use your [Violet][Passive]
fame and status to get free shit, You are difficult to fully influence
break any rule you like, and most with psionics - how else would you
importantly, get everyone in the keep the silly landdwellers in
world to bend to your will! You check, after all? All [Psionic]
are [Talented] in WORDPLAY rolls rolls against you [Tier Down].
[Violet][Manipulate] [Violet]
And you’re done. Whatever you’re Whether or not you’re having the
doing CLEARLY wasn’t worth your time of your life, young, sweet,
time. NO you’re not surrendering. only 7 sweeps, you still know
This absolutely counts as a win. your way around a dance floor as a
When you decide a fight is over, general rule. The real title of
it’s OVER, and the other party “dancing empress” belongs to Her
can’t do shit about it. If the Imperious Condescension herself,
thread continues, you cannot fight but every seadweller is taught at
them again, nor can either of least the basics. FRAYMOTIF loses
you harm one another at all. All the [One-Off] tag for you and your
WORDPLAY rolls against you [Tier allies, and gains the [Recharge: 3]
Down] when this move is in effect tag instead.
because you’re just not listening.
Trolls with effects that counter
[Manipulate] checks are not affected
by this move, since they just can’t [Violet][Passive]
take a hint- you gain 1 [Boost] Money makes the world go round,
for every time they continue and you have an OBSCENE amount of
trying to pester you with more the shit. You always seem to have
[Manipulation]. just the right stuff lying around!
If you have an empty slot in your
sylladex, you can add a new item to
CALL THE DRONES it of your specification on the fly
[Violet][Lengthy][Tech] for the normal price. This means
Defying you is basically high you do not need to buy the item
treason, and you know the best way in advance; you just had it on
to deal with treason is to call your person due to your incredible
the cops. NO it’s not a scumbag wealth! However, when you do go to
move, it’s very cool and legal, the shops, your prestigious status
thanks. You summon an IMPERIAL gets you into exclusive stores that
DRONE from the FRIENDS & FOES sell… mysterious goods. You can
chapter of the ALTERNIA Act, and it purchase [Rare] items from stores.
will mercilessly assault everyone
present. Except you! Yay! The drone
arrives in 1 turn if you’re in an
urban environment, 3 if you’re a
little more out in the wilds- but
they’ll be here, and then it’s over
for you bitches.
[Violet][One-off] [Violet][Reaction][Recharge:
You look GREAT, and you know it. 3][Locked: Commander]
Confidence is sexy, and society You’ve studied your opponents
disproportionately rewards sexy moves. This specific opponent. You
people! Here, have some bonuses, hired people to film them fighting
you sexy fish you. Once per people, and studied them. Or maybe
encounter, you take an action you’re just good at predicting
to pull a cool pose as you take incoming blows and countering them,
a second to rebalance yourself, who knows? When someone rolls a
and you gain one of the following [Physical] [Strife] move against
bonuses: you, you can move to counter their
YOGA: You can just [Heal] 2 attack by rolling +HUB.
damage, giving this the [Heal] tag! MIN: You accidentally stab
Because you’re hot! yourself a little bit and end up
SUPERSONIC: You become taking 1 more damage than they
[Quickened] for two turns. Because even attacked you for, you fucking
you’re hot! idiot. You take 1 [Drag] from sheer
HAIR FLIP: You gain 3 [Boost]. embarrassment.
Because you’re hot! BAD: You take the damage as normal
UNBURDENED: You can remove any 1 because you couldn’t get your shit
debuff! Because you’re hot! together in time.
VOGUE: You receive 1 [WHAM]. OK: You manage to block half of
Because you’re hot! their damage (rounded up), but hey,
at least you managed not to take
all of it!
GOOD: You block all the damage
from their incoming attack and you
look so fucking sexy doing it.
GREAT: Not only do you manage to
totally block the incoming damage,
but you also deal half of it
(rounded up) back to them! You flip
your hair a little. Take that.
MAX: Uno reverse card. You pull
the sexiest fucking shit ever and
totally block the incoming damage,
instead dealing ALL of it back to
the attacker! En garde, idiot!
[Violet][Flair][Reaction][One- [Violet][Locked: Prodigy]
Off][Locked: Influencer] Wowwwww. You’re like, just so
You are so sparkly. Whether it’s naturally good at this. It’s crazy,
from your flawless complexion, right? Your talent often makes
the jewelry you’re covered in, others feel insecure. When you want
bioluminescent tattoos, or 100 to make a show of your talents,
caegar per ounce sparkling rainbow roll something you’re [Talented] or
drinker serum highlighter, you are [Legendary] in.
dazzling. Once per encounter, as MIN: Whoa! Even rich people can be
a [Reaction], you may roll +PLC unbelievably shit at things, too?!
to try and use your flashiness to That’s so inspiring! Your target’s
distract your opponent and stop rolls on that move [Tier Up] for
them from completing their move. the encounter.
MIN: You blind them in exactly BAD: Hey, that makes me feel a
the wrong way, and they scramble little better about myself. Thank
blindly to complete their action, you, rich dude! Your target’s rolls
hurting you more in the process. on that move receive a +1 [Buff] for
Whatever effect you would have the encounter.
taken, double it. OK: It doesn’t register with your
BAD: Oh god oh for fucks sake- opponent that you’re flexing on
you flash light in your own eyes them. Nothing happens.
instead. You spend an action to GOOD: Ah, jeez. This makes me feel
do this instead of just your inept! Your opponent receives a -1
[Reaction] as you blink spots from [Nerf] on rolls for that move for
your eyes. the encounter.
OK: Ooh, shiny. They wobble, but GREAT: Incredible! Now I’m
recover. They gain 1 [Drag]. completely miserable. Your
GOOD: Oooh.... shiny... Their opponent’s rolls on that move [Tier
action is successfully deflected as Down] for the encounter.
your distraction works. MAX: Well fuck. The opponent is
GREAT: Ohhhhhhh, SHINY. Their so blown away by how good you
action is deflected, and they gain 1 are, they consider just giving up
[Drag]. and never trying again. Extreme
MAX: Can’t look away... shiny fish disillusionment, baby! They’re too
so beautiful... Their action is [Humiliated] to roll that move for
deflected, and they lose their next the entire encounter.
action as well as they’re too busy
staring at and/or being blinded by
your royal magnificence.
[AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6] [Violet][Advanced][Passive]
All violets are renowned for
their tough skin which makes them
BITCHSLAP practically unkillable. Through
[Violet][Advanced][Strife] training, growth, or the classic
You’ve mastered the art of the “throw money at it until it works”
backhand, and it’s time. It’s time approach, your resilience is
to fucking smack some sense into uncanny. Choose one non-[Emotional]
these idiots. When you roll a GRIEF condition, like [Slowed], [Ablaze],
roll, you can choose one of the [Bleeding], etc. You are immune
GOOD options: to that effect, whether from
SNAP: Snap out of it, goddammit! SHENANIGANS, an Abstrata, or a
Your firm slap immediately returns special item— unless it was applied
a target to their senses, whether by a natural crit. You cannot be
they were [Enraged], under immune to [Stunned] or [Trapped].
[Psionic] influences or otherwise
not themselves. UNPREDICTABLE
CRACKLE: Snap YOURSELF out of it! [Violet][Advanced][Passive]
Slap yourself in the face! You’re What’s it gonna be today, gang?
better than this. You remove a All consuming fury that rivals
non-[Physical] condition that was the wrath of a storm? Or a funky
affecting you. You still deal harm fresh attitude towards life? Nobody
to yourself. ever knows when it comes to you!
POP: You’ve accumulated all these Whenever someone rolls SHENANIGANS
fucking rings for a reason. If this against you, you’re so hard to
is the first [Strife] roll of the predict that their roll is [Tiered
encounter, [Tier Up] your roll as Down].
you get em in the face
[Locked: Commander]
You have this fight on lockdown.
You can see your opponent’s weak
points, and not only that— you can
take advantage of them. Put more
pressure on them. Make them really
pay for ever daring to try and
take you on to begin with. When
an opponent has the [Bleeding]
condition or gets to 5 HP or lower,
your [Strife] rolls against them
[Tier Up].
[Violet][Advanced][Manipulate] [Violet][Advanced][Tech]
[Locked: Commander] [Locked: Influencer]
You stand up a little straighter Oh, what’s this? Is this your
and put on your best “I am not gaiaonline profile from when you
fucking around right now” face as were 6? Is this a piece of bad
you tell someone else exactly what fanfic you wrote two sweeps ago?
they’re going to do. Maybe for fear They say the internet remembers
of death otherwise— who knows! Roll everything. To search for
+HUB. mortifying secrets about your
MIN: You don’t quite manage the tone opponent, roll +PLC.
you were going for, and your opponent MIN: Oh dear god no you
has that look on their face like accidentally swiped too far and
they’re trying not to laugh You’re showed them YOUR embarrassing
[Humiliated] and take 3 [Drag] in shame secrets instead! You take 2
as your opponent takes 3 [Boost] from [Psychic] damage, and are WAY too
watching you make yourself look like an [Humiliated] to try again.
idiot. Schadenfreude! BAD: Nothing turns up, and you
BAD: They aren’t listening to you, waste both your actions trying
dude. You take 1 [Drag]. to find something. The move is a
OK: They’ll do what you say, but [Lengthy] action.
they don’t seem very happy about it OK: You turn something up, but
and they might tell someone later. honestly it’s pretty tame? They
GOOD: That seems to do the trick. take 1 [Drag] while they shake it
They’re listening to you now and off.
will do what you told them to. GOOD: Oh now here’s something!
GREAT: A tiny flash of apprehension Look at this everyone! You flash
comes to their face. They will do up something embarrassing, and
what you tell them to do and they they take 1 [Psychic] damage and 1
will make it snappy. Right away, [Drag] from the horror.
sorry for the wait. Any roll to do GREAT: Holy shit, you found
anything opposed to what you tell something JUICY. They take 2
them to do takes 1 [Drag]. [Psychic] damage and 1 [Drag] as
MAX: A visible look of fear comes they gaze at their bad fanfic or
to their eyes as they realize who racy chatlog.
they’re dealing with and they MAX: .....Dude. This is... dude.
quickly move to do what you told They take 2 [Psychic] damage, a -1
them to do. Yes, sir/ma’am/great [Nerf] to mental rolls, and become
entity of immense power. They get a [Floorbound] as they lay on the
+1 [Boost] to doing what you told ground in existential horror.
them to do and you can even tell
them what to do for another turn.
Any roll to do otherwise is [Tiered
[Violet][Advanced][Locked: FLOWGANG TABLE
You’re a real Shoalcial Influencer! CHEER: You gain 1 [BOOST] as
You gain the use of a POSSE, a they shout your name.
small gathering of lowbloods SWARM: Your Posse does 1 damage
to follow you around and do to your opponent, giving this
what you tell them. They have move the [Strife] tag.
no personality, and cannot be BOO: Your Posse starts shouting
interacted with, aside from insults at your opponent,
throwing compliments at you. If giving them 1 [Drag].
your Posse is not with you when you
enter an encounter, never fear-
BODY SHIELD: As a [Reaction],
your Posse can throw themselves
sending out a quick Chittr post
in front of you, giving a -1
with your location as a [Lengthy],
[Nerf] to any one [Strife]
[Tech] activity summons them! When
you want to put your fanbase to
action, roll +PLC.
MIN: CANCELLED. What?! I can’t believe
my favourite SpewTuber would DO this!
Your fans scatter, rendering you unable
to use this move again for the rest of WORLD CLASS
the encounter, and you gain the [Dread] [Violet][Advanced][Locked:
BAD: The Posse doesn’t respond. You are known across the lands for
You didn’t throw in enough hashtags your totally innate talent for what
or catchphrases to alert them you you do. You were just born this
needed them, or something? good at it. You become [Talented]
OK: They cheer for you, and it makes at all rolls associated with the
you feel nice. You get 1 [Boost]. stat used to roll the move you
GOOD: A few brave Posse members do chose with SELF-MADE VIRTUOSO.
exactly as you wanted! Choose an (+GRT for GRIEF, +PSP for PROBLEM
effect from the FLOWGANG table. SLEUTHING, etc.) If an effect would
GREAT: Damn! These are some loyal [Tier Up] your VIRTUOSO move from
fans! Either take 2 results from above, GREAT to MAX, it does so.
or increase the effects to a 2— giving 2
[Drag], doing 2 damage, etc.
MAX: Your Posse willingly
sacrifices their lives for you.
Lowblood guts splatter your face.
You are alive. So, so alive.
Increase the effects to a 3, or take
3 results from above.
[Violet][Advanced][Locked: [SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 12]
You’ve had the time (and money) to
go over theory books, and you’ve WATERY WARLORD
found some new ways of approaching [Violet][Ultra][Locked:
your abilities that others could Commander]
never dream of. The move you You’ve studied the blade. You’ve
selected from SELF-MADE VIRTUOSO studied the gun. You’ve studied the
gains the following upgrade… kamikaze airship tactic. The point
ACT FAST: You ALWAYS go first in a is, by now, you’ve learned the ins
fight. Always. and outs of war so hard that even
FRAYMOTIF: FRAYMOTIF loses Troll Sun Tzu would peek into your
the [One-Off] tag, and gains notes, and you’re about to open a
the [Recharge: 3] tag; if it can of whoopass on him with all
already had this, it loses the your knowledge of how to, as the
tag entirely. FRAYMOTIF can’t wrigglers say, “throw down.” You
be stopped by opponent BLOOD are so fucking good at fighting at
FRAYMOTIFS. Your allies don’t need this point, it’s basically second
to roll to join you, they just need nature. Whenever one of your GREAT
to spend an action to dance along. rolls would tier up to MAX, it
GRIEF: You can use two different does. You also become [Talented]
[Strife] rolls in the same turn, at GRIEF rolls, or [Legendary]
though you gain 2 [Drag] upon using when BLOOD IN THE WATER is active.
a second one. Drones act as [Minions] to you, and
always arrive at the end of your
HUNKER DOWN: You gain 1 turn once you put the call out for
[Resistance] against all [Physical]
them; they never attack you, and
you can command Drones summoned
PROBLEM SLEUTHING: You can by other people too. The Doomsday
instinctively tell when someone’s Device item from the ITEMS Chapter
lying to you, and don’t need to costs only ₡1000 to you.
roll to find out.
SHENANIGANS: Your tricks
are sometimes dangerous; GREAT
SHENANIGANS results do +1 damage.
SWASHBUCKLE roll gives you a third
action to use on the turn you use
WORDPLAY: Your target doesn’t get
the option to say “no” to you on a
GOOD roll, and you never [Enrage]
[Locked: Influencer]
You did it. You’ve moved past being
just some online fraudster to the
real deal. You’ve reached the end
you have your own TV-Show. Maybe
you’ve got a video game series.
Your autobiographies litter the
shelves. The point is, the Empire
has chosen YOU to represent it on
propaganda across the planet, and
you are THRIVING under this status.
You are [Legendary] at WORDPLAY
rolls. Every troll you meet knows
who you are, and knows vaguely of
your accomplishments. They also
take 1 [Drag] every time they do
[Physical] damage to you as they
feel like they’re doing something…
bad for their reputation.
[Locked: Prodigy]
Okay. So maybe this started as you
throwing your money at a hobby
until you became good at it. But
after steady practice, research and
experimentation… you’re actually
one of the best there is out there.
You become [Legendary] with the
stat associated with your VIRTUOSO
move. You can take any non-
[Psionic], non-[Locked] moves from
other castes that require rolls of
this type; for example, if your
Genius bonus applies to +PSP, you
could learn HAXX0R from golds, or
OBJECTION from teals.
SWAY 145
Ancient legends tell the tale of two moons: the purple moon of
Derse and its cynical, jaded populous versus the light hearted
and carefree people of the gold moon of Prospit. Their story
is long, powerful, and 100% fake as shit. While the tales of
Derse and Prospit are completely fictional, their impact on
the literary movements of Alternia, and more importantly,
the astrological movements of Alternia, are profound. Trolls
hatched under certain star signs are said to be influenced by
Derse or Prospit, with Dersebound being more pessimistic, and
Prospitbound being more optimistic.
While the following exclusive moves can add flavor and utility to
your troll, they have the irritating side effect of vindicating
astrologists everywhere.
The world is scary, and you’d love
to see changes to it, sure… but
you’re also content with living a
normal life. Instead of struggling
with authority, you often find
ways to co-exist with it. If an
authority figure gives you an order
using a [Manipulate] roll, but
fails, you can choose to appear to
comply, even if you’re only saying
what they want to hear with no
intention of doing it. Doing this
lets the other person believe they
succeeded, and won’t prompt further
aggression. You gain 2 [Boost] for
tricking them.
[Sway][Passive][Locked: Derse]
You like having a pre-decided
routine for how you spend your
wipes. You jot ‘em into a planner
and choose the time, the place,
the outfit you’ll wear, the people
you’ll see, the joke you’ll make
at EXACTLY this time… okay, maybe
not THAT in detail, but yes, you
like to have a routine planned
out. At the start of the week, you
can plan this week out; choose at
least 3 days. On each day, assign a
[Downtime] activity that you will
do on that day. So long as you
stick to your routine and don’t
miss a day or do something else
instead, all rolls you make on
those [Downtime] activities [Tier
Up]. Abandoning your routine [Tiers
Down] these moves instead.
There are countless stars above the sky on Alternia, and with these stars
come infinite more zodiac signs. Those spawned under certain stars are said
to have personalities linked to particular mythological elements; these are
the aspects. For the most part, aspects tell a story of what you struggle
with most in your life. To some, the idea of sitting and waiting for good
things to come to them is all but torturous. Others try desperately to be
optimistic, but fail in an almost laughable manner every time. Some just
have all the luck. All of it. The journey of the aspects is a deeply per-
sonal one. While your growth amongst others of your caste is one that sees
your relationship with society, to grow with your aspect, you must do some
tough self actualization.
You’re going to have to come to terms with ugly parts of who you are. but
once you’ve done this, you’re going to be able to grow and perfect yourself
to become the truest version of yourself possible. Progress is not always
linear, and you might need to make some ugly realizations even after mak-
ing much nicer ones, but the end result is the same. Once you have taken
the Entry Move and all Basic and Advanced aspect moves for your particular
aspect, you will unlock a powerful Ultra which truly marks the end in your
journey to understand who you are. It won’t be easy.
It can be hard to reach you
sometimes. Alternia to Spacebound?
Hello? You gain 1 [Resistance]
against all [Verbal] damage as
people’s words don’t really hit
you. You might even agree with
them, to an extent...
[Aspect][Locked: Space] [Aspect][Passive][Locked:
You have a hard time picking out Space]
decisions… choice paralysis is a common You can sometimes be… a little hard
foe of yours, because you’re so often to pin down. It’s not that you mean
overwhelmed by the sheer infinity of to be or anything— you just happen
choices you could make. When you want to be a little… mmm… it’s not that
to step back and see what happens, roll you can’t pinpoint a decision at
1d8. You get a GOOD result on the move times, you’re just… ahhh… could
you roll as you don’t actively use it you be called mysterious? It might
yourself; it just kind of happens. not be that simple… your inner
Ignore all tags that would prevent you dialogue often overcomes your
from using the relevant move. If you outer dialogue. It’s very hard
get a HUNKER DOWN, you receive a [Hold] to actually figure out what your
that lets you get a GOOD HUNKER DOWN intentions are since most of your
[Reaction] whenever you choose. conversations take place inside
your head. Plus… making decisions
against you are [Inept].
[Aspect][Locked: Space]
When it comes to the journey versus
the destination… you much prefer
the journey! Why would you want
to get to the destination, if the
destination means it all ends..?
You’d rather just float aimlessly
and let worlds pass you by. When a
strife begins, you can choose to
go last; if you do this, you get
against all other combatants as you
take a moment to carefully observe
what’s going on before you act.
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) [Aspect][Advanced][Locked: Space]
Why stick to the traditional? Try
something new! Instead of fighting
A NEW OUTLOOK through pure force, you might try
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: to silly it up! Instead of setting
Space] up goofs for the sake of goofs,
Forget this! Taking your time try wrestling your opponents into
doesn’t mean being aimless— it tight spots! Choose two moves, like
just means you have more time to SHENANIGANS and GRIEF— or moves you
appreciate the small things in have from other sources— that use two
life that nobody else has time to different stats to roll, and swap their
properly enjoy. Why rush through stats. This is a permanent change as
everything? Take time to focus you let your art forms swap up the way
on the little things, and better you face the world!
yourself because of it. Choose a
stat that you are [Inept] at; you
stop being [Inept] as you take up a JUDGE OF CHARACTER
form of creative output involving [Aspect][Advanced][One-Off]
your weaknesses, like a rust taking
[Locked: Space]
up swordplay, or a jade trying out
Being distant doesn’t mean you’re cold.
Excessive Bodily Force Poetry.
Sometimes, your impartiality lets you
Instead, you have a -1 to it. If
get a take on situations— and people!—
you are not [Inept] at anything,
that others might overlook. You can
you can choose to instead become
take a single action to scope a troll
[Talented] at a new stat as you
out; you get a good read on them and
hone your abilities somewhere new. see whether or not they’re trustworthy.
If they’re not, you immediately get 1
[WHAM], and you’re not about to drop
BE PATIENT! your guard. You can usually only use
[Aspect][Advanced][Passive] this on a troll once ever; however, you
[Locked: Space] can reuse it on them if they suggest or
All good things come with time, offer you something that might require a
and bad stuff isn’t forever. You new reading.
know that better than anyone else!
There’s no point in forcing change;
after all, it IS inevitable! All
negative conditions affecting you
can be shrugged off for [Free] after
3 turns, if you so choose them to
[Aspect][Passive][Advanced] (AVAILABLE UPON COMPLETION)
[Locked: Space]
You’ve found that you produce your
best works when you work reliably MY REALITY
rather than quickly. There really [Aspect][Ultra][Locked: Space]
is no rush— so why torture yourself For the longest time, you were
about it? Do it well, and do it lonely and afraid- you didn’t seem
right. Whenever you are [Slowed], to matter to anyone or anything,
all your rolls [Tier Up]. If you just an infinitesimal troll in
use INDECISIVE DECISION while an infinite universe. But that’s
okay! Everyone is infinitesimal,
[Slowed], your results are GREAT.
and everyone experiences the world
at their own pace. You don’t need
to wait for reality to grant you
permission to do what you want— you
can just do it!
Every move you have can be made as
a [Reaction]; you can interrupt
someone mid-WHAM buildup to roll
GRIEF on them, you can use WORDPLAY
to convince someone to turn around
and look over their shoulder
just before they try to PROBLEM
SLEUTH you— turn order, schmurn
order. Entropy reigns supreme in a
world where everything eventually
changes, no matter how far away it
If you use a move that would
ruin the flow of the opponent’s
move— like the aforementioned
“what’s that behind you!” WORDPLAY
the opponent’s roll is [Tiered
Down]. Additionally, when you are
[Slowed], you get 1 [Free] action
you can use as a [Reaction] anyway.
You can use moves that would
normally have tags that prevent you
from using them (such as FRAYMOTIF
with [Buildup], or multiple
[Strife] or [Manipulation] moves in
a round).
TIME 158
“Those bound to the aspect of Time are fighters, full stop. Their lives
are often marked by struggle, not so much because fate has it in for
them, but because they are fundamentally incapable of just accepting
things as they come. They value action over passive acceptance, even if
that may not be the wisest or safest choice. Don’t try to tell a Time-
bound to sit still and look pretty. They are very goal-focused, and tend
to value the destination over the journey, and you won’t find them making
that journey in any traditional sort of way. To quote cheesy posters
found on many a guidance counselor’s wall-”impossible is just a word”. If
you need a miracle, they are who you call. At their best, the Time-bound
are empathetic and relentless problem-solvers. At their worst they are
ruthless, defensive, and impulsive.”
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) [Aspect][Passive][Locked:
An eye for an eye, a horn for
NO TIME TO LOSE a horn. What goes around comes
[Aspect][Passive][Unlock: around. You’re a big believer in
karma; and when someone hurts you,
Time] you definitely don’t let that sit.
You’re not the kind of person to
Any time you deal damage using
sit back and let things happen;
[WHAM], you heal 1 [HP] as you feel
you’re a goal driven, action-
like justice has been served.
seeking person. Whoever said the
journey is more important than
the goal is full of shit- it
doesn’t matter how much you suffer
or enjoy yourself in the process. [Aspect][Free][One-Off][Locked:
The finished project is all that Time]
matters. When you enter a fight, you Or him. Or them. Honestly, make
are always [Quickened] on your first someone pay. You do what you have
turn as you rush to get to action. to do without any hesitation, but
If you were already [Quickened], when someone who’s already hurt
you gain an extra action anyway. you gets in the way… well, let’s
just call it collateral, shall we?
BASIC MOVES Revenge is sweet, after all. If
you enter a fight with someone who’s
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6) previously won a fight against you
or a loved one, you can choose to
FAST FORWARD become [Out Of Control] for [Free]
[Aspect][Buildup: 3][Locked: and wipe the floor with their ass.
Time] The condition ends as soon as your
You don’t have all day here, guy. target is defeated.
Whether the encounter you’re in
is a waste of time, or whether
you’re just trying to get to the
end and quick, you know how to fight
quickly and without hesitation. To
hell with the consequences- you’re
getting through this, and you’re
getting through it fast, whether
you win or not. When you use this
move, everyone on the field does 1
extra damage on attacks and gains
an extra action for the rest of the
encounter. This effect stacks with
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: Time] (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12)
You don’t ever drop your guard, and
you don’t ever wait for other people
to get the drop on you. You always go MERCY
first in a fight— always. Even if there’s
no way you should be able to, like
when a [Hidden] target is about to jump [Locked: Time]
out at you and you’re unaware of their Sometimes, you can tell a fight
presence… you just get this urge to isn’t worth fighting anymore. Your
move, to do something about it. If you target is clearly distressed
have a move which would already let you about something, and you’re not a
go first no matter what in an encounter, monster. When you get the sense
you gain 1 [WHAM] at the start of a you should stop whooping your
fight. opponent’s ass, you can lower your
weapon and offer to listen to their
problems. They can either accept,
TOUCHY and give you the benefits of a MAX
[Aspect][Locked: Time][Free] PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll as they
[Reaction] spill their feelings and hardships
You’re a little fast to guess that to you and finish the fight there,
people are assuming the worst of or they can refuse to give up. If
you. It’s not that you’re defensive- they refuse, you gain 3 [WHAM], and
defensive? Who said that? You’re NOT you can choose for all your damage
defensive. What the hell is that to be [Non-Lethal] for the rest of
supposed to mean? Are you trying to the encounter as you resolve to
start something, buddy?! Go to hell! make this quick, and put them down.
Whenever someone rolls to [Manipulate] Maybe you’ll offer them a gummy worm
or do [Verbal] damage against you, you or something when they’re a little
can go on the defensive; your [Strife] calmer.
rolls [Tier Up] and their [Manipulate]
rolls [Tier Down]. This effect lasts
until they apologize and rescind, which RELENTLESS
gives you 3 [Boost] instead.
[Locked: Time]
They can’t stop what’s coming! You
never give up, no matter what!
Whenever you take [Drag], you gain
an equal amount of [WHAM]. If you
are [Stunned], you gain 2 [WHAM],
and if you are [Slowed], you gain
an additional point of [WHAM] at
the start of every turn you are
BULLET TIME MAX: Whoa. Time almost slows down
[Aspect][Advanced][Reaction] to a complete halt, and you take
a moment to totally psychoanalyze
[One-Off][Locked: Time]
them before kicking their ass.
You’ve spent your whole life
You get a [Free] GOOD GRIEF roll
rushing, trying to accomplish
against the target, dodge their
things, trying to get stuff done-
attack completely, and get a [Free]
but you’ve recently learned to take
a step back and reflect. Pausing
in your constant march forward
has helped you realize that hey,
maybe there’s smarter ways of
accomplishing what you need to do?
When you’re about to be subject to [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
an incoming [Strife] roll, you can Time][Free]
feel time slow down a little as you You’re very familiar with wanting
figure out the best way to overcome revenge… but you know that it’s
the situation. When you take a hard to keep level headed when
moment in slow mo to think things you’re fighting to retaliate evil
through, roll +PSP. deeds that happened to you. But
MIN: Oh, fuck this. You slink back when someone else steps in and
into your old habits and just try fairly, swiftly and level-headedly
to go in for the kill- and instead, punishes evil-doers for their
you take the full force of the wicked ways… THAT’s justice. When
incoming attack. The opponent’s you encounter someone who has hurt
attack is [Tiered Up]. a friend before, and you know it,
you can choose to become [Enraged]
BAD: Instead of reflecting, you
as you deliver sweet justice right
just hesitate— and that’s all that
to their front door. You do not
needs to happen for the incoming
gain the drawbacks associated with
attack to land.
being [Enraged] in this state; only
OK: You don’t dodge the attack, but the positives.
you have a moment of realization;
you get a [Free] GOOD PROBLEM
SLEUTHING roll against the target.
GOOD: You manage to parry the
incoming attack, if even only
a little as you suss ‘em out a
little. Their attack is [Tiered
Down], and you get a [Free] GOOD
PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll against the
GREAT: You read their attack
coming from a mile away, and you
dodge it entirely— and you get a
against them! Surprise!
[Aspect][Advanced][Passive] (AVAILABLE UPON COMPLETION)
[Locked: Time]
You understand by now that problems
aren’t always solved by charging TIMEHOPPER
right in; sometimes, figuring out
[Aspect][Ultra][Recharge: 4]
all angles of the issue can really
open up some doors. Any time [Locked: Time]
you learn a fact using PROBLEM For a long time you’ve considered
SLEUTHING, you gain a [Hold]; life a direct, single line from
a GOOD Hold when you get a GOOD start to end, and when you die,
SLEUTHING, a GREAT for a GREAT and you die. But you’ve learned things
a MAX for a MAX. You can use this aren’t that simple! Time splits
[Hold] on a single roll that relies into a trillion tributaries, each
on information gleaned from the telling incrementally different
PROBLEM SLEUTHING (I know their stories, each of them different
weak point, so I’ll strife em hard! and beautiful. You are [Talented]
I know their morals, so I’ll appeal at all [Strife] rolls as you’ve
to them! I know what they have in learned to stay in pace with the
their pocket, I’ll snag it!) eternal battle against time; if you
were already [Legendary], you add
an extra D8 anyway, rolling 5d8 on
all [Strife] rolls and picking the
best from there. You can declare
you’re going to peer into the
future and see how the actions
of those around you might shake
out. Ask the opponent to choose
two different paths, choosing two
sets of two moves they might do
as their next turn, none of which
can be the same. After seeing the
move options, you choose which
set you want them to use, and
your character tilts the timeline
in your favour; their rolls are
LIFE 163
“Those bound to the aspect of Life are the universe’s healers. They are
concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them, as well
as the onward march of positive progress. Deeply empathetic, they have an
intuitive understanding of other’s suffering and the best way of righting
those wrongs. If you’re poisoned, chances are the Life-bound have something
for what ails ya. This applies to both physical and mental suffering, though
it might not be a cure you’ll like. They also have the tendency to put
other’s needs before their own, which never ends well for anyone, because
the Life-bound can grow bitter if they feel their own self-care has had
to be shunted aside. At their best, they are great listeners, caretakers,
and nurturers. At their worst, the Life-bound are passive aggressive, and
pushy-they’re certain they know best.”
MOLLYCODDLE [Aspect][Passive][Locked:
[Aspect][Unlock: Life] Life]
Don’t hurt yourself! Play it Whether it’s through anxiously
safe! There’s no point in getting given and insistent advice or a
yourself hurt if you can avoid self-assured knowledge that you
it. You know that the best way to know better than anyone else, you
avoid danger is to not put yourself can be a little pushy with your
in danger in the first place; this opinions! You can roll multiple
goes for you, and it goes for WORDPLAY rolls in a round. When you
others, too! When you use [Drag], fail a WORDPLAY roll, you can try
instead of lowering your target’s a second WORDPLAY roll with your
roll result, you can lower their next action; this WORDPLAY roll
damage. Their damage is reduced is [Tiered Up]. If you fail this
by 1 for every 2 points of [Drag] second WORDPLAY roll, your next
they had (min 1) as you duck out WORDPLAY roll is [Tiered Up] twice,
of dangerous positions; meanwhile, bringing OK Rolls to GREAT rolls.
when you use [Boost], you can heal This chain of consistent WORDPLAY
1 point of HP for every 2 points of can continue stacking until you
[Boost] you had instead of boosting either roll something else or
your roll as you forfeit any succeed.
advantages you’d gained to refocus
rather than push on the offensive.
[Aspect][Locked: Life]
You don’t like being out of your
comfort zone; why should you? It’s
your comfort zone because you like
it there. Choose an environment you
can call your comfort zone— most
often, choices would be “indoors”,
“underwater”, “in the jungle”,
or similar, though other options
exist!— and declare it when taking
this move. While in your comfort
zone, any time you gain [Boost],
you instead gain double the amount.
When you’re out of your comfort
zone, you tend to be a bit more on
edge; you are [Quickened] on the
first turn in a [Strife].
HEALBOT [Aspect][Locked: Life]
You put others before yourself, even
[Aspect][Heal][Recharge: 3]
when you shouldn’t necessarily. Other
[Locked: Life] people’s healing comes before your own,
Don’t worry, guys! This is the move after all! You can sacrifice your own
everyone wants from you, haha! You energy to give others the boosts they
got this, everyone! You’re great need; you can give away your [Boost],
at healing people and curing what your HP or your beneficial conditions
ails ‘em, though in your darker to allies as an action as you give them
moments you worry that that’s the a pep talk that reminds them of the
only reason people put up with strengths and talents they have— ones
you— that they don’t actually care you don’t have, which pains you to
about you at all. When you want to think about. You can only give one away
heal someone with kind words and per action.
some metanarrative power that works
simply because it does, spend an
action to roll +IMG. SHOULDER TO CRY ON
MIN: It doesn’t work, and before [Aspect][Locked: Life]
you’re able to process it, you feel You’re very good at letting people vent
[Despair] wash over you— everyone’s out their problems to you; in fact,
going to abandon you because of you’re so good at it that people seem
this, surely. to naturally gravitate to you to do it.
BAD: Your power merely peters out, Does this cause you stress? A little,
and you don’t restore any wounds. sometimes. But if it helps your friends
OK: You only heal a scratch, out..! You can remove [Emotional]
nothing more. You [Heal] the target conditions with a [Lengthy] action as
for 1 HP. you invite them to talk about it. This
GOOD: Your touch heals their works even if you’re not their moirail;
wounds; you [Heal] the target for 2 however, if you do it for someone who
HP. isn’t your moirail, you take 2 [Drag],
GREAT: The inherent life-force in because listening to other people’s
your target recovers; you [Heal] problems can drain you a little. If
the target for 3 HP. you’re working with your moirail,
calming them down is a [Free] action.
MAX: Sweet baby Jegus- healing
energy overflows from you,
bolstering life forces to
unprecedented heights. You [Heal]
the target for 4 HP, and every 3
turns after this, they [Heal] for
another 1 HP.
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) [Aspect][Advanced][One-Off]
[Locked: Life]
You hate to say it but… sometimes,
PUT YOURSELF FIRST you just need to stop sugarcoating
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: things! Sure, it’s okay to worry
Life] about how people will take your
You’ve learned it’s no good advice, but the right thing to do
constantly putting others’ needs is know when to be nice, and when
before your own, and you’ve been to lay people’s faults out in a way
taking baby steps in getting your that’s constructive, not critical.
own needs taken care of before When you roll WORDPLAY to [Strife],
anyone else’s. Sorry, you can’t you can give the target a Reality
help, you’re practicing self- Check; you still do damage as you
care! Any time someone tries to lay out some seriously important
use WORDPLAY to [Manipulate] you, life advice. The target can then
you can choose to say no; when make a choice; agree to follow
you say no, you gain no negative said Reality Check, and lose all
effects, and you are [Quickened] conditions that were affecting them
for 2 rounds as you are a little and heal any damage they just took,
exhilarated by your assertiveness! or refuse, and take an additional 3
Hey, Physician, you big nerd! Maybe
you should practice some self care!
You’ve learned that anything you
give to others, you should make
sure you give to yourself as well.
It’s important not to be left in
the dust, after all! Any time you
heal a target or give them [Boost],
you siphon some of the latent life-
force energy that flows through
everything into yourself. You
recover half the total you gave the
target back to yourself, rounded
up. Always make sure you’re getting
the care you need before you give
it to others!
[Aspect][Advanced][One-Off] (AVAILABLE UPON COMPLETION)
[Locked: Life]
You’ve learned that the best way
to get someone to work with you CHARACTER GROWTH
is to genuinely listen, rather [Aspect][Ultra][Locked: Life]
than order them around. You can You’ve come a long way, all in all.
invite someone to talk about their By now, you’ve changed so much—
problems to you, which costs them a and honestly, for the better. You
[Lengthy] action; they can either understand that it’s good to help
accept or deny. Doing this gives people, yes, but not to your own
you 3 [Free] GOOD PROBLEM SLEUTHING detriment! You need to put yourself
questions as you listen closely to first; after all, how can you expect
their grievances and figure out how to help anyone even a little if
to help them. Doing this gives the you’re miserable? You cannot pour
target 5 [Boost]. from an empty cup. Embrace who you
are and continue blossoming into
the best version of yourself that
TRY SOMETHING NEW you can be. You can permanently
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: change the skills you’re [Talented]
at and [Inept] at to be any stats
Life] you like, shuffling to reflect who
You’ve spent so long cooping you are as a person rather than
yourself up and refusing to take a what society has expected of you.
risk. Wouldn’t it be nice to try Meanwhile, your life-force is
something new? At the beginning genuinely growing nonstop; you gain
of an encounter, choose any move a powerful heal-factor that [Heal]
you have, including caste moves s you for 1 HP every turn; this
or other moves you chose through stacks with the LIFE FRAYMOTIF
levelling up, that you are not effect.
[Talented] in. You get a +2 [Buff]
to all rolls involving that move;
if you were [Inept], you instead
lose the [Inept] condition. The
move you used can’t benefit from TRY
SOMETHING NEW until you use three
other moves for it.
DOOM 168
[Aspect][Locked: Doom]
Break the rules? No. When your
opponent activates an ability that
would allow them to circumvent a
nerf, buff, or emotion… it doesn’t
work. You can’t just decide you’re
not affected, that’s not how the
world works.
[Aspect][One-Off][Locked: Doom] [Aspect][Recharge: 5][Locked:
Luck doesn’t exist. People don’t
have happy endings, and fate
Bad things happen to good people.
doesn’t pave a way to victory
And bad people. And people just
for you— if these things seem to
hanging out on the sidelines. The
happen, it’s just coincidence.
point is bad things happen— and you
Why can’t anyone but you seem to
know perfectly well that there’s
accept that? Once per encounter,
nothing you can do about it except
on a non-MAX roll, you can force
watch. As an action, you can forgo
your opponent to reroll what they
rolling SHENANIGANS, instead just
just got; they take the lower roll
watching on as it happens. The odds
result. If someone has an ability
of your opponent just slipping on
which would allow them to reroll
a banana peel and tripping at this
something, you can choose to cancel
exact moment were so low, and yet…
it out. Anyway, this comes at a cost: you
know your own luck is running out,
too. It costs 3 [Drag] for a GOOD
a GREAT one.
[Aspect][Locked: Doom]
Seeing other people succeed can
really piss you off. Why should
other people be able to do
well when you just can’t? Why
should other people be happy? It
infuriates you! When a target rolls
3 successful rolls in a row without
rolling an OK or lower between
them, or if they gain the [Hopeful]
or [Joyful] conditions, you can
choose to become [Enraged] for
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) [Aspect][Advanced][Hook]
[Locked: Doom]
...comes great empathy. C’mere,
A TIRED SMILE bud. You need a hug? It’s gonna
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: Doom] be okay. You’ve had the highs and
Did you just crack a joke? Was that a the lows, you get it. You can be
bit of optimism!? You’ve learned to the shoulder to cry on and the
accept that while you might believe steady rock amidst all the despair
that sure, maybe nothing matters— if because of it. Anything your target
everyone dies anyway, why obsess over is going through… the chances are,
it? Take some time to relax for once. you’ve gone through it too. You
When you use [Boost] in an encounter, can offer the target respite— if
you manage to break out of the they accept, their emotion tags
fatalistic loop you’ve locked yourself are cleared and they heal 4 HP,
into; instead of raising your roll and they give you 1 [Hold] which
result, you can spend an additional acts as a GREAT WORDPLAY roll to
2 [Boost] to give yourself the [Joy] [Manipulate]. This [Hold] lasts
condition. If someone attempts to forever, and only goes away once
heighten [Joy] to [Laughter], you can
it’s spent.
instead choose to lose [Joy] because
hey, let’s not push it, okay? You’re
still a grumpy person, guys! Jeez…
TRY THIS AGAIN [Locked: Doom]
[Aspect][Advanced][One-Off] You’ve learned that giving up early
gets you nowhere; Sometimes you
[Lengthy][Locked: Doom]
need to see things through to the
You know that when you tunnel vision
very end, even if you don’t want
on your goals, you can get a little
to. You stay up and conscious all
heated, and so can your opponents.
the way until -5 HP. You may still
When things are looking rough, you can
fight as normal, all the way to -5,
just… reset things and do it over with
but for each hitpoint below 0 you
a fresh outlook. You can invite a fog
receive a -1 [Nerf] to all rolls.
to pass over you and your targets,
-3 HP and rolling something with a
resetting every troll in the encounter
back to baseline. No emotions, no +2 bonus? You roll 2d8-1, etc.
effects, no statuses, no buffs, no nerfs,
no wham. This includes YOUR buffs and
boost. HP remains the same. Both sides
[Strife] rolls are [Tiered Down] for a
round. Maybe this will be a good time
to try holding out an olive branch?
[Aspect][Advanced][Recharge: (AVAILABLE UPON COMPLETION)
3][Locked: Doom]
You can see the worst outcomes
everywhere you look. Conversely, FINAL DESTINATION
though… you manage to see the best [Aspect][Ultra][Locked: Doom]
outcomes too. You’ve been training You finally understand the Doom
yourself to look on the bright aspect of your personality; you’re
side every once in a while instead not destined to suffer. If you were,
of letting your fascination with you wouldn’t have the friends you
the worst overwhelm you. You can have now, would you? While it’s
declare you’re going to peer into true that you’re a cynic, and you
the future and see how your actions know bad things happen just as
and their consequences might shake often as good, you don’t need to
out. Roll any one move, and see let the bad rule your life. The
what the short-term consequences truth is… fortune and misfortune
are. You can continue on this path, are kind of the same thing? What’s
gaining 1 [Boost]; or you can unlucky for one person is lucky for
rewind, and state that roll was someone else. By understanding that
merely a vision your troll had, and everything is balanced, not simply
roll a completely different move, stacked against you, you’ve finally
branching the paths and trying realized your place in the world.
something else. Doing this gives All your BAD rolls are [Tiered
you 1 [Drag], since it hurts to Down] to MIN, and all your GREAT
think about bad situations like rolls are [Tiered Up] to MAX. The
that. same is true of your opponents in
any given encounter. This effect
has the [Recharge: 3] tag for both
of you; after you gain a MIN or
a MAX in this way, the effect is
suppressed for 3 rounds. Whenever
you get a MIN roll, you gain a
[Hold] that lets you forgo rolling
a move and receive a MAX result;
whenever the opponent gains a MAX
roll, you gain a Hold that lets you
turn one of their rolls into a MIN
result. You can stockpile as many
of these [Holds] as you like, but
using them does deal 2 damage to
you as reality whiplashes against
your prodding.
HOPE 173
“Those bound to the aspect of Hope are driven first and foremost by
their convictions. They do right for right’s sake, and are quick to come
to the aid of anyone they deem to be experiencing injustice. That said,
their views of the world can be quite black and white, so what they see as
the “right” thing may not always be the universally accepted view. They
put great value in the power of the imagination, the ability to dream up
a better and more beautiful future. If anyone could dream a better world
into existence, it would be one of the Hope-bound. They may sound like all
sunshine and rainbows, but they aren’t adverse to a little destruction,
especially if they think they can replace it with something better and more
just. At their best, Hope-bound are positive, caring, and warm. At their
worst they can be narrow-minded and selfish.”
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) [Aspect][Passive][Locked:
STRONG CONVICTIONS To put this delicately… you are
[Aspect][Passive][Unlock: a dreamer. To you, the world is
Hope] perfect— or at least, is pretty
When you believe in something, you close to it, so long as your
believe in it hard. Whether it’s friends are on your side! As such,
your friends, your morals, or the you tend to… avoid reading between
existence of wizards, you are a the lines, whether you realize
hard troll to change the mind of. it or not, in order to keep your
[Manipulate] rolls that are meant illusions intact. You gain 1
to change your mind or lie to you [Resistance] against all [Verbal]
all [Tier Down]. This stacks with damage as you take insults at face
other moves that would also [Tier value and refuse to analyze them.
Down] these effects.
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6) [Aspect][Locked: Hope]
If it ain’t broke, why fix it?
GOOD VS. EVIL You have learned to stick to the
[Aspect][Locked: Hope] methods that you know work and
The world is black and white. There are likely to succeed. While
are no middle grounds, and you more leaving things up to chance has
than anyone else are keenly aware of the possibility of doing amazing,
that. You can take an action to tell it also has the possibility
whether or not a target would sooner of failure, and that’s not a
identify as a hero or villain- someone possibility you’re willing to
who agrees with your morals or not. risk. Choose a move that you are
If they are like you, you trust them
[Talented] at. You can forego
completely, no questions asked. Their
[Manipulate] rolls against you [Tier
rolling this move and simply spend
Up], and you gain 2 [Boost] now and an action to get a GOOD result.
at the start of every encounter with
them. If they are not like you, they
cannot be trusted! Their [Manipulate]
rolls against you [Tier Down], and you
gain 1 [WHAM] now and at the start of
every encounter with them. This effect
lasts until extraordinary proof to the
contrary. You can manually assign a
target as “like you”, even if they’d
choose to count themselves as “unlike”
you as you completely overlook their
flaws. Not the other way, though; your
friends can do no wrong.
[Aspect][Locked: Hope] (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12)
The world revolves around you.
That’s not you being proud, or PEP TALK
narcissistic— whether you like it [Aspect][Advanced][Heal]
or not, you genuinely believe that [Locked:Hope]
you are the main character of your Sometimes, people just need a
story. Therefore, it’s on you to do little pick-me-up. You know how to
the hard jobs no one else can take. make people understand that things
No, this doesn’t weigh you down! will be okay, and that you care—
Ever! You can voluntarily choose and this kind of thing can really
to [Tier Up] any of your rolls by soothe the nerves. Sometimes,
one tier, but you gain an amount you’ll even give yourself a good
of [Drag] equal to how much higher pep talk and remind yourself that
the next tier would have been. For things are gonna be okay! When you
example, if you rolled a 13, you want to show that you care, spend
can make it a 14 and therefore a an action and roll +PLC.
GREAT for 1 [Drag]. However, if MIN: You stumble over your words
you had rolled an 11, you would and call them a slur, or something.
gain 3 [Drag] to make it a 14. Your That isn’t nice at all! They start
opponents can’t make you use this [Crying].
[Drag] until your next turn. BAD: Your reassurance rings hollow;
nothing happens.
TURN A BLIND EYE OK: You mildly reassure them. The
[Aspect][Locked: Hope] target loses 1 [Drag] or gains 1
Hold people accountable? Why, HP, your choice. Losing this [Drag]
you could never! Your friends does not give the target [Boost];
are perfect beings, after all. it merely reduces the drag they
There’s no reason to believe they’d had.
ever willingly do wrong. When GOOD: Hey, chin up! You’re doing
your allies are doing something amazing. The target heals 2 HP or
you don’t necessarily agree with loses 2 [Drag]. This effect allows
(like breaking a window to get in you to gain negative [Drag];
somewhere, stealing something, or consider this a shield over your
talking shit about wizards), you [Boost], which must be reduced to 0
can announce that you are turning before [Drag] starts reducing your
a blind eye and make a show of how [Boost].
you totally aren’t seeing this GREAT: Your words strike true;
happen. Oh, your shoelaces, they’re your target gains both effects of a
untied! You can voluntarily give a GOOD.
target as much [Boost] as you like MAX: Your words truly inspire
with a single action as you don’t your target to never give up! They
actively aid them, but don’t stop heal 3 HP, lose 3 [Drag] and gain
them either; you take this amount 3 [Boost] as they strive to do the
back in [Drag]. very best they can!
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
Hope] Hope]
Your friends, while still your friends, You can never forget the people
are capable of making mistakes— and you’re fighting for; your friends.
pretending they can’t just makes things No, really— you can’t. You develop
worse! When you want to take an action a Brain Ghost of one of your
and tell someone that what they’re friends: an imaginary(?) friend
doing is wrong, roll +PLC. who reflects the best in your
companions, but helps you stay
MIN: N-now, wait just a moment,
grounded. Whether this manifests
buster! You- you, ah… well… keep up the
as you imagining their voices
good work! Oh, no, what did you just
nagging you, or a full-bodied
say!? You encouraged them! The target
apparition who appears when you
gains 3 [Boost].
need it most depends on you; either
BAD: You stumble over your words way, when you’re in a tough spot,
awkwardly, and get nowhere. Nothing your friend’s voice guides you.
happens. Whenever you get an OK or lower
OK: Hold up, buster! You spout some [Mental] roll, you can reroll it
stuff at them, and it makes them with another action as your Brain
hesitate— but more out of confusion Ghost tells you how it’s done.
than guilt. The target takes 1 [Drag]. You use the stats and talents of
GOOD: You tell your target that what your friend in this second roll
they’re doing isn’t right. Their rather than your own. You can’t
[Boost] is reset to 0; if they had no change this BRAIN GHOST without
[Boost], they instead gain 2 [Drag]. using a Regular RESPITEBLOCK from
GREAT: You rail a litany of truths the HIVECRAFTING chapter of the
against your target— and your target ALTERNIA act.
can’t help but listen, transfixed to the
spot as if through some supernatural
force. Any [Boost] the target has is
turned to [Drag] immediately, and
they gain the [Dread] condition as [Locked: Hope]
guilt weighs them down. If they had no You don’t give into fear easily!
[Boost], they instead gain 3 [Drag]. Once upon a time, people might have
tried to drag you down by preying
MAX: You unravel the fundamentals
on what your morals held dear to
of truth and goodness to your
you, but that time is long gone.
target, and they experience the
Any time you would gain the [Dread]
true consequences of their actions
condition from someone else, you
as they peer into the infinite deluge
refuse to give into your anxiety;
of hope that is your heart. Your target
you can choose to gain 2 [Boost]
gains the effects of a GREAT, but takes
instead as you stand defiant of
the [Despair] condition and 2 [Non-
those who would drag you down.
Lethal] damage.
[Locked: Hope]
You never let anger get the HOPESPLOSION
better of you. It is better to [Aspect][Ultra][One-Off]
create and repair than it is to [Locked: Hope]
destroy, and you never let your You understand the true meaning of
own personal convictions get the hope. It is not a solitary figure
better of that. Whenever you would vs. the darkness, nor is it a
become [Enraged], you can choose group of friends surviving against
to instead become [Hopeful]. the darkness that surrounds them.
Similarly, if you would become Hope is inspiring the darkness
[Out of Control], you can become to be light. It is reaching a
[Inspired]. hand out to anyone who will take
it. Good or bad— none of that
matters. All that matters is that
we build a better world, together.
And what’s a better way to make
people understand that than nuking
everyone’s emotions? You let out a
scream of inspiration that bubbles
and overloads the hope of everyone
present. Your opponents take 1
damage for every point of [Drag]
they had; if they had no [Drag],
you siphon all their [Boost] into
you, and you heal 1 point of HP
for every [Boost] they had. They
are [Blinded] for 3 turns, because
ow, man, what the fuck was that?
Oh, god, your heart- They’re also
[Stunned]! One way or another,
their [Boost] and [Drag] are reset
to 0, and they gain the [Hopeful]
condition; even people who aren’t
on your side deserve inspiration,
after all.
RAGE 178
“Those bound to the aspect of Blood draw their strength from bonds,
from the trust and camaraderie that blooms among a group of people who all
share a single vision. Blood-bound are absolutely leaders, but they inhabit
more of an inspirational role than a commanding one. They are prophets,
rather than generals, giving others the strength and motivation to keep
fighting. The Blood-bound can dispense excellent advice even when their own
lives and interpersonal relationships are disasters. They can be very “do
as I say, not as I do” types. A Blood-bound can often be found on a sinking
ship, forcing an endeavor forward with sheer stubborn force of will. No
matter how bad things go, a Blood-bound can always count on friends and
allies. At their best, they are charismatic, uplifting, and magnetic. At
their worst they can be sullen, unkind, and set-in-their-ways.”
[Aspect][Locked: Blood]
You’re pretty solid at giving
advice, which would rule if you
could follow it yourself and fix
your absolute trainwreck of a life.
You can voluntarily fuck up a roll
in order to absolutely eat shit
and set a bad example for others,
[Tiering Down] your result; anyone
present who witnesses it can do
the same roll on their next move,
[Tiered Up] as they learn from
your mistakes. However, if they
roll anything else, their result
is also [Tiered Down] as they’re
overwhelmed by pity for your
terrible situation.
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12)
Hey, shit-idiot, shut the fuck
up! Are you gonna do what you’re BROTHERS IN ARMS
meant to do, or are you gonna keep [Aspect][Advanced][Passive]
standing there like a quivering
[Locked: Blood]
barfgulcher and shit your pants
You’ve come to remember that the
some more, huh?! You’re kind of a
best way to lead isn’t just to
jerk when it comes to your words,
throw orders down and expect people
sometimes. You do +1 [Verbal]
to follow them; you need to inspire
damage and you can use WORDPLAY
people to be the best versions of
to [Strife] even after a punch is
themselves. Whenever you’re in an
encounter with an ally, any [Boost]
gained by either party is given to
STUBBORN AS HELL both of you.
[Aspect][Locked: Blood]
Even when it’s clear you should
probably give up, you have difficulty FORCE OF PERSONALITY
throwing in the towel. You KNOW [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
you can persevere! Just… keep Blood]
pushing through! When you would be Despite your flaws… you’re a very
knocked down to 0 HP, you can stay likeable person. Maybe, to an
standing, fighting on; however, for extent, it’s because of your flaws;
every round you stay up, you gain maybe the worst parts in you help
1 [Drag]. The first time you fail bring out the parts of you that
a roll after hitting 0 HP, you go really count! Your [Manipulate]
down hard and drop [Unconscious]; rolls cannot be negatively affected
you start every encounter for a by others’ moves (such as to
week with 2 [Drag]. [Tier Down] or make them [Inept].
Additionally, when a troll chooses
to listen to you when you get a
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: [Boost], or reset their [Drag] to
Blood] 0, whichever is higher.
When you fuck up, you get moody.
It didn’t work, because… because
something else got in the way! (Why
didn’t it work? Goddammit… C’mon,
you’re starting to look like a real
chump here…) Whenever you fail a
roll, your next roll is [Tiered
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
Blood] Blood]
You know that despite your own life Not all fights need to end with
being difficult… you really ARE a someone about to get completely
great person to talk to about your ass-wiped. It’s okay to call it
problems. Like, sure, bluh bluh sometimes; it’s better to live to
look at you, you can’t take your fight another day, after all. When
own advice, but… sometimes you you want to ask someone to stop
don’t need to take your own advice, fighting, whether it’s to surrender
or give any out. Sometimes, you or to show mercy, you can spend an
just need to talk to someone and action to offer them a way out. They
let them tell you what needs to be can either choose to give in, and
told. Here, let’s sit backwards in you both heal all negative status
a chair to communicate that your effects, or to keep going, upon
presence in the conversation is which you become [Quickened] for
humble and nonthreatening, and yet 3 rounds and gain 1 [WHAM] as you
frank and attentive. You can take tense and try to survive the final
an action to invite someone to talk
about their problems to you, which
costs them a [Lengthy] action;
they can either accept or deny.
Accepting gives you 3 free GOOD
PROBLEM SLEUTHING questions as you [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
listen closely to their grievances Blood]
and figure out how to help them; the Your friends mean the world to you,
target gets 5 [Boost]. and if you can take the pain for
them, you will. When your allies
are hurt, you can spend an action
to siphon your own HP into them,
losing 1 HP for each HP you heal
them, or taking their [Drag] away
and giving it to you. When you do
this, it’s an almost supernatural
effect as you hold your target
close, embracing them as you slowly
swap wounds. If you have the
STUBBORN TO A FAULT move, you only
go down after all your allies go
down; every time you fail a move
after the first time, you gain an
additional 1 [Drag] for all the
encounters you have in a week.
ULTRA MOVE MIN: Your cry goes unheard and
merely enrages your opponent. They
BAD: You call out… but nobody
OK: You yell out, and… people hear,
but they don’t come yet. You can
[Locked: Blood] use this move again next turn, and
Leadership isn’t about being the it’s [Tiered Up].
best or most important person in a
GOOD: Your howls garner attention—
group; being selfish is not being
and someone comes to your aid.
a good leader. To lead, you need
They’re alone, but they’re willing
to inspire, to be one of the many—
to help you. You summon an NPC
why rule from a mountain above the
from the FRIENDS & FOES Chapter of
others when you could be on the
the ALTERNIA Ac. This NPC is of
ground, helping every last one of
any castehas one of the following
your companions climb the mountain
together? You can scream out for
aid, gathering the attention of 2 Advanced moves
sympathetic strangers who are oddly +2 HP
motivated to help you, though never Their Talents are [Legendary].
to stay when the fight is done. Even GREAT: Your bellows for aid either
if you are somewhere no-one else bring you a group of people who
should be, your cry brings them are willing to risk their lives
to you immediately, somehow. You to help a stranger, or summons a
can use effects that rely on having particularly powerful, single ally.
allies with this move. When you cry You either summon an ANGRY MOB or a
out for aid, roll +IMG. single NPC with 3 Advanced moves,
+3 HP, and [Legendary] talents.
MAX: Like a preacher giving bloody
gospel to the crowds, your cries
bring forth the masses in your aid.
You either summon an ANGRY MOB with
3 Advanced moves from any caste, +3
HP, and 2 [Legendary] talents, or
a single extraordinary NPC with 3
Advanced moves, an Ultra move, +4
HP and [Legendary] talents.
[Aspect][Recharge: 8][Locked:
You? Oh, no, you could never
accomplish something like that.
You’re too… you to do it. And that
doesn’t bother you much! You have
a habit of underestimating your
own potential, seeing yourself as
a totally ordinary person. Every
once in a while, you can depreciate
yourself and second guess your
skills for [Free], only for your
next roll to [Tier Up]. You react
in mild surprise, and then sum it
up as a huge fluke instead of giving
yourself any credit.
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: [Aspect][Locked: Breath]
Breath] It totally says gullible up on the
Just… just shut UP for once, okay?! ceiling! Your friend told you,
All that keeping yourself polite so it must be true! When someone
and carefree and approachable tells you a lie, you can choose to
can really wind you up hard take it at face value, spending
sometimes— and when you’re wound an action to ask them if they’re
up too much, you can kind of lose serious. If they affirm that yes,
it at people, lashing out and they’re definitely serious, they
acting in a volatile way as you take 4 [Drag] for lying to you, and
just trounce everyone around you. if you ever find out they were lying
Maybe you should try expressing to you, you can choose to become
your emotions more often before it [Enraged]— because, like, hey! That
comes to this…? Any time you gain really isn’t cool, they shouldn’t
the [Enraged] condition, you can take advantage of people like that!
choose to become [Out Of Control], It’s dishonest! If they tell you
except you can also use WORDPLAY to they were lying, they must tell
[Strife]. You act as if you were you the truth, the whole truth and
only kinda peeved, but your anger nothing but the truth, or give you
another chance to use this move.
is a lot deeper than that.
You’re a little oblivious [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
sometimes, bless your heart. The
rude things people say to you Breath]
just kinda float through one ear You have to accept it: life isn’t
and out the other. It makes it a always perfect! And you can’t
little hard for you to pick up on always just expect to be able to
when someone is trying to be rude outrun your problems. Sometimes,
to you, so sometimes you’ll just you need to stand your ground and
stay in bad situations because face them, instead of just turning
you haven’t realized there’s a blind eye to everything going
even a problem yet. You gain 1 on around you. When that moment
[Resistance] against all [Verbal] comes, you need to be prepared
damage. for anything! At the start of an
encounter, you can spend an action
to change your [Talents] and
[Ineptitudes] to be other stats
that better fit the situation at
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: [Aspect][Advanced][Passive]
Breath] [Locked: Breath]
Your forward thinking can really Tomorrow always comes; that’s
surprise people sometimes! Who something you can be certain of. So
knew you had such amazing insight why should you let your problems
into the problems around you, huh? stick with you? Eventually,
When you assess a situation with there’ll be a tomorrow where you
PROBLEM SLEUTHING, you can gain don’t have the problem you’re
insight into something that nobody facing! That little bit of hope
has noticed yet; decide what nobody you have keeps you going no matter
has realized yet, and say that it’s what. All negative conditions you
there. Hey, maybe there’s a piece have end after 3 turns.
of rope nearby that would help
you swing from point A to point
B! Maybe there’s a weak point in YOU CAN’T GIVE UP NOW!
what you’re looking at! You can [Aspect][Advanced][Passive]
forgo rolling your next roll after [Locked: Breath]
PROBLEM SLEUTHING, instead getting The going is tough, but that’s not
the same roll result on a different an excuse to give up! You know you
move as you incorporate what you’ve can do this! You know you can push
noticed into your actions (like through, and win despite the odds!
punching the weak point with a You’ve spent so long running, but
GRIEF, or tying someone with the this… this is the time you stand
rope with SHENANIGANS). and fight! When you first drop below
a quarter of your HP (rounded
down), you immediately gain 5
FREE AS THE WIND [Boost] as you get ready for the
[Aspect][Advanced][Passive] final push. If you land at 1 HP
exactly, you immediately become
[Locked: Breath]
[Quickened] until you’re knocked
There are no shackles on you!
out or heal as the winds almost
You’re a free spirit, through and
seem to blow in your favour no
through, and nothing can slow
matter where you move.
you down. Any time you would gain
the [Slowed], [Dazed], [Trapped],
or [Floorbound] conditions, you
instead catch yourself and keep
going, gaining 2 [Drag] which
ignore the effects of EASY BREEZY.
[Psionic] rolls that would influence
your mind are [Tiered Down].
[Aspect][Ultra][Locked: Void]
You’ve hidden yourself from the
world for so long, but now you’re
finally learning to open up and
talk to other people. That doesn’t
mean you can’t still have an air
of mystery to you! To pretend that
you’re an open book is incorrect…
while you’re happy to finally
accept that maybe you don’t need
to isolate, you also don’t need to
let everyone know everything about
you, nor everything you know! You
begin every encounter [Hidden],
even if people think they can see
you— attacking you might prove
you weren’t actually where they
thought you were, and you can duck
for cover elsewhere. Your ability
to hide is so great, that even
[Permablind] trolls have difficulty
spotting you, and don’t gain their
usual benefits against [Hidden]
trolls. People’s PROBLEM SLEUTHING
rolls against you are [Godawful];
if they would already be, they also
[Tier Down]. Coming out of hiding
exhilarates you; when you are not
[Hidden], you gain 1 [Boost] at the
start of every turn. Finally, when
you decide to duck back into the
shadows and become [Hidden] again,
you heal 1 HP.
“Those bound to the aspect of Heart are very concerned with their
favorite subject: themselves. It wouldn’t be a stretch to call them ‘self-
obsessed’, but not necessarily in a negative way. They simply want to
understand the one thing we all are stuck with for our entire lives, i.e.
our own minds. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-
bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent
narrative of their own story. That isn’t to say Heart-bound don’t care
deeply for their friends and allies; they just have a tendency to assume
that everyone is as concerned with identity as they are. They are excellent
at putting on and taking off masks as the situation calls for them. At their
best, they are competent, imaginative, and steady. At their worst they can
be overbearing, inflexible, and cold.”
(SELECT 1 AT LEVEL 1) [Aspect][Passive][Locked:
MASK OF YOUR OWN FACE Your approach to relationships is…
[Aspect][Unlock: Heart] a little awkward. You don’t know
Identity is very important to you, how to deal with other trolls the
and you’re very particular about way you would deal with yourself—
how you portray yourself to other after all, other trolls are not
people. Whether it’s as a furry you! Maybe you don’t even WANT
roleplayer, a megavillain, or an to deal with other trolls, and
online memelord, you work hard at have no interest in ever forming
cultivating a specific identity for relationships, full stop. If you
yourself. Choose a new [Talent] are not in a relationship, you
based on your identity. You also deal with a lot of frustration
get a new [Ineptitude] that goes in your daily life, whether from
hand in hand with it. You get both trolls forcing romance down your
of these on top of your original throat or from berating your own
[Talent] and [Ineptitude], and awkwardness. Any time you are
they cannot be stats that you are made to use [Drag], your roll is
already [Talented] or [Inept] in. only lowered by half your [Drag],
rounded up. When you do get with
BASIC MOVES someone, you embrace it wholly. You
lose the previous effect and can
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6) instead choose to gain one move
from your quadmates when you first
get together, even if you could not
I’M ME usually access it. This replaces
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: the normal quadrant bonus. This
Heart] cannot be an [Advanced], [Psionic]
You’re you! You’re not willing to or [Ultra] move. You lose the move
change that; you have this fiercely if you ever break up with the other
independent self-image that won’t troll.
just change because of other
people’s influence. Any [Manipulate]
roll against you is [Inept],
because nobody really knows how to
convince you to do anything any
way but your own. It’s a little
draining at times…
SPLINTERS [Aspect][Locked: Heart]
[Aspect][Locked: Heart] You’re pretty good at haranguing
You sometimes can’t help but spread people to join in with your
your sense of self into the world interests. Hey, hey, come do this
around you. You might write novels with mural with me, c’mon, c’mon! Your
characters eerily similar to you, or overboard insistence that they come
play FLARP as a character that mirrors along and do what you like instead
you in an uncanny way, or even create of what they like gets to be kinda
robotic versions of yourself that overwhelming, sometimes… you can
eventually overwhelm you with your own take an action to pester the target
flaws. In a way, it’s hard for even into doing something you like (take
you to escape yourself. Your splinters over the world with me! Talk about
stick into your friends; you can allow your issues with me! Write a novel
another troll you are close to to gain with me!). If they refuse, they
a move you have when they level up. receive 3 [Drag] as you continue
This move cannot be an [Advanced], to pester them about it. If they
[Psionic], [Ultra] or [Heart] move. agree and do what you ask, you get
If they do this, your splinter sticks 3 [Boost] as you excitedly get
into them, and they gain a few of your to work; they receive one of the
mannerisms. Depending on your own following benefits (their choice):
image of yourself, this might set you ASSISTANCE: Take 3 [Hold] you can
at unease. In return, you can forgo use to [Tier Up] rolls having to do
rolling any [Manipulate] rolls against with the Heartbound’s interest.
this troll, and instead simply spend
an action to get a GOOD result; you’re
MERRIMENT: [Heal] 2 HP as you
relax and play along.
friends, and you know them almost as
well as yourself! Almost. If your EXCITEMENT: Take 2 [Boost] as you
target has the BRAIN GHOST Hope move, psych yourself up to deal with the
the image of you in their mind is Heartbound’s request.
startlingly real; you can appear in any GRATITUDE: Take 1 [Hold] you can
encounter they’re in, only interacting use to later bribe the Heartbound
with them. with for an automatic GOOD
[Manipulate] roll.
[Aspect][Lengthy][Locked: Heart]
You have very intense interests and an
equally intense personality. Sometimes,
you are prone to kinda go off, infodumping
about your interests hard. This can leave
other trolls a little overwhelmed since you
have difficulty remembering their limits are
different to yours. You can drop a high brow
lecture on personality, rant about anime,
or give a heroic monologue as a [Lengthy]
action. This makes the target [Confused].
(AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12) [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
You know to put your interests
A LOOK BENEATH THE MASK and your identity aside when you
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: need to so you can focus your
Heart] whole self on completing the
You don’t need to always put on task at hand. At the start of an
your act around everyone. People encounter, you can shuffle your
won’t think of you as lesser, or [Talents] and [Ineptitudes] to
strange, or annoying- you’re still different stats. For each new stat
you, mask on or mask off. You can you make [Talented], a different one
choose another [Talent] and another becomes [Inept]. You cannot use
[Ineptitude], based on aspects this to make yourself [Legendary]
of yourself you don’t show to the or [Godawful] at anything. Making
world; if you were some kinda a [Talent] [Inept] does not
Troll Carl Jung fangirl, you’d neutralize like normal; it just
say that you’re peeling away the swaps your [Talents]. For example:
Persona (the part of your of your if you are [Talented] in RAS and
personality you show the world) [Inept] in GRA, you cannot bring
and glimpsing at the Shadow (the both of those to baseline. You
parts of yourself you deny to the can only swap them, so that you
world). You can’t use this to boost are [Inept] in RAS and [Talented]
stats you’re already [Talented] or in GRA. You cannot stack these
[Inept] in. effects to become [Legendary] or
[Aspect][Unlock: Mind]
The world around you can easily be
broken down into simple pieces,
like a jigsaw puzzle; with some
careful thought, you’re able to put
these pieces together. Any time
roll, you can gain one of the
following effects of your choosing:
1 [WHAM] as you act fast to shut
the problem down.
1 [Boost] as you push past your
boundaries to work on the solution.
1 [Drag] and 1 extra action as you
panic and act fast.
DERISIVE WORDS [Aspect][Manipulate][Recharge:
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: 5][Locked: Mind][Free]
Mind] Some trolls act according to their
Whether you mean it or not, you can heart, not their brain, and you
be a little sharp-tongued at times. don’t care for that shit at all.
Your focus on logic over emotions Here— let you tell them the only
means that the things you say can sensible way forward. This might
be pretty hurtful— maybe even come off as inflexible to others, but
borderline cruel— because you don’t you know you’re just on the right
put thought into how your words path, and they’re not. When you
could hurt someone on a personal advise someone on the correct path
level. It’s just the truth, in forward by telling them the next
your eyes. Whenever you do [Verbal] move they should roll, and they use
damage, you gain 1 [Boost]. You the move you advised, their next
ignore any [Resistances] trolls roll becomes [Tiered Up]; any other
might have that would lower this. move is [Tiered Down].
ONE LITTLE LIE [Aspect][Locked: Mind]
[Aspect][Passive][Locked: You sometimes take a while to
Mind] figure out the best path forward.
For whatever reason, you have to Some might chalk it up to
compensate sometimes by stretching indecisiveness, but really, you
the truth. Maybe you put up a just need to be totally sure this
persona in your day to day life is the smartest choice for you to
that’s comically obvious; maybe make. You can spend a whole turn
you hide the fact that you’re the doing nothing, trying to rule out
kismesis of a garbage man clown. all choices in a decision you’re
Either way, choose to be either an about to make; on your next turn,
excellent liar or a terrible one. all moves you make are [Tiered Up].
If you are an excellent liar, any This stacks with other [Tier Up]
PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll to figure effects, and can push GREAT rolls
out if you are lying is [Inept]; into MAX.
meanwhile, if you are a terrible
liar, the first time in an encounter
someone tries to roll PROBLEM
SLEUTHING on you, they merely note (AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 12)
that you’re definitely lying about
something irrelevant and obvious,
even if that’s not what they were
asking. Like, no shit you don’t [Aspect][Advanced][Locked:
actually need those glasses, you Mind]
only wear them when you’re trying Alright, that didn’t work. Let’s
to look smart! identify your mistakes and avoid
them in the future! You’re
particularly good at correcting
HABITUAL GLOATER yourself based on findings from past
[Aspect][Locked: Mind] errors;
Nyahahah! Maybe if they were as any time you get an OK or lower
SMART as you, this wouldn’t happen! result on a roll, your next roll of
Your intelligence brings with it that type is [Tiered Up].
some misplaced pride, and it’s
grating to everyone. Any time you
use a +PSP roll, you can spend an
action cackling and gloating to
gain a number of [Boost]; 2 for a
GOOD, 3 for a GREAT and 4 for a
MAX. Doing so gives everyone who
witnessed this happen 1 [Drag].
[Aspect][Advanced][Locked: [Aspect][Advanced][Passive]
Mind] [Locked: Mind]
You’ve realised that just because You’re not so easily swayed
you might be smarter than others, by hurtful words or emotional
it doesn’t make you better than manipulation! You’re confident
them. People are all intelligent enough in your stability to stave
in their own ways, and emotional off the worst people can throw
maturity is just as valuable as at you. You gain 1 [Resistance]
your booksmarts. When you ask against [Verbal] attacks, and you
someone for advice on an emotional don’t gain any negative effects from
matter, you can allow them to get basic [Emotion] effects. You still
a GOOD WORDPLAY roll on you for have the emotion, though, and it
[Free]. If you accept this advice, counts towards heightening it if
you get 2 [Hold]; these [Holds] can you gain it from another source.
be used to make any two rolls GREAT
this encounter.
[Locked: Mind]
Not everything has to be planned
to perfection; a margin for error
is absolutely fine in cases where
you don’t have time to waste— like
when you’re about to get pummeled!
When you are below ¼ health
(rounded down), your uses of RUN
THE CALCULATIONS only take 1 action
rather than 2; this action must be
the last on your turn. However,
rather than [Tiering Up] all moves
on your next turn, they are instead
[Talented]. Still a chance you’ll
mess up— but that’s worth the risk
right now! You must have RUN THE
CALCULATIONS to take this move.
Let you just step right in— you’ve [Aspect][Ultra][Locked: Mind]
got things to invent! You’re an You’ve accepted that intelligence
innovator, baby, changing the comes from many different places;
world! You have a vision for a the academics, the empaths, the
better world, either on the small- crafters, the instinctual— all
scale or on the big scale, and you forms of intelligence are equal to
want to work on bringing around one another in different ways. And
change with the things you create. while perfection is wonderful, it’s
Choose something you want to also difficult to obtain, so being
innovate; rulebooks, palmhusks, willing to let things not work
jetpacks, whatever your heart perfectly is a big step to making
chooses! You can invent new ways it perfect in the long run. You’re
of using these items with your own able to wind up a perfect plan
take on them. You always have an while you’re multitasking; you can
item of the type you are innovating spend the last action of your turn
on hand; you get an extra sylladex to gain 1 [Hold]. This [Hold] acts
slot specifically for this item, and as a special kind of [Boost] that
it always has another item trait acts as a [Tier Up]; one [Hold]
of your choosing. This trait can spent alone [Tiers Up] once, two
change by going out and buying new [Hold] [Tiers Up] twice, three
resources with a SHOPPING TRIP at a [Hold] [Tiers Up] three times, etc.
50% discount. You can stack these [Holds] up as
much as you like, even pushing
into Max rolls; however, just like
Changing the item needs some self- [Boost], you must spend it all at
inflection in a Regular RESPITEBLOCK once. An opponent can choose to
from the HIVEBUILDING chapter of reduce your [Holds] by 1 by making
the ALTERNIA Act. you use your [Drag]; this takes an
action to do, can’t be done when
you trade in your [Hold] for [Tier
Ups], working at an exchange rate
of 2 [Drag] : 1 [Hold].
Perfectly generic moves are well, perfectly generic. Moves in this list are
easily achievable by anyone. They’re all accessible at level 1, there are
no advanced or ultra moves, very few prerequisites if any, and overall,
just let you pick a handful of extra, fun options.
[AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 1] CHANNEL: You let a spirit harbour
CASTE LOYALTY your body. It’s fun! You gain a new
[Talent], but your [Ineptitude]
[Passive] becomes [Godawful].
You have a strong sense of devotion
COMMUNE: Gain the effects of two Good
to the caste you belong to and it’s
PROBLEM SLEUTHING rolls as you contact
members. When in the presence of
some higher power.
a member of your own caste, gain
LEVITATE: You start floating in the
a +1 to the stat your caste is
air, and begin [Flying].
[Talented] in as your bloodpusher
swells in pride. NECROMANCY: You raise the dead;
you can either gain a SHADOWDROPPER
Minion, or return a troll to life;
DARK MAGICKS they gain the HALF-DEAD Move.
[Psionic][Lengthy] SUMMON: You summon a Level 2 Entity
Some would consider the gifts you have (or 3 on a GREAT, 4 on a MAX) from the
to be… unnatural. You have studied some FRIENDS & FOES chapter of the ALTERNIA
spooky fucking magic (which may or may Act; this can be accomplished through
not be fake as shit) and your powers using the Monstrous Modifications
are… unnerving. When you want to do section to turn a normal NPC into an
some spooky shit, roll +IMG. Entity (like a Grimdark or Ghost).
MIN: YOUR FUCKING LEG!! The power of UMBRAKINESIS: You use shadow magic
the dark side rips one of your limbs to fuck up your opponents; your weapon
away as punishment for messing with the gains the Ectoplasmic trait, and does
natural order of things. You take 3 [Psychic] damage instead of [Physical]
damage and start [Bleeding]. damage.
BAD: ARGH! You are overwhelmed by evil
magic. You start [Bleeding].
OK: You draw a big fucking magic circle
on the ground, and then realize you
didn’t need to fucking do that. You must have [Psionic] powers, a
Focuskind weapon or a Cursed/Magic item
gain an effect from the DARK MAGICKS in order to gain this move.
GREAT: Eek! You gain your effect, and
the opponent gains the [Scared] tag! SHSL
MAX: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Pick one hobby your troll excels
AAAAAA!!! You gain your effect and 3 at (like playing an instrument,
[Boost], and your opponent gains the riding a skateboard, art). Any roll
[Terrified] tag! to perform this skill receives a
conditional +2 [Buff] when you’re
trying to show off. You can’t use
this in combat. Fuck you.
[Hook][Recharge: 2]
DID NOTHING WRONG Ah, the Docterror. A fine job that,
[Reaction] unlike many other roles, can be
It’s hard to stay mad at you, caste agnostic. From the lowliest
you scamp! Through sweet slavesurgeon rust to the mighteous
talking, feigned innocence or grand mediculler violet, anyone
the traditional Spewtube Apology can be a Docterror if they put
Format, you’re able to weasle in enough training. And you’re
yourself out of any blame. When you training to become one yourself!
would need to face the music for You haven’t actually… learned much
your bad behaviour (for example, yet, but you’re getting there,
after a Min [Manipulation] roll, a setting out early framework. With a
freed Mind Control victim, facing little practice, you’ll be healing
an Enraged Troll or even looking the healthy and culling the weak in
down the barrell of a Drone), you no time! When you want to practice
may make a Wordplay check to diffuse medicine, roll +PSP.
the situation for [Free]. MIN: Waaaaait a moment. This is
a troll you’re healing, not a
hoofbeast. You used your veterinary
nursing tutorials by accident!
You knock the target out. You get
the [Dread] tag as you panic over
incoming lawsuits!
BAD: You fucked up. Oh god you
fucked up so bad. They take 2 harm
and receive the [Slowed] tag.
OK: Okay, sure. You didn’t cut
the wrong tube and the stitches
are.... Well, they aren’t harmful.
But they’re not beneficial either.
Nothing happens.
GOOD: Huh. You actually paid
attention in your online CPR
seminar. They heal one damage OR
have a status removed.
GREAT: They heal two damage, OR
have a condition removed.
MAX: You are the greatest amatuer
docterror to ever live. They are
healed by 20% of their max health
(rounded down), and any statuses
and [NERFS] are removed.
[Passive][Hook] [Hook]
Something really traumatic has Half troll, half beast, not quite
happened to you in the past. either- the life of a Grimbark is one
Something even more so than usual- constantly plagued by an overwhelming
your quadrants killed each other, hunger and urge to kill. So hey, not
you witnessed a genuine atrocity or that different from regular trolls, it
were forced to do something truly seems! Under the light of the twin
horrific. But in your lowest moment, moons, you transform into a horrible,
the horrorterrors chose you to join lupine monster that preys on the flesh
them. You’re now alive and well, of the innocent. Your wolf-like nature
but you’re just a vat of negative leaves you at odds with most of troll-
emotions. You can enter Heinousmode kind, but you manage to blend in… at
as a single action; this gives you least, until the big bad wolf gets out.
all the classic Grimdark traits, When you choose to wolf out, you gain
including dark grey skin, glowing the following effects…
white hair and eyes, and words • You are [Out Of Control].
that just come out all dqpplu • You automatically succeed on checks
smf dvstu smf djoy, upi lmpe ejsy o to ABSCOND.
zrsm n While in Heinousmode, you • You gain 1 [Physical] [Resistance].
have the [Despair] tag, as does • You gain 3 [Psychic] [Weakness].
everyone else around you, even if • People who see you are immediately
they’d normally be able to shrug off [Scared].
the condition. Any time you gain You cannot have the Ghost or Rainbow
[Drag], you heal 1 HP; you can Drinker template with this move, nor
choose to give yourself [Boost] can you get the GONE GRIMDARK or HALF
as well, but this costs you 1 HP DEAD moves.
for every 2 [Boost] you gain. If
shown enough love and compassion by
your friends, you can be healed,
and retrain out of this move. You [Hook][Lengthy]
cannot have the Ghost or Rainbow You can stand for the injustices of
Drinker template with this move, Alternia no longer! Or… perhaps you
nor can you get the GRRR BARK BARK LOVE the injustices of Alternia almost
BARK or HALF DEAD moves. as much as you like breaking through
skylights to steal the famous diamonds
within! One way or another, you have a
secret identity that you hide from the
world. You can choose to make a second
statblock that you only use while
you’re in disguise; PROBLEM SLEUTHING
rolls to discover your identity always
fail. You can change into your persona
as a [Lengthy] action- but be sure to
do it while nobody sees you!
[Passive] [Passive]
Braaaains… braaaaaaaains… Your You don’t want to wear your caste on
body is wracked with the curse of your sleeve, literally and figuratively.
Shadowdropper Syndrome. Nobody’s It’s private! Everyone can go point
entirely sure of the source of their probing busybody sniffnodes up
your plight- weird magic? A virus? their own impertinent seed flaps. You
Something else? Who knows! One way hide your caste, preferring to simply
or another, you’re a zombie now, use a Lime Sign in grey as a subtle
and you’re very hard to actually form of protest. Everyone around you
kill. Unless an opponent sets you just thinks you’re super lame and/
[Ablaze], you cannot be killed, and or insecure, and probably INCREDIBLY
continue being conscious until you curious to know what your actual blood
hit -5 HP, after which point your is. Taking the [Hemoanon] move means
body is mangled beyond recognition you are not tied to a particular caste
and needs to slowly crawl together or tree; you can take moves from any
over a couple days. You’re also caste, so long as you would physically
immune to [Bleeding]- all you have be able to take them. You cannot,
is a weird black goop. No blood however, take [Locked] moves, or their
here! You’re immune to the DAYTIME corresponding [Unlock] moves, including
[Hazard]. On the flipside, you’re the [Ultra] moves. If you choose to go
[Slowed] when you hit 0 HP as you Hemoanon after already gaining these
shuffle along at a slow and menacing moves, you can retrain all of them and
gait. You cannot have the Ghost or swap them for other moves you would be
Rainbow Drinker template with this eligible for. If you decide to eschew
move, nor can you get the GRRR BARK your hemoanonymity and accept your
BARK BARK or GONE GRIMDARK moves. position on the spectrum, you retrain
all moves not from your caste. You can
gain this move instead of your caste
Entry Move.
Sometimes, an alien winds up on
Alternia. And that alien is you!
Fankids use the same rules as
Hemoanon trolls, except that they
run the same risks of capture as a
mutant, and have the drawbacks of
a Subcaste Mutant from the
TEMPLATES chapter. Basic Aspect
Moves are available at level 1,
and Advanced at level 6.
[Hook] [Passive]
Prequisite: Must be a Blue or YOUR LUSII WERE KIIIIIILLED! You
higher. live a life sans lusus; it’s a
As a highblood, you have a temper. risky one, and technically could
A real bad one. It gets worse the get you in some hot water if you
higher in caste you are, but all were found out (Trolls without
highbloods can draw upon the innate lusii are often considered
rage that being so good gives them. cullbait, and hunted as such); but
When things push you too far, you you’ve learned to cope. Decide how
can snap. Your eyes turn orange and you’ve coped by selecting one of
you become Feral. You can become the effects below:
[ENRAGED] on command, and if you CLOSED OFF: You don’t trust
already are when you activate the anyone. [Manipulate] rolls against
move, you become [OUT OF CONTROL]. you are [Inept].
PITY POINTS: Boo-hoo-hoo! Your
life sucks, and everyone should be
LOWBLOOD OVERLOAD nice to you because of it. People
[Psionic][Hook] who would usually have benefits that
Prequisite: Must be a Limeblood or counter [Manipulation] don’t get
lower. them against you.
Sometimes, you just really want TRICKSY: Life isn’t easy- and
to lay on the hurt, no matter the you’ve learned to do your best no
cost. When rolling a psionic move, matter what. Any time you roll a
you can forgo rolling and receive +RAS move, you gain 1 [Boost] on a
a MAX, creating extremely easy to GOOD, GREAT or MAX.
detect effects (massive sound burst,
light, shaking ground, etc). After
you use this move, you gain the THE CONSUMPTION
[Despair] tag for the rest of the [UH OH]
encounter, except the effect is not You are infected with the
an emotion one- it is [Physical]. Tubercolosis Virus. This has no
Should you be defeated in combat, benefits. However, during dramatic
you will automatically come back as moments, you can cough up blood
a Ghost later. into your handkerchief, look
worried, and stuff it away, hoping
REDDEST GLARE that nobody has noticed.
Your eyes are fucked. Maybe you
were born with it; maybe you stared
into the sun like some kinda chump.
One way or another, though, you
have learned to cope with your lack
of sight; you’re [Permablind].
Ah, jeez. This sucks! Once, you would have been among the best and
brightest in the world of future imperial batteries. Your psionics were
fantastic and your power was immense, but your hubris brought you too close
to the sun. You used up way too much of your psionics and your
unpredictable LASER EYES — aw, it isn’t even in red and blue anymore— and
now all you have are two dark, blind pits and a shoddy internal battery.
You’re weak, frail, and constantly dying, so much so that you don’t know
how you can even stay alive. You’re able to stave off death by gobbling up
energy from other sources, but… you’re not even sure how long that’ll last
for. Oh well— guess you’ve got to continue pretending you’re not dying, and
hope against hope you’ll pass the Ordeals. Hopefully. Maybe..?
[Template][Passive][Lock: BATTERY DRAIN
Voidrot] [Template][Advanced][Psionic]
You’re really bad at maintaining [Reaction][Locked: Voidrot]
your voidrot. Maybe you just don’t You’ve lost the ability to retain
have the mental energy to practice energy, but that also makes you
self care anymore, or you’re just an excellent psionic sapper. When
prone to playing in mud for some an opposing troll tries to use a
god damn reason. Either way, your [Psionic] move, you can roll +APP
voidrot is so potent that you’ve as a [Reaction] to steal their
learned to benefit from sapping energy.
up the opponent’s energy from a
MIN: Talk about indigestion! You
mere touch. Every [Strife] roll
take 2 damage and are [Stunned]
you succeed at restores you by
from the overwhelming psionics you
your +APP to HP (min 1), but in
just tried munch.
exchange, trolls who fight you now
treat their BAD [Strife] rolls as BAD: The psionics are too much for
OK rolls, since you’re often too your body to contain; you take 1
lethargic to actually dodge. You
OK: Their psionics sputter as you
must be a GOLD troll to take sap up the energy. Their roll takes
this move, and you cannot ever a -2 [Nerf].
have the BATTERY tree. GOOD: You fuck shit up. Their roll
is [Tiered Down] to BAD.
GREAT: You not only reduce their
roll to BAD, but you heal your +APP
worth of HP (min 1) from sapping
the energy!
MAX: You totally sap their psionic
ability! As well as the effects
of a GREAT roll, you leave them
[Inept] at all [Psionic] rolls
for the thread. If they were
already [Inept], they become
[Godawful], and if they were
already [Godawful], they drop
[Unconscious]. You heal HP equal to
their +IMG stat.
[Template][Advanced][Passive] [AVAILABLE AT LEVEL 6]
[Locked: Voidrot]
Your disease flickers through you SHOULDN’T BE ALIVE
like… like some kind of disease, or [Template][Ultra][Passive][Hook]
something… and you’re the carrier!
[Locked: Voidrot]
Any time a gold blood gets a BAD or
Your voidrot has come to what should
OK on a [Strife] roll against you,
be terminal stages, and yet somehow,
whether [Physical] or [Psionic],
you just won’t die. One of your eyes
they receive 1 [Brainmelt]; on a
is now a ghostly white, while the
MIN, they receive 2. Any other
other remains pitch black. You have 1
caste that does this instead takes
[Resistance] against all damage, and
1 damage as a static illness creeps
you gain an improved version of the
through them.
HALF-DEAD general move, even if you
aren’t dead in the traditional sense!
The effects of this version of Half-Dead
are as follows:
Unless an opponent sets you [Ablaze],
you cannot be killed, and continue
being conscious until you hit -5 HP,
after which point you actually do die.
Still, you’ll probably be back after
since death doesn’t seem to want you.
You’re also immune to [Bleeding]; all
you have is a weird black goop. Is that
liquid voidrot? People who touch this
goop take 1 [Brainmelt], even if they
couldn’t usually do so. Accumulating
12 [Brainmelt] if you’re not a Battery
gold gives you the HALF-DEAD Perfectly
Generic Move, and turns you into a
zombie! This goop is poisonous to
Rainbow Drinkers and gives them 3
[Brainmelt] if they drink it; drink
too much, and they gain the HALF-DEAD
move too, even if they can’t normally
do so! You can store your ichor in
empty Bloodbag items, and throw them
at people in a [Strife]. If you do so,
your max HP is reduced by 2 for every
bag you fill, and you do 1 [Brainmelt]
per damage from your [Strife] roll. You
regain this HP after a week. You’re
[Slowed] when you hit 0 HP as you shuffle
along at a slow and menacing gait.
While all jades are spooky, none are more so than the
legendary Rainbow Drinkers. They’re graced with poise, posture
and an unquenchable thirst for blood of any and all flavours.
With glowing white skin to ward off intruders from the caverns,
Rainbowd Drinkers are a force to be reckoned with— unless you’re
a lesbian, in which case fuck it, invite ‘em in.
[Template][Unlock: Rainbow HIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS
Drinker] [Template][One-Off][Locked:
You have died once in the past, Rainbow Drinker]
and it unlocked your darkest You’re like, actually super scary.
(brightest?) secret: you are a With glowing yellow eyes, pure
vampire. Your skin glows painfully white skin, long fangs and nails,
bright, and you have a pair of you’re the LAST troll anyone wants
long, sharp fangs. When you get to piss off— and when you jump on
a GREAT [Strife] roll using your your prey and hiss, you scare
fangs, you may plunge your teeth the shit out of them. You can
into your opponent and, in exchange hiss and activate Bloodhysteria
for doing 1 less damage, heal 1 of your own accord, making the
HP. Additionally, your skin always opponent [Terrified] and giving
glows a bright white. Legends say them 3 [Drag], because, like, holy
this was a way of dazzling foes who shit. Your damage increases by
would prey on grubs, or maybe it 1 when you’re in a self-imposed
was just to daze them in order to Bloodhysteria.
get that sweet sweet rainbow juice
inside them. Once in a thread you
may let out a burst of light and JUICELORD
stun your opponent, giving them the
[Blinded] effect. Your condition is
not without downsides; any time Rainbow Drinker]
you see blood in a fight, whether You’ve become so well accustomed
it’s from a friend or a foe, you to drinking the blood of others
fly into a shrieking hysteria that you’ve begun to take on
as you try to drink it up. You certain natural advantages (or
enter Bloodhyesteria mode, which disadvantages) resembling the caste
counts as a combination of [Out- you last drank from. Based on the
Of-Control] and [Quickened] and moves their caste are [Talented]
only ends when you’ve had your and [Inept] at, you take a [Tiered
fill, having healed at least 6 Up] or [Tiered Down] result
HP. All trolls who see you enter respectively to the same moves
Bloodhysteria know what you are, while you have the JUICELORD bonus
and freak the fuck out as you glow (for example, drinking an Indigo’s
and hiss like a fucking lunatic. blood [Tiers Up] your GRIEF rolls).
You are immune to the DAYTIME This only works for the basic
[Template][Manipulate][Hook] [Template][Passive][Rainbow
[Locked: Rainbow Drinker] Drinker]
Some Rainbow Drinkers are known to have
You don’t need to drink blood.
hypnotic powers which work well on
You’re a nice vampire, and all you
people who would be attracted to them.
do is drink p— wait, you what.
The most famous example is sapphic
You drink paint? That’s… I mean,
drinkers luring the gays back home for
okay?? I guess? You, uh, you’re
an honestly chill wine party and maybe
a nice vampire, and, all you do,
some light consensual drinking, but
is drink, paint. You do not enter
it works on anyone who looks into your
Bloodhysteria mode unless you
eyes. When you want to hypnotize, roll +IMG.
choose to; any time you would
MIN: They suddenly realize what you be [Enraged], you can choose to
are and you have to scramble to cover instead gain 3 [WHAM] as you stave
up. What? Rainbow Drinker? Who, you? off your violent instincts. Your
What are you talking about? You gain diet has left you particularly
the [Dread] condition. hungry, and your sense of smell
BAD: They aren’t looking into your keenly seeks out the blood of the
eyes, dumbfuck! living that you abstain from; you
OK: They still aren’t looking into can find [Hidden] opponents by
your eyes, but a few sweet words are spending an action, without
buttering them up. Your [Manipulate]
rolls against your target [Tier Up]
unless they realize what you are.
GOOD: Ahh… my sweet… just relax.
Breathe in… breathe out. Your target
will do any request you ask, no matter
how dangerous; if it’s too extreme,
however, they’ll remember afterwards
and realize what you are.
GREAT: Yessss… come with you… you’re
going to have some sick wine and some
cheese and grubbiscuits you bought at
Wholegrubs… your target does whatever
you say, giving you the benefits
of a GOOD roll, and when they’re
relinquished, they don’t remember
anything clearly. Was that a dream..?
MAX: The target unknowingly becomes
your thrall. Any time you want to use
WORDPLAY on them, you don’t need to
roll; you simply get a GOOD result.
They’ll willingly let you drink your
blood, and never think this is weird!
Rainbow Drinker]
You’ve mastered the art of shutting
the damn lights off, and you know
how to slip into a crowd and be
undetected. You don’t glow unless
you choose to, and can slip away
totally unnoticed when you need,
even in plain sight. When you want
to duck away from view, roll +GRA.
MIN: Ouch! You stub your toe,
and— oh, fuck, you just turned the
lights on. Everyone around knows
what you are, and if you are in a
crowded area, an ANGRY MOB appears
and tries to get you! Run!
BAD: Putting a lampshade over your
head and standing very still is not
good hiding.
OK: You dip out of sight… for a
moment. You’re [Hidden] until the
start of your next turn.
GOOD: Woosh… you are [Hidden].
roll to find you is [Inept], because
you’re so damn hard to pick out
right now.
MAX: You stealth so well that your
target believes you just straight
up absconded. They throw their hat
on the floor in disgust, and move on
with their night… while you stalk
them quietly. Your moves against
this troll are [Tiered Up] until
you reveal yourself. The other
troll cannot look for you; what
rainbow drinker?
Waaaaahhh! Waaaaaaaah! Mommy!
The mean lowbloods called me a
porkbluster! Send some drones to
get their asses! You can summon
drones to come kick your opponent’s
ass; if you’re in an urban area,
they arrive in one turn, but if
CULLSCOUTS: You hunt socially you’re a little out of the way,
unacceptable trolls for badges and they arrive in three. If you
sport! Mutants, rebels, anyone that already had a move that let you do
looks at you funny; crush them with this, they arrive immediately. The
your hooves, horse furry! When you drones are not under your control,
roll [Strife] against a mutant, so if you’re a Teal, you might be
lime, or any troll that’s said in trouble once they start mowing
something anti-empire, you gain +1 everyone beneath cerulean down.
[Boost]. Indigo exclusive. Snitch.
Hacking: it’s not just for
lowbloods! As an official Junior
Imperial agent, you need to be
prepared for anything. That’s why
you watched a SpewTube tutorial on
hacking! You gain access to the
gold HAXX0R move. When you want to
hack, roll +PSP.
MIN: Wow. You fucked up. You
clicked a virus, you tried to help
the fuschia princess who claimed to
need your help, you turned off ad
blocker— something AWFUL happens.
You lose half your caegars, and you
get a virus that stops you from
using [Tech] moves for the rest of
the encounter. You gain the [Dread]
condition because HHHHHHH!
BAD: Fuck! You get a callout post.
People know about your problematic
kins, now. You gain the [Dread]
condition as you fight off a panic
OK: You bust down the opponent’s
firewall! Your next HAXX0R roll is
[Tiered Up].
GOOD: I’M IN. You hack the
opponent’s device, and stuff goes
shit. Choose one of these effects.
GREAT: Did this motherfucker even
have an antivirus installed? You
can choose two effects.
MAX: Words fail to describe the
kind of Watchdog type bullshit you
just pulled. You can choose three
I’M CALLING MY MOM ON YOU! [Template][Mental][Hook][Tech]
[Template][Manipulate][One-Off] [Locked: Organization]
[Locked: Organization] Hoohoohoo… being a secret agent means
You have the palmhusk number of your you’re also privy to hidden files— like
Organization’s leader. See? See? On all your friends’ passwords, or their
your palmhusk. It’s in your contacts. deepest, darkest secrets! When you want
Ooooonnnneeee press of your finger away to dig up someone’s secrets, roll +PSP.
from calling them, jackass!!! I’ll call MIN: IT’S THE WRONG FILE! You get
them!!! When you want to intimidate the person in front of you confused
someone with your power, roll +HUB. with someone else— you gain 3
MIN: Oh god. You accidentally actually pieces of false information that
called them. You get an immediate you wholeheartedly believe. When it
panic attack and gain the [Despair] becomes clear you’re wrong, you are
condition. [Humiliated], you stupid prick.
BAD: You nearly, nearly, call them. BAD: Uhhhhhhhh… UHHHHH… no, you don’t
You’re left a little shaken and gain know this person.
the [Dread] condition. OK: You gain… something. Their
OK: Your opponent is lowkey shook. favourite colour? Their height? Not
They gain 1 [Drag] as they figure out if exactly helpful, but… your next SECRET
you’re bluffing. FILES roll is [Tiered Up].
GOOD: They’re actually scared! The GOOD: Ohohoho! Says here, that… hmm!
target either does what you say or You gain access to some piece of
gains the [Scared] condition. information you wouldn’t be able to
GREAT: Your target REALLY doesn’t want tell with a glance. Where were they
you to do that! They either do what you last night? Who are their friends? Have
say or gain the [Terrified] tag. they had contact with a particular
MAX: FUCK. Not only do you call, but person? Anything that might be a matter
for some reason they’re on your side?! of public record, you can perceive.
Your target MUST do what you say, and GREAT: What the fuck? How… HOW did you
an adult tears into them through the know that? You find files on the person
palmhusk. The target becomes [Terrified] that detail some really private stuff—
and starts [Crying]. their true caste, their darkest secret,
even what they have in their pocket.
Anything that wouldn’t be in the public
DOUBLE OH OH SEVEN record, you can get. Telling the other
[Template][Passive][Locked: person this gives them the [Dread] tag.
Organization] MAX: You’ve got them cornered now. You
You’re a not-so-secret agent, and that gain the target’s in-depth life story,
puts you firmly into the stereotypical including any public or private record
‘hot secret agent’ box. This can be questions you might want to access
useful sometimes! When you try to (max 3). Telling the target gives them
flirt with someone, roll WORDPLAY. On the [Despair] tag, and your next
a GOOD or higher, you can give them [Manipulate] roll against them is
the [Charmed] condition instead of [Tiered Up].
requesting something from them.
Mutants are not a caste of their own right; they are, just as the
name implies, horrible mistakes that avoided being culled as wigglers and
somehow, despite it all, had lusii organized for them. They are trolls
of their own caste with some defects, usually ones that would get them
culled on the spot if their secret was figured out. This puts them actually
lower on the hierarchy than rust bloods, even if normally they would be
considered a highblood— though mutations in highbloods are phenomenally
rare and are much more common in lowbloods due to their inherently shittier
genetic makeup. As such, even if you’re a mutant cerulean, you likely do
not live in cerulean neighbourhoods, instead staying somewhere where people
are less likely to uncover you.
Though they aren’t a caste, as mentioned, treat them as a new caste which
is about on level with lowbloods. Your mutant probably cannot be in a
position to benefit from their caste’s place on the hemospectrum. Ask your
Clouder if you want to challenge this for your troll!
Of all things trolls have to take pride in, their wonderful relationship system
is the zenith of their accomplishments. Trolls have 4 separate romances, of which
they are expected to each fill when possible and the first of which, Matespritship,
most closely resembles romantic love in human terms. Kismesissitude is hate-
love, an archrivalry with someone you wish to best. Moirallegiance is like a
quasiplatonic love which goes beyond being best friends. And finally, Auspisticism
is a relationship not with a troll, but with the relationship between two other
trolls, mending and healing it so that the trolls in it can flourish. Consider it
the ultimate wingman quad!
The following are bonuses your trolls get for being in relationships. You
don’t get moves, just flat bonuses that help you have a reason to hook up,
fake-date, or break up in the wonderful, messy world of quads.
Matespritship; the closest troll equivalent to human romantic love, and one
of the two quadrants a troll MUST have by exile along with kismesissitude.
For trolls, love and pity oft go hand in hand— seeing the vulnerabilities
in another troll, accepting them, and standing by their side regardless
with nothing but love in your pumpbiscuit. Finding love while living in an
oppressive dystopian nightmare regime isn’t easy, especially when you have
no choice but to do so by the time you reach ten sweeps! That being said,
many trolls can find happiness in a flushed partner whom they care deeply
for. A flushed partner is someone who makes your bloodpusher light up when
they walk in the block; someone who you want to share your happiest moments
with; someone who makes you want to be the best version of yourself—
not just to survive, or to prove a point, but because they deserve that
much from you. Whether a matespritship is a tumult of fiery passion or a
quiet companionship, one can find satisfaction by cultivating a loving
relationship with someone that makes them happy. This quadrant is
marked by infatuation, adoration, and passion.
Oh, my darling angel, my sweet, my little honey bunny. You mean the
world to me. You love your matesprit enormously, and only have eyes
for them. You are immune to the [Charmed] condition while you are in a
healthy matespritship.
Moirallegiance; the quadrant that heals. Though in many aspects a moirail is one’s
best friend, they’re also so much more. A moirail is the troll that you trust with
every aspect of yourself, down to every flaw and fear. When a bond of trust has been
forged with a moirail, you are trusting that troll to be with you at your worst—
not just to accept you, but to help you. A moirail is the one who can calm you when
your anger threatens to overtake you. A moirail is the one you can call when you
threaten to fall to despair. A moirail is the one who can stand with you against
your fears, your worries, and offer you a hand to hold until you reach the other
side. Typical pale romance is often expressed through feelings jams; heartfelt
sharings of emotions while nestled in a pile of comfort items. That being said,
no two moirallegiances truly look alike. This quadrant often comes with the
most flexibility, as it requires each party to bend to meet the other’s needs.
Whether this means having a once-a-wipe feelings jam, being up for those late-
day panic calls, or going out to break things as stress relief— a loving
moirail will do what it takes to be your light through the darkest times. This
quadrant is marked by trust, compassion, and tenderness.
Your moirail is your best friend in the whole world, and you know
that their advice is solid and has your best interests at heart. A
moirail can pap you into submission if you are targeted by an [Emotion]
condition, like [Enraged] or [Scared], as a [Lengthy] action.
Kismesissitude; a romantic relationship rooted in hatred, and one of the two quadrants
one MUST have to survive exile alongside matespritship. This isn’t to say that kismesisses
don’t like each other. That’s a common misconception— that kismesisses hate everything
about one another and fight with the intent to harm or tear down their pitch partner, but
that couldn’t be further from the truth. Kismesissitude is an aspect of romance, and one’s
kismesis is as much their life partner as their matesprit or their moirail. Oftentimes,
you will acknowledge many qualities about your kismesis that you like, respect, and
perhaps even admire. At the same time, there’s something about them that you just can’t
STAND. Maybe their personality leaves a lot to be desired, and you enjoy goading them
into verbal arguments for the thrill. Maybe you think they’re squandering their talents,
and you want to challenge them to make them improve. Maybe the two of you are in a direct
rivalry, constantly competing and trying to get an edge on one another. Maybe you just
love to annoy this bitch and watch them blow up! Whatever the case, your kismesis is
someone that you enjoy the company of and enjoy to fight with even more. Pitch feelings are
rooted in the thrill of challenge, the triumph of winning, and the trust it takes to
leave yourself open to attack and know you will not be killed— because when it comes
down to it, healthy kismesisses never attempt to destroy one another. They would even
fight to protect one another from outside harm or death. After all, what kind of life
would one live devoid of the troll who makes you feel alive enough to fight? This
quadrant is marked by challenge, intensity, and loyalty.
Fuck this dumb stupid asshole! You hate them so much, and want to spend all your time
with them, outperforming them! You get 1 [Hold] at the start of an encounter; when
you use this [Hold], you switch your [Talented] and [Inept] scores to mirror your
kismesis, becoming [Talented] at something they’re [Inept] in and [Inept] at something
they’re [Talented] in. You temporarily lose your normal [Talented] and [Inept] rolls.
This cannot make you [Legendary] or [Godawful] at something, and instead gives you 1
[Boost] or 1 [Drag] respectively if it would. You also do +1 [Verbal] damage to your
Ah, Auspisticism. The grit teeth and sharp inhale of the quadrants. How
do you explain this one? It’s so alien to the human understanding of
relationships, that it’s practically… well, an alien relationship! The
long and short of it is sometimes two trolls and their relationship get
too intense. Maybe one party is too clingy; maybe you’re both extremely
anxious when you’re apart. Maybe you just won’t stop trying to unironically
kill one another! It’s times like these that the relationship needs its
own partner; the Mediator. When you Mediate a relationship, you’re not
quite dating either parties. You’re more… dating the concept of their
relationship. This can actually be really gratifying! You get to be a part
of both troll’s lives, and see a part of them usually only reserved for
each other. It helps others immensely; but more importantly, it helps you,
Auspisticisms can be complicated, but all in all, they’re there to help
all parties be their best selves. [Manipulation] rolls by an auspistice’s
mediator are [Talented] against the other members of the relationship;
meanwhile, the other members benefit from the following effects, depending on
their own relationship with each other…
MATESPRITS: Their love grows more stable; they get a +1 [Buff] on +PLC rolls.
MOIRAILS: Their friendship evens out; they get a +1 [Buff] on +RAS rolls.
KISMESISSES: They fight much stronger; they get a +1 [Buff] on +GRT rolls.
VACILLATION: Their relationship becomes clearer; they benefit from all
applicable relationship bonuses with each other.
Because of course, relationships aren’t
always perfect. One could go so far as to
say that quadrant drama is the backbone of
entertainment in troll society! Haha!
When trolls have feelings that shift between different quadrants, this is
known as vacillation. Trolls can vacillate in many ways— red-pale, red-
pitch, pale-pitch, and so on. Vacillation is NOT an ideal situation to
be in. Given how important quadrants are, both socially and, in the case
of matespritship and kismesissitude, for surviving exile, one does not
want their relationships to be in flux for an extended period of time.
Sometimes, a vacillating quadrant can find a way to settle into a
relationship that crosses boundaries of multiple quadrants, and can do
so comfortably. But other times, the relationship remains volatile and
prone to flipping quadrants. This can be stressful, and it can prevent
one from settling into other quadrants that they need. Ultimately,
vacillation should be resolved— but messy things happen, and while
you’re still in that mess…
Your feelings for the other troll lie in a midpoint between some other
quadrants, and you’re never quite sure how to behave towards them as a
result. At the start of a thread, choose one half of the quadrant to
benefit from; you gain its benefits, but you do not gain the other side’s
What! Sometimes you just need to
Breakups happen; it’s part of life.
pretend to be in a relationship— You fall for someone, you date,
whether it’s to spurn an ex- you break up and stare down the
lover, or to just have a partner inevitability of certain death if
to pass through exile, or to get you can’t find a romantic partner
internet clout. Fake dating is one by adulthood… it’s rough, buddy.
of Alternia’s favourite tropes; Here, have a debuff to go with your
because who knows how long it’ll broken heart or spade or diamond
take before the fake relationship or whatever. The possibility always
begins to blossom into a real one? arises that perhaps you might be
And what if the quadrants that able to enter a different quadrant
bloom from it aren’t the ones with them, but... alas. Maybe you
they’re pretending to be? WHAT IF don’t even want that.
possibilities are endless!
The fauna of Alternia are known as lusii and come in every shape and size
you can imagine. That means your troll’s lusus can be whatever you want it
to be! The most successful lusii are ones that complement their troll, with
strengths to cover their weaknesses. Build your own lusus by choosing a
size, features and traits.
SIZE: How big is your lusus? This determines the lusus’ HP, and how easy
it is to hit them.
FEATURES: What is your lusus like, physically? This determines their
abilities and [Talents].
TEMPERAMENT: What is your lusus like, personality-wise? This determines
their [Idle], what they do when you don’t give them a command in a fight.
Lusii start with a +1 to all stats, except the ones your caste are
[Talented] at; these are a +2. All lusii have the [Minion] tag, and can
be commanded to act by their troll, gaining 1 action for each action the
troll spends commanding them. If they are given no commands, they use their
SIZE Burrowing: A burrowing lusus
can move, undetected, through
walls and the floor! Whether this
Tiny From a bug to a is via digging holes, or through
more mysterious manners, you
mouse (3HP, all
[Strife] rolls may dismiss or summon the lusus
against it are into combat whenever it is near.
[Tiered Down]). While dismissed, it cannot take
any damage at all. Digging and
Small From a bird to
resummoning takes an action. +APP
a house cat
(5 HP, all [Talent].
[Strife] rolls
against it are Camouflaged: This lusus has
at a -2 [Nerf]) natural camouflage, and can become
Medium From a large [Hidden] for [Free]. +GRA [Talent].
dog to a pony
(7 HP) Constricting: Your lusus is
Large From a horse to wreathed in tentacles, or maybe it
has a serpentine shape. Regardless,
a moose (10 HP,
all [Strife] it can be used to harry the
rolls against movement of others. When it rolls
it are at a +2 to [Strife], it can do 1 less
[BUFF] damage on a GREAT roll in order to
Giant From an render the opponent [Slowed] and
[Trapped] until the lusus takes
to a whale damage. +HUB [Talent].
(14 HP, all
[Strife] rolls Mimic: A lusus with this trait
against it are has a vague grasp on Alternian
[Tiered Up]). language, and spits back phrases
every once in a while. It can
carry messages given to it by other
trolls, and understand exactly what
trolls mean. +PSP [Talent].
Unless otherwise specified, all
friends & foes have +1 to every dqpplu smf dvstu smf djoy, upi lmpe
stat. Idle effects take place if ejsy o zrsm ntp. This troll has
the target is your minion, and become touched by the dreadpowers
you don’t give them an action on of the Horrorterrors. It, and
your turn. You can’t use FRAYMOTIF everyone around it, gains the
with an NPC; they simply aren’t [Despair] condition. Any [Drag]
protagonisty enough! gained by its opponents is doubled.
INSTEAD OF ORIGINAL TRAIT] feet taller than normal! It gets
Groooooaaaan… this thing isn’t a +1 extra to all stats, and gains
alive anymore, and has partially 1 [WHAM] at the start of each its
rotted in places. Shadowdroppers every turn.
do not die at 0 HP; they become
[Slowed], and keep fighting until
they hit -5 HP, unless they are set
[Ablaze]. They are immune to the
Spooky! This creature is not alive;
it’s merely an emotional imprint
on the world made of [Psionic]
energy! It has 2 [Resistance]
against [Physical] damage, but
it has 3 [Weakness] against
[Psychic] damage. It cannot use any
[Physical] moves, nor interact with
any physical entities; however it
can use SHENANIGANS to like, stack
chairs and shit, and it can do 1
damage using SHENANIGANS on a GOOD,
2 on a GREAT and 3 on a MAX in
addition to the usual effects.
creature is not made of flesh and
bone, but of steel and screws. A
robot has the [Tech] tag. Electric
attacks, such as from Zapkind
Rune Abstrata, do +1 damage to Until the rest of this chapter,
a robot. They are immune to all you will be presented with Stat
non-[Physical] damage, and have 1 Blocks of multiple creatures, NPCs
[Resistance] against [Physical] and everything between. For ease
attacks. Robots are built in with of access, we’ve put the Level 1
powerful weaponry; it gains one NPCs at the start of the chapter,
RUNE ABSTRATA from the Strife Deck and colour-coded them according
section of the Economy Chapter. to caste; however, after that, we
put all other monsters in level of
order, colour-coded by their type.
Lusii have Green tags, Robots have
Red Tags, Entities have Black Tags
and NPCs have Violet tags.
Y’all, the economy is important as shit. Who doesn’t love money?
Who doesn’t love material wealth? Fuck your neighbour, get richer than
them! And remember, if you’re a lowblood, you belong at the very bottom!
The economy allows you to purchase goods and services using caegars (₡),
buying anything from textbooks to flaming shotguns to mancaves. At the
start of every week, you can collect a payment— called the Allowance—
from the Empire, because apparently socialist policies are a thing on
evil hell planets. However, don’t get too excited; your Allowance depends
on your caste, since the Caste Taxation Act of 3451 stops lowbloods
from getting too cozy. You cannot back-collect your allowance for weeks
you missed; they’re not THAT socialist. Every troll’s beginning caegars
and Allowance is marked on their caste page, but reproduced here for
Caste Allowance
Hemoanon ₡10 ₡10
Rust ₡10 ₡10
Bronze ₡15 ₡15
Gold ₡25 ₡20
Olive ₡35 ₡25
Jade ₡45 ₡30
Teal ₡60 ₡40
Cerulean ₡80 ₡50
Indigo ₡100 ₡80
Purple ₡150 ₡100
Violet ₡200 ₡150
Your Sylladex is a handy little ex- Here are the rules for making a
tradimensional space in your pock- custom item; these will be the most
et which allows you to pull an item commonly used rules for when you
thin air. Many of these items would want to make stuff! Items aren’t
not be able to fit in your pocket always meant to make you stronger.
normally, but thanks to the power- They’re there to help tell a sto-
ful science of CAPTCHALOGUING, you ry. You can accomplish things with-
can turn these items into easily out using items, but if you use a
stored cards. Throw in a hammock! A card with the right attributes in
sweet hat! A corpse, maybe?! Adding a niche situation, you could get a
a new item to your sylladex while fun bonus from it!
your pockets are full immediately
spits a random item out directly in
front of you; if someone else was QUALITY TAGS
in the way, they take 1 damage. If Garbage: This item is trash-ti-
you were alone, it smashes against er! Literally! Any time you use it,
the wall and— depending on its HP— roll 1d8; on a 1, the item breaks
potentially breaks! into pieces. A Garbage item costs
Regular: Yup… this is an item, al-
CAPTCHALOGUE CARDS right! A Regular item costs ₡15.
All items you can get are easi- Swanky: Oooo, creme de la creme!
ly captchalogued into sweet lit- This item is deluxe, and has extra
tle trading cards that go into your built in features; it has two item
‘dex. You can buy items to store tags! A Swanky item costs ₡40.
here using the SHOPPING TRIP [Down-
time] activity, or go scavenging
through the trash and find one for
free using the SCAVENGING [Down-
time] activity. All items have a
quality trait, which tells you how
good the item actually is (and its
price!), and an item trait, which
tells you what the item actually
does. Some items are [Rare]; you
can’t buy these normally! You’d
need to find it on a MAX SCAVENGING
roll, or get it through some other
means— like going on adventures and
getting it as a reward!
You got your documentation right You’re an amateur tech-wiz! You
here, jerk! You have an official Im- gain access to the gold HAXX0R move
perial Badge, lanyard, or oth- while holding this item, but your
er sign of office; drones never at- rolls with it are [Tiered Down],
tack you, and you can brandish it since you’ll never be as good at
to give you a +2 on one [Manipu- hacking as a gold. If you already
late] roll per encounter. This is a have the HAXX0R move, you get a +1
[Rare] item. (Badge, Lanyard, Hat) on all [Tech] moves!
A Magic item allows you to do the A nifty tool you can use to help
impossible, and use some sick fuck- you quickly fix a situation. Unlock
ing spells to your benefit— or at that door quickly! Fix that phone!
least, it would, if magic weren’t Choose something your tool would
totally fake as shit. A Magic help you with; you get 2 [Boost]
item lets you use any one [Psion- any time you can use the tool to
ic] move from any caste list; this help you solve a problem. (Screw-
move can’t be [Advanced]. This is a driver, Rope, Soap, etc)
[Rare] item. (Spellbook, Wand, Tal-
Ooo, shiny… you can’t explain why,
MEDICINE but you want this item! And you
This’ll patch you up! Using an item could probably offer it to others as
like this can [Heal] you for 1 HP a bargaining chip… offering to give
as an action. (Band-Aid, Pocket away an item like this [Tiers Up]
Medicalizer, A Delicious Snack) any one [Manipulate] roll. (Jewel-
ry, Action Figure, Curio)
You could use this to help you find
better stuff when you’re out and
about, looking for treasure! Or,
uh, a half-broken palmhusk in the
highblood’s trash. Or maybe you
can use it to help you find someone
you’re looking for… choose wheth-
er this item helps you find people
or items. If it’s to find people,
your PROBLEM SLEUTHING rolls to find
someone are [Tiered Up]; if you’re
looking for an item, your SCAVENG-
ING rolls are [Tiered Up]. (Night
Vision Goggles, Metal Detector,
Some items don’t need to BATTERYBUG
be custom made; after all, they
Regular: ₡60
already exist out in the world!
This green, cuboid-looking
These Ready-Made items have their
caterpillar thing looks a lot like
own prices, unique bonuses, and
a certain lightning-grub type
other things which don’t combine
Fiduspawn. It is highly sought
with the Custom Item system.
after by Laser golds, who can use
it to clear their mind of residual
ARMS rot. A Laser gold can spend a
Regular: ₡5 day of [Downtime] allowing the
You already GOT arms, shit for Batterybug to clamp onto their head
brains! Ah, but the importance and siphon off [Brainmelt]; one day
of a fake pair of arms cannot be worth of [Downtime] removes one
overstated. Who knows what kind of [Brainmelt]. It does, however,
situation you might need arms for! leave you a little dazzled. Golds
Whenever someone tries to use the gain 2 [Drag] every time they use
YOINKED option for SHENANIGANS on a [Psionic] move for the first
you, they automatically retrieve encounter they have after using a
arms instead. Batterybug.
Garbage: ₡15; breaks after a MAX Garbage: ₡20 (Lowblood Blood)
[Strife] roll Regular: ₡40(Midblood Blood)
Regular: ₡60 Swanky: ₡100 (Highblood Blood)
Swanky: ₡120; +GRA is only at a -1 You never know when you might need
[Nerf]. some blood! Maybe it’s to disguise
This heavy plate sweet armor helps a crime scene. Maybe it’s to
you block incoming damage, but paint a beautiful picture. Maybe
reduces your speed and dexterity. it’s to slurp up and satisfy the
You get 1 [Resistance], but your Bloodhysteria of a Rainbow Drinker.
+GRA is [Inept] while wearing it. One way or another, Bloodbags tend
to have the same mechanics as the
[Tool] item tag, except Rainbow
Drinkers can down some blood for
various effects. You can also use it
to [Tier Down] someone’s PROBLEM
SLEUTHING vis a vis a crime scene
you’ve interfered in. The world’s
your oyster!
Regular: ₡35
Your best friends in the world,
now available in plushy form!
Scalemates are dragon dolls that
you can tell all your secrets to,
and they’ll never make fun of you
for it! They have delightful names
such as Pucefoot, Berrybreath,
or Pumpkinsniffle, and are totally
capable of committing terrible
crimes that you must hang them
for. You can toss a Scalemate
onto the field to take incoming
attacks; something about those
corrupt, lecherous scumbags just
makes your opponents want to attack
them before they attack you.
Scalemates have 3 HP and immunity
to [Non-Lethal] damage; after
they lose all their HP, they’re
slain. Scalemates can’t take any
actions as they are, in fact,
dragon teddies. Your opponents MUST
destroy the Scalemate before they
attack you— but watch out, because
losing a Scalemate is actually
pretty upsetting, and you become
[Saddened] if you let one of them
get destroyed on your watch.
Sometimes, you just wanna build a new room in your hive, or something. The
room might have already existed, but when you buy the right Hivecrafting
materials, you can turn your room from good to great, and unlock new
[Downtime] activities just for you!
Garbage: ₡30; your SPA DAY rolls are Garbage: ₡50; On a success, you
[Inept]. gain a second [Hold], but it’s
[Tiered Down] from your first
Regular: ₡70
Swanky: ₡120; your SPA DAY rolls are Regular: ₡80; On a success, you
gain a second [Hold] of the same
This room is where you go to clean up,
wash your hair, or otherwise refresh
yourself. Complete with an Ablutiontrap, a Swanky: ₡140; On a success, you
Loadgaper, and some BEAUTIFUL tiled floors, gain three [Hold] of the same
your Ablution Cavern is perfect for making result.
you feel like less of a fucking slob. When You have an impressive array of
you spend a day of [Downtime] cleaning and books at your disposal in your very
washing in your Ablution Cavern, you look own home, making research easy as
absolutely flawless. You gain access to the pie! When you use the HIT THE BOOKS
SPA DAY [Downtime] move. [Downtime] activity, you get an
SPA DAY extra bonus.
When you want to clean up and make yourself CRAFTBLOCK
look gorgeous, roll +PLC. Garbage: ₡40; No benefit.
MIN: You look like a fucking idiot, and you Regular: ₡70; Your roll is [Tiered
don’t even realize it. All your +PLC rolls
[Tier Down] for your next encounter.
Swanky: ₡130; [Tiered Up], can
BAD: It doesn’t look great, but at least
you catch yourself before you go out in tier up from MIN and up to MAX;
public like this. the lowest you can roll is an OK
OK: You’re… cute. That’s all there is to result.
say on the matter. You gain 1 [Hold] for Ah, a room for building stuff!
your next encounter; you can use this Whether it’s a garage, a science
[Hold] to give yourself a +1 [Buff] to any lab, or something else, your
one +PLC roll. Craftblock is perfect for,
GOOD: You take real good care of your skin! well, crafting! You can use any
You gain 1 [Hold] that lasts a week; you [Craft] move or a Robotics Kit
can use this [Hold] to make a +PLC roll
as a [Downtime] activity, and
GOOD before rolling.
the activity gets a bonus. If you
GREAT: Is that Rainbow Drinker Serum?
Daaamn, expensive tastes, baby! You gain 1 succeed on this move, you receive
[Hold] that lasts a week; you can use this its benefits, and can either add
[Hold] to make a +PLC roll GREAT before it to your [Sylladex] or benefit
rolling. from it at the start of your next
MAX: Oh, holy shit, you used the whole encounter.
Rainbow Drinker Serum bottle. Like, the
whole thing. You’re literally glowing,
you’re that gorgeous. What the fuck. I have
to bow, I’m literally bowing as I type
this. You gain 1 [Hold] that lasts a week;
you can use this [Hold] to make a +PLC roll
Garbage: ₡50; Your Work From Hive Garbage: ₡30; Can retrain basic
rolls are [Inept]. moves
Regular: ₡120 Regular: ₡50; Can retrain basic
Swanky: ₡200; Your Work From Hive moves and advanced moves.
rolls are [Talented]. Swanky: ₡120; Can retrain entry
Trolls don’t NEED to work; after moves, basic moves, advanced moves
all, they’re just kids! But and ultra moves.
some trolls run their own small Everyone has a bedroom, obviously,
businesses from their hive in but yours? Yours is the HEIGHT
an effort to gain more cash. You of relaxation. Your recuperacoon
gain access to the WORK FROM HIVE bubbles enticingly… you’ve got some
[Downtime] activity, which works as sweet, premium posters up… yeah,
follows: nobody else’s respiteblock even
comes close to yours. This is your
WORK FROM HIVE pillar of who you are, the ultimate
place to be you— and sometimes, you
need to rediscover yourself. Maybe
When you want to make some money in
you weren’t as into the cerulean
exchange for providing goods and
punk scene as you thought. Maybe
services, roll the stat that best
you thought it’d be cool to try and
suits your business’ needs (for
wrangle lusii, but it’s actually
example, +PSP for some law stuff,
pretty dull. By spending a day of
+PLC for haircuts, etc).
[Downtime] in your Respiteblock,
MIN: Ah, shit! Your business is
reflecting on who you are, you can
broken into, and you’ve been
change your very fundamentals and
robbed! You lose half your total
put a new you out to the world. The
Swanky option lets you completely
BAD: Slow business day… nothing
rediscover yourself without needing
to retcon your character; they’ve
OK: You make a smattering of
gone through a new phase, found
money. You gain an eighth of your
they’re a different aspect, a
allowance check.
different tree, a different sway,
GOOD: You holla holla, make some
etc. You can retrain as many moves
dolla! You gain a quarter of your
as you like; however, to do it
allowance check.
again, you need to buy some new
GREAT: Ooo, not bad! You gain half
supplies to prepare yourself for
your allowance check.
your new you again, and this costs
MAX: Damn! You have a REALLY
half the price of the base room.
exciting day making cash! Did the
Heiress drop by, or something? You
gain your full allowance check!
Regular: ₡80
You know, you’re something of a
hacker yourself. You are able to
use the Gold move, HAXX0R, as a
[Downtime] ability; however, since
you’re only an amateur hacker,
your rolls are [Inept]- unless you
already have the move, in which
case you’re [Talented] with it.
The HAXX0R move works as follows…
When you want to fuck someone’s
technology situation up, roll +PSP.
MIN: Wow. You fucked up. You clicked a
virus, you tried to help the fuschia
princess who claimed to need your help,
you turned off adblocker- something
AWFUL happens. You lose half your
caegars, and you get a virus that stops
you from using [Tech] moves for the
rest of the encounter. You gain the
[Dread] condition at the start of your
next encounter because HHHHHHH!
BAD: Fuck! You get a callout post.
People know about your problematic
kins, now. You gain the [Dread]
condition at the start of your next
encounter as you fight off a panic
OK: You bust down the opponent’s
firewall! Your next HAXX0R roll is
[Tiered Up].
GOOD: I’M IN. You hack the opponent’s
device, and stuff goes shit. Choose one
of the effects from the HAXX0R table.
GREAT: Did this motherfucker even have
an antivirus installed? You can choose
two effects.
MAX: Words fail to describe the kind
of Watchdogs type bullshit you just
pulled. You can choose three effects.
Garbage: ₡50; On a success, you Regular: ₡100
gain a second [Hold], but it’s Aw, sweet, you’ve got a pool!
[Tiered Down] from your first You can spend a day splishing
[Hold]. and splashing around the pool,
Regular: ₡80; On a success, you appropriating seadweller culture
gain a second [Hold] of the same and looking like a huge tool! The
result. water used in a Slither Basin is
Swanky: ₡140; On a success, you particularly… adhesive, making
gain three [Hold] of the same it hard to actually dry off. The
result. next time you are set [Ablaze]
WEIGHTS. PUNCHING BAGS. SQUATS. GET after using [Downtime] to use your
SWOOOOLE FROM THE COMFORT OF YOUR pool, you immediately shrug off the
OWN HIVE. You have your own little effects!
gym, and you’ve custom fit it to fit
your own workout routine. When you
use the GET RIIIIIIIIPED [Downtime]
Garbage: ₡20; has 5 Slots
activity, you get an extra bonus.
Regular: ₡40; has 10 Slots
Swanky: ₡100; has 20 Slots
MEALBLOCK Sometimes, you just need a good ol’
Garbage: ₡40; Your MUNCHQUEST rolls fashioned hole to store shit in.
are [Inept]. It might be fancy, with different
Regular: ₡70 categories for different items, or
Swanky: ₡140; Your MUNCHQUEST rolls robot arms to retrieve stuff for
[Tier Up]. you— or it might just be an actual
Take out? Fuck that! You’re here hole covered by a trapdoor in the
for some good, home cooked meals! corner of your respiteblock. Either
You no longer need to pay to use way, you can store items in here;
the MUNCHQUEST [Downtime] activity. you can use [Downtime] to swap out
items from your Sylladex and your
Regular: ₡80
shit gets scary, it’s good to have a Regular: ₡70
Panic Chamber! It’s filled with guides Ah… a nice, relaxing living room
on “HOW TO SURVIVE THE END OF THE to chill out in, maybe watch some
WORLD” or “THE GREMLINS ARE COMING: TV, hang out with a loved one…
ALIEN SURVIVAL GUIDE”, so it’s safe Who knows? Your sofa is so plush
to say you’re prepared for the worst. and so wonderful. Life is good!
The first time in a week you would roll When you spend [Downtime] in your
a MIN roll on a [Downtime] event, you Sofacavern, you gain 1 [Hold]; this
start screaming and run hive so you can [Hold] can be used to reset your
dive into your Panic Chamber. Phew! [Drag] to 0 in an encounter over
Crisis averted! You only get a BAD the next week without actually
result instead. using the [Drag] on your roll.
Garbage: ₡40; Your VIDYAGAMEZ rolls are
Regular: ₡70
Swanky: ₡140; Your VIDYAGAMEZ rolls are
Alright bros, are you ready? It’s time for
the one, the only, GameBro! He’s coming
to your screen straight from the magazine.
The mix meister of Master Swords and
mushrooms. Are you sure you’re ready for
this? Well come on, get ready, get set, and
here we go! You’ve converted a room into a
Gamecave, just for you! One way or another,
this is the perfect way to put in some hard
earned GAME TIME climbing the ranks. You
gain the VIDYAGAMEZ [Downtime] activity,
which works as follows:
When you want to spend time honing your
EPIC GAMING powers, roll +HUB.
MIN: You destroy your game console. You’ll
need to buy a new console on a SHOPPING
TRIP before using this roll again. This
costs half the price of your Gamecave.
BAD: God, you really suck at Troll Just
Dance, don’t you?
OK: Practice makes perfect. You gain 1
GOOD: Awww yeah! Epic Gamer Moment! You
climb the ranks! You escort the payload!
You shoot the plumbers! You get some REAL
wins today, and gain 2 GAMER POINTS as you
gain notoriety in the community.
GREAT: Damn, bitch! You won a minor
tournament! You win a number of caegars
equal to 10 x the amount of GAMER POINTS
you have accumulated. Your GAMER POINTS
reset to 0. If you have no GAMER POINTS,
you win ₡20; it wasn’t that big a
MAX: A NEW WORLD RECORD! You’re overwhelmed
with sponsorships and prize money, and win
50 x the amounts of GAMER POINTS you had
accumulated caegars. If you had no GAMER
POINTS, you win ₡50.
TAGS 301
Ablaze: Buildup:
A condition where you take 2 extra It takes a little bit to get to
damage per turn at the start of build up momentum to the point
your own turn unless you take an where you can begin using this
action to stop, drop and roll! move. Buildup always has a value;
Targets you attack while Ablaze you must succeed (i.e. getting a
also gain the Ablaze condition. GOOD roll or up) on that many rolls
Boost: during combat specifically before
A numerical bonus you add to your you can use this move. Moves used
rolls alongside your stat modifier. before combat do not count towards
Once you gain Boost, you can hold your Buildup efforts.
onto it indefinitely, and it stacks, Buff:
but once you use it to raise any A bonus boosting your troll for an
one of your rolls, it’s gone. You entire encounter. You get a +X to
need to use ALL your Boost at once; certain rolls with it, which can be
you can’t hold onto some of it. neutralized by a [Nerf] of the same
Boost gained from one move can type.
be used anywhere else, and stacks Brainmelt:
with Boost gained from any other Brainmelt is a permanent condition
move. You can either add Boost to that can affect gold psionics.
a roll before or after the dice You cannot get rid of Brainmelt
are rolled. You can’t use Boost to under ordinary circumstances;
undo a MIN Roll. [Drag] cancels out upon accumulating 12 points of
[Boost], 1 point at a time, before Brainmelt, you lose your [Psionic]
taking effect only after you have 0 moves permanently, and gain the
Boost left. VOID ROT move. Levels you spent
Bleeding: investing into [Psionic] Moves can
A condition where you start to be reinvested elsewhere.
bleed. You take 1 harm at the start Charmed:
of your turn for every turn until Aww! An [Emotional] condition
you are the subject of a healing where you’ve taken a shine to
effect. Bleeding reveals your caste, someone. They’ve definitely got you
if it was hidden. hooked in, and absolutely won’t
Blinded: use that to their advantage. You
A condition where you can’t see! Everything cannot [Strife] the target, and
is [Hidden] from you, and if you find them all [Manipulate] rolls they make
with a PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll, or they against you are [Talented]. If a
reveal themselves to you, they resume trigger would render you Charmed
being [Hidden] after a turn. Effects which
while you already are, you become
require visual stimuli do not affect you. If
you are permanently Blinded, you have the
[Permablind] condition. If your condition
lasts more than 3 turns, you can take an
action to rub your eyes and remove the
Confused: indefinitely, but once you use it, Wait, huh? An [Emotional] it’s gone. You use ALL your Drag at
condition where you’re… kind of once, when your opponent chooses
unsure as to what’s going on. Any for you to do so. Drag gained from
time you get a BAD or lower result one move can be used anywhere else,
from rolling, you are [Stunned], and stacks with Drag gained from
because god, what? If a trigger any other move. Drag cancels out
would render you Confused while [Boost], 1 point at a time, before
you already are, you become taking effect only after you have 0
[Dumbfounded]. [Boost] left.
Craft: Dread:
A type of move where you build or An [Emotional] condition where
create an item. you’re sure something bad is
Crying: coming, on an existential level.
Waaaahhh! Tears roll down your You lose your [Talented] status to
face, and the dams burst— all rolls. If a trigger would give
you’re crying your eyes out. An you Dread while you already have
[Emotional] condition and the it, you feel [Despair].
heightened version of [Saddened]. Dumbfounded:
Your [Physical] rolls are [Inept], What in the whole fuck. Huh???
and you are [Slowed] as you wipe Wait, what?????? Can someone
your eyes and wheeze in sadness— PLEASE tell you what’s going on?!
AND you are immune to WORDPLAY. An [Emotional] condition and the
If a trigger would render you heightened version of [Confused].
[Saddened] while you are Crying, You’re [Slowed], and every time
you gain 2 [Drag]. you get a BAD or lower result from
Despair: rolling, you gain 2 [Drag]. If a
An [Emotional] condition where trigger would render you [Confused]
nothing even matters anymore. The while you are Dumbfounded, it
end of times has come. It’s the resents the length you are
Heightened Version of [Dread], or Dumbfounded.
whatever. Why are you even reading Emotion:
this? What’s the point? You cannot A group of conditions that change
benefit from [Talent], [Boost] or how your troll feels, and how they
[Tiered Up] results. If a trigger behave because of it. Each emotion
would give you [Dread] while you has a heightened version, which
are in Despair, you gain 2 [Drag]. can be dangerous to experience. The
Drag: emotions are [Enraged] and [Out Of
A penalty to your rolls you hold Control], [Scared] and [Terrified],
onto for your opponent to spend [Saddened] and [Crying], [Joy]
later. When your opponent calls and [Laughing], [Charmed] and
for you to expend your Drag, you [Infatuated], [Anxiety] and
add all your Drag to a penalty on [Despair], [Confused] and
your roll after it’s been rolled. [Dumbfounded] and finally [Hopeful]
Drag stacks; you keep building Drag and [Inspired].
Encounter: [Physical] rolls against you
A situation your troll finds are [Tiered Down], and you can
themselves in, be it social or ABSCOND without needing to roll to
combat. Lasts until parties split SWASHBUCKLE.
ways. Garbage:
Enraged: A trash-tier item— literally! Any
An [Emotional] condition where a time you use it, roll 1d8; on a
troll’s [Strife] Rolls are [Tiered 1, the item breaks into pieces.
Up], but [Mental] rolls are [Tiered Certain Garbage items instead have
Down]. If a trigger would render different effects. A Garbage item is
you Enraged while you already are, worse than a Regular item, and even
you become [Out Of Control]. worse than a Swanky item; see the
Fascinated: Economy chapter for more details.
You simply cannot look away. An Godawful:
[Emotional] condition and the A more extreme version of [Inept];
heightened version of [Charmed]. rather than 3d8, you roll 4d8, and
You really think this person is choose the lowest two. If a trigger
your whole world! You cannot would render you [Talented] on a
[Strife] your target, will actively Godawful roll, you become [Inept].
seek out to hurt people who would If a trigger would render you
[Strife] them, and they do not [Inept] on a Godawful roll, you
need to roll to [Manipulate] you; instead gain 3 [Drag].
they simply take an action and Hazard:
act as if they’d rolled a GOOD A natural disaster or challenge
result. Failing to do what they ask that trolls might have to overcome
gives you 2 [Drag]. Other trolls or suffer from, such as sunlight or
[Manipulate] rolls against you acid rain; see the Hazard section
[Tier Down]. If a trigger would of the CHALLENGES chapter for more
render you [Charmed] while you are details.
Fascinated, you gain 1 [Boost].
A type of action you can take
immediately upon certain triggers,
and doesn’t count as using any of
your actions.
A condition where you are lying on
the floor like a big dumb wriggler.
You are prone, and you need to
spend an action to stand up, or
become [Inept] at all [Physical]
A condition where you begin
hovering or flying in the air.
Hidden: Inept:
A condition where you are not being A condition that leaves you piss
directly observed by your target. poor at certain rolls. When you
They cannot roll any [Physical] roll something you are Inept in,
moves against you, and must find you roll 3d8 rather than 2d8, and
you with a PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll use the two lowest numbers you
first. A GOOD PROBLEM SLEUTHING roll receive. This can be temporary (as
discovers your basic whereabouts, a result of a move) or permanent
but doesn’t spot you directly; the (as a result of a caste choice). If
target’s [Physical] moves against a trigger would render you Inept
you are [Tiered Down]. A GREAT roll at a certain roll you were already
spots you, and removes the Hidden Inept at, it becomes [Godawful].
effect. A MAX roll sees you so well, If a trigger would render you
that you cannot benefit from being [Talented] in an Inept roll, your
Hidden for the next 5 rounds. You Ineptitude is cancelled out.
are revealed as soon as you choose Inspired:
to be or roll a [Strife] move Anime… IS REAL! You WILL win, and
against them. you’ll save the day! You gain the
Hook: effects of [Hopeful], except any
Moves with this tag have a [Drag] you would gain instead turns
potential for a story hook. If into [Boost], and you heal 3 HP
all involved parties agree, you when you first gain this condition.
can choose to ignore rolling and If a trigger would render you
instead choose a roll result and [Hopeful] while you are Inspired,
act from there. Effects from a you gain 1 [WHAM].
Hook can be permanent, until fixed Joy:
through roleplay methods rather Oh, wow! An [Emotional] condition
than mechanical ones. where you actually feel… REALLY
Hopeful: great! Everything’s turning up your
An [Emotional] condition where way, even if just for the moment.
you’re sure you can’t lose! You Any time you get a GREAT or MAX
lose all your [Inept] stats, and roll, you get 1 or 2 [Boost]. If a
cannot gain [Drag]. If a trigger trigger would give you Joy while
would render you Hopeful while you you already have it, you start
already are, you become [Inspired]. [Laughing].
Humiliated: Laser:
A condition where you cannot roll A specific type of psionics
the specified move again for a time exclusive to golds that deals with
specified by the move which gives blasts of psionic energy. While
the condition, usually because it is [Psionic], it does not deal
you’re a dumb fucking idiot. [Psychic] damage, and instead does
Laughing: Minion:
WAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, oh man, it’s A troll or lusus with this trait
actually really hard to stop can be commanded by you. You can
laughing right now! Who knew too spend 1 action to give your Minion
much [Joy] was a bad thing?! This 1 action instead. Not using your
is an [Emotional] condition and action will cause it to idle,
the heightened version of [Joy]. doing something normal to its
You cannot perform any [Lengthy] nature, as specified in either the
actions, and your [Physical] rolls Lusus statblock or the effect which
take a -2 [Nerf]— but any time you granted you a minion.
gain [Boost] from Joyful, you get 1 Move:
extra! Laughing lasts 3 turns; if a What you do! These are the actions
trigger would give you [Joy] while you take in combat. When your turn
you are Laughing, you add another 3 comes, you can choose any move you
turns to your Laughing condition. know and use it. You get two moves
Lengthy: per [Turn]; choose wisely!
This move takes a little while Nerf:
to use. It takes 2 actions to A setback afflicting your troll for
accomplish this, rather than one. an entire encounter. You get a -X
Legendary: to certain rolls with it, which can
A more extreme version of be neutralized by a [Buff] of the
[Talented]; rather than 3d8, you same type.
roll 4d8, and choose the highest Non-Lethal:
two. If a trigger would render you A type of move with this tag will
[Inept] in a Legendary roll, you never kill the opponent with the
become [Talented]. If a trigger damage it deals; merely make them
would render you [Talented] in a lose the ability to fight. You don’t
Legendary Roll, you instead gain 3 track lethal and non-lethal damage
[Boost]. seperately; the only one that
Lock: matters is the finishing blow that
You cannot take this move unless knocks the opponent below 0 HP.
you have taken the corresponding One-Off:
[Unlock] move. A move with this tag can only be
Manipulate: done once per encounter.
A move that allows you to change
the attitudes of another troll.
A type of move that requires you to
be able to think.
Out of Control: Psionic:
An [Emotional] condition and the A type of move that requires
heightened version of [Enraged]. An psychic powers. Often hidden behind
out of control troll cannot control a [Lock] trait!
their fury. Your [Physical] Rolls Psychic:
are [Tiered Up] and do +1 damage, A damage type that affects the mind.
but you can ONLY use [Physical] Quickened:
[Strife] Rolls and ACT FAST rolls. A condition where you have one
This effect lasts until you’re extra action on your turn. You can
unconscious (often as a result of get this up to twice per encounter,
being murdered by drones) or papped giving you an absolute maximum of
into calmness. If a trigger would 4 actions per turn— but you can’t
render you [Enraged] while you are gain it from the same ability
Out Of Control, you gain 1 [WHAM]. twice.
Passive: Rare:
A type of move that doesn’t require A type of item you cannot usually
an action to use; it is an upgrade find in shops; you can only discover
to an existing move or rule that it from adventures or from
buffs your troll. particularly good SCAVENGING rolls.
Permablind: Reaction:
A condition where you are blind A type of move you use outside
forever. This isn’t as sucky as of your turn, such as during
you’d think! Your other senses an opponent’s; when you use a
heighten, allowing you to hear, Reaction, you give up one of your
smell or even taste your opponents. moves from your turn.
Nobody ever benefits from the
[Hidden] condition against you,
You can’t manage to repeat this
though effects which require visual
move too often before it wears you
stimuli still don’t affect you.
down. Recharge always has a value;
Physical: after using a move with Recharge,
This type of thing requires you must wait that many turns
physical movement or effort! If it before rerolling this move.
is a move, it requires you to be
able to move. If it’s damage, it’s
Yup… this is an item, alright!
the result of a physical move.
A Regular item is better than a
Poisoned: Garbage item, but not as good as
A condition where you have become
a Swanky item. See the Economy
sickened by something. Starting on
chapter for more details.
your first turn after you are Poisoned,
you begin taking [Drag]; you gain Resistance:
1 [Drag] on that first turn, then 2 A condition where you take X amount
[Drag] on your next turn, 3 [Drag] less damage from certain damage
on your next turn, continuing in types. This cannot reduce the
increments of one until you are the damage you take to 0; the minimum
subject of a healing effect. is always 1. This effect stacks from
multiple sources.
Round: you roll something you are Talented
However long it takes for everyone at, you roll 3d8 rather than 2d8,
in combat to take a turn. A round and use the two highest numbers you
ends when everyone has gone based receive. This can be temporary (as
on the established turn order. a result of a move) or permanent
Saddened: (as a result of a caste choice.)
An [Emotional] condition where If a trigger would render you
you’re just kinda bummed out, man. Talented at a certain roll you were
Your [Strife] rolls are [Inept], already Talented at, it becomes
because your heart just isn’t in [Legendary.] If a trigger would
it. WORDPLAY rolls against you render you [Inept] in a Talented
while you are like this are [Tiered roll, your Talent is cancelled out.
Down]. If a trigger would render Tech:
you Saddened while you already are, A type of move that requires you to
you start [Crying]. have technology on hand.
Scared: Terrified:
you’re on edge and afraid that AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!
something spooky’s gonna happen. An [Emotional] condition and the
All your [Mental] rolls are [Tiered heightened version of [Scared].
Down]. If a trigger would render Your [Mental] rolls are [Tiered
you Scared again, you become Down], but your [Act Fast] rolls
[Terrified]. are [Talented]; if you were already
Slowed: [Talented], you become [Legendary].
A condition where you have one less If a trigger would render you
action on your turn. You cannot [Scared] while you are Terrified,
have less than one action per turn. you gain 2 [Drag].
Strife: Tiered Down:
Any move which is primarily meant A condition where certain moves’
to do damage. You can only use one roll results will be one tier lower
Strife move per turn. than normal; for example, an OK
becomes a BAD or a GREAT becomes a
GOOD. This cannot make BAD rolls
A condition where you receive one
less action on your next turn.
Swanky: Tiered Up:
A condition where certain moves
Oooo, creme de la creme! This item
roll results will be one tier
is deluxe, and has extra built in
higher than normal; for example,
features; it has two item tags!
a BAD roll becomes an OK, while a
A Swanky item is better than a
GOOD roll becomes a GREAT. This
Regular item, and much better than
cannot make GREAT rolls MAX.
a Garbage item. See the Economy
chapter for more details. Trapped:
A condition where the target cannot
benefit from the ABSCOND or CAN’T
A condition that makes you pretty
damn good at certain rolls. When
Your time to shine in combat!
During a Turn, you get two moves.
Use them wisely! When everyone
has used their Turn, a new round
A condition where you cannot take
any actions until awoken, usually
by a loud noise or being roused.
You are [Floorbound] when you fall
A type of move that allows you to
use other moves which require this
one as a prerequisite. Unlock moves
open up an entire [Tree] of moves-
they’re your gateway to exclusive
A type of damage you do with your
words and insults. Verbal damage
is always [Non-Lethal], and cannot
kill you; knocking someone below 0
HP with Verbal attacks simply drops
them to the floor as their emotions
take over and they can’t fight, just
blubber about your insults.
A condition where you take 1 extra
damage from certain damage types.
WHAM! A type of boost to your
damage. WHAM stacks in the same
way as [Boost], except using it
increases your damage, not your
roll. WHAM dissipates when you use
it or when you take damage.
Creative Directors
Derry Luttrell & Dave Pratt